The birthday girl and the night with the Parents in law

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#4 of Full Circle

Little John keeps his promise to his house keeper and her daughter, while Skippy has approach with the parents of Faith

Three days after.

To midafternoon Little John heads toward Nottingham, with him are Ruth and Dana, they head to buy in the market.

"Little John, Skippy made us a comment that you talked with him about Faith." Ruth says with maybe some concern. The bear laughs smoothly just like Dana and Ruth because he knows that it was more sex than a true conversation.

"He said that you do not oppose that he tries to get close to her and date with her." Ruth says while the carriage gives a jump due to a pothole on the road.

"It is truth, Skippy is a good boy. I see nothing wrong in which he tries to get close to my sister. The issue here is that my parents approve it." Little John says looking at his cubs' mother.

"Do you think that they will do it?" Ruth asks with some worry.

"Everything depends that Skippy's ass resist my father's cock, Skippy is very tight and I do not know, if my father will be able to control himself." Little John says while he does a comic face.

The three begin to burst out laughing for some minutes before calming down completely.

"Letting that aside, I do not think that he will disagree. My father is not somebody rigid of closed mind, he has a good vision of the boy, since he won those things for Faith. Besides if he can make her happy..." Little John says looking at Ruth with a smile.

"I suppose that it could be, but he has still more options to find another girl, if he wants." Ruth says with some nostalgia thinking that his son is growing up and is interested in a girl.

"An option that seems I did not give you." Little John says looking at Dana with some fault.

What happened in that night changed completely her life without giving her option to experience more things that maybe would had taken her to another direction in her life.

The girl looks at him with some surprise just like Ruth.

"That is something that I do not regret... always I thought in a moment I would find a good man and I thought about Robin like many of my friends did." Dana says smiling smoothly.

Little John smiles openly for some moments. That's no news, his friend is a hero and he could bet that any of the girls were attracted to him

"But my mother and I found somebody that takes care of us a lot and fucks excellently." Dana says smiling impishly at the end of her declaration.

Little John smiles smoothly just like Ruth. They enjoy the comforts of the home of Little John and much more his big member.

The carriage stops around ten minutes after and the door opens some moments later.

Garrett does a light reverence, he helps down the two women.

Ruth and Dana say good-bye to Little John and they head toward the entrance of the market while they chat. The door closes and the carriage begins to move again.

Little John feels some potholes on the road, for the window he sees people pass before disappearing. He sighs a little and he fixes much better his cape.

He had finally done his duties that morning and now he must attend a commitment that he did some time ago. The carriage stops in front of a simple house made of stone like many in Nottingham.

The bear listens music that he comes out from the inside of the house, the door opens and Little John gets out of the carriage while Garrett keeps it open for the bear. He in his hands has a gift.

"Return for me after sunset, after picking up Dana and Ruth and leaving them in home." Little John says looking at the young wolf. He nods and does a reverence before getting on the carriage that begins to move.

Little John comes heads toward the door of the house, he knocks three times and waits until the door opens around two minutes later.

"My lord, it is a pleasure and honor to have you here." Harriettesays making a curtsy and moving to one side to let Little John enter in the house.

"I would not miss it." Little John says greeting the woman courteously and kissing her hand before entering in the house. The party it is in its apogee.

The boys and young girls chat while they have fun, some of them are dancing. Little John feels the environment of festivity at the place, his look moves everywhere looking for any known face.

But he stops to see that in the center of the living room there is lioness with a soft- yellow color dress. She is dancing with a young wolf, the girl's tail moves showing her enthusiasm and happiness.

"Kasandra has grown up a lot. It will look like you certainly." Little John says looking at the woman. He notices the young tits that are lightly marked on the cloth of the dress. The bear considers that the girl is very well developed for his age.

"Thanks my lord." Harriette says feeling pleased for the praise of the bear that still has the gift in his hand.

"Where can I leave it?" Little John asks in relation to the gift that he brought for the girl.

"Follow me, please." Harriette says while she points to the other side of the living room. Little John nods and he follows the lioness through the multitude. Little John greets a couple of people when he pass close them.

Both cross over by the midway of the multitude, the lioness takes Little John to a room in the posterior part of the house. It is a little bedroom.

Furniture are old and a little worn-out.

"It is Kasandra's bedroom." Harriette says while she sees Little John. He smiles and lays the gift on the bed, at that moment the door opens and Kasandra enters in the room.

"My Lord, mom told me that you would come." The girl says with emotion while she gets rapidly close to Little John to embracing him, Harriette gets surprised and tries to stop her daughter.

But Little John crouches a little to embrace the girl for some moments, he feels the pressure of the young tits against his chest.

"Happy birthday!" Little John tells to break the hug to take the gift and give it to Kasandra. She immediately opens it and her eyes open largely when seeing a new and beautiful dress.

Harriette also gets surprised seeing a blue gown dress made of fine cloth, the design is elegant and simple at the same time.

"Thank you my lord." Kasandra says with great emotion seeing dress. This kind of dress cannot be find in Nottingham due to the high costs to buy it.

It is certainly something that was bought at London, where it can find incredible dresses that the rich people that can allow themselves the luxury of buying.

"Thank you... it is a beautiful dress." Harriette says content and wiping her eyes when she sees that her daughter is completely thrilled. The lioness wanted to give something like that to her daughter, but it was impossible for her to be able to buy such dress.

"You're welcome. It is not something that young beautiful lady does not deserve." Little John says content seeing that his gift fulfilled his objective to give a lot of joy and happiness to the girl and his mother.

Little John was very conscious of the cost-reducing limitations of the mother and he wanted to help a little in this special day for the girl.

"My lord... what about my second gift?" Kasandra asks with calm and nervousness to Little John.

"What do you mean with second gift?" Little John asks confused.

"My mother told me that you... I would become a woman today with you." The girl says looking at Little John. He gets surprised and looks at Harriette, the adult lioness nods smoothly and smiles.

Little John smiles content and he already knows that he will have a very good night, his member hardens a little inside his sheath.

"Of course, but you still have a party to enjoy first." Little John says bending over lightly and kissing the girl on her mouth smoothly.

"Will we do it here?" Kasandra asks excited while she sees her bed. The first time she had not believed her mother when she told her what Little John will give her.

Kasandra just like many of her friends had speculated and whispered in secret about sharing the bed with the Lord. Men with power and handsome always attracted them.

"I do not think that we all will fit in your bed, in order that this be a good night... we will use mine." Little John says looking at the girl. She gets surprised and looks with joy and at her mother.

Harriette smiles in the meantime she also feels content, fucking with Little John is never is disagreeable, and to see her daughter with him would be something that she would not forget never.

"I will put on it." Kasandra says while she looks at her blue dress.

"We wait for you in the party." Little John says smiling at the girl and getting out of the bedroom with the adult lioness that closes the door with calm.

"Thank you for the dress, the gift is the best of the night." Harriette says with gratitude while she looks at Little John.

"About Kasandra... not... will not have problems later?" Little John asks with calm and caution. Fuck the girl will be glory, but at this moment getting more cubs would be something complicated.

"Don't get worried, I know that you cannot increase the number of your descendants, I take the precautions to prevent that she gets pregnant, to have a cub of yours it would be a great honor, but also it would be problematical for everyone." Harriette says while she looks at Little John.

He nods content and much calmer. Both return to the party and some minutes after Kasandra reappears wearing the dress that Little John had given her as a present.

The girl receives a lot of flattery from the presents of at the party. She looks content with the whole attention that she receives. Little John smiles content and he gets surprised when the girl gets close to him to take it to the center of the living room.

Little John smiles and taking from hands the girl begins to dance slowly with her while the other ones applaud while Harriette looks content as her daughter dances with the lord of those lands.

In the house of Little John Skippy help Robin to check a couple of arrows, both are sitting on the patio below the shade of a tree. Robin examines arrows checking their rectitude before passing her on to Skippy that puts it in the case.

Skippy puts the arrows in their place, but also he has his eyes put in Faith that is across the patio. She is with Marian, both chat while the vixen breast-feeds the little Robin.

Skippy in his inside he feels attracted to the girl completely, from the first moment that he saw her, he felt completely different. She is beautiful and funny, Skippy knows that he can fuck with any woman of the house of Little John, but even so that does not take away his interest that he has in the girl.

The young rabbit returns to the reality when he feels a light blow in the head, Robin hits him with an arrow that passes him in order that he saves it.

"Well boy I believe that you should know that everyone here knows about you and Faith." Robin says raising one's eyebrows with complicity. Skippy gets surprised and he gets ashamed.

"It is not something for what being embarrassed, when I saw Marian for the first time I was stunned. And I could not get out of my head her image, I had your age and she also had the same age." Robin says looking at Skippy.

The boy gets surprised completely.

"Really?" Skippy asks while he looks at Robin. He nods lightly.

"It happens to everyone, in one way or another we find somebody special sooner or later." Robin says winking an eye to Skippy. He never thought that Marian and Robin fell in love prematurely, he only knew that they were bridegrooms for a long time.

"Did it happened to Little John too?" Skippy asks while he sees as Marian allows Faith carrying the little Robin for some moments.

"Of course, but his history is particular and something that is only he can say it and to who he decides to count it. In spite of knowing him for a long time, just some time ago I learned about it a little when we talked." Robin says while he takes a new arrow and examines it.

"If you really want something with Faith, you should make it correctly. Juts not looking for an opportunity to fuck her." Robin says while he passes on the arrow to Skippy.

"Hey I just do not want fuck her." Skippy says growling smoothly. He feels a little annoying that they all think that that one is his motivation, in part it is, but not his main motive.

Robin laughs smoothly.

"Sorry boy, but how it is everything here, it is the logical thing, I also want to fuck her." Robin says looking at Skippy. The boy's eyes open completely.

"Do not get surprised, but if I wanted to fuck her I should make something first, something that you should make, if you want to do things right." Robin says looking at Skippy.

"What?" Skippy asks with interest.

"Well... the first thing is talking with Lowell and Leanna. If you want to get into a relationship with a girl first, you should obtain the parental permission. Next talking with the girl, if she agrees with it." Robin says winking an eye again to Skippy.

"Now it would be a good moment." Robin says while he uses his snout to aim at the terrace. Skippy sees towards that direction and he notices that Lowell has his hands on the wooden banister while he sees Nottingham

Skippy nods in silence and swallows hard.

"Go, if you do not take a risk, you do not win." Robin says looking at Skippy. He looks Faith over a second time a moment.

Skippy knows that what Robin says is true, Little John had told him that he should speak it with his father first.

"I will make it." Skippy says looking at Robin. The fox nods while he does a friendly facial expression to the boy.

Skippy gets up and walks toward the main building, he enters in the living room and goes to terrace. Each step seems to become more difficult as he gets close there.

He feels as he has a couple of butterflies fluttering in his stomach by the nervousness that he feels in his inside. Skippy finally gets to the terrace, a light breeze hits his face while he sees that Lowell is sitting on a chair taking a cup of beer.

"Hey kid." Lowell says when he notices the boy's presence.

"Hi..." Skippy says nervously while he sees the bear that looks at him and does a facial expression in order that he comes closer.

"What does bring you here?" Lowell asks looking at the boy with a soft and friendly smile.

"Eh... I... wanted to talk..." Skippy stammers without knowing that saying exactly. He internally feels some fear, a bear is a bear and that implies a big man's with great force.

"Talk?" Lowell says making a funny face and getting close to the bar. He takes two beer mugs that there is near, Lowell fills complete a beer mug with beer, but he fills just half of the other one.

He goes to one of the tables and he sits while Skippy gets close to the table and he sits in front of him. Lowell passes him the beer mug with the smaller quantity of beer.

"When two men talk seriously it is good to drink something." Lowell says smiling at Skippy.

Lowell knows that Skippy would not take a more than a sip, but he is certainly it is the conversation that he has expected for some days.

"Well boy. What do you have in mind?" Lowell says at the same time that he takes his stein and drinks some beer.

"I am... I want...I mean... I am interested in Faith." Skippy says while it tries to see Lowell. He cannot doubt now, the bear looks at him moment in the meantime apparently he smiles while he has the beer mug in his lips.

"Well boy you know that she is my only daughter." Lowell says looking at Skippy. He swallows hard. This can become serious, Skippy thinks that maybe he was not ready for the moment.

He in a couple of occasions had listened that when two people get married, they talk of many of things in addition to just love, usually the capacity of the male of keeping the girl and what he can give her.

"Come on Lowell, the boy does not think about getting married." Leanna says showing up while she gets out from the stairs and comes close to the table. She passes behind Skippy and she sits on a chair next to her husband.

"I know, but it is Faith." Lowell says looking at his wife. Leanna laughs a little and rolls her eyes.

"I..." Skippy says looking at the two bears.

"It is ok kid....I guess that with Leanna here I no longer can play." Lowell says looking at Skippy with a soft smile.

"We want to know, if she really interests for her a different way to the intimate aspect." Leanna says looking at Skippy.

He gets surprised and embarrasses smoothly, Lowell laughs smoothly.

"You are very good with the arch, that is not something that it can question, we just want to know, if she already I catch you." Lowell says looking at Skippy.

The boy gets surprised and he looks at him with a little bit of confusion.

"My husband refers himself that, if it is love at first sight." Leanna says smiling while she looks at the boy. Skippy gets surprised and he nods quietly.

Leanna and Lowell look at each other a moment exchanging opinions with the look and smiling smoothly.

"It is ok, we see nothing wrong in which you try to win the affection our daughter, but nothing in the sexual stuff... she is not ready yet." Lowell says doing a funny face to Skippy.

He nods in silence feeling has his heart pumps with force. Now he have permission that he needs.

"But we should make sure all by ourselves how good you are in that." Leanna says looking at Skippy and smiling. The boy gets surprised and embarrasses while Lowell begins to laugh noisily.

While the sun of afternoon goes down, the party extinguishes in the meantime guests still keep on leaving Harriette's house, she and Kasandra say goodbye to each one of the guests thanking them for their presence in the party.

When all the guests leave, Kasandra and his mother begins to order a little the living room and the house. Little John looks at them and he licks the mouth thinking that he will have mother and daughter for him tonight.

When cleanliness is half done, Little John and the other ones listen that somebody touches the door of the house. Harriette is who opens the door, Little John sees as Garrett is outdoor with the carriage expecting them.

"It is moment to go." Little John says while he gestures to the two women. Harriette agrees and sees her daughter that is completely excited. Little John accompanies women out.

Harriette closes the door and places a padlock before getting on the carriage with the help of Little John. She and their daughter sit on a seat while Little John sits on the other one.

Little John does a couple of light blows to the door and the carriage begins to move slowly.

"This will be incredible." Kasandra says while she looks thrilled. Little John smiles smoothly seeing the girl's emotion. He never saw a girl so excited girl to lose her virginity.

"It will be it, but we should be sort of cautious with this. I prefer that nobody learns about it in my home." Little John says looking at the girl. The bear has like main worry to his sister and Matilde.

The young sister of Skippy is easier to deceive, but Faith is not silly.

"Then I believe that we can do something about it." Harriette says smiling smoothly and looking at Little John. He looks content that the woman has apparently an idea in mind.

After several minutes the carriage gets to Little John's home and it stops in the middle of the patio. Everything is illuminated with torches that give a reddish brilliance to the trees and leafs.

Little John comes down from the carriage and helps down the two women. They come across Lowell and Robin that are shooting their last arrows on a brief competition.

Faith and Leanna observe them attentively.

"Who is winning?" Little John asks while he gets close to the group.

"You know that your friend." Lowell says doing a comic facial expression and sees Robin.

He smiles at his friend.

They all notice the presence of the two lionesses next to Little John, he makes the necessary presentations between his family and the two feline females.

"It is Kasandra's birthday and she always wanted to know where her mother worked." Little John says looking at the girl. She nods with the head lightly.

"My mother told me that this is one of the most beautiful gardens of Nottingham and I wanted to see it." Kasandra says while he sees Little John's family with respect and phony sincerity.

"The best is the fountain." Faith says point with her snout toward the fountain that is illuminated by several torches to it around. They make that the needle have a reddish changing color for the soft waves on the surface that different bosses draw.

Little John smiles smoothly seeing that his sister seems convinced by the excuse that was said. At that moment Dana appears in the patio and she gets excited seeing that Kasandra is there.

Both hug a moment. The two girls go away to chat, but Dana pulls Faith with them. Little John sees as the three girls go away toward the fountain while they whisper and they laugh mischievously.

Little John sees Garrett and he says to the wolf that he can leave. He nods and starts to walk toward the front door.

"I will go to help with dinner." Leanna says looking at her son and Lowell.

"If you allow me, I also want to help." Harriette says while she looks at Leanna. The bear nods and smiles before starting to walk home next to the other woman.

"Well that story does not carry conviction for me, but I know that you will have a great tonight." Lowell says looking at Little John. He opens his eyes with surprise and his father laughs.

"I know you and I know that you did not bring to those two just to see the garden." Lowell says looking at his son. Little John smiles smoothly before his father embraces him and both walk chatting.

One hour later Marian with help of Leanna and Harriette take the dinner to the table when it is ready. They all sit down to eat and sharing, Skippy does occasionally glances to Kasandra.

She is a beautiful girl, the girl looks at him smiling smoothly when both exchange looks.

Skippy tries not to look at her and just putting his attention in Faith.

The sister of Little John chats with Dana while they eat. Little John for his part cannot wait for having to the mother and the daughter in bed for him.

The bear sees that his parents look at Skippy a couple of times and they exchange looks of complicity. His father had told him that he and his mother had talked with Skippy about Faith.

And this night the conversation would go into something more entertained. Dinner gets longer because after eating they all chat and have fun, Marian and Robin chat with Harriette.

Marian laughs smoothly and says absolutely nothing noticing that her husband obtains Kasandra's spare attention. Robin does not apparently notice it, or if he makes he does not puts a lot of attention to it.

For the ending of the dinner they all are content and satisfied to have had a nice time. Dana and the other girls clean the table taking the dirty dishes and other utensils to the kitchen.

When it is done, everyone meet in the living room.

"Now I believe that is the moment of leaving." Harriette says looking at her daughter.

"But it is too late, you cannot go by yourselves." Leanna says looking at the two lionesses.

"They could stay to sleep, still there are the bedrooms of the servants." Little John says looking at Harriette. Both had chatted and agreed on creating all this plan to let that she and her daughter remain in the castle without suspicions.

"It would be best." Lowell says looking at his son and next to Harriette. Little John had asked him for a little bit of help in order that everything came out all right.

"It is ok, we can leave early tomorrow to get ready for the journey." Harriette says looking at her daughter, she nods. This is a part of the spectacle because such journey does not exist.

"Then it is decided" Little John says looking at the two lionesses that nod.

Both receive a couple of blankets in order that they placed them on the beds of the bedrooms of the servants that are at the side of the main construction.

They are in good state in spite of the fact that they are not in use.

While Harriette and her daughter prepare to sleep, the other ones make the same thing separating at the moment of going to their bedrooms while Little John heads toward the gate of his home to talk with the guards.

He requires around twenty minutes before he finally is able to return to the main construction, everything is in silence and Little John goes toward to his bedroom.

In sector of the bedrooms he crosses with Skippy, both look at each other and Little John smiles at him before going to his own room. He closes the door and he takes off his clothing before getting on his bed and waiting.

The agreed-upon plan was that Harriette would bring Kasandra to his bedroom because she knows very well Little John's home. The bear waits impatient for about thirty minutes before that his bedroom's door opens with calm.

Little John smiles when he sees like Harriette and his daughter enters in the room and they close the door with care. Little Joh sits at the edge of the bed.

"We thought about expecting a little more before everything was clear." Harriette says getting close to the bed with her daughter. Kasandra comes closer feeling some nerves and her gaze focuses on the crotch of the bear, that it is covered by the bedspreads.

"There is no problem." Little John says sitting and preventing that his crotch gets uncovered for the girl.

"Well Kasandra, show me that you have hidden under that beautiful dress." Little John says winking an eye to the girl. She gets surprised a little and blushing she nods.

The young lioness begins to take off her dress in front of Little John with shame, the look of the bear does not draw away from the girl. Kasandra takes off her dress completely.

Little John feels delighted with the juvenile body of the girl, her breasts are a half-full size and perfect for a girl of her age, her pink nipples project out between her soft yellow furs.

"Turn over for me." Little John says while he sees the lioness. Kasandra turns over and Little John has an incredible sight of her ass. Her cheeks are round, the tail moves lightly nervously.

"Allow that our Lord feels you." Harriette says while she gets undressed also to place her dress in a close chair. For a moment the sight of Little John focuses on the mother.

She also looks interesting, her tits are turgescent and big. Their firmness had disappeared, but even so they look magnificent. Kasandra's tits certainly catch up with the same size than those of her mother.

Little John again focuses on Kasandra when she comes closer and she stops in front of the bed. The girl avoids looking at Little John right down to that she gasps when the hands of the bear touch her breasts.

She pants when her breast are massaged and kneaded with calm. Little John feels the firmness of both tits. His hands cover them, he squeezes them softly.

The girl moans when Little John twists her nipples smoothly, the bear smiles noticing that both nipples are erect and sensitive. Little John catches Kasandra's hips and pulls her toward him.

Harriette sees as her daughter shakes when Little John begins to suck her tits, the bear sucks her right nipple softly. His saliva covers it, Kasandra moans and shakes smoothly feeling that feeling for the first time in her life.

Little John's other hand kneads her other breast, the girl pants while her eyes are closed completely, she moans with pleasure. His nipple is bit smoothly and pulled.

Little John takes down his hand and introduces it between the tights of Kasandra, his fingers move in the slit slowly. The girl shakes and pants when Little John's forefinger begins to play with her clitoris.

The finger moves circularly and the hips of Kasandra move in the same way, Harriette looks without moving what happens. She knows that tonight will be memorable for her daughter.

Kasandra's eyes open when she feels like the middle finger gets in her slit. The bear feels the heat and wetness of the interior, his finger moves slowly exploring the inside.

The girl is too tight, and Little John feels pleased for that reason. The bear pushes his finger smoothly until the tip touches Kasandra's hymen and stretches it a little.

She moans with a light pain until Little John takes out his finger, he takes it to his mouth to suck it with pleasure.

"Delicious, girl." Little John says looking at the girl. She blushes smoothly and her mother smiles. Harriette comes closer and lays her hands on the shoulders of her daughter.

Harriette pushes her daughter to oblige her to kneel down between the legs of Little John.

Kasandra's eyes open with surprise to see the genitals of the bear in front of her face, the girl gets surprised completely, and it is bigger of what she imagined.

Her mother had told her that the bear was well-endowed, but this surpasses her expectations.

Little John makes a grimace smiling seeing the face of surprise of the girl, he sees the mother that laughs smoothly before kneeling down next to her daughter while Little John opens wide his legs.

Harriette takes her daughter's hands and places them on the penis of Little John. The girl feels the hardness of the meat of the male. She swallows saliva at the moment of beginning to move her hands on the member of slow way.

Little John closes his eyes and permits that the girl masturbates him slowly, Kasandra feels marveled by the hardness of the erection in her hands, she takes down his right hand to touch the balls of the bear.

She lifts them with the hand, they are heavy and big. She never saw a penis in her life, the girl sees as the precum oozes of the opening of the penis of the bear. The girl gets surprised when she sees as her mother licks the head.

Little John moans with pleasure when the tongue moves slowly, Kasandra looks with surprise what her mother does. Harriette enjoys the taste of the precum and the penis again.

She opens her mouth and takes the penis in it to suck it smoothly, she moves her head slowly while her hand takes the balls of the bear to massage them softly.

Kasandra sees as Little John moans and growls with pleasure until her mother stops.

Harriette takes the penis out from her mouth and smiling she passes it to her daughter, she takes the member and looks at it a moment.

She sees that Little John looks at her and he does a friendly gesture, Kasandra takes out her tongue and she does one licked at the head of the penis passing on the opening. She feels the taste of the masculine meat in addition to the precum.

Her mother smiles at her, the girl opens her mouth and takes the head of the penis with certain difficulty. She begins to suck smoothly and Little John moans with pleasure, Kasandra feels as the precum falls on her tongue.

The girl begins to move her head taking more of the masculinity of Little John in her mouth. Harriette leans lightly forward to lick Little John's balls.

He has a good time moan and growl smoothly enjoying the united work of the mother and the daughter, Harriette sucks his balls with pleasure. She bites them and pulls before liberating them.

Every one of testicles gets wet with saliva. Kasandra promptly begins to suck with more force and confidence. The penis head touches the entrance of her throat in multiple occasions.

Her hands move in the portion of the erection that is out of her mouth, the right hand of Little John rests on the head of the girl and he caresses her with calm.

Kasandra feels herself contentedly while she continues sucking for some moments before taking out the hard shaft of her mouth. Little John moans smoothly and sees as the two women lick his cock sharing it.

The saliva covers his member completely, a thick drop of precum hangs from the opening of the penis and falls to the floor, and Harriette takes the erection and points her daughter's mouth again.

Kasandra opens her mouth to close it around the hard meat of the bear and suck it with more speed. Little John moans and holds the head of the girl before pushing his penis.

The bear growls with rage exploding inside of the mouth of the girl, Kasandra gets surprised when she feels as her mouth is filled with thick seed.

Harriette laughs smoothly seeing that her daughter opens her eyes wide and she obliged to swallow Little John's cum. The girl swallows fast in an attempt not to drown with the copious seed of the bear.

Little John growls smoothly while his member shoots spurts after spurt of semen that becomes exhausted after some moments. Kasandra draws the meat from her mouth and she coughs a little.

"Little John can shoot a great quantity of seed." Harriette says looking at her daughter and taking Little John's penis to suck it in her mouth smoothly.

The bear moans and he pants with pleasure while his fists squeeze the bedspreads, his penis still is sensitive. Harriette enjoys the rests of semen on the masculine organ.

She stops her sucking and permits that the member escapes from her mouth, Kasandra sees as his mom catches the shaft between her tits and she begins to move them up and down.

Little John moans enjoying warmth and softness of the woman's breasts, the heat that they emit wrap his penis that again back to life in a slow way.

Kasandra sees as the head of the penis of Little John disappears and reappears between the breasts of her mother. She moves them on the erection for some moment more until Little John moves and surprises the girl when he picks her up from the floor.

She smiles and she clings to the neck of Little John, he smiles at her smoothly.

Harriette sees like the bear without difficulty charges her daughter to lean her on the bed with calm. The bed shakes when Little John climbs on it and with calm he positions himself on the girl.

Little John places his mouth on the mouth of Kasandra and he kisses her, the girl gets surprised and rapidly gives the kiss back. She had kissed several boys before, but in this occasion it is different.

Little John's tongue enters in her mouth pushing his tongue. The bear caresses the tits of the girl that moans smoothly while she continues kissing the man for some moments more.

Little John breaks off the kiss and he moves down a little. Kasandra gasps when Little John's lips close around her left nipple.

The bear sucks the nipple nibbling the sensitive and hard tip smoothly, Kasandra moans and pants with pleasure. She had never felt this, the warm saliva covers her nipple completely.

"Mom... this feels incredible!" The girl says looking at her mother. She smiles on her and nods smoothly. The lioness in several occasions had experienced the pleasure of the mouth of a male around her nipples.

Little John takes the nipple out from his mouth and hits it using his tongue. Kasandra moans and feels that her other tit also begins to be sucked. The girl's young breasts are perfect for the bear.

He likes them very much, Kasandra moans smoothly while he sees the bedroom's roof, her legs move lightly because she feels wet between them.

Their slit is wet and its aroma gets to the nose of Little John. The bear stops the stimulation of the young tits and uses his hands to open Kasandra's legs.

She sees as the bear positions his head between her legs. Harriette laughs smoothly seeing as her daughter grabs with force the bedspreads when Little John's tongue touches her vulva.

Juices drip in the lips of Little John and he savors them with pleasure. They are sweet and delicious. The mouth closes around the slit and Little John begins to lick and to push his tongue.

Kasandra moans and shakes with pleasure, the tongue passes on her clitoris giving her a great pleasure, her vaginal lips split with each lick that picks up her juice that appears from her inside.

Little John keeps her legs separate while he listens the moans and heavy breathing of pleasure of the girl. His hard member is pressed against the bed while he eats up the girl.

Harriette sits in bed and places her hands on the breasts of her daughter, she stimulates them with calm. Kasandra moans when her mother twists and pulls her nipples.

The girl moans when Little John's tongue penetrates into her pussy. She feels as her walls are caressed with each motion, the tongue moves circularly inside her.

The tip penetrates deeper inside her and touches the hymen, she moans smoothly while the tip probes the resistance of membrane with calm. Little John pushes his tongue against the opening in the middle.

He after some moments concentrates in stimulating the vaginal walls leaving the important point for later. The girl's juices increase in quantity.

Little John takes out his tongue and uses it to stimulate the rosy point of the young lioness directly.

"Mom....!" Kasandra moans when the man begins to suck her clitoris smoothly. Harriette sees that her daughter moans and she quivers for some moments before becoming tense.

She roars with pleasure at the moment that her orgasm controls her body, Little John opens his mouth and the juices that shoot out of the pink and virgin slit fall on his tongue.

Kasandra moans while her eyes are closed, she feels as her thighs get wet with some juice. The squirts runs out after some moments.

The girl pants rapidly and she moans when the bear begins to lick her crotch slowly. Little John licks the last traces of juice comes from the inside of the vagina of Kasandra.

Harriette stops the stimulation of the breasts of her daughter when she sees as Little John kneels down between the legs of her girl and catches his penis aiming it at the vulva.

The member's head touches the vaginal swollen and wet lips. The precum that oozes of the opening blends in with the juices. Little John places his hands to the sides of the body of the girl that looks at him with some fear because she knows that it comes finally the important moment.

He pushes smoothly against the opening, the vaginal lips spread around the head of the penis.

Little John pushes with force and the opening opens, Kasandra moans with pain.

"This girl is tight." Little John says at the moment of feeling the squeeze of the interior around the head of his penis. The bear pushes and the girl gasps feeling that vagina receives a penis for first time.

His vaginal walls swell out slowly as Little John's penis keeps on advancing and going into the body of the girl.

"Mom... he... he is big." Kasandra says panting and taking a breath. Her inside stretches around the shaft of Little John. He uses his hands to maintain the girl's legs spread to see as his penis enters slowly.

Little John stops when his penis head touches the girl's hymen. The bear releases the legs of the young lioness and he gets comfortable on her with calm getting ready to do the final push.

"Now the difficult part comes." Little John says doing a soft and friendly smile to the girl.

"Yes... mom said me that it is complicated." The girl says laughing a moment. Little John smiles and kissing the girl he pushes with force. Harriette sees as her daughter stiffens and moans softly of pain.

Two tears escape from her eyes when Little John's swollen and thick cock passes through by her membrane tearing it. The member gets in completely in the velvety and touches the end of tunnel of the girl.

Blood stains the bed bedspread and the base of the penis of Little John. The bear does not sit move and he sucks the girl's right nipple smoothly while she relaxes when the pain fades away slowly.

Little John begins to pump his penis with calm and slowness, he moans with pleasure with each push. The girl is very tight, each part of his masculinity is squeezed and caressed with force.

Kasandra moans of pleasure, all of her cave of love gets full with the hard meat of the bear. Feeling is unique and indescribable, she is surprised that something so big entered in her little hole to the bottom.

The girl closes her arms around the neck of the man with certain difficulty.

The penis head hits the entrance of the cervix of the lioness, Little John uses his mouth to stimulate the girl's tits nibbling and pulling the nipples.

The bed rocks and squeaks by the strong pushes of Little John, Harriette moves with calm not to distract the two lovers. She positions herself behind Little John look closely between the legs of the bear.

She sees as the thick member enters and gets out of the vagina of her daughter, Harriette sees the thin small brook of blood in the fur of her daughter. The lioness stretches her hand and catches Little John's balls.

He gets surprised a little and moans, Harriette's hand massages his testicles with calm.

Kasandra pants and moans while her breasts are rocking lightly.

The bear fucks with a force and velocity that gets surprised to her, the spurts of precum sprinkle her vagina continuously. Little John's groin hits her vulva and the fur caresses her clitoris increasing her pleasure.

Little John pumps without stopping, he watches pleasure as the girl moans of pleasure and has closed eyes. The quantity of her juices also demonstrates what she enjoys everything.

His penis hardens a little more, he clenches his teeth and pushes with force.

Harriette sees as the cheeks of the ass of the bear become taut, her daughter soon will clearly receive the bear's semen. Kasandra opens her eyes when for the first time in her life her inside is sprinkled with sticky seed in powerful squirts.

The young lioness becomes clings with more force to the bear and roars with force. The orgasm breaks out in her body. Stronger than anyone that she would have felt until now in her life, every one of her muscles becomes tense and the vaginal walls squeezes with more force the bear's shaft.

Little John pushes with force while the girl closes her eyes and she faints while her body shakes lightly. Her arms release the neck of the man.

Harriette gets surprised and worries a little seeing her daughter's reaction. Little John simply smiles while he breathes agitatedly, he closes his mouth around the left nipple of the girl to suck it and to pull it again.

Kasandra moans and slowly reacts, she opens her eyes. Little John smiles at her smoothly and continues sucking her tits smoothly. Your mother moves to position herself at her side.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Harriette says smiling content.

"Yeah... mom... it was... incredible." Kasandra says panting while Little John's mouth pleasures her. With a pull Little John takes his cock out and a white semen waterfall leaks in little squirts of the vagina of Kasandra.

"Now, rest a while, it is your mother's turn." Little John says caressing the girl's vulva, she moans and she moves to one side. Harriette smiles and with calm and without a struggle she leans Little John backwards.

The lioness positions herself between the legs of the bear and puts the cock into her mouth. Little John moans and Harriette pants with pleasure when she begins to suck his penis, she feels the taste of semen and the juices of her daughter.

The mature woman's head shakes slowly while she sucks with pleasure, her saliva goes down the shaft of the bear going up to the base. The right hand of the lioness stimulates Little John's balls.

He moans of pleasure while he sees as the girl look at her mother without batting eyes, the bear smiles at the girl. She smiles smoothly while the sound of sucking is heard.

The member recovers his previous hardness and Harriette stops, she with calm and care takes the hard meat from her mouth to lick it slowly. Her tongue moves on the head picking up the precum.

Kasandra sees that her mother stops and she moves to position herself on Little John. Harriette takes the penis and she aims it at her vulva, she licks her mouth and roars softly and seductively to the bear.

Little John smiles and moans when his penis head divides the vaginal lips and enters in the passage of the love of the lioness. She closes her eyes when Little John's masculinity fills her completely

The bear is big and distends her vaginal walls, soon her vulva touches the base of the penis.

"Hard and big as always, sir." Harriette says looking at the bear. He smiles at him smoothly. The woman places her hands on the chest of Little John and she begins to ride him with slowness and pleasure.

She raises her ass and drops it while he moans with pleasure, her eyes close and her tail moves on the air. Little John growls smoothly, the female is soft as his daughter, her vaginal juices cover his cock penis completely.

Little John's hands take Harriette's breasts to stimulate them.

Kasandra sees as her mother moans and roars smoothly when the fingers of the bear twist her sensitive nipples, she never saw her mother behaving like a lustful female.

The girl feels as her vagina begins to get wet again for the vision of her mom and Little John fucking. She feels as get her juices wet the dear interns of her thighs.

Harriette does not stop while her ass bounces, she has a good time every time that Little John's penis enters and gets out of her vagina. The big shaft feels incredible, the precum spatters some regions in her inside.

Little John releases his woman's breasts and she leans forward letting that the bear sucks them while her hips move circularly, Harriette feels that her buttocks are squeezed and kneaded by the hands of the lord man.

"I want Kasandra see the next hole that I will use." Little John says softly in the left ear of Harriette. She gets surprised a moment and smiles smoothly while she stops her motions.

Kasandra sees that her mother moves and the soaked penis gets out of her body and it hits Little John's stomach. The girl sees as Little John changes the position.

Her mother leans on her elbows and knees to raise her ass while Little John kneels down behind her.

"Come here dear, see where Little John will put his cock now." Harriette says looking at her daughter and giving pats on the surface of the bed just between her legs that are extended.

The girl gets on the bed to introduce her face between the legs of her mother, she sees as the penis of the bear hangs over her face.

"I think that we can make it better." Little John says smiling and looking at Harriette that looks over her shoulder at him.

"Kasandra, position yourself below your mom." Little John says looking at the girl and using his hands to explain his a little better idea. Harriette purrs smoothly with pleasure by the exciting idea of the bear.

The girl sees her mother, she nods quietly. Kasandra with calm and care positions herself below her mother with head between the thighs of her mom.

When Little John is all set he takes his penis and he puts it into the vagina of Harriette, he begins to fuck her slowly.

The lioness moans and closes her eyes when the member again pleasures her. Kasandra sees as the hard cock enters and gets out of the vagina of her mother, her vaginal lips move following each thrust of the bear.

In the mind of Kasandra she becomes confused on what her mother wants to show her.

The sight is interesting, but nothing short of what's ordinary. She feels as a juice drop falls on her nose.

The aroma is intense, at that moment she sees like the motion of her hips of Little John stops and he pulls his penis out withdrawing it from the pink cave of her mom.

In some seconds after the head slips out. The juices and precum drip on the face of the young lioness, her mother's juice falls on her tongue and she savors it for the first time.

It is a pleasant and intense taste, the girl sees as the bear takes his penis to position it.

Kasandra's eyes open when she sees that as the head of the penis of Little John rests on the posterior hole of her mother covering it completely.

Little John holds his penis while he pushes it. Harriette moans and closes her eyes feeling the pressure in her sphincter. It is not the first time that she takes Little John's erection in that hole so she knows what to wait.

Kasandra gasps when she sees as the head of the penis disappears in the tunnel of her mom and she moans with pain. The lioness feels a known pain in her anus at the moment that she is penetrated anally.

Little John moans with pleasure and pushes his hips slowly offering an incredible spectacle to the young lioness. Harriette pants while she feels as her rectum keeps on filling up on the hard and palpitating meat.

In a few moments the penis head touches the bottom of her anus. Little John holds the hips of the lioness and he takes out his penis and pushes it again to begin to fuck the mother in her ass.

Kasandra sees as the heavy balls hit the buttocks with each push, the girl opens her eyes and gives a groan of pleasure when her mother licks her pink slit.

Harriette perceives her daughter's sweet juice, she smiles and has a good time. She moans while her tongue hits the clitoris of her daughter that shakes with pleasure. The girl roars while she sees as the penis enters and gets out between the cheeks of her mother.

The girl places her hands on the thighs of her mother, she raises her head and licks her vulva. Her tongue divides the vaginal lips, Kasandra listens the growl of pleasure of her mom.

Both females begin to reciprocate the oral sex, Kasandra moans and licks her mother's crotch without stopping. She looks attentively as the pink sphincter moves back and forward on the shaft.

Her tongue picks up the juice that falls in her mouth. Harriette now feels a double pleasure, her ass is pounded with force and vigor and her daughter eats her pussy with calm.

The older lioness closes her lips around the clitoris of her daughter, she sucks it and is going steady smoothly. Her daughter shrieks of pleasure and gives the favor back. Little John feels pleased to see that the mother and daughter moan.

He pumps his penis in tight passage without stopping, the anal walls caresses his penis that enters and gets out.

Little John enjoys with the idea of than soon also Kasandra's virgin anus will be his, she will be certainly as tight as Dana or Skippy.

Little John's growls mix with the moans of the two women, his precum drips from the opening of his penis abundantly filling a couple of cracks.

Kasandra pushes her tongue and moves it inside the vagina of her mother, she shakes with pleasure. The woman uses fingers for to stimulate her daughter's clitoris twisting it smoothly.

The girl begins to shake and she becomes tense when a new orgasm comes to her body, her juices get the bed wet. Kasandra does not realize that her mother also becomes tense.

The lioness grabs the bedspreads and roars with pleasure, her vaginal walls squeeze her daughter's tongue with more force and release more juice. The squirts get out of her vagina and get wet Kasandra's face.

Her anal walls embrace Little John's penis strongly, he stops and clenches his teeth freeing his semen in the rectum from the woman filling it with the sticky substance.

Kasandra drops her head in bed feeling like her face is soaked with the juices of her mother. She sees as the slit is glistening, the girl sees as Little John takes his penis out with a pull and he moves.

The seed of the bear goes out by the opened hole of Harriette and it drips in the face of Kasandra. She feels as the sticky semen falls on nose achieving that she sneezes suddenly when a little drop enters in her blowhole.

Little John laughs smoothly and taking a cloth he passes it to Kasandra in order that she cleans the face at the same time that her mother moves to one side and sits in bed.

Harriette feels as more semen gets out of her hole that keeps on closing slowly.

"Did it seem interesting to you?" Harriette asks looking at her daughter while she sits in front of her crossing her legs.

"I did not think that something so big could enter there." Kasandra says looking at her mother, she laughs smoothly just like Little John.

"Well girl you soon check it out by yourself." The bear says caressing his now flaccid penis between his legs. Kasandra's eyes open with surprise and she sees at her mother, the older female does a funny grin.

"Wouldn't you deny something to our lord, would you?" Harriette asks simpering.

Kasandra shakes her head feeling fearful. Little John takes her and he leans her in bed, he positions himself on her and begins sucking her right nipple slowly.

The girl moans and promptly her worry ends, Harriette for the next minutes sees as Little John stimulates with calm her daughter in different ways until his penis again hardens.

Little John's head between the thighs of Kasandra eating her pussy with slowness until he decides that it is moment of passing to the next step. Little John takes his tongue out from the inside of the vagina of Kasandra.

She moans smoothly and pants rapidly when her vagina gets empty, Little John's hands hold the girl's hips and he rolls her over to put her on her hands and knees.

Little John places his hands on the buttocks of the Kasandra and presses them with pleasure feeling their firmness, he spreads the round and soft cheeks to delight in look of the hole closed in between them.

His forefinger gets in the crack and goes over it up and down slowly, the girl shakes a little when the fingertip passes over her anus. Little John sees as the hole closes with more force.

The bear smiles and he leans forward to introduce his nose between the young female's two white cheeks. Kasandra gasps and moans when feeling a complete lick in her crack.

Little John enjoys the taste and he uses his tongue to hit the little hole with calm. Kasandra moans and her fists squeezes the bedspreads feeling as the tip moves in circles on her hole.

The feeling of pleasure makes her tremble, the touch is soft and wet. Her anus gets wet slowly in saliva completely. Little John separates her two cheeks and pushes with more force.

The pink ring begins to open slowly, Harriette laughs smoothly seeing that his daughter opens her eyes with surprise and blurts out a pant of surprise being penetrated anally by the big tongue of the bear.

Little John pushes his tongue inside the narrow and warm passage, his mouth is closed around the muscular ring that squeezes his tongue with force.

Kasandra moans without being able to believe the pleasure that she feels, the tongue touches her anal walls bathing them in saliva, the tip gets inside between the cracks without stopping.

Little John sees content like the tail of the young lioness moves on the air while she growls smoothly. The bear gets surprised a little when Harriette's hand takes his cock from behind and she begins to stimulate it.

He continues his work a couple of minutes before to stop and to take out his tongue. Little John gets wet his forefinger in saliva and leans the tip against the anus lightly opened.

He pushes and the finger sinking completely in the rectum of the girl that moans, the bear smiles smoothly and begins to move his finger in circles. Kasandra feels a somewhat strange sensation feeling as her anal walls stretch and her sphincter moves at Little John's will.

Little John does not stop while he prepares the girl, in a few moments after he adds another finger more. Kasandra pants and does not move, fingers move in her anus opening and closing in addition to get in and get out.

She begins to enjoy the sensation, she moans and pushes her ass against the hand of the bear. Little John sees content to Harriette and she smiles at him before releasing the cock of the bear.

Little John spits in his hand to cover completely his erection with transparent saliva. He positions his penis head in the hole.

"Relax dear and everything will be ok." Harriette says looking at her daughter from the right side. The girl nods in silence and she tries to get ready, Little John's hands catch her and he begins to push.

The tip presses the hole with force, Kasandra moans with bother while she closes her eyes. Little John does not stop increasing the force of his push until the ring suddenly opens and it closes behind the head of his penis.

Kasandra does a scream of pain and clenches her teeth with force while two tears take shape in her eyes and they slides down on her cheeks. The stretching that Little John had given her was useful, but not enough to avoid the burning and intense pain in her anus.

Little John does not move and moans smoothly content, the girl's sphincter closes with force around his penis. He uses his hands to squeeze and to caress the cheeks of the lioness.

"The worst part is over." Harriette says with a broad smile her daughter.

Kasandra nods in silence still feeling pain, Little John pushes his cock smoothly and more of it sinks in the anal passage. The girl moans smoothly until he stops.

The bear with short thrusts keeps on entering in the daughter of his housekeeper, the anal walls stretch while they keep on surrounding the thick shaft of meat that disappears slowly.

The heavy breathing of the girl are fast, she feels that each portion of her tunnel is touched, Kasandra does not know, if the whole member entered in her in this occasion, her eyes finally open with surprise to feel that the tip touches her bottom.

"Well Kasandra you took everything, good girl." Little John says giving soft pats to the girl's left buttock. She moves her ass a little looking for a little more comfortable before the bear begins.

Little John initiates his motions with short thrusts, his penis hits the bottom of the rectum of the girl with calm and softness. She begins moaning softly, her anal walls are caressed with each push.

She sees her mother that smiles at her smoothly and nods, Harriette sees as her daughter moves her tail content and closes the eyes to concentrate on the sensation of her ass.

Pushes keep on gaining force and soon is hear the sound of slapping meat when Little John's groin hits the two cheeks. The bear growls with pleasure.

His penis is trapped in a very tight and virgin ass, heat surrounds it completely. His balls rock on the air while the bed creaks.

The sphincter moves back and forth without stopping, Little John releases the girl's buttocks and begins to caress her body slowly. Kasandra feels as the two big hands move on her back and next they take her oscillating breasts.

The lioness moans with pleasure when her tits are squeezed and caressed, her nipples are twisted smoothly adding more pleasure to her body. Kasandra pushes her ass back to increase her pleasure.

Balls hit her vulva that releases juices in abundance, Little John is fucking her with force and velocity that she did not expect.

Harriette moves her hand in her crotch seeing as her daughter is pounded by the big man, she had some doubt of allowing Little John also to take the girl's anal virginity, but now is evident that it was the correct thing.

Little John slow down his pushes drives when Harriette whispers him something.

Kasandra pants rapidly while she sees that her mother smiles, she sees that Little John smiles also.

He stops and without taking out his cock he leans backwards in bed to lean the girl backwards on his chest. Little John begins to pump his penis again.

Kasandra moans and she gives herself to the pleasure again while her body bounces lightly on the air due the powerful pushes of the bear. The girl opens her mouth with surprise and takes a breath when her clitoris is surrounded for something wet and soft.

She raises her head and with surprise she sees as her mother is between her legs.

Harriette sucks her daughter's clitoris with calm, she feels as the balls of the bear hit her chin with force with each thrust.

"This delicious." Harriette thinks savoring her daughter's juice in her lips. She sees as the penis enters and gets out of the anus of her daughter rapidly and the sphincter moves.

Harriette joins two fingers and without stopping to suck the rosy point, she inserts her fingers in her daughter's virgin slit in from where now Little John's seed drips.

Kasandra moans shaking of pleasure, Little John's hands take her tits again and he caresses them, the bear kisses her neck from behind and he bites her right ear lobe smoothly while he continues pumping.

Pleasure rises in the girl rapidly until she becomes tense and lose total control of her body. She begins to roar with force and lust, her vagina begins releasing juice squirts that spatter the face of her mom.

Harriette half-closes an eye feeling pleased and surprised by the unexpected reaction of her daughter. The anal walls embraces with more force Little John's shaft.

The bear clenches his teeth and growls shooting spurts of thick semen in the rectum of the girl flooding it completely. Cum sprinkle everything and Kasandra feels it in the meantime she even shakes.

The orgasm controls her while Little John holds her and does not let her free until she finishes quivering, Harriette with care uses the hand to extract the bear's cock.

When that happens she sees as a continuous flow of white cream falls on the crotch of Little John from the dilated hole. Harriette smiles and gets up to come down from the bed and to start at to caress her daughter's body slowly moving her hands for her chest and stomach.

"Did you enjoyed?" Harriette asks looking at her daughter. She nods weakly while she feels that her entrails get shallow of semen.

"I will teach you something more to pleasing our lord and from now on we will have fun being alone." Harriette says smiling smoothly and looking at her daughter. The girl nods with more enthusiasm.

Harriette bends over and she nuzzles her girl, the mother and her daughter purr smoothly while Little John looks at them content and while he still caress the breasts with calm and softness.

Skippy with calm walks trying stepping on nothing that can break or creaking and attracting not desired attention. Some moments ago he had crossed with Little John and that worried him a little.

Somebody else could see it, so he speeds up a little before getting to the door that he looks for. It is the door of the bedroom of the parents of Little John, the boy swallows hard expecting that he does not mess up everything tonight.

He had finally gotten the permission of both to act of a more direct way with Faith and it is something that he will make. But Skippy feels a little insecure, sex is no problem with the experience that it has, he just expects not get nervous.

With care Skippy gives two soft and weak knocks to the door and waits a little. Some steps are heard before the door opened lightly, from within Lowell does him a friendly face before opening the door enough and to allow him entering in the bedroom.

Skippy nods and gets in the room of the two bears, the door closes behind him. The boy sees that Leanna is perched right of the bed while she does him a friendly facial expression.

Lowell's friendly and strong pat pushes him forward with some force that almost topples him. The bear behind him smiles at him smoothly before pushing him toward the bed.

Few seconds later Skippy is standing in front of Leanna. The woman laughs impishly some moments. She is wearing a light green nightgown that covers her, her breasts project out lightly giving an idea of their size.

"Calm down kid, we do not use to eat rabbits." Leanna says seeing that the boy is nervous and fearful. She had heard that the boy to this age is as good in bed.

"Come on kid, you cannot stay there all night long." Lowell says smiling and beginning to get undressed with a good temper of enjoying the night.

Leanna does not stay quiet and she also takes off what she is wearing, Skippy's eyes open completely when he sees Little John's mother naked.

Skippy takes notice of the ample breasts of Leanna, they are bigger than the tits of his mom, certainly for the difference of species. A bear is bigger than a rabbit in a lot of aspects.

The rabbit gets startled when he feels that Lowell catches his clothes and begins to pull them to take them off. Leanna smiles seeing that her husband undresses the boy rapidly.

In some minutes after Skippy is naked in front of Leanna. She looks at him and smiles in a friendly way, and stretches her hand to catch him and to pull its bed. Skippy gives two steps with the purpose of later climbing on the bed.

Leanna leans backwards in bed while Skippy looks at her with complete attention.

"Go for her boy... you do not have to feel ashamed, we know that all women here enjoy your company some nights." Leanna says looking at Skippy with a smile.

Skippy gets startled when he feels a lightly strong and friendly squeeze on his left-hand shoulder.

Lowell sees him doing a friendly face.

Leanna laughs and moans when Skippy positions himself on her to begin to suck her right nipple with pleasure. Leanna enjoys feeling as the boy stimulates her tit.

He with a great skill bites and he pulls her hard nipple, Skippy's other hand takes the left breast to stimulate it. It is bigger than his hand and feels incredible like the tits of Marian.

Leanna lays her hand on the crotch of Skippy and she begins to caress it slowly, she smiles smoothly feeling the balls of the young rabbit. They are little compared with the ones of her husband or her son.

Skippy closes his eyes and moans smoothly while he feels as the hand moves and takes his sheath to begin to caresses it, Leanna sees Lowell with a smile, his husband smiles while he stimulates his member slowly.

Lowell moves his hand slowly in his growing member, he hopes that the boy be as tight as his sister. Skippy gasps when his penis slides outside and Leanna takes it.

She sits and moves her hand on the hard meat of the boy, its form way is unlike what she had seen before. He does not have a visible knot or something similar, the bear closes her hand around the erection to begin to masturbate Skippy.

He moans and pants feeling the motion of the hand of Leanna that move around his shaft.

Skippy feels as a drop of precum goes out by the opening of his penis.

Skippy shakes when Leanna's right forefinger picks up the drop, she takes her finger to her mouth.

"Delicious." Leanna says looking at her husband a moment. Skippy resumes the sucking of the tit of the woman. Lowell gets on the bed to position himself next to Leanna and joining efforts with Skippy beginning to suck other tit.

Skippy takes his hand off the left tit. Leanna moans and pants with pleasure feeling the two mouths on her breasts, she closes her eyes and can come back to life that night in which Little John fucked her without that she knew it.

Lowell bites Leanna's nipple with pleasure, he sees as the boy takes care of the right breast of his wife with great pleasure and ability. The bear stops the sucking and looks at his wife.

She opens her eyes to see him and to smile smoothly she lays her hands on the head of Skippy and pushes it down with calm. The boy says absolutely nothing releasing the female bear's nipple and taking down his body.

Leanna opens her legs in order that Skippy places himself between them, the boy sees the vulva of the woman surrounded of short brown fur. Skippy leans forward to spread the pink lips using his fingers.

Lowell sees that his wife moans with pleasure at the moment that she closes her eyes.

She feels as the tongue of Skippy moves in its slit. Skippy perceives the taste of the juice of the bear, the taste is much more intense than the juices of his mother or sister.

Leanna moans with pleasure feeling as the tongue of Skippy moves slowly, the bear growls of pleasure when her clitoris is licked and hit for the tongue tip of the boy.

"Does he do it well?" Lowell asks while he kneads his wife's right tit with a hand.

"Mmm very well for a boy of his age... Marian and the other ones instructed him very well." Leanna says moaning. She gasps when the boy's tongue penetrates into her inside.

Leanna's vaginal walls catch Skippy's tongue, he closes his eyes to concentrate on what he makes. The woman's moans come to the ears of Skippy, he moves his tongue inside the female.

The boy places his forefinger on the clitoris of Leanna and he presses it lightly moving in different directions. The female bear moans and growls of pleasure, Lowell gets surprised a little and he sees content her wife's reaction.

Lowell moves a little to see with more clarity what Skippy does, he sees that the tongue of Skippy moves between the vaginal lips of Leanna in the meantime his fingers still caress the rosy point.

Skippy pushes his tongue in the vagina of Leanna, she moans of pleasure while her hands squeezes her tits with pleasure. Skippy's tongue caresses her vaginal walls.

She feels that her pleasure becomes more assured rapidly, Skippy twists her clitoris once and Leanna cannot resist more. The bear growls and a juice squirt hits Skippy's face surprising him.

Lowell laughs smoothly seeing that the boy closes his eyes when the juice falls in them.

Skippy opens his mouth and he tastes it for some moments until the last squirt soaks his face.

"You made her come fast." Lowell says giving some pats to Skippy's shoulder.

He cleans her face for some moments while Lowell laughs softly, the rabbit gets surprised when Leanna catches him for the arms and she leans him rapidly in bed.

Skippy looks at the woman with surprise, she makes a funny grin and she licks her mouth slowly.

"Well, now let's see what you have." Leanna says before positioning herself between the legs of Skippy and beginning to lick the boy's erection slowly.

A groan of pleasure gets out of Skippy's mouth when the tongue moves from the base of his penis to the tip, Leanna savors the boy's young meat, his tongue whirls in the tip cleaning each drop off precum that sprouts by the opening.

The penis is unlike what she had thought, but in spite of his size and form, she knows that it will be fun.

Skippy moans with pleasure, he sees at his right side and sees as Lowell looks the action content, the young rabbit sees the erection between the legs of the bear. It is as big as Little John's member.

Some precum drips from the opening hanging on a long and thick drop, Lowell sees that the boy looks at his crotch and he makes a friendly gesture.

"Do you mind?" Lowell asks shaking his penis a little and looking at Skippy. He nods with enthusiasm, the bear moves a little for to come closer to Skippy enough.

Lowell with calm positions himself on Skippy without sitting completely on the chest of the boy. His weight would kill Skippy, if he made it.

Skippy looks at the swollen cock that is in front of his face.

"My son says that you are as able as your sister." Lowell says winking an eye the boy. He nods with enthusiasm and opens his mouth to take the head of the penis in it.

Lowell moans with pleasure when Skippy begins to suck his member, the boy savors the different taste. His tongue covers the penis head with saliva and licking the precum that leaks.

The taste is lightly spicy than the precum of Little John, his tongue goes over the whole head of the penis with calm before opening his mouth and sucking it with calm.

Lowell moans with pleasure when Skippy's mouth closes around his shaft, he pushes his cock to insert more of it in the boy's mouth. Lowell moans and pants with pleasure feeling the sucking on his hard meat.

Skippy also moans quietly, he feels as the mouth of Leanna moves up and down on his hard meat, his balls are massaged by the hand of the female that squeezes them lightly.

Leanna enjoys the taste of the penis, its taste is different to the one of her son and Lowell besides it fits perfectly into her mouth. Her lips can touch the retracted sheath without problems.

The penis tip caresses the entrance of her throat while it shoots squirts of precum that Leanna savors with pleasure. She gets wet her right forefinger in saliva and introduces it under the body of Skippy.

He opens his eyes when the finger gets in his crack and tracks his hole to find it, the fingertip begins caressing that place achieving that Skippy moaned with more pleasure in the meantime Lowell's penis still is in his mouth.

Skippy takes the penis from his mouth and licks it completely beginning from the base to the tip, his tongue picks up more precum. Lowell moans and takes his penis to push it in the mouth of the boy again.

He begins to move his hips fucking Skippy's mouth with calm, the boy's lips form one o around his hard shaft. Lowell has a good time while he controls himself not to push with force and penetrating into the throat of the boy, in this angle it would be painful and he could hurt him.

Lowell stops to lean backwards on the bed and making a grimace he takes Skippy to roll him over and reclining him on his cheat between his legs. Skippy resumes his job of oral sex in the penis of the bear.

Skippy with care licks and sucks Lowell's balls the best that he can, they are big and weigh. Leanna catches Skippy's hips and raises it without difficulty to put again the boy on his knees.

She spreads Skippy's buttocks to see the pink hole. The bear licks her lips and she starts working.

Skippy shakes and moans when Leanna's snout gets between his buttocks and she begins licking his crack slowly, his tongue tip goes over his anus covering it with saliva.

Lowell laughs smoothly seeing that Skippy moans and shakes, he places his hand on the nape of the neck of the boy to push his head to his crotch. Skippy reassumes his licks.

He takes Lowell's penis and puts it into his mouth to suck it, Little John's father growls of pleasure and he looks with surprise and pleasure as the head of Skippy moves down more on his groin.

The bear feels as his member slides in the throat of the boy, the muscles around his shaft squeezes it with force and pleasure. Lowell drops his head on the bed and growls with pleasure while Skippy's nose touches his crotch fur.

Skippy's hand massages his two testicles while he moans softly by the licks of Leanna.

She pushes her tongue against the sphincter of the boy, pressure obliges to the hole to open.

Skippy's eyes open completely when the tongue of the bear penetrates into his anus, Leanna feels the squeeze of the anal walls while she moves her tongue in different directions getting wet the passage with saliva.

Leanna is sure that her husband would love pounding this ass, he had expected it all day long.

Skippy moans with pleasure while Lowell's penis Skippy throbs in his throat, after some moments he moves his head back and the hard and thick member keeps on leaving his mouth.

Lowell moans with pleasure in the meantime his penis again reappears completely wet in saliva. Just the head is in the mouth of Skippy, he licks it slowly in circles.

Leanna takes out her tongue and sees as the hole of Skippy is glistening with saliva, she leans backwards introducing her head between the legs of the boy, and he takes a breath when her penis enters again in the mouth of Leanna.

She again begins to suck and without warning she pushes a finger in the ass of Skippy, he moans and shakes with pleasure when the fingertip touches his prostate.

The woman caresses that point slowly using her finger and he moans with more force, Skippy hears that Lowell clears his throat. He sees that the bear moves his penis.

Skippy rapidly begins to suck it and Lowell moans with pleasure. Both males enjoy the moment just like Leanna that does not stop the motion of her finger in the hole of the boy.

After some minutes Skippy begins to moan and he pushes his groin against the face of Leanna. She feels as the semen sprinkle her tongue.

Skippy has his closed eyes while he ejaculates in the mouth of the bear. Leanna sucks the cock until the young seed runs out, the taste is pleasure for her and she begins to give him oral sex.

The boy moans before placing Lowell's penis in his mouth and beginning a most forceful sucking on the hard cock of the bear. The pleasure of the father of Little John increases rapidly by the effort of Skippy.

"¡Here it comes kiddo!!" Lowell says growling and pushes his penis that explodes in the mouth of Skippy. The rabbit's mouth fills up rapidly and his cheeks swell up by the amount of seed that sprouts by the penis of Lowell.

He growls while he has his closed eyes, Skippy drinks his semen rapidly while he perceives his hot and different taste to the one of Little John. Semen runs out after some moments and Lowell lets himself fall in bed breathing with force.

The bear raises his head and he laughs seeing that Skippy's cheeks are swollen while he looks at him. It is a funny sight, Skippy swallows what's left of the seed of the bear.

"You are as Good as your sister with your mouth." Lowell says looking at Skippy and smiling smoothly.

"I agree." Leanna says from below Skippy. He moans when the woman again caresses his gland.

Lowell crawls away with calm while Skippy moans and he does not move. His penis again hardens and the precum is dripping from the tip. A couple of minutes after Leanna stops to see that the boy's erection is completely hard and hanging between his legs.

Skippy moves and he sits in bed while he sees that Leanna looks at him with a soft and affectionate smile.

"Let's see as you use that pretty cock." Leanna says looking at the boy before leaning backwards with her head the pillow. The female bear opens her legs largely for Skippy.

He crawls and he positions himself between the legs of Leanna, she laughs seeing that the boy's erection rocks lightly on the air. Now she was going to see, if what Marian told her was true.

Skippy places his penis tip between the swollen vaginal lips of Leanna and he pushes it.

He moans of pleasure when his member sinks in the hot and soft pink passage.

Leanna closes her eyes, Skippy's penis slips without difficulty in her vagina until the base touches her slit. The member does not arrive very deep neither it is very thick, but he feels good.

Skippy begins to move slowly and to moan with pleasure, a vagina around his cock always feels very well. His penis enters and appears from Leanna's inside to a constant rhythm.

She moans smoothly and has a good time, it is a pleasant sensation in addition to exciting because she knows that a boy is her sexual partner of the night.

Just she had had such a young lover in her life, that he was her son when he was a cub like Skippy. She had enjoyed his penis, and after still more when he found out about truth.

"Incredible?" Lowell asks looking at his wife.

"Yess... he moves well for his age." Leanna responds moaning. She gasps when Skippy's mouth takes her left nipple to suck it. Skippy pumps controlling himself not to take too much out his penis in order that it slips outside.

He refuses to pass like a fool in front of the parents of Faith. Skippy stops suddenly when Lowell's hands rest on his buttocks.

The bear spreads his two white cheeks and he delights in the vision of the hole closed of Skippy. He does not move while he sees that Lowell takes a bottle of the bedside table that is near.

Without difficulty Lowell takes the cork off the bottle and spills oil in the crack of Skippy.

He gasps and shakes when the slippery and cold liquid pass over his sphincter.

Skippy feels as oil moves down between his cheeks and goes up to his balls getting them wet too. Lowell spills oil in his member and scatters it through his cock rendering special attention in the head.

He places the bottle on the bedside table again before getting comfortable, Skippy feels that the penis head touches his sphincter covering it completely.

"Well boy here I go, if I go fast just tell me." Lowell says smiling and giving two soft spanks to Skippy. He nods while he gets ready to receive Lowell's cock.

The bear holds with force the hips of Skippy and he begins to push, the boy closes his eyes moaning with bother by the pressure in his hole. Lowell is sure that he can fit in the boy because he achieved it with the sister of Skippy.

Skippy's hole begins to open and the head suddenly gets in, he grunts with pain in his anus. Lowell moans with relish when his penis enters in the ass of the boy.

The bear does not move and waits until the pain of Skippy pass, Skippy slowly gets accustomed and implies that now it is fine. Lowell pushes his hips slowly, he closes his eyes feeling as heat begins to surround his penis.

Skippy for his part feels that his entrails fill up with hard and thick meat that stretches his anal walls, it is a sensation to already he is used.

His eyes remain closed until the head touches the bottom of the anus of Skippy.

"Do it fit complete?" Leanna asks looking at Lowell.

"No everything, but I touched the bottom." Lowell says watching content to his wife.

Leanna smiles at him smoothly and Lowell begins to move to fuck the boy with pleasure, his pushes are slow to be able to enjoy complete the moment.

"Tight, so tight." Lowell growls feeling the squeeze of the anal walls of Skippy. He moans and pants with the closed eyes, his inside is caressed by the hard and thick shaft with each motion.

His penis rocks on the air releasing precum and Lowell's big balls hit their little balls. Skippy growls with each thrust just like the bear.

Both enjoy a couple of minutes until Leanna pulls Skippy to lay him on her and Lowell's penis slips outside. The female takes the boy's penis and she aims it at her vulva, the tip gets between her vaginal lips.

She places her hands on the ass of Skippy and he pushes it in order that he penetrates her again. She moans when the young member enters in moist cave again.

Skippy resumes his pushes and moans of pleasure, he moves up and down his hips without stopping. Leanna meanwhile uses her hands to spread Skippy's buttocks.

Lowell moves to position himself on Skippy, he stops when the penis head gets in his crack of the ass. The head tracks his hole to find it.

Lowell's strong push makes his penis sink in the rectum of the boy without problems to the bottom. Skippy moans when his anus fills up again, Lowell immediately begins his thrust marking the rhythm of the pushes of Skippy.

He moans of pleasure with each push, his penis is caressed by the vaginal walls of Leanna and the penis of the father of Little John stimulates his inside, the head hits the bottom repeatedly.

Leanna moans and sees her husband, he smiles at him and does a face without stopping to move. The boy's penis moves rapidly in her vagina, his juices cover it while she moans of pleasure.

Skippy opens his eyes when Leanna caresses the face softly with a hand.

"You look pretty moaning when you are being fucked." Leanna says smiling at Skippy. He for the first time at night blushes and he feels uncomfortable while his cheeks of the anus keep on shaking by the strong pushes of Lowell.

Lowell laughs making Skippy feels more ashamed, the bear increases velocity and force of his drives. He has a good time every time that his penis moves back and forth in the anal tight passage.

He had a few times had opportunity to fuck an as tight ass as the one of Skippy or his sister, but always is incredible. Leanna moans and caresses softly the boy's chest.

Using a hand she pushes Skippy's head to her breasts, he begins to suck her right tit while he moans with pleasure. The three moan of pleasure while the bed creaks strongly.

Lowell expects that it does not break, he did not want to have to invent an answer for Faith that certainly she would be the only one that would not have an idea of the reason of the accident of the bed.

Skippy pants and moans with more speed until he cannot resist more, his penis begins to release semen spurts that sprinkle Leanna's provinces. She gasps and growls when the maximum pleasure of the orgasm rockets in her body that becomes taut.

Her juices are secreted abundantly and dilute Skippy's seed completely. He pushes and the cheeks of their anus become taut increasing the squeeze of his entrails in the member of Lowell.

He pushes with force and growls bathing with thick semen Skippy's entrails, the boy feels as squirts splashes different parts of his rectum that gets fill rapidly by the abundant seed of Lowell.

The trio moans of pleasure in the meantime their bodies even they are connected.

Lowell's semen oozes from Skippy's inside a little, Leanna's juice gets wet the sector of the bedspread that is between the legs of the woman.

Leanna pants rapidly, she smiles smoothly seeing like Skippy is leant on her with her head between her tits in the meantime he also breathes with difficulty.

His husband smiles from ear to ear while the last semen spurts gets out of his penis, Lowell gets up and takes his penis out from the anus of Skippy. The bear makes a grin seeing as a thick white small brook of semen gets out of the hole stretched of Skippy to descend to his balls that get cover with seed too.

Skippy with calm moves to roll on one side and to fall backwards in bed while he pants rapidly while he sees the room roof.

"Kid you are great at this like any male of this house." Leanna says looking at the boy with a smile. Skippy smiles and he looks content by the comment.

"It will be better that you recover the breath soon, I need you to give double pleasure to my wife." Lowell says looking at Skippy while he sits in bed to get some rest and to take his second air.

"Come on Lowell, you also need rest." Leanna says looking at her husband and laughing smoothly. He smiles and says nothing more while he waits until his penis be ready.

Lowell gets out of the bed and takes a dressing gown that is in a clothes rack, he puts it on.

"I need to clean myself, I will return in a while." Lowell says looking at his wife, she. The bear heads toward the door and he opens it and next closing the door again when he gets out from the bedroom.

"Until Now you were doing well, Marian said that you were good in bed and I wanted to check it." Leanna says placing on her hand the crotch of Skippy to caress it smoothly.

"Do you want to check it in order that Faith did not get disappointed after?" Skippy asks while his respiration becomes normal.

"No just to enjoy it, I have not had no as young lover as you in a long time and I wanted to see, if I was truth than your enjoyed everything a lot and not just it was my son's tales in order that he gets not reprehend." Leanna says laughing impishly.

Skippy smiles soft and timidly a moment, he feels as the hand of the female caresses his balls and next he pays attention to his sheath. He feels like his penis again grows and it slides out of his sheath.

Leanna catches his cock and she caresses it, she looks content that Skippy moans and closes his eyes enjoying stimulation. After around five minutes the door again opens and Lowell enters in the bedroom.

He takes off his dressing gown leaving it falling in the floor and getting on the bed, Leanna licks her mouth seeing as the member of his husband rocks on the air. The bear releases Skippy's penis when Lowell jumps at her and he kisses her while he moves his hips.

The member's head goes into the vagina of Leanna, she moans, Lowell pushes his hips and penetrates her completely. The bear begins to move and fuck her with force for some moments before stopping.

Skippy gets surprised when the bear with a fast motion rolls over leaning backwards and to lay Leanna on him without that his member got out of his wife.

"Come on kid." Lowell says spanking the right gluteus of his wife with the purpose of later on separating the two cheeks using his hands. Skippy rapidly positions himself behind the couple and Leanna moans when Skippy begins to eat up his anus rapidly.

"The boy is anxious." Leanna says moaning with each lick on her posterior hole.

"Of course is the best hole of the world." Lowell responds spanking Leanna. She laughs and kisses Lowell without that Skippy stopped, her saliva makes the hole glisten lightly.

Skippy picks up the juice that he can scatter on his penis before placing himself in position aiming his member to the posterior hole. The tip touches the sphincter and the boy pushes with force.

His penis without difficulty slips in the ass of the female bear, she feels a light bother. Skippy's shaft does not compare with the one of his husband in thickness, he boy holds her buttocks of the woman and he begins his pushes.

He moans when his member rubs Leanna's anal walls, Lowell holds his wife to begin to move in the soft and hot vagina. Since his first time he had loved this vagina no matter time that pass.

His penis enters and goes out getting covered with juices, Leanna moans and closes down enjoying each thrust in his holes. She feels as the tip of the penis of Skippy gets between the cracks of his ass pressing them with force.

Lowell's thick member moves rapidly in her vagina arriving deeply in her.

Skippy's hands press the buttocks of the female while he holds and he pumps rapidly. His groin hits the two cheeks and the sphincter caresses his penis that enters and that goes out without stopping.

Skippy feels as the other penis moves in Leanna, her juices drip from the slit getting wet Lowell's balls. Her tits are pressed against the chest of Lowell and her erect and sensitive nipples are caressed by the fur of the bear with each push.

She moans and grunts of pleasure while he looks at her content. Lowell makes a grin seeing as the boy has his closed eyes without stopping.

The bear is sure when the moment comes, his daughter would enjoy a lot with Skippy.

He expects that she finds very interesting what Skippy has between the legs no matter the thickness.

The three moan and pant rapidly, the rhythm of the drives in Leanna increase until Lowell and Skippy feel that the walls around their members contract with force.

Leanna shakes feeling an orgasm that fills all her body and her husband suddenly growls ferociously. Lowell's member begins to release sperm squirts in the tight vagina doing Leanna's orgasm intenser and noisy.

Skippy pushes with force, the anal spasms drive him mad and he is unable to bear with more. His groan of pleasure adds to the other growling of pleasure at the moment of releasing seed in the rectum of Leanna.

She feels it and enjoys it like a spare pleasure in her orgasm. The moment of ecstasy finishes and slowly pleasure dissolves. Skippy breathes agitatedly at the same time that he extracts his cock.

His members gets out of the anal passage and he sees as a semen is dripping from there, Skippy sees as the semen of Lowell oozes of the vagina of Leanna running down along the cock.

"Dammm!" Lowell says opening his eyes with surprise when he feels that Skippy's tongue touches his penis and he licks it. Skippy licks the erection that is out of Leanna picking up semen.

The bear moves to one side and Lowell's penis leaks of her vagina. He growls when Skippy takes his shaft before beginning to suck it. Leanna sees with some surprise to the young rabbit.

She moves and introduces her head below the body of the boy, Skippy gasps at the moment that his penis enters in the mouth of Leanna. She with care sucks the boy's member.

He likes the taste of semen, Lowell moans and pants with pleasure. Skippy's mouth takes half of member and the boy moves her head slowly savoring the meat of the bear.

Lowell's shaft no longer loses size and grows again on the hot mouth of Skippy. Both males moan of pleasure for some minutes until Lowell takes out his penis from the mouth of Skippy.

The saliva drips from the hard cock of the bear. Leanna looks at Lowell and she does him a facial expression that makes Lowell open his eyes with some surprise before nodding and smiling.

"Well Skippy, I want you to enjoy Lowell's ass. It should be very good." Leanna says looking at Skippy that gets surprised. He sees that Lowell winks an eye before leaning upon of chest the bed.

Skippy with care and nervousness positions himself on the man.

"Your size is not problem. You can push all the way without worry." Lowell says laughing smoothly noticing that Skippy is a little nervous.

Skippy introduces his penis tip between the buttocks of Lowell and tracks the hole in the crack. The tip touches the sphincter after some seconds, Skippy pushes with determination and the bear's hole opens without problems.

The rabbit moans when his member is surrounded by the entrails of the man. He closes his eyes feeling as the member slides completely in his anus without touching bottom.

The shaft of Skippy just gets to half way in Lowell's ass, Skippy begins to move and pump his penis in the man. Pleasure makes the boy close his eyes and enjoy completely.

Lowell also enjoys the moment, he had not had a penis of that size in his hole in years, no since that time that allowed Little John pounded him in the camp.

The tip of the penis of Skippy presses his prostate on the way in achieving that he moaned of pleasure and his penis liberate more precum and his penis hardens more.

Skippy gets surprised feeling that Leanna's hands catches his hips and somewhat hard cold and touches his sphincter. Skippy moans with bother and pain when his hole is pressed.

He gasps feeling that the object enters in hiss anus touching his anal walls, the tip touches the bottom of his rectum and Skippy knows what it is. He feels as the tits of the woman press his back.

"Marian told me that I could use this with you." Leanna tells smoothly Skippy's ear before moving her hips. Skippy moans and feels that the toy begins to enter and getting out of his ass.

He resumes his pushes in Lowell that again moans. Leanna pumps slowly while he enjoys seeing boy moaning. She would have loved to see her boy enjoying this when he was younger.

Skippy pumps his penis to the rhythm of the pushes of Leanna, they are deep and slow.

Lowell's penis releases abundant precum that gets wet his stomach and the bed bedspread.

Leanna's rhythm slowly increases and she pants with pleasure feeling that the other half of the toy in her vagina moves. It is as big as his husband's penis and it fills him complete.

Her vaginal walls are stimulated lightly and in the correct place. Her nipples are caressed by the soft fur of the back of Skippy that does not stop.

He metal in his anus already had gotten warm and now the sensation is pleasurable, his gland is caressed with each motion of the woman that fucks him.

The double stimulation in his body feels incredible, his buttocks are hit constantly and with force. Lowell moves his ass in circles changing the angle of penetration and enjoying this pleasure.

His penis head rubs on the bedspread giving it an additional pleasure. Leanna closes her eyes and pushes with force, the toy head gets to touch the entrance of her cervix leading to another orgasm.

Leanna's pushes happens in the right time that the tip of the penis of Skippy presses Lowell's prostate. The spare pressure makes the bear growls and he begins to ejaculate.

His semen gets smeared in the fur of his stomach and the bed while his body becomes taut. The rectal walls squeeze Skippy's cock with force. He clenches his teeth and releases his seed in Lowell.

Skippy's spurts do not compare to Lowell's semen in quantity, but spatter the anal walls of the man that still growls. Skippy lets himself fall on Lowell while he breathes agitatedly and his member still is trapped in the anal passage of the father of Little John.

"The boy will be an eligible young man for Faith. Don't you believe it, Lowell?" Leanna says giving a resounding spank to Skippy's gluteus. He moans with pain and fatigue.

"And for us too." Lowell responds without moving and enjoying the last trails of pleasure.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

The training begins

The daylight enters in the bedroom of the boys, Arlen is the first to wake up and to growl when light touches his face. He changes position to be able to try sleep again. He tries to cover himself up a little to prevent that light gets directly to his...

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