Daddy Gee

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Well, Druff keeps finding interesting things from his bed!

Daddy Gee





Well, well. It appears that avatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang just might have developed some daddy issues due to his continued association with the Druffessor - how are we gonna deal with that? Some hard love from the tiger in question? Will Brian need a firm paw, or is a softer approach more appropriate? You better read on and find out :)

This was written with input from avatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang

Remember that all votes, fave and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well! I shall look forward to your comments and other feedback!



"Well what do we have here..."

Druff stepped out of the bathroom feeling quite happy and fresh after lathering himself down with sage soap and then soaking under the tropical rain shower head until he felt positively pruned. The wash of warm air from the in-built fur dryers was the final touch that left the big tiger glowing pleasantly. Yet his naked stomp back into his bedroom gave him something else to find pleasurable, gazing over at the sight that met him upon his entry.

"Well don't you smell like a fresh meadow in spring" came a voice from the comfortably reclining figure on the silk sheets of the tiger's quite expansive and luxurious bed, paws nestled behind his head and eyes glinting in the low light streaming into the dimly lit room from the adjacent bathroom. "Thought we were past the first date impressing efforts" He said with a flick of his tail currently resting between his slightly spread out boxer-clad legs, completing the picture of comfort. "Not that I don't appreciate the effort..."

The tiger smirked at the sight of the lazy wolf.

"There is a vague line between the perception of body scent as either musk or stink and the weather today sadly contributed to the latter, as you surely know..." the tiger explained while sniffing the air, his whiskers moving acutely so, "I can tell that I am not alone in the strive for hygiene today..."

He let his tail loop behind him comfortably. The tiger paraded himself very openly in the buff under the wolf's gaze.

"I am a... guest, after all" he put playful emphasis on the word that carried implications of their previous activities. "I have to leave a proper impression." He said, and brought a paw down to scratch slowly and deliberately over his bare belly, giving effect to his words.

"By rolling around on my bed in the nude...though is that a new pair of underwear I detect?"

The tiger walked over to the end of the bed and observed this more closely and with a deliberate stroke of his chin while he did so. He appeared very thoughtful as he sniffed the air.

"Hmm yes... has that very masculine scent of brand new clothing that you just bought but simply put on against the general advice to wash it once before wearing it for the first time," the tiger decreed his analysis.

He whistled for effect and propped one knee up to bring a bit more tease into his reclining posture.

"That's one hell of a nose you've got there... you can even smell when I've been a bad boy and broke the rules" The wolf grinned to himself. "Couldn't very well keep using the previous one after earlier on this fine bed of yours. Way too comfy for anything more, though... hope you don't mind too much."

His eyes followed the tiger's form as he slowly paced in the room, tracing all the contours of the large and pleasingly shaped body in the dim light making for a very enjoyable past-time.

The Druff chuckled cheerfully at the thought. It gave his tail an extra stirring swing.

"Well...I might have left a few teeth marks..." he admitted. "and slobber..."

He eyed the portion of the wolf's underwear that had come under such attention from him, when it had been the previous pair cladding the exotically furred male's body.

The reclining wolf chuckled and rested the previously scratching paw on his belly. "Love bites on my underwear is a first for me, I've gotta say..." He eyed the aforementioned pair ,"but I'll take them as a compliment." A low rumble tinged that last remark.

The tiger was smooth in his motion when he climbed onto the bed.

"Why else would I have ruined your underwear? Just out of spite?" the tiger licked his lips as he landed by the wolf on the bed. There was plenty enough space for both of them there, even with the tiger sprawling down. He knew the wolf watched him. He was sure to be smiling, in his full glory, by the younger male.

As the mattress gave slightly under the added weight, the wolf tilted his head towards the source of the disturbance now lounging next to him, not being shy about leaving very little space between them, and sniffed the air. "Mmmmh, actually smells really nice up close, that body wash..." He remarked, eyes roaming appraisingly and unashamedly over the by now quite familiar body. "Expected to smell pine and Old Spice on you, though." He chuckled warmly.

The tiger chuckled at that remark. He swiped the wolf's legs with his agile tail.

"Pine?" he mused. "I only ever smell like that when I go to the sauna in my native Finland. Though I've been told it's quite the agreeable bouquet to have..."

The tiger preened his short mane, as if to whaft even further scent away from his pelt and to Brian's nose.

"Hmmmrh,,," Came a murmur from the tiger's side, the now stronger scent of sage combined with his natural scent quite pleasant on the nose. "Trying to lure me closer with a scent trail... sly old man" The wolf shifted slightly to his side to face the tiger a bit more fully.

"Smells better than pie right about now," he joked, eyes gleaming mischievously.

The tiger raised his brow.

"Thinking with your stomach still and not with something below it?" he looked pointedly at the wolf's toned belly and how the underwear snapped onto the bulge of his sheath just below the spot where the tiger imagined his grumbling tummy to be located to.

"What can I say, you wore me out" The wolf chuckled again, tail flicking over his leg in amusement. "Sure could go for a nice steak right about now" He made a show of licking his lips as he fixed his gaze on the tiger lying next to him. Druff's wandering eyes were not lost on him, pulling that bent leg closer to him ever so slightly.

"Want me to go by the fridge now, then?" Druff suggested. "I still don't know just where you put all the stuff you eat. It doesn't show anywhere on you."

The wolf gave a very wolfish grin and patted his belly affectionately. "You can eat whatever you want if you burn it off with plenty of exercise." He winked. "Can't forget the obvious good genes either." The remark was followed up by a puffing out of his chest for playfully exaggerated effect.

Now the paw resting on his belly started to move again, though... coming to rest on the Tiger's own exposed belly, fingers digging through the white furs with purpose but barely moving. Just the hint of a caress, with firm and heavy hand. "Don't see anything wrong here, though... no need to worry just yet, old man."

The tiger rumbled at the renewed contact. His muscle gut could surely be well appreciated even through the thick fur that covered it. The Professor wanted to give the wolf something to feel at by tensing the muscles. His own paw landed on the wolf's shoulder and squeezed. The student's muscles were firm, yet covered in an equally fluffy amount of tan fur. The tiger smiled at the feeling.

"Why would I possibly feel concerned now, boy?" he enunciated carefully.

"Hmmmrh..." The "boy" murmured, his adventuring paw pressing slightly but noticeably down southward on the pleasantly rounded but quite solid expanse of the tiger's muscle gut with an intent of both a teasing touch and a defiant show of strength. As if to challenge Druff's latest epithet. The tensing of the strong muscles didn't go without appreciation either.

"Maybe because I could have you quite literally by the balls before you know it... old man" He mirrored Druff's enunciation while keeping unbroken eye contact.

"Hah," the tiger rumbled. "They might need a bit of a polish, your style..."

The tiger licked his lips meaningfully.

The wolf clicked his tongue in mock judgement. "Didn't you just give them a thorough polish in there?" He cocked his way towards the still open bathroom door bathing them both in a dim light.

"You're really working me hard here" Brian said to the tiger as he reached to pat and grab the comfortably accessible half of the tiger's rear.

"It's been awhile since I worked this hard..." he squeezed down on the pleasantly firm muscle.

"And what makes you think it's yours to work as you please?" There was a dangerous glint in the wolf's eyes, though he made no move against the tiger's... offending paw. Not pushing back into the touch either... just repositioned himself ever so slightly to shift the grip along the captured globe of muscle.

The tiger purred appreciatively at the feel of the wolf's response.

"Well it is already in my bed for starters, and there is also a tube of anal lube in that drawer over there with your name on it," the older male flicked his tail towards the bedside table.

"Got my name on it, eh?" he husked out, the hand resting on Druff's lower belly firmly and steadily sliding towards his side, running slowly and deliberately over his hip and coming to a rest halfway on a fleshy tiger buttock. "Don't worry, I'll put it to good use, old man."

The paw on Druff's rear gave a firm squeeze. The other one coming up behind the tiger's neck to pull him into heated kiss that betrayed a hunger well kept hidden until their lips met and meshed together almost roughly. The tiger's maw parted and allowed his tongue to push out and brush to the wolf's own lips. The kiss was hot and it was no wonder that the tiger put his paws on the wolf's body.

It might've been the young wolf who initiated the kiss but the tiger was the one who made it deeper. He gripped his fellow male's ass and rolled himself on top of the wolf who had so intently came onto him on the bed.

Distracted by the deepened kiss and surprised by swiftness one wouldn't attribute to the large tiger by glance but not to be outdone so easily, the wolf hardened his grip on Druff's kiss, and with a grunt muffled and lost into their kiss used the momentum to his advantage and with a heave aided by a strong leg, he flipped them over again so that he was on top, but not making any further moves besides sliding his paw to the side of Druff's hip and keeping it there, pressing his chest against the tiger's firmly, with intent, the contact and friction making him lose another grunt into the tiger's mouth as their tongues wrestled.

The tiger growled into the kiss in his only real vocal reply into the surprise move, but he did not appear to be displeased by the turn of events. His paws rubbed down on an extensive motion from the wolf's shoulders all the way to the rear that filled out the boxers he found to cling to the muscles in a manner that not only looked good but felt that way as well. He had the wolf on top of him and he could as well enjoy that for all it was. His big paws splayed and gripped down on the globes he felt tense and flex when the wolf drove his hips down to the tiger's belly.

"Hmmrmmm..." the tiger approved.

The wolf growled and flexed his chest upon the tigers own, pressing them more firmly together in a gesture that was both a show of force and slight frustration at how easily those hands upon his rear made his boxer-clad front package throb against the stomach it was grinding against, the soft fabric only adding to the overall stimulation. He couldn't be caught idling though, so he ran the paw on Druff's hip down his thigh in a slow, firm motion, pressed his fingertips against the skin through the fur and ran them back up again along the tiger's inner thigh in a way he knew garnered results. He repeated the motion a few times before sliding it back up to the tiger's hip and as much ass as he could grab give how Druff was lying on his back... a slight involuntary groan being forced from him into their heated tongue wrestling match by those devious hands splattered over both halves of his rump that definitely knew how to break any resistance in time... no matter how resolute.

The tiger knew what he was doing alright. He didn't stop returning to the kiss in as sloppy manner as before while his paws kneaded the wolf's ass. He felt the tail move and brush his wrists and forearms as he continued the sensual massage. He didn't find the cloth to be hindrance. He knew how sensual such soft fabric could be. It surely felt fantastically teasing against the hot, bare flesh he felt growing and tightening and pressing to his own swelling arousal.

He smiled, even if it was rather difficult to do so with an eager wolf tongue trying to count his molars.

With their tongues playing a sloppy game of cat and mouse, the wolf moved his attentions elsewhere. Both his legs between Druffs' after their little rolling tussle, he bent his right leg at the knee while having it slide underneath Druff's left one which bent and angled it against his own and made it rest on top of his in a slight arc, the weight only a pleasant sensation. This really allowed him to grind their groins together properly, the soft thin fabric separating them only adding to both of their stimulation... the cloth getting noticeably wet by now. This maneuver had the added benefit of pulling his buttock taut, the firm muscle tensing against the owning hand gripping it, it's round shape further accentuated.

The tiger knew what he was doing of course, both the wolf and himself. He let the wolf on top of him do the work when it came to their hips moving together for the moment, and concentrated on encouraging the movements and providing even further pleasure by the firm grip and massage of his paws. He knew that the wolf would not be able to resist the feel of his pads running into the cleft of his rear for any particular time before he'd be rumbling and growling away in just the way the big tiger liked hearing. He wished to bury his muzzle against the throat that would be making those sounds, lick it, maybe even bite...he just wanted to feel it as much as he enjoyed tasting the wolf on his lips and tongue through their kiss.

Brian knew as much as Druff what the tiger wanted... those assertive hands gripping his meaty globes left little to interpretation as they made him squirm and grind against the older male he was pressing down on top of that seemed to play him like a fiddle through the handle of his ass. A fact that annoyed him as much as it made his arousal soar. Almost. He knew that the tiger knew as much, and was using it to his full advantage to keep a firm hold on the... situation, undoubtedly feeling satisfied with himself in that matter. The characteristic look of calm control he was giving the wolf throughout their previous forays spoke as much.

The wolf enjoyed breaking that impassive countenance, however, as much as Druff enjoyed drawing those grunts and groans of satisfaction out of him. Even the occasional uncharacteristic moan when the right chord was struck. When you're both visibly and openly lost in lust and heat for the other's body and touch and silent submission and defiance interlaced together... that's sex done right, in his mind. And in the spirit of that thought brought the paw that was holding a firm grip on the back of the daddy tiger's neck and traced his fingers along that sturdy neck, down along his collarbone and right onto a hefty pectoral muscle. Pressed down. Gripped hard. Squeezed once. Twice. Released his grip. Then again. Working and massaging that sensitive muscle, one thumb deliberately flicking against a certain nub located on the premises.

The tiger's eyes snapped at the wolf's. His chest rumbled amiably upon the suddenly intensified groping coming from his young friend. Their bodies were taut and charged, that much was for sure, the wolf angled on top of him and the tiger beneath him, carrying much of his weight. And now, with the wolf playing with the tiger's sensitive nipples and feeling up his body, he was prone to showing his strength and his size off.

"Well well...lust for titties strikes again..." the tiger grinned. His lips were still wet from their passionate kiss and he could see the wolf licking his own even while he concentrated on playing with this new favorite part of his on Druff's body. The tiger rewarded him with additional squeeze on his rump for that. It seemed only polite.

"I'm a sucker for a juicy pair of knockers" He slurred that last word out with an exaggeratedly fake British accent and grinned at the tiger "Might even have some motorboating fun..." Their faces still close enough to feel each others panting breaths on their faces, their game of tonsil hockey taking a slight toll. "Anyways, you're one to talk. You didn't take your hands off my ass since minute one, ol' rump ranger. Only damn thing you go for..." The wolf punctuated his sentence with a particularly firm grinding of their by now steel hard equipment meaningfully. Two mischievous fingers found a nipple and pinched playfully. The other hand scratching softly at the tiger's outer thigh.

The tiger growled in a hint of his own challenge, listening to the wolf's teasing tone. He made sure to give the wolf's tail a suitably firm tug.

"It's not my fault yours needs a bit of warming up," he commented, with the appropriate manual accompaniment.

The wolf let out a surprised yip and reflexively tried to move his now restricted fluffy tail and tug it back to freedom, but the grip on it was way too firm. "Unlike this fine specimen right here, eh?" He continued to tease, the hand on Druff's hip sliding back around again to cup one suitably large and round buttock, the hand slipping between the fleshy piece of meat and the bed it was resting on, the added weight a pleasant sensation. He gave it a squeeze as if to say hello, in return to the arrest of his tail.

The tiger chortled at the wolf's further groping, but did not stop his own administrations for one moment.

"Maybe your silver mouth should say hello to it," he stated matter-of-fact.

The wolf made a show of licking his chops and paired it with a particularly long and slow grind of their groins.

"You sure? I can be quite the charmer... who knows what I may talk it into... hmmmrh... doing..." He winked at the Druff with all of his wolfish charm.

"I'll sit it down on your face if you don't do something on your own volition soon, boy," the tiger chuffed under the wolf.

"Sitting on silver would be right up your alley anyways, old man" He gripped the cheek in his grasp with strength, pulling one side of the demanding tiger's hidden valley taut, sure to cause all kinds of interesting sensations. Plunging his head into the crook of Druff's neck, Brian helped himself to a nice dose of fresh tiger scent while teasing the skin with his teeth... Just strong enough to let the tiger know he's there. Not letting the hand on Druff's chest sit idle either, he settled it in place for now, firmly against the pectoral muscle, with the thumb gently circling around a fleshy nub, giving it the occasional playful flick.

The tiger held onto the wolf then, a curled leg about Brian's and one paw used to push the wolf back more firmly into the slightly musky pit he had decided to explore.

"Plenty where that came from," the tiger rumbled way as he heard the wolf grumble into his pit.

The wolf mumbled approvingly from his current spot, even letting his tongue flick here and there to taste skin and scent, awash in a sea of intermingling natural musk and sage soap, the hand underneath Druff keeping the demanding male's rear attended to with teasing finger running along the edge of his hidden valley for the moment while he sampled the scent and musk he had developed a quick liking for.

The tiger's a strong tail danced along the silk sheets of his bed. The shift in his position under the wolf's a touch made his muscles flex in a manner that was pleasant for both of them. Brian could feel the strength of the cat's strong body through this head to toe flex that only made their contact deepen, grow more intense with the movement and the way their thick fur could mingle. That allowed even more scent to be shared between them, in addition to the kiss that the Druff was determined to keep going on between their mouths. Whoever was in charge for the moment remained to be determined. Neither seemed to mind the rapid exchange of power between them, the way sexual energy flowed, beginning as arousal and then grew and became touch, the medium that allowed this to be transmitted between them. The Druff made sure to show as much to his young lover, how his body moved and how his fingers raked and gripped through the luxurious, thick fur to get onto Brian's skin. He wanted to give back the feelings he experienced himself, the lurid strike of that maw under his arm.


He saw no reason to be quiet about it either.

There was no need for verbal communication, the grunts and low rumbles not withstanding, between the two. They were both of the same mind when it came to the primal dance of two strong male bodies. The competition for power urging them both on to explore their bodies through any means available and search out new ways to make the other react in need for the pleasure they were sharing and heat they fed between them, swimming in the haze of all the sensations that playful struggle brought with it.

The pair of large and strong hands of the tiger digged into fur and raked along skin with passion and intent. The wolf's fingers that gripped approvingly on chest muscle and teased a nipple he knew to be sensitive while the other carried on in it's conquering path along Druff's warm crevice, massaging the muscular globe it was gripping possessively with fingertips ghosting ever closer to his core but deliberately not quite touching yet betrayed the desire and hunger that burned for his older lover which he knew to be mirrored by the large tiger. The charged game for power and domination between two men was never as much of a thrilling uncertainty before stepping into this particular tiger's den. And he relished the fact... it only fueled the newly found flame further.

The noises and motions they brought out from the other were a guide enough for them in this heated dance they danced.

"What're you doing, stud?" the tiger teased verbally now as well, looking up at the wolf on top of him. He made sure to return the massage on his own rear through the touch of his paws that still clasped themselves over Brian's tight rump. If the wolf wanted to play with his ass, he was gonna trade that right back.

The wolf smirked down at him and treated the daddy tiger to another squeeze. "Just following orders and doing something on my own volition. Don't mind if I do." A wink. A stroke of his hips both back into the hands upon him and the firmness under him. Tail ghosting over those hands with mirth that his eyes mirrored.

"Well keep going then," the tiger replied. "Don't keep me waiting too long!"

He flexed and rolled his own body, to show that he meant it.

"Oh, but don't you know... you've gotta let beef simmer to bring out all the flavour." One hand on striped cheek moved closer to it's target as the wolf bent the leg he slid under the tiger's own further and slid slightly down the heaving body under him and coming face to face with the broad expanse of one very attractive chest. Well, when in Rome...

The wolf bend his head forward and ran his tongue firmly and slowly up one pectoral while his other hand kept up the slow massage of the other one. And then another one... and another one, this time over a stout nipple.

Druff rumbled. He adjusted his position by swinging his left paw under his neck and letting his arm fold onto the pillow under his head. The gesture pushed his pec closer to the wolf's muzzle and also exposed his armpit as a result. It was an invitation the wolf could decide to take or disregard, based on what he wanted. The big tiger's purred rumbling told him that whatever he was doing for the moment was approved of.

Not one to leave a task unfinished, the wolf gave a cursory glance of approval and the slight change in posture and dipped his head down again to focus his assault on Druff's nipple, lavishing licks nips upon it, with the occasional suckle. Eyes closed, he used his teeth very carefully. To graze softly with just enough force to make the tiger feel it, but not hurt. Oh yes. The pit could wait. This was too much fun for now.

The tiger growled. What the wolf was doing had certainly been picked up by the cat now receiving such taunting pleasure. He stopped himself from using his free paw to push the wolf's muzzle more firmly onto his nub. He let the wolf play for now and concentrated on feeling and showing his appreciation. He even held back another tittie joke. That could come later once he moved into something else.

Druff already purred at the thought.

"Hmmmrrr that is a good boy."

His words were nearly idle by now. It was just something to say while he groped at the wolf's gorgeous ass. It felt just perfect under his pads, springy and strong, just like the rest of the wolf.

No wonder the tiger couldn't get enough of him.

He wanted to feel more.

The hand on the back of his head felt almost comforting, in a way, as the wolf lashed his tongue over the fleshy nub, tasting skin and musk and the slightest hint of sweat that they worked up between the friction of their warm bodies... while the hand massaging his rear almost faded into a background element, supplying a steady stream of pleasurable tingling up his groin and straining manhood. The daddy tiger was a master of his instrument, indeed.

A finger flicked dangerously close to it's main mark, very deliberately. Just as a cherry on top, he the mischievous wolf threw in a nip on the nipple currently in his mouth.


The tiger gave the wolf's neck furs a slight tug, just enough to encourage him to raise his muzzle away from the pec he had worshipped in his own way. He guided the wolf into a kiss, full of tongue and as deep as he could with his head tilted up from the pillow. His body drew taut, pushing up on the wolf on him. His whole presence pulled the wolf closer. Fur brushed on fur. Skin met skin, and the wolf's pointed, hard nipples got their own share of stimulation from the embrace. Even Druff's tail drew around the wolf's leg and pulled.

Brian's ear gave a curious flick and the sensation of that strong appendage coiling around his leg, the brush of short fur as it went along causing all kinds of pleasant tingly sensations upon the bare leg. Certainly not something he'd experienced before. He met the tiger's mouth eagerly for another vigorous round of tonsil hockey, pressing his chest down against Druff's in unabashed delight... the front of the boxers he's clad in long since wet and ruined.

It surely felt like the tiger was devouring his mouth with his own, with the kiss that he intended to carry on for quite some time now after the brief pause Brian's detour to Druff's chest had brought on. For now the tiger was content on getting reacquainted with the young college stud's flavor over his own tongue. He did enjoy the wonderful shudders their prolonged, firm, and definitely teasing contact brought on. He wanted to commend the wolf on his stamina, but he would speak such things only later on. For now words were a distraction. Their actions spoke.

enough, and the tiger did as much. He moved his spare paw down and tugged on the wolf's tail hard, hoping to drive even more sensations out of that strong body.

The shudder that ran through the wolf's body was felt almost as clearly as if it ran through Druff's own, so firmly were they pressed together on that bed. The grunt Brian let loose into their interlocked maws was almost as satisfying to feel. Even his ensnared leg jerked at the sudden tug of his fluffy appendage, strong leg muscles tensing against the striped tail coiled around it. One could almost mistake those reactions as pain, would they not feel the coinciding throb of a steel hard rod against their stomach.

Catching himself before being completely outmaneuvered by the skilled daddy tiger, the young wolf raised the hand that was until recently busy with one side of Druff's chest and brought it down hard onto the flank that was yet untouched, landing on the tiger's hip with a smack, not wasting time before grabbing onto the muscle with challenge and determination. Determination to give as good as he got.

The tiger grunted at the sudden clap of a paw on him. He might've teased the wolf previously with threats of spanking but now the younger male had delivered on such things with his own paw. The feeling was not unpleasant, but surprise, for sure, especially followed by the open groping it evolved into.

Druff pushed his hips onto the wolf's. He was starting to think that the underwear was a hindrance towards even further teasing. He knew what his barbs could do when they touched bare skin, and not just the cloth of the underwear Brian still had on him, ever since the start of their increasingly passionate and raunchy session.

"," he commanded, with a corresponding slap on the wolf' ass, his tail freed for now.

The now free appendage flicked left and right, partly in it's returned freedom, partly in reaction to the lewd slap. Brian raised his head and torso as far as he could while still holding onto the large man underneath him to give him an amused look. "Not that easy to get me off." The deliberate grind of his hips that followed made it clear that there wasn't any real misunderstanding. He was merely poking the beast... both figuratively and very literally.

"Hah...I'll flip you down to the bed if you're not careful..." the tiger gave him a playful threat of sorts, while continuing to return the wolf's grinding with his own hips, "and we know what happens to you when you're face down on the bed..."

"Dream a little dream of you." He winked down at the reclining tiger and with one last very appreciative squeeze withdrew his hands from the fleshy globes of ass they were so comfortable on to raise himself up fully, chest puffed out and shoulder slung back in an obvious show-off... both for Druff's entertainment and his own pride... never breaking eye-contact. "Well now... wouldn't want you straining your back too much, old man, trying to move heavy objects..." He gave a slight jerk of the leg still ensnared by the tiger's tail and flexed his muscles against it. "Still holding me captive here, though."

"Hmmph. You might try to flee..." the tiger replied in a similar tone. He did uncurl his tail and let it fall to the bed in a most comfortable fashion. His eyes were warm and fully appreciative of the sight of the wolf propped above him. His paws fell behind his head again and showed off his own chest, the same way the wolf was obviously trying to highlight his own strength for the tiger's viewing pleasure. "So you better not bolt."

"Hmmmrh, the way you're looking now, there's only one thing I wanna be bolting". The wolf straddling him accentuated with a decisively hungry gaze down at the tiger, the throb of his manhood at the sight of Druff's taut muscles so openly on display more apparent than ever now with the added weight pressing their groins together.

"In fact..." He moved with sudden swiftness upwards on the tiger's body while still straddling him, sliding himself up all the way to his chest in one swoop so that he was straddling it's firm expanse with his knees now almost up to Druff's exposed pits. "Why don't you stay just the way you are, gorgeous..." He wasted little time with teasing motions and theatrics, his gaze betraying the hunger he felt for the obviously strong and domineering older man that turned him on in a myriad of ways, both physical and otherwise. These little power struggles were such a thrill... The wolf swiftly raised one leg to pull it through the leg of the now ruined pair of underwear, followed by the other, and it was swiftly discarded somewhere on the bedroom floor. He hardly even noted where. There'll be time for cleanup later.

Settling back down onto the tiger's broad chest, finally joining him completely in the buff, his balls and straining manhood fully on display... with the slightest drop of clear pre gathered on the tip. He grinned down at his older lover and licked his lips hungrily.

"'Sup, pops."

The tiger observed the wolf's dangling arousal with obvious interest. His whiskers shook with the deep inhale of musk that he took, to properly sample the wolf's scent again. He smiled at the cheeky bastard now straddling his chest as if he had found a particularly nice seat to fill. He was tempted to return his paws to the toned man's ass, but kept them like they were for now, tucked behind his neck.

"Something's gonna go up somewhere soon alright..." said the Druff to the cocky wolf.

Brian gave himself a friendly five-padded hello, right there in front of Druff's face, noticing with amusement how his whiskers shook. "Couldn't agree more, professor. The wolf husked in a low voice, his tail started to slowly, perhaps deliberately, slide over the tiger's stomach in a slow caress, the bushy appendage resting flat against its surface.

"Nhhhhgg..." the tiger's reaction to having the wolf' tail brush on his arousal was loud and more than acute, for both of them to hear when the wispy furs teased him so wonderfully, "you're positioned just right..."

He was teasing, of course he was. But the words were there for the purpose of arousing his lover even more, and to amuse him as well.

The wolf's grin widened at the words. "Oh, I know I am... all you gotta do is open wiiide..." Swish swish went the tantalizing tail over creamy furs, it's owner well aware of what it was doing to the rumbling male under him... the vibrations from his chest carrying up over into him, giving all sorts of curious sensations, not at all unpleasant. He made a show of gripping his shaft from the front and tilting it slightly to the side, hand ever so slowly sliding up it's length.

" look like you are planning something," the tiger commented at the rude self-pleasuring display that was taking place inches away from his nose.

It really looked like he was struggling to stay still under the wolf's teasing tail.

"Hmmrh... might be..." He brought the paw back about the other side of his manhood and started tilting it ever so slowly towards the tigers muzzle, the waft of his musk getting stronger the more the distance closed. "What can I say, you've, ahh... rubbed off on me some." Thump went that tail onto Druff's belly in a playful swat before it resumed its caress.

"Hah," the tiger chortled...though remembered to purse his lips so that it became a rather more directed puff of air towards the wolf's cock., "didn't know you came here for lessons..."

This time it was Druff who used his tail, to swat on the wolf's ass.

The wolf rumbled at the sensation of the ropey tail smacking his ass. "Teaching lessons through spanking, hmmh? Suitably old fashioned..." He tightened the grip on his own tool a bit and ran it up it's length again teasingly before lowering it right in front of the burly tiger's nose. "Suppose I'll have to show you how to reward good behavior with a treat..." There was a hungry glint in his eyes as he gazed down on Druff. His tail never stopped it's swishing caress.

The tiger blinked at the appearance of the very hard cock so close that it nearly made his eyes cross.

"Hmm...a salty treat, by the looks of it," Druff commented. He made a show of licking his lips to the wolf. "I hope you're not planning to unload that all over my face..."

Now he did move his paws, and landed them onto the wolf's hips, cupping his rear in his palms once again.

"Mmmmhno, I think that'd be a waste, considering..." He used the landing of those paws on his rear as a perfect excuse to jerk his hips forward. The other now free hand traveled slowly, teasingly, up his flat stomach toward his chest and scratched pleasantly, even though it probably went entirely unnoticed in lieu of the dick in the tiger's face.

The tiger did notice, on the brief moment before he mostly saw cock, and put his lips around the tip. The Druff swiped his tongue around the tip, but didn't move to take any more of the mischievous wolf's shaft into his mouth. He just kept it there, and enjoyed the feel and the taste of the hard flesh, and the way the wolf reacted to this first, light touch on him. He also found it very much pleasurable to run his paws along the wolf's rear, to feel the muscles work, keeping the wolf steady in his place poised on top of the tiger.

"Ahhh, that's right..." A satisfied sigh escaped the wolf's lips, first at the warm breath wafting over his tip before it was engulfed into the wet warmth of a muzzle. Now that his shaft was safely anchored in its target, he could let the hand that was previously guiding it fall free and instinctively roam to the tiger's chin and scratch lightly in appreciation. His gaze was transfixed on the scene under him, the sight and knowledge of the large tiger making the first move and willingly taking him in making him throb with lust and treating Druff's tongue to another salty treat of pre. The very act of just a small part of his shaft disappearing into the tiger's muzzle thrilling him immensely. Topped with the always pleasant sensations those skilled hands upon his rear were treating him to, it was all he could do to keep himself from rolling his hips forward and sinking a substantial part more into that devious muzzle...

Then again, would it be a bad thing at all?

The tiger was well aware of the struggle that was an ongoing one. He felt the growing tension in the wolf's thighs and his rump, with his own fingers still running over it and playing with the muscles he found. The fingers could have gone to further places as well if he wanted to, but for now he was content with what he did there. There was also the wolf's cock to play with, and he didn't want to give the wolf too much too quickly. Things like this were the best when they were drawn out, and running lazy circles around the wolf's shaft and the corona around his glans was just the perfect thing to do to show just what a talented maw could do to a man desperate to drop a load.

With the tongue running it's skillful rounds around his leaking tip, Brian couldn't keep quiet for long. Still looking down at Druff, albeit with slightly lidded eyes, he let out a deep, breathy sigh of content, his hand still idly scritching under Druff's chin. "You cats and your tongues, hmmmrh..." He looked quite happy on his burly throne at the moment, watching the show of the older man working his manhood with obvious hunger in his eyes. Happy enough to not being able to keep himself from rolling his hips just the slightest of bits... Edging just a bit of an inch into that very skillful maw or pushing back into the equally skillful hands kneading his buns like a master baker, it was hard to tell at that point.

The tiger noticed the subtle motions of the wolf's hips, but did not chastise him for his ardour. Instead he was obviously enjoying doing what he did, slathering the wolf's cock with saliva so that he could make even more sensual passes on its skin. And he also knew what his paws could do, moving upwards on the wolf's rump and pushing his fingertips deeper into his cleft so that when he pulled on the wolf's ass cheeks, the tugging motion went all the way into his most forbidden territory as well.


His purr, applied directly from the source on the wolf's meat, could do murder to lupine libido. The lusty look he applied to the wolf poised on top of him surely didn't help with Brian's self-control either. Druff's eyes had a definite twinkle to them, and burn. A good one.

The look in Druff's eyes, as well as the meaning and intent behind went anything but unnoticed by the wolf... how could it with the slurping on his tip combined with the bold teasing fingers that were making a playground of his twin globes of muscle and the cleft between them. He grit his teeth from the mounting effort of keeping his hips courteously still for the mischievous professor, but didn't break the eye contact for a moment. Metaphorical sparks flew through the air from the playful battle of wills. Brian was the first to move as he leaned forward over Druff's head, slamming his hands on the headboard of the luxurious bed and gripped down. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're trying to get your head ground into the pillow under it, pops" The wolf issued forth, with intermittent jerks of his hips that sent his straining cock a fraction deeper into the furnace of Druff's maw.


His reply was an even deeper purr and a hollow-cheeked suckle on the wolf. He wanted to make the muscles he felt to tremble under his paws. The creaking of the bed, as much as the wolf falling on top of him, suggested that he was approaching that point in the game. The eye contact was sadly lost for that matter, but the sight of the wolf's heaving chest was pleasant enough for the tiger.

The tiger smiled around the top two inches of wolf-cock in his muzzle, and brushed his fingers along Brian's crack, all the way to the puckered hole that clenched as much as the rest of the wolf's nether regions,with the continuous effort to not just drive himself to the knot into the tiger's all too warm and wet maw.

As soon as those fingers grazed the spot hidden in the cleft of the wolf's now pried apart ass, his whole body jerked and tensed... including his leaking shaft. Druff was treated to a bead of salty pre for his effort, and a couple more inches shoved into his by all accounts very eager muzzle, the slide in only aided by the sudden suction. The sudden maneuver was vocalized by the wolf atop him with a surprised grunt and further strengthening of the grip on the headboard. Well, as surprised as one can be to have his most secret areas poked and prodded when you have the Druff's paws on your rear.

"Hrrrgh... figures you'd play dirty, old man... " Brian husked out through still gritted teeth, refusing to give the tiger what he wanted that easily.

He was slowly losing the tug-of-war, though.

The tiger didn't gag, despite the relatively sudden penetration of his maw. He knew best to expect such things while giving head to someone., especially a young stud like Brian. He made sure to huff hot air along the wolf's shaft and to his knot, for doing that. It was an impatient gesture, and he recognized it. Yet he knew that the teasing only got more pleasurable as it went on. There was more pre-cum to be slobbered from the wolf's tip by a raspy feline tongue, ass to grope, a puckered, hairy hole to massage with his leathery-padded fingertip.

He wanted to make that tail jump and those secret internal muscles clench so that every touch on the wolf's rear was going to be felt as a jump of his cock over Druff's own tongue.

The most infuriating part was the wolf's tail, still occasionally brushing against Druff's cock. If the wolf thought he was the only one being teased, he would have been wrong. The tiger had more patience, however, and he was planning to enjoy every single moment. The tightly wound wolf was about to see just how far things could go when playing with the Druff.

With the initial shock of fingers upon his sensitive pucker, still somewhat worked over from their previous escapades, mostly subsided, the tension in his body let up a little bit, and he wasn't jerking visibly from every prod unto his backdoor anymore, partly from his conscious efforts to steady himself as well. It still clenched and winked at those offending fingers every time they poked and prodded, simply reacting in their natural way to this kind of stimulation it wasn't yet used to at all.

With another deep sigh of satisfaction that made his chest heave once more, he wriggled his hips cheekily from side to side, sliding his heavy orbs along Druff's chest, the hairs on which made for quite the stimulating experience. Of course, it's main effect was to move the dick lodged in the daddy tiger's muzzle from side to side, sliding the tip along that raspy tongue. He didn't see the tiger's cheeks bulge out where his tip poked them, but he could very well imagine the sight as he felt it through his manhood. It thrilled the wolf immensely and coaxed another healthy glob of pre and throb of his dick .

"Mmmh, use more tongue sweetheart. Or else I might think you're getting lazy down there..." His choice of nickname was quite deliberate.

The tiger used his teeth instead. He knew how to tilt his head the right way so that he could brush the wolf's shaft against a canine, with the additional benefit of his tongue running across the wolf's slit on the tip.

He enjoyed the noise Brian did upon feeling that. It felt almost like a crime to leave the wolf's ass, but using his fingers on the wolf's knot was still a good way to get back to him. And his other paw still remained lodged between those lush cheeks and now two of his fingers poked and prodded at the college wolf's hidden treasures. His responsiveness was a joy to the cat now playing with him so openly.

"WahaHAAATCH those teeth... fuck..."

The words coming out in different pitches of his voice, modulated by the jabbing fingers, the added digit making it's presence known, the difference quite obvious to the young wolf perched atop his generous host. His voice sounded out in protest, but his inner muscles betrayed him, perhaps, in their rhythmic clenching around the invaders. Or it could have been just a natural reaction to the unexpected stimulation. Druff liked to think it was the former while he used the wolf's rear almost like a makeshift remote control for the piece of meat he was feasting on., every poke and prod causing the leaky shaft to twitch and throb with varying intensity. Figuring out the controls, so to speak, how the wolf's body would react to every one of his... inputs... almost as fun as the noises he coaxed from him, or the renewed tension rolling through the strong, muscled body atop of him. Almost.

The knowledge that he could play the haughty young man like he does despite himself, excited him greatly and spurned the daddy tiger to find more ways to try and crack that tough and ruff exterior. One convenient although not entirely surprising way was the one he explored with his fingers at that very moment. Druff was no stranger to anal sex, and he knew that even the toughest of guys might turn into putty with a well-placed finger or a tongue, as long as you got their minds wrapped around the prospect of drawing such pleasure from such scandalous activities.

Just two fingers...making their little rounds and stroking the wolf's tender inner walls, and stretching at the muscle that guarded the opening into such pleasures, the one the tiger penetrated with relative ease now that he knew the way. The illicit teasing had the wolf very much worked up, even faster than he probably would have been should they have kept things more conventional. Druff wasn't one to stick to a routine if he knew that spicing things up would lead to an even more pleasurable end result. This was the one lesson he had wanted to teach to the cocky stud who now shuddered and growled on top of him, full of bravado that he had pleasurably stripped away much like the clothing that now littered the floor of the tiger's bedroom. What Druff found underneath was certainly as attractive as the body that belonged to the same male who was probably ruining the tiger's headboard with his claws, clenching in such pleasure and struggle to control himself.

Brian wasn't the first one to add such markings there, the tiger had to admit.

The jolts of pleasure rampaging through him infuriated the wolf besieged on two fronts almost as much as it made his inner muscles clench in rhythm with the movement of the fingers and his cock throb and strain with continued salty treats straight to his handler's tongue that was as active as those accursed fingers. A few moments lashing across the whole of the sensitive head buried in the tiger's maw, then putting it's raspiness to good use with slow and firm licks along the entirety of the shaft that was currently lodged inside. But still not as insidious as the bold plundering fingers in making his body betray him. The wolf was aware of how his body reacted, the shudders it brought out from him and the contractions that could easily be interpreted as needy by someone who wanted them to be, and the rhythmic swaying of his hips back and forth, the line between whether it was the maw or the fingers he was thrusting for becoming more and more blurred in his mind as their little "struggle" went on.

He knew that the tiger was probably aware of most of it given his obvious experience. He knew he was probably smug as all hell about it.

Brian looked down over his heaving chest at the top of the tiger's head with fire in his eyes. If his older lover wanted to turn him to putty and draw submission from the proud beast on top of him, he'll be facing it like a man. Oh yes. He was going to make the Druff work for it. And he was gonna pay in kind for every inch those fingers claimed and every shudder of pleasure they forced out of him.

And with that thought, he relented control and released the tension in his thighs and slammed the rest of his steel-hard cock all the way into the Druffessor's suckling maw, press the cat's tongue down against the floor of his muzzle and his nose into his crotch furs in the process, releasing a triumphant mix between a grunt and a groan from the feeling of his whole manhood buried home; in a wet and warm maw. He pulled himself forward slightly with the hands gripping the headboard and made sure to press his crotch firmly against Druff's muzzle, and his head slightly but noticeably down against the pillow it was resting on, paying due on the boast he made earlier. With his puppymaker fully enveloped in wet warmth, though especially because of the symbolism of the act, it was throbbing very excitedly. The fingers still playing his sensitive depths contributing their fair share as well, curiously unaffected and unphased by Brian's move.

Who was truly the triumphant one of the two after this was hard to tell.

The surely noticed the immediate effect on the tiger, a fast, deep huff against his groin when the cat exhaled upon having a cock jammed into his muzzle. The wolf was relatively thick and meant that Druff had to open his maw further than before to accept the suddenly larger intrusion. He knew the kind of response the huff of hot air could bring from the wolf, or the feel of his lips slowly moving and rearranging themselves around the wolf's shaft. The slightly prickly fuzz on his upper lip stroked Brian's knot, which had now smeared itself against the tiger's mouth. The sensation was novel, though not unpleasant.

He hoped the wolf would be looking down to him, and his muzzle did dip down between his arms, but Brian had closed his eyes tightly. The tiger thought it would have been amusing to see the lust in his eyes, now that he must've felt like the king of the world, in the way men tended to do when they had their cock inside somewhere warm and wet. It was nearly universal, in the tiger's experience, and Brian fit the bill.

He was also a very naughty boy, what with trying to facefuck the Druff. The tiger decided that the wolf needed a proper punishment for that. He decided that curling his fingers to jam at the wolf's prostate and using his free paw to tug on the wolf's heavy balls would be enough for starters.

With his eyes closed in concentration to make himself relax, the wolf breathed deep. He didn't want to blow his load too early. He wanted to treat his host to a proper, lengthy facefuck. He felt the daddy tiger was due for some payback for all the liberties he seened to be taking with Brian's posterior. Deep breath in, chest visibly expanding, then relaxing with the sigh that was both a calming one, and a declaration of satisfaction to the world for having his cock properly serviced.

But everything changed when Druff attacked.

The jab on his prostate combined with the warm air over his knot and the pressure on his balls made his cock throb and twitch dangerously inside the suckling maw, almost losing himself completely before catching himself with the hands still gripping the headboard of the bed as anchors. His inner muscles responded immediately to the stimulation, gripping down on Druff's fingers like a vice, bringing forth some very pleasant and very arousing memories of their first encounter. This time it was the daddy tiger that couldn't help himself as his own rod, neglected completely but by the elusive tail's wispy furs, throbbed and oozed a bead of pre from the tip. The young wolf's body and mind were invigorating to take, in whatever way they happened to be entangled.

Brian's breathing turned ragged again, and his hips twitched back and forth in shallow humps that rubbed his straining tip against Druff's tongue, too far gone for the moment to help himself. He growled out through gritted teeth, one hand releasing the poor, abused headrest and flying to the top of the tiger's head, pressing it further into his crotch, as if trying to shove the knot inside as well.

His eyes were still scrunched up tight. But he was slowly catching his breath again.

Druff knew that he was getting to places, considering the wolf's reaction. His body had grown so tense that he wouldn't have been surprised if the college boy would spend himself without much of a warning. The way his body worked at the moment suggested that it might happen abruptly should the tiger not play a careful game. These young guys could still have hair triggers hidden somewhere they hadn't found them yet, and that considered, the tiger might stumble upon one and get his throat splattered.

He didn't want to go there just yet. It was too much fun to try and edge the wolf as close to that spot as it was possible without causing him to go overboard. He did have a good way to measure the wolf's arousal, by the inner working of his anal muscles, and the throb of his cock under the assault of his tongue. It was more difficult to do conscious play with it now that the wolf had decided to jam himself as deep as he would go without risking teeth marks on his poor knot. The said bulb of supremely aroused, veiny flesh was as wet as the rest of the wolf's cock after the tiger had his way and covered it with a gurgle of saliva. The same wet mess soon extended to Brian's groin furs and matted them.

Still the tiger knew that the power flowed between them freely. The strength the wolf possessed and showed, now held under the tiger's control, aroused him more than nearly anything else. It was simply too delicious, and precious as well, in the way youth always was, something to be savored.

Right now he knew just the right ways to worship the young wolf, with his own body, with his goals clearly set in his mind. He wanted to drive the lusty wolf into the oblivion that awaited him, at the end station, as the receptacle of the tiger's mischievous paws and his maw.


He couldn't use his tongue but his throat was more than free to inflict another lengthy, deep vibration at Brian's dick buried in his maw to the degree that his pleasurably big balls were making out with Druff's own chin fuzz by then.

The short fuzz of Druff's chin upon his balls, as well as the peculiar but quite pleasurable vibration chamber environment driver by the tiger's purrs and rumbles now housing his dick, made the tense wolf's tongue loll out in amusingly typical canine fashion. Granted a short reprieve from the tiger's harsher assaults, his eyes opened up to gaze down at his older lover with all the hunger that was there before, but also glazed over with obvious lust and arousal. The sight of himself buried so deep into the daddy tiger's maw was a great thrill, and along with the very wet feeling all over his dick that he new to be slick saliva, made the next natural move he made all the more easy. He jerked his hips forward once to bump his knot against the tiger's nosepad teasingly, before slowly starting to withdraw himself from the comfortable warmth until only the tip remained inside... and then clenched his inner muscles around the fingers that stayed perfectly still during his motion and hence slid deep into him in turn, and slid himself back home with a rumbling sigh of satisfaction.

"Ahhhhh, yessss..."

Brian had been with felines before, but they didn't come close. The tongue sliding along his underside felt simply exquisite. From more than just the physical act.

The tiger slurped quite happily on the wolf's thick shaft. He enjoyed the feel of the wolf's receptiveness, how his body was simply thrumming with arousal throughout their session. He let Brian's nuts free and went on the caressing his rear again. He hoped to provide a little counterpoint to the more intense stimulation coming from his lips and his tongue and his fingers. He didn't expect the wolf to be able to give up too much of a fight anymore...but he had to admit that the wolf was doing a good job so far.

Perhaps he had developed some additional reserves of stamina since they had started playing around together. Druff certainly knew how to draw it out...make things last.

The almost soothing touch was as suspicious as it was pleasant to the high-strung wuff. He didn't trust anything Druff did at this point to not have an ulterior motive, especially now that he was going to town on the tiger's muzz.

Still, he couldn't help himself feeling quite pleased with the soft caress and on his rear. It even managed to animate his tail that was quite rigid throughout and after the sensual assault he was subjected to, and dished out. THe tip of the bushy appendage once again tickling over Druff's manhood in long slow swishes.

Having mostly calmed down now, as much as he could with a very talented and experienced maw working his length and equally skilled paws tending to his rear that was so seldom used for such purposes before he made fast friends with the college professor gone wild, he withdrew himself once again from Druff's mouth until just the tip remained inside and held it there. Looking down at the tiger over his sturdy chest, the wolf had a lusty and amused look in his eyes. It was hard to keep hidden how pleased he was with the view.

Another swish of furs over hard tiger cock. Another glob of salty fluid straight onto a lapping tongue. It felt pretty great taking the high ground over the tiger, even though it was debatable who was working whom in this heated dance of two strong bodies charged with sexual tension and desire. The wolf knew that what he did with his tail did do the trick, considering how the purr around his shaft only intensified when he did so.

Fuck, the wolf thought. He almost said it aloud, too, but only issued a growl.

Yet he knew, despite his current relative dominance of the tiger, the way he rode on him and threatened to fuck his face the moment his self control snapped, the wolf knew that the tiger had him. Druff held him by the balls earlier and might've literally planned to have him on a leash at some point if Brian didn't behave. He found that prospect both worrisome and oddly attractive.

What was college for if not experimenting?

Druff held more tightly onto the wolf's ass. He squeezed and let his fingers truly press down on the muscles he felt flex in such a pleasurable manner. Fondling the wolf's rear was almost as amusing as the current torture he inflicted on the wolf's erogenous zones.


He wanted the wolf to get noisy. He wanted to hear that ragged growl break into a whine that showed there was just nothing the wolf could do to hold himself back. Almost nothing was sweeter than the sound of a male in lust, just begging for it. Brian might be too proud of a creature to go that far, but the pleasure was in trying to accomplish it, thought the tiger.

Just a little more...

Druff pursed his lips and applied another strong suckling force at the wolf's throbbing tool. Although their current position made it somewhat difficult for him to move, he did manage to add a little bit of bobbing pressure into the act. Surely that, combined with the etude he played with his fingers against the wolf's prostate, would do.

And just like that, the wolf was on the ropes again, Druff's assault continued as if it never stopped. He tensed up, his hips jerked and seesawed his leaky dick back and forth over raspy tongue, and his inner walls coiled around the fingers as they hit their mark, carrying over into a bob of his manhood that hit the roof of the tiger's maw in what was an interesting sensation for the Druff.

"You just don't play fair, pops, do you?" Brian grunted out through clenched teeth, every jab and poke against his prostate readable in his voice as it made his inflections slightly sharper when they came. Druff had him in his grasp, he knew, both literally and figuratively. He'd win their little game sooner or later because he was holding all the cards, despite Brian being in the dominant position at first glance with his dick buried in the tiger's maw. And there was precious little he could do on the matter... Druff pretty much had free reign on his body, to manipulate all of his buttons he found out infuriatingly quickly, even the ones Brian wasn't aware of himself, and play him like a fiddle until something gave. He knew the signs of his own body and his limits, even though they were being pushed significantly since their very first encounter, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer, no matter how large his willpower reserves were.

But he still refused to give the tiger the satisfaction of making him lose himself in throes of lust and need, and all the signals of submission that conveyed. No, he wouldn't be the one to lose himself first, not if he had anything to say about it. The feel of a rigid tiger cock against his tail furs, the warm and wet vibration chamber around his own manhood, and the fingers so mercilessly plundering his depths all helped him determine just how to go about it.

He grinned down at Druff as he gave him a vigorous shove of his hips against his muzzle, and gazed at him with hunger and lust.

Yes. There were two sides to every coin.

With that same determined grin on his panting, sweaty countenance, the wolf kept looking down at the tiger, a purpose in mind.

But it could wait for a little while longer. He wanted to take full advantage of his position for a moment yet, and savor the sight he was taking in with satisfaction and obvious hunger... Even with the uncertain nature of just who was in charge, the very act of sliding his cock in and out of Druff's maw, as if merely using it for his pleasure, was incredibly arousing, for everything it represented. He felt strong and powerful perched atop the sturdy chest, and it was exhilarating. He tried not to think too much about the fingers claiming his rear, and what that represented, the other side of the equation.

He definitely didn't think about conquering fingers when he secured the grip on the tiger's head and starting thrusting in full. He drove his hips back and forth demandingly at a respectable pace, all the while forcing Druff to meet his humps by the hand on his head, the knot now bumping against the tiger's nose in greeting of every new thrust surely made for an interesting sensation... though nowhere near as center stage as a thick piece of man meat making his cheeks bulge out in it's quest to tickle his tonsils.

Yes. He could definitely enjoy himself for a little while longer on his throne, the wolf thought. His older lover deserved a little disciplining too for all the liberties he was taking with the haughty young wolf. He even thought he felt saliva spill onto his hefty orbs, but he was too taken by basking in the sea of pleasure and excitement he was swimming in at the moment to really care.

" Hrmhmmmr."

The noise Druff made sounded more like a growl by now, rather than just a purr. The wolf probably felt it all the way to his nuts, when they brushed against the tiger's chest. before colliding with his chin. His fingers on the wolf's ass became more insisting, more clenched to grab the chosen half of college rump in his padded fingers. He did not intend to hurt with the touch, but it was surely intense, pushing and prying on the muscles there.

What he did inside the wolf's rear was accordingly ramped up. He twisted his fingers, rolled them around and used his thumb to press to the tense spot right between the wolf's asshole and where his tail properly began. He wanted to make the deep muscles there tremble from the contact and the pressure.

And it only made that tail swish ever so dangerously over his own hard cock. They'd have to steam clean that fluffy thing if he leaked any more pre-cum onto it, the tiger thought, with private pleasure.

The return of those fingers to their illicit duty marked the end of the little reprieve Brian was granted. He grit his teeth together once again as his struggle for control continued. This time he felt his end approaching even faster than before though that was hardly a surprise with how well he was being pleasured and manipulated from both sides. He didn't want to blow yet, the act and idea of facefucking the domineering and confident Professor just too enjoyable for him to end yet. He wouldn't have much trouble holding off for a good while longer if it just wasn't for those accursed, wonderful fingers relentlessly sending jolts of intense pleasure through his body. But alas, they weren't giving him much choice. He'd have to make his move now or he might spill himself very soon, and he didn't want to stop his humping nor give Druff the satisfaction of having forced it out of him. He could still afford a few thrusts, and he made sure to make them count.



And a third time, he drove himself home deep, making sure to grind his crotch against Druff's face for good measure before he started approaching truly dangerous territory from where he could not hold himself back from. On his next withdrawal from the tiger's maw, he stopped when his shaft was a little over halfway out and grunted down at the striped menace underneath him. He thought about saying something, but decided making it a sudden surprise would be more fun.

In a sudden and swift motion, he swung one muscular leg over the Druff's head while at the same time sliding the other around as well and landing on his knees, ending with a 180 degree turn of his body and made those fingers slide out of his assaulted hole completely from a lack of time to even react.

He was kneeling over Druff's head now, cock still halfway lodged in wet warmth, and gazed down at the expanse of thickly muscled daddy tiger on display in his full glory. The wolf's back arched, he took a moment to appreciate and really take in the highly erotic display of a man who was a perfect picture of masculinity. The striped orange and milky white furs did little to hide the strength of that large and powerful body, thick chest flowing into a mostly flat stomach slightly rounded but not an iota less attractive. It was very firm, he knew from previous experiences, and quite agreeable to the touch. Shifting his gaze further upwards saw him the flare of Druff's hips, the two full round globes of muscle that were regrettably obstructed from view currently the thought of getting closer access to which made him throb inside the tiger's maw. And speaking of throbbing things, there, between a pair of thick, powerful legs stood the barbed shaft belonging to the feline master of male intimacy under him that made him see stars on earlier occasions and introduced such intense feelings of sexual bliss to him that almost scared him. The wolf couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the thought that he had what could be called a love-hate relationship with that thick barbed lance. It looked more and more tantalizing by the second, and he hated the fact.

Brian arched his back a bit further and gave a little sway of his hips left and right. "You alright back there, old man? Hope you've been enjoying yourself..."

He leaned forward, still taut, and careful not to lose any dick to mouth contact. With his palms against the bed for support, he paused, on his hands and knees, and took a closer look.

Well well... it seems that the dirty daddy tiger was more aroused than he thought... the furs around the head of the straining shaft were matted down and visibly sticky from all the pre he was leaking... which would also explain the feeling of matted down furs on his tail currently happily swishing away behind him. The thought that the face fuck was what gotten him so aroused and leaking ran through his mind, and while he doubted the accuracy of that notion, it was still a very fun one, evident by the glob of his own pre he dropped into Druff's muzzle, this new position angling his shaft in such a way that it's natural curve followed the curve of the muzzle it was in, and made the fluid slide straight down to the tiger's throat along his tongue as it dripped down.

The wolf couldn't help himself any longer and leaned down with his nose right in front of the impressive member belonging to the tiger and took a deep whiff. The strong scent of arousal and musk that assaulted his sense was intoxicating. The tiger had been building it up for quite some time now and burgeoned with it. He could've made lesser men swoon with it, and even Brian felt the temptation to just give up and submit to such an alpha male.


The tiger underneath him didn't really expect the maneuver the wolf made, but he found it to be an amusing and a sensual surprise that he found himself approving of. He got a new viewpoint to the wolf's groin now, the balls that dangled down, fuzzy and obviously drawn closer to his body from the sheer arousal. His tail was angled out aggressively, a continuation of the wolf's spine and the way he had to bend himself to put his frame on top of the tiger. He could even see the hint of pink that was mostly swallowed by the rich fur on his taint. Indeed, it appeared that the wolf's hole was a secretive one even after being thoroughly skewered on a pair of very adept tiger fingers. Druff felt his shaft flex at even this tantalizing peek.

He desired to conquer the wolf's body again, stretch him open and make his body shudder with pleasure, freely shared despite the college boy's earlier misgivings about surrendering himself to the tiger in such a manner.

The Druff had taught him better, and he was quite the adept study, too, the tiger had discovered.


He gripped the wolf's thighs and thrust his hips forward. If the wolf was planning to just sniff around, he might as well go to town. He made sure to mash his cock against the wolf's face. If Brian wanted to play this kind of a game, he might as well get to it right away. The Druff's patience was slowly getting thin after such a long period of college cock teasing. Brian should deliver some good head now that he'd gotten a taste of Druff's own oral talents.

Despite the mounting urge to devour that taunting piece of meat in front of his nose and punish it with a merciless assault of his own, the wolf still recoiled slightly when it hit him square in the nose. Said nose wrinkled from both the physical bump, and the intensified musk straight from the tap. He did not find it bad, but would be caught dead before admitting it. Instead, he propped himself up slightly higher on his elbows to look at the dirty Professor with a mirthful smirk while driving his hips down as far as they'd go and keep them there for a few moments in retaliation. It took two to tango, after all and dancing by yourself get boring fast.

"C-careful there... almost poked my eye out with that one." The wolf spoke in a gruff voice, his words of indignation tinged by obvious amusement and heaps of unquestionable arousal.

With his riposte delivered, he turned his attention back to the offending pole and leaned down again, resting the full weight of his upper body on Druff's lower belly, which made for a very comfortable and stable foundation to commence his attack. His paws grasped the tiger's fleshy flanks again and squeezed appreciatively. He missed having his hands on daddy ass, even if what he managed was just a partial sideways grip.


Face to face again with the tool that brought such unwitting bliss for him before, he went in fully while lolling out his tongue to deliver a firm slobbery swipe from the leaky tip all the way to the tiger's hefty pair of low hangers that pressed the thick piece of meat down against its owners crotch.

Perhaps it was how high-strung he was by now, or the sheer amount of arousal, sexual teasing and workout he was subjected to and dished out. Or maybe something else. But he couldn't help his eyes lidding slightly as he did so. It tasted even better than it looked and smelled.

Although the wolf's proper attention on his cock was blissful for the tiger, he didn't simply lay down and savored it, even if his daddy personality appeared to be quite well tuned for such reception of erotic activities on his worshipped body. He also had an inkling that if he stayed idle for a while, the wolf would likely take matters into his own... hips. No, Druff decided that he was going to make sure the wolf didn't get away easily. It was one thing to play with a dick when you could concentrate on it wholly, but their seventy minus one arrangement made it all that more involved.

Plus, he knew the kind of pleasures that could be drawn out of that wolf muzzle, if he stimulated its owner just right, set up that nervous highway from his genitals to his throat that would serve as the receptacle for Druff's tigerhood.

A rub of fingers here, a slurp of tongue there, firm paws on exquisite lupine ass cheeks and a flexing of his hips so that those barbs would find purchase on the college wolf's tongue or his hard palate, just enough to make him know what he was dealing with.

Let's see if you think you know how to do this, boy.

The Druff purred at his own rough thought, and lapped away the latest bead of pre-cum from the wolf's drooling, oozing tip that was reaching overheating point in the furnace of his muzzle.

"Well that didn't take him fucking long..." the wolf opined in his thoughts as he felt those damn, comely fingers reassert their claim on his most sensitive and vulnerable places.

He would definitely give Druff a taste of his own medicine, their current position quite conductive to that end. But that could wait. He was more than content with his slow and deliberate massaging of the tiger's flanks. It was more for his own enjoyment, of having firm muscle under his hands and feeling all that strength work and flex against him.

There were few things quite like the passionate tangle of two powerful male bodies, and the Druff qualified for that.

The musk that he was now inhaling freely from the source was an uninterrupted assault on his senses. He hated to admit it to himself, but it was making him slightly heady... simply from the sheer sexual excitement of another male in the heat of intense arousal he drove them to. It made every subsequent lick and nuzzle against that barbed beast easier and less restrained.

Despite his mounting eagerness for the hefty task at maw, the wolf still didn't forget to keep his hips in perpetual motion, as their new position meant his leaky member's curve followed the natural curve of Druff's muzzle as well as rubbed his tip so tantalizingly against the tiger's raspy tongue.

Brian couldn't help a rumbled moan escape his muzzle, letting himself enjoy every sensation his body was subjected to. Nobody can give head like a feline... every single demanding grind of his cockhead against that tongue sending intense jolts of pleasure running through his spine. Even though the dastardly daddy tiger was probably eating up the sight of his pumping and clenching ass as he humped on in a quite relaxed pace, the fingers lodged inside of him doing their fair part in the visual spectacle that were the muscles of the bulky wolf's glutes and thighs tensing and relaxing in a show of power and need and heat and lust and want.

The tiger only had to see the wolf's movement, indeed, to know just how horny he was., and that didn't account for the slurping that ensued from his own crotch. He was pleased to find out that the more pent up and teased the young Brian felt, the more eager he was to swallow dick.

The deeply dominant thought only served to arouse Druff even further. He came to the conclusion that it had been much too long since he had enjoyed a good 69 with an equally eager man-lover. The way the wolf did it was passionate, although not over the top so. There really was such a thing as a blowjob gone wrong, for a variety of reasons, but the wolf was playing the game just right.

The wolf's attention was split between guiding and taking in through his hands the firm curves of the heaving body under him and the slow and deliberately teasing licks he was made along the entire length of tiger meat in front of his face, every swipe from a different angle and slightly differing pressure so his older lover could never really know what to expect... though the slow and measured approach was slowly but surely blurring together with unrestrained eagerness spurned on by sheer arousal and the excitement of the primal act of two men, two bodies just letting go and lose themselves in carnal lust to just do whatever felt right and good in the race to reach mutual peaks of physical pleasure. He could count the encounters that gripped and carried him away like this on one hand.

It was simply exhilarating.

He carried on with his hands along the pleasing resistance of Druff's muscles, over the junction between buttocks and thighs, making sure to press in with his fingers as he went over the glutes, to say a friendly hello, before snaking his hands and forearms around the tiger's beefy thighs until his knees were raised and wolfish fingers pressed down intently against Druff's inner thighs, raking slowly against an area he knew to be very sensitive and pleasurable to the touch.

The precum tasted pleasantly salty on his tongue as he licked it up.

The tiger growled, but not out of displeasure at the feeling. His lower spine stretched pleasurably with the wolf's tugging motion and it also sent his tail to loop about the bedspread they had surely impregnated with musk by now. Whoever was going to lay down on that bed next would be smelling the activities that resulted in such scents - and with the tiger in question, it would probably inspire him into even further erotic activities, whether with just himself or a partner to share them with.

But right now he just wanted to push the wolf over his limits and into the blissful state of his climax. The tiger knew that both of them were very aroused, and he had built up quite the stamina in his new more mature years, but he knew that the wolf could still probably go on for longer than he did. He'd prefer for them to reach their orgasms close to one another, even though he knew that the fabled simultaneous one only happened on fiction for most part.

He would have to play it safe, though. He knew that the wolf became rather mellow and sleepy after he popped a load, which could mean that he would be less eager to finish the task at paw...and mouth, as it was. The tiger didn't share such a problem. He could go on his sheer mischievous arousal, and carrying on the erotic stimulation was bound to have him properly going in a few minutes, anyway.

This time around, the tiger suspected, he too might need a breather once they were done with one another. He might've been the one with the dirty tricks in his striped sleeves, but the wolf had youthful randiness that couldn't be replicated. The wolf was a hormone-laden sex machine, rattling along to an inevitable conclusion. Pushing him there felt like a privilege to the tiger.

Right now those hormones were quite obviously at work helping to drive the wolf into a sweaty, panting mess while he tried to keep himself somewhat composed and focused. But unlike the tiger underneath him, he wasn't thinking romantic thoughts of mutual orgasms. Due to his competitive spirit and the subtle unspoken power dynamics between the pair, he just wanted to make the tiger cum first, so he could claim victory in this erotic contest of endurance and willpower. It was the main reason why he liked this position so much, he thought, as he gave the leaky tip of the tiger's dick a sloppy wet kiss which smoothly turned into another tantalizing lick, even tickling the little of Druff's family jewels that he could reach with the tip of his tongue.

But it was a close race, and with every few seconds, he could feel both himself and his reservations slip a little bit further away, pushed further into blissful abandon every time those damned fingers hit his hidden pleasure button just right, as they fucked boldly through his rhythmically clenching pucker. And with Druff's experience, that was all too often. Each time it felt better and better, and translated into electric waves of pleasure straight through his straining manhood, manifested as throbs on raspy tongue and globs of precum down the tiger's sucking throat. Oh how he just wanted to just ram himself in there...

The barbs on the piece of meat he was working over tickled his tongue pleasantly as he swiped along them, making him wonder what they would feel like going back and forth over his lips. The thought made him give out a muffled moan around the base of the tiger daddy's cock as he mouthed and gnawed at it like the tasty bone it was. Being mindful of his teeth, he showered the entire shaft with the same ministrations, mapping out every millimeter of it. The grip on Druff's thighs tightened and he pulled those thick legs towards himself a tiny bit as he climbed that fleshy tower, making wide rolling motions with his hips to push as much of dirty professor fingers inside himself as he could, and then treat the tiger to a hefty mouthful that seemed to tickle his tonsils.

The wolf's paws slid further down Druff's legs to his substantial and shapely derriere that he felt had gone far too long without proper attention. He didn't see any reason why the tiger should have exclusive rights to butt fondling while they were going at it. And there was a lot to play with when it came to Druff's ass. He could grip the muscles and press pads onto the skin, through the thick fur, in the hopes of distracting the tiger a little from slurping down on his cock. Maybe seeing just how the finger happy tiger liked digits going near his own precious places.

Druff felt mighty good, of course, when his heavy nuts were manipulated by those same lupine paws before the wolf's fingers attempted to find what was hidden underneath the floppy pair. He let the wolf know when he did, with a growl around the dick still filling his mouth. The college wolf was being bold alright, circling around the tiger's own furrowed hole and testing out its silky feel. His ring muscles fluttered naturally under such a touch, telling that it was not unapproved of. It felt appropriate to pay it back by scissoring his fingers broadly into the wolf's own rear, to add a bit of a stretch to the flow of his fingers through Brian's asshole. Let the wolf really feel what he was missing out for not sitting down on the hard cock he slobbered on.

He just might have to give him a lesson in cowboy style soon enough.

Brian was feeling pretty damn good as well, with his dick comfortably lodged in his host's very experienced muzzle - a pretty familiar feeling by now considering how long they've been at it, and two pliant, springy globes of muscle under his paws... one of his favorite toys to play with. So far he was merely ghosting around the rim of the hidden pucker between them with the tips of his index and middle finger, teasing and testing the waters, moving on to slobber the tiger's hefty nuts while he was at it, both just for the fun of it and to take a closer look at what he was wreaking with his fingers. He found the slight give of the ass cheeks and occasional winking of the furrowed hole in between to be quite arousing.

Even the fingers assaulting his own asshole were feeling better and better by the moment, loathe as he was to admit it.

Damn that tiger.

He swiped his tongue over the side of Druff's lower dick and nutsack and ran two fingers over the tiger's hole, covering it entirely as he did so and pressing down firmly against it, though not enough to penetrate... just making it dimple inwards. The growled groan around his own meat told him it literally rubbed the daddy tiger the right way. He thought to himself with amusement that he wasn't the only one enjoying himself. The prospect of finding out just how much aroused him to no end as he eyed the small hole in question. It was very close now, teasingly close and surrounded by his own fingers, still pressing to the striped tiger's taint.

Screw it.

Brian used his arms to lift the tiger's hips up towards him and leaned his head forwards at the same time to swipe a long, slow, insistent lick with his tongue flat and firm on the quivering ring of muscle. He thought he felt his neck creak at the motion and the twist of his head it required, but it was worth it.

The reaction was immediate and very satisfactory, for both parties. Brian felt the hole flex, the way he knew his own did at the very moment around the fingers the tiger insisted keeping in motion through the wolf's anus. And there was more too. The whole body underneath him tensed and rolled, showing such obvious signs of pleasure that the wolf felt proud of himself for having produced such things in the tiger.

Having the big bad tiger make such sounds and movements was something the wolf knew could easily become addictive. Druff never hid any of his enjoyment of their erotic activities, but it still felt quite the accomplishment, to have him shudder under what Brian couldn't help but think of as a rather dominant sexual gesture, eating out the tiger's ass while he had little chance but to take it. The heaving of the body under him was great but didn't appear to be aimed at throwing him off the tiger, or to make him stop what he did.

Just the opposite. The tiger simply continued his own ministrations with increased fervor. The Druff wasn't going to let the wolf get away easily with such bold approaches to pleasing the tiger sexually.

Brian was very happy with the results of his surprise attack indeed, the grinding together of the entire fronts of their bodies and the cherry on top was the knowledge of his actions driving the tiger to such physical expressions of pleasure. It only fueled his drive and after the introductory swipes of his tongue, he attacked the tiger's hole mercilessly, the whole area soon glistening with saliva as he took his decadent enjoyment from the large man under him without restraint.

The demanding, vigorous laps of a broad wolfy tongue were interrupted here and there with the occasional heavy, firm lick with the implied intent of breaking down the gates to the tiger's oh so tight feeling opening. He enjoyed the idea immensely... and set out to the task of conquering that hole with fervor and gusto, of making it submit to his demand of entry... and perhaps more than anything seeing and feeling the reactions of his older lover whom he seemed to challenge on every twist and turn of their sexual escapade

The Druffessor wouldn't have it any other way, at least judging by the way he himself was going at it. Surely the way he tilted his knees and used his feet on the bed for leverage to actually lift himself and push his rear more firmly to the contact between his ass and the wolf's muzzle suggested that not only he liked it but he wanted more. It really blurred the just who was doing what, whether it was Druff fucking his ass on the wolf's tongue or the wolf pushing his muzzle to the tiger's hole. Either way, the end result was the wolf with a faceful of tiger ass, and highly arousing for both parties involved. The noise of two slurping tongues only added to the extremely sexually charged air inside the bedroom, the location of their secret tryst.

The wolf's paws didn't stay idle either, how could they with fistfulls of meaty ass. They groped, kneaded, pried apart and pushed together, which made them come cheek to cheek quite literally here and there. He couldn't help himself from treating the libidinous tiger to a few hearty slaps occasionally either, the globes jiggling slightly with the resounding smacks. But he knew that Druff could take it... and most likely enjoyed it too. The wolf certainly did... both the feel of firm muscle in his grip and the domineering act itself. He'd tickle the tiger's buttons one way or another.

And speaking of buttons, the tiger's hidden one was subject to an unrelenting assault. He wanted nothing more right now than to fuck his tongue through his hole and savour the full body reactions of the daddy tiger he was pressed down against, but he wanted that body to admit that it wanted it. He wanted his older lover to grind himself on his tongue hard to enough to make it slide in... and he was doing his damndest to drive him to do that.

The tiger's movements were having another effect, besides getting a tongue polishing on his butthole from the gasping wolf. His back and forth humping thumped both Druff's balls and his dick against the wolf's neck. The relatively soft furs there provided a good deal of stimulation, even if he'd rather had his cock somewhere a bit more tighter and warmer. It was still a good feeling, combined with their bodies rubbing together and with that industrious tongue trying its best at finding its target. He was leaving a definite trail of pre-cum onto the wolf's furs. The tiger liked the idea of marking the wolf, to make him carry his Professor's scent.

It only made him work himself harder. The thought of the wolf's face and chest dripping with cum drove him on.

Brian could feel every needful heave of the tiger under him through his whole body, both the friction between their legs, chests and bellies as well as the maw and tongue that impressively never slowed down in their insistent treatment over a straining wolf cock. And of course, those dastardly fingers that were making him teeter on the edge between frustration and electric pleasure.

The mounting intensity of their lurid upside-down embrace was taking an obvious toll on the wolf by now, being pushed near his limits once again by the dirty, resourceful Professor that seemed to always know just how to take advantage of a sexual situation. The closer to the edge Brian got, the less he cared about anything but the pleasurable sensations, least of all where they were coming from... by now quite enthusiastically pushing his thickly muscled ass back onto the invading fingers to get them just a bit deeper, and rolled his hips around on Druff's face to make them hit that special spot in just the right way... as well as making sure the daddy tiger had his entire maw full and busy with such a substantial amount of cock. His breaths were also becoming heavier and heavier, making him exhale hot air over Druff's pucker while he was attacking the small spot with his tongue with more and more abandon, making the opening sing on his maw. And he relished the fact even through the thick haze of lust over his mind that he was making it, making the professor, show such primal signs of need and arousal.

It drove him wild.

His hips pumped harder, his ass demanded the service of those fingers, he was tonguing Druff's hole with more and more force, and he was even tilting his head in the direction of Druff's pumping manhood to tighten its passage as much as he could.

He knew he was nearing the explosive point of no return, and he was rapidly. getting there. But he was still determined not to lose out to the tiger and spend himself first. He had that much pride left.

And with that thought, he decided it was high time to stop playing nice and move in for the kill. He raised his paws momentarily from their groping position on Druff's attractively meaty cheeks just as he was completing another swipe over his target. And after a moment that felt much longer to the wolf than it was, he brought them down with force, slapping those springy cheeks hard and immediately plastering his paws over as much ass as he could grab. He leaned his face close to the edge of the tiger's perineum and nuzzled almost affectionately as the pressed the striped cheeks together... the nipped on them playfully. He loved how firm they felt under his lovebites. And as quickly as he pressed them together, he spread them apart to stretch the small glistening hole that was dripping copious amounts of saliva by now as much as he could.

After a split second of admiring his handiwork, he took the plunge, swiping once, swiping twice... and as the third forceful slobber hit it's mark, the gates gave way and his tongue was suddenly enveloped in very tight, wet, undulating heat. Just like that, he was frenching his older lover's tight little asshole. He made sure to wiggle and outright fuck his tongue back and forth as much as the gripping, clenching tightness allowed. He was so carried away by him breaching the tiger's tunnel, the reason of his sexual overdrive that he stopped moving his own hips, buried to the hilt in Druff's muzzle by bow. His leaky tip must've been practically tickling his tonsils.

He was so immersed in the triumphant feeling of finally conquering his target that he at first barely noticed the large splashes of liquid heat hitting his neck and cheek. The tiger was coming and he was coming a lot.

Fuck! thought the wolf. Brian thought that he'd be able to tell just when the tiger was gonna go past the tipping point, but he'd been caught off-guard and got gunned down.

Unbothered by this observation, and giving a self-satisfied groan, he continued his unrelenting assault on daddy ass throughout the, by the sounds coming from Druff's stuffed muzzle and feel of his writhing body and the frantic clenching of his tunnel around Brian's merciless tongue, quite the explosive orgasm. He wondered if the Professor's balls were going to be sore after such an expulsion.

Brian felt victorious, even though he was the one who was being rudely marked with ropes of white tiger seed. But he didn't care about the implications. He was too far gone in his own erotic haze by that point to register it as anything besides just another expression of sexual energy and release between two strong and virile males. The tiger had taught him as much, sometimes with a heavy paw - or a heavy cock, for that matter - and Brian couldn't find anything to complain about even when he knew that he was getting a very strange facial as a proof of him pleasuring a tiger.

The wolf was about to add to it himself, of course. There was just so much fingerfucking and tiger-sucking a young stud like him could take. The tiger knew that and had enough presence of mind to work with it as well, even through his own orgasm, when he felt the wolf's own climax approach.

Brian's tongue slobbering on his asshole gave the tiger the final inspiration he needed. He pulled his fingers out of the wolf's rear and replaced them with his thumb - both of them, for that matter, pushing at the wolf's anus while his paws squeezed and spread the ass cheeks he had treated with much manly attention throughout their sexual encounter. Right now he stuffed his thick digits into the hole that could take such a penetration with relative easy, thanks to the continuous fingering and the amount of saliva that had been used to get his fingers there in the first place.

The tiger felt the wolf's insides jerk at the sudden stretching he applied to the wolf's sensitive walls. With the knuckles of his thumbs pressed together, he knew that he was giving Brian's ass as much or even more than he would usually get when it was the Professor's dick doing the buggery.

The wolf craved intense experiences, just like Druff himself, the tiger knew. He hoped that this anal surprise, combined with a hollow-cheeked suckle on his dick, a kiss of tiger lips on the wolf's knot and the deep stench of daddy cum filling the air of the room and marking the wolf's skin and furs would be enough to send him into another dimension of pleasure.

There was a groan, or maybe a grunt, and the wolf's cock throbbed against his palate. The tiger's ears heard the wolf's tail swing upright sharply, and the muscles inside his rear tightened repeatedly, establishing a well familiar rhythm that told the Druff that he ought to be ready to swallow.

And it was a lot, too, coming in heavy spurts the tiger knew were typical for a horned-up lupine such as the one Mister Silva, currently at his mercy. It was a wonderfully sensual experience for the tiger that only added to the pleasure he experienced from his own orgasm. Covering the wolf in his goop was...a fascinating turn of events. He hadn't really expected it to happen, but he was not about to complain either.

The wolf's tail stayed in roughly the same position while the intense waves of orgasmic joy washed over him. His hips jerked instinctively in an effort to tie with the warm hole that was receiving his seed but Druff's lips were just far too tightly sealed around his meat from his devious suctioning efforts that had the wolf's every muscle tense and straining as he was positively milked dry of the seed that was filling up the receptacle of one talented tiger muzzle before being greedily swallowed down.

He felt the contractions of that throat and knew what it meant, that the tiger was dutifully swallowing down his load... the symbolic act making his cock twitch just that much harder with his sexual peak.

"Seems to be enjoying himself..." Brian thought smugly, with his tongue still hungrily eating out some prime quality daddy ass.

Very, very reluctantly Brian removed his tongue from the manhole still quivering in orgasmic bliss and with one last cheeky kiss leaned back slightly to admire his work. The sloppy wet hole winking at his face looked so damn inviting that he already felt the hints of renewing arousal at the lusty thought of sinking himself balls deep into one of the best hindquarters he ever had the pleasure of making acquaintance with.

The tiger's cock had spent most of its explosive load over the side of his face, but Brian could still feel it oozing and pulsing against his cheek. With the warm suction still ever present around his own maleness, he slid himself slightly backwards on the tiger's body to get better access and without a moment's hesitation dove down and took the messy, cum stained piece of tiger meat into his muzzle, and jammed a thick thumb into the small tiger hole in replacement of his tongue. The almost needy orgasmic contractions around his thumb that he was previously feeling on his tongue drove him wild. His finger fucked the contracting hole vigorously in both a gesture of domination and effort to milk the tiger's prostate for all it was worth, and the wolf's tongue dancing around the meaty girth in his muzzle to scoop up all the seed that was trickling down the side and gulping it down in reciprocation of what the tiger himself was doing. He found the taste most agreeable, as good as the heady musk still wafting into his nostrils.

Sexual haze still over him, he suckled on the dick now in his muzzle without a care in the world, savoring the salty taste of meat and seed alike, with his thumb seesawing away idly much to his partner's pleasure if the throbs of dick and sounds he was making were to be believed.

All in the spirit of manly camaraderie.

His dirty maneuver also made the thumbs that had pushed him over the edge into the throes of orgasm and were giving his hole a significant and oh so pleasurable workout slide all the deeper inside. The increased pressure on his milked prostate meant that Druff was treated to another hefty glob of cum that painted his tongue white before it was swallowed down. Brian couldn't help but picture the tiger's cheeks bulging out slightly with the fresh rush of spunk. The thought amused him.

The slightly less cartoony than imagined tiger under the wolf was quite happy with his current circumstances. Having the wolf gobble him up even at the last dredges of his orgasm was a treat that would make him purr for days to come if his thoughts wandered to it. Pushing the wolf into such a sexual frenzy was a particular pleasure, and always a triumph. He just loved seeing such sexual confidence blossom, whether his partner was young or old.

Yet as much fun as it was, eventually breathing only through musky balls had its toll and the tiger had no choice but to push the wolf off him. Brian rumbled absent-mindedly when he felt all sorts of things slip away from orifices, this including Druff's cock that made its way out of the wolf's muzzle and slapped onto the tiger's belly. Druff let out a satisfied sigh. He enjoyed the feel of his heart still racing in his chest. His breathing was quite heavy. The wolf panted solidly on his newly commandeered half of the bed. To the tiger's nose he smelled exactly as messy as he imagined him to look like, too.

Druff took a peep, for confirmation. He smirked happily at that.

Brian laid splayed out on his back on the bed his breaths coming out in heaving pants, which was a clear indicator of how exhausted this session left him... and not only him, he suspected as he stared up the ceiling. He didn't mind being thrown around too much, the bed was comfortable enough, as was the softly furred thigh he was resting his head on, one paw on his own chest and legs spread out and bent inwards, almost close enough for Druff to lean his head on the wolf's calf.

His heart was still pounding, he still felt the rude, pleasurable tingles from his consistently plowed hole, and the slick feeling of warm saliva making his cock twitch every so often with a pleasurable jolt that contributed quite nicely to the blissful post-orgasmic haze. It felt like floating on a cloud, but he wasn't gonna tell the tiger that. He felt it was way too cheesy.

The wolf let out a coarse chuckle and said with obvious mirth

"Got you this time around, old man... if I didn't know better I'd say you're getting soft on me..."

He flopped his other arm over Druff's cum-streaked stomach and played with the fur with the back of his fingers absentmindedly. Mostly because it felt nice between his fingers. Without lowering his gaze, he added, "Might have to show you a thing or two... remind you how it's done...."

The tiger's rumble was an obvious way to show his approval of the touch. The wolf's continued cheekiness made it deepen, despite the tiger's thoroughly drained state.

"...just wait till I finally show you what's behind that door you're so curious about," Druff commented.

The tiger rested lazily, limbs spread out comfortably so. The wolf's presence was much appreciated, even if the maximum level of sexual energy had ebbed down to a more gentle static charge that existed between them, even after their mutual, messy orgasms.

The fingers toying with his belly gave him a little poke.

"You like teasing me about that don't you, pops?" Brian chuckled.

The tiger let out a deep, satisfied breath.

"Once we get your initial training done, we can move onto the more advanced ways of manly pleasure," he commented.

Brian chuffed and kicked at one of the tiger's numerous pillows. It flew off to the floor amidst their tossed clothing.

"You calling me a beginner?" he complained. "Didn't know I was taking a course here..."

The wolf tilted his head lower to looks at his decisively male companion.

"How's my midterm looking?" he teased, the half hard piece of tiger meat resting to the side of his field of vision jerking as if answering to his teasing question.

The Druff rumbled again. If the wolf had looked at his face instead of his cock, he'd seen that the professor had closed his eyes now and almost appeared he was dozing off.

"Soggy," the tiger said. "I'd kick you to the shower if I had any energy left for now."

"Hmph!" the wolf almost barked out. "Yeah, that's your age talking alright...soon you'll make me wear slippers to protect the carpets,, and use coasters, and you'll put plastic onto the furniture..."

Druff chuckled.

"I don't know where you get all of these ideas, but they are funny."

"Oooh I'm funny now?" Brian asked. His tail almost tickled at the tiger's arm while he flopped it between his exhausted legs.

"You are very much amusing to me, in many ways."

"Hmmmrr..." opined the wolf. "I like it when you talk dirty to me."

Druff's paw moved quickly and grabbed the wolf's fluffy tail without error. It twitched in his grip.


The tiger tugged on the tail.

"Remember whose bed you're lying on," he murmured.

"I remember the feel of you gripping down on my tongue as I was tongue-fucking it out of you " the wolf teased rudely with a challenging and lustful gaze despite his obvious exhaustion .

The tiger didn't let go of the wolf's tail.

"I think we still know who's the boss around here," Druff said.

The wolf didn't challenge that particular assessment. That time might come but for now he was happy lying on the soft and comfortable-if soaked - sheets and playing with soft and damp belly furs.

As content as he was with his bedding and a warm, firm pillow, he did start to get Druff's point. They were both pretty sweaty and smelly from the physical exercise they put each other through. While that thought was pretty stimulating, the smell was starting to get noticeable. The wolf didn't like how matted and sticky his furs were becoming as well now that he began to...coagulate.

With some regret and a grunt, Brian swung his legs around and threw himself upwards into a sitting position on the bed, back turned to Druff. He stretched his arms out and then raised them, both to work out his sore muscles with a satisfied sigh at the feeling and to give the lounging tiger a show he knew he would be feasting his eyes on without the need to look back at him. His bushy tail flew left and right in a couple of swishes betraying its owner's mirthful mood.

The wolf jumped up to his feet from the edge of the bed, still in his fully nude glory. He didn't show a hint of being uncomfortable with it. On the contrary, he seemed quite confident as he sauntered over to the still ajar door of the bathroom connected into Druff's master bedroom.

"I'm going back in there because of you I need another shower now, pops."

He glanced back at his graciously nude gracious host.

"If you can manage to move those old bones, you should too. Can't tell which one of us smells worse."

He wrinkled his nose for greater effect. In truth, he didn't really mind their intermingled musky smell permeating the room. It was the evidence of their intense and satisfying manly rutting, and he found both the smell and the thought pleasing. He still wanted to poke at the sleeping tiger, so to speak.

Said tiger leaned his head in the cheeky lupine's direction and glanced at him with amusement.

"Boy, don't make me come over there and spank you."

The wolf turned his back once again to the tiger, and with the highly pleasing sight of broad shoulders leading down to two round, beefy globes of ass rolling along with his steps chuffed audibly at the remark.

"Maybe later. Cleanup now", he exclaimed while stepping through the door, his voice trailing off and gaining a slight echo as he spoke while entering the bathroom. "I'm all tapped out for now anyways. You wanna grab something to eat and watch some TV or something?"

The daddy tiger still reclining comfortably on his bed watched the wolf saunter off into the bedroom, his eyes trailing the obvious show with renewed hunger. He caught the rolling of those springy, muscled cheeks in particular. The Druffessor chuffed.

"Or something... " he murmured. "it sounds like you've got it all figured out!"

The wolf replied with some off-key whistling and the noise of his piss hitting the toilet bowl.

The programme was definitely going to be good tonight.


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