The Quest for the Holy Dildo #22
#25 of Holy Dildo
The Wedding of Muz-Ra
In which, SURPRISE! Muz-Ra and the Jarl finally get married!
| The wedding was, of course, no surprise to the residents of Whiterun. And it surprised no one much to see the procession wind it's way through the streets of Whiterun and towards the Jarl's palace of Dragonsreach led by the naked Argonian woman and followed by her bridesmaids in barely less revealing attire. They parted for the group effortlessly, and even the more bawdy residents withstrained their admiration for the display of the scaled and furred females to only occasional whoops and catcalls.
Finally they reached the entrance to Dragonsreach itself whereupon Muz-Ra greeted the Jarl's personal housecarl, Irileth at the door.
"What's that she's not wearing?" Cheetah whispered to Udaran when they came in sight of Irileth at the door to the great palace of Whiterun.
"I think it's a Muz-Ra designed kilt," Udaran whispered back, giggling somewhat. | |
| "No beheadings today?" asked the Argonian with a smile.
"None today my Lady, unless you request it!"
"What do you think of the kilt?"
Irileth looked down at herself, her breasts basically naked for the world to see. "A bit breezy my lady." | |
| "Well, you've got to let the puppies out to breath every once in a while! Shall we get this party started?"
Irileth laughed, a strange sound to those who knew her but one Muz-Ra had heard at least once before. "Let's!" she said and the group entered the Keep to fanfare from hidden trumpeters on the walls. | |
| Irileth proclaimed their arrival as the group waited for a signal and Irileth proceeded towards the throne and stood to the Jarl's right while another man dressed in preistly robes stood to his left. Though Muz-Ra hadn't met him, she assumed this must be the priest of Mara from Riften: a man named Maramal.
The fanfare began again as the friends climbed the steps and those dignitaries and friends of the Jarl bowed at their entrance. She saw H standing to one side and recognized another figure she did not expect with them as well. | |
| "Blue!" she cried and started towards her old friend, but Blue herself shushed her and pointed back towards the Jarl. "Oh, sorry. Later!" she whispered and looked back at her future husband who only smiled and shook his head, to which she responded with a shrug that said "Sorry!". |
| She felt her friends behind her step to one side as she neared the last steps up to where the Jarl waited. All eyes were now on her and the Jarl who took her hand and stood beside her.
Irileth stood behind him and the giant Argonian, Ubergard, took her place slightly behind and to Muz-Ra's right. The crowd quieted as the preist of Mara stood in front of them, holding his hands up and beginning the ritual. |
| "It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation," the priest began.
Muz-Ra realized she could barely concentrate on his words however as an unaccustomed feeling of nervousness set in and she feared she might faint. She had been married before, but that was a long time ago.
But then she felt the warm hand of the Jarl enclose her and she turned to look at him. No, not the Jarl - her Jarl. Her jarlyhorse. Her love. The nervousness quickly fled as she looked into his eyes, and he into hers. And then the room was hushed as the time came to say the words. With a strong voice, Muz-Ra followed her beloved's declaration with her own...
"I do. Now and forever!" | |
| "Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. I present to you these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together."
At these words, the crowd began to cheer, but Muz-Ra could hear nothing. She felt only the Jarl's strong hands take her head in his hands and kiss her, human fashion. She tried her best to respond in kind and also gave him the traditional Argonian sign of affection - a nuzzle under his chin. | |
| Then they turned around to face their guests, who continued to cheer and clap as the Jarl drew her beside him and she looked up to see him with what may have been a tear of his own on the otherwise gruff face. |
| And then all hell broke loose. |