The Quest for the Holy Dildo #25
#29 of Holy Dildo
Unintended Consequences
In which Blue has a revelation, Devilah nudges the party in a somewhat more wild direction than intended, and H gets his question answered.
Faniel uses the drunken party after Muz-Ra's wedding to talk the girls into getting wild, so she can persuade Blue to join in. However, Devilah has her own unique powers that she mischievously wields behind the scenes to turn the party into something a bit more lewd.
As I said at the first, this was originally supposed to be a little less raunchy. But hey, Devilah IS there and she's not going to let such an opportunity go to waste. She may not be the demon she once was, but a girl's gotta get her fun where she can!
| Author's note: I managed to squeeze in just a little more porny porn porn in one last time. The original plan for this was going to be somewhat tamer, but my mouse slipped and the kitties got a little out of hand.
Although Muz-Ra and the Jarl had retired, it was much later after many a toast had been made that Faniel spoke in a low voice to Devilah.
"And now, Devilah, I think they might just be drunk enough. Excuse me, but I need to bestow a gift on someone. Someone who sorely deserves it." and she stepped away from the succubus towards a cluster of girls that had congregated in a corner, some dressed in the transparent bridesmaids gowns and some others. | |
| " wasn't even his cock!" Cheetah was concluding to a boisterous round of laughter.
"Girls," Faniel announced. "Might I make a suggestion?"
The group turned to look at the angel, most with the unfocused but shining eyes of the inebriated.
Kitty took up the leadership role. "What... um... Suggestun Faniel?"
"Well, look... I'm naked here. Most of you girls are naked for all intents and purposes. Why don't we make this a real party. Get 'wild' if you take my meaning. In short, let's get naked!" | |
| "YEAH! GET NAKED!" Udaran and Cheetah were the first to climb out of their clothes. Soon they even got Bhusaran to get 'wild'. But of course one of their number remained staunchly clothed. Faniel stepped away from the noisy women and looked down at the little Argonian questioningly.
"Oh, it's okay," she said. "I don't mind." | |
| "Blue," said Faniel in a voice that demanded attention. "If you want to, why don't you take off your clothes?"
"You don't understand, Faniel. I... I can't. Really, I don't mind."
"Blue. Your scars are gone. They were never your shame to carry anyway. The person who gave them to you has now been given them back." | |
| "It's not that I'm shy, Faniel! Really I'm not. I'd love to party with the other girls. But I don't... look like the rest of you underneath."
"Blue. You're not listening to me. Your Scars Are Gone."
The Argonian looked directly at the Angel who held her eyes intensely.
"But..." | |
| "Have faith Blue. They are gone. Let everyone see. You have no scars. You have nothing to be ashamed of."
Blue closed her eyes and put her hands on the zipper of her bodysuit.
"No. Blue... Look at me. Look at my eyes. I know your scars are gone. Let my faith be yours. They are gone." | |
| The zipper slowly came down. It did not stop until her entire back was exposed. Then Blue stepped out of her bodysuit and stood naked in front of all her friends. For just a moment, she closed her eyes and a gasp came from the people who were watching as if they saw something horrible to behold. But the Argonian denied it. "NO!" she said firmly. I have faith. I have nothing to be ashamed of. The scars are gone." And she opened her eyes again to look into the smiling face of the angel.
And when she looked down at herself, there were no scars. Only her friends, who soon were hugging her and resumed their chanting, "NAKED! NAKED! NAKED!" | |
| "Blue!" Kitty said. You're beautiful!
"Oh, you're just saying that. But... I kinda am, aren't I?"
"You certainly are!" Bhusaran said, coming up behind the laughing Argonian."
"Um... Bhusaran... You can let go of my boobs now." | |
| "Aww, do I have to?" Bhusaran chuckled. "They're really nice boobs!"
"Well, alright! But somebody better bring me a drink, and fast!" | |
| Faniel stepped back away, satisfied at the outcome. Devilah came up to her then.
"That got a bit more sexual than I was expecting, Dev. Did you...?"
"Oh, maybe I helped a little. Not that they needed much of my touch. With so much repressed sexuality among them, the alcohol probably would have done the same anyway."
Then a voice spoke from her other side that Faniel hadn't heard before.
"Was that a miracle?" said the male Khajiit.
"And you are?"
"Around here they call me H."
"Ah. The owner of the Tails. A pleasure to meet you. And is that you're real name?" | |
| "No. But I'm a liar. How about you? Was that a miracle just now? Did you really cure Blue's scars?"
"Some would say she had no scars. Argonians shed their skin regularly you know. Others would say her scars were just those in her mind, H. Still others might say the scars are still there, but no one sees them anymore, because she doesn't see them.."
"Ah. I see. Then you are a liar too?"