The Quest for the Holy Dildo #23
#26 of Holy Dildo
In which peace is restored, Queen Muz-Ra makes her first royal decision, and three new guests are officially welcomed to the party.
| The doors at the end of the hall swung open as three figures stepped within. In the lead was a man, not overlarge but heavily muscled brandishing a greatsword which Muz-Ra was relieved to notice was unstained.
Behind him was what appeared to be a Khajiit, dressed in a a shockingly red outfit, yet no Khajiit posessed the demonic wings that now spread wide.
Yet these two she recognized immediately, but the third was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and had only heard of vaguely in old mythic tales. But it could be nothing else. An angel had stepped into Dragonsreach.
Ubergard positioned herself in front of Muz-Ra who had rushed towards them along with the Jarl and Irileth, Uber's blade at the ready while guards closed in on the trio from both sides.
"HOLD!" Shouted the Jarl. "What is this? Who are you that would break the sanctity of this ritual?"
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| The angel stepped forward, her companions facing the guards who kept their weapons drawn.
"Jarl of Whiterun. We are here on a quest. You have something that belongs to us," the angel said in a clear voice that all could hear.
"It is not our wish to intrude on your ceremony, but we have come far in our quest and we were disappointed when we were turned away by your guards. I also believe you will have reason to be thankful for our interruption when this is concluded."
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| "Devilah? Sampson? What are you doing here?" Muz-Ra called, suddenly recognizing them.
Devilah looked back at her more closely. "You're... Red right? Is this your wedding?"
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| "Don't I look like a bride?" Muz-Ra asked, nodding to the Jarl.
Devilah laughed. "You do! On your honeymoon!"
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| "Red? Do you know these people?" the Jarl demanded.
"Of course I do! He is Sampson, a hero of some renown. You remember, he wiped out the Assassin's guild! And this is Devilah, his companion."
"She has the aspect of a demon. Are you quite certain they are friends of yours?"
"Well, she's a succubus, yes. But she's a friend. We shared cookies!"
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| The guards put their weapons a way and looked to the Jarl for instructions.
"And the angel?" the Jarl asked.
"I don't know her," Muz-Ra confessed.
"This is the Angel Faniel. She's a friend," Devilah announced. "If you can trust me, you can certainly trust her."
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| "Come forward then and join our celebration," the Jarl said. "Muz-Ra, you are my queen now. You have my confidence in all things. Please, take the throne and let's figure out what this is all about."
"My lord," Irileth whispered hastily to the Jarl. "The throne?"
But the Jarl shot her a glare that could melt iron. "She is my wife and your queen now Irileth. She has full right to take the throne. Would you deny it?"
"No my lord!" Irileth said, backing off.
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| Muz-Ra thanked her husband with a smile and sat upon the Throne of Whiterun for the first time.
"Well, it is the first time," she thought. "That other time I wasn't precisely sitting on it. More like bouncing off it."
The three interlopers stepped up towards her, while the Jarl stood beside her proudly.
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| "Now then," Muz-Ra said, sitting on throne as if born to it and leaning forward.. "What can the Jarl and I do for you?"
"Thank you, Red," Devilah began, taking the lead since she knew Muz-Ra best of the three..
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| "That's Queen Muz-Ra, demon!" Irileth corrected. The Jarl nodded to her in agreement.
"I'm not exactly a demon anymore. But sorry, thank you QUEEN Muz-Ra. We have come a long, long way seeking something that our friend, the angel Faniel, has lost. We have reason to believe it is here, in this place."
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| "Devilah," Muz-Ra began in a quiet voice, "we'd barely managed to keep Sampson from killing Kitty outright last time. Now you come barging into my wedding? Please, show some patience. Let us get on with this ceremony. You can be my guests. But let us finish this first. Please?" |
| Devilah saw the sense in what she said. "I'm sorry. It's been a long journey and it's hard to be so close to the end. But you're right of course. Thank you, Queen Muz-Ra. But please don't forget about us. Besides, I'm dying to hear how you went from being a cook in Kitty's castle to being the Jarl's bride!" |
| At that, Muz-Ra couldn't help laughing. She stood up from the throne, looked to the Jarl, who nodded his acquiescence to her wishes,and made an announcement. |
| "Lords and ladies, friends and family. You have all been so welcoming to my fellow Argonians and Khajiits that this wedding has come to fruition at last between my love, the Jarl of Whiterun and myself - a humble, if admittedly lusty, Argonian. Now I ask you to show the same for these newfound guests of mine. |
| They too take unusual forms, but they are also my friends. Here is the Angel Faniel, the Succubus (reformed) Devilah and the Hero Sampson. It is a great honor to host them here at our wedding!" |