Caught off Guard

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Aaron's sex life is known to take interesting turns, but this one has to be one of the most...curious.

Caught off Guard






This is a commission for avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw featuring his eponymous black wuff Aaron and...a special guest star. Do enjoy the story, and I shall look forward to your feedback, as always and ever! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!





Music blasted into Aaron's ears and forced the black wolf awake from his sleep.



His tail bristled and his ears swiveled in the direction where the racket was coming from. A singular thought popped into Aaron's mind, one that made the most sense while he squinted and growled.


It would be just like her to wait till he had fallen asleep and then surprise the wolf out of it. Her mischievous streak was well known to Aaron, who enjoyed the wolfess' antics most of the time. Being woken up in the middle of the night - even on a Friday - was still something that got him cross for the time being. Aaron really liked sleeping in on weekends.




"Crap, Tess, shut that thing down!" Aaron groaned. "You'll wake up all the - "

"Tess ain't here, boy."

Aaron's body and mind went into alarm mode without a pause. The voice was low and masculine, definitely not Tess's own ladylike drawl. His eyes saw little in the dark, except that someone was standing in the doorway into his bedroom and that was also where the music came from.

He also couldn't move properly. Aaron's arms were over his head and trying to move them gave his wrists a tugging sensation. It gave him an inkling on what it could be...and that wouldn't have surprised him either, when Tess was considered.

The music ended and with that the lights also came on. The occupant of the doorway was not a brown wolfess but a very black lupine of wolfy persuasion. The stranger...him...held Aaron's grey boombox from downstairs in one paw by the handle. He was grinning broadly, enough to show his white teeth in the otherwise black mug.

"Heya, pup."

Aaron would've been a fool not to recognize the stranger at the doorway. He was staring at himself, or at least an apparition in the shape of himself, an event that was outrageous by all means but had been happening to him with alarming frequency ever since Tess had gotten involved in her latest project for the Lassiter Corporation. What he suspected to be one of the fruits of her labors brooded at the doorway, a large, tall black wolf, made in Aaron's perfect image from whatever DNA sample she had managed to sneak off him. Aaron knew that the wolfess didn't need much. A few skin cells or a drop of his blood, or...other bodily fluids.

The ultimate source was not important. The end result was black, smirking, and dressed up in Aaron's stolen clothing from head to toe, in as much as it could be called being appropriately dressed. The black motorcycle boots, the leather chaps with a blue stripe on the front of the codpiece-like crotch, the heavy leather vest, they all belonged to their places on Aaron's wardrobe The intruder had left the top two buttons undone to reveal more of the strong muscled chest.

"Fuck," was what Aaron said.

The alternative Aaron put the boombox down to the floor before he walked into the room. The big wolf only needed a few steps to reach the side of the bed. The shiny leather of his pants creaked along.


Aaron turned to face him properly and at the process rattled the pawcuffs that secured his wrists to the head of the bed. His own, of course. Tess had raided them as well, shiny metal, police style. Nothing fancy, but they were easy to slip on someone to restrain them. Just like a wolf who was sleeping and didn't wake up to having them closed on his paws. Aaron wasn't sure whether to congratulate Tess on that or to be angry with her. Or maybe that applied to the black wolf, rather. He wasn't sure just who was to blame for what.

"Tess said she had to go to work and she hated the idea of you being left here all alone," the wolf now glaring down at Aaron said.

He was still smiling. That annoyed Aaron enough to sneer at him.

"House invader," Aaron growled.

The black wolf chuffed.

"Can I be one if I was let in by someone with a key?" stated the wolf.

Aaron grunted. A memory flashed through his mind, of Tess leaving the bedroom for a while in-between activities. She'd said she had to take dump. Aaron had chuckled at that and stayed in bed, stroking his knotty rocket. That goddamn wolfess must've gone downstairs to open the door for Aaron number 2 instead.

"Ha!" Aaron accused.

"Besides," the black wuff folded his arms across his leather-covered chest, biceps bulging out, "I know where the spare is..."

Aaron rattled his cuffs, just because he could. His eyes didn't leave from the sight of the wolf, in his muscled and leather-clad glory. It was like looking on a mirror...uncanny, unsettling, and also oddly thrilling. He was sure that psychology textbooks had whole chapters for feelings like this.

"Unless you moved it since my neurosynaptic pattern was made, but I doubt it" the black wolf said. "We are men of habit."

Aaron chortled.

"Big words," he said to his doppelganger.

"Tess taught it to us," the black wolf said. "Like a lot of stuff."

"Hmmrhm. Ya."

"Tess also told me what you were up to tonight..." the black wolf said.

Aaron huffed. He could imagine Tess getting off on that, describing their debaucheries in detail to this wolf. He almost hated the fact his own sheath was starting to swell up at the thought.

"...sweet stuff..." the black wolf commented. "Super sweet...almost tender...lovey dovey...hardly any anal..."

Aaron growled.

"Going soft, wuff-boy?"

It was an odd feeling, to be heckled by himself, in essence. All that separated them was a few strands off Mayfly recombinant DNA patched onto his own, and the months that had passed since Tess had convinced him to try the new "brain scanner" at the Lassiter Facility. It meant that the copy glaring down at him retained all his memories and experiences up until that point, as well as whatever had passed since his emergence from the pod. It all meant that it was difficult for Aaron to think of this black wolf as another person rather than just a reflection. It was also infuriating and dangerous.

"Hmmh. Naw. Tess was tired," Aaron explained, using her words.

The black wolf smirked. His tail was practically wagging behind him. Aaron rarely wagged. He needed a good reason to.

"Not too tired to get me going a bit while you were sleeping..."

Aaron growled at the wolf. His counterpart was all smirks and grunts himself when he suddenly lunged onto the bed. Aaron snapped his teeth together and tried to kick at the wolf who was on top of him in an instant. His paws might've been secured above his head but his legs were free to move as they pleased. Trying to wrap them around the wolf's waist was a good exercise in self-defense, although he couldn't all that much. The big back wolf was on him, putting all his weight and his considerable strength to the act of subduing Aaron.

You can try, big bastard!

It was hard to resist him. The heavy wolf on top of him was not only strong but also surprisingly agile. It was hard to find purchase on his twisting body and with the leather clothing, not much fur to grab onto. Aaron's footpaws weren't all that mobile to do something like that, and to have a knee suddenly on his abdomen made him grunt out and stop that attempt.

"Hush, wuff..." growled the wolf on top of him.

This close, his scent became all that more obvious. It was a deep musk, familiar to Aaron from..well...anything that really had prolonged contact with his fur and skin. It was in his clothing and the bedsheets, and in the air of the room after any kind of physical activities.

Aaron's cock began to grow seriously hard when he got the first proper sniffs. The leather wolf on top of him not just smelled like a big bad black wolf, he was outright rank. He was sweaty to a degree that part of his fur appeared matted, and the musk that poured off him was deeper, darker, the kind Aaron knew he could find inside a well-used cup in his jockstrap after a good session in the gym.

"Let's put you where you belong, boy," the wolf growled.

A thick arm with a considerable tuff of underarm fur was plastered onto his muzzle and the wolf's weight pressed Aaron's head onto the pillow. That meant that his mouth and nose were put in full contact with the sweatiest, muskiest fur Aaron could imagine. It was an armpit that had never seen a deodorant or an antiperspirant, and by the smell, he suspected that Tess had hidden the wolf in Aaron's basement gym where he had proceeded to occupy himself for the duration.

Now he put his brand new sweat into great use by literally rubbing it onto Aaron's face. The wolf growled and huffed and made some half-hearted attempts at kicking the black menace on top of him, but he knew that he had lost the fight before it started, if only in his head. Aaron hadn't gotten over the fact that one of his secret, most darkest of fantasies could be actually realized beyond mere imagination. To have this man...him...however he could be thought about, put him through the paces made him feel incredibly aroused. Maybe it was the part of his mind that wondered how everyone he had dominated truly felt when he was putting them through their paces with every dirty trick in the book.

This spare Aaron was not holding any of them back. He spread his musk on him, pressed heavily on him, heckled him and held him down, knees locked on each side of Aaron's hips to ensure that he was not going anywhere any time soon.

"...hsshhh...nothing there you don't want, pup..."

Aaron wasn't going to start saying what he wanted, although with the huge boner of his poking at the black wolf's stomach, there was little he could do to hide it.

"...yeah..." the wolf growled, somewhere far away, beyond the darkness that was his dank pit.

It was suddenly gone and Aaron could breathe fresh air again. It didn't last for long. The black wolf loomed on top of him and still held his arm pressed close by, although now he spared fingers to tug on the fasteners on his vest and pushed the leather aside to expose more of his chest.

"...maybe you'll want to taste tits instead..."

A small male nipple was pushed against his lips, but Aaron licked it nonetheless. Fragrant fur and hot skin on hard muscle covered his face again, this time belonging to the black wolf's pec. He could still smell the musk wafting from his pit too, not far away. Some of it had surely rubbed off on his face too.

"Drink up."

He couldn't really licki on it. The nub was too small that Aaron couldn't even get it properly between his lips. He could try, and he did so. The wolf on top of him soon let out a chortle.


A big paw gripped Aaron's jaw. He tried to snap at it when he felt thumb and index finger press the tender insides of his cheeks against his canines. The pressure was painful. It made him growl and huff.


There was a rude, obscene sound the wolf made before a huge glob of spit drizzled down his tongue and down between Aaron's lips that had been forced open. The hot, thick spit splashed to Aaron's own tongue. It felt warm, disgusting, gooey, and tasted didn't taste like anything, but that only almost made it worse.


Aaron huffed out so sharply that some of the saliva splattered out of his maw like a spray bottle. The wolf on top of him snorted and grunted, snapping his teeth when he got droplets of their mingled saliva on his own face.

"Prissy fucker."

A knee shifted and pushed between Aaron's legs. It created a painful weight on Aaron's nuts. It was intense, and very deliberate, he was sure of that.

"Know just what you need..."

Aaron growled and did best he could to resist trying to move his hips. He knew that it would only made the wolf's knee on his balls more painful. Even the pain made his cock throb harder.


The wolf shifted and slapped Aaron's cock. His knotty shaft bounced spite the sudden discomfort.


The wolf moved quickly. His paws grabbed Aaron's hips and threw him around on the bed. The cuffs rolled around his wrists to accommodate for the new position, Aaron on his belly. He landed heavily, to the rattle of the chain connecting the wristcuffs. His black double didn't give him much time to get cozy. He was on him, holding him down and his with his muzzle making its way at Aaron's neck scruff.

"Know you want it..." he growled hotly.

The tongue that slithered down along Aaron's neck was wet and horrible, almost worse than when he spat down his mouth. Leather-wrapped mound of cock rubbed at Aaron's now vulnerable ass.

"Grrr..." Aaron growled.

"Hush, big pussy."

He got a fresh serving of armpit and a heavy paw that clapped on his hip. Getting spanked while cuffed to his own bed was about as humiliating as Aaron would tolerate, even coming from...well, by all definitions, from himself. Tess' mischievous invention really put a new spin on masturbation.

"Hrr...Tess jerked it through my pants..." the wolf growled into Aaron's ear, "wouldn't do more...said I had to spare it all for ya..."

The wolf on top of Aaron humped him intently. Aaron grunted and tried to swat him with his tail. He only managed to rub against his side, more or less.

"...and yer gonna get it..."

He was gone suddenly, sat back and with his big paws grabbing Aaron's legs. He spread them just a little, though mostly he was concerned with holding them pressed ot the bed, a tight grip on thighs.


The wolf had to duck past Aaaron's tail on his way to the black wolf's crack. First a glob of spit landed, then a tongue, as hot and wet as Aaron remembered it on other parts of his body, now making a mess of his ass. Aaron still hadn't gotten over the nagging feeling in his mind that it was an incredibly dirty act, something forbidden and probably very unnatural. Yet his copy went to town tossing his salad.

Like many things, Aaron thought, when he felt his asshole clench, it was one of those things that he'd only ever consider doing to himself. Or maybe to Tess. That bitch was very good at persuading the black wolf into actions of unspeakable nature.

The rough rimming didn't last nearly long enough, Aaron thought, for it to provide considerable lubrication. Yet soon he heard a metal zipper open and the hot meat pressed between his ass cheeks.

"Dry!" was what Aaron barked out, when it humped into his crack and the wolf leaned heavily on top of him, straddling Aaron's upturned rump.

"I'll piss it wet if you keep complaining, pup..." came the wolf's rough reply.

Leather rubbed onto Aaron's thighs while the cock pumped back and forth in his crack. True enough, he felt a spurt of warmth but the scent didn't tell him that he'd been marked with piss. That'd probably sent him into a whole different kind of fury than the threat of him getting it in the can with what felt like minimal preparation on the matter.


The wolf had to adjust his knees to get into a better angle, to pump the pre-leaking tip against Aaron's hole. The muscled ring wasn't going to budge to such simple poking, both of them knew that

"Give up..."

Fingers grasped Aaron's scruff, twisted and yanked. The pain made all of his body tense, but served as a bit of a distraction, when his asshole relaxed after clenching, that the pressure the wolf was putting on him started to gain ground.

Aaron growled. HIs own rock hard cock didn't as much throb as it jolted, back and forth, trapped between his stomach and the sheets. It was like his dick couldn't decide what to do with all the sensations coming from Aaron's rear.

" want it, wuff..."

Calling it rough was an underestimation. It was eye-watering, the thick wolf shaft sliding up Aaron's ass. He was quickly spread open and a new kind of heat spread into his belly. His prostate convulsed when the thick cock rubbed past it on its way to burrow its way through Aaron's guts. His paws clenched into fists and pulled the chain tight. It might've even broken if he had jerked his arms back. Or maybe the bed would have come apart. Both could have happened, Aaron thought, hazily, when he tried to get used to being fucked.

Very little could prepare for the experience of having a big bad wolf on top of him, one with many inches of angry red cock up the black wolf's ass. Aaron knew that the combination of his own personality with test tube fresh testosterone levels equal to those of a perpetually horny 16-year-old made the leather wolf into one nasty fucker.

He'd gotten his cock somewhere warm and he was going to keep it there too, that much was sure.

"There we go, boy..."

The patronizing drawl was replaced with huffs and grunts when the wolf on top of Aaron began to claim his prey. Aaron snorted and panted, literally under very rough treatment. The spit that'd been put in his ass soon frothed up and added to the nasty, wet, smacking sound of their balls slapping together. The black wolf made sure that the pace of his thrusts was going to be just that, making the whole bed shake.

"'d...worn blue...." the wolf panted into AAron's ear nastily, "...bottom wuff..."

Aaron was surprised that the wolf had the conscious thought left to tease him about his choice of fetish apparel. Maybe having leather clothing that said "I LIKE FUCKING GUYS ROUGHLY IN THE ASS" by its color scheme wasn't such a good idea if someone could appropriate them for acts such as fucking their owner down to the mattress.

Balls slapped with the dirty rocking of the top wolf's hips. The musk in the air only grew more intense when Aaron produced sweat of his own. Getting fucked in the ass appeared to be a good form of exercise, though Aaron was sure he wasn't going to pick it up as a regular feature in his regime. He was the one who was on the black wolf's place, the one who conquered asses and made their owners whimper and beg for more.

He wasn't going to whimper or beg, but he knew that he wolf fucking him didn't expect him to, either. There were limits to his pride that would not be crossed, not even in play shrouded in so much fantasy as the forbidden act taking place right now.

He got very close when the tennis ball-sized knot started to make itself known.. It rubbed and stroked against his hole and between his roughly spread ass cheeks, promising a filling that was going to make him regret sitting for days afterwards. Though he wasn't a stranger to Tess' strap-ons in various shapes, a knot, real pulsing throbbing fleshy knot was something else.

""Wuff gonna get tied..."

It sounded more like a threat than a promise, and Aaron was going to get the brunt of it. The black wolf's hips rose high before he crashed down, repeatedly, pulling out almost so that he slipped away from the tight heat of Aaron's ass, before the final attempt sent him all the way in.

"Ffffuck!" was his barked reply.

Aaron just bit down his lip. The wolf on top of him bit down on his shoulder before his hips went haywire, to really churn his knot inside Aaron's tunnel. The rough pounding milked his prostate and sent globs of thick cum to the sheets. The seed pumping out of Aaron was accompanied by a kind of a warm glow and jolts of pleasure, rather than the explosive feeling of a true orgasm. Maybe having all those nerves stimulated in unusual manners triggered things the wrong way around, in some odd reverse order.

Whatever it was, it distracted from the discomfort, or the wolf biting on him when his own climax came and he dumped cum into Aaron's tunnel. There were hot spurts of it, a growing warmth he felt vaguely. No individual spurts, like some claimed to him. He didn't know if that was even possible. But the wolf was definitely filling him up, and it went on for a while. The cum he had pumped out himself began to seep into his belly furs.

The musk was as incredible as the feel of strong, sweaty muscles, all over him. It almost made Aaron understand submission...almost. Aaron still held that he was only reluctantly taking part on all this...because Tess was such a damn raunchy bitch who enjoyed the very idea of it. Knowing her, she might've even hidden a camera in Aaron's bedroom to record the action for her future viewing pleasure. She would surely like teasing Aaron about it and make him recount it to her, down to the last clenching of a once tight wolf asshole around a thick, slick red cock knotted in his ass.

"Dang..." the wolf on top of him panted.

Aaron wouldn't speak. It took him as the recipient party more effort to stay quiet, what's with a knot in his asshole. He was starting to feel raw.

He knew that it'd all been planned, too.

What a bitch.


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