Old Timey Service

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Professor Druffington is crossing the Atlantic with his new man servant, Mr. Erichsen. Such a lovely young valet, so easy to...serve.

Old Timey Service





Hehhey! Druff is in bed again, and this time he has put on some beautiful clothes (and he is rather pretty without them as well, wouldn't you agree?) and headed into another century...but he is a fictional character, he can do whatever the hell he wants. And at the nudging of avatar?user=334230&character=0&clevel=2 Rod_Erich and with his cooperation, I have produced this piece for you, hopefully an enjoyable read for everyone involved!

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a splendid time!


As a valet, Roderick Erichsen's mornings had become sort of a routine for the past few weeks, notwithstanding the fact that his master--a mature tiger professor that was renowned throughout Europe and America--brought him along to cross the Atlantic on board a grand ocean liner. His duties were more or less the same, with very few changes as his master's routines on board a ship and on his dwelling in the city were quite different.

Usually, he would rouse his master, attend to his master's room, get the bath ready, lay out the day's clothing, taking the used clothes to be laundried, helping his master dress and groom if needed, and--if his feline master was feeling conversational--accompany him throughout the day's activities.

As there were only him accompanying the professor which had employed him, several of his duties were shortened. He only had to wake up his master and made sure he bathed and was dressed well for breakfast and dinner, making sure that the aged feline was well taken care of.

Rousing from his bed, the arctic wolf scratched his neck and went to switch off the alarm clock which had woken him up at seven o'clock sharp. The young valet took a moment to stretch out, feeling uncharacteristically slow this morning. The bed had been really comfortable, much more than his own back at the house. Even for a relatively small standard inside cabin, First Class still delivered comfort. With that thought in mind, Erichsen set to make himself look presentable for the day.

Almost an hour later, dressed in his morning uniform, the wolf locked the door behind him and walked down the wide corridor decked in polished wood panels towards his master's stateroom. His footfalls were muffled by the plush carpeting covering the entire length of the hallway. It didn't take him long to reach his destination, as his cabin was not located too far from his master's room, more convenient and all. Standing in front of the door marked with a small brass plaque which spelled out 'B-36' in bold red letters, the wolf knocked on the door twice.

"Professor Druffington? It's Erichsen, sir." He said politely, hoping that he had not disturbed the tiger from his sleep.

The arctic wolf nearly chanced knocking on the door again, right before he heard the lumber of pawsteps within. Soon the lock rattled and his master appeared on the doorway. The tiger, much larger than his servant, for sure, was dressed in a silk dressing gown with exquisitely ornate lapels. His attire harkened to times past, to glories even beyond the reign of the namesake of their fine ship, Victoria.

"Roderick," murmured the tiger in his deep voice. "Here to wish me good morning? Have I overslept my mark already? I know how particular you are about routines."

"Well, you reminded me to wake you up early for today, sir," said the wolf. He hid his discomfort at being addressed by his first name by clearing his throat. His tail twitched slightly behind his back. The professor had always been rather casual when calling him, ever since the first day he worked for the tiger.

"It's already eight o'clock." He added. "Perhaps you'd like me to draw the bath for you?"

The tiger nodded.

"By all means," said the Professor, "and put my day clothes ready. I will be dining at the ala carte today with the Colonel and Mrs. Derwood of Philadelphia, so I must be properly attired. Continental style. You know what I mean."

The tiger stepped deeper into his stateroom to allow his servant to enter properly.

"Very well, sir." The wolf nodded and entered the stateroom. Naturally, it was thrice the size of his own cabin, with three round potholes that allowed natural light to set into the room, also giving quite the view of the Atlantic.

Erichsen took a passing glance at the rumpled bed as he headed straight to the ensuite bathroom. Equipped with a shower and a bathtub, the valet turned on both hot and cold water taps, making sure that the mixed end result was the preferred temperature for the professor.

Drying his paws, the wolf returned to the stateroom and made a beeline to the wardrobe, choosing the clothes which will suit the tiger for today. A shirt, vest, and a morning jacket... a full set of three piece suit which makes most of the professor's wardrobe. The tiger sure loved to dress fancy, he thought with a small smile.


The tiger might've greeted his manservant quite energetically, but his yawns were accompanied by rumbles while he paced about his stateroom.

"Help my robe off me, Roderick," the tiger commented, looking out through the porthole and into the Northern Atlantic.

With a nod, the valet stepped right next to the tall feline and began to undo his dressing gown. The silken material easily slid off the tiger's broad, powerful frame. Unsurprisingly, the professor was wearing nothing underneath the gown and everything was laid bare for Erichsen to see. It came as quite the shock at first, and it still did, but the wolf had some semblance of control over his reaction.

He thought his cheeks still went warm however, as he averted his eyes from his master's robust body, covered in smooth white and burnt orange fur with beautiful stripes. The professor had kept himself well groomed. He gathered up the robe with his paw and gestured to the bathroom. "The bath is ready, sir. Would you require anything else?"

The tiger glanced at the wolf from over his shoulder. He still presented his entire naked body for the arctic wolf's view without any apparent concern for his state of undress.

"I presume you put in my favorite morning bath salts?" the Professor questioned.

Erichsen inwardly winced. "Ah, I haven't sir. Er..." His tail twitched. "Which one would it be, sir?"

"The lavender, of course! Shoo, then!" the tiger waved both his paw and his tail towards the door into the exclusive ensuite bathroom, one of the main draws of the very stateroom the Professor had booked for himself.

Giving the tiger a small bow, the wolf quickly set off to the bathroom once again, looking over the carefully arranged bottles on the glass rack by the mirror. Finding the bottle containing purple hued crystals, labeled as 'Lavender'.

Taking off his jacket, Erichsen rolled his sleeves and took a pawful of the bath salts before he gently mixed the lavender scented minerals into the tub, working his paw in a circular motion under the warm water until it was smelling wonderfully of the purple hued flower.

When it was done, he went to tell his master that all was prepared as he dried his paws and donned his jacket back, trying not to stare at the tiger who was still in the buff.

The tiger sniffed the air and smiled appreciatively.

"That's much better now!" he sounded cheerful.

The tiger padded into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Splashing noises soon ensued.

While his master was bathing, Erichsen set himself to make up the room as best as he can, tidying the bed, collecting discarded articles of clothing from the carpeted floor, while also collecting the various notes scattered on the writing desk and setting them neatly to one corner. He also opened one of the potholes to better ventilate the entirely warm stateroom. The fresh cool wind of the North Atlantic flowed immediately in, dispelling the oddly musky air of the stateroom within.

He had ample time to do so, considering how Druff liked to linger in the bath. Yet even that didn't last forever.

"RODERICK!" came the tiger's call through the door, suddenly.

The wolf immediately went to the bathroom door. "Yes sir?" He asked, wondering what might the tiger needed. It's strange for his master to ask for his help in the middle of the feline's personal bath time.

"Would you please bring me the Turkish towel? You seem to misplaced it!" came the tiger's answer from within.

"Very well sir." The wolf nodded, blinking as he went to search the wardrobe. Turkish towel... now where did he put that... Ah! There it is. With a wag of his tail, the valet pulled out a thick bath towel, made from the finest material intricately woven in oriental patterns. He had heard from the housekeeper that the professor bought his towel on his last trip on the Orient Express. Though he couldn't be quite sure as the household rumours are quite full of embellishments.

"Here you are sir." He said, knocking on the door with the towel folded carefully on his arm. His paw fingers stroked the soft woolen material absentmindedly as he heard wet footsteps approaching.

The door swung open and the tiger appeared quite casually in his bathroom, dripping onto the floor copiously from his very wet furs.

"Ah, excellent!" stated the tiger. "You may towel me dry then."

The wolf choked as he stared at the tiger in surprise. The towel nearly slipped off his paws. "T-towel you dry, sir?" That has been the most outrageous request he had ever received and yet...

He blinked, and looked unsure at the dripping wet and wholly naked feline before him, unsure where to start.

The tiger looked at the arctic wolf curiously. He wasn't used to the young man being so indecisive, especially in the face of direct commands such as the one he had just issued.

"You would not wish me to spoil the Egyptian silk of my undergarments by putting them on while in this state?" the tiger mused to his servant.

"O-of course not. Right away sir." Erichsen shook his head, letting out a soft breath through his muzzle as he took off his jacket for the umpteempth time this morning, approached his master closer and began to dry him off, starting from the head, and slowly working his way down through the tiger's body.

He made sure that he wasn't too firm when he toweled the feline's fur dry, rubbing against the firm musculature underneath the lustrous, and lavender scented fur. He paused when he crouched down to reach his master's nether regions, unsure whether if he should proceed.

"Should I..."

The tiger's tail swung about and almost smacked the wolf.

"Of course! Those are some hard to reach regions!" the tiger enthused. "And don't forget the tail. Nothing quite as unpleasant as a damp tail."

He made sure to indicate the tail in question with further threatening zooming around the arctic wolf's comfort zones.

Tilting his head away from the dripping, damp tail, the young valet set himself to dry the feline's backside first, before he carefully dried the looping tail clean. It felt really tedious for Erichsen as he moved about to reach his master's more private regions.

This, he thought as he tried not to squeeze too hard or linger to long with the towel, was entirely inappropriate. Adventurous, as the feline was no lord, but still quite inappropriate. He had never heard a valet being asked to dry their masters off quite thoroughly as this even if he was pretty new to the position.

Still, the white furred wolf kept the comments to himself as he proceeded further down to the tigers feet. He stood up and had a once over to make sure he did not miss any spot on the feline. It seemed that he had done a good job drying off his master, but one can never be too sure.

"Is it alright, sir?" He asked furtively.

The tiger patted himself here and there, before turning to face his valet anew, this time with a broad smile over his muzzle.

"i think it is adequate, yes, thank you, Roderick!" the tiger exclaimed. "I think I finally feel truly ready to face the day now. Thanks to you!"

"Glad to serve, sir." The valet smiled in relief and gave the tiger a small bow. "I have your clothes ready." he indicated to the set of clothing which he had laid out neatly on the bed, including the undergarments which he knew the professor liked to wear.

"Splendid!" he said. "Once I am dressed, I shall head for breakfast. You should prepare my dining clothes while I am out and then help yourself to something to eat at the maids and valets saloon. You are very well deserving of that, Roderick!"

The tiger was all smiles when he wandered over to the bed where his clothes now awaited.

Erichsen didn't waste time in helping the feline dress for the day. Helping the professor to dress was not something alien to the young wolf, of course, and the valet did it with ease. Sliding the tiger into the shirt, vest, and jacket was an easy task.

With the cufflinks done, and the jacket brushed, the wolf stepped back and gave a nod. "How would you like me to do your hair today sir?" He asked, nodding to the mess of fur which was brushed sideways for the time being. "The usual coif or something else?"

"Yes...I do not feel adventurous today...and we are on a British ship, after all, and one must fit in with the crowd, wouldn't you agree?" the neatly suited tiger mused.

"Of course sir." Erichsen couldn't help but chuckle a little as he pulled the chair from the dressing table and gestured for his master to sit. As always, everything was neatly arranged on the racks and drawers so he would not act awkward in finding the correct pomade and brush.

"What do you think, sir?" He asked a few minutes later, after giving a last brush of the tiger's hair. "Is the coiff too tall or should I let it as is?" He added after inspecting his master's reflection on the large mirror.

The tiger of course observed himself, and preened the ends of his mane with fingertips to apply just a little curl, the way he liked.

"I am very happy," he said, "I am sure I would not get a better styling even at Monsieur Pierre's saloon in Paris!"

The wolf chuckled. "I do try my best, sir," he said as he let the tiger to stand, giving him a last once over to make sure that nothing was amiss. As he had found nothing off, he gave a little nod. "I had made some inquiries yesterday. I believe they have started served breakfast on the promenade cafe this morning." He remarked as he and the tiger headed for the door.

"Splendid! The milieu there is most agreeable," the tiger commented on this state of affairs.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy the company, sir." Erichsen smiled as he saw his master off from the doorway. He seemed to look thoughtful for a moment. "Anything else you'd like me to attend to while you're away, sir?"

"Just ensure that my clothing is in order, and you could also go to the Inquiries office to see if an answer has come to my telegram I sent to New York, if you would," the tiger stated.

The valet nodded with a customary smile. "Very good, sir."

"Splendid!" declared the tiger.

As the tiger left the stateroom towards the cafe upstairs, the wolf valet set himself to collect the dirty clothes which were clumped about in one corner. After making sure there weren't anymore articles of clothing strewn about, he pulled the bell and waited for the ship's steward to come.

There was a polite knock a few minutes later, and a uniformed horse appeared by the door. With instructions to laundry the professor's clothes, the horse steward nodded and left. The valet himself spent the next few minutes tidying up the rest of the stateroom.

With the room set in order, the arctic wolf left and locked his master's stateroom behind him before heading down to the Main Deck, where the Inquiry Bureau was located. The officer behind the counter greeted him politely.

"Are there any telegrams for Professor Druffington from New York?" He inquired."

The uniformed Collie turned about to check a letter rack behind him that contained a few cards and other notes in its slots. The quick look to it was followed by the dog turning to face the wolf again.

"I am afraid there are no new Marconigrams for your Master," the purser's assistant noted. "Is there anything else your Master might require?"

"Hmm, very well. There's nothing else for my Master," said the valet. "But if you could send this letter over the Marconi to Worthington residence on 23 St. James Road, Liverpool." He said, producing a letter from his jacket which he had written last night.

The Collie nodded once again. "Very well, sir."

With that done, the wolf paid the fare for the Marconi, thanked the purser's assistant, and set himself to find some food.

The dining saloon for maids and valets were quite hidden away from sight, and in order to reach it was to traverse an out of the way corridor lower in the ship, through one of the many smaller staircases amidships, down to D Deck.

Passing by several of the ship's stewards and also some ladies maids and other valets, Erichsen straightened his jacket as his steps echoed through the checkered linoleum floor of the narrow hallway. From the deck plans which had been provided by the steward on sailing off yesterday, Erichsen had found that the Maids and Valets Dining Saloon was located right behind the first class galley, which is pretty convenient.

The establishment was a rather plain and simple affair, with pale wall panels and linoleum floors in subdued hues. However, it was quite lively with a huge amount of servants in black and white talking and eating to each other.

A simple buffet of continental breakfast had been set by the corner, which had attracted quite the crowd. Erichsen didn't head there and instead took an empty seat right beside the wide potholes and immediately reached for the steaming pot of coffee, pouring it into his cup. A hot, strong drink is what he needed to stay more alert for the rest of the day. Whatever the time onboard, the wolf knew, coffee would always be available, whether it was for the passengers, crew, or the help travelling with their masters and families. This much he had discovered during his first 24 hours onboard a transatlantic four-stacker. He'd found it somewhat difficult to sleep with the very new surroundings and the constant soft shaking of his bedsprings. At least he was happy to not to develop seasickness. The biggest ship he had been onboard so far had been a little steamer across the Irish sea to Dublin while accompanying his previous employer.

Feeling more alert that he had his coffee, the arctic wolf rose from the swiveling wooden seat and headed to the buffet. When the young valet returned to his table with a plate filled with bacon and eggs however, he found that the empty seat opposite him had been occupied by a male wolverine, munching on his toast.

He's definitely a valet judging by his attire, and a very handsome one at that too, Erichsen mused as he grabbed the seat which he had occupied before with his paw.

"May I join you?" He asked out of politeness, smiling slightly at the wolverine who looked to be two or three years his senior.

"By all means," the wolverine was quick to reply. "Please."

"Thanks." Erichsen nodded and sat down. His eyes were trained on the wolverine for a while more before he focused his attention to his food.

"You must have a very demanding master," the wolverine observed after a moment.

Surprised, the arctic wolf looked to the wolverine. "Well... you can say that, but how did you come to that conclusion?" He asked, out of wonder and bewilderment.

The wolverine chuckled. He dabbed the corners of his muzzle with a napkin before he spoke again.

"It is this late and you only yet showed up, which means that you have had many tasks to perform."

"Ah." Erichsen nodded with a light chuckle. "Well, my master will be extremely concerned if I didn't dress him well in the mornings." He said. "He's a bit... ah, the dapper gentleman. Very different from my last employer."

The wolverine gave him a curious look.

"You wouldn't think to speak ill of your employers?" he suggested.

"No. My employers aren't that bad." The wolf said. "Even if they have their own funny and unusual quirks." He left it at that. "I take it you have been a valet for a long time now?"

The wolverine shrugged.

"I have been in service since I was 7 years old," he said. "It is my life."

"You're definitely more experienced than me." The wolf remarked with a chuckle. "Went into service at 13. I'm Roderick Erichsen by the way." He added, extending his paw to the wolverine.

The wolverine accepted the paw with a brief squeeze.

"Algernon Albertson," the wolverine said. "And yes, I can tell you are new."

Erichsen nodded, forking pieces of his bacon. "I guess you'd have a sort of eye to this kind of things. True, I haven't been a valet for long." He said before he took a mouthful of his food.

"Found a good master, though... I can tell that too," the wolverine said somewhat cryptically.

The arctic wolf looked at the wolverine curiously. "He's a good, if not a bit odd, master, yes. How did you know, though?"

"Not all valets dress in suits from Savile Row, you know," the wolverine observed.

"Savile Row? You can tell just by looking?" Erichsen's eyebrows rose exponentially. To be truthful, he had never knew his daily suits came from Savile Row. Then again, with the professor preferring high quality things, he was not surprised.

"Of course I can," the wolverine sounded almost smug by now. "That kind of quality is evident by all means."

"Well then, you are more experienced than me. Not surprising, but still impressive." The wolf chuckled. "Anything else?" He sounded really amused now.

"It's also your first time on a ship," the wolverine said.

Erichsen nodded his head slowly. Was he that obvious? "And what gives that away, pray tell?"

"You put your plate and cup and saucer much too close to the edge for anyone who has ever seen rough seas and knows better," the wolverine pointed out Roderick's breakfast tableware, in front of the arctic wolf.

"You really have quite the keen eye, Mr. Albertson." The wolf couldn't help but remark, moving his utensils slightly away from the edge of the table in the meantime.

"My own master finds is very useful," the wolverine replied.

The arctic wolf smiled slightly. "I'm sure. A keen eye is always good." He nodded, turning back to his breakfast to finish it slowly.


For once, Erichsen did not realize that he had fallen asleep on the couch, and he didn't immediately recognize who had shaken him awake. He supposed that he should be familiar with his master's scent by now, but perhaps he had been too tired from the day's activities that his brain was running sluggishly.

The valet effectively jumped out of his skin when he finally recognized the tiger looming in front of him was the professor.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I d-didn't mean to fall asleep..." He stammered, standing up and immediately straightened his clothes. He gulped, not daring to look at the tiger's face, knowing how much trouble he'll be in now.

Falling asleep in his master's stateroom of all places... Gods....

The tiger, dapper as ever in his day wear, still had his paw on the wolf's shoulder after having shaken his soul out of the poor wolf, it appeared, by his reaction.

"Now, now!" he declared. "What is going on here?"

"I'm sorry, sir." The arctic wolf's voice was steady, but it was evident that he wasn't feeling steady at the least. "I must've fallen asleep after I managed your laundry and prepared your suit for dinner..." He trailed off, unsure what to say next. His tail swished agitatedly. " My mistake, sir. I-it won't happen again." He added quickly, with a small bow.

"Oh, now, now, calm down, dear man!" the tiger murmured. He maintained the steady contact on the arctic wolf's shoulder despite his disheveled appearance and obviously distressed state.

The wolf nodded, still visibly embarrassed. "Y-yes, sir." He murmured, clenching and unclenching his paw, slowly glancing up to the tiger, expecting a reproachful stare or something in the same vein.

The tiger was looking at him alright, but it was hardly an angry glare. He appeared positively bemused by the wolf's reaction.

"Oh, my dear boy!" he gave the wolf's shoulder a squeeze and a shake. "Do calm down, Roderick! You look like you tossed my toiletry case through a porthole or something instead of...this!"

"Ah..." That, wasn't the kind of response he had expected from his master. "But I have slept on the job, sir... it's unbecoming of me." He murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, nonsense, my boy, the excitement of your first Atlantic crossing must have gotten the better of you!" the Professor mused.

"I... guess so." The wolf murmured in embarrassment. "It is kind of exciting after all... and I think I might have overexerted myself, sir." He couldn't help but add. "But I'm still sorry for neglecting my duty."

"Perhaps it is I who has been working you too hard," the tiger suggested, "you have been attending to me day and night since we boarded the ship! And I hardly see any signs of neglect anywhere. Even your own clothes are impeccable!"

He brushed the fingers of his free paw against the young wolf's lapel and smiled further still.

Erichsen blinked in surprise, but he tried not to show it. "A-ah... thank you, sir." He said, breathing through his mouth slowly. "You did say you approve of neatness when you first hired me, sir. I'm just following your advice." He added.

The tiger beamed.

"You have showed yourself to be one to follow your duties to a T, it is most commendable," the tiger rumbled, "and you have also been a fine friend and a companion, besides everything else."

Erichsen was at a loss of words. He could feel his cheeks warming under the praise. "I-I was just doing my job, sir." He stammered.

"Oh yes you are, and such good work too," the tiger beamed, "although I do hope that your hearty conduct is not simply because you feel dutybound to me, Roderick..."

"N-no, sir. To be honest, you're the most generous master I've ever worked for." Erichsen replied with a light grin. "I genuinely enjoy attending your needs, well, I do try. I'm still inexperienced in some fields as you can see..." He trailed off, feeling rather awkward talking openly in front of his master like that.

"Oh, you sweet thing..." the tiger tilted his head softly.

The wolf swore his cheeks were aflame now. "S-sir?" He voiced uncertainly, looking to the professor's eyes, full of amusement and... something intense, which he couldn't quite put.

"And I do enjoy being the subject of your doting attention," the tiger said. He tucked his fingers under the wolf's collar and stroked his valet's neck, pads on fur and skin very gently.

Erichsen inhaled sharply at the tender touch of the tiger's fingers. For the first time, he noticed how close his master was standing to him. This is all very unusual and yet...

"Sir?" He voiced yet again, uncertainty coloring his voice. He did not move away from the gentle caress however.

"Don't you enjoy it too?" the tiger continued to stroke along the wolf's neck ever so softly.

The wolf could not voice his answer to that. He stayed silent, not really moving away from the touch but not leaning in either. Instead, he searched his master's gaze for a whole minute before his whole posture seemed to relax, if only slightly.

Erichsen clasped a paw around his master's own, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I... didn't realize you're fond of me in that kind of way, sir." He said with a weak chuckle. "I suppose I should be honored."

The big tiger took the paw that had now touched him tenderly and brought it over to his muzzle. He nuzzled on the white digits and breathed on them, watching and feeling for the response from his young valet.

"You are very sweet," he rumbled.

"I try, sir." Erichsen breathed shakily, feeling his entire face going hot once again. His own tail was lying low, swishing in anticipation. He had really not expected things to go very intimate between him and his master, not that he minded...

"...and surely not as innocent as your pelt suggests..." the tiger joked about the wolf's white fur.

Chuckling, Erichsen murmured, his cheeks still felt rather warm. "I was rather curious during my adolescent years. I did not have much liberty to... explore things as I like however, sir." The words flowed out from his mouth quickly, giving the tiger a wry smile.

"Hmmmrr..." the tiger purred deeply now, "the less than enlightened attitudes held by many can certainly be a hindrance to proper...discovery..."

The rumbling purr sent tingles down through the arctic wolf's body. Pleasant tingles, and he couldn't help but feel a degree of excitement of what was to come next.

"What do you have in mind, sir?" He found himself asking despite already having a general idea of what the tiger was going to do to him.

The tiger smirked as he put his fingers about the wolf's comely muzzle and caressed his chin and cheeks with his pads.

"Oh...I just wish to see you just a little dishevelled for once, my dear boy," the tiger said with another of his by now signature purrs.

The wolf leaned into the tiger's warm touch slightly, breathing rather heavily as he tried to calm his racing heart. "I think that could be arranged... sir." He replied.

"Hmmmrrr.." the tiger rumbled approvingly. "the way you say it now...I may have hard time hearing it from now on..."

Erichsen didn't comment, but simply gave his master an embarrassed look. "I-If you say so, sir." He coughed.

The tiger chuckled.

"Oh there it is again, my boy!" he sounded very cheerful. "It does sound very comely coming from your soft lips..."

The wolf properly blushed this time, averting his gaze away from the tiger, ears flicking. Deciding to change the topic of the conversation, the valet went to say, "What do you want me to do then, sir?"

The tiger tousled the wolf's excessively neat head furs.

"Do you think it is all about me now, Roderick, my friend?" he asked.

"I'm... not sure what do you mean, sir." Came the reply, followed by a questioning tilt of the wolf's head.

"Such innocence..." the tiger smirked.

With that he pressed a softest of kisses onto the wolf's lips and then withdrew to savor the sight of the young wolf's reaction at feeling such a thing coming from his very own master.

His response was that of astonishment mixed with a hint of contentment. The valet was silent for a long while, slowly turning his eyes back towards his master. It was a moment later before he dared himself to touch the tiger's paws. "That was nice... s-sir."

The tiger drew his paws down along Roderick's shoulders and arms before closing them around the young wolf in an embrace that also pulled their bodies together. He added his tail, on a loop about the valet's waist, to solidify the contact.

"It certainly was, and you taste just as sweet as I thought you would!" the tiger declared.

The blush intensifies as the young wolf allowed himself to be embraced by the larger, and definitely bulkier tiger. "Thank you." He murmured, wrapping his arms around his master's waist.

The tiger smiled still.

"And now that we are getting to know each other better, I am sure that our voyage across the ocean will be much more...satisfying," stated the cat.

"I-I believe it will." The wolf replied, looking up to the tiger nervously. "I'm looking forward to it, in fact, sir." He added with a small cough, trying to mask his blush.

The Professor stroked his paws along the young wolf's back.

"You sound like you have ideas about it...maybe you have even thought about it..." he suggested.

"I... I might have, sir." Erichsen replied sheepishly. "But I never really dwelled on it, honestly speaking."

"No?" the tiger quirked his brow while letting his paw wander lower down on the wolf's back, all the way to the spot where his tail poked out of his trousers. "Not at all?"

He brushed his fingers along the wolf's tail and smiled.

The touch elicited a low shudder across the wolf's body. "N-no, sir..." He replied, savoring the touch of the feline on his tail. It felt oddly nice.

"Hmm..." the tiger pursed his lips, "a strong comely lad like you surely has many thoughts of a certain variety..."

He continued the caress with his palm and let his fingertips brush on the actual curve of the wolf's rear.

"I-If you say so, sir..." The wolf's breath quickened when he felt where his master's paw was resting now. "But I do believe you'd like to take the reins for this moment, sir?"

The tiger's purr deepened at hearing those words.

"I am sure we could oblige such a request, coming from you..." Druff mused. "And I do have ideas alright..."

Erichsen couldn't help but gulp. "Very well sir." He replied with a steady nod, trying not to show his nervousness and excitement. Although, he supposed his wagging tail betrayed any pretense by now.

The tiger chuckled again.

"Aren't you being very obedient...are you sure that you aren't simple trying to please me, since I employ you as my manservant?" he asked.

The wolf gave a small shrug. "I grew up in the life of service, sir." He replied with a light smile. "Obedience came naturally to me, I suppose."

The tiger purred and squeezed the wolf closer to himself.

"That can be a good characteristic...for a servant and otherwise as well..." he suggested.

Erichsen blushed once again as he sunk into the embrace, feeling the tiger's warmth seeping into his body.

"Oh yes..." said the tiger. He kissed the wolf again, though this time let it linger for quite some time.

Inhibitions cast aside, the wolf savored the kiss, tilting his head slightly and pressed himself deeper into the tiger's embrace. Part of him still couldn't believe this was happening to him. A low rumble of pleasure came from the back of his throat as they slowly parted, breathing heavily.

"Isn't that nice?" Druff suggested with a smile.

"It is, yes." The wolf murmured with a wag of his tail. He could feel the tiger's excitement poking him down below, and honestly, he was quite in a state too. "I... suppose you'd want us to get more, ah, comfortable, sir?"

The tiger licked his lips.

*"You are suggesting that we would recreate our lovely moment from this morning when you regarded my most natural state with such curiosity?" he teased.

The wolf flushed yet again. "If I may speak freely, sir. You are exceedingly bold." He remarked with a wry smile.

The tiger quirked his brow at the soft-mannered wolf.

"Do you find that disconcerting, my friend?" he asked.

"...I don't really mind that, to be honest, sir." The wolf replied.

"Excellent!" the tiger enthused. "I would hate to think that anything I do would make you wish to man the lifeboats instead of staying here with me..."

Erichsen chuckled at that. "I'd hate to think you're living unattended, sir." He said, humming thoughtfully. Biting his lips, he added, "W-would you like me to help you undress?" That came out more nervous than he intended it to be.

The tiger chuckled.

"I do not think I have ever been more happy to hear such assistance offered, Roderick!" the Professor beamed. "I would like that very much...as long as you shall be undressed as well."

"Of course sir." The wolf nodded somewhat shakily, setting his gaze to the tiger's day clothing and set himself to remove the layers one by one.

First came off the jacket, which he carefully folded on the nearby chair out of habit, before he unbuttoned the vest slowly, making sure not to rush things. He allowed himself to feel the tiger's firm, robust body, albeit somewhat nervously, as the vest became undone and was peeled off the feline's broad shoulders. At times, he really wondered how his master kept his impressive figure at his age.

"Take all your time," the tiger told the wolf when he noticed that he was lingering in places, "it is more than appreciated, my boy."

The valet nodded with the encouragement, now taking off the buttons of his master's shirt. The feline's beautiful striped fur quickly came into view, and the wolf couldn't resist caressing the broad, firm chest with his paws as the last button came undone, trailing down until his fingers reached the belt which kept the trousers in place.

It soon came apart along with the shirt, falling into a heap of clothing around the tiger's ankles.

"You have a really beautiful body, sir." The arctic wolf breathed, his paws rested around his master's hips. There was only a thin layer of silk covering the feline's private regions, but they didn't really leave much to the imagination.

The tiger chuckled, both the remark and the feel of the trembling paws on his pelt.

"You are very...kind on me," he said. "But I am happy to hear that it pleases you, Roderick."

He leaned in to kiss the wolf, simply because he could.

Erichsen welcomed the kiss with more enthusiasm than before.. Feeling quite emboldened, the wolf slipped his tongue in between their interlocking lips, tentatively measuring how his master would respond. The feel of the tiger's own wet, sandpapery tongue brushing against his own surely gave him a stop, but it did not make the wolf retreat for their newly warmed embrace.

"Hmmmr...", purred the Professor. He was happy that the wolf didn't shy away from him, and that he appeared to like what was happening. This culmination to the growing tension of a certain kind between them was most agreeable to the tiger. To feel the wolf respond the same way was wonderful.

The kiss soon turned into a passionate affair, with the wolf pressing against the tiger hungrily. Their tongues melded and swirled together, seeking even further contact. When they finally parted, Erichsen was panting hard to catch his breath, looking at his master with barely controlled lust and elatedness at what was happening, on how lovely and exciting it all felt.

"Hmm...yes...that is good, boy."

With his paw still on the tiger's hips, the wolf slipped his fingers into the silken bands of the professor's underwear and slowly drew them down, crouching to his knees in the process as he breathed in the sight of the feline's plump sheath. The barbed, pink flesh underneath was already poking out from its confines. A distinct, musky, though not exactly unpleasant smell permeated from it as the wolf's eyes caressed the tiger's sizeable tool.

Now he understood why his master's room always smelled musky in the mornings. The thought of the tiger fondling himself in the way men were prone to do at such times made the insides of Roderick's ears heat up. To have it now dangle in front of his very eyes did nothing to lessen his somewhat shy embarrassment at what he was truly doing...or going to do.

"The natural conclusion would be to touch it, I think," the tiger told to the now kneeling wolf, smiling down at him with the kindest of smiles...although his eyes spoke of something deeper, even to Roderick's relatively innocent own eyes looking up to the tiger in question.

"R-right." The wolf murmured, averting his eyes back down once again. He ran his paw across the throbbing, meaty shaft, caressing it slowly, almost reverently in fact. Now that it was standing to its full height, Erichsen couldn't help but admire its true size and girth. The tiger was truly large in every aspect imaginable.

The tiger's shaft flexed in the wolf's gentle grip.

"Do you enjoy it?" the Druff murmured.

Nodding, the arctic wolf gazed back up to his master. "May I, sir?" He asked tentatively, leaning his muzzle slightly closer to the feline's musky manhood.

"Almost nothing would bring me more pleasure now, my boy," the tiger replied, "and we might see about that later..."

He scratched the wolf's ear affectionately.

Flushing from the tiger's words, the wolf took a large whiff of the deliciously musky scent of the throbbing rod in front of him as he brushed his lips against the slick, hot surface. Opening his muzzle wider, the canine began to taste the manhood, running his tongue from the base of the shaft towards the barbed head.

The clear fluid which had started to leak gave it a rather salty flavor, which he didn't mind much. Rather, it encouraged him to continue to taste his master's manhood in the earnest, going as far as enclosing his lips around the tapered head, teasing the feline more with his tongue.

"Hhmmmrr..." the tiger's purr was an approving one. The paw that had previously played with Roderick's ears fell on the crown of his head and remained there, an encouraging presence, with a hint of control as well. "Did you do this before, my friend?"

"Y-years ago, sir." The wolf replied after pulling his muzzle from the throbbing shaft.Looking up to the tiger with hint of red coloring his cheeks. "With a couple of old friends..."

The tiger smirked.

"Old friends?" he licked his lips. "Tell me more about that, boy..."

He tousled the wolf's head furs, his cock still throbbing excitedly.

"Well... we, uh, served in the same house together once, as footmen, before the old master died and the house was sold." Erichsen replied, his paw still caressing his master's shaft slowly. "He was First Footman and I was Second Footman. He took a fancy to me, and I really didn't mind his attention. Wasn't that bad of a looker either. We, uh, stuck to each other for awhile after the house closed down. He was street smart and showed me the ropes." He said, pausing for a short moment. "Met with a friend of his owned a club, and we were allowed to work there. He was more than accommodating us. You could say we were pretty tight knit before we went on our own ways." He said with a light chuckle.

The tiger raised a questioning brow.

"Well this part of your service history I was not aware of!" he declared. "Now you make me wonder just what kind of services you provided in that club, all things considered..."

Erichsen properly blushed. "Nothing of that sort, sir." He said with an exasperated chuckle. "It was a proper gentleman's club. If anything, my friend was more intimate with the club owner."

The tiger laughed as well.

"I wouldn't think of you as a rent boy, my friend," he smiled. "Although...we may need to get you one of those old-fashioned footman's uniforms once we are back in England..."

"Any particular reason, sir?" The wolf asked, looking at the tiger with confusion while still stroking the barbed manhood with his paw.

"Hmmm...I may have my reasons...but you should return to your duties at paw now, my boy," the tiger replied with an amused smirk.

Nodding, Erichsen licked his lips and set himself to suckle the feline's slick shaft, bobbing his head slowly as he tried to accommodate the sizeable girth into his maw. It has been a long time since he had done anything remotely as exciting as this, and the wolf couldn't help but wonder how his master was enjoying the treatment. If his purrs were anything to go by, he liked it a lot.

"Good boy," the tiger enthused.

The wolf flushed as he was addressed as such, continuing his effort to suck the tiger's rod with vigor, going deeper until half of the meaty shaft was lodged deep into his muzzle. However, he pulled away a while later, breathing heavily while massaging his tired jaw. That doesn't stop him from giving the feline's manhood a hearty squeeze with his paws however.

"Something the trouble?" Druff asked ,seeing the young wolf's gesture.

"Nothing, sir." He replied. "J-just, not used to your size." He added with a touch of nervous chuckle. "You're quite big after all..."

The tiger ruffled his head furs once again.

"Why don't you stand up and let me kiss you again, boy?"

The wolf blinked and gave a nod. "O-of course, sir." He said, going up to his feet once again, standing close to the tiger.

The Professor pulled the wolf into another tight embrace, full of kisses and lightly grinding his erection to the wolf's belly.

"We should get you out of these clothes too, Roderick," the tiger commented.

Still out of breath from the passionate making out, the wolf merely nodded to the tiger. "T-that would be preferable, yes." He said breathlessly.

The tiger began to loosen the wolf's starched collar.

"Then we must see what you keep hidden beneath here..." he mused.

Nodding, the white wolf stood still as the feline began to undid his clothes, unsure if his master would like to do this on his own or whether he should assist in taking off his own suit. The tiger soon noticed his indecisiveness.

"You have many buttons, you are allowed to help!" the Professor chuckled.

Along with his own fingers, his clothes were quickly shed away, revealing his coat of thick white fur, covering a body with musculature that was evidently was well trained. The nervousness of standing stark naked in front of his master--who was also naked with a proud erection in addition--came over the arctic wolf in waves. His tail twitched agitatedly, as if it was to cover his own raging excitement as he tried to not shy away, which was difficult with the large tiger looming in front of him with a curious smirk on his face.

"...and what a wonderful button here as well..."

The tiger's remark surely made the wolf 's blush deepen, even before Druff wrapped his fingers around Roderick's pink erection. It felt firm, and very good, in his grip, and he was sure to squeeze it as firmly as he knew was comfortable when handling such a sensitive part of the young wolf's body.

A gasp immediately came from the wolf's lips once his canine manhood was wrapped with the tiger's large, thick fingers. "A-ah..."

The tiger gave the wolf a gentle, yet determined stroke.

"isn't that lovely?" the tiger purred.

"Y-yes..." Erichsen breathed as his erect rod continued to be stimulated by his master's deft paw. "That felt good... s-sir."

"Surely your previous...specious friends did something like this to you?" the tiger teased just as he rubbed the wolf's tip with his pads.

"It has been a while since I get s-something like this, sir." The wolf replied to the feline with a nervous smile.

"Then it is well about time!" the tiger chuckled before kissing the wolf heartily.

"Mmmh..." The kiss was gratefully accepted by the wolf, who quickly responded by playing his tongue, licking the tiger's lips, and playing with the feline's larger, roughly textured tongue as the two slowly moved towards the direction of the large bed. The white wolf was too busy sinking in the lustful sensations of their bodies and their manhoods pressing against each other to really notice his surroundings. Yet he appeared surprised when he landed onto the bed and found the tiger on top of him.

The Druff smiled broadly.

"Tell me..." he said, grinding himself onto the wolf's groin, "what kind of things have you done before with your friends?"

The wolf was staring wide eyed at his master. "S-sir?" He asked, not entirely sure how to respond to that line of question while also trying to ignore how the feline was slowly grinding his shaft against his body. "Nothing too elaborate..." He finally replied, remembering the nights he spent with the timber wolf and his lion friend in the club. "We suckled each other dry and there's the usual - uh - the arse pounding...forgive my language, sir." He added quickly. "Not sure if there are any polite words to express it." He chuckled with wry amusement.

The tiger was clearly amused at both the wolf's recollections and his apparent embarrassment.

"The polite terms are dusty from disuse and belong to books from the Ancient Greece," the tiger replied happily. "I think the words you used were more than adequate to describe the...jollity...of such acts!"

Erichsen couldn't help but laugh a little at the tiger's words. "I can agree with that, sir." He said. Looking down on their throbbing cocks, slick and sticky with pre-seminal fluids secreted from the moments excitement in the past few minutes, he couldn't help but ask, "What would you like to do, sir?"

"Hmmmrr...I shall taste you first, I think..." the tiger declared, "if you'll let me..."

"Of course..." the wolf breathed, sinking back to the bed, steadying his breath as he looked into the feline's hungry eyes. "I'm yours, sir."

The tiger kissed him on the lips before he started a trail of the same wet pecks along Roderick's chin, neck, and to his collarbone. He let his breath kiss the wolf as much as his lips did, and his tongue was equally active on making the motions, to bring more moans and trembles out of the sweet young man under him.

"Then you shall..." he promised the wolf.

Despite the urgency both of them surely felt, the tiger did not hurry in any particularly manner while he continued to explore the young wolf's body. His kisses were joined with caressing paws, going over Roderick's body and ruffling through his furs, feeling the firm muscles hidden underneath the thick pale pelt. Their direction was towards the apex of the wolf's thighs, of course, as per their earlier conversation. And truly, Roderick watched, through half-lidded eyes, how his master now became his lover as well by closing his warm, wet lips around his erect shaft.

""Hmrrr..." the tiger purred around the cock in his mouth.

The wolf moaned softly at how the tiger was caressing his manhood with his tongue in an almost loving manner. It had been ages since he felt something as good as this. The wolf writhed on the bed as his master continued to taste and tease his hard member.

"A-ah... sir..." He breathed languidly. "Y-you're really good at this... ah..."

The tiger continued to administer licks and purrs as he did before. His big paws cupped the wolf's buttocks while he did so, and caressed his rear with the same reverent attention he was paying to the wolf's member. He wanted to make Roderick's eyes roll back in his head and to bring out those amusing whimpers and huffs from his lips.

If anything, the feline's ministrations brought the wolf very close to the edge. The young lupine was quickly humping into the tiger's maw, shuddering from the warm paws which were touching and teasing his back end, expelling an unending stream of moans and huffs.


The tiger lapped up everything the wolf produced. He found it to be an acquired taste, but one he had learned to cherish. Coming from the wolf, it was quite the treat.

"Such a sweet boy..." Druff told the wolf. He pinched Roderick's shaft into his fingers and simply nuzzled on its wet length for the moment. He knew it was a tease, especially with the wolf so close to his climax, but he was entitled to.

"S-sir." The white wolf managed to reply between his breaths. That was more intense than what he had experienced before... it might have been the fact that he had not had any kind of physical pleasure until up to this point, but the tiger's mouth alone still drove his senses to its limit.

Erichsen was almost afraid of how his body might react when his master decided to bury his enormous-looking shaft deep into his body - and the wolf was quite sure that it was what the tiger ultimately wanted of him.

"My beautiful boy...you want this, don't you?" the tiger rumbled.

With a shuddering breath, the wolf lifted his head to look to his master and gave the tiger an affirming nod. "Y-yes sir." He replied. "I'd be glad..." He added, chuckling to mask his nervousness of what was to come next.

"You sound like you have an idea on what you want to do next..." the Professor observed playfully.

"You know what you want to do with me sir..." The wolf groaned out, feeling restless from the amount of teasing.


The tiger slurped at the wolf's tip once more before he let it fall upon Roderick's belly again. He saw a puzzled look appear on Erichsen's face when he began to climb out of the bed.

"Worry not," Druff said. "There is something we need."

"Ah." The wolf nodded. "Of course." He said, watching as the professor move around the bed and towards the drawers.

"I haven't had much use for this lately, shame as it, but it is good to carry some..." the tiger mused. He opened a leather toiletry box sitting on top of the chest of drawers and began to through it, a cheerful rumble to his purrs while he did so. The little bottles and jars inside clinked while his fingers moved through the box and its many compartments. "If only I'd remember where it is..."

He chuckled good-heartedly. and continued the task of finding what he was searching for.

"Maybe I should put you in charge of safekeeping it..." he added.

Filled with curiosity, the wolf turned to look at what the tiger was looking for, Erichsen turned to the side, trying to look at the leather box. "What is it, sir?"

"Oh just something amusing I picked up...in the Levant..." the tiger spoke in a conspiratorial tone. The jar was soon found, white clay, and cupped in his paw. "I am sure you will enjoy it!"

He returned over to the bed.

"That looks curious." The wolf voiced dubiously at the white clay jar on the tiger's paw, making room on the bed as the feline climbed back upon it.

He opened the jar swiftly. A slightly herbal scent spread into the room from the vessel he held still.

"Just wait till you feel it, too..." the tiger said, with promise. He scooped some of the substance within into his paw and began to rub those fingers together. They were now covered in a white, creamy substance that reminded the wolf of custard.

Nodding, Erichsen laid back on the bed, eyes trained on the clay jar with unending curiosity. It was something he had not seen before and thus was really curious of what it could be, besides a really exotic lubricant, which was something he guessed early on. But he couldn't be sure.

"Hmm..." the tiger breathed out. He scooted closer to the wolf now. "Pull your legs up to make room for me. It will put you in just the right position."

The wolf flushed yet again as he nodded. Spreading his legs wide, the canine pulled his legs upward as far as he could with his paws, effectively presenting his tailhole to the tiger who was once again looming before him.

His new revelations did not go unnoticed. The tiger looked at him hungrily, all of him, and smirked at the wolf's shy expression.

"I suppose you know what will happen next, don't you, boy?" said the tiger.

"Y-yes." Erichsen couldn't help but gulp, looking up to the lustful eyes of his master. "I'm ready, sir..."

"We will see about that, boy," the tiger said. It sounded almost threatening, and certainly predatory, what's with the paw that was definitely approaching Roderick's tender nether regions. He saw the wolf's tail bounce on the bed and even more so when his knuckles brushed its bushy length. "But I will make sure that you'll enjoy every moment of it..."

"I... alright sir. L-looking forward to it..." Came the wolf's shaky chuckle as he huffed to calm himself down. Something about his master's voice sent pleasant shivers down his body. His shaft pulsed and throbbed in anticipation.

He had never wanted the tiger's manhood inside him so badly in his life.

"I'm sure you will...you're a randy boy aren't you..." the tiger pursed his lips with amusement at the sight of the wolf's continuous and likely growing arousal. "Wonderful..."

The tiger placed his fingers at the wolf's hole and pressed, to check out the territory he was about to claim for himself.

"Mmmf..." The arctic wolf took a sharp intake of breath as he felt the feline prodding into his tailhole. He breathed shakily through his mouth as the tiger continued to press deeper, slowly loosening the ring of tender flesh beneath.

"I knew you were," the tiger observed, almost casually, all the while playing with the wolf's ass, "sometimes those pants of yours have appeared very tight on the front, especially in the mornings when you have come to serve me my tea in bed..."

He hadn't thought the tiger would notice, or that the feline was that observant. Erichsen couldn't help but moan when the finger pressed deeper, tickling the sensitive nerve endings around his hole. "I-I don't always have time to r-relieve myself in the mornings, sir..." He breathed, suppressing another wave of moans as the tiger dug a little deeper.

"Naughty boy..." the tiger was all purrs when he made such a declaration about his servant. He also made sure to poke the wolf rather intimately as he spoke this thing. His finger wriggling its way into the the wolf's secret rear opening certainly did the job of making his valet moan out in curious pleasure.

For the umpteempth time, Erichsen flushed under his master's words. Shivers ran down his spine as the tiger's finger poked and prodded his innards. sending jolts of pleasure up through his body. He missed this, in a way, and the fact that it was his master doing this for him made his shaft ache and throb.

The tiger was taking his time at it, too. He dwelled in the act to his heart's content, and spent many pleasurable moments caressing the rest of the wolf's body as well. The sweet wolf's reactions to his touch amused him as much as they were arousing as well, seeing the valet's sexual arousal grow to ever higher levels.

"S-sir..." The wolf moaned once again, aching for some sort of release from the pent up pleasure which had been constantly building up from the moment the tiger stripped in front of him. "Y-you're taking your time awfully well..." He panted, tilting his head to look at the feline, his tongue poking out of his muzzle as he tried to regulate his breathing.

"Patience is a virtue, my boy," the tiger winked rudely...and did not stop for a single moment, to dwell into and onto the wolf's body.

Hearing that, the white wolf's ears folded against his head. "Apologies, sir." He said with a hint of embarrassment. "Do take your time with... uh..." He trailed off, flushing yet again.

"Preparing you for the hearty buggery that will follow!" said the tiger in the same cheerful tone.

He couldn't help but chuckle at his master's cheerfulness. "Yes, that." He grinned through his breath.

"It has certainly been too long both of us, then, if you say that the last time for you was with your friends at your old place..." said the tiger, "and a month since the Count visited..."

He grinned at the wolf, well aware that the valet would know which of his many guests he was now referring to in such a manner.

"O-oh." The wolf blinked. His face heated up at the thought of his master getting very intimate with the Count, which was to say, there were a lot of visits. "I'm sure you had a pretty good time..." He breathed.

"Perhaps next time he comes over, I should introduce him to my lovely young valet...! the tiger winked. He pulled his fingers out of the wolf's rear and moved for the jar again.

"W-wh... I don't think I'd do well interrupting you and the Count, sir." The wolf choked, surprised at the tiger's suggestion. His eyes trailed the feline's movements as he scoped the thick, white cream once again, gulping. He hoped that he was ready for it. The tiger wasn't exactly small, and it had indeed been some time since Roderick had engaged in anything of the sort.

"I'm sure you'd fit right in," the tiger opined.

The sloppy noise of the tiger's fingers moving along his impressive shaft only made the wolf's ears burn even further. His insides clenched and his tail swished noticeably along the bedsheets and between the tiger's spread legs too, where he was kneeling by the wolf and stroking himself to full mast.

Erichsen inwardly gulped as he stared at the sizeable, barbed shaft pointed at him. Taking deep breaths, the arctic wolf braced himself for the surely painful, but pleasurable entry he'd experience in the next few moments.

The tiger was amused by the wolf's expression. He maintained eye contact with his shivering valet even when he moved closer again and took a hold of the wolf's left leg.

"How do you prefer to have these?" he shook the leg playfully. "Or shall I choose for you, my boy?"

"I-I'm fine with whatever you come up with." The wolf managed to reply beneath the nervous exterior. He wished his master could get on with it. Felines could be so infuriatingly playful at times, he couldn't help but sigh silently.

The tiger surprised the wolf by taking a hold of his other leg as well.

"Pull these close to your chest and hold them for me..." he smirked. By now the Professor was so close to his valet that his hard cock brushed against the smooth fur of the youth's rear.

With a mute nod, the canine pulled his legs as far as he can to his bare chest, fully exposing his tailhole to the imposing tiger before him. His tail swished in a somewhat eager manner, blue eyes trained on the throbbing feline maleness which was about to penetrate him any minute now.

"Just remember to enjoy yourself, and tell me to stop if anything displeases you, my boy," the tiger spoke in his most soothing tones when he leaned over the now very much captive wolf.

'Y-yes sir..." The wolf nodded fervently.

The tiger shuffled his hips forward and let himself bump onto the now spread and open cleft between the wolf's buttocks. He enjoyed the soft gasp the new touch caused. His slick cock nudged against Roderick's nuts before the tip found the wolf's well-repared hole, just waiting for him. He smiled down at the wolf now bent over backwards under him, and grinned.

"Relax..." he warned the wolf.

"Yes, sir..." Came the white wolf's breathless reply. He could feel his heart hammering in his ribcage.

The tiger kissed the young wolf and took a hold of his hips, warm arms draped along the wolf's body as he tried to touch him as much as he could, to distract him from what he knew would be an intense sensation to come from his nethers.

Erichsen welcomed the kiss with relish, welcoming the playful touch of the feline's tongue over his muzzle with a low rumble from his throat as he wrapped his arms around the tiger's thick neck, bringing them close together. The tiger purred into the kiss. He was glad that his plan was working, especially when he felt the wolf's tongue twist inside his maw when he began to push into the wolf's tight rear.

"M-mph!" The wolf gasped as he felt the thick, meaty rod pushing into his rear end, spreading him wide apart as the tiger continued to push into him. The grip on the feline's neck tightened as he hissed from the intense sensation from his tailhole as the barbs grazed and widened his rear entrance, helped by the lubrication which the tiger had applier earlier.

"Hsssss..." the tiger's rumble was an equally soothing one as his words before, and his kisses travelled along the wolf's neck, to give him the freedom to breathe and moan as much as he wanted to on that moment. He kept his hips and their motion steady, even if the urge to just jam himself all the way inside Roderick was definitely there.

The wolf was openly hissing and moaning as his ass was spread wide by the tiger's large tool. The pain was definitely there, barely masked by the kisses and touch he was receiving from his master. His body rocked in motion with the gyration of the feline's hips, breath shuddering as he tried to relax and allow more of the barbed manhood to snake deeper inside him.

"Yes..." the tiger whispered against his valet's lips, "there..."

Their hips pressed together with a sense of finality, and accomplishment, and the tiger rested in place.

"O-oh god..." Erichsen panted, letting out a panting moan as the weight of the tiger rested down on him. He managed to grin at his master, returning the kiss as he slowly wrapped his legs around the tiger's hips, allowing more room for movement for the feline.

"Now the good part may begin," noted the tiger. He took the wolf's welcoming gesture as a message that he was truly ready for it, and that he could move on to truly start to pleasure his new lover the best he could.

Druff remembered to growl deeply when he withdrew almost completely from the wolf's slick heat, The valet's muscles squeezed down on him, as if loathe to be losing the presence of the warm fleshy shaft that had stretched him open so deliciously. The tiger moved calmly even when he felt the same secret muscles caress on his barbed tip and make his whole cock jerk and ooze inside the wolf's rear. He rewarded such pleasures by pushing in deep again, listening to the moans and pants this caused on the wolf now writhing underneath him on the expensive sheets of his stateroom bed.

"A-ah... yes... like that..." voiced the wolf with unhibited, languid, if not somewhat pained, moan as the tiger nailed his prostate in quick succession. One paw had reached down to his own erection and began pumping it in tandem with his master's thrusts, getting as much pleasure as he could, panting and whining loudly.

It had been so long since he felt this much carnal pleasure, and he was giving in into the sensation with relish.

The tiger noticed the wolf's decadent self-pleasure, but did not interfere with it. He decided that he could do a much better thing by continuing rocking their bodies together. He leaned very close to his dear valet and nibbled on the nearest ear that he reached.

If anything, it only made Erichsen whimper in pleasure once more. Breath shaking, the wolf leaned his head up and nuzzled into the crook of the tiger's fuzzy neck, while continuing to jacking himself off. The tiger held onto his shoulders for balance and for the additional physical contact that produced, while his hips moved ever steadily. The wolf could surely feel all the weight and passion behind those thrusts, aimed at his core.

Erichsen's breath was getting more erratic as the tiger continued to pound deeply into him. He gyrated his hips to deepen the contact between his master's thick, barbed tool with his tailhole, desperate to feel the sweet release.

"That's good...good boy..." the tiger commented on the wolf's increasing eagerness at their act. "Yes..."

"Anf...hah...." The canine was practically grinding to the large tiger's body above him, jerking his own manhood with frenzy as he felt himself coming to a close. With his free arm, he reached for his master's face and leaned up, mashing his lips with the feline's own.

"I'm c-close, sir..." He moaned softly.

"Then spend yourself!" the tiger sounded almost commanding. "Sweet boy..."

It didn't take long for Erichsen to spill his seed. His rear end clenched tightly around the tiger's shaft, as his hips jerked outward, and the wolf expelled his load, along with a loud howl that he desperately tried to hold back but wasn't entirely successful . Ropes of white, viscous fluid coated both of the males' still grinding bodies.


Erichsen almost saw white when he finally came. He hadn't experienced such powerful orgasm in a while now. Tiredly, he grinned to his master and wrapped his legs tighter around the feline's hips. The tiger was still pounding him, but the rising tension in his body was more than obvious by the time the wolf's climax was winding down. It didn't take long for the Professor to join his valet in his oblivion.


Several rough thrusts and a growl signalled his orgasm. Druff clasped tight onto the wolf and pressed his lips to Roderick's neck, breathing in his scent while his hips made their final needy motions and he spilled copious amounts into the wolf's tight, and newly squishy rear. A veritable flood

The only sound coming from the white wolf was tired whines and some soft moans as his rump was filled up with the massive sized tool and the warm, potent feline fluids. His strength left him as the tiger continued to pump into him, a small grin stretching out on his face. The smile was matched by the tiger, once his face relaxed from the scowl of a climax. He looked down upon the panting wolf underneath him, wrapped in the striped male's body and warm embrace.

"...oh you do look splendid...I shall enjoy seeing you like this often from now on I think..."

Roderick's ears became crimson at the thought that what had passed might become a frequent occurrence. It felt almost like a dream...but a pleasant one.

"...I shall see what happens in just a few minutes, I think," the Professor announced.

The valet gave his master a surprised look. The tiger licked his own lips before pecking a kiss onto the wolf's lips.

"...exactly so..." Druff stated.

The sea rocked the two of them on the bed for the brief lull that their embrace offered. If the tiger's words were to be believed, he planned to give a quick repeat of their manly performance once he had rested for just a moment.

The wolf looked forward to that. Roderick suspected that his duties were about to become much more varied than before this fateful voyage.


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