The Quest for the Holy Dildo #24
#27 of Holy Dildo
Muz-Ra's Wedding Party
This is undoubtedly the most of my characters together in the same place that I've ever done. It's tough to do these with so many characters!
For some reason, this old song came to mind when posting this:
Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn't look the same
But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself
| With that, the three walked back down the dias and the wedding party resumed their places while Devilah explained the situation to Faniel and Sampson.
In short order, the ceremony was properly concluded and the guests sat down to a feast at the tables while the Jarl and Muz-Ra danced. | |
| "So, you know this Queen?" Sampson asked Devilah.
"Of course! You do too, though in her current non-existent outfit I understand you may not recognize her. She gave us chocolate chip cookies. Remember?"
"Her? From Castle Kitty?"
"Yes, that's Red!" | |
| "Is the Black Kat here too?" Sampson asked, scanning the guests rapidly.
"I'm sure she is, but I explained to you about her didn't I? She's not and never has been an assassin."
"I know, I know. I feel I should apologize to her though."
"Well then, there she is, over talking to that bard." | |
| "Her? She looks so different without..."
"Without clothes to speak of? Yes Sampson, we all do. Come on, let's go talk to her."
"Shall I just stay here?" Faniel asked, not sure of the proper social conventions at a formal celebration like this.
"No! Come with us. We'll introduce you. Besides, you're the only one of us who is dressed appropriately!" | |
| When Kitty saw the three approaching, she backed off defensively and Mikael stood in front of her.
"It's alright Kitty, Sampson knows the truth now. He's not going to try to kill you again," Devilah said, trying to calm the nervous khajiit.
"Cross my heart." | |
| "I... wanted to apologize in fact," Sampson said. "I am sorry, I was wrong. Badly wrong."
"Well next time get your facts straight buddy!" Mikael said, poking the Hero in the chest. But Sampson didn't flinch or turn aggressive.
"Oh, leave him be Mikael. He said he's sorry."
"Sorry to have almost killed you? That's a lot to apologize for!"
"But he didn't. We're friends now, right Sampson?" the little Khajiit asked, stepping forwardly if still a bit timidly. This was, after all, the man who had bested Ubergard. If Mikael really knew who he was poking in the chest, he probably would rethink that action. Mikael was a good man, but he was no warrior. | |
| The Hero looked at the Khajiit. "Yes. Friends. Speaking of which, we have a new friend we'd like to introduce you to. This is the Angel Faniel."
"Glad to meet you... Kitty is it?"
Kitty looked at the angel, somewhat in awe. "Are those real?" she asked, indicating the wings.
"Sure are. You can touch them if you'd like. I don't mind." | |
| After that, the three were accepted into Muz-Ra's half of the wedding party and were introduced to the others as well, and the three soon felt comfortable enough to enjoy the party.
Sampson and Devilah even got a chance to dance once she'd pulled him away from Ubergard and K'rris, who seemed to be fascinated with his description of various martial adventures. For her part, Faniel was a hit among the others, though she seemed particularly interested in Blue.
Yet even hours later the three barely had managed time to talk to Muz-Ra at all and Devilah was beginning to get bothered by the delay. |
| Finally Muz-Ra broke away from her husband for just a few minutes.
"Oh there you are Devilah! Where's Sampson?"
"He's over talking martial arts with that big blue Argonian. We came in hear to get away from the noise. Lydia here has been telling us stories of your Jarl!"
Lydia sighed, "Well at least I'm away from all those men who can't seem to focus above my nipples!"
"You're telling me," Muz-Ra agreed. "No problem just as long as you don't tell stories about me! Hey, did you see H and Bhusaran, Blue? I think there's something going on there."
Blue laughed, "It's about time!"
Muz-Ra nodded agreement, "I think he finally saw her as more than just a business partner when he saw her in that dress!" | |
| The naked Argonian's face turned contrite then as she turned to the winged pair. "I'm so sorry Devilah, Faniel. It's a lot more work getting married than I expected. I PROMISE we'll talk in the morning. I'll make sure you have the finest room in Dragonsreach. But my husband... he wants me... Honeymoon and all you know?
"But..." Devilah began, but before she could say anything more Faniel interrupted her.
"Devilah, this quest is my quest. It can wait one more day. Let the groom bed his bride." | |
| "Thank you Faniel. I'll see you all in the morning. But I'm afraid the party will go on for quite some time yet. Make yourselves comfortable. Irileth will show you to your rooms when you're ready."
"We will see you in the morning, Queen Muz-Ra. Have a nice fuck," Faniel called as she turned to leave. | |
| "Thank you, Faniel!" Muz-Ra laughed, looking back over her shoulder. "I absolutely will!"
After Muz-Ra had left the room, the other three looked at Faniel in silence.
"What?" said the angel, puzzled by their stares. "That's what they_do,_ isn't it?" | |