Summer Heat – Chapter 44: The other pill

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#44 of Summer Heat

This week I am in time. I hope you like the chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 44: The other pill

Zen was alone in his room, watching over the videos of him and Bea to watch the agony of the girl and study the side effect of the pill. He also watched a few of the videos of Tanja and for his conscious it was painful to see how he caused them so much agony even though seeing them leaking their juices in streams also aroused him a bit while he wrote his reports about it in the private project file. He looked at the two small tubes with pills on his desk. One was the pink pill, the same kind that Bea had taken, and then there was a new type that was light blue. Paula had explained him that this pill would cause a state very like heat and spark the arousal and sensitivity of a women. He knew, despite all he had done, that Paula wanted him to use it with one of the girls, she did however warn him to not give it to any girl in heat, because it would make her feel the torture of heat so much stronger. The pink pills were given to him as a precaution in case he would mate with a girl in heat, so he did not have to search for Paula and risk getting her pregnant. They decided, that what happened with the horse girls was crisis enough and that they had enough cubs already here. Zen did argue that each of the girls, that did not give birth yet, should have experienced to give birth before leaving the school, but he agreed to not impregnate any of the girls that had a cub already, except maybe for a few exceptions of those that would stay with him. There were enough girls of this kind, like his sister, Mara, all the staff and their daughters and the three orphans Christine Allers, Roana Miller and Tara Woods. Zen had signed the adoption papers, making sure that they could stay with him. Despite what Zen loved to do, he also agreed that he should not even breed them nonstop like breeding bitches, because on the one hand with the increasing number of cubs it was a hand full already to take care of them, on the other hand even the big property here would at some point get to its limits if he continued to produce cubs. Zen still was lost in thoughts, while closing the videos, about how many more cubs he would have with the girls and even with new girls to come, when it knocked at his door and the door opened.

Zen was only slightly surprised to see Mimi, because her scent directly gave her away. Zen nearly forgot that Mimi had have her heat at the same time as Bea and it seemed that she followed her very close this time. He shot a gaze towards the pink pills on his desk and approached Mimi without saying a word. He caressed over the head of the girl and placed kisses all over, which made the snow leopard giggle and purr. She probably got into heat in the morning already, because she squirmed under him in desperate need. Zen showed a lot of attention to caressing each of her nipples and her clit, to run his paws through her fur and place kisses all over her body or lick her erect dugs and slit. The girl very soon climaxed from his tongue and paws and Zen did not yet enter her but continued to please the girl. It was as if the guilt of his actions with her best friend still lingered over him and he wanted to somehow make it up for Mimi. After three orgasms of the girl, he finally pulled the haunches of the girls, that was lying on her back, up and slowly pushed his member in. Pre was smearing over her pussy, making the entry even easier. Not that this was needed at all with how wet she was. Zen enjoyed the hot and contracting tunnel and the constant purr, that slowly fainted from the exhaustion of the girl, that caressed his member from all sides. He did not last long and soon pushed his knot in to the hilt and let all his spunk rush into her womb. Two more orgasm of himself and a never-ending spiraling orgasm of the girl exhausted the snow leopardess so much that she went to sleep while climaxing. Her belly was bulged like she was pregnant already and Zen rolled to the side, taking her with him and watching her cute sleeping face while he stayed sealed inside her and caressed her back and arms while placing soft kisses all over her face. Zen waited until he could pull out, before he cleaned the girl up with his tongue, until she was not leaking spunk anymore. She moaned in her sleep but was knocked out so deep that she did not wake up. With a gaze towards his desk and the laptop, he picked the girl up and recovered one pink pill from the tube on his desk. He carried Mimi to her room where Bea was already lying on her bed. He shot her a guilty look but the tigress smiled at him, when he placed her best friend in the bed and pulled the cover over her. "Can you make sure she takes this pill?" he asked Bea and placed the pill on the desk of their room. "Sure thing." The tigress replied and Zen nodded and gave the girl a kiss before leaving. He would not make the same mistake again like with Bea and he hoped that slowly he would get back to the old relationship with the striped girl. From her side, the matter seemed to be resolved already but there still was some lingering shame in the mind of Zen, whenever he saw Bea. Especially with him torturing himself with the videos every day.

Later the day in classes Zen was very distracted. The smell of Mimi was breathtaking even when she, now that she had taken the pill, was not antsy at all anymore. Zen sported a hard member and full-grown knot the whole class and somehow finished it. He retreated to his room and already knew, that at the next day he would have it even harder, standing in front of the class for the whole day. Zina and Tara visited him and made him release a bit of the tension with their muzzles, but the Scent of Mimi still lingered in his mind and what he really wanted was to push his member inside a heat drenched snatch. His gaze fell upon the tube with the light blue pills and a grin crawled over his face. Paula had told him not to use it on a pregnant girl, because they did not know the side effects yet even though it seemed to be safe, so Zen did not directly give them to Zina and Tara but held back and just planned the next day in his head. There was only the question of who to take for a ride. Best would be one of the girls that had not been in heat yet. Not only because this would teach them about heat, but also because he loved to take a girl in her first heat. His mind went through all the girls while Tara suckled at his softening member and it stopped with Yara. The 8-year-old camel was perfect for the test. She was a virgin still and Zen was excited about deflowering her. It would happen at the end of the year anyways, why not advancing her graduation ceremony a bit and make it so much more enjoyable for her by putting her into a fake heat? His mind went back to the girls before him and she returned a bit of their affection while the thought of the next day lingered in his mind until he fell asleep with both black girls in his arms.

Yara huffed surprised. Zen just had given the shy girl the blue pill in front of the full class. The scent of Mimi had him hard already again and he licked his lips as he smelled the innocent smell of Yara pick up as well. The girl groaned from the sudden itch and collapsed on the ground. "This is very close to what a real heat will feel." Zen explained and ran his paw over her utters and massaged them. Yara started to groan at first but then moaned and her pussy produced more girl juices. "Today will be your graduation day. You will graduate from being a little girl." He explained her. Some of the older girls giggled. Zen made sure to document everything about the reaction of Yara on video. He filmed the beckoning winks of her pussy and the dropping love juice as well as her cute little moans. Zen started to lick the pussy of Yara and the taste already was very close to that of a girl in heat. Just like her smell, she tasted much more mature than before. He continued to caress her utters and hard teats while he pushed his tongue into her snatch and made her squirm in the new-found stimulation and pleasure. Just like a girl in heat, Yara seemed to be ten times as sensitive as before and it did not take Zen long to get her to a first climax. "This felt much better than without the faux heat, right?" he asked but the girl could only huff as an answer. She just came down from a strong bleat of her climax. "It will feel much better soon, but first it might hurt a bit." He prepared the girl but a look at her face and her eyes showed him that she was so captured by the fake heat and her arousal, that she did not listen to him. Zen turned her around and placed her on all four paws, into the natural mating position. Then he started to lick her again and making her moan and produce more juices before he slowly mounted her. Her body shivered slightly when he bit down on the shy girl and a strong moan escaped her muzzle. He felt her hot drenched pussy lips grab at his tip when he just touched her snatch with his member. Slowly he pushed his member up to her hymen while her lips still caressed his flesh. He took momentum and then speared forward, earning another bleat of the girl, but this time from pain. Zen pushed up to his already fully formed knot and had it rest on her clit while he let the little girl adjust to his member inside her. After a minute, when her groans subsided, he slowly pulled back and pushed in again. At the start, Yara still groaned but it soon turned into a moan and Zen could feel her tunnel stretch and quiver around him that showed that she got aroused by his actions. His pushes became faster and harder and the girl soon moaned strongly under him. Only now and then there was a single groan, when his knot pushed too hard on her tight pussy, but Zen felt her body heat up and prepare for another climax. He doubled his affords, making the girl groan more by slamming his knot against her pussy, to cram his massive tie inside her. Thanks to her strong lubricant and his eager tries his knot finally sank inside her snatch with a loud slurping sound and Zen came to a rest being tied with the little girl under him, feeling his tip breaching her cervix and sitting inside her womb. When he howled and let go of the strong spurts of his orgasm, the girl under him bleated from her climax, that was drawn out by the sudden and unexpected hot spurts inside of her little womb. Zen waited a few minutes until his stream subsided and felt over the belly of the girl. She bulged out strongly. Not only because she was smaller and younger than him but also because he had been pent up from the smell of Mimi and released a dose that was larger than usually. Zen pulled the panting girl back with him when he sat down and had her sit on his lap, pulling her legs to the side just like he spread his own to give a full access for Sierah, who was recording, to their connected parts. Zen asked the other girls to help and lick her utters and clit. The girls, knowing this from previous graduation events, were eager to help and soon they gently suckled on the teats of Yara and licked over the fur where the knot bulged her out as well as her clit and the balls of Zen. The little girl only moaned in Zen's arms and soon lay exhausted against his chest, huffing and moaning from the climax that the girls drew out from her. Zen also moaned and pushed another big load into the girl, which made her belly stretch out even more.

Mara stopped the circle of orgasms, because she noticed the total exhaustion of Yara and that she was so captured in the stimulations that she was hanging on a threat of sanity at this moment. She got the girls to backup and Zen, unable to stop in his arousal before, caressed the head and body of Yara while waiting for his knot to shrink and pop out of her snatch. The exhausted camel girl was put on the side and cleaned up before Zen had the girls help him with the clean ups and continued with other classes. The rest of the day was a rollercoaster of feelings for the young camel. Every time she recovered a bit and woke up, Zen, who was heavily affected by the heat smell of Mimi and the faux heat smell of her, took her to another ride. After the third time, her body even demanded for it, because it put the itch away and felt so good. She started to even present for him to take her in the end and her mind retracted to have her instincts and horny desire of the false heat take over. Luckily for the girl, the faux heat only lasted until the evening and Zen stopped in time, when he noticed that it declined to make sure the girl was not in pain. He used his fingers and tongue to bring her to an orgasm one more time and then tucked her into bed. She fell asleep fast, dreaming of the confusing feelings of the day, when she had her defloration under the effect of the strange new medicine of Paula.

Late in the night, Zen still sat together with Paula and talked about the effects of the blue pill. They watched the video of the class together, because Paula had been with the cubs then, and Paula took note of all side effects she could see, the duration of the effect and Zen's report. She planned to talk to Yara as well to get her report, but for now they let her sleep and recover from the exhaustion of the day.

Summer Heat – Chapter 45: Dangerous mission

# Summer Heat - Chapter 45: Dangerous mission The days after Zen's adventure with Yara, he had other things to ponder about. Zina was soon to become a mother as well as Tara and the sisters of Lily and he spend a lot of time with the young pregnant...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 43: First Success

# Summer Heat - Chapter 43: First Success During the heat of Sissy, another girl, that had been a bit over the time with her cub, finally gave birth. Zen barely made it to the birth of little Indigo, the female lynx cub of Ida, who was very exhausted...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking

# Summer Heat - Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking The year ended with the old harmony in the group of girls and the boy. Zen calmed down after Tanja's heat and took over a lot of the classes. He spent a lot of time to cuddle with his cubs and all the...

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