Summer Heat – Chapter 46: Another Secret

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#46 of Summer Heat

More trouble ahead for Zen in this weeks chapter. And not only for him. Luckily some husbands are pretty dense and not on the attentive side, or are they?

I hope you like this weeks chapter.

As I announced in the comments in last chapter, I also want to share with you my plans for this series.

I have planned up to Chapter 52 + one Epilogue Chapter (which will summarize basically the world pan will progress based on the story and about Zen's future).

I already planned (on one personal request) an Extra Chapter that plays after this series, but is a one shot single chapter telling a unique story.

There might other Extra Chapters follow in the future (also depending if there is a specific request for chapters), but this is as far as I am planning right now. At the end of the story, I will have released one chapter (nearly) every Week (except for my vacations breaks) for over one year. I will take it a bit slower after that with a monthly (or bi-weekly) release of my new story, but depending on requests (can be done via PM or in comments), I might bring up some extra chapters for any of my series, so if you have some requests, do not hesitate to ask. (You might even suggest a fetish or a specific event, but I can not guarantee that I will make it.)

Please keep in mind, that my time at the moment is very limited (I am also writing on my real - non furry, non adult - books) and this is one of the reasons, why I will do the monthly story (bigger chapters) after the end of this series for a while.

But until end of August/start of September (with a small vacation break end of August), I will still give you the weekly updates on this story. So I hope you will enjoy it.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 46: Another Secret

Zen was woken up by Mara a few hours later. She was silent to not wake the horses. "What are you doing?" she asked with a shock, looking at Mrs. Hoopers. Zen slowly woke up and whispered back. "To shorten the story, she accidently took one of the blue pills when I was refreshing myself because she thought they were painkillers. I did not understand what happened and just brought her to the infirmary, because she was not feeling well. I also did not know that she was in heat, until she stripped and begged me to pound her. Well, you know that I am not the one with the most restrain and her scent and actions were too much to resist, so I ended up on her back for hours." He shortly told the story. "But where is Mr. Hoopers?" asked his childhood friend. Zen had to think for a few minutes, because his mind was still a bit tired and the heat scent, still increased under the effect of the pill, made his mind blurry. "He had to leave for an urgent assignment and will return in one month. That was at least what Mrs. Hoopers said." Zen felt his member, that softened and slipped out in his sleep, max out again and poke against the snatch of Mrs. Hoopers. "What are you planning to do now?" Mara asked and could not suppress a light chuckle after hearing Zen's story. "Well..." he slowly woke up completely and his hips pushed forward softly, earning a moan of the still sleeping mare. "... I think she is in no mental condition to talk about the topic now, so can you take the two girls with you?" he asked. "The damage is done with Mrs. Hoopers, so I think I will at least help her to comfort the feeling until the effect of the pill vanishes. I think Paula mentioned something to not give the red and the blue pill, but can you ask her for some of her old liquid? You know the one that Gilla took. Ask her if she can take it without worry after the blue pill. The decision to take it would be with Mrs. Hoopers though." Mara just nodded and picked up the sleeping Sissy to bring her to her room. When she returned to pick up Tanja, their mother was already moaning in a slow rhythm of Zen's pushes and even with her eyes closed it was clear that she was about to wake up. It turned out that Zen had more endurance than the mare and therefore he assumed command over her the whole time. All Mrs. Hoopers could do, even after waking up, was to moan and whinny and later to nicker because her energy was depleted. Zen did not spare her and she was not able to snap out of her love daze, because the effect of the blue pill still had her heat in overdrive. Mara brought them food and water to drink but the mare seemed to not notice Mara. She drank and ate when the girl fed her, but her eyes seemed to not see the other woman. Zen pounded her pussy and later also got the love drunk mare to suck him off, which she seemed to be very skilled in, and take her into her backend. When he knotted her tight pucker, it was the first time that his knot could seal his spunk inside until it shrank down. In her pussy the seal was not tight enough and his spunk was pushing right and left out of her pussy while he could pull out at any time without waiting for the knot to shrink. He finished his last spurts before both collapsed on the bed again in her snatch and kept buried deep inside her while she was lying on her back and he lay upon her belly knot deep inside her. He could feel the soft utters just above his nether region and the very faint bulge of her belly against his.

When Zen woke up at the next morning, his half erect penis was pushed softly against the warm utters of Mrs. Hoopers. The smell in his nose and the soft touch aroused him and he felt his member maxing out again. With a night rest, he was rested and he already slipped a bit deeper with his body to aim for her slick snatch. He felt her hot and wet pussy twitching lightly when he pushed the tip of his member through her labia. "Oh, darlin..." she whispered when he pushed in to the hilt, which was even easier right now because his knot did not form yet. Mrs. Hoopers slowly began to wake up as well. Zen slowly humped her while he pulled her head down for a soft kiss. It did not take Zen long to come and the mare under him moaned half asleep. He pulled out without problems and rolled her around, pushing her utters against the slimy wet sheets. Then he bit down, making her moan again, and directly pushed back into the well lubricated passage that twitched in a nearing orgasm. Through the windows he saw that the sun was up already and on his desk there was a note. He suspected that Mara either put it there yesterday or this morning. He was however not able to see the liquid that he had asked her to get from Paula. For the moment he pushed this matter in the back of his head and enjoyed the morning fuck until he came hard with hot spurts inside of the mare which made her orgasm and slowly wake up as well. Only now, that he released a bit of his tension, he got up, pulling his knot out with a wet plop, and went to the desk, stretching his limbs to get the sleep out of them.

Dear Zen,

I asked Paula but she said she does not have all the ingredients for the old formula of the liquid, so she can't make it in time. The leftover she had is not useable anymore. I asked her for another way but she said, the pink pill has too many risks to be used with the blue pill together. Also the chemicals of the blue pill might cancel some of the effect and the pink pill might not work properly.

Make sure to ask Mrs. Hoopers about her job and if she is not supposed to be there today. She might have to call sick or something like that, but I leave it to you to discuss it with her. Tell me when her mind has cleared up a bit so we can inform her about her daughters. I will send them in, when you notify me over the coms.


Zen looked at the waking mare and crushed the note before throwing it into the trash. He went back to the bed and stopped at the head of Mrs. Hoopers, with his slimy and half erect member directly next to her head. She opened her eyes and was met by his resting member. Her eyes still showed a bit of a love daze, but they began to clear up. Zen knew that the effect of the pill should have worn up mostly and was surprised when the woman caught his hips and pulled them towards her muzzle to take his member into her warm food opening and suckle on it until it was back in action and hard. When Zen's knot inflated the woman below him, that closed her eyes again, popped her eyes open and finally seemed to notice who she sucked off right now. She pulled back at the moment Zen started to spurt. When his member slipped free from her muzzle, his spurts went all over her face and two strong spurts even entered her nostrils and made her sneeze. The spunk ran down from her nose. "What is going on here?" she asked with a shocked expression. Zen saw in her eyes that the realization, most likely because of the knot, had snapped her mostly out of her daze. "Well, to shorten the story..." he began. "You took some medicine that increased your heat and then jumped me." He explained and the paws of the mare moved to her slick passage and she pushed some fingers in to confirm she had been filled to the brim. "I..." she was speechless. "I am sorry Mr. Moons." She finally said. "It seems I did something very stupid and was not myself. I am sorry for involving you into this." She genuinely seemed to feel guilty for forcing the teacher into having sex with her and making him the father of her foal. Zen saw from her expression that she knew that she had been knocked up. "Not much I could complain about." Zen answered with a chuckle, when the mare, probably as an apology, started to suckle at his still softly spurting member and gulped down the rest of his spunk. "Is there any way to keep this secret from my husband?" she finally asked after popping his cleaned member free. Zen slowly urged her to roll over and present with her snatch towards him. He first pushed his thick member into her soft gripping wet tunnel and earned a moan from the mare, that was not rejecting him, before he answered with a question. "Do you not think he will notice in a few months?" he chuckled while he pushed stronger making the mare moan. "This should not be too much of a problem. He is rarely home because he travels a lot and has long assignments. When I was pregnant with my girls, he did not notice it until I told him. Maybe I will come up with some vacation plans when he is home for longer, but I think I will manage if you just do not tell him about it." Zen was a bit awestruck by the request. The woman seemed to be very worried about her husband getting any word about her cheating on him. She really took the guilt for jumping him in her heat even without any proof that she did so. Alone a rumor that she was cheating seemed to scare her and Zen pounded her until his balls contracted and his throbbing dick pushed its slimy content into the mare that contracted around him in her own orgasm. He pulled the still climaxing woman up and carried her to the chair on his desk. Then he leaned back resting with the mare sitting on his lap panting and impaled on his big rod. He grabbed the com and whispered, "You can send them in.". Without any explanations he put the com down and caressed the utters of the moaning mare. "I will keep this a secret, if you keep another secret." He offered. The mare gulped and then softly spoke. "Thank you, whatever you want."

When the door opened and Tanja and Sissy came in, Mrs. Hoopers yipped in surprise and closed her eyes ashamed of her daughters seeing her in this state. "You can look Mrs. Hoopers. They knew already about this and if you look at them, you will see the secret I want you to keep." He continued to caress the utters of Mrs. Hoopers and make her moan softly, while the mare carefully opened her eyes and looked at her daughters who now stood right in front of her with a smile. "You are..." she asked in disbelieve, running her paws over the slightly bulged bellies of her two fillies. "They are in a similar condition as you, just a bit more ahead alredy." Zen explained. "And you also already have a little granddaughter." He continued and pulled the head of Tanja towards him to give her a loving kiss on her muzzle. He softly began to rock up with his hips a few millimeters and made the mare moan from the new stimulations. The shocked mother still caressed over the belly of Tanja while her other daughter crouched down and started to suckle on one teat which intensified the moan of the mare. The mare closed in on an orgasm and Zen increased his little hammering bouncing her up and down on his member. "What do you say." He huffed. "Are we game Mrs. Hoopers?" The mare took a minute to answer. When her climax approached she finally found her breath, that was going hard from her arousal. "Yes..." she shouted and climaxed on the spot, urging Zen's balls to contact as well with her milking tunnel and contribute another load of foals to her womb. When the adult mare calmed down after her orgasm, still focusing her girls, that now sat down on a dry part of the bed, Zen approached her about the only open topic: her work. "Today is fine." She huffed. "I called in sick before the weekend because of my headache. I often have a headache when I am in heat." She explained. "Well..." answered Zen. "For the next months, you should not have to worry about that." And with this he hugged her and caressed her utters which owned a moan from the mare. He left it at that and allowed both to calm down and waited until his penis softened up and slipped out of her vagina.

Summer Heat – Chapter 47: Advancing the idea

# Summer Heat - Chapter 47: Advancing the idea Over the day, the effect of the blue pill vanished and Mrs. Hoopers was just left with the normal horniness of her heat. With the damage done already, the mare seemed to not mind cheating on her husband...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 45: Dangerous mission

# Summer Heat - Chapter 45: Dangerous mission The days after Zen's adventure with Yara, he had other things to ponder about. Zina was soon to become a mother as well as Tara and the sisters of Lily and he spend a lot of time with the young pregnant...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 44: The other pill

# Summer Heat - Chapter 44: The other pill Zen was alone in his room, watching over the videos of him and Bea to watch the agony of the girl and study the side effect of the pill. He also watched a few of the videos of Tanja and for his conscious it...

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