Kodi's Discovery

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#1 of The training of Leadership II

The second part

Kodi discovers the secret and rules that every team has for the dogs in them. Kodi needs to find a way to deal with this or fail in his attemp to be a sled dog like his hero and father.


Kodi's Discovery

"Well it is time to begin your training." Jenna says taking Kodi's strap and beginning drag him.

"No mom." Kodi says surprised and trying slipping from the grasp of his mother.

"Don't get worry, when it finishes you will be ready for your first trip." Jenna says while she drags to Kodi like a little cub that was going to be punished.

"No... no... no" Kodi thinks while his mother drags him. This was not going to be good.

His problems had begun less than one day ago.


Kodi yawns and blinks lightly while he is resting under the table of his home. He gets up and growls with bother when his head hits the table.

He rubs his head and crawls to go out of under the table and being able to get up, Kodi stretches his body and growls feeling as blood gets to each corner of his body.

When it is done, his tongue hangs out from his mouth until he shakes his head. Kodi looks around and he does not notice the presence of his master, so in a few moments he decides to go to look for his new team.

Two days ago finally he managed to become a sleigh dog like his father. Kodi gets out from his home and he goes deep into the streets of Nome, he feels as his paws sink the snow a light breeze stirs his fur lightly.

His paws leads him toward the post office. He sees as some people enter in the office other ones leave it after picking up their packages or letters.

They do not fail to pay attention to Kodi, he walks in a corridor next to the office heading toward the posterior parte where is the team's refuge, a room where they can rest and taking shelter of the weather if it is necessary.

Kodi sees the room of old wood with a window on the top. With calm and care Kodi heads toward the door and he pushes it with care.

The door creaks lightly and it opens, Kodi sees in the inside observing that the team members are not there. They had not arrived yet from their last journey.

Kodi enters at the place and sniffs each corner, the different aromas of the dogs get to his nose. He recognizes each one and his tail moves over and over again by emotion.

It will take some time more in order that he could integrate completely, but even so it is somewhat exciting. Kodi gets out of the room and he comes across Mel.

"They did not arrive perhaps... it happened something... a bear... certainly a landslide!" Mel says anxiously and doing a jump to emulate the team's dogs being hit by the landslide.

Kodi rolls his eyes a moment. He had known the dog for a short time and he is a good sport is though somewhat hypochondriac regarding to the team of mail.

"I will return later." Kodi says doing a friendly facial expression to the dog and heading toward the alley to go out into the street. Kodi sees as from the post office a boy goes out with to his parents.

The boy holds with a lot of happiness a train made in wood, he had just received it in one of the packs. Kodi watches this content and he expects to be able to achieve the same thing bringing and to taking Nome's mail helping the people to keep communicated.

Kodi has time and he decides to visit his father. He is the best dog of sleigh that could advise him. Since he was a pup, his father he had trained him and helped to become a dog of sleigh.

Shortly Kodi is outside the city and he gets close to his father's boat.

The old boat is there since he has memory. The beach was his training camp.

"Dad!" Kodi calls while he moves around the boat waiting to see his father to go out. But Kodi raises an eyebrow when he does not see that his father appears, perhaps he is not there.

Kodi gets on the deck using the thick board, when Kodi arrives there he enters in the bridge. The dog sees that there is nobody there either, only the blue blanket is there, his his father often sleeps using it occasionally.

The ears of Kodi move lightly when he perceives a strange sound that comes from the hold of the boat. Kodi decides to investigate it and he heads toward the stairs to use them and go down slowly.

Half-way down in the stairs he stops suddenly, his eyes open completely seeing that his father is sitting in front the stair. His eyes are closed and he moans with pleasure.

Kodi sees that his mother is reclining on her chest on the floor between the front legs of his father, her head budges slowly.

"Uhhhh... Jenna." Balto says growling smoothly and opening his eyes.

"Hi Kodi." Balto says doing to a light and funny face seeing that her son covers the eyes using a forepaw.

"I am sorry... I did not know..." Kodi says turning over and going up the stairs rapidly to reach the bridge. Kodi clenches his teeth feeling that his member begins to react.

Kodi shakes his head and he rapidly stands up in two legs reclining his forepaws on the window ledge to see the ocean. Kodi rapidly looks for something in what focusing and forgetting what he saw.

His look focuses at sea, fortunately his penis slowly return its normal state. Kodi sighs with relief and he again places his forepaws on the floor.

Kodi sits and he hears that his parents are coming, he gets ashamed when they appear. His mother smiles at him smoothly coming closer and nuzzling him on the cheek.

Kodi opens his eyes with surprise seeing as a semen drop hangs from of one the whiskers of his mother. Kodi can perceive its aroma that disquiets him lightly.

She licks his cheek and she licks the semen drop before moving.

"Well Kodi, I did not expect your visit. I thought that you would rest after the competition." Balto says looking at his son and doing a light grin.

"I didn't want waste time, dad. Soon I will be running with the team and I wanted some good advices." Kodi says with enthusiasm and looking at his father that laughs smoothly just like Jenna.

"Do not eat desires, but you have reason in seeking advice." Balto says getting close to his son, he looks at him with surprise.

"You did such close turn that made you fall and roll." Balto says looking at his son that opens his eyes and he nods remembering that that difficult moment of the race.

"When you are taking curves you should make it with care and even reducing velocity a little, in this occasion what happened you did not carry consequences, but when it happens in a team, it can be dangerous." Balto says looking at Kodi that opens his eyes with surprise.

"There are dangerous and difficult places for where you will pass, so a slip can drag all your team to a precipice." Balto says sitting in front of Kodi.

He nods with slowness and silence to realize that that is true, he had listened of about the treacherous places in the routes of supplies that had caught several teams of sleigh.

For the next hour Balto advises Kodi and he does some demonstrative motions that can be very useful. Kodi listens attentively his father's advices until he finishes.

"Wow dad... with those advices there is no change that I make it bad." Kodi says with emotion while he gives a jump of joy. His father smiles and Jenna comes closer to nuzzle her son smoothly.

"But the most important thing that you must remember is teamwork. When to you spend more time with them and knew them much better. You will know as they act and they move so you will be able to work together like team. No dog can push the sleigh alone, you should trust on them in the same way that they do trust in you." Jenna says looking at her son with a soft smile.

Kodi opens his eyes with surprise and he looks at his father. Balto smiles and nods.

"Listen to your mother, she is right." Balto says smiling at Kodi.

"How do you know it, mom? Kodi asks looking at his mother. She laughs smoothly and she sits in front of her son.

"I accompanied in a couple of occasions to your father in his journeys, they needed a pair of extra legs." Jenna says looking at Kodi. He again gets surprised.

He sees that his father gets close to his mother and he caresses him affectionately with nose before kissing her.

Kodi cannot believe it, even his mom participated in team of sleigh, his brothers and sisters already have their own teams.

"Don't worry, with time and practice you will learn to see it and know to each member of your team, you already are in the team and that is an achievement." Balto says placing on a forepaw on the right shoulder of his son to give him a friendly and strong squeeze.

Kodi nods and his tail moves with joy and happiness. His father is right about that he will be a good dog of sleigh. Kodi says good-bye to his parents and moves down by the ramp with calm.

"Now Balto I want that good piece of meat that you have between the legs, you must choose a hole." Jenna says impishly.

Kodi gets surprised and he embarrasses listening a playful growl at the moment that his parents resume their intimate time. The images of what he saw rapidly return to his mind.

Kodi's head shakes off from one side while he runs towards Nome in an attempt of dissipating those thoughts.

After the nightfall, Kodi walks on the streets of Nome, the street lamps illuminate the snow with an orange color. His paws sink lightly in snow and he sees human footsteps that were made some minutes ago.

Streets are almost empty and only some people walk in them. Kodi again gets close to the post office and he enters in the backyard, but this time he listens laughters and light that come from the refuge of the team.

His heart pumps rapidly and he clears his throat and inflates his chest while he heads toward the door, he touches it a little and opens it.

Kodi sees that the dogs of the team are there resting. Kodi had known them for a couple of months. Ralph, the dog of bigger size in the team is the one that contributes the bigger force just like Derek.

Derek is a dog of affable character that always demonstrates sincerity. He had taken part in several competitions and has experience on the position. His brown fur is large he is big with a few inches less than Ralph in stature.

In the middle the formation are Chemok and Dusty.

Chemok is a samoyede dog of average height with a completely white and long fur, he attracts the attention of the females of the town.

Something that does not seem to work well with Dusty, the unique feminine member of the team. She has a great self-confidence and in certain moments she is a slightly tough girl.

Kirby the other funny and affable dog just like Ralph, they often do jokes. He is a very fast dog that can take the curves very well. He seems a good-natured dog.

Finally is Ajax, the leader of the team of the sleigh and nearby to retire. That was the reason for which Kodi could join the team. The musher was on the lookout for new dogs to replace leader.

Ajax is sitting close to the fire that gives a reddish color to his black and white fur.

Kodi knows that he is a good dog of sleigh with a lot of experience.

His father had told him in a couple of occasions that he and Ajax had chatted a lot. His dad in his youth had received the most experienced dog's advices.

Kodi enters at the place and greets the team's dogs with a smile.

"Look who is here." Ralph says to see as Kodi enters proudly. His teammates laugh smoothly.

Kodi inflates one more time his chest.

"You should not feel so proud just because you won the competition." Dusty says looking at Kodi with a lifted-up eyebrow. She does not know, if laughing or growling to Kodi.

She knows that he is Balto's son, the hero's town. The female expects that does not mean that Kodi be a petulant dog, although she had not seen him behaving in that way.

"Correct boy, a competition is a thing, the work in open field is another one very different." Derek says looking at Kodi with some mockery. He can see that Kodi is very enthusiastic to be a part of the team.

"Rookie... do not think that you know everything, so you need to learn certain things." Kirby says with some presumption while he gets close to Kodi. He nods because he does not want to pretend that knows each trick to lead a team.

He had not yet gone out to run in open field with a team, his father had trained him, but that is not enough, just experience would train appropriately.

"Well that is it a good beginning." Chemok says making a grin looking at the other members of the team, they look content.

"In any case I claim the first turn with his ass." Kirby says with emotion and introducing his snout under the tail of Kodi to sniff his hole.

"Hey ... take the snout away from there." Kodi says moving away from the dog that makes a grimace while the rest of the team laughs smoothly.

"That is not fair Kirby, you cannot claim his ass as yours, you must raffle it." Dusty says making a grimace and looking at his friends while Kodi's eyes open with surprise.

"That not. Don't tease me." Kodi says with distaste when seeing that his future teammates make fun of him.

"Nobody is teasing you, boy." Ajax says standing up and getting close to Kodi.

Kirby and Ralph move to clear the way for their leader that stops in front of Kodi.

"Look boy, in all teams of mail there is a rule that not cannot be evaded. Each member is in the obligation to give sexual support to a teammate in need." Ajax says looking at Kodi. He gets surprised completely.

"In the future, if you see that Chemok, Ralph or anyone of team members have sexual desires and they are on a drug-induced trip or any place, it is your duty raise your tail or supplying sexual satisfaction that he or she requires." Ajax says looking at Dusty.

Kodi looks at the team's leader and with surprise besides Dusty that smiles at him with mockingly grin.

This no longer seems to be a joke, because Ajax apparently is not kidding.

"It is for what you sign cub, at the moment of joining a team." Dusty says resting her head on her forepaws that are crossed. She moves her tail slowly enjoying the reaction of Kodi.

"I do... not believe it." Kodi says shaking his head and covering the best that he can his posterior hole using his tail. He is not a gay dog, Kodi prefers the females although he is timid with them.

"I am surprised that you not know about this, mainly being the son of your father." Ajax says raising an eyebrow with a little bit of incredulity.

"Covering you tail will be work boy, although you are safe until I retire officially." Ajax says doing a comic face. Everyone there laugh except Kodi.

"We can do it now, I mean he already came here to share with the team." Derek says looking at his friends, they nod with a lot of enthusiasm.

Kodi gets shocked seeing that the tip of the penis of Kirby is visible. They do not joke and they laugh at the moment that Kodi moves some steps backwards and rapidly he gets out of the room.

He listens the laughters of the team. Kodi goes rapidly out to the street and moves a couple of streets that are empty and illuminated lightly for the turned-on street lamps.

Kodi stops and looks back to make sure that the dogs of the team are not following him. His heart pumps rapidly, he cannot what he had just listened.

It must be a very heavy joke, but he stops thinking about that when his ears get a sound. A soft growl that comes from a near alley. Kodi rapidly turns his head toward the place from where the groan originated.

Another groan is listened. Kodi raises an eyebrow and with calm he gets close to the alley. His paws sink in snow and do not produce any sounds that betrays him.

He peeks in the alley and his eyes open wide seeing the scene that happens in the bottom of the alley.

Kodi looks with complete surprise as the team that he saw that morning is there copulating in an orgy. Kodi's eyes are open completely, he sees as a dog fucks his friend with force.

The dog that is pounded moans and his member rocks below his stomach with each thrust, another dog is in front of him receiving oral sex.

Close of them Kodi sees the female of the team is leant backwards in an old wooden box. She has her legs opened in the meantime the leader fucks her with force while both growl.

Another male teammate gets close to the couple. His cock shines lightly just like some little spurts of precum that fall in snow and it disappears in little holes.

"Boss, I need a hole to fuck, and the available already is busy." The dog says making a grin and looking at the trio that is near. The leader stops and without moving he moves his tail.

"Well, serve yourself." The leader says making a funny gesture and moving his ass. Kodi looks with surprise as the dog mounts his leader before moving his hips.

The leader growls with pain when his teammate penetrates him and he begins to fuck his tailhole. Kodi sees as the leader resumes his trusts in the female that again moans with pleasure.

Kodi looks at them without moving, he suddenly sees as the leader and the female look toward him. The leader does him a grin without stopping to move in the bitch, she smiles smoothly before looking at him sensually and licking her mouth.

That surprises Kodi and he moves back, he starts running toward his house.

Kodi's eyes again open with surprise and he between his front legs while he runs.

"No... it can't..." Kodi says alarmed seeing as his erect member wobbles and hits his stomach repeatedly. His precum flies through the air in different directions.

Kodi shakes when a gust of wind touches his erection leaving him airless. He speeds up his step not to permit that anybody saw it with a hard on in middle of the street.

For his fortune he does not find any dog so he can get to his home rapidly. Kodi precipitately enters in his home by the door of the dog and he with care to get at his room.

Once there Kodi looks at with surprise his member hanging between his legs, it is completely hard and dipping precum. He shakes his head when the images of the team fucking in the alley again fills his mind.

That one had been his first time seeing dogs copulating. Kodi remembers as males were moaning without important, if they were on top or no.

Even the team's captain permitted that his members fucked him without refusing to it. Ajax was not lying.

Kodi sits and he closes his right forepaw around his shaft and begins to move it rapidly back and forth without stopping, his paw moves slowly.

A big drop of precum form on the tip and falls, he moans and closes her eyes to try finding a mental picture that is adequate for this moment.

His paw does not stop and in his mind he focuses on the female dogs of the city, he moans with guilt when his fantasy focuses in his mother. Kodi shakes lightly and his member hardens a little more.

"No... no...no" Kodi thinks and he closes his eyes with more force to look for a new source of inspiration while his paw continues moving on his sensitive member.

The moans that he listened in the alley again are present and the imagination of Kodi focuses on the leader of the team in addition to the female and the dog that was fucking him.

Kodi's respiration accelerates and the precum is dripping with more abundance getting wet the old and worn down wood floor. Kodi pants and grunts with more force.

His paw touches his knot in each motion, his erection hardens while pleasure increases rapidly. He suddenly stops and growls with force.

His eyes open just in time to see as his white and thick sperm is shoot out from the opening of his penis and flies a couple of centimeters. The seed forms a white small brook and a puddle.

"What a mess!" Kodi says growling and looking for something to clean the floor.

He rapidly finds an old dirty cloth and uses it to clean.

He sees as his sticky semen adheres to the cloth while his member keeps on decreasing in size and hiding in his sheath. After some minutes he tosses cloth to the room's corner.

Kodi gets on his bed and looks at the wall trying getting to sleep, but the secret that he had discovered disquiets him.

"No I will not be able to make it... I am not" Kodi thinks shutting his eyes with force and shaking his head. His father had taught to him all that he knew, but this is something for what he was not ready.

But in all that whirlwind of worries are in his head until the simplest and obvious answer appears in his mind. Kodi rapidly understands that talking with his father is the answer.

He is a married dog and certainly his father should have been free of this obligation. He would never cheat his mother because that would hurt her.

Kodi did not have a girlfriend or something like that, but he could perhaps find a way to find a female dog with which feigning a courtship or something similar to deceiving his team.

But that will be tomorrow after talking with his father. Kodi closes his eyes and he tries to fall asleep because he should wake up early, if he wants to talk with his father.

Balto, Jenna, Kodi, Dusty, Kirby, Ralph © Universal

Chemok, Derek and Ajax are my characters

The concert (Part 2)

---------------------------------- **A couple of hours before** ---------------------------------- Samantha gets close to the front door of the house of Susan. She rings the bell and expects some moments before the door opened. "Samantha!" Susan...

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