Summer Heat – Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking

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Sorry for the long wait. I am finally back from my vacation. A lot of work waited for me at home so I will stay busy, but I will hopefully find the time to keep up with the weekly updates of this story.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking

The year ended with the old harmony in the group of girls and the boy. Zen calmed down after Tanja's heat and took over a lot of the classes. He spent a lot of time to cuddle with his cubs and all the girls and every now and then one of the girls gave him a muzzle job or presented for him. They sure were not in heat and Zen only took them when they begged this way. Because he felt a bit guilty, Zen was extra nice to Tanja. The horse girl enjoyed the attention and climaxes when Zen tended to her needs and even though she often went to Berta and talked about the foal to come, they seemed to not have come up with any solution for the summer break. Zen did not think too much about it. On the one hand, it was still a few month until then and he was sure that they would find a solution in time, on the other hand he had all paws full with teaching the girls. Because the weather was colder, they spend most of their time inside. With the cubs returning to the cottage, it became a bit more silent in the main house and the girls walked to the cottage every day to visit their cubs. Bertha and Paula met a lot in this last month. They usually were good friends and met a lot but even for their normal custom it seemed a bit much and Zen wondered what they had to discuss. When he asked Bertha, she just told him "You will see Zen." And giggled. This behavior bewildered him a bit but he did not push any further. He was sure it was girls stuff and did not want to dig too deep into their private.

The new year had just begun when Sissy got into her first heat. Zen smelled it from the faint acid smell in the room and then confirmed it with a sniff and a lick. Zen knew that it was dangerous to make her pregnant but at the same time he thought about her sister Tanja. If he sent Tanja back pregnant, and she would be showing even more, he was sure it would not hurt to impregnate Sissy as well. He had asked Paula how far she was with her medicine for the younger girls but the doctor said, that she still had no secure way without side effects. Zen wanted to spare Sissy the agony of her sister in her last heat. Zen decided to try and bear the heat smell for the chance of possibly finding a solution. It was not, that he did not want to make the girl pregnant. He sure planned to impregnate her at the end of the school year, but at least he wanted to make sure that she would not be showing when she was sent home. Zen lasted one day. He pleasured the girl to bring her through her heat, he licked her and Tanja helped out with giving him a muzzle job. The girls slept with him in his room and like Sissy had been a substitute for her sister before, Tanja now let Zen hump her whenever he could not bear it. But in the morning of the second day, the control of Zen crumbled. Tanja was still asleep but Sissy already was awake and the strong feeling of her heat made her crouch down on the ground and present for Zen. Her pussy winked at him in the unique equine way and her heat scent waved over him and intoxicated his nostrils with need. Zen took in a deep breath and then approached the girl to lick her like the day before. Her taste was so potent and strong that he moaned and felt his knot forming and pre dripping from his member. His mind clouded and the next thing he knew was the tight and moist pressure around his dick, the slurping sound of the pussy and the moans of both of them. Zen did not go slow but Sissy seemed to enjoy him just as much as he did the girl. It only took him one minute to pop in his knot and her orgasm clenched hard around him and locked him deep inside her when he released his live giving seeds. Tanja woke up too late. She only could witness how Zen's balls twitched and contracted and pumped her sister full of his spunk. The belly of the little girl bulged from the amount of his spunk but he did not stop there. He started to caress her utters and her whole, still climaxing, body while he rocked back and forth as much as his knotted penis allowed him. Sissy moaned under him and did not mind anything he did to her. She did not realize that he had come inside her and that she would most likely be pregnant. Even if she would, it was clear that she did not mind at all. Her body, sweating and shivering in her heat and the circling orgasm, only had one thought and desire: to be filled to the brim by Zen. For the girl, it felt so much better than all the times she had shared intimate time with Zen in the past. Much better than the times during Tanja's heat. Her big sister now was only a statist, a helper in their love making. She had to realize that the damage was done already and that she also would not have any chance to part the lovebugs. While Zen and Sissy copulated and moaned in unison, the older horse girl stimulated her own clit from arousal and moved behind them to lick Zen's balls and the clit of her sister. The taste increased her own arousal and when Zen finally stopped with his third climax and allowed both, himself and Sissy, to catch their breath and regenerate a bit of their energy, Tanja also reached her climax and dropped on the floor with a happy smile and drooling. She looked to the pair in front of her. Because she fell to the side, she now had a good view on the flank of the wolf and the filly. The belly of Sissy was strongly bulged half way to the ground and her legs shivered a bit under the weight of Zen, who rested on her back. His paws still roamed over the utters of the young horse girl and made her moan and twitch. Finally, when the legs and arms of the girl started to give in, Zen rolled to the side as well and took Sissy with him. His muzzle showed a smile while he kissed the back of the head of Sissy and his last spurts entered her strongly stretched womb. Tanja could see the bliss in the eyes of her sister and that the teats at her utters were hard and perked out strongly. Her sister sure was enjoying her first heat. Her eyes met the eyes of Zen and he returned her gaze. A few minutes later he slowly got up and took Sissy with him until he was sitting on the bed. Then he lay down on the bed, still connected with Sissy. The girl was much tighter than her sister and her still slightly quivering pussy lips kept the knot sealed inside. Tanja joined them on the bed after a beckoning wave of Zen and soon they all cuddled up together and Zen pulled the cover over them. Tanja touched the belly of Sissy with her own and she could feel the small movements of Zen, who started to push and pull as much as his knot allowed again. With a kiss, that Tanja shared with Zen while he stopped and the feeling of spurts entering the belly of her sister, Tanja closed her eyes and the moaning of Zen and Sissy soon accompanied her to sleep.

"What do you think about it?" Bertha looked at Paula with excitement. "Do you think this could work?" The beaver lady looked at the scribbles of Paula. "If we find the right material, it might work." She said. "This is a great idea." She studied the paper. The otter woman had drawn a penis on it and something that covered it. Something like a thin layer. Her idea was, instead of giving medicine to the young girls, to have Zen cover his penis to catch all the spunk he produced. "I like your idea, but the material must be very durable and stretchable. I can't think of any material I know right now that could fulfill this job." The beaver looked at the paper and was lost in thoughts. "I am not really a specialist in this kind of chemistry. I am more on the medical specialization, not on the synthetic material production." This statement cooled down the excitement of bertha a bit. The otter looked at the picture again. "Do you think the material of a swimsuit would be enough?" she asked. "I doubt it. First, it is too big. Zen is already quite endowed. In addition, I am not sure if it would feel good if this cloth would slide inside. Especially for the younger ones. But most important is, that the swim suits are not built to keep liquid away. I do not think it could prevent any seed of Zen to enter the womb." - "Yes, you are right. I guess it will take a while then, until we have a matching material. Sorry to bother you with this idea then. I think I was a bit over excited." - "No, it is a great idea, but I am afraid that you are right about finding the right material. Best would be to have someone who specializes in this kind of material, but I think it will be impossible to get them to work on this. We would have to tell them what we need and remember that outside of this school this still is a taboo." Both women shook their head. They had been so used to sex and all that was related to it being an open topic here, that it was easy to forget that the world they lived in was much different. No one knew why this rules were put into place to begin with, but Paula knew from her own experience, how hard the punishment could be if someone would find out what she was doing here. "How is your progress going regarding the medicine?" asked Bertha to change the topic. "Well, I was able to take apart the medicine for the young girls and improve it in one way. I changed the recipe of the old medicine for adults and made it into the form of a pill. This pill can be taken after they mated to prevent a pregnancy. In addition to the effect it does prevent a climax as well I assume, but it also should lower the sensation of the heat and make it more bearable during the heat. This still needs to be tested, but I am positive, that it would function for a prevention after the mating and to prevent them going crazy. The time limit is the same, 24 hours, but they do not need to take a full vial but just a pill and it should make their heat calmer. For now I do not want to use it on the young girls, because I am not sure about the side effects, but this might help all of them. As a side product I also created this pill here." She showed a small blue pill. "I tested it myself and it increases the sensitivity and the arousal. It is not quite the same as during heat, but it can make it more enjoyable if you are not in heat. You even can climax multiple times just by masturbating yourself. It will however most likely not prevent a pregnancy and I imagine during heat it will worsen it. It was the first test I did and I kept the result in case Zen has some use for it." - "I sure he has. This, let's call it pseudo-heat, will be something he definitely will want to use." Both looked at each other and laughed. At the same time, while the women discussed the results of the experiments, Zen was sound asleep with the two horse girls and the women did not know that he already knocked up yet another girl and by the time they would hear from it, it would be too late to test the new medicine to prevent the pregnancy.

Summer Heat – Chapter 43: First Success

# Summer Heat - Chapter 43: First Success During the heat of Sissy, another girl, that had been a bit over the time with her cub, finally gave birth. Zen barely made it to the birth of little Indigo, the female lynx cub of Ida, who was very exhausted...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 41: New Experiments

# Summer Heat - Chapter 41: New Experiments The November went by and December was just around the corner. Paula was working hard on a new recipe and in the last week she finished another prototype. She was sure that it would work this time, but when...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 40: Twin-hatching

# Summer Heat - Chapter 40: Twin-hatching There was not much change after the heat of Sierah and Mara. After he returned to the big sleeping room where all the girls with the cubs were, it returned to the same situation like before their heat. It was...

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