The Quest for the Holy Dildo #26
#30 of Holy Dildo
In which Muz-Ra's wedding party devolves into a full scale wedding orgy. Poor Kitty tries to stop it, but Devilah's influence was at work and there's no stopping it now. It's going to keep barreling on through the night till it reaches it's messy and exhausted end. Sorry Kitty, even divine intervention can't stop nature at work.
This is a bit shorter than normal, but that's because the next scene was going to be part of this - but the transition seemed too big not to separate them on consideration. Also, Tumblr always gets first look at these as I have to convert them to this format before posting here - however, not so with the next post. I'll have it up shortly as I did them both already. Though the images are hosted on Tumblr, the next isn't posted yet. It's just a draft but I can still put it up here! So stay tuned, should have the next post up in just an hour! (I kinda like it too)
| H looked at the group of females as they started dancing under Kitty's instruction, if maybe a bit wobbly. He noticed some of the other guests were getting into the act too, even going so far as to dance naked like the girls.
"You have any more miracles up your sleeve do you? Because that was a dandy!"
"Oh, I didn't do it, silly Khajiit. Blue did it. You should know that," said Faniel.
"Well, thank you Faniel. I somehow didn't think you were a liar. I am, alas, just a mortal male and I think I see Bhusaran inviting me to... dance. I bid you a good night. "
"And to you, Maiq." | |
| Sampson stepped up to Devilah and spoke with her for a second while Faniel resumed watching the others. She had to admit she was impressed by Kitty's managing to corral the guests into doing any coordinated dancing at all under Devilah's carnal influence. |
| Faniel turned to Devilah when she saw Sampson leave again. "Where's Sampson going?"
"He's off talking to the Jarl's brother about something."
"Ah. I see. You know, it's not like you to be by yourself with all this partying going on though Devilah. At the rate things are going, you may be the only clothed person left in Dragonsreach before long. A full scale orgy seems to be in the offing."
"So it seems! But no. My orgy days are behind me I think. Unless you want a roll in the sack that is..."
"Sorry Dev. Sex has already caused me enough trouble as it is. You're not hungry for other men yet?" | |
| "Not yet. Arngeir said he'd be sending his samples down the mountain the next day so I should get a supply soon. I'll be fine till then. Hell, I'd be fine for a lot longer. But I start to pine for the stuff. It will be so much nicer to not have to get it directly and just have it delivered!"
"You know, that was H I was just talking to. You know, the owner of the Tails?"
"Oh? Faniel, I should go talk to him! I need to see if he'll do a magazine with me and Sampson! Come, introduce me!"
"Relax Dev. All in good time. Be patient and have faith. Everything will work out in the end. Besides, I don't think he would much appreciate you interrupting him right now."
"Oh my! Is she doing what I think she's doing?"
"I told you it looked like an orgy was likely." | |
| "And so it is! Honestly, I'm getting a little bit sleepy. It's been a long day. I'm going to go take a bath and go to bed. You want to come along?"
Faniel looked back to the dancers whose movements were beginning to take on ever more sexual connotations. "Are you still influencing them?"
"Na. I turned off the heat a while ago. They're on autopilot now."
"You know, I think I would like that suggestion of yours. Think they have two baths?"
"We can share!" Devilah said with an evil grin.
"Okay, but face to face."
Devilah smiled lustily. "Any position is fine with me. Let me go tell Sampson and I'll be right back." | |
| Faniel watched her friend go and turned back to the dancers when she saw Kitty break away. "Come on, Faniel! Bring some discipline to this mob! I tried to teach them some real dance steps, but at this rate they're just going to end up fucking everyone!"
"Sorry Kitty, you're on your own. Devilah and I are off to go to bed."
"Well what should I do? Surely an angel could give me some advice?"
"It's not your problem, Kitty."
"So, you're saying 'do nothing'?" | |
| At that, Devilah came back in and started dragging Faniel away, apparently very eager to take that bath.
"Of course not Kitty!" she said as she was dragged away. "FIND MIKAEL!" | |
"THAT WORKS TOO!" the angel called before Devilah managed to drag her from the room. | |