Robin's depart

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#6 of Like a King tales

With the time close for Robin's depart, he and Marian decides organize a special dinner for the king and Little John.

One month later Robin and Marian are leaned on the bed, both are naked and breathing hard. Marian is leaned backwards on Robin's chest while she feels as the member of her husband throbs in her bottom.

His warm seed floods her posterior passage, Robin nuzzles his wife and he twists the nipples gently, he enjoys the form and firmness of the breasts of his wife.

His hands go down more and stop on Marian's stomach, he caresses it and in a few moments the hands of his wife join up them to caress tenderly this part.

But the tender moment ends abruptly when Marian opens her eyes and she moves fast to one side.

"¡Robin I have to...!" Marian says alarmed while she tries to get up quickly.

Robin quickly gets up and goes down the bed, both with difficulty get to the bathroom just in time.

They are still knotted, Robin cannot separate of Marian who takes a bucket of metal and she begins to throw up in its interior. Robin just can caress the back of his wife slowly.

They know that they wait for their cubs, Marian had been feeling a little sick. Robin had worried until she happily communicated to him that her pregnancy was a fact.

After a few moments Marian calms down and Robin passes a cloth to her in order that she can clean her mouth.

"Well this is new, I thought that it would ruin my desire to pound your ass." Robin says comically, he receives not very strong punch in the stomach from Marian.

"Ok... ok..." Robin says holding the waist of the female and beginning to pump his penis inside Marian.

"Here?" Marian asks closing its eyes and moan gently. She feels as Robin's penis moves inside her rectum.

"It is so good place like any other." Robin responds taking the tits of Marian and massaging them. His fingers twist the nipples of his wife, she grunts of pleasure.

"At least... let's go to the bedroom." Marian says moaning. She does not want to fuck here in such place.

Robin releases the nipples and he embraces her from behind placing his hands on her stomach.

They leave the bathroom while Marian feels like the swollen member of her husband moves in her entrails with each step. Robin enjoys it and in a few minutes later they are in their room.

Robin and Marian climb in bed, she rests on her elbows and knees while she raises her ass. Robin places his hands on Marian's buttocks before beginning to fuck the tight anal passage.

His semen moves around his penis, he closes his eyes while his hips move. Marian enjoys it and she moves her tail feeling as it forms an arch in the air and the tip occasionally caresses her ears.

Her breasts are squashed against the bed that rattles and rocks by the thrusts of the fox.

Marian loves the anal sex like the vaginal sex, a practice that many people had condemned completely and they feel sick talking about it.

The good girl that her parents raised already does not exist, just a female with desire and lust replaced her.

Robin presses and kneads the firm buttocks of while he pounds her hard, the panting and Marian's groans increase. The female sinks her face in the pillow she screams with pleasure when her orgasm again controls her body completely.

The penis of Robin Hood is squeezed strongly by the anal walls, the fox grunts and pushes his cock penis releasing another load of seed that is mixed by the present cum in the passage of his wife.

Marian pants while her body is tightened and her bottom fills with more seed of Robin.

None of them moves and Robin calmly moves to rest in his right side on the bed, Marian follow his movements to rest at his side.

His hands moves on the length and breadth of the body of Marian, she wails gently when Robin kneads her nipples and then he caresses her bottom gently.

They remain in silence while they cuddle together, Robin's knot decreases in size slowly.

After a pair of minutes, he begins to pull his penis out.

Marian grunts with a little of pain when her sphincter gets open and Robin's penis slides out. The vixen feels as a good quantity of semen leaks out of her bottom and slides on her buttock to the bed.

Her hole is still opened lightly when she turns round and kisses Robin in the mouth. Both close their eyes and share a passionate kiss that breaks after a few minutes.

"Mmm...Robin was thinking that when Little John comes in two days... we might make something interesting." Marian says looking at Robin.

"Interesting? Robin asks while he kneads the right breast of his wife gently.

"Maybe with the king too." Marian says looking at her husband. Robin's eyes open with surprise.

"We might invite them to a dinner, like a farewell for the king, celebrate too." Marian says placing her hand on her stomach to caress it gently.

"It is a good idea... Marian... I was thinking about to speak with Little John about you." Robin says looking at his wife. She looks at him with surprise and in silence to listen to what he will say.

"As I will not be here... it worries me that you stay alone. I want to ask to Little John that he takes you with him to his place. In this way I will be able to be sure that you are in good hands." Robin says looking at Marian at the eyes with entreaty hoping that she accepts.

"I... think that it would be good... I need a good cock." She says smiling gently to Robin.

He smiles content and he nuzzles his wife tenderly.

For the midafternoon of the next day Robin again is stopped in front of to the main door of throne hall of the castle of the king. Robin sees the surroundings noticing the big number of soldiers and persons who hurry to walk to other parts of the castle.

The activity in the castle had increased since in a pair of days the king Richard would depart to the crusade taking provisions and more men to the war. The door is opened slowly and rattles.

Robin sees the interior of the hall, he begins to walk on the carpet going towards the center of the place where the throne of the king is. The fox sees that the sovereign is sitting while he inspects a big number of roles that the manservant holds in front of the lion.

For his face the king seems a little angry and tired. Prepare one expedition is not anything easy and of course he king has many things to do and be concerned.

Robin approaches the throne and the king with a hand arranges to the manservants that move of his way. A smile appears in the face of the lion when he sees as Robin kneels down in front of him.

"Your majesty." Robin says raising the look to see the lion.

"Robin, is good to see you." The king says standing up and walking a pair of steps to approach Robin, he gets up. The king smiling gives a friendly hug to the fox.

With his hand the king indicates to everyone that they let him and Robin alone for some moments.

"Well Robin, I hope that you are ready." King Richard says smiling and looking at Robin.

"Yes my king, everything is ready and arranged to go aboard." Robin says respectfully to the king. The lion nods content.

"My King, my wife and I wanted to invite you to a dinner tomorrow. She wants to wish him a good trip, Little John will be present too." Robin says looking at the sovereign.

"Great, I need to relax me a little. The situation here is to explode." The King Richard says while he feels glad to be able to escape of the pressure of the arrangements.

"Then we will be waiting for it my king, it will be after of the nightfall." Robin says with respect and very happily about the fact that the king can find some time to go at the dinner in the middle of all this.

"I will be there." The king says looking content at Robin. The lion grunts with a bit of annoyance when he sees as the assistants have a pile of roles and decrees to be signed in their hands.

Robin does a final reverence and says goodbye of the king before going out of the hall to go at the entrance of the castle.

On the following day Robin and Marian are in their home, it is almost the midday when both listen that someone knocks the main door. Robin and Marian look at each other with a smile in their faces.

Both go down to the yard and go towards the door, Robin opens it and suddenly he is in effusive and strong hug of his friend Little John. Marian laughs gently seeing as his husband struggles for air a few moments until Little John releases him.

"Also it makes me happy to see you." Robin says while he wails with a little of pain and he rubs his back.

"Hi Marian." Little John says smiling gently and looking at the vixen

"Hi Little John, we were waiting for you." Marian says smiling friendly.

"Come in." Robin says doing a friendly gesture to his friend and separating a little to allow him to enter in the house. The bear nods and walks in the house of his two friends.

"It is a beautiful home." Little John says seeing for the first time the house.

"It is small compared with yours." Robin says elbowing friendly.

"Well, the size does not matter, just how you feel in it." Little John says looking to the foxes couple. They nod convinced that this is a big truth.

"You came just on time, the lunch is almost ready." Marian says with a smile. Little John accompanies Marian and Robin to the interior of the house.

Robin and Little John sits down in the dining hall while Marian finishes preparing the lunch.

"Well Robin I suppose that you are almost ready." Little John says looking at Robin.

"Yes, everything is ready. The bad thing is that the trip will be in ship, it will be a lot of time before we get there." Robin says while he does an unpleasant gesture to his friend.

"I imagine it, I also would feel the same, if the king would not had assigned me another task..." Little John says while it sees Robin. He does a mocking gesture.

"I know it, but you do not like traveling in ship." Robin says doing a mimicry of being sick in the ship. Little John frowns a little because Robin did not forget the incident of the sailing ship when the parents of his friend invited him.

"The lunch is ready." Marian says going out of the kitchen. Robin and Little John sit down to the table and Marian serves the lunch. Little John and Robin likes the aroma. All of them talk while they eat, Robin and Marian finally can know are doing their friends in Nottingham and what happened there since their last visit.

After the lunch Little John he rests in the guests' room, the trip had exhausted him very much and he has a pending task along with Robin.

He and Marian also rest and relax in the patio. For midafternoon Little John and Robin walk along the streets of London. Robin notices that his friend looks at everything with interest, many years had passed since he was in London.

Little John looks the changes in the city with a lot of interest, Robin teaches him some new places that they have in their way. After approximately twenty minutes of walk they stop in front of the prison of the city.

The front as most of the buildings is made of stone with a big door of wide and high wood. It is guarded by two guards, they receive to Robin and Little John before one of them opens the main door.

Robin and Little John get in the place and listen to the voices of of the prisoners in their cells. Several guards walk in different directions, some of them drag the prisoners who refuse to walk.

Little John walks towards the central building, Robin follows him,a few minutes they get to the tower.

Two guards also are there, after a brief conversation with them they allow to Robin and Little John enter in the place. Both are received for a rhino that is sitting behind an office while he writes something in a pair of papers.

"In what can I help you?" the man asks stopping his writing and putting his attention in Robin and Little John.

"We have this order of the king." Robin says while he passes a sealed letter to the man. He breaks the stamp of wax that has the stamped emblem of the king, the rhino extracts the letter and reads a few moments.

"Uhmmm... I see." The man says looking at Robin and Little John. The rhino does a gesture to a guard. He is a leopard that approaches to the desk.

"Escort to this man to the cell 23." The chief of the prison says looking to the guard, he nods. Little John and Robin follow him when he gets in a corridor and it ends in a courtyard.

The three men cross it and come to another door. "Here behind the cell is 23, as the prisoner is of high importance, it is isolated of other prisoners." The guard says looking at Little John and Robin.

"I will wait for you here." The guard says looking at the two. Robin nods and he opens door to enter with Little John. When they enter, they listen some groans of pleasure that come from a nearby cell.

Robin and Little John look at each other confused before walk until the find the cell that they are looking for.

The eyes of both open with complete surprise seeing as Prince John clenches the teeth, he has the hands rested on the wall of the cell while the former sheriff fucks his ass.

The wolf pounds strongly with lustful in the bottom of the lion, Robin is surprised when he sees as mister Hiss is absorbing the member of Prince John while his long and flexible body is hanging between the legs of prince John and of the sheriff.

"Damm." Little John says scratching the head with surprise and confusion. He sees as the tail of the snake moves between the buttocks of the sheriff. For Robin and Little John it is obvious that the tail of Mister Hiss moves in the ass of the wolf.

"You two!" Prince John says realizing the presence of Little John and Robin. The lion runs to the bars and stretches his arms to try to reach the culprits of his fall in disgrace.

"For your fault... you will see..." The lion he says with annoyance, but when wolf penetrates him again he grunts of pain. The sheriff again begins to pump his penis in the ass of the lion.

"You will pay... when my brother goes away and I again have the power... you... will pay..." Prince John says wailing with pain when the wolf knots him one more time.

"Bad luck, but we come to inform you that King Richard has decided to put the crown under the protection of Little John and you will have to keep on your jail sentence that the king imposed on you." Robin says looking at Prince John.

The eyes of the lion are opened by surprise and he grunts when its anal walls are bathe with semen of the Sheriff, the lion squeezes the bars when he ejaculates inside the mouth of mister Hiss.

"It seems that you will have to make company to the Sheriff a little more." Little John says to the moment that the wolf begins to fuck the bottom of Prince John.

"You will pay... arhgg...I swear it!!" Prince John says grunting with real anger while he listens to the panting and grunts of the Sheriff.

Little John and Robin observe what happens a few minutes more before going out of this section of the jail and to accompany the guard who escorts them to the main entrance.

Robin and Little John go out to the street that is crowded at this time. They begin to walk back to Robin's house.

"I didn't see it coming." Little John says doing a mockery grimace. Of course the Sheriff could not resist to without being able to fuck a woman.

"Do we communicate it to the king?" Robin asks with a little of wickedness to his friend.

Little John laughs as Robin. Both take a couple of minutes to control themselves, slowly they calm down and the laugh becomes exhausted. Robin feels that his stomach hurts.

"I would like not saying it, but you know that it is part of our mission to report to king of the current situation of its brother." Little John responds looking at Robin.

He nods, although he would like leaving everything like this is, Robin must accomplishes the mission that the king gave him and Little John. The two walk peacefully while they talk.

Robin does not stop noticing how his friend looks with attention to some women that pass near, they smile gently and someone wink an eye on having noticed the attention of the bear in them.

A soft smile appears in Robin's face while he denies with the head. The two walk together along the streets of the city, Little John stops in one pair of shops Robin to see some articles that can be useful for his home.

Close to the nightfall Robin and Little John have a small competition of arch to spend the moment while Marian begins to work in the dinner.

She thinks about how to do a special meal so that the king enjoyed it, but she only he can wait for the best moment that will come after the dinner.

"Little John, I needed to ask you for a very big favor." Robin says while he takes an arrow and he aims it towards the center of a reveille that is hanging by one of the trees of the house.

"What it is?" Little John asks while he prepares himself to shoot his own arrow. The bear sees like Robin's arrow hits the center of the target.

"I would like that you take Marian to your home after I depart, an alone woman in a house it can be dangerous, even here in London." Robin says looking at his friend.

"You are right, I will do it with pleasure. To take care of Marian will not be any problem for me." Little John says doing a friendly gesture before shooting an arrow that sticks right in the tree.

Robin begins to laugh while Little John grunts gently with annoyance. He will not be a big archer like his friend, but at least his aim is decent.

Little John had distracted a little when he mentally considered sexual advantages of having to the vixen in his house. After the competition Robin and Little John rest a little before the arrival of King Richard.

When the sun emits its last beams of light, Marian is preparing the table. She puts everything in its place while Robin is in the wine cellar selecting the best wine that he has.

After a little bit, he meets his wife and Little John in the dinner room. He and his friend begin to light the torches that illuminate the house along with soft light of the moon that paints of a tenuous target the courtyard and the plants.

"He is here." Marian says when she listens that someone knocks the door. Robin hurries to come to the main door and to open it quickly. When he opens the door sees that the king is stand up of the house.

"Please my Lord." Robin says doing a respectful reverence to sovereign. The king laughs gently before walking in the house, Robin closes the door while the escort prepares itself to watch the house.

"Boy, you do not change." The king says laughing gently while he walks together to Robin.

"Pardon, but I must show you respect in front other men." Robin says looking at the king who nods gently. King Richard knows that it is true, he cannot permit that the friendship pass over the protocol either.

Robin and the King get in the house and the dinner room.

"My king." Little John says doing a reverence as Marian raises a little her skirt while she closes the eyes and kneels lightly.

"It is good to see you again, Little John." the king says while he smiles at the bear that also smiles content.

"Marian." The lion says approaching the vixen and embracing her. The breasts of the woman press the chest of the king, this is something that the king enjoys completely until the hug breaks.

"In one more moment it will be ready the dinner." Marian says smiling and returning to the kitchen. The Three men sit down to converse.

"Well, I want to know how it is doing my brother: How is he?" The king says looking at Little John and Robin.

"I think that the attention he receives is good and he is very well of health, my king." Little John says while it looks at the King who listens to him attentively.

"But with his company of cell it is other thing...well... the sheriff does not have...uhmmm...a way of satisfying his sexual desires more than with your brother... sir." Robin says with discomfort while he sees the king, he opens his eyes with surprise.

"We find the sheriff fucking your brother, my king." Robin clarifies with calm while he sees the lion.

Robin sees that apparently the king does not know what to do, if laugh or grunt of bother for some moments. Finally he caresses the chin slowly during half a minute before saying something.

"I guess that I will free my brother, but with custody. He did harm too many people, but nothing to be raped every day." The king says while he does a sigh of weariness and bother. After all he is his brother.

"I suppose that you know what means this." The king says looking at Little John.

"I must be careful with him." Little John says while he sees as the king nods slightly.

"But you must not worry for that very much, everyone here in England knows that now you are the protector of the crown, every noble rules on the territories under his charge and they must respond you in case that something very serious problem happened and affects the interests of our kingdom." The lion says looking at Little John.

"But to avoid any situation I will send more men to Nottingham. I doubt that my brother tries something because he knows that now his power is not sufficient in spite of his title, also the generals who were remaining here are loyal men and they had swear to the crown and its king." The king says looking at Robin and Little John.

Both nod while they see as Marian charges a tray with the dinner. The king it is the first one in sitting down to the table because he is the most important guest of the house.

Robin and the others sit down later and begin to have dinner, Marian serves wine to them.

With calm all of them eat and enjoy the dinner, they talk converse and laugh between pleasantries and comments about their lives.

King Richard discusses about his plans with Robin and Little John. He gives some details for the campaign and strategies that he considers to use. Robin and his friend agree in many plans of the King and give they also give some ideas that can be useful.

The lion like good sovereign listens attentive to any good suggestion that can improve the stratagems in the preparation for the combats that he will face in the war.

Although since it is common a plan hardly is fulfilled perfectly in a battle.

Slowly the chat and the dinner are finished, by the end they all are completely satiated and content.

"It will be better that you understand that this will be the last good meal that you will have in good time, Robin. In the campaigns it is hardly to fin a good meal and time." The king says caressing his stomach and looking at the fox.

Robin nods, he knows that he would miss very much the delightful meals of his wife during the crusade.

"Well in a moment I will serve the dessert." Marian says looking at the king and Little John.

"I do not know darling, perhaps I do not be able to finish it." The king says joking and looking to the vixen. She laughs gently.

"We guarantee to you that you would love it, my King." Marian says looking at the lion.

The King Richard nods and sees as Marian cleans the table and takes the tray to go to the kitchen again.

Robin sees as the king and his friend look at the shake of the bottom of his while she gets in the kitchen. Robin and the others wait for a pair of minutes until they listen that the vixen enters in the dinner again.

Robin laughs softly when the eyes of his guests open completely at the moment that they see that Marian enters completely naked charging a tray with four glasses of wine.

Little John covers with the look the great desirable body of the female, his member hardens quickly as the feline cock of the lion. The King Richard looks at his niece without stopping.

He wanted to fuck her again, but the unexpected presence of Little John made him to reconsider asking Robin for such a favor. Marian passes to each one a glass of wine to the guests while they even look at her.

Robin and Marian take their own glasses of wine.

"Marian and I think that you would like a little of fun tonight." Robin says while it looks at Little John and the king before standing up and approaching Marian who places the tray on the table while she smiles gently.

"In addition to giving important news." Robin says placing his free hand on Marian's stomach and looking at his friend and at the king. Marian smiles gently while she looks at both.

In a few moments Robin is squeezed in the effusive and almost suffocating hug of his friend who congratulates him. Marian laughs gently when Little John frees to her husband.

Robin takes air before the king is who asphyxiates him with a hug almost so strong like the one of Little John.

"Damm this news is great, a lot of congratulations to the two." The king Richard says looking at Marian and Little John. At least he would go away to the crusades with good news in his head.

The lion embraces Marian with happiness, the king had not waited that his niece was saying this grand news to him so soon. In his mind he thought that Robin would take some time before beginning with a family.

Marian closes her eyes when the hands of the sovereign squeezes her buttocks with gentleness. The king feels the heat and round form of two cheeks.

"My king, I also want to congratulate Marian." Little John says while he looks to king that breaks the hug and Marian with joy receives the hug of the best friend of his husband.

"I must foresee that Little John was who got you two in this." The king says seeing like the bear while it embraces Marian he puts his hand between the legs of Marian to caress the vulva of the vixen.

Robin nods and all of them make a toast to celebrate before Marian picks up the glasses of wine in the tray to put it on the table. Robin just the king begins to undress with rapidity while Marian moans when the middle finger of the hand of Little John enters in her vagina.

She feels how the finger moves in circles in his interior, Little John takes out his finger that is wetted in the juices of the vixen, the aroma of Marian's excitement comes to the nostril of three males.

Little John stops when the king clears his throat, the bear quickly takes off his clothes that are scattered in the floor. Marian sees three naked men with their cocks complete hard.

She with a smile places herself in front of the king and kneels down, she takes out his tongue to lick the balls of the lion slowly. Robin and Little John place themselves to her sides and the woman grabs the two members in her hands.

Robin closes his eyes feeling as the hand of his wife moves on his sensitive member, she comes to the knot and caresses it calmly.

Little John enjoys the caresses on his balls, they are squeezed and pulled gently before the vixen begins to masturbate him too. Marian enjoys to have so hard cocks in her hands.

She sees to the king and smiles gently opening her mouth, the king Richard gives a soft pleasure roar. The wet and warm mouth of his niece closes around his member.

"Oh dear, you know how to use your mouth very well." The king says grunting gently and looking at the vixen. Marian looks at him content and shakes her head slowly, the lips pass repeatedly on the barbs of the penis of the king and touch the thick base of the member.

The king trembles and enjoys this, Marian's saliva covers his cock, a few minutes later she opens her mouth and the member slips out, the saliva drips on Marian's breasts.

She turns her head to begin to lick the penis of Little John. He bear moans when Marian's tongue touches the head of his penis, she licks it completely and savors the precum that goes out by the opening.

It is a delightful flavor that reminds to her the first time that she took this hard member in her mouth during her bath in the river, the flavor had not changed at all.

"Mmmm that is!" Little John says moaning at the moment that the woman takes his masculinity in her mouth to begin to suck with pleasure. Marian shakes her head while she masturbates gently to Robin and the king.

The vixen pushes the member pushes in her mouth until her lips touch the base of penis, she feels how the shaft of the bear throbs in her gullet. Robin sees as his friend moans and grunts of pleasure due that Marian's throat works on the cock squeezing it.

Little John wails and sees that the king does a gesture to him, the bear moves backwards and he sees his dipping cock of saliva goes out from the mouth of Robin's wife. She cleans the mouth and turns to kneel down in front of her loved fox.

They look and Marian closes the eyes at the moment of beginning to lick the knot of her husband.

Robin closes the eyes and grunts gently the wet and rough tongue moves on his sensitive flesh, It slowly from the base towards the top. Marian enjoys the savor, her tongue reaches the top and she does soft licks there.

Robin's member rocks lightly in the air until enters in Marian's mouth.

She begins to suck and shake his head, her lips move of back and forward covering with more saliva the member. Robin enjoys the oral sex and he is startled when he feels a squeeze on his right shoulder.

"You are a lucky man having a wife as this one." King Richard says while he looks at Robin.

"Very true." Little John says giving a friendly and strong push to Robin.

The blow does that the fox pushes his hips and part of his member slides on Marian's throat. She holds the buttocks of her husband while she kept on sucking and drinking the precum that goes out shot of the shaft of Robin's penis.

Marian listens that the respiration of his loved dear fox hastens. Marian releases Robin's bottom and she moves back.

Robin moans and his member hangs between his legs while the saliva drips from it.

"My king you have the main honor." Marian says looking at King Richard and leaning backwards on the carpet to open her legs completely.

The king without waiting kneels down between Marian's legs, the vixen sees as the lion looks with desire at her vulva. He sees as the juice glistening gently, a pleasure groan escapes of Marian's mouth when she feels a lick on her clitoris.

The tongue of the king strikes her pink point again and the vixen wails of pleasure, she opens her eyes and sees that the hard cocks of Robin and Little John on her face point in deferent directions.

Marian takes the members and she masturbates them gently, her hands while she moans. Little John grunts when his penis gets in the mouth of the woman.

She sucks gently his swollen member without stopping the stimulation of the penis of her husband. Robin's precum falls down on Marian's forehead. King Richard uses his fingers to open the vaginal lips of his niece.

He smiles softly seeing the wet pink interior, the lion kneels down between Marian's legs and takes his penis. The vixen takes out the penis of Little John while she feels how the tip of the feline penis gets between her vaginal lips.

She wiggles her tongue on the head of the penis of the bear before putting the penis of her husband in her mouth and suck it. Robin closes his eyes to enjoy the oral sex.

Marian gives a drowned groan when the king pushes his member, his cock slides in Marian completely until the retracted sheath touches de vulva.

"Soft as always!" The king roars feeling as the warm and velvety interior of his nice surrounds his shaft. The lion with slow movements initiates the mating with the female.

Marian moans with grunts and moans while Robin's penis in her mouth, she feels how the barbs of the penis of the king stretch her vaginal walls with each push.

It is a unique and incredible sensation, Marian opens the mouth extensively to take the penis of Little John too. The bear grunts and feels how his member rubs with Robin's penis.

The precum of Robin and Little John fall down in Marian's tongue, her breasts rock back and forward. The king closes his mouth around the right nipple and sucks it with joy. His sharp teeth get stung in the tit of the vixen, the nipple is nibbled and pulled gently.

Marian closes her legs around the ass of the king who moves his tail with pleasure while he fucks the woman.

Marian sucks the cocks she is forced to release them when the king Richard holds her hands and pulls her towards him while he leans backwards on the carpet.

The king begins to pump his penis and Marian places her hands on the chest of the lion while she moans of pleasure. She feels how the tip of shaft penetrates lightly in her cervix while her body bounces.

She begins to move and ride the king who detains his pushes and leaves that Marian takes charge in the following minutes. The spurts of feline precum splashes the vaginal walls of Marian.

She enjoys it completely while Little John and Robin caress their cocks observing how Marian moans and pants. The king takes Marian as the shoulders and pulls her towards him to lean her on his chest.

"Little John, fuck her ass." The king says looking with a smile at the bear. Little John nods and without waiting he gets behind Marian, the vixen moves its tail with content and she does a gesture to Robin.

He places himself in front of Marian and pushes his penis in the mouth of the female, her she begins to suck at the same time that the head of the penis of the friend of her husband touches her hole.

Little John begins to push his member pressing the tiny pink hole of the woman, the head begins to open the sphincter of Marian. She closes her eyes with pain at the moment that her ass is filled with hard meat completely.

The groin of Little John touches the buttocks of the vixen, Little John moans softly enjoying the tight anal passage. The hands of Little John take the hips and he begins to pound her.

The king again resumes his thrusts in Marian's pussy. She whimpers of pleasure, there are two members in her body and she enjoys completely. Marian suck with love the penis of its husband, he enjoys its savor.

The precum trickles the entry of her throat continuously, she one feels content seeing as Robin has his closed eyes.

It was not for less, Robin listens the groans of other men while he receives a very good fellatio of his wife. She for this moment is incredible using her mouth.

The lips move on his hard shaft covering it with lukewarm and viscous saliva. Marian takes out the penis from her mouth and she begins to lick Robin's balls between groans.

Her tongue raises the white shaggy balls that are wetted in saliva before that the vixen pass to the knot and the shaft. The precum spurts fall on Marian's forehead.

Little John pushes enjoying each one, the head of his penis hits the bottom of the rectum of Marian, by the thin membrane that divides the tunnels the bear can feel the barbs of the penis of the king caressing his member.

Also the king has a good feeling due the other cock in his niece, the thick shaft of the bear increases the pressure on the wet vaginal walls that caress his member.

Three men enjoy completely the body of the vixen, but who enjoys much than everyone is Marian. Each of her holes is full with a piece of masculine and hard meat, they give her an incredible pleasure.

The king sees Little John and lion does a gesture to him, Little John nods and he increases the speed of his thrusts. The lion follows him and promptly Marian moans with more force feeling that both cocks enter and go out of her bodies with more force and speed.

Her juices become more abundant and she increases the force of the sucking on the penis of her husband. Robin pants fast, his pleasure increases quickly and his balls soon are ready to release seed.

Robin grunts and pushes his penis pressing his knot against the lips of wife, his cum begins to be shoot in Marian's mouth. She feels that her tongue gets covered with the thick and delightful material.

Two males in her are also ready. The king stops and roars strongly when his penis does eruption in Marian, she opens her eyes and her body trembles by the pleasure at the moment of her orgasm.

Her vaginal walls squeeze with more force the feline shaft, the barbs sticks in her sensitive meat and this increase her pleasure. Little John pushes strongly feeling the anal spasms of the vixen that moans while Robin's penis still in her mouth.

Little John clenches the teeth unloading his seed in the rectal passage covering the anal and filling the cracks. The quartet moans and grunts of pleasure for some moments more.

Robin pulls his penis out and he sits down on the carpet while he breathes fast seeing as her wife is still trapped between the bodies of the king and of his friend.

Little John takes air before he takes out his member of Marian's ass, she moans softly.

As soon as the head of the penis of the bear leaves her passage, a big cascade of white seed gushes from the open orifice.

The semen falls on the balls of the king.

"I am sorry my king." Little John says quickly seeing like the real balls are covered with his semen.

"There is no problem." The king says laughing while Marian gets up calmly and she stands up to do a soft reverence. The lion gets up and smiles when Marian kneels down in front of him and she begins to lick his balls slowly.

Robin pulls his penis out and he sits down on the carpet while he breathes fast seeing as her wife is still trapped between the bodies of the king and of his friend.

Little John takes air before he takes out his member of Marian's ass, she moans softly.

As soon as the head of the penis of the bear leaves her passage, a big cascade of white seed gushes from the open orifice.

The semen falls down on the balls of the king.

"I am sorry my king." Little John says quickly on having noticed like the real balls are covered with his semen.

"There is no problem." The king says laughing while Marian gets up calmly and she stands up to do a soft reverence. The lion gets up and smiles when Marian kneels down in front of him and begins to lick his balls slowly.

"Little John, the truth is that it helps." The king says while it does a smile.

"Well I want to take her pussy now, so I will go to clean myself a little." Little John says doing a grin to his friend, he nods. Robin sees as his friend gets out of the living room.

Robin moves and places himself next to his wife, he begins to lick the right testicle of the lion calmly. For the first time in a good time Robin perceives the flavor of the semen of his friend.

Marian feels content and with her husband, they take care of cleaning every track of semen until Little John returns to the living room completely hardly and ready to continue.

"Well... Who will take charge of your other guest?" The bear asks comically while he places his hands on his hips and wiggles his ass. His member rocks in the air.

Little John smiles gently when his friend crawls for placing himself ahead of him. Robin does a grin and winks an eye before beginning to lick the penis slowly.

The flavor pleases to Robin, Little John moans and closes his eyes. His friend slowly covers of saliva every part of his member while his right hand stimulates the balls.

The balls are heavy and warm, Robin calmly moves his tongue until it comes at the head of the penis of his friend. He licks the head and takes delight with the flavor of the precum that sprouts.

The mouth of the fox opens and he takes the member to suck it. Little John moans of pleasure for the good oral sex that he receives.

"Very well... dear" The king says grunting gently feeling as the tip of Marian's tongue zigzags between the barbs of his member touching them lightly achieving that the king quivers and groans.

Marian licks the base of the penis and then she holds the hard meat to aim at it to her mouth. The vixen closes her mouth around the tip and take the rest of the shaft.

Marian sucks slowly, the precum fall on his tongue. The two foxes shake their heads giving pleasure to their guests of the night. The king does one gesture to Little John smiling, the bear smiles while he sees as his friend licks the member content.

Robin is surprised when his friend holds him by the sides of his chest and the bear flicks over him to push the cock in his mouth. The fox feels how the whole erection enters in his mouth and throat.

His lips touch the base of the penis of his friend, Little John grunts of pleasure and he puts his snout between Robin's buttocks to begin to eat the posterior hole of the fox.

Robin moans with surprise and by the licks of Little John, Robin reassumes the sucking of the penis in his mouth. He feels how the big tongue moves in his crack without stopping.

"Marian dear... would you do the same for your king?" king Richard asks smiling at Marian.

The vixen takes the penis out from his mouth and smiles without stopping wiggling her tail.

She nods and places herself behind the king. Her hands touch the cheeks of the lion, and she spreads them carefully. The female licks her lips seeing the brown hole of the king one.

The lion trembles and grunts feeling the first lick on his hole, it is a slow lick that travels for all his crack.

Marian feels content seeing the effect of her tongue, she gives two soft kisses to the back of the balls of the king before dedicate herself to the task of eating up the real ass.

Robin moans while his saliva gushes abundantly from the balls of his friend. The thick shaft throbs in his throat that squeezes it strongly extracting more precum.

Little John whirls his tongue inside Robin's bottom without stopping wetting in saliva the passage.

The bear stops when Robin hits him in the thigh gently, Little John raises his friend and his member slips out of the mouth of the fox. Robin takes air and his friend places him on the carpet.

"I think that we must not do this anymore." Robin says shaking his head lightly for the pain that he feels. The blood had gone to the head completely.

He fox sees as the king moans while Marian eats his ass. Robin looks at the action with a smile, he takes his member to masturbate.

Marian has his snout between the cheeks of the lion, her tongue is squeezed by the sphincter strongly. Marian's hand caresses the big and heavy balls between the legs of the king.

"Mmmhmmm..." King Richard says grunting. The tongue moves in his rectum with slowness covering his anal walls with saliva. The tip gets into his cracks.

His cock is completely hard, the tip of the tongue presses his prostate occasionally.

Marian enjoys what it does while she sees like the tail of the lion moves in the air.

The pleasure of the king grows quickly until he pushes the head of Marian back and her tongue slides out of the posterior tunnel of the lion, Marian licks the mouth while the king turns round.

She sees as the feline shaft is completely hard and the precum drips from it.

"Now it is Little John's turn." King Richard says doing a grin to the woman. She nods and moves to get to place where the bear is waiting. Little John without doubting turns round and spreads his buttocks for the woman.

A pleasure croaking escapes of the mouth of the bear, the tip of the tongue of Marian moves in circles on his sphincter covering it completely in saliva.

Robin looks as his wife eats the ass of his friend until he king gives him a soft squeeze on his right shoulder. The fox turns round and sees that the penis of the most powerful man of the kingdom is in front of his face.

The king does not have to wait very much to feel Robin's mouth about around his cock, he sucks the member with slowness enjoying the different flavor. The moans of Little John and King Richard are listened along with the sound of sucking.

Both men look for each other content doing grins of complicity. Little John moves and Marian's tongue slips out of his bottom. The bear smiling takes the woman and places her on her knees and elbows.

Marian wiggles her ass for the friend of her husband. Little John smiles while he kneels down behind Marian. He takes his penis and aims at it to Marian's crotch, she feels how the head moves between her vaginal lips.

Her juice and the semen of the king cover the head of the penis, the vixen allows to escape one guttural pleasure groan when the big member of the bear penetrates in her vagina completely.

The penis slips in her pussy, the groin of the bear touches the cheeks of the woman. He holds Marian's hips at the moment of beginning to fuck slowly the soft passage of the woman.

The king calmly pushes Robin gently to place him on his elbows and knees in opposite direction to Marian. Robin does not resist when the hand of the lion seizes his tail and moves it.

Robin gives a pain howl when he feels a strong spank on the right cheek, the king spreads his buttocks and smiles on seeing hole in the middle of them.

Robin's anus has shown to be as good as the one of his wife previously.

The fox feels as the tip of the member gets between his buttocks and tracks his hole to find it some moments later, the tip begins to press Robin's sphincter with force.

The king growls with pleasure when his member's tip finally enters in the anal passage of Robin. He clenches his teeth by the sudden intrusion in his rectum, the barbs dive in his walls and they move while the feline cock keeps on entering slowly.

The thickness of the penis of the king Richard keeps on growing up until the lion's groin touches Robin's buttocks. He gives a groan of pain when the king gives him a resounding spank again.

"Little John, we must give to these two a good moment." The king says winking an eye to the bear. Little John nods and resumes his pushes in the hot pussy of the female.

Marian moans and closes her eyes enjoying the big erection in her tunnel of love, she feels as the head of the penis touches the entrance of her cervix. Little John is big and she likes that.

The vixen hears that her husband also moans with pleasure, she opens her eyes and sees as her husband grunts with closed eyes. The king pounds him with force and velocity worthy of an alpha male.

The king pumps with pleasure in the as of the male, his penis gets in and gets out without problems of the posterior hole of Robin. Each caress in his barbs makes him shudder with pleasure.

He presses with force cheeks of Robin nailing down his claws in them while his own ass moves back and forth and his tail moves on the air.

Robin growls with pleasure with each push, he loves to feel a hard member in his tunnel, the barbs dive lightly in his prostate and they move with each push of king.

Pleasure makes his member throb with force while it rocks on the air without control scattering precum on the floor of the living room. His balls are whammed by the big balls of the king.

Robin says absolutely nothing and sees as his wife and friend are doing it. He clearly sees that Little John is enjoying the cave of the love of his wife a lot.

Since he had been the cause of the whole change in his life, it did not bother Robin that Little John not only took care of Marian during the crusade but also that he keeps her satisfied.

She is a woman of a lot of desires and sexual impetus that is going to need almost daily fun. Robin thinks about nothing else when the pushes in his ass accelerate and pleasure increases.

Little John pumps with pleasure, his crotch gets wet with juice that comes from the wet and glistening pussy, his precum sprinkles Marian's vaginal walls. He releases the hips of the woman without stopping to pump.

The bears stretches his arms and catches Marian's breasts, she moans with more pleasure when his nipples are twisted by the fingers of the bear.

The sound of slapping meat is heard with force inside the living room, Robin and Marian moan and look at each other content while they enjoy experience.

Little John and the king Richard look at the other one and they do some facial expressions to come to an agreement, both increase the rhythm of pushes in the couple. Robin and Marian moan with more force and Marian places her mouth on the mouth of Robin.

She pushes her tongue that soon bumps into the tongue of Robin, both are kissing while her bodies rock lightly due the strong thrust of the other two males.

Robin feels that he is getting to his limit, his member throbs with more force and he grunts hard. His precum increases in great quantity, but the moment is the adequate because the king clenches his teeth and roars shooting seed in the ass of Robin.

The fox moans with pain feeling that the claws of the lion sink in his flesh with force, but his own pleasure overcomes the pain the moment that its balls release his seed.

Robin becomes tense while his penis shoots cum spurts that stain living room carpet and form a white puddle while the king does not forget to fill him with real seed.

Marian feels as her buttocks shake with each push, she pants and shrieks of pleasure when her body becomes taut and her juices cover Little John's erection.

The bear stops and pushes his penis with force, the first semen squirts hits the bottom Marian's vagina, and soon the successive shoots cover the vaginal walls.

The vixen clenches her fists while she whimpers with pleasure, her juices and Little John's semen mix before oozing from the vagina of the female and getting wet Little John's balls.

Nobody of four moves during a couple of minutes, Robin and Marian breathe agitatedly just like their two guests. Little John and the king Richard are content and smiling.

None of them expected this dinner. They just thought that it would be a delicious and quiet dinner, but this unexpected turn is not disagreeable for them.

Little John withdraws his cock from the pink grotto of the female without difficulty, his flaccid member goes out completely and hangs between his legs. The bear sits on the carpet and gives one sigh of fatigue while he sees that the king pulls his penis out.

Robin growls smoothly when the feline penis barbs stretch his sphincter before going out.

When the cock of the king slides outside, his seed drips from the hole of the fox.

The king spreads Robin's buttocks wide and smiles when seeing the dilated hole, Robin clenches his teeth and opens his eyes with surprise when receiving a spank in his left hand gluteus.

"Well boy as I see it, you are the only one that has not enjoyed your wife." The king says giving some pats to Robin's shoulder.

"That is true." Little John says doing a face to his friend and next to Marian. She nods and she cannot wait to fuck with her loved fox again.

"But I need to be hard again." Robin says looking at his wife and next his friend. He smiles and takes his flaccid penis to shake it for some moments.

"What can I make to help you?" Marian says looking at the three males.

"I leave in hands of the king the decision." Little John says looking at his friend that nods.

Both look at the lion that smiles smoothly and that moves his tail in the content air.

His penis even this erect and he can continue, but he would not let out to two of his men out of the fun.

"Well dear, I never saw a woman masturbating." The king says looking at the vixen with a smile of complicity. Marian gets surprised and she nods with some shame, but also excitation.

Marian sees surroundings to look for a good place, her look gets focus in the table and she heads toward it while the three men look at her attentively without stopping to examine her body.

The vixen cleans the table a little pushing aside the empty glasses of wine before climbing on top of the table and sitting on the edge. She smiles at Robin and leans backwards on the table before opening her legs wide.

Robin looks at her without stopping and he gets startled when he feels a hand on his right shoulder. The fox sees that his friend does him a grin before raising him and obliging to stand up.

Marian sees that the king comes closer and smiling he takes a chair to place it tightly in front of her crotch. She gets surprised a little and she blushes when Little John and Robin also take some chairs to place them at the sides of the king's chair between the open legs of Marian.

Both sit beside the lion. Marian closes her eyes and lays her right hand on her vulva to begin to rub her crotch of slow way. Little John sees with excitation as the vaginal lips move to the rhythm of the fingers of the vixen.

She pants smoothly and her respiration accelerates. Her fingers begin to rub her clitoris circularly, her juices begin to drip from her slit and its aroma gets to the three males' noses.

The king moves his whiskers with pleasure perceiving the woman's aroma, he loves it a lot and his cock gets a little harder. Robin at his side sees as the fingers of Marian enter in her vagina.

Marian moans of pleasure and moves her fingers in her slit, she uses her free hand to squeeze her tits and stimulate her nipples twisting them with force.

She growls and her body trembles, her juices soak the table surface.

Her audience does not get lost a single detail, the three males caress their penises without stopping to see her.

Marian's fingers moves inside and out of her vagina without stopping, they are completely wet in her juice. Robin looks absorbed to his wife just like the King and Little John.

Marian moans with more pleasure and her body begins to quiver and become tense while she growls gutturally of pleasure. The vixen rubs her clitoris without stopping vigorously.

The three males look with surprise as the body of Marian arches and the powerful juice squirts suddenly are shoot out while the vixen howls of pleasure.

The face of the king gets wet in juice just like the faces of Little John and Robin, the three males close their eyes by the rain of juice that lasts for some moments until they become exhausted.

"Great." The king says completely thrilled while Marian's juice is dripping from his whiskers. It is the first time that he saw a female masturbating in spite of having fucked many women in his life.

None of them denied nothing to him, but this was a petition that he hardly could ask for in spite of being the king.

"That was incredible." Little John says laughing and cleaning the face with an arm. He licks the mouth to savor Marian's juices. Robin at his side also licks his mouth while the delicious aroma of the slit and Marian gets to his nose.

The fox sees that his wife breathes agitatedly without moving, she permits that his legs hang at the edge of the table, Robin with care takes the ass of his wife to pull her toward him.

Marian gets surprised and she clings to Robin's neck while he charges her and without previous warning he kisses her. The vixen moves her tail on the air while she and Robin are kissing without paying attention to the king neither to Little John.

The lion places his right hand on Little John and does a friendly face, Little John nods and smiles also seeing the couple that breaks off the kiss after some moments.

Robin and Marian look at each other, the vixen smiles smoothly before her husband leans her backwards on the carpet. Marian opens her legs completely and looks at Robin suggestively.

He smiles and takes his penis to aim it at his wife's pink and glistening slit, the cock tip gets between the vaginal lips of Marian. Robin feels the heat that stems from the inside of the female.

Without waiting for more Robin pushes his cock and moans at the moment that Marian's hot velvety cave surrounds his member. Marian moans and closes her eyes feeling as the erection disappears in her body.

Robin's hard meat caresses her inside while it keeps on entering slowly until the knot touches her vulva. Robin feels the rests of semen of his friend and of the king still present in his wife.

He begins to move slowly in and out of Marian. She moans and closes her arms around Robin permitting that pleasure begins to dominate her senses.

Her tits rock lightly by the thrusts of Robin, he moves his ass and he closes his mouth around the right nipple of his wife to bite it and to suck it.

Marian's moans increase, Robin stops to feel that two big hands rest in his buttocks.

"Come on... Wouldn't t you let us out of the fun, would you?" Little John asks doing a face to his friend at the same time that he spreads the buttocks of the fox.

The bear sees Robin's posterior hole and he smiling accommodates his penis, the head touches Robin's sphincter. Robin moans with pain when his friend of a single push slides his member in him.

The shaft of the bear slips completely in his rectum filling it, Little John moans with pleasure. Marian sees that Robin deems the closed eyes by the pain of penetration.

She sees as the King Richard is standing next to them caressing his slowly. Marian looks at him and smiles smoothly. The king smiles and he kneels down next to Marian, she gives a lick on the air.

The king Richard gets surprised and smiling he gets comfortable sitting over the head of Marian, his thighs are in the sides of the head of Marian. She introduces her snout between the two cheeks the king and gives a complete lick to the crack.

The lion roars with pleasure feeling the tongue of the vixen pass on his sphincter that gets wet in saliva. The monarch's pleasure increases when Robin opens his mouth and takes the real cock.

Robin with a grin indicates Little John that is moment of continuing. The content bear begins to move his hips and to fuck his friend's anus rapidly and force.

The fox moans of pleasure each time and resumes his motions in his wife. She moans without stopping to move her tongue, the tip moves circularly on the brown hole of the lion.

Robin enjoys the moist passage of his wife, his penis enters and rushes out without stopping, and Little John is who puts the rhythm of his pushes. The fox loves to feel twice pleasure in his body.

The head of the penis of his friend hits the bottom of his rectum in each motion, his anal walls are caressed by the shaft in addition to his prostate. His buttocks shake with each hit of the groin of the bear.

Little John pumps with pleasure, Robin's ass is as good as the one of any woman, it is tight and hot. His heavy balls wham Robin's testicles.

The king for his part also enjoys the moment, he sees content as Robin sucks his cock with complete devotion and whim. The tongue of the fox touches his sensitive barbs making him shaking with pleasure.

Marian moans quietly while her hands separate the cheeks of the ass of her uncle. She feels each Robin's push, her vaginal walls secrete juices abundantly that drip from her slit.

The precum adds to her juices, she pushes his tongue against the sphincter of the king and in a few moments after the hole opens. She hears that the lion roars with pleasure.

The sphincter embraces her tongue with force, Marian moves her tongue the inside the passage of the king. He moans and growls with pleasure enjoying the talent of his niece to eat his anus.

The four members of the orgy moan and growl of pleasure, Little John does a strong thrust, Robin moans when his knot presses Marian's slit for some moments before this opened.

The vixen moans with relish at the moment that her husband knots her and he begins to fuck her with more force. She increases the motion of her tongue, the king moans noisily with pleasure.

Robin also increases his sucking to do a better oral sex that he gives the king, he sucks with more force the feline cock. His efforts make happy to the lion, Robin's moves his head much faster.

The fox pushes with force and he becomes tense, his penis shoots spurts of seed that sprinkle Marian's vaginal walls before mixing up with the rests of semen of his friend and the king.

Marian's body quivers for a new orgasm, she feels as cum oozes by her pink slit getting wet the living room carpet. Robin's entrails squeezes with force the shaft of Little John, the bear growls and pushes with force when releasing his cum in the anus of his friend.

The spurts of seed cover the anal walls of the fox completely, Robin feels it and continues sucking the cock of the king with force. His mouth suddenly fills up on the sticky substance that is released by the member.

The seed covers his teeth while he listens to the lion to roar with pleasure. Marian takes her tongue out when the anal walls squeeze with more force her tongue.

She licks the balls of the king for some moments before he moves before stretching her body. He roars contentedly feeling as blood arrives to each one of its muscles.

Robin moans when his friend withdraws his penis with a pull, he feels as the seed drips from his gaping hole and drips to cover his balls before being dripping to the floor.

"Now is my turn." Little John says pleasure and taking the place that the king occupied some moments before. The bear moves his penis in front of the face of Robin that shrugs his shoulders smiling and begins to suck his friend's cock.

Little John moans when Marian's hands separate his cheeks and his tongue begins to move on his hole. Robin gives a groan of pain when he feels a spank on his right gluteus.

The fox sees that the king Richard positions himself behind him exchanging place with Little John. A few moments after the lion penetrates him with a strong push and it begins to fuck him with force.

For the next night Marian and Robin have their last dinner with Little John accompanying them. They enjoy the moment in spite of the fact that there is some worry by the departure of Robin.

Marian tries not to look worried in spite of the fact that he knows that her loved fox would be in conditions of risk, but also she feels a little pleased by the promise that the king made to her.

Robin also feels restless, going to war is not something of which he may not feel excited.

He in his youth only had taken part in one battle, but from a safe position shooting arrows at the enemies.

He knows that he had wounded or killed many men because his marksmanship is very precise and in that occasion failing was not an option because a lot of lives of friends and known people were at risk.

At the end of the dinner, the three sit down to have a drink of wine and to chat in front of the fire during a couple of hours. Marian laughs smoothly when seeing that Little John yawns and scratches his neck a moment.

"I think that it is moment of going to sleep, tomorrow is an important day." Robin says looking at his friend that nods and yawns again.

Marian agrees too and the three say goodnight before heading toward their bedrooms.

Marian walks in front of Robin, she feels restless and sad thinking that in a couple of hours more Robin would depart.

She places her hands on her stomach feeling worried with the possibility of becoming a widow with a son that never would know her father. Robin at her side also feels worried, but he shakes his head not to permit that those thoughts worry him.

Marian and Robin get to their bedroom where they enter side by side, Robin closes the door and sees that Marian is near by the bed while she begins to get undressed.

Robin sees that his wife takes off his head's kerchief and leaves it at the bedside table before placing her hand behind her head to untie her dress' knot.

She with calm permits that the dress slide to the floor. Marian gets startled when Robin embraces her from behind and catches her tits. The fox kneads the breasts twisting the nipples.

Marian closes her eyes and moans smoothly, she feels a soft kiss on the back of her neck, Robin's nose caresses moving his nose up and down on that part slowly.

"These will be what more I will miss." Robin says whispering in Marian's right ear.

"Mmmm I will miss this." Marian says placing her hand behind her body and catches Robin's crotch. She gives a squeeze to the balls and sheath of the fox.

Robin releases Marian's breasts and she turns over smiling smoothly, the woman's nudity makes his body tremble and his member swells inside his sheath.

She is very beautiful in front of her eyes not only for her incredible body. Marian smiling begins to undress Robin, he permits it without resisting to each motion of his wife.

In a few minutes he also is naked, Marian places her mouth on the mouth of Robin and both begin a French kiss. Robin holds her while he pushes his tongue in the mouth of Marian.

She responds the kiss without stopping to caress the white sheath in the crotch of Robin, the vixen feels as the member begins to harden and soon the tip slides out.

Robin moans to the first touch of the finger of Marian on his member, she moves his forefinger on the tip in circles. The precum that gets out of the opening gets his fingertip gets wet with precum.

The member slides outside and Robin moans when Marian's hand closes around his member. She feels its hardness and heat, her hand begins to move slowly up and down.

Robin moans softly feeling the pleasure of the manual stimulation of his wife. She enjoys completely caressing his penis, she moves down her hand to caress the knot.

She feels fascination for that mass of meat, in her mind Marian does not understand as she can take something like that in her body in every intimate moment with Robin.

Robin stops Marian's caresses, and he smiles on her smoothly. Marian gives a shriek of surprise when Robin picks her up from the floor charging her to the bed, just it is necessary two steps to arrive there.

He leans Marian in bed and next he climbs on her while his member rocks lightly. Robin positions himself on Marian and she smiles on him smoothly before kissing him on the mouth for some moments.

Robin sees that she moves his forefinger in circle, he turns over and open his legs completely just like Marian to be in sixty nine position. She licks her mouth seeing Robin's penis and his balls hanging over her head.

Marian moans when he feels a lick on her vulva, Robin passes his tongue over the pink slit and Marian's glistening slit. She takes out her tongue and begins to lick his member from the bottom to the top.

Robin moans smoothly, Marian's tongue moves on the tip even almost getting to his knot.

The vixen enjoys the taste of the hard meat, she opens her mouth before closing it around the tip.

A drop of precum falls on its tongue. Robin's tongue hits Marian's clitoris slowly. She shakes with pleasure and her juices gushes out from her pussy, she sucks with more eagerness her husband's penis.

Her left hand takes Robin's balls and he massages them with care and pleasure. She moans softly, her husband's tongue moves between her vaginal lips slowly.

Robin enjoys the taste, he takes down his hips and growls smoothly. His shaft is disappearing in the mouth of Marian slowly rubbing on the teeth of the vixen that feels as the knot touches her lips.

She sucks the member slowly, Robin's precum slides right into her throat. Robin moans and growls, he closes his eyes and he pushes his tongue in the vagina of his wife.

Juices surround it completely, he tastes them while he tries to push his tongue the most deep that he can in the vixen. The vaginal walls squeeze with force.

Marian moans with pleasure, the tongue zigzags in her cave of love. His nose is between Robin's two cheeks, she feels the aroma of the posterior hole.

With calm Marian takes the penis out from his mouth and he licks it completely, his tongue passes over the knot and raises the two white balls before getting in the crack of the fox.

Robin growls of pleasure when Marian's tongue begins to move on his anus, the motion is slow and circular. Robin's penis is between the breasts of Marian releasing spurts of precum that fall on the stomach of the vixen.

Robin feels that Marian's juices increase. He stops his tongue and takes it out before moving. The licks in his crack stop and Marian pushes him to one side. Robin moves with calm.

He sees that she turns over positioning herself on her elbows and knees.

"I want you in my ass." She says moving her ass and tail for Robin.

"I want your pussy." Robin says positioning himself behind Marian and introducing his hand between the thighs of his wife. She moans when two fingers enter in her vagina.

Robin's two fingers are squeezed with force while they get wet in warm juices.

"You can have both, but in first place it must be my ass." Marian says moaning of pleasure and moving her ass. Robin takes his fingers out and he spreads the two round cheeks.

He licks his mouth seeing the brown hole in middle of them, it is little and closed.

Marian growls of pleasure when Robin's snout gets in her crack. The fox begins to lick the hole rapidly, his tongue passes on that place again and again making shaking to the vixen.

The saliva covers Marian's sphincter completely, the tip begins to move circularly on the anus. Marian embraces the pillow and closes her eyes.

Her hole begins to be pressed by the tip, Robin pushes with force until he manages to pass by. He listens to his wife's growl of pleasure.

Marian moans feeling as the tongue of Robin moves in her rectum covering it with saliva, she pushes her ass against the face of Robin while her tail moves on the air rapidly.

Robin puts two fingers into the vagina of Marian while he continues eating the hole with pleasure. The sphincter presses his tongue with force, but that does not make impossible to move it with freedom in the anal passage.

The saliva pours from the crack in the meantime he moves his fingers in the vagina of Marian, she moans for the double pleasure in her two tunnels. Robin feels as the vaginal walls release more juices.

He takes out his fingers and caresses the clitoris, his wife shakes with pleasure feeling that pleasure increases suddenly. Robin takes out his tongue without stopping the stimulation of the rosy point.

The fox smiles seeing that his wife moves her ass, he releases Marian's clitoris and takes his penis to rub it on the wet vulva. The juices that drip cover the swollen member.

Robin moves his penis introducing the tip between the two cheeks before the tip touches the closed and wet sphincter. Marian feels that her hole begins to be forced to open with force.

She relaxes and opens her mouth with pain when the tip passes through her sphincter getting in her ass. Robin stops when the tip is in, he closes his eyes enjoying the internal heat.

Robin presses Marian's buttocks and pushes with calm, his erection keeps on sliding in Marian slowly. The anal walls stretch around the shaft.

Marian pants while her anal passage receives Robin's member, the precum that leaks helps in penetration. The knot touches the buttocks of the vixen some moments after.

Robin holds Marian's hips with firmness and he begins to fuck her, both moan with pleasure. Robin's pushes are slow and deep, Marian's rectum wraps his cock to perfection stimulating it.

Marian moans with each thrust, her breasts rock in the air. She feels as the balls of Robin hit her vulva repeatedly, the two testicles get wet with juice.

The hard shaft caresses her anal walls, it is sensation that the vixen enjoys no matter that Robin's penis has not same of thickness of the cock of the king or Little John.

Robin does not stop while he enjoys the tight passage, it is as good as Marian's vagina.

His penis tip touches the bottom of the rectum of the female, the pushes accelerate.

Robin's hands separate the two buttocks and he pushes his knot, Marian growls with pain when his hole opens to receive the knot. Robin sees as the sphincter surrounds his knot that disappears shortly afterwards.

Marian feels full in her ass, Robin holds his hips firmly and begins pumping savagely.

His penis moves and the knot stretches more the anal walls of Marian.

She moans with force while her pleasure grows rapidly, her juices drips from her vulva and gets the bed wet. She hugs the pillow with more force when her body becomes taut.

The vixen pushes her ass end against Robin the moment that juice squirts are shoot out with force from her vagina. Her orgasm is intense and his anal walls squeeze Robin's penis with force.

He growls and begins ejaculating inside the anal passage covering the walls with thick and warm semen. Marian's internal cracks fill up with the seed while she is immersed in her orgasm.

The pleasure of both slowly gets weak slowly until it dies out. Robin feels that his thighs are wet with juice of his wife.

Marian moans when Robin's hands take her breasts to caress them and to squeeze them smoothly. Robin loves the firmness of both tits, his fingers twist nipples smoothly while Marian moans with pleasure.

After some moments Robin stops and lets that Marian enjoys the orgasm. She pants heavily in the meantime her husband's penis even throbs with force in her ass.

With calm and care they lean upon their right side to wait that the knot loses its size.

Robin caresses Marian's body with affection while he kisses the neck tenderly.

The vixen enjoys the caresses that focus on her stomach, it is the place where grows the demonstration of the love that both feel one for the other one.

When the knot loses enough size, Robin pulls his penis out of the inside of Marian, she moans with bother when his hole opens and Robin's member slides outside.

Semen oozes of the hole and runs down on the buttock of Marian to get to the bed, Robin kisses in the neck Marian one more time before moving to go to the bathroom.

He gets out of his room and without modesty he walk toward the bathroom, when he comes closer he sees that Little John gets out of the bathroom. They look at each other moment and the bear makes winks at Robin.

Robin smiles and nods before his friend returns to his bedroom, the fox enters in the bathroom to clean and to wash his penis completely with the purpose of later on drying it before going back to his bedroom.

He arrives there after some minutes and enters in bed to crawl and get close to his wife that expects him. Marian smiles smoothly and she embraces him while both begin to kiss again.

Robin kneads his wife's tits while she stretches her hands for to stimulate the crotch of Robin. She with a hand caresses and give pulls to the sheath while the other hand takes care of the white balls.

Robin's penis again reacts and gets out of the sheath to grow in the hands of Marian.

Both break off the kiss and Robin permits that his wife play with his member.

She moves hers hands up and down caressing each part giving a soft squeeze to the hard meat mainly in the knot of Robin. He moans smoothly until Marian stops and she opens her legs wide.

Robin with care reclines his penis on the swollen vulva, the tip gets inside between the vaginal lips. He pushes his cock that smoothly keeps on sinking in Marian.

She moans smoothly feeling that the member keeps on entering in the tunnel of love with calm. Both enjoying feeling until the knot touches Marian's vulva.

Robin places himself in position and Marian closes her legs around his body before he begins to move slowly. Marian moans with pleasure feeling as her sensible inside is caressed in each push of her loved fox's.

Robin's ass moves back and forth, as always Marian's vagina is soft and hot. The vaginal walls embrace his penis like a silk glove.

The bed creaks softly by the thrusts, Marian gasps when Robin's mouth closes around her right nipple and he begins to suck it with pleasure.

He nibbles smoothly and he pulls him with pleasure without stopping to move his ass, the sound of splashing is heard every time that the knot hits Marian's wet vulva.

She closes her arms around the neck of Robin, she moans of pleasure. The precum sprinkles her inside in different places every time that the penis enters and goes out of her vagina rapidly.

Her juices mixes in with the precum aiding lubrication. Robin moans and pushes his knot with force distending Marian's pink opening. She moans with pain when Robin knots her.

He begins to move more rapidly in Marian. She moans of pleasure feeling as all the penis moves in her vagina. She does not stop seeing him.

He has closed eyes while he pumps with force, the vixen licks the cheek of Robin that opens his eyes. Both look each other smiling content to share their bodies in this way.

Robin does a couple of pushes before to push with force and to growl ferociously shooting new semen spurts. Robin's seed hits the vaginal walls and unleashes the orgasm in the vixen.

She clings more to Robin and whimpers with pleasure while her body arches and her vagina releases much more juices that mix with Robin's semen. She lets herself fall in bed in the meantime her respiration is fast just like the one of Robin.

He pants feeling as the last semen spurt gets out of his penis, he opens his eyes and sees as Marian breathes agitatedly, he nuzzles her smoothly for some moments.

They look at each other at the eyes.

"Promise me that you will return." Marian says looking at Robin with a tear on her right eye.

"Of course that I will back, I promise to both." Robin responds wiping away Marian's tear with a finger and next placing his hand on the stomach of his wife to caress it slowly.

They share a kiss again that lasts for some moments before breaking it.

On the following day Robin opens his eyes and blinks while he moans with pleasure, he feels as his penis is surrounded by the heat of the mouth of Marian. He raises his head a bit to look as the vixen gives him oral pleasure.

She sucks with closed eyes without stopping, Robin says absolutely nothing not to interrupt her. The mouth moves up and down repeatedly until Robin cannot refrain more and pushes his hips releasing his seed in the mouth of Marian.

She feels as the delicious substance covers her tongue and teeth. Marian sucks and she swallows cum that slides to her stomach. When the shoot-out of semen stops she releases the cock that hits Robin's stomach.

"I just wanted a last drink before you left." Marian says looking at Robin and licking her lips. Robin nods and smiles thinking that it is a good awakening.

"It is time to get ready." Marian says looking at Robin.

Robin gets dressed and prepares to depart. He puts on his armor with help of Marian, when it is done she cannot avoid noticing that her husband looks very good-looking in his shining armor.

Around two hours later she, Robin and Little John are in the dock of the city where a great multitude had gotten together to say good bye to the men that would go to the crusade.

Little John helps Robin to load his belongings in the ship, when it is done, the king finally arrives to meet with Robin and his men. After a half-hour Robin and Marian are together to say good-bye.

"Do not forget it... you promised it." Marian says making an effort to not cry, but that is impossible for her.

"I always keep I promise." Robin says looking at his wife and kissing her smoothly on the mouth. She wipes away her tears to smile smoothly.

Crying is the last thing that she wishes that Robin remember from her. After separate Robin is again surround by the arms of his friend Little John's during an effusive and strong hug.

In this occasion the armor impedes that this hug gets asphyxiating. Little John releases Robin when the king comes closer and places a hand on the right shoulder of Robin.

"It is time to depart." The king Richard says looking at Robin, he nods.

"Dear... as I promised you, you should not worry about your husband. You will have him back very soon." The lion says smiling with a lot of confidence of being able to keep his promise.

"Thanks, my king." Marian says looking at the king content and making a curtsy lightly.

"Well Little John, now a difficult work awaits for you." The king says looking at the bear.

"I know it my king, but I will not disappoint you." Little John says looking at the monarch that nods and he is sure that the bear will try his best to do his duty.

The king with Robin and a part of men get in one of the many ships that are ready to depart. Men are bid farewell with emotion by the multitude while ships get out of the dock.

Marian waves her hand up high to say good-bye to Robin. He does the same thing in the stern of the ship just like some officers that say good bye to their loved ones.

Marian waves her hand until ships get out of view. She feels a great sadness in her heart and weep some tears when Robin's ship no longer is plainly visible.

Little John embraces her to comfort her before to climb on the cart and take Marian to his home. When they gets there, she begins preparing some belongings and clothes that she will use during your sojourn in the house of Little John.

On the following day too early in the morning, Marian closes the front door with a lock and climbs on the cart to sit beside Little John. Both begin their journey to Nottingham.

Robin, Little John, Marian, Lady Chuck, King Richard are © Disney

Tucker, Robert, Gray, Roger are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

The training begins

The daylight enters in the bedroom of the boys, Arlen is the first to wake up and to growl when light touches his face. He changes position to be able to try sleep again. He tries to cover himself up a little to prevent that light gets directly to his...

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