The Quest for the Holy Dildo #27
#31 of Holy Dildo
(STOP! Have you read #26 yet? I'm posting them both nearly at the same time so you might want to read #26 first.)
A Gift from an Old Friend
In which a Courier finally gets a tip and he delivers something unexpected. A lot of something unexpected.
(SoFurry exclusive! Posted here BEFORE Tumblr! Because you have the best Story uploading faculty allowing full HTML control. Long live SoFurry!)
| Many other interesting things happened that night, but what happened in Dragonsreach will stay in Dragonsreach. Suffice it to say that when the morning came in through the high windows of their rooms, no one was overjoyed to see it. Even Faniel just wanted to stay in bed, but the insistant knocking on the door drove her to get up. Devilah was awake but laying in bed contemplating Sampson's penis and showed no sign of breaking out of her reverie anytime soon, so Faniel stretched, yawned and went to the door. | |
| Opening the door, she saw a little man. "Yes?" she said as he stared fixedly at her boobs.
"Oh, sorry ma'am. Courier. I have a delivery for a 'Devilah'. They said she was in here. Says it's from the Greybeards." | |
| "Well, bring it in man, bring it in! Devilah, you have a package from the Greybeards. I think it's your special dairy shipment."
The courier stared even harder as the succubus, wings still in full display but otherwise unencumbered by clothing as well leapt out of bed.
The courier's head bobbed up and down with her breasts. "Uh... Are... um... Are you Devilah?"
"That's me."
The courier set the bottles down on the table and left, his head still bobbing slightly. | |
| "Oh! Look how nice they're packaged in mead bottles! I'll need to thaw them though. They even put names on each one so I'll know who it was from! And here's a note."
"Well read it Dev! Read it!"
"Dear Devilah,
Please find our first installment on our special mailings.
I'm afraid you may find Wulfgar's unappealing though. He admitted that it wasn't you he was thinking of. Let us know if it's unsatisfactory and we'll stop sending his contributions. However..." | |
| Suddenly there was a knock at the door again. Devilah opened it to see the courier once more standing outside their door, this time carrying a quite large container of some sort, seemingly barely able to lift it.
"Sorry ladies. But this is the last of it."
"No problem. I hope they're paying you enough for this!"
The courier smiled and looked at her. "As long as I keep seeing so many beautiful females with gorgeous tits like yours, ma'am, I'd do it for free!"
Devilah laughed, took his hand, and pressed it to her breast. "Here, good Courier. Have a tip."
"Okay, that's enough now. Run along and think of me," she said when he had regained enough of his wits to actually give her a nice squeeze.
"What?" Devilah said after she'd closed the door at the frown on the angel's face. "He's a good kid! He deserved it. An so did I! I've just given up fucking other men, surely I still have the right to give out a little titty squeeze every once in awhile?" | |
| "Hrmph," Faniel grunted in disgust. "Well anyway, what the hell is that?"
"No idea! Let's see," she said as she peeled away the heavy outer layer. Inside she could see something written...
"P... a... a... r....... Oh. My. God."
"What? What is it?" the angel said, running forward to see.
They both looked in stunned silence at the name on the huge container. | |