A Deep Connection

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Professor Druff meets with one of his former star pupils, a renowned archaelogist and adventurer, who seems to have come to see his old Druffessor with some particular thoughts in mind.

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A Deep Connection





This is a commission for avatar?user=334230&character=0&clevel=2 Rod_Erich featuring his character Nolan with Professor Druff - a collision of great talent, as you can imagine it, and...well...I guess you better read on and find out just what happens! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a good read!


The knock on the door made the tiger's ears flick curiously, although not with a great deal of surprise. Professor Druff's office was a popular destination with his students, to drop by to make a question about something that they wondered about. The tiger did hold regular office hours for such meetings, but he knew that there were still the odd student or a co-worker with a very burning desire to talk to him.

The thought made the tiger purr a little. He leaned back on his comfy chair and stretched out his arms over his head.

"Do enter!" he called out.

The door opened, and this did give the tiger a bit of a stop and a surprise. The figure that entered was certainly not one of the undergrads, doctoral students, or his colleagues from down the hallway. His very apparel was suggestive of a more exotic profession. Heavy boots, sturdy leather pants, a leather jacket, too, all adorned the large sabre-toothed cougar filling the tiger's doorway.

Druff's eyes widened and so did his smile.

"As I live and breathe, what do I see!" the tiger exclaimed.

The cougar cracked a smile. His long, thick tail looped about behind him, just barely avoiding the doorframe.

"Wassup," the cougar rumbled.

The tiger stood up from his seat and hustled over to the new cat at the door.

"Well, well, Nolan Rourke...." the Druff murmured in additional greeting.

The big cougar extended a paw.

"Hello, Professor," he said.

The Druff was all purrs when he accepted the paw and gave it his hearty squeeze. His spare paw gave the cougar's shoulder a heavy pat. It made a slapping noise on the leather of his jacket.

"Well it truly has been a while," said the tiger, "and it's been a good what, ten months?"

"Closer to a whole year, I'm afraid," rumbled the cougar, "I have been extraordinarily busy."

"Well I can tell..." Druff chuckled, "you look like you just climbed out of the Well of Souls! You're only missing a fedora and a whip!"

The cougar grinned at the tiger remark. Truly, he did look like an adventurer, and the only thing that appeared out of place in his apparel was the key chain around his neck, complete with a laminated Taylor University ID card.

"Well I was dressed to something else for the flight back to the States but I thought I would dress for occasion, coming to see all my old buddies here."

"Heheheh," purred the tiger.

"I see you are well, Professor," the cougar said.

"More than well, thank you!" Druff chuffed happily. "One could say I am thriving."

"You look like it," Nolan rumbled.

"I shouldn't keep you stuck at the door, though," Druff noted, "please, come in."


The tiger closed the door behind them. The cougar looked even larger now that he was in the office that was packed with book and papers.

"This isn't just a friendly visit, though," Nolan said, "I am also on business."

"Oh yes?" the tiger's ears perked.

Nolan dug out his smartphone - complete with heavy duty rubber cover on it - from a pocket on his jacket and tapped on it.

"I wanted to show you something," the cougar said, "just a moment..."

Druff moved to stand at the strongly built cougar's side so that he could peer at the phone screen. Nolan opened a picture on it and tilted the phone so that Druff had a better view at it.

"It's a stone tablet recently recovered in eastern Turkey," Nolan explained, "it's not the safest of areas at the moment, but a team has been working there and this was sent to the university in Ankara."

Druff eyed the image curiously.

"It looks splendid," he mused, "although I am not sure how I can help with this exactly. It's covered in cuneiform and mine's a bit rusty at the moment."

The cougar chuffed.

"Initial analysis suggests it's from Mitanni," Nolan said, "1300 BCE or so, though the dating is still somewhat open, as it is always with these artefacts."

"Anatolian, then," the tiger said knowingly. "Interesting."

"I knew you'd find it curious," the cougar nodded, "and while I know you're not really an expert in ancient Middle Eastern cultures, there's still something you could help me with, Professor."

"Oh yes?" the tiger stated mildly.

Nolan nodded.

"You know everyone, and you know the library like it was your own," he said. "I'm sure you could help me find the references I need."

The Druff chuckled.

"Down to the last microfiche," he murmured, "yes...I think I might be able to help you with this curious Anatolian mystery..."

Nolan nodded.

"I knew you would, Professor."

The tiger was all smiles and purrs when he nodded in turn. He also placed his paw to the base of the cougar's thick tail and gave it a simultaneous tug and a squeeze. It made the whole appendage jump, and so did Nolan's ears, surprised at the stimulation that was not exactly painful, but definitely beyond the norms of general social interaction. The cougar looked at the tiger, whose smile had grown toothy. His paw rested where it was, knuckles on the cougar's leather-clad rear. and fingers around the muscular tail.

"I think you remember that I vastly prefer 'sir' to that...Mister Rourke," said the Druff.

The stern-looking cougar let out a grumble. Yet his head gave a brief nod, after a pause.

"Yes, sir," Nolan said.

The Druff purred softly. He was tall enough that he didn't even have to stand on his tiptoes to get his tongue at the cougar's ear. The wet, hot sensation brought a huff from him.

"I think we should discuss this matter later at my place, don't you agree?" Druff said. "Just like we used to when you were an undergrad here, Mister Rourke..."

He had an unoccupied paw and it found a new home from the front of the cougar's pants. Nolan huffed at the feel of the heavy paw landing on his bulge. The fingers squeezed down at a rapidly thickening sheath. Nolan let out a heavy breath.

"Yeah," he said.

Druff gave the cougar's bulge another squeeze and then a quick pat. The cat looked almost disappointed when the paw moved fully away from him.

"Just like the old times," Druff mused. "Although I must admit that your sense of fashion has vastly improved since those days."

The cougar gave him a look.

"It's the leather, isn't it?" he suggested.

Druff smacked his lips.

"I might be found guilty," the Professor said.

"Ha ha," the cougar rumbled.

"It does suit you well," Druff said.

"I bet you just want me to take it off," Nolan said.

The tiger's paw had never left from its position on the small of the cougar's rear. Right now his fingers spread and took a feel of the big cat's ass. The tail undulated as a result, teasing Druff's wrist.

"As appealing as the thought is of simply bending you over this desk, my friend, I think that the occasion should be marked with some more...thorough...exploration," the Druff rumbled. "So I'll refrain from forcefully disrobing you for now."

The cougar chuffed in amusement again.

"You haven't changed a bit, Druffessor," he said.

The tiger almost giggled.

"Oh, God," he exclaimed in a chuff of his own laughter," you know, the kids still use that one."

"I'm sure they do," Nolan said.

"Maybe I should show you what I want to do to them when they call me that," the tiger rumbled, fingers playing with the curve of the cougar's rear.


"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Hhmmm...yes sir..." the cougar purred again.

"Then we better look at just how busy you will be tonight," Druff said. "For I think I know something very urgent for you to attend to."

Nolan rumbled deeply.

"I...I imagine so."

"I bet you do...I bet you do..." said the tiger.


The Druff was all purrs and very light on his paws when the doorbell finally rang. His ears flickered along to the melodic chime he had specially chosen because it amused him. He moved like a ghost through his hallway and unlocked the door.

"Well, well..."

Nolan Rourke, PhD., was an impressive sight. He had changed into something the tiger's eyes very much enjoyed seeing, biker leather from head to toe. Boots, pants, jacket, riding gloves, it was the whole package, and he had a black and white helmet under one arm and the other held a backpack. also in leather. He could smell the scent of the oiled leather, besides the natural musk of the big cat in question.

"Evening, Professor," the biker cougar said.

"Oh very good evening to you indeed, Mister Rourke," said the Druff.

"Can I come in?"

The tiger made a playful bow and flicked his paw and his tail.

"Please do," Druff said.

Nolan stomped into the tiger's apartment. Druff followed his every move curiously.

"Hah, I feel underdressed myself, now," Druff chuckled.

He wore loose silk pants and a silk robe, and he was barefoot, which wasn't an unusual attire for the cat while he lounged about in the privacy of his own home. It certainly looked very casual compared to the cougar's get-up. Nolan was practically shining. He radiated masculinity, an aggressive sort at that.

"Still like wearing all that fancy stuff, I see," the cougar nodded at the Professor' direction.

Druff smiled.

"And you still like having a good number of cc's rumbling between your thighs, "retorted the tiger. "I am certainly guilty of liking my comforts."

Nolan gave him a smirk.

"I keep my bike in storage here for when I'm around," he said. "Usually I just rent one if I stay anywhere for any longer period of time.. But there's nothing like climbing on top of your own hog and letting it rip. I gotta admit that."

The tiger's tail swayed cheerfully, listening to this description.

"I always knew you were a big romantic at heart," Druff said.

Nolan lifted his backpack up to draw attention to it.

"I come bearing gifts," he said. "Wanna see what I got?"

Druff glanced at the cougar's backpack and grinned.

"Well, well...you never cease to surprise me," he said. "I would love to see what you have brought for me. I feel quite special now!"

Nolan winked.

"Is your living room still over there?" he pointed along the hallway.

Druff chuckled. He swiped the cougar's rear with his tail. It made a satisfying noise when it slapped against leather and tight muscle.

"The layout of the apartment has not changed THAT drastically since your last visit," he said. "Although I did have the dining room renovated and want to show it to you, but I think I'll be more curious to see what you have for me, before I give you the house tour."

"I wouldn't want to wait long either," Nolan said.

"Let's go!" Druff declared.

It was only a quick stomp along the hallway and into the living room, the tiger trailing the cougar closely. Nolan put his motorbike helmet down onto the narrow table behind the couch and set his backpack down to its corner as well. He unzipped it while giving a happy little rumble.

"You are keeping me very curious about what you have hidden there," Druff said.

"I do hope you will find this interesting," Nolan replied.

The tiger purred.

"I'm seeing a lot of interesting things already..." mused the tiger.

"Of course you are," Nolan said.

He swung his tail about in a decisively teasing manner before he pulled out a pair of flat, square items from the backpack.

"I have framed these myself," the cougar said.

"Framed?" the tiger stated curiously. "Oh my...something for me to stare at longingly when I don't have the real thing in front of me?"

"You won't probably find these quite that sexy but hopefully you'll still like them," Nolan said.

Druff raised his paws and made 'frames' from his fingers to peer through at Nolan while smirking evilly. The cougar chuffed at the silly sight. The tiger was all smiles when he laid his paws down again.

"This is a reproduction of a papyrus we found near historical Memphis," Nolan spoke of the first item.

It was quite lovely to look at, certainly. The hieroglyphs whispered back at the tiger, with their quiet, ageless message. Druff couldn't read them, but he appreciate it nonetheless.

"Has it been translated?" Druff asked. "For all I know it could be someone's shopping list. You do know how beneficial ancient trash dumps are for the archaeologist."

"It appears to be notes on the yearly flood of the Nile," Nolan said.

Druff admired the gift for a moment.

"I do find it very nice," he said. "I will have to find a place to display it."

"Then there is this..."

The next framed photo was a stone tablet, much like the one he had showed to the tiger earlier during the day in his office, but this one was in black stone, with the pointed arrow-like lettering engraved on it., the kind Druff joked about before.

"Now this must be the shopping list!" Druff declared.

Nolan chuffed.

"Almost," he said. "It's a pay slip."

Druff's ears perked.

"Is that so?"

Nolan pointed out parts of the text.

"Here it says how many bushels of grain and how many jugs of beer one is entitled to on each pay grade," the cougar said.

"Extraordinary," mused the Druff. "I am impressed."

"I'm sure you can find a place to put that as well," the cougar said.

"I am sure I can use it as a showpiece when I lecture about the invention of writing in Mesopotamia," Druff noted. "Very much so, I believe.

"I am glad you like it," Nolan said.

The tiger pursed his lips with amusement.

"I think it is very lovely," he said. "Thank you, Nolan."

"Thank you," said the cougar.

Druff admired the framed pictures in his paws.

"It's still not all that I've got, though."

Druff's ears perked.

"You are truly something," he said. "Intending to pamper old me?"

Nolan chuffed at the 'old' , and returned to his backpack. Druff's tail swung behind him as a small sign of his impatience to see what the cougar had in store.

"I doubt you'd believe me if I told you these are ancient artefacts, too, for they're not," Nolan mused, "but I saw them and decided that they were interesting and that you might enjoy them."

"Oh, boy..." Druff chuckled.

Out came a plastic bag, black with thin blue stripes. It conjured a certain kind of idea in the observant tiger. He was quick to put the pictures down to the table and then waited expectantly on what the cougar was about to take out from the bag.

"I'm sure you have all of these already in your collection, but you can never have too many."

Druff let out a purr.

"Now I really can't wait to see what you have there!" he exclaimed.

"It's nothing too special..." Nolan demurred.

The tiger's eyes lit up nonetheless when the cougar pulled out a pair of leather cuffs. They were quite heavy, padded on the inside, shiny steel chain joining them together. The scent of leather was strong in the air and told the tiger that they were the genuine article.

"Well I'll be!"

Nolan presented the cuffs for the tiger's inspection. Druff was quick to fondle them, to feel the material under his own fingers. He even lifted the cuffs up for a sniff.

"Very high quality," he said. "You don't get these just anywhere, either."

"I had the feeling you might appreciate the workmanship," the cougar said.

Druff chuckled.

"I always give credit where it is due," he said. "Very much so indeed. Both on the maker of the article and the...gift giver in this case."

The tiger continued to caress the leather on one of the cuffs with his thumb. Nolan made a further rustle with his paws, digging into the bag.

"I also remember how fond you are of jewellery..." Nolan mused.

The tiger chuckled at the cougar.

"If that is going to be a gift card to get my nipples pierced..."

But it wasn't, it was a small plastic package, rather unromantic as it was, but once it was handed over to the tiger, Druff was smirking again.

"The Big Boy's Band..." he read the lurid description on the top, "100% non-allergenic titanium."

"Yep!" Nolan grinned.

"Oh you shouldn't have...these don't come so cheaply."

"I thought it was worth the money," Nolan said. "Better than rubber or plastic."

"I appreciate the care for my intimate dermatological wellbeing too, of course," Druff grinned.

The tiger was still purring. He formed an 'O' with the fingers of his paw and held it over the sexual implement.

"And just in my size, too!" the tiger declared. "Splendid!"

"I'm glad it looks like a good fit, Professor," Nolan said.

The tiger purred more loudly.

"I think you know my size quite well, don't you?"

The cougar looked both indignant and somewhat embarrassed at the implications of the comment. His tail swung quickly behind him.

"Yes, sir," he said, somewhat tight-lipped.

"Well I shall be wearing this soon, I hope!" the tiger waved the little package with its rattling gift inside it. "It is an attractive piece."

Nolan smiled as well.

"There is one more thing..."

The tiger laughed.

"You spoil me rotten!" said Druff. "Seriously!"

Nolan returned his paw into the bag.

"I'm afraid that the museum authorities would not let me keep the original one, but the reproduction is very true to the original, I feel..."

He pulled it out with flair. Now even Druff looked surprised by what was revealed. It was a very large, curved cock, anatomically correct in the shape of a feline member, although lacking in barbs, was Druff's immediate thought. Its surface alternated between gold and a shimmering black material. It ended on a large rounded base that also included the shape of large, egg-sized testicles. It was truly an obscene item, held out almost casually by the cougar.

"Well that is an interesting design..." Druff said.

"From the tomb of the Middle Kingdom royal scribe Ptah...he seems to have been rather fond of fertility symbols," Nolan said.

The tiger smirked.

"Well, well..."

Nolan offered the object for his Professor. Druff accepted it with another broad smile. He rotated the naughty relic in his paws and eyed it curiously.

"Wonder if he had it made based on a live model..." he said, "or maybe the ancient Egyptians simply had a healthy imagination..."

"Or libido," Nolan said.

Druff licked his lips.

"Or that," he concurred. "Both options are equally pleasant to think about."

"The original is even more impressive," Nolan said. "Gold and obsidian. Perfectly preserved after three thousand years."

Druff's eyes flashed with amusement.

"I don't suppose this is real gold though..." he hefted the artifact in his paws.

"Sadly no," Nolan said. "The 3D printer at the archeology department doesn't work with gold yet."

"What a pity," Druff said. "I was looking forward to owning a golden phallus."

"I had them make this spare copy for me," Nolan said. "There is another one that will be displayed along with some genuine artifacts and reproductions of hieroglyphs from the tomb. We hope it will be a permanent exhibit at the archeological collection."

The tiger chuckled happily.

"An exhibit...or exhibitionism..." Druff suggested.

The tiger rolled the ancient dildo replica in his paws and then proceeded to poke the cougar's chest with it. Nolan looked at this curiously.

"What're you doing?"

The Druff removed the dildo from the cougar's person before nudging it onto the fuzz on the cat's chin. Nolan's eyes almost crossed while he tried to follow its motion. He didn't want the tiger to go anywhere with the dildo without him witnessing its path.

"Surely you must have tried it on for size..." Druff suggested.

He poked the smooth, pointed tip of the phallus up so that it rubbed onto Nolan's lower lip. The cougar looked like he was blushing, even under his cheek fur. The tiger could probably smell it in the air.

Druff was good at that sort of things.

Nolan looked almost confused at this, like expecting a command on whether he should lick the plastic cock or not. Druff pursed his own lips at the sight of the quizzical cougar. He smirked before pulling the dildo away.

"As much fun as that would be..." the tiger chuckled.

The cougar looked dubious.

"Maybe later," Druff promised.

The tiger pinched the cougar's jacket collar and gave it a little tug.

"But for now...there are other ways for you to be a good boy..." said the cat.

Nolan nodded solemnly.

"Yes, sir." he said.

Druff grinned.

"Stay put."

He wandered away and out of the living room, leaving Nolan to wait for a moment. He watched the swing of the tiger's tail until he disappeared. The cougar shifted his weight heavily from one foot paw to another. He flexed his fingers, as he did his tail. If the tiger had been looking at him, Nolan would have given a rather tense, expectant vibe out.

Druff returned soon. He was still wearing his silks, although now he came with something else as well. The cougar immediately noticed that the tiger was carrying something in his paws. He almost gasped at the sight. It had the power to evoke both powerful feelings and memories.

Druff grinned upon witnessing the cougar's intense gaze. He stepped right over to the brooding cat.

"I'm afraid this is not the very same one I snapped on you on that very first night," the tiger announced as he lifted the black leather collar up to view, "that particular one has been worn out with use, and I would not disrespect you by adorning you with frizzled goodies. Especially not on a pleasant night like this."

"It looks...good, sir," Nolan rumbled.

A black leather leash hung from the collar by a D-ring and a fireman's clip. Druff took his time winding the slim leather thong around his paw.'

"I assume you still want it, do you?"

"Well I'm here, am I?"

The tiger listened to the rumble rising from Nolan's throat. He found it to be a lovely noise, especially combined with the cougar's solid nod of agreement.

"Then just stand put and you'll get your treat."

The cougar took a statue-like appearance. He was a tall cat, but the tiger had no trouble reaching where he wanted, the archaeologist's neck. The supple leather hugged the sinewy neck tightly once he got the buckle set. He could barely wriggle his finger under it to check that he wasn't accidentally strangling the poor cougar. The tiger smiled anew.

"Looks very good on you," he said. "Like it was made for you."

Nolan flicked his ears in what looked almost like a challenge to the tiger's comment.

"Only almost choking me," the cougar said.

Druff pulled part of the leash off his own paw and took a step backwards so that they were connected by the length of leather from Druff's relaxed paw to the clip on the cougar's neck.

"You are beautifully dressed now...I suppose I can't be left second to you, can I?"

"Can you fit a biker outfit under that?" Nolan nodded at the tiger.

The tiger chuckled. Druff let go of the leash and dropped it to dangle from the cougar's neck. He needed his paw for undressing. The tiger opened his gown and let it slip onto the floor. The loose, smooth silk practically flowed off him. There was nothing on his torso except a leather harness, shaped like the letter H crossing his chest chest just above his nipples. The dark nubs sat on top of slab-like pecs striped in gold and red. The only thing left on Druff was the pajama bottoms and their front tented out very obviously. He didn't waste time with the pants. They joined the gown on the floor, a splash of red silk on the carpet. The tiger's hugely erect penis bobbed into view once it was free from the pajamas. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and his cock leaked and oozed musk into the very air.

"Isn't this much better?"

The cougar nodded once again.

"You haven't changed...at all, sir," Nolan said.

Druff chuffed.

"I prefer to think I have," the tiger said. "But only for the better."


Druff patted his paunch and chuckled.

"It's a shame that this part tends to grow when you get older but some other parts don't," he mused.

"It's still plenty big," Nolan said.

The infamous Druff took a new hold of the leash attached to the cougar's collar and pulled the leather thong taut.

"How about you say hello to it like you used to, boy?"

"if I can find it..."


The tiger didn't have to tell a second time, or use any physical force to urge the cougar to get onto his knees on the floor. The leather swathing his body creaked deliciously through the motion of his body. He was quite the sight, a large, muscled cougar, dressed like a true bad boy, and now he knelt in front of his Professor. His eyes were nothing but hungry.

"Missed it?" Druff questioned.

Nolan grabbed the base of Druff's shaft and pulled the thick cock down so that it pointed directly at his own face. He spat a wet glob of his saliva onto the burning hot tip. Druff growled at the sensation.

"Nothing like your first daddy dick," the cougar growled in return.

He slurped down on the tiger's thick cock, with no regrets. One big paw reached out and cupped on Druff's nuts. A little yank and a twist on them made the tiger growl anew. Druff put a paw down to the crown of Nolan's head and tousled his furs there.

"Good boy."

The tiger's face was almost peaceful, looking down at the short cougar muzzle bobbing down on him. Nolan didn't waste any time going to town on the musky tool. He suckled, licked and rolled his tongue over the warm skin that covered the tiger's stiff cock. His paws grew busy, rubbing on the tiger's softly fuzzed tights and playing with his balls. The cougar appeared to be specially attracted to the heavy 'nads in their hot sac. He rolled them around on padded fingers and felt their weight on his palm before giving them even further attention with strokes and squeezes. The tiger grumbled under the attention, purred, and let his tail swing freely behind him. The cougar's paws were found fondling the base of that tail as well, briefly so, before the tiger pushed the cat off himself.

Nolan glared up at the tiger, breathless and obviously rosy-cheeked. He bit down on a saliva-slick lip. His chin was shining with whatever had leaked.

"Missing something in it, boy?"

The cougar pursed his lips to a more normal position that didn't suggest recent cocksucking. The sight made Druff chuckle. He gave the cougar's leash a tug.

"Let's get that pretty ass of yours to the bedroom, cougar."

"And I'll let you try, tiger," the cougar made his opinion known in a grumble.

Druff kept the leash tight. He made sure to grab the cougar's gift cockring from the table by the couch before leading the tough archaeologist to his favorite room of the apartment. The tiger knew that the cougar liked it as well.

"I was thinking of taking you to the dungeon, but that felt a bit impersonal," Druff noted as they passed through the door into his bedroom, "but don't worry...I am sure you will find it more than adequately kinky in here."

Nolan glanced around the room. He couldn't see anything too outrageously erotic present, at least for the moment.

"You've taken down the portrait," he commented.

Druff glanced at the spot on the wall where Nolan was looking at. He chuckled at the note from the cougar.

"Oh, right...didn't miss that, did you?" the daddy cat smiled. "I'm afraid I had to take it down. I'm having a new one painted."

"New one, huh?" Nolan questioned.

"One that reflects me better as I appear nowadays," Druff said.

The cougar smirked.

"Started to feel a bit too young, did it?"

"Pffft!" the nude tiger chuffed. "Maybe I should hang them side by side, for comparison."

"I'd pay to see that in a gallery," Nolan said.

"Perhaps we'll arrange that," Druff said. "The artist is still working on it. I have my next sitting on Thursday."

Nolan snuffled.

"Must be a tough session ahead of you," the cougar opined.

"They always are..." Druff said sweetly.


Druff gripped the leash about the middle and used the dangling end to slap the cougar's leather-clad butt. Nolan's tail jumped with surprise.


The tiger grabbed the cougar's arms and turned him about. Nolan complied.

"I think it's time for me to do some comparing of my own," Druff said.

"What kind?"

Druff fondled the bulge on the front of the cougar's riding pants. Nolan grumbled under the groping.

"You're hiding all that sweet body under this admittedly lovely leather," Druff said, "but I want to see it all now, in its wonderful full view."

"Guess you should find out, pops."

Druff's eyes narrowed with his growl.

"Getting mouthy, are we?"


Just collaring the cougar wasn't enough for the tiger. He grabbed Nolan's muzzle and squeezed quite hard on the cougar's cheeks. It bordered on uncomfortable, and the noise he made told as much.

"Maybe I should fill that muzzle again..." the tiger grumbled.

"You can try," Nolan mumbled despite the tiger's grip.

"Soon," Druff said.

He kept the leash around his paw tight even when he started to disrobe the cougar. The archaeologist didn't exactly physically resist the treatment, but he wasn't offering assistance to the tiger either. He just stood there, glaring at the tiger as much as he dared. The Druff's paws were busy with the buttons and zippers he needed to open to uncover more of the hunky cat.

"It's all very pretty but there is much of it," Druff sounded impatient.

"Sure you'd prefer me in just some pink thong," Nolan huffed.

The tiger chortled.

"Maybe not. I don't think pink is the most flattering color for you."

He worked to remove Nolan's elaborate leather attire, one piece at a time, peeled off and then dropped to the floor. Druff's persistent erection suggested that he really liked what he saw, and felt, with more and more handsome feline body being revealed for the tiger to behold and fondle. The younger cat was obviously in a wonderful shape, there was no doubt about that. His size was not due to the clothing on him acting as padding, but genuinely consisted of toned muscle and his fur, adding softer contours to the firmness the tiger felt underneath it.

"Still looking like a goddamn magazine cover," the Druff opined at the sight of the cougar's bare torso, "damn..."

He felt the muscles currently being admired flex under his fingerpads. Nolan was showing off, that much the tiger knew. Druff's smile grew sharper on this discovery.

"Just the kind of magazine you'd read..."

The tiger pulled the cougar's undershirt off with so much energy that he might've as well been trying to tear the sleeves off. His tawny chest was just as muscular as the rest of him.

"I'd be a fucking subscriber," the Druff smirked.

He grabbed Nolan's pecs and squeezed them hard. The cougar rumbled at this rough attention. Druff turned it into a more concentrated attack by pinching on the cat's nipples.


"Hssh...I know you like a bit of action here..."

The tiger mouthed at the cougar's left nipple while his fingers took care of its pair. Nolan*s tail batted the floor. Druff's hot breath caressed his chest when he swapped to the cougar's other dark nub. Nolan purred under the sensation of his Professor playing with him.


Druff reversed their positions with quick flair. He pulled the cougar's muzzle to his chest and pressed him there with a firm paw on Nolan's neck. He rumbled deeply at the feeling.

"Bet you've missed that..." the tiger heckled the cougar playfully.

Nolan couldn't speak at the moment, but gave his reply in the form of nuzzling and kissing at the crevice between Druff's own pecs.

"That's a good boy..." Druff murmured. His fingers found the scruff on Nolan's neck and tugged on it.


"Hushh...I know you like it rough sometimes..."

The tiger moved his paw and pulled the cougar's head up so that they were eye to eye. Nolan was scowling at him. Druff gripped his muzzle.

"Just like that, boy."

He licked the cougar's lips, with the obvious intention of marking him with his spit. The cougar rumbled still. He sounded cross.

"Maybe I'll have to put a gag on you if you keep being a bad boy..." the tiger issued a warning.

"No, sir," Nolan said.

"I know you behave properly...sometimes..."

To this the cougar didn't reply. Druff tried another approach and grabbed Nolan's bulge again. He rumbled when he felt the new, tight grip on his junk.

"You've been hiding this piece from me far too long."

"it's yours," the cougar said simply.

Druff pursed his lips.

"That's right," he stated.

The buttons and the zipper had grown hot from the cougar's aroused body. It was an interesting sensation, against the tiger' fingers. A white jockstrap came into view one he got the riding leathers down. The pure color was almost shocking in contrast to the black of the leather. The musk was incredibly, good enough to intoxicate.

"Of course..."was what Druff commented at the sight of the cougar's undergarments.

"That's one thing you always liked, sir,"Nolan said.

The tiger let his fingers make their acquaintance with Nolan's swollen bulge again. The cougar pressed himself to the touch. It was difficult to keep himself from acting to needy in front of the older cat. Druff simply had a way of bringing it out despite Nolan's mild efforts to resist.

"You were always a dirty boy, wearing these," the tiger indicated the jockstrap with another squeeze down on Nolan's junk. "Getting off wearing these under your normal clothes out n public..."

Nolan's ears flattened, if briefly, at the accusations.

"Yes, sir."

The tiger smirked.

"Honesty is a virtue,"he spoke. He sounded almost serious. The cougar knew that too.

The tiger only spent a few more moments removing Nolan's clothing. His pants and the jockstrap, and his boots sprawled to the floor. He was left standing there, paws to his side, a cat of solid muscle and a stern expression, and with a large erection standing proudly from his groin.

"Just be a good boy for one more moment when I fetch something."


Druff went over to one of his dressers and pulled out lengths of leather, accompanied by the jangle of metal when he returned.


Nolan did as he was told. He did not resist when thick leather cuffs were wrapped around his wrists and his ankles. There was no question that they weren't authentic hide, there was no way of faking the scent and the feel that now closed on all of his limbs.

"One more thing..."

The nude tiger made a quick detour to the dresser to bring one more thing from it. Nolan saw a glint of metal before something cool and hard was pushed against his lips.

"Suck," Druff ordered.

He did as he was told, slobbering with his tongue. He rumbled around the object in his maw when the tiger took a hold of his cock. His shaft throbbed in the Druff's grip.

"That's good...both the ring and your dick are ready..."

Nolan saw it properly now. The shiny metal ring was covered in his saliva, and hence could slip with relative ease over his tip. It brushed on his barbs and made him hiss with the sharp pleasure. It grew more intense when the ring began to squeeze tighter, around his shaft.

"Can't pop it around your balls and your shaft but it'll do..." the tiger announced.

Nolan looked at the ring that now squeezed on the base of his shaft, where its red, veiny skin became the white furred skin of his fully withdrawn sheath. His cock had already become harder, visibly straining now that the blood flow was hampered by the mischievous sex toy.

"I think you're ready."

The tiger pinched the cougar's tip with a couple of fingers and pulled him down on an angle until he let go and allowed Nolan's shaft to slap against his belly. He almost yowled at that. His tail jumped to the ceiling.

"More than ready," Druff deemed.

The cougar was grabbed by the arm and walked over to the bed. Druff stole a kiss from his former student before he pushed him to sit on the bed.

"Scoot backwards,"he said, "I think you remember where to lie down."

"Hmmmhr," the cougar vocalized, but did not admit, knowing what the tiger probably had in mind.

Nolan shuffled himself to the center of the bed and then laid down, as still as possible. He didn't want to show the slight case of nerves this whole session was giving him. Nights with the Druff were always intense and he couldn't help but wonder just to what ends the tiger would take him on that particular eve.

It involved bondage, that much was sure right away. The tiger pulled out lengths of leather from under the bed and secured the cuffs on Nolan's legs and wrists to them before tightening them so that he was spread eagled on the tiger's silk sheets. It didn't reduce Nolan's arousal, not even when he struggled a little to see just how tight the tiger had arranged them to be.

"I better be a good host and try your gift on as well..."

Druff had to negotiate with the shrink wrap for much longer than he would have liked, but he did manage in the end, and pulled the cockring out of its packaging. Fitting it onto his shaft made him too rumble and hiss, but it left him with a shiny band adorning his length.

"Suits me, don't you agree?"the tiger made himself bounce.

Nolan watched with obvious hunger. Druff noticed it when he sauntered over to the bed and climbed on top of his bound cougar. He was in complete physical control from the moment he claimed his sheets and laid his bulk over the bound cat. Face to face, groin to groin, the Druff was enjoying his place and showed it with a victorious purr.

"Hmmrrm...this bed has needed someone like you for quite some time now, Nolan,"Druff declared.

"Uh huh?" the cougar sounded challenging. He pushed his hips up to meet the tiger¨s. Even their cock rings clicked together, somehow, audibly so.

The tiger chuckled at that. He nipped on the cougar's ear.

"Hmm...always got room for self-admitted sex beasts who get weak when a big bad tiger shows them the ropes...literally so, sometimes..."

Nolan must've gone crimson under his facial furs, but did not reply to the verbal heckling. Having the tiger nibble on his neck right above the leather collar while a big barbed length rubbed to his own was too much of a distraction. It felt like the tiger was doing it on purpose, aiming himself for maximum raking pleasure with the way he thrust himself against the cougar's straining shaft. It was impossible to stay quiet under such treatment. The cougar purred and rumbled, despite knowing that he was serving himself to the tiger on a platter by making so many noises of pleasure.

Druff licked over his face again. He as truly and properly marked by then, shiny furs and smelling of the male on top of him.

"Yeah...thought so..." the tiger grinned.

"W-watch it," Nolan rumbled.

"Oh I'm watching you alright..."

Another jab from the tiger's cock on the cougar's made the cat growl. His uppity remarks were only having the effect of making the Druff more determined to dominate the cougar in every sensual way he could think of.

The tiger shifted.

"You will suck my cock now, boy."

Nolan's ears dropped again when the tiger straddled himself up to him, knees on either side of the bound cougar's head.

"Sniff 'em, boy."

The tiger used his paws to guide Nolan's muzzle directly onto the Professor's balls. Nolan gasped with surprise but went on to follow the order that had come from his superior. He smelled the strong musk coming from the tiger's nuts, as if he hadn't washed them, even though Nolan knew him to be a very clean man alright. There was just no removing the full extent of the manly scent from his skin, despite a scrub.

"That's right," the tiger stated. "Don't forget your tongue."

Nolan set to worship the tiger's balls, this time with his tongue. The fuzzy pair jangled just right once Druff adjusted his position a little, and henceforth the cougar's maw was in the correct place to deliver a new kind of a wet pleasure for his master. His lapping on them made the adjoining cock throb mightily. A fat drop of pre-cum oozed from the piss slit and then dribbled down to the cougar's head furs. Nolan was too concentrated with his current play to really notice. The heavy musk made it difficult to think about anything else but the tiger on top of him.

"Hmm...will do for starters..."

The tiger's withdrawal left Nolan's maw conveniently open and with his tongue poking out between the lips for Druff to simply push his cock in there instead. Nolan accepted his fate. He suckled down on the slick tip and let it push deeper into his muzzle. Druff paw his paws down to the cougar's crown and held him steady so that he could take a few quick thrusts through the O of the cat's lips.


Druff's balls brushed the cougar's muzzle when he put more of himself inside Nolan. A particularly deep thrust that pushed him in so that the cougar's fang-like sabreteeth touched his thighs made the cougar gag and sputter, which only caused the blowjob to become more sloppy. He appreciated the raunchy noises by adding a few purrs of his own into the mix.

"Bet you've been missing daddy dick, boy," the tiger drawled rudely to the cougar. Nolan couldn't do much more than suck as hard ashe could, enough to make his cheeks hollow inwards against his gums. It was difficult to admit even to himself how much e did enjoy the taste of the salty, barbed flesh in his mouth. And the tiger was right of course, it had been a long time since he had given himself up so completely and enjoyed the pleasures of submitting to an older, experienced male.

The tiger remained in his muzzle for such a long time that it made the cougar wonder if Druff planned to facefuck himself into a climax and then send his goopy cum right down the tawny cat's throat. His breathing grew heavy and his body rippled with tension, but indeed at what was possibly his breaking point, he stopped and pulled himself out. His cock was almost scarily hard, red, and extra swollen thanks to the titanium ring at its base now. It probably contributed to his excellent stamina.

"Well that was refreshing!" the tiger declared.

"Got enough yet, sir?" the cougar said, a little breathless or not. He felt saliva drip from the tips of his teeth.

The tiger bopped his cock against Nolan's nosepad.

"We have only begun, boy," Druff ruled. "I sure hope you remember what to do next..."

"I have no idea what you would refer to, sir," Nolan let his own more challenging , dominant side come out again, despite the cheek-blushing amount of submissive feelings he felt simmering in his body and his mind, enough to keep his own cock rock hard and his chest thrumming with purrs.

"Why, to keep that pink little hole of yours tight through everything I'm going to do to it now," stated the tiger.

It almost sounded like he was lecturing, and for some reason that made it more erotic for Nolan. The aforementioned anus clenched at the very mention. His tail gave something of a nervous swing. While it hadn't exactly been ten months since his butt had been penetrated, he knew what the tiger could do.

"Do your best," was what Nolan said, "sir."

The tiger smirked at him before he climbed out of the bed, although only to retrieve a tub of lubricant. Nolan watched the familiar sight curiously, of him scooping up the substance from the container. It had a faint smell to it, he could tell, another familiar aspect to their...interaction. He knew it to very slippery and also quite greasy, the kind of stuff that would stay in place one you put it there, and it was somewhat difficult to wash off too. It made Druff's cock look like it had been dipped in a white sauce, the way it glaced him.

"Hope you've been practicing down there..."the tiger grinned.

Down there was soon subjected to the attention of two thick fingers that spread the thick lubricant cream onto the cougar's pucker. Druff poked and prodded at it but did not really attempt to penetrate him yet.

"Need a better position to start with you..." Druff said.

He turned about on the bed and presented a handsome sight with his round rump, his tall tail and the way his balls and his hard cock jutted down between his thighs. Nolan felt like he could only savour the sight for a brief time while the tiger made adjustments to the cougar's bondage implements. He found his legs released, although knowing the tiger, his freedom would be brief.

"Been too long," the tiger repeated.

Nolan's spine was well stretched when the tiger pushed his sturdy legs up, higher and higher until he was bent over backwards and the tiger used the clips on his ankle cuffs to secure his feet to the cougar's collar. Nolan was mildly surprised that he was still able to pull such a stretchy feat. It did make his lower back and his abs feel odd, and he suspected they would be sore, but that was likely to be true to other body parts as well.

"This is good"

The tiger added another scoop of the lubricant onto Nolan's hole and then went to town on teasing the asshole in question. The cougar's tail bounced from all the sensations his rear was subjected to, of that finger prodding him and working more of the lube inside him while the tiger did his best to stretch him out. He was still being quite gentle and Nolan was grateful for that. He was sure that any sudden penetration with full force would have ended up being very uncomfortable for both of them. The Druff was showing common sense as much as dominance. The thought amused the cougar, even in the middle of his sexy predicament.

Slowly he was stretched open, one finger, then two, rolling and pushing at his inner walls to spread more of the lubricant there and to make him as ready as possibly for the experience to come. His own cock still remained hard, both from the ring and the sheer arousal of the situation. It began to throb more powerfully when the tiger's finger reached down to his prostate and teased it as well.

"Ah..." gasped the big cougar.

"Sounds just about ready to me,"opined Druff.

He pulled his fingers out from Nolan's ass and treated him to a heart slap on his now upturned rump. After this he grudgingly stood up and crouched, somewhat precarious-looking on the mattress while he took aim and pushed his messy cocktip against the cougar's lube-matted hole.

He hissed and rumbled, not in pain but simply with the knowledge of what exactly was to come. Druff stared down to him, on paw cupping the cougar's thigh and the other helping him keep aim.

"You want it, don't you?"the tiger said.

"Please," Nolan whispered, "sir."

The Druff smirked.

"I like the sound of that.

"I'm sure you - "

He almost yowled at the jab of the feline penis on his hole, and with the tiger's bulk behind it, any resistance was brief. His hole gave out and the tip slipped in. It made a dirty noise and it burned.


The barbs were intense, unlike any penis of any other shape or size the cougar had experienced. There was just something about the cats that felt special to him. It could've been all in his head, Nolan reminded himself, but right then he could only think of the sensations coming from his rump.

"I know you can handle it, boy...you've done it before..."

The cougar was getting a quick reminder on just what it meant to be taken by the Druff. He hunched down and drove more into the strongly clenching body. Nolan was strong all over...and inside as well.


The cougar's yowl was a sweet noise, at least in the tiger's opinion. It had been far too long since he had claimed one of his favorite playmates. Now the tiger was going to enjoy every moment he got to spend with the archeologist currently writhing underneath him.

"I'll go easy on you...for a bit..."

It was difficult to take it easy on someone when in that position. His full weight was behind the thrusts that came steadily, asserting the territory for Druff's plundering.

"Oh - ah - eh!"

"Hsssh...this isn't the soundproofed room, unlike the other playroom..."

Nolan wanted to snark at the tiger but was forced to bite his lip when another barbed thrust went across his prostate.


"That's more like it, boy."

"Ah - "

The tiger worked his guest into a proper huffing frenzy. He didn't show any difficulty keeping up such a pace. Nolan couldn't help but be impressed by the stamina he displayed.

Druff had hardly gotten enough even when he pulled out with a rude 'plop' that left Nolan hissing and empty.


Druff snapped the clips off and allowed Nolan to drop his legs back to their normal position. He sighed with relief, although he suspected it would be only a brief respite from the action. Druff proved as much when he released the cougar's arms as well, but then proceeded to flip him onto his belly.


He clipped the cougar's wrists back to the straps on the bed. Nolan was now lying on his face, arms spread, and soon with tiger paws playing with his rear, opening his ass again.

"Looking good..."

The cougar growled as he imagined just how dirty he must've looked by then, with the tiger staring down at his rump and his stretched hole. Soon he felt sweaty fur brush over his back and rear when the tiger landed on top of him. He ground his cock to the cougar's ass crack for a few moments before he found his mark and returned to the inviting heat of the indignant cat.


Druff sank in deep and held himself still for only a few victorious seconds before he continued the suitably rough humping of Nolan's rear. The cat was soon getting the full brunt of his Profesor using his ass for his pleasure. His body, on top of the cougar, spoke of domination that he now showed with his huffs and the rocking of his hips with enough force that he drove Nolan flat to the bed.

Nolan could simply hang on to the ride. He knew the tiger was a passionate lover but the kind of pounding he received now was something else. Maybe Druff's talk about missing sex with Nolan wasn't just a way to rile the cat up even further. He really felt it in the way the tiger pushed into him, varying his angle so that there was no way to know just when his prostate would get pummeled accordingly. He sure knew how to make his toes curl and his teeth flash out and bite on the nearest pillow. All the bed clothes smelling strongly of the tiger didn't help Nolan at all in keeping himself in check.

The tiger licked and nibbled on the cougar's neck. He wouldn't give Nolan a moment's respite while he continued to fuck his ass enthusiastically. Nolan's own cock pulsed almost uselessly against his belly. That infuriating metal ring made sure that no matter how close he was getting to his orgasm, the final edge remained.

He wasn't even sure how long the tiger pounded him like that, but him pulling out again was a definite stop to the proceedings.

"Tired?" Nolan grunted. He didn't want to say that he was the one getting exhausted by having his rear so thoroughly skewered.

"Think I'm gonna let your paws do some work now..." the tiger said. He went on to release Nolan's cuffs from the bed again.

Nolan didn't get a chance to inquire on just what he was required to do before a tugging on his collar stopped him.

"Get up, big boy."

Nolan let out a weary sigh. The tiger's chamber was starting to stink like a locker room with the amount of musk and sweat they were putting out.

A stern paw pointed out the tiger's mahogany dresser.

"Bend over," Druff grinned.

The cougar couldn't keep the toothy smirk from appearing on his own muzzle either. He happened to be a big fan of such a position, standing on his feet. It made him feel like he could be in more control even when taking it in the ass. He rolled his shoulders teasingly when he climbed out of the bed and moved, with the tiger following, the leash pulled taut.

"Okay...for now..."

He put his pawn down to the dresser and jutted out his rear. His tail swung to the side, inviting the tiger.

"Show me what you got," Nolan huffed.

He didn't get to tease the Professor for long. A heavy paw slammed down on his ass in a hard slap. The other paw pulled the leash tight. His head was thrown back and he snarled when the collar choked on him, just a little. The tiger didn't keep that up for too long, but Nolan had definitely felt it, the pressure on his throat. The feeling was replaced by big fingers cupping his chin.

"You betcha."

The tiger stroked a distracting thumb against Nolan's saber tooth just when he jammed his dick back where it belonged to. The cougar yowled when the barbed meat entered him again. He might've been taking it for some time now, but it was still enough to send him to his tiptoes.


The tiger nuzzled and licked on the cougar's sweaty neck. He was quick to establish his rhythm again and continued to pound away at the pleasantly springy rear. Druff's balls slapped rudely on Nolan's. The copious lube made a very dirty noise that added to the fleshy swat of swaying nads on the cougar's tighter pair. The leather leash hung along Nolan's back as another reminder of who was meant to be the boss. the Professor fucked him hard and fast, just the way the cougar liked it when he was feeling especially horny. "Now" surely qualified for that, he thought, weakly, sweat matting his face when his muscles worked to stay solid and take the rough penetration as well as he could.

He was truly getting pumped hard. Nolan's cock-ring-teased penis bounced and slapped back and forth against his furry abs. He had trouble staying still under the continuous slamming of striped hips to his own. Being fucked by such a strong, impressive man turned him on to no end and made sure that he was determined to take all that was going to come, and then probably some more once he was fully worn out. The tiger was going to see to that, he suspected.

Druff's big paws caressed his body throughout the hard pounding. He tweaked Nolan's nipples, stroked his abs and played with his balls, even when his main attention appeared to be in the heated joining of their shared mating. The tiger ground and twisted his hips, sometimes staying in place while simply enjoying the tightness of Nolan's body, followed by pulling out almost completely and then pounding away at him like he had never stopped.

Nolan wasn't prepared for the feeling of the tiger's fingers on him, closing on his shaft. He snarled and jerked his hips to meet the touch, to thrust, to effectively fuck into the paw that now held him in Druff's digital embrace. At the same time his prostate got pumped, repeatedly,. and deliberately.

The soft carpet ate the sound when the cougar's cock ring fell down to the floor. He certainly felt it being pulled off him. His shaft surged with its newly found freedom.

"Aa-aaah -"

Nolan wanted to roar out, but the tiger was swift to push a couple of thick fingers into the adventurer's maw. He suckled down on them instinctively, even while his hips jerked to pump himself into the oblivion that his long-awaited orgasm promised.

It was heaven tinged with pain, for the tiger's teeth dug onto his shoulder. A strange, electric connection appeared to join his arm to his groin when his insides closed on around the tiger's cock within Nolan's body. Maybe it was this bulk, or the mating bite, that let the dams burst, but Nolan knew that he was cumming.

He did it hard. His body shuddered and he pushed back against the tiger's still working hips. He barely realized when the tiger joined him in and pumped his own seed deep into Nolan's body in thick bursts that were sure to mean he was properly marked for days to come. He was going to carry a reminder of his incredibly sweaty session with the tiger, and remembering their past trysts, his ass would know.

"Hmmrrmhhm..." opined the tiger, "you haven't changed."

"Hah," was all Nolan could think of at the moment.

The Druff purred when he started to groom the wet bite mark on the cougar's shoulder. He hadn't broken skin, but there would likely be a bruise. Nolan didn't mind. He liked the idea of a hidden mark from the Professor that he could carry under his clothes. It made him feel subversive rather than submissive.

"Hmrrmhm..feels like I made quite the mess down here too..." Druff commented as he flexed his for now spent shaft inside the cougar's guts.

"Maybe..." said Nolan.

Th tiger chuckled deeply.

"Maybe I'll have to get that ancient dildo of yours and plug you up with that...while i play with that muzz of yours some more..." the tiger declared.

Nolan clenched involuntarily. This was probably going to be a very long night of sex and reconnection between them.


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Caught off Guard

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Old Timey Service

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