Routine and new discovery

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#1 of Changing lives

Lucky has everything that he wants, he has a Blaze at his side and his family is complete satisfied with the new relationship with the Family of Blaze, but Lucky finds out a new side of his dad when he sees a strange and interesting show with Anita.

This a story for my friend littedipper.

Just a pair weeks ago, the life in Dearly's farm had changed for the two families of dogs that now live there.

Jack and his family had lost their master by a heart disease. The man had always been very good with his German shepherd and his mate that together with their four pups had been one of his biggest treasures.

But in his desire in order that his pets lived well, he left their care and his fortune in the hands of Roger and Anita. This had brought bigger changes for the couple that now they should not fight to keep the canine members of their farm.

They are the more beneficiaries with the adoption of the other family of dogs that came to live permanently with them, bringing a new style of life for Pongo and his family.

A desire that Pongo had since he was raised by his family, a way to see things as his parents had taught him. But also the fact of his masculine lover was now at his reach and they could spend much time side by side.

His mate was aware of this and she does not show opposition to the relation that her husband has with the other male because she has her own relation with the mate of Jack.

Between both couples there was a mutually beneficial agreement that gave them a lot of moments of group pleasure. Besides the pups also had found new friends and developed feelings still deeper with the pups of Jack and Lucy.

The plump pup, Rolly now is the couple of Amanda and Cindy that did not stay away from the side of the Dalmatian pup. They saw much more in Rolly of what he himself knew or the other ones saw in him.

Kaleb for his side is very interested in Cadpig. The girl is charming and sweet in her way to be although her calm temperament hides a strong and reckless girl when she gets angry.

The new relations had fractured a little the group of the three Dalmatian pups that always were side by side involved in their antics and wanderings, now each one for its part spends more time with his or her couples.

In any other circumstance that would have hurt a lot to Lucky that always was inseparable with his brother Rolly and his sister Cadpig. But this also allows him to spend more time with Blaze.

Since they did meet, both developed mutual strong feelings that they could not be hidden for a long time until everything was exposed, something that made that the Dalmatian puppy's family looked for a change that all of them love completely.

Now he and Blaze walk in the farm without a fixed direction while both play and laugh between pushes.

"Did you know that Thunderbolt's new movie will be released soon?" Lucky asks while he sees his friend that walks on his right side.

Blaze nods while he moves his tail content just like his friend.

"It will be great, in this movie he fights against the howling dogs of hell." Blaze says giving a jump of emotion.

"Awesome." Lucky tries to say, but his friend rapidly stops him. He lays a toe on his lips while Lucky watches him a moment without understanding.

Lucky's eyes open completely and his ears rise more when he hears some growling of pleasure that come from a nearby place. Blaze does him a comic facial expression and with the head he aims towards a couple of trees that is near.

Lucky nods and moving his tail he goes after his friend. Both with calm and care use the grass to cover their movements and to crawl toward the place from where the moans of pleasure originate.

Blaze and Lucky move with calm and both can recognize very well those growls, their parents certainly are having fun. The two pups stop behind a rock and with a care they look over it.

Lucky sees without getting surprised a lot as his father is being fucked by the father of Blaze. Jack is pumping his cock in the ass of Pongo with force, Lucky opens his eyes with surprise seeing that his sister Pepper is below his father leant on a cut tree trunk.

She moans in the meantime his father's penis is embedded in her vagina, Pongo's penis enters and goes out to the rhythm of the pushes of Jack. Lucky sees as his sister clings to the trunk while he moans of pleasure.

From his position Lucky sees as the swollen cock of his father moves in and out the vagina of his sister, the pup sees as the balls of his dad rock on the air when they are hit by the testicles of Jack.

Blaze does not look surprised by the trio either, during the morning he had seen as his father looked for a moment of fun with some of the sisters of Lucky. It was not for less now that there are many pussies at his disposal in the farm.

Lucky puts his attention on the face of his father, he has his closed eyes while he moans with pleasure, and his father clenches his teeth when Jack's knot enters in him. Blaze's father expedites his thrusts and growls with more force just like Pongo and Pepper.

Pongo's balls rock with more violence and the ass of Pepper moves on the air while she growls and moans with pleasure. The trio suddenly stops, Blaze sees that his father pushes with all his force while he growls ferociously.

Lucky sees as semen begins to ooze from the inside of the vagina of his sister that moans and shakes with pleasure below his father. He does not move while he continues emptying his balls in his daughter.

Lucky's look again focuses on his father, both had not had fun lately and he misses it.

His father had been the first one that showed him as it is the pleasure of the sex in that opportunity in the canine camp where he did meet Blaze's family.

Besides from the beginning his father showed him complete support in his relation with Blaze in addition to keep his secret and to intermediate with his mother when she found out about the truth.

Lucky awakes from his thoughts when Blaze elbows Lucky and smiling he indicates his crotch to him. The Dalmatian pup sees below his body and he gets surprised seeing his completely erect cock.

He had not realized that his penis slipped out of his sheath. Blaze raises his posterior leg and shows his also erect penis.

"Come on." Blaze says smiling openly at Lucky. The German shepherd pup turns over and again he begins to move away from the place without being seen. Lucky follows him and moans smoothly when the grasses caress his penis when it pass over them.

Lucky feels as his precum is dripping from his penis leaving a white trail. Blaze takes him to a near place where there is an old shed in ruins. The wall woods are worn-out and the door is lightly loose.

Blaze feels as his member rocks on the air with each step. He gets to the door and opens it before entering. The pup turns over and sees as Lucky enters in the shed.

Lucky gets surprised when his friend kisses him unexpectedly in the mouth, he closes his eyes and responds the kiss. His two tongues fight one against the other one while the saliva falls to the dusty floor.

Lucky's tail moves rapidly showing the happiness that he feels at that moment. The Dalmatian pup breaks off the kiss and introduces his head below the body of Blaze, Lucky licks his mouth seeing his friend's cock.

Blaze moans when Lucky's tongue touches his meat. He licks the extension of the erection from the knot to the tip, the Dalmatian pup loves the taste of the member of his friend in addition to the precum.

It is a taste which he has gotten used completely, Lucky moans to when Blaze gives the favor back and he begins to give him oral pleasure. Blaze moves his tongue on the knot of Lucky slowly.

His tongue covers of saliva that part, Lucky moans and resumes his licks on the penis of the other pup. His saliva drips from the penis of Blaze, Lucky nuzzles it some moments before opening her mouth and taking the cock in it.

Blaze shakes and grunts of pleasure to feel that his member enters the hot mouth of his friend. The German shepherd pup pushes his hips and a part of his shaft slips in the throat of Lucky.

Lucky sucks while the spurts of precum cover the walls of his throat. Blaze moves his head smoothly while the sound of sucking is heard in the shed.

The Dalmatian pup enjoys every moment, the taste in his mouth is unique, and his friend's member is completely hard shooting precum. Blaze moans with pleasure before releasing Lucky's penis.

Lucky's eyes open with surprise and he moans softly when Blaze's tongue touches his anus. He has his snout below the tail of Lucky, his tongue moves circularly on posterior hole of the Dalmatian pup.

Blaze feels as his friend sucks with more eagerness his penis, Blaze moans and he does not forget to move his tongue on the anus of his friend. He pushes and his tongue penetrates inside Lucky.

Lucky moves his legs a little while his eyes are closed while he enjoys the stimulation of his friend in his posterior passage that gets cover with viscous and warm saliva.

Blaze moves his hips beginning to fuck his friend's mouth of slow and erratic way for the body posture of both. The two pups moans of pleasure and Blaze at one pull he takes his penis out from the mouth of Lucky.

He sees that his friend pants rapidly and smiles a moment before moving and positioning himself behind Lucky. He moves his tail with enthusiasm at the moment that his friend mounts him.

Blaze fastens his waist of Lucky and he moves his hips, Lucky feels as the tip of the member of his friend touches his balls before touching the sphincter after some moments.

Blaze pushes his penis and Lucky moans with some pain to feel the pressure in his hole.

He clenches his teeth when the tip penetrates into his hole, Blaze moans with pleasure when the internal heat of Lucky begins to surround his shaft.

Lucky feels as his penis releases little spurts of precum, Blaze's member slides in his body slowly. His body shakes when the tip rubs on his prostate lightly while the hard cock breaks in his posterior passage.

Blaze begins to pump his penis slowly. He moans and pants with pleasure just like Lucky.

The member caresses Lucky's anal walls in each motion, the precum sprinkles his rectum while Blaze pumps with pleasure.

The knot of the pup hits Lucky's posterior entrance repeatedly without stopping, Blaze enjoys the tight passage that wraps up his penis that enters and goes out. The German Shepard pup enjoys each push while his balls hit Lucky's balls.

Both friends make this once per day minimally, just like their parents and the rest of pups. Since that orgy in the barn, it was not unusual to look for a moment to have sex fun.

Their parents had caught them in more than an occasion and without a lot of trouble had let them continue. They only asked to do nothing of this close to the house in order that Roger and Anita did not see them.

Blaze growls and moans with a lot of pleasure while he fucks Lucky. His friend's anus is as good as the one of his sisters or his brother. Lucky moans and he listens the accelerated respiration of Blaze on him.

Blaze's pushes accelerate and Lucky growls with a known pain when his sphincter opens and it glides over the knot of Blaze. He his friend's member now is completely stuck in his passage.

Blaze takes no time to resume his thrust in Lucky. His friend's hot entrails surround his penis completely. Lucky's penis rocks on the air releasing spurts of precum while it hardens more at every moment.

Blaze's movements accelerate and he suddenly stops. The pup growls and pushes with force shooting semen in the anus of Lucky.

Lucky feels it, but he does not pay attention while his own cock throbs with force and some white squirts of seed are shoot out from the opening of penis hitting the floor covered with dust.

The Dalmatian pup moans while his climax fills him with pleasure just like the semen of Blaze. Lucky's anal walls squeezes with more force his friend's cock and a little more of the warm and sticky substantiates is deposited in his inside.

The two pups pant while they do not move. Lucky feels that his hind legs are stained with his semen.

"Is the place good, huh?" We need it because the good ones are occupied." Blaze says looking at Lucky.

Lucky nods because he knows that the main barn almost always is completely full of pups or there is not a lot of privacy.

His parents and the parents of Blaze use the trailer where they sleep at nights or also make it in living room of the house. Everything depends of their wishes, although Lucky knows that they prefer the trailer to avoid be seen by their masters.

"Thunderbolt's show is about to begin." Lucky says rapidly remembering that it almost is time for his favorite television show. Blaze gets surprised and both begin to pull in different directions while they growl of pain.

Lucky feels as his sphincter begins to open again and gliding over the knot of Blaze. The German shepherd pup does a final pull and his member slips out of the anus of Lucky.

He feels as the seed drips from his inside, Lucky sits and raising his hind leg he begins to clean up at the same time that his friend licks his penis completely.

The two pups rapidly finish their cleanliness and run towards the barn. Both arrive there after some minutes later. Lucky gets alarmed hearing that the show already had begun.

He and Blaze enter in the barn and fight to find a good place in front of television. They find a perfect place next to Rolly and Blaze's sisters, soon their barking of emotion join up to the one of the other pups there.

That night, Lucky gets out of the barn with calm. He does not make less than twenty minutes ago their parents had put them to sleep, but he desires something to drink.

Lucky goes out and closes the door with calm, he sees stars in the sky, and it is a cloudless night. The Dalmatian pup walks heading toward the hiccup hole, on his way he listens to the crickets and some owls.

His paws step on pasture on his way, in a few minutes he is standing in the waterside, Lucky takes down his head and he drinks cool water. His distorted reflection is seen on the water surface.

After drinking the water that he needs and feeling satisfied, Lucky walks back to the Barn, when it is at sight Lucky stops when he sees that the door opens slowly.

In a rapid movement he hides behind the trailer of the family of Blaze. Lucky with care moves to see what happens, he sees as his mother and Lucy get out of the barn with calm. They look back and say something smoothly before going out.

In a few moments the two females and start to walk, Lucky sees as a row of his brothers goes out behind them. Lucky can count twelve pups that go after the adult female dogs.

"It will be an orgy." Lucky thinks understanding that his mother and his lover had chosen some of his brothers to fuck them. That does not surprise Lucky for nothing, he like any of his brothers would not hesitate to fuck the adult females.

Lucky sees as the group goes away, he is about to get out of his hiding-place to go back to the barn when he sees that the door of the dog of the trailer moves and his father goes out.

Shortly afterwards Jack follows him, the pup sees as the swollen members of his father and Jack are completely erect and hanging below their bodies. Lucky looks at both cocks with open eyes and he licks his mouth.

Both look incredible with the soft light of the moon that illuminates them tenuously, their aroma gets to Lucky's nose.

"Let's move." Jack says moving the tail with enthusiasm and looking at Pongo. He nods and starts to walk next to Jack.

"Do you think that she will enjoy it?" Pongo asks while he moves slowly and his member rocks between his legs.

"Of course I have seen it in other opportunities, with what we have between the legs she I will howl like a bitch in heat." Jack says with a lot of conviction. He and Pongo walk chatting and their voices keep on disappearing while they walk away from Lucky.

"Of whom do they talk? Perhaps one of my sisters?" Lucky asks for himself raising an eyebrow.

He knows that it would be improbable that his parents join his mates in the orgy. As not nobody else goes out from the barn, Lucky does not know to who they refer the two dogs.

Lucky with care begins to follow them, he keeps to a prudent distance from them. He with calm follows them, the Dalmatian pup takes care of that his shade does not project farther and alert to his father and Jack.

The direction that the two dogs follows takes them directly home, Lucky frowns a little.

The pup sees that there is light getting out of a window.

He is confused while he sees that his father slides in the kitchen by the door of the dog and Jack follows him some moments later.

Lucky expects some moments before following them, he slides inside through the door of the dog. This kitchen is in darkness and some light seep in through the window forming squares of light in the floor.

The scarce light is not problem for Lucky, he sniffs a little and finds his father's aroma and Jack. The Dalmatian pup begins to follow it to the stairs, he go up two steps when his eyes open completely listening a groan.

"Pongo... Jack..." Anita's voice says with surprise.

Lucky gets surprised completely and he runs up the stairs to get to the first floor. His ears stop listening more moans that come from the bedroom of Roger and Anita.

The pup gets to the door than is half-open, he sees what is going on inside the bedroom. His eyes get surprised when they see that Anita is stop in middle the bedroom, she moans while he pushes his father's head.

Pongo's head is under the nightgown of Anita, Jack' head is under the nightgown, but he is behind her licking the crack of the ass of Anita. She pants and moans with pleasure, the two tongues move on sensitive parts of her body.

Pongo licks Anita's vulva slowly while he feels that the woman's resistance is getting weak, she no longer pushes his head to take it away from her. Jack has his snout introduced between the buttocks of Anita.

He smoothly licks Anita's sphincter, the German shepherd enjoys the aroma of the posterior hole of the woman. Anita moans and pants without being able to believe that she is allowing the dogs making this.

But their tongues feel so well, Pongo enjoys the taste of the juices of Anita that begin to drip of her slit.

From his position Lucky sees what happens with complete surprise, he shakes and sees with surprise as his member begins to get out of his sheath. Anita's aroma surprisingly is affecting him.

It is a very different aroma to the one of his mother or any female dog in the farm, but equally interesting. The pup sees the inside of the bedroom again, Lucky sees that Anita moans more and she is unable to resist it.

She pants rapidly while her pets give him an unexpected oral pleasure, Pongo's and Jack's tongue gives her a moment of unique pleasure. This day particularly it had been difficult for Anita.

Roger is in London since a couple of days and she burned with desire to fuck with her husband. Her sexual desire had grown a lot and masturbation did not help, but now the two dogs are giving forth a pleasure that relieves her completely.

Anita moans and she tries to move away from the two dogs, but Pongo and Jack move also to continue licking her. Lucky does not move while he feels like his member shoots some little spurts of precum that fall on the floor.

Anita feels as the tongue of Pongo moves in her vagina deeply, she cannot believe that the Dalmatian could arrive so deep using his tongue, Pongo for her part delights in the juices of the human female, they are delicious.

The moans in the room are on the increase, the pup looks without stopping all that happens. Lucky sees as Anita begins to shake and she moves away before falling backwards in bed and shaking completely.

Lucky gets surprised by the reaction of Anita, but his father and Jack look at each other moving their tails. Anita moans with surprise when both dogs positions themselves between her open legs and they introduce their heads below her nightgown to lick her slit.

Anita grunts with pleasure, she feels as both tongues move up and down on her vulva touching her clitoris repeatedly. Jack savors to Anita, she is delicious like that human that he fucked in the veterinary clinic.

In other occasion for Lucky this would have seemed funny to see the head of his father under the skirt of Anita, but this time he knows what happens. Anita introduces her hands under her nightgown to caress Pongo and Jack on the head.

Jack and Pongo lick Anita, the female's juices become more abundant. Jack looks at Pongo and does a facial expression. Pongo understands and he stops his lick to take out his head of below the nightgown of Anita.

Jack follows him while he gives some steps backwards until his head is outside. Anita breathes agitatedly, she had almost been on the verge of a new orgasm. Jack and Pongo at one bound climb on the bed.

Lucky sees as the penises of his father and Jack wobble on the air for some moments

Anita's eyes open completely when she sees the swollen member of the two dogs. They are bigger and thick than the one of Roger, she had never seen a canine penis before.

In more than an occasion she had seen Pongo and Perdita fucking. She watched the mating of her pets with interest, Pongo's velocity and his force seemed something that Roger could not equal.

Anita still is leant in bed with the two dogs at her side, she holds out her hands and catches both members.

Lucky sits and begins to caress his penis slowly, the scene is very unlike of what he had thought that it may happen between his father and Jack. To see them having sex with his mother or Lucy is not somewhat out of the common now.

But now Anita is the female that they want to pound.

Jack and Pongo pant content while both are masturbated. Pongo cannot believe the peculiar feeling that the hand of Anita gives him. It is very different to feel the caresses of the paws of Perdita.

A hand is softer and can have a firm grasp of his cock Anita moves her hands feeling the hardness of the two shafts, she examines by touch the knots of both dogs getting surprised by their size.

Roger had explained her about the canine reproduction and the function of the knots, Anita asks herself, if it would work with her. The little spurts of precum are shoot from the canine penises and Anita stops to sit.

Lucky sees that Anita grabs her nightgown and she takes it off with a little bit of difficulty, the eyes of the pup see for first time the breasts of Anita. He neither his brothers could enter in the house without their parent`s authorization and he never saw Anita without clothes before.

Lucky's eyes see the two tits, he has an idea about what their purposes. But they seem strange to him, Anita leans back again in bed and reassumes the masturbation of her pets.

Just like Lucky, Pongo has his attention put on the tits of Anita, he had seen them before.

They always seemed interesting to him, Roger liked very much to suck them.

He and Perdita had been witness in more than an occasion of the mating of their masters, for Pongo it was not out of the ordinary to see the tits of Anita bouncing on the air due the pushes of Roger or when she rode him.

Jack and Pongo look at each other, the German shepherd winks an eye before taking down his head and beginning to lick Anita's right nipple. She gasps and moans when the wrinkled tongue goes over her nipple, Pongo sees as Anita moans.

Lucky moves his paw on his member while he sees like his father also low his head and he takes care of the left tit of Anita. Pongo licks the pink peak, he likes the taste while his owner's woman moans with pleasure.

Anita moves her hands and sees as both dogs cover her tits with saliva, Pongo closes her mouth around the nipple with care. He bites it and sucks smoothly, Anita feels as the sharp teeth of Pongo dive in his flesh.

Jack shortly imitates his friend. He sees as the human female trembles of pleasure, until she releases the two canine members. Anita moans smoothly while the two dogs lick her breasts.

Lucky's body stays hidden in the semidarkness of the corridor while he sees as his father and Jack stand up in bed and they whimper while their swollen members wobble on the air.

Members attracts Anita's attention, she considers it a moment before her desire surpasses her reasoning. She rolls over and she leans on her hands and knees to take the position of a bitch.

Roger always loved to fuck her in that position, she knows that the best and more natural is for her pets. Anita moans again when Pongo begins to lick her vulva rapidly, the Dalmatian enjoys the juices.

The bed creaks when Pongo mounts on Anita while he pants with excitation, he catches Anita's hips with his forepaws. Lucky looks as his father moves his hips rapidly searching for the slit of Anita.

The pup looks with open eyes as Anita gives a guttural groan of pleasure when his father finds Anita's pink entrance. She gasps feeling as the large and thick member of her pet enters in her body.

It is a lot bigger than the one of Roger, his husband has a member of an average size that she likes, but cannot compare with the member of Pongo. He moans and begins to pump his penis in the woman.

"It is so warm and soft." Pongo says growling and pumping his penis in the vagina of Anita. His knot hits the human female's vulva repeatedly. Anita moans and she hears a whining.

She opens her eyes and sees as Jack looks at her seated, Anita sees as the dog looks at her with a pleading look, Anita sees the swollen cock.

She looks at the member while Pongo continues pumping in her body, Anita knows that Jack was free from diseases because always his previous master always took him to the best veterinary clinic of London.

So without thinking it a lot, she leans forward raising her ass for Pongo.

Jack moans when Anita's mouth closes around the tip of her member, Anita feels the taste of the canine member, it is a different taste. She feels as her mouth fills with the hard canine flesh.

Anita uses her hand begins to stimulate Jack's knot while she moves her head, the sticky precum sprinkles her tongue while the bed creaks. Jack moans of pleasure by the oral sex of a woman, it is very different to the one of a birch.

The human females must not take care of their teeth that are not sharp. The blubbery lips of Anita move on his shaft while she sucks his penis.

From the door Lucky moans smoothly while he sees as the tits of Anita wobble on the air without control, the sound of slapping flesh is heard in the bedroom while the aroma of sex gets to his nose.

The Dalmatian pup closes his forepaw around his penis and he begins to masturbate of more direct way. Lucky moves his paw back and forward, he opens his eyes with surprise to see that his father and Jack are kissing in the meantime Anita still sucks the cock.

Pongo breaks off the kiss and smiling his thrust gains velocity. The minutes pass while Anita moans like a true bitch in heat, she never felt so wild sex in her life.

Anita suddenly moans with pain and opens her eyes with surprise when her pet knots her.

She gets surprised when he feels like the whole member of Pongo fill her completely, arriving deeper inside of what Roger or any one of her lovers before her marriage had made it.

Pongo begins to pump with more fierceness. Anita resumes the sucking of the member of Jack. The dog lays his right forepaw on the head of Anita, he with disguise pushes the head.

Anita takes down her head and she chokes when a part of the canine shaft enters in her throat. She feels as the knot touches her lips, Jack's thick member obliges her to breathe more for the nose not to suffocate.

Pongo moves with more speed and he stops when a powerful load of his seed is shoot out from the tip of his penis whamming Anita's vaginal walls.

She moans and begins to quiver when the unloading of semen initiates the chain reaction of pleasure that takes her to the orgasm. She has her closed eyes in the meantime her body reaction and her vaginal walls squeeze with more force Pongo's penis.

He growls with pleasure while he clenches his teeth, Jack's growl suddenly joins up to the one of Pongo. Anita opens her eyes when the other dog fills her mouth with thick and hot semen.

Jack's member releases spurt after spurt of cum, Anita swallows what she can while she perceives the taste. The great quantity of seed surprises for her and she takes the penis out from her mouth.

Jack sees content as the face of Anita is covered in cum.

Lucky clenches his teeth and he moves to hide in the corridor at the moment that his climax comes. He grasps his penis with force and sees as his semen gets out of his cock in a small quantity.

Silence just is broken by the moans of Anita that even whines enjoying his orgasm, the in tensest one than any one in his life. She moans quietly when Pongo crosses his right hind leg to place himself in position of tail with tail with his mistress.

"Bad dogs...!" Anita says weakly before moving and taking Jack's penis in her mouth. Jack moans and watches content to Pongo. Pongo pants while he looks happy and very pleased with the body of the human female.

Lucky pants heavily while he sees a banister, its form is delineate for the shade that surrounds it. In his mind Lucky could not believe this be happening yet, he had supposed that his father taught all about hot things.

The pup listens to the sound of sucking and after some minutes the groan of pain coming from Anita's mouth is heard.

Lucky crawls to the door to see what happens in the inside the room. With care he sees as his father begins to pull his penis out, Anita moans with pain in the meantime she has still Jack's penis in a hand. Pongo pulls with determination and care, his knot distends Anita's pink opening.

She gasps when the cock of her pet leaves her body, a great quantity of cum drips from her dilated pussy. With that quantity of semen she now knows how her female dog quietly pregnant with so many pups in one chance.

Pongo pants satisfied and sees to his friend, Anita releases Jack's penis when he stands up.

The woman does moves when both dogs exchange places, Anita gets surprised when the German shepherd mounts her, the fur of the stomach of Jack rubs her buttocks while the dog tries to find her entrance.

Jack maneuvers his hips and shortly his member's tip gets between the vaginal lips of Anita. She opens her mouth completely when she is penetrated by the German shepherd.

"Soft, so soft." Jack says feeling as the vaginal walls of Anita stretches around the cock.

She moans and closes her eyes when the German shepherd begins to pump in her.

His member is big like the one of Pongo. Anita feels as the bed creaks with the strong pushes of Jack. He growls while his groin hits the buttocks of the human female.

His balls rock on the air while his precum sprinkles Anita's provinces mixing with semen and the juices of Anita.

Lucky from the door sees as his father positions himself next to Anita and with calm moves his cock in front of the face of his owner. She opens her eyes when Pongo's tip touches his nose.

Anita sees the thick member in front of her face. She opens her mouth and takes the shaft to suck it, the taste of the hard flesh of Pongo is different to the one of Jack, but not disagreeable.

The little spurts of precum fall on her tongue. Pongo moans feeling as the lips of Anita move in his cock, she feels that the penis slip out of his lips.

Anita begins to lick it the best that he can, her tongue goes from the tip to the base of the knot, she inside herself cannot believe that she is doing this, something so prohibited and naughty.

But these penises give her a great pleasure, freeing her desire and a most savage sex to be fuck like a bitch. Jack pumps with pleasure, the sound of splashing is heard every time that his knot hits Anita's wet vulva, the juices and Pongo's semen soaks his balls.

Anita licks the knot and moans when Jack begins to push his knot, he fastens with force and pushes with determination. Anita's vulva opens without resisting a lot and the big mass of flesh slides in her.

When it happens, Anita takes a breath, Pongo takes the opportunity to push his cock in the mouth of his owner. She moans while she resumes the sucking of the hard and palpitating member in her mouth.

Her tongue touches Pongo's hard meat.

Lucky sees the spectacle in silence without moving, his own penis again hardens and he begins to slide out of his sheath. He moans when the tip rubs on the long and plush carpet.

He moves his hips smoothly while he moans and his penis keeps on growing up slowly.

His sight again focuses on what happens inside, Lucky sees that her father presses her teeth pushing his penis against the face of Anita at the same time that she convulses and Jack growls ferociously.

The Dalmatian pup knows that his father and Jack are shooting a new load of seed in the wife of Roger. Anita sucks and Pongo's semen leaks out by the commissure of her lips.

Pongo's semen is dripping in bed, Jack pushes with force shooting his cum in the vagina of Anita flooding it with more semen. She whines uncontrollably while her body shakes.

In mouth she savors Pongo's semen, different to the one of Jack and equally interesting.

Pongo pulls out his penis off the mouth of Anita, she coughs some seed of her mouth, and his lips are covered with canine thick semen. Jack does move in the meantime the ass of Anita still is raised.

She pants heavily while her hands squeezes the bedspreads with force, Anita feels as the semen in her vagina moves in waves giving her soft moments of pleasure when these waves touch her sensitive vaginal walls.

"Just as I remembered it." Jack says looking at Pongo. He moves his tail content while his look is on in Anita that even pants heavily. His owner's body is covered in sweat that makes her that skin glistened lightly.

Anita knows that these had been one of her stronger orgasms in her life, her pets pounded her with more force and resistance than Roger. Anita recovers a couple of minutes before beginning to moan with pain when Jack begins to pull his penis out.

But in this occasion the knot of the German shepherd slides out of her with more facility than before. Anita is reclined forward, she introduces her hand between her legs and touches her slit.

She feels as her hand gets wet with the sticky and lukewarm semen of Pongo and Jack.

Lucky moves his hips slowly and he controls himself not to growl, the velvety coverage of the carpet caresses his cock in each movement. The pup leans backwards to caress his penis.

Inside the bedroom he sees that Anita turns over.

The woman's eyes open seeing that both members even are completely erect after fucking her. Pongo and Jack pant while they move their tails.

"Oh... Pongo." Anita says while she sees the two members.

"Down." She says looking at Jack. He diligently obeys while Anita smiles, the German shepherd is very well trained. But the fact of the matter is that Jack has an idea that he has in mind and that transmits to Pongo by with the look.

Pongo pants with more pleasure, he sees that Anita leans forward raising her ass at the same time that she takes Jack's penis and she begins to lick slowly from the knot to the tip.

She moves her hand on the shaft while she licks the knot, Jack moans and pants with pleasure, he moves his tail while he sees as the woman gives him oral sex slowly. Anita points the penis of her mouth and introduces it there.

Her saliva glides over the hard flesh of Jack, she stops and opens her eyes. A groan of pleasure is heard when she feels as the tongue of Pongo moves in the crack of her ass.

Another lick there makes her shake, Anita places her hands on her buttocks and spreads them, and Pongo content begins to lick the crack.

Lucky closes his forepaw around his penis whining smoothly, his precum accumulates on his stomach while he sees what happens, he sees the unusual trio enjoy the moment. The squirts of precum are shoot out of the tip of the penis of his father and get the bed wet.

Anita moans with pleasure feeling the rough tongue of Pongo covers her crack with viscous and hot saliva. Pongo finds fascinating the savor, he licks without stopping while his nose is between the buttocks of Anita.

Anita's juices increase and she stops the sucking of the penis of Jack.

Lucky from his position sees as Anita crawls to position herself on Jack, the pup sees as the woman catches his swollen cock and she aims it at in her crotch. Anita rubs the canine tip in her vulva before taking down her hips.

She closes her eyes the moment that Jack's penis again invades her, her vaginal walls are caresses by the magnificent erection that fills her. Jack also enjoys it, his knot touches Anita's vulva.

He does not move while Anita lays her hands on his chest and he begins to move slowly.

Pongo smiles smoothly seeing as the balls of his lover bounce and the bed creaks.

Anita moves her ass circularly enjoying the member in her vagina, she feels as the penis of Jack gets deeply in her. Her breasts bounce on the air without control.

After some moments she stops when Pongo whines smoothly, she sees as her pet is at her side with its swollen member.

"Maybe..." Anita thinks seeing that Pongo also needs attention. She leans forward on Jack with calm. Her breasts are pressed by the soft and hot fur of the German shepherd.

She expects that Pongo understands what she wants, it is not something new for her to be double penetrated, but if it was long time ago. But no one of her previous lovers had the penises of the size of her two pets.

Lucky moves his forepaw more rapidly on his cock, he closes his eyes some moments while his father mounts Anita. The instability of the bed is a problem, but Pongo grabs Anita's hips with force.

She feels as the penis rocks between her thighs, Pongo stops when her owner's wife takes his penis and she directs it.

The member's tip moves between her buttocks and touches the hole, Pongo gives a strong thrust and Anita shrieks with some pain when the member's length enters in a single push in her rectal passage.

She clenches her teeth feeling as her rectum dissents. Pongo growls with pleasure and immediately he starts to pump his cock. Anita moans and does not move while her pet begins to pound her ass.

Jack whines of pleasure because Pongo's push makes that Anita's ass move and his penis enters and gets out of the vagina of the human female. Anita pants and moans with pleasure.

Her two holes are full with hard palpitating meat, she moves also achieving that the pushes of Pongo and her motions stimulate Jack's penis. Jack's tongue hangs from his mouth while he has a good time.

The pressure of the penis of Pongo is felt on his own penis, both cocks rub through the thin membrane that divides both tunnels.

Pongo pumps with pleasure, his penis tip reaches the bottom of the rectum of Anita, she shakes every time that part is whammed by the member of Pongo.

The knot touches her sphincter repeatedly. Anita feels as the penis of Jack also moves and releases squirts of precum in her inside, the juice and precum oozes of the vagina and falls on the balls of and knot of Jack.

Out of the room, Lucky moans, he uses his left forepaw to caress his knot in the meantime his the toe of his right paw moves in his inside. Pleasure is intense and keeps on increasing.

His balls release his cum. The body of the pup becomes taut and he clenches his teeth when his young seed squirts get quickly out of the tip of his cock and they fall on his chest, face and stomach.

Lucky feels as his snout gets stained with his seed, he releases his penis and pants heavily feeling tired. Lucky turns the head toward the room to see what happens.

Pongo pushes his knot with force and Anita screams in pain when his sphincter is forced to open and to receive the thickest part of the penis of Pongo. Anita takes a breath when Jack's knot also breaks forth in her body and passes by her pink opening without difficulty.

Anita shakes and shakes her head feeling full, Pongo begins to push with more force and velocity. Jack moans of pleasure while all his penis is caressed by the vaginal moist walls.

He sees as the woman whimpers of pleasure while her body rocks lightly by the pushes of Pongo. Anita leans completely on Jack letting the dog to Dalmatian in charge of everything.

Pongo and Jack look at each other and they smile while both growl, Anita's pleasure is on the increase until she utters the growl of a savage female when her body begins to quiver.

The canine erections in their body throb with more force, Jack growls and his penis shoots spurts of seed that get to Anita's uterus, she opens her eyes and shrieks with force when her orgasm duplicates by the unloading of the semen that strikes her vaginal walls.

He pussy of Anita is promptly flooding with canine semen, Pongo pushes with force while he ejaculates in the anus of his owner. The anal walls squeeze his penis that makes the Dalmatian whines of pleasure.

Anita squeezes the bedspreads while pleasure and semen make her lose the control of her body, she never felt something so intense in her life. Her body covered in sweat collapses on Jack.

Pongo pants and he crosses his posterior right leg on Anita and remaining in position of tail with tail.

"Good... good... dogs... dogs" Anita says complete exhausted while their pets even ejaculate in her inside.

Lucky moves to roll and to hide in the shades again. He pants in the meantime his penis slowly contracts in his sheath. He shakes his head and he stands up, his legs begin to move with calm.

He is careful in each step, the Dalmatian pup feels calmer and breathes relieved when he reaches the kitchen. Lucky gets out from the house and runs towards the barn, he looks backward to see as the light of the bedroom of Anita becomes extinguished.

Lucky gets to the barn and opens the door with calm, he gives a look inside. His brothers continue to be asleep, with calm and care Lucky climbs on the upper floor of the barn and he lets himself fall on hay.

He closes his eyes and permits that his mind rest, while he falls asleep still he can listen to moans and Anita's grunts of pleasure. The night had been something out of the common.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb are my characters

Kodi's Discovery

**THE TRAINING OF LEADERSHIP 2** **Kodi's Discovery** "Well it is time to begin your training." Jenna says taking Kodi's strap and beginning drag him. "No mom." Kodi says surprised and trying slipping from the grasp of his mother. "Don't get...

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The concert (Part 2)

---------------------------------- **A couple of hours before** ---------------------------------- Samantha gets close to the front door of the house of Susan. She rings the bell and expects some moments before the door opened. "Samantha!" Susan...

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