Love Bites and Slobber

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Druffessor is back, and college studs are in danger...I think...

Love Bites and Slobber





Hmm. It appears that avatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang got nowhere near enough of daddy Druff attention as of late, which means that he's back for what he needs...and will the Druffessor supply it? You must read on and find out! I shall look forward to your comments, by all means.

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!




"Well aren't you being impatient...whoever you are...."

The tiger was just finished with his mutterings when he opened the locks and peered into the hallway. Tan, brown, grey and orange furs filled his field of vision even before their owner turned around and faced the new occupant of the doorway. Druff saw surprise flash over the face that looked onto his own. A smile appeared almost instantly on the tiger's lips at the sight.

"Ah...well..." said the tiger, one paw dropping to his hip in an exaggerated pose of contemplation.

"Sup," the wolf was quick to speak out.

"I suppose I should say the very same to you, Mister Silva," the Druff murmured, "I did not expect to find you behind my door at this hour, or at any time, really. This is a very surprising yet not an unpleasant thing to behold. Hello!"

The wolf's ears flickered quizzically at the remark, but he pressed on with his business.

"Yeah, hello," he said, paws tucked into the pockets of his cargo shorts, "look, I think I might've dropped something here the...uh...the other night..."

The tiger chuckled. The wolf looked at him suspiciously. The angle of his ears was rather acute, pointed at the tiger at the door. Druff found it amusing enough, and showed that with the brightness of his smile.

"Oh yes?" he mused.

The wolf's tail flicked behind him tensely. Druff looked at the motion curiously.

"Well, yeah, I mean,...I think I dropped something from my wallet. My library card."

Druff's eyes flashed with amusement.

"Looking at you, I'd be more likely to suspect you'd lost your gym membership card and not the one to the library," he said.

The wolf made a face. He didn't look too amused by the quip from the tiger.

"Whut?" he asked.

Druff snickered and stepped backwards before retreating to the side.

"Come on in," he gestured along the hallway with his tail, "I'm sure we can find it if it's here. I haven't seen it and my maid hasn't told me about anything odd being found but I don't think she always cleans everywhere as carefully as I might like."

Brian only got one step further into the Druff's abode when he stopped and looked at him.

"You have a maid?" he made a whistling noise as he looked up at the ornate ceiling and then back at the tiger. "Like, she lives here and shit? I know I joked about a butler but you didn't say anything about that!"

The tiger snickered.

"Oh, goodness me, no, a nice lady comes around three times a week to keep the place suitable for habitation," Druff elaborated, "as tempting as the idea sounds like, I'm not quite wealthy enough to afford live-in help."

The wolf looked dubious, but gave a nod.


"Make yourself comfortable," Druff rumbled behind the wolf when Brian wandered deeper into the apartment, "I think some of the furniture still smells like you, anyway, so it should not be difficult."

Brian stopped again and looked at the tiger over his shoulder. He looked like he couldn't decide if Druff was joking or not. Druff certainly wasn't letting anything off with his own bemused expression.

"So you haven't seen my card?" he asked.

"I'm quite sure that I would have noticed the presence of a strange piece of personal identification if I came across it, Mister Silva," Druff noted.

Brian shrugged and headed into the living room along the by now familiar route. The tiger ambled leisurely behind him. The owner of the apartment appeared to be in no hurry. He found the wolf looking around the room, eyes slightly squinted as if for extra accuracy.

"Something to drink while you are at it?" Druff questioned when he entered the room after his surprise guest.

"Huh?" the wolf exclaimed.

The tiger slipped onto the leather couch and reached for a painted china cup sitting on a platter on the little table nearby.

"I was enjoying some coffee with my book," Druff said. "some David Crystal, to cultivate a love of words and reading."

The tiger lifted a paperback from the little table and flashed it at the wolf.

"Oookay," Brian said. "Any idea where the card could be?"

"I do have beer too," the tiger replied as if he had not heard the actual question from the wolf, "I keep some around for guests."

Brian shrugged.

"Maybe later?"

"Of course," Druff nodded. "Do not mind me at all. I enjoy watching men at work."

The wolf gave him a glare.

"I bet you do," Brian rumbled.

The tiger smiled.

"I am just relaxing here," Druff said. "Go on."

"Humph," Brian rumbled out when he got down to the floor on his knees and began to conduct a search of the furniture and their undersides, especially. "Got your own live show now, too..."

Druff observed the wolf's cargo pants-covered rear that was now unquestionably poised upright while he crawled about the plushly carpeted floor. His tail remained at a resolute angle and pointing down.

"Don't let me interrupt you," Druff said. "And no need to be self-conscious. I've seen it all."

The wolf's ears flicked at the tiger.

"Yeah, right," he snorted.

The tiger smiled sweetly. Brian went on to scout the territory under Druff's liquor cabinet.

"Please do tell me if it's very dusty down there. I'm never sure if Consuela cleans everywhere. I sneeze sometimes and I think it could be dust allergy."

Now Brian looked at the tiger.

"You want me to clean your place now?" the wolf suggested.

Druff smiled sweetly.

"Well you're already down there, aren't you?"

The wolf snapped his tail behind him indignantly.

"Oh I don't think so."

Druff shrugged.

"Oh well," the tiger said. "But the beer offer still stands."

Brian continued to seek about the living room. The tiger made no attempt to hide his curious gaze when their eyes happened to meet during the process.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Brian huffed after a while.

"A great deal, I admit" the tiger agreed. "But don't you mind me."

Brian snorted.

"I'm starting to suspect you've hidden the card yourself just to have me do this," the wolf said.

A broad smile crawled along Druff's lips.

"Would I be that evil?" he mused.

Brian sat down on his haunches on the tiger's floor.

"Oh yeah," the wolf stated while giving him a look. "I think so, based on all I've seen."

"You've seen it all," Druff said sweetly.

Brian snorted and climbed up from the floor.

"I don't think it's here," he said.


The wolf brushed his knees and glared at the tiger some more.

"Huh, yeah, I don't think the damn card is down there. I didn't see anything."

Druff nodded.

"I have to admit that I would have been quite surprised if it did turn out to be there, indeed."

"Huh?" the wolf's brow knit confusedly. "Didn't you say you don't know where it is?"

The tiger waved a paw.

"You only dropped your pants in the bedroom and I suppose that is the most likely occasion when something could have slipped from your pockets and fall somewhere in the room."

The wolf chortled.

"You think?"

"It makes sense," the tiger shrugged.

The wolf shook his head, as if admonishing the tiger's cheekiness, or possibly just acknowledging the fact that he had started his search at a rather improbable location.


The tiger picked up his book again.

"You know the way," he said, an ear flicking at the door, . "The bedroom has not changed location since the last time." This house is not the TARDIS."


"Or if you'd prefer I accompanied you..."

"I bet you'd love that, pops," Brian snorted.

"It is my bedroom, after all, and my house," Druff said.

"Don't trust me huh?" Brian stated.

The tiger chuckled.

"Now that is you talking, not me," he said. Druff put his book down and got up from the couch. "Let's go and find your card so that I can offer you that beer. I think you deserve one."

The wolf puffed out his chest.

"I always deserve a beer," he said.

The tiger winked.

"Well let's get the work done first and then you'll get your foamy treat."


The Druff wandered into the hallway, closely trailed by a wolf. The bedroom he revealed with a tap on the light switch was as immaculate as the first time Brian had been inside it.

"This looks pretty clean," Brian said. "I guess your maid has been here then."

"Yes," Druff said. "She does keep this from looking like a disaster zone."

Brian looked about the room.

"Wonder where she might've not looked properly..."

"I don't know," Druff said. "I don't spy on her. Though you're starting to make me wonder if I should."

The wolf gave him a look.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you liked the idea of a camera hidden in your bedroom," Brian said.

Druff chuckled.

"I didn't know you were interested in making home videos," he said.

Brian clambered onto the floor and continued his search anew. Druff lingered on the doorway and observed the proceedings with the same curious gaze as earlier. He didn't move to interfere with the wolf's actions, preferring to watch for now.

"Anything?" Druff asked.

Brian was peering under the bed, paws flat on the floor when he crouched to do so.


"Oh, shame."

"Oh, and if you're gonna suddenly pull that card out of your pocket or something, I'm gonna kick your ass," the wolf said matter-of-factly without looking back over at the tiger.

Druff chuckled.

"Quite the words to give to a Professor."

"You're not my professor, though," Brian commented.

The tiger smirked at that.

"Well at least not yet," he said, "but you did promise to come to my History of Ideas 101..."

Brian swiveled about on the floor and crawled towards his next destination.

"I said I would think about it," he replied. "I was also drunk when I said it."

"I noticed," Druff mused while scratching his chin with his thumb.

"Gonna hold that against me?" Brian asked pointedly.

"Nope," Druff said. "I don't like standing on moral high grounds. It tends to make people assume I'm a stuck up old asshole who does not live in this world."

"Well sorry I asked..." Brian sounded dubious in his reply.

Druff blew the wolf a kiss.

"Aren't you a sweet thing."

"I'm not sweet!" the wolf rumbled. "I'm...tough!"

"Oh but yes you are," the tiger chuckled. "At least on the outside. Rough and grumpy...but maybe softer on the inside."

"I'd like to see you prove that, old man," Brian said.

"There was never any doubt that you're a tough nut to crack, Mister Silva."

Brian chortled.

"Not sure if I like you talking 'bout nuts and cracks," he said.

"I thought they were your favorite topics," the tiger said.

The wolf shook his head. He was rumbling rather loudly while he searched the dresser.

"I do think about other stuff too," the wolf said, "I thought you did too."

The tiger smirked.

"You're face down and ass up on my bedroom floor, it is admittedly somewhat distracting," he spoke from the doorway.

"Hah. Knew it," the wolf muttered.

"Yehees?" Druff let his syllables draw excessively long.

"Knew that you were staring at my ass," Brian commented. "You couldn't help it."


The tiger flicked his ears cheerfully. His eyes didn't wander away from the said rear in question. The wolf was poised in front of the dresser and reached under it.

"There! Got you, you little fucker..." Brian muttered.

Druff clicked his tongue briefly at the sound of the language, but did not make any remarks. The wolf stood up from the floor and held out the paw that now had a plastic card stuck between his middle and index fingers.

"Success!" Druff clapped his paws together.

"I knew it had to be here somewhere," Brian muttered.

"I swear I didn't hid it down there," Druff said.


"You better keep it safe, who knows how many apartments you'll have to snoop around for it if you lose it again," Druff noted.

Brian gave him a glare while he took out his wallet from his shorts pocket and put the card securely into it. He was smiling a bit, a bright confident smile the tiger openly liked.

"And how many apartments do you think that might be, old man?" he asked.

The tiger stepped closer, tail swinging and curling behind him languidly. The wolf didn't stop what he was doing, replacing his wallet in his pocket.

"I have no idea," the tiger said. "It could be an outrageously large figure, or just a few."

"Do you really think all us Europeans are just man sluts like yourself, pops?" the wolf suggested.

The Druff chuckled.

"I've been called worse in my day," the tiger said.

"So stop projecting on me," Brian said.

Druff tilted his head.

"Are we getting into psychobabble now?" he suggested. "Interesting!"

"Don't get carried away," the rakish wolf replied. "I'm still mad at you for hiding the card."

Druff's eyes widened.

"Hiding it?" he said. "You have absolutely no evidence to that degree."

Brian swished his tail.

"Just need to check on the video," he said.

The tiger chortled, not without humor.

"Now you are just trying to wind me up," he stated.

Brian crossed his arms over his chest. Druff closed in until he was standing only inches away from his lupine guest. Brian's face remained indignant, even face to face with the often intimidating tiger. The wolf didn't show any signs of that. Druff could see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, rather.

"Uh huh?" the wolf breathed.

Druff caught the wolf's broad muzzle in his paw. He didn't show any hesitation when doing such a relatively intimate approach without giving any further warning. The wolf's eyes narrowed and his ears flicked briefly, but he did not move away, or did any gesture to suggest that he didn't want the tiger to do such a thing.

"Yes...trying to get under my skin, to get what you want..." the tiger murmured.

"Ha," the wolf chortled. "And what would that be, old man?"

"I think I have an idea, boy."

Druff smirked and licked his lips loudly before he surprised the wolf by disappearing - relatively so, considering that for a moment all Brian saw were the tiger's ears. The daddy cat knelt smoothly onto the floor. He let his paws land to the wolf's hips and squeezed approvingly.

Brian looked down curiously.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Pulling your pants down," Druff said.

That's really what he did then. He pushed fingers under the waistband of the cargo shorts and tugged. The wolf didn't stop him, and let the older man do as he pleased. The loose shorts came down easy enough and flopped down to the wolf's ankles. He was wearing a pair of black boxers underneath. Druff observed them with a smirk.

"Okay," Brian said, as if on an afterthought.

Druff ran his paws up from the wolf's ankles and all the way to his rear again. Brian let out a rumble and wagged his tail at the sensation. The wolf watched intently on all that the tiger did, curious and obviously aroused, too. Druff could smell it easy enough by now. It had grown during their little interaction and now superseded the wolf's simple musk.

"Yes..." hissed the tiger.

Druff tilted his head before he pressed his muzzle down against the bulge of the wolf's sheath. Brian let out a hiss at the feeling of lips and then even warmer breath that suddenly flooded his underwear. The tiger was being very deliberate about it, stimulating the wolf in such a teasing manner. The wolf let his arms drop to his sides, fingers flexing. It looked like he resisted the urge to grab the tiger's head and press him more firmly into his groin. He didn't make such a move now. the wolf didn't want anything to distract from the sight of the tiger working around his crotch.

The tiger grumbled, in his own enjoyment of the act. His tongue was slick and exhilaratingly warm when it suddenly pressed onto his cloth-covered sheath. The cloth became wet and glued into the furry bulge that was rapidly growing firmer. Its owner rumbled away. It sounded like he was trying to stifle a moan. Perhaps he didn't want to be caught making such an unmanly noise.

Druff glanced at the wolf biting down on his lip. His own smile was a private one and only felt against Brian's bulge. He mouthed on the warm flesh he now felt acutely through the wet cloth. The wolf's tail snapped behind him a few times, patting on the tiger's dresser.

The tiger inhaled at the wolf's scent and purred happily. His paws gripped tighter on the well toned rear, fingers splaying wide. Feeling up the hunky foreigner's rump was equally fun to him as taking a good whiff on what he was packing on the front of his now exposed boxers. Brian huffed and murred. His tail grew noisier too.

"Didn't expect this, hmmm?" Druff questioned, with his thumbs massaging the wolf's glutes.

The wolf glanced down at him. His face looked tight again.

"I don't know what to expect..." Brian huffed.

The tiger smiled before nuzzling the wolf's bulge. His purr flowed through his cheek and onto the firming flesh underneath. He tilted his head and gnawed on the wolf. The wolf grunted. His hips flexed, almost without his control. The tiger enjoyed feeling his butt cheeks clench together. from the motion. He toyed with the ass by tugging on the ass cheeks, working against the wolf's muscles.

"Expect the best..." said the Druff.

Brian let out a surprised huff when those same confident paws pulled on him and prompted him to move. Lupine footpaws padded around in place when he was maneuvered to face the dresser for now.

"...and the worst..."

Druff worked by scent and launched himself against the spot where he knew the wolf's balls hung, under the cloth of the boxers. The student let out a growl at the feel of a wet tongue slapping on him. The tiger attacked the underside of Brian's tail and caused it to swipe at the Professor's ears.


The tiger inhaled loudly, breathing in the wolf. It caused the wet cloth to balloon out from his skin and towards the cat's mischievous nostrils.


Druff pushed his paw between the wolf's legs and grabbed his package from the underside. That made the wolf grunt even louder. The moaning growl could not be held back anymore. His hips jerked forward and drove his swollen dick into the tiger's paw. The tiger squeezed on it. He enjoyed the sensual shudders it caused on the wolf. He just went even deeper to the wolf's still shrouded crack, licking and gnawing all he could, head tilted up to press to the musky core. The wolf's paws flexed between fists and flat fingers on his hips, muzzle pointed to the floor. He glanced at the dresser and likely contemplated putting his paws onto it for extra support. That would have sent a particular kind of a message, and the wolf might not have been ready for such a thing. But he did nothing to move away, or to stop the tiger in his administrations.


Druff liked the sound of that. He tucked the seam of the wolf's boxers between his teeth and pulled, as a kind of a reward for the little exclamation. The pull of his teeth and his tilting head was almost enough to tear the cloth. The noise of the fabric stretching was subtle and barely carried over the huffs the wolf was making.

The tiger had his fun. Then he wanted more, and to do that, he needed to get the boxers off. They joined the cargo shorts in messy folds around the wolf's ankles. Druff liked the sight for the spontaneity it suggested., being in such a lustful hurry that one didn't have much time for getting rid of their clothes.

"What do we have here..."

Druff smacked his lips loudly. He was back at the wolf's taint and his balls before Brian had much of a chance tyo realize just what was going on. The wet tongue slobbered its way over his nuts and made them properly wet now that the hindering cloth was there no more.


The wolf was being quite vocal by then. The tiger's mischievous tongue made a true mess of his ass crack, as casually and as ruthlessly as if he was kissing the wolf's mouth and not his ass. It had the college stud panting nonetheless, teased in such a lurid manner. He only grew louder when the tiger's paw sought out his cock again.


It was impossible not to hump into the tiger's warm grip, especially when the same laschievous feline was also eating out his ass. Raunchy noises joined the myriad of sensory information that flooded the young wolf's body. Slippery tongue played with the sensitive skin inside the cleft of his rear, covered in such fine fur that it tickled the tiger when he went down on him. Bare, puckered muscle reacted with characteristic clenching and made the wolf grit his teeth together. The dresser, standing in front of him, solid, polished wood, was looking more and more attractive as a place to put his paws onto.


His hips flexed steadily, thrusting into the Professor's paw. The wolf's hot flesh was slick with sweat and the pre-cum that leaked out of him with the powerful throbbing of his tool. It made the tiger's grip more than slick enough for the wolf to hump properly.


Teeth nipped on the wolf's buttocks and made his tail bounce once anew. The tiger seemed to be everywhere, nuzzling and biting even when a singular, spit-slickened finger teased at the very apex of the wolf's ass crack to play with his hidden furrowed hole while the tiger's muzzle was otherwise occupied.

"F-fuck - "

The wolf gave up his mental resistance and slammed his paws down to the dresser. That gave him four points of support instead of having to just rely on his legs. The muscles on his hips rolled when he finally could thrusts into the tiger's grip as if he was fucking someone's tight ass or a maw. It almost felt as good, too, and with the Druff teasing his rear, he could hardly ask for anything better.

Druff let out a satisfied purr. He could feel the wolf's sensitive back door clench on his finger, telling that the lupine was truly getting close. It only made him increase his efforts on teasing, licking and tugging away on the wolf's shaft.


The tail slapped the tiger's back, several times in quick succession. Druff clamped his paw down on Brian's balls and pulled on them tight even when he felt the wolf's body trying to move them closer to his groin. The telltale signs were there, and with his muzzle sinking again under the wolf's tail, he knew what was about to happen.


The wolf's muscles tensed and flexed ,in a way that turned on the tiger in many ways that he planned to commend him with later on. He stopped his stroking for the moment and let the wolf do that part of the work, push and pump into the tight grip that was now bringing him to a surprisingly quick, yet mind-blowing orgasm. The wolf's shaft swell and jerked in the tiger's paw when he began to climax, sending whole splatters of his thick seed onto the lacquered surface of the tiger's chest of drawers.

"Ah. Ah!"

The wolf's hisses were sharp and continuous, and his growls were deep. The tiger kept milking more of them out of him as well, toying with the parts of the body he knew had not yet become supersensitive under the onslaught of his orgasm. A swirling tongue could do wonders to an aroused wolf in the throes of his orgasm, and the tiger's rolling around the college wolf's hole was no exception.


The tiger helped the wolf ride through every toe-curling second of his climax until it finally calmed down. He still gave the lupine a few idle strokes every now and then, to keep the warm, throbbing flesh well attended to now that the college hunk was coming down from his orgasmic high. He panted quite loudly still.

"Damn..:" Brian muttered.

The tiger let go of the wolf's cock. Brian's dick bounced up against his belly with a slap and a grunt from its owner. The fingerpads that stroked past his swollen knot were truly murderous.


The tiger pulled his paw back between the wolf's legs and observed the wet mess the last dribbling dregs of wolf cum had created on it. He sniffed the produce briefly before tasting one musky, salty glob by lapping on it energetically.

"Hmm...still as sweet as ever," he mused.

The sweaty wolf didn't say anything to that. He did glance over his shoulder at the tiger when Druff stood up from the floor. The tiger flashed him a smile.

"Quite the treat you are," Druff stated, "quite so..."

"Happy now, pops?" Brian asked.

The tiger smirked.

"Perhaps...for now."

The tiger used his slightly less smutty paw to rub the front of his own pants, where his own erection strained the fabric visibly. Brian saw the gresture and smacked the tiger's hip with his tail.

"Don't even think about it," he muttered. "I'm not into getting anything up my ass right after I've popped a load."

The tiger just smiled.

"I know that you're an opportunistic bottom, Mister Silva," he stated, "which I find to be...quite the thrill..."

Brian snorted.

"So stop staring at my ass like you have ideas with it."

"I do have ideas alright..." said the tiger, "and your ass can stay in peace for now...mostly..."


The tiger pulled his own pants down. He was revealed to not be wearing any underwear, which was a sight that did make Brian's cock give a throb of renewed curiosity. The tiger smiled to him when he slathered his own hard, barbed length with the mess that Brian had made on it. The wolf had to admit that it was an incredibly sexy sight, seeing the tiger cover his own dick with Brian's spunk.

"What are you planning to do?" Brian asked.

"Bend over a bit more, and pull your legs together some," the tiger instructed.

Brian looked at his with confusion.

"I did tell you - "

"Let the Professor show you a trick," Druff winked.

The wolf still appeared dubious, but proceeded to do as he was told to by his Druffessor. The angle of his ears suggested that he was somewhat unsure of what was going to happen, but he was willing to give it a shot. The tiger was well familiar with the wolf's inquisitive nature, after all.

"Now you just sit there all pretty like you are, wolfy..."

The wolf in question grunted, both at the words and the odd feeling of the tiger's cock slipping between his thighs, much lower than it would if the tiger was aiming for a more usual place. He hissed when the dick stroked along his balls and then disappeared to the territory below. Druff stepped very close to him and put his arms around the wolf's firm chest, squeezing him onto himself.

"What's going on?" Brian asked.

"Just an old game," the tiger chucked. "From a more innocent time perhaps."

Brian chortled.

"Not seeing anything innocent 'bout this, pops."

The tiger nibbled on the wolf's ear. His hips pulled back before he drove himself forward again, establishing a quick rhythm of thrusts. Brian moaned when the tiger's breath and tongue both teased his ear.


"Just keep those legs tight," the tiger whispered.

It was definitely a novel sensation, having the tiger dry hump him in such a way. But it also felt good, the impact of their bodies and the stroke of the tigre's cock against his balls and in a slightly indirect manner, on his sensitive asshole as well. It was odd, but it was also sensual, especially how the tiger's body met his own repeatedly, and the way Druff held onto him from behind, possessively, perhaps.

The tiger purred ever so deeply into Brian's ear. His determined thrusting continued, and their bodies rubbed together. Their odd half-clothed state added to the moment. It was certainly not something Brian would usually do, but he had quickly learned that the tiger was full of unexpected ideas. it made him wonder where the cat had picked all of them up. His education in all matters sexual was almost intimidating.

It also made the wolf want to learn more.

"Huh...go on then, pops..." he teased the tiger, flexing his hips and thighs, "show me what you got then..."

Brian had to admit that being humped by the tiger was making him horny again. He didn't really feel like getting fucked, but it did feel arousing to be pressed on by the tiger, and held in his grip.

"You wish," Druff growled. His muzzle slipped down along the wolf's neck and nibbled down on him there.

Brian growled. He was starting to feel glad for the support from the dresser, with the tiger's thrusts coming with more weight to them. The tiger wasn't about to let him go easily, even if the wolf's tight butthole was safe for the moment.

"You...betcha..." the wolf heckled.

He got pounded extra hard for that. The dresser was quite heavy and would have rattled if it wasn't as solid as the wolf leaning against it. Druff went at him until his breathing grew ragged and the wolf's underwear was irreversibly ruined by the tiger-cum spurting down a creamy coating onto the wolf's balls, his thighs and dribbling down to their messy clothing beneath them.

"Hope you're not having a heart attack back there..." Brian commented on the noises the tiger made when he cummed.

"Not quite," Druff said, "I just had to work for it. It is a rather unusual form of stimulation."

The wolf snuffled.

"Knew you were doing something weird ass back there," Brian chortled.


The tiger nuzzled on Brian's neck. The wolf looked down to see drops of cum dribble from his thighs and to the clothing below.

"Seemed to cum a lot, though," he said.

"Hmm...hopefully none of it went to your precious library card."

Brian groaned.


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