Summer Heat – Chapter 43: First Success

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#43 of Summer Heat

Sorry for the late release. I am still not completely in my rhythm after my vacation.

I hope you like the chapter anyway. I hope to get the next in time.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 43: First Success

During the heat of Sissy, another girl, that had been a bit over the time with her cub, finally gave birth. Zen barely made it to the birth of little Indigo, the female lynx cub of Ida, who was very exhausted after the birth. The little bundle of fur was much bigger than the cub of her big sister had been and Ida took over a week to recover from giving birth. The lynx girl was being cared by her mother and Bertha at the cottage and while she got visits every day, they made sure that not more than two of the girls were visiting the young mother at the same time to prevent her stressing out.

Just a week later, when Ida was still recovering, Lily also gave birth to her second litter. She already knew all about giving birth and was much more relaxed than Ida. Like the last time she did not only have Zen but also a lot of the girl watch, especially her sisters, that watched interested but also a bit shocked because of the pain Lily went through, while they caressed their own big bellies. Together with Zina and Tara, Diane and Ilia would be the next to get into labor, but they still had a few month left for that. During these days, all of the girls spend a lot of time with their cubs. With the very close births of the two new cubs, Lily called her new female cub Leila, the topic became the hottest topic even for the girls that were still too young to get into heat and were neither pregnant, not had a cub yet. They spend a lot of time, helping to care for the many cubs or listening at the belly of the highly pregnant girls. Sarina, was like Diane and Ilia in her stress level and Sierah, who was nearly as far in her pregnancy as the antelope, comforted her a lot, making sure that she got a break and a calm atmosphere around her. Mara openly let all girls caress her bulged belly, listen to the heart beat of the cub or how it kicked inside her and explained to the curious girls all about being pregnant or giving birth. She was after all not only experienced herself, with having her second litter, but also was a teacher and like Zen studied a lot about the pregnancies and topics around it. Together with the other adult women and Zen, she had started to write school books and files to teach about heat, mating and pregnancy as well as child caring. It was just a project of that focused on educating cubs about the taboo, even though they knew that outside of this school they would most likely never be able to show it to anyone.

The live, that calmed down a bit, got more exciting for Zen, when Bea got into heat again. The tiger was hit by a hard heat that was even stronger than her first one and it was lucky for her that Zen was with Paula, when they entered her room. She could not stop Zen from directly making out with the tiger girl and going to action, but after watching them go with a smile for a while, she returned to her laboratory to fetch her new pill to prevent the pregnancies. Zen did not notice Paula leave. He moaned in unison with the girl under him, not caring about Mimi and the two little cubs of the girls, Theo and Malaika, who had been in the room when he entered. Mimi did not get between them and sat back on the bed on the other side of the room with the cubs to keep them out of the action. It was not that they never had seen Zen mate one of the girls, but never it had been from this close and for Theo especially it was something new to see Zen mate with his mother. Both the one-and-a-half-year-old cubs watched with big eyes as Zen pumped inside the tiger, that just crouched down in the mating position with her tail pushed out of the way and moaning with each push of Zen. The wolf started to grunt with each push, when he picked up the pace and pumped eagerly into the feline girl beneath him. Bea seemed to care even less than Zen. She just had her eyes closed and moaned under him until she was shaken by a strong orgasm shortly after his balls contracted and pumped her full of a fresh batch of semen. Her belly bulged slightly and Zen took her for another round without stopping, making Bea being lost in a spiraling climax until he came a second time and made her bulge even more. Zen pulled out and the cubs watched for the first time how the cream pie inside of Bea, they had a first-row view on her slightly opened pussy and the quivering pussy lips, slowly leaked more and more of the spunk on the ground. Bea was still climaxing, while Zen moved to her head and had Bea clean his messy member. In this moment Paula entered the room with the pill. "I think that is enough for the little ones." She just mentioned to Mimi, who now ripped her eyes away from the view of Bea's pussy and, a bit embarrassed, picked up the protesting cubs and left the room. "This is the new medicine I was talking about a few days ago, even though I am sure you did not listen." She told Zen, who now, that they took a breather, looked up to Paula while softly moaning under the licks of Bea. "Give this to Bea this evening, before you got to bed. After that you should not mate her anymore, because the side effect might be like the liquid we used with Nina. She might not be able to climax after taking this. This pill is more potent though, so one pill should be enough for her whole heat." Zen nodded and brought his attention back to Bea, who was already mewling from her burning need. Paul put the capsule with the pill on the bed that Mimi and the cubs left empty. "I will check on you later. Don't overdo it Zen." She warned him with a raised finger. Zen did not listen to her anymore but already pumped into the tiger eagerly. Paula shook her head and sighed. "You will never change, will you?" and she left the room to keep the love birds to themselves. Later that day she went back to check and the couple was still at it hard. Bea had much more endurance than at her first heat and Zen was a trained mating machine with all the practice he got in the last years, but Paula parted them and had Bea take the pill, before they told them to shower and get to dinner. To her surprise, Zen did not object her proposal and followed her request. He went to the shower with Bea and even though it took longer because they were making out with each other under the stream of water, they got to the dinner in time. During the dinner Paula kept a close eye on Bea to check for any side effects or signs that the medicine took effect. At the start of the dinner, the tiger girl was still very antsy and looked at Zen a lot, but over time Paula noticed, that she calmed down. The scent and the wet chair, which Paula checked secretly when bringing the bowl with mashed potatoes to Mimi who sat next to Bea, still were unmistakably signs of the heat, but the body of Bea did not quiver in need and her pussy lips also seem to only be slightly moistened and not being overcome with arousal and anticipation. After the dinner, the mating drive of Bea piped down. She sure still moaned when Zen touched her, but she did not get into mating position directly, which would have happened if there was no effect with the medicine, for that Paula was sure. "Make sure to give her some time to adapt to the effect." She mentioned to Zen and he hoped Zen understood that she meant to not mate with Bea. "I think you should keep it to cuddling this night." She added to make sure.

When Zen woke up early in the morning with Bea still in his arms. The scent of her made his member stand hard already and his knot form. Slowly he caressed the belly of Bea and her arms to slowly wake her up. He thought that the tigress would directly present for him like she did the day before but the girl just yawned and smiled. "Good Morning!" she greeted him and turned around to kiss him with a smile. He returned the kiss and started to caress her back with his paws. At first the girl returned his kiss but then she broke it to throw back the cover and stand up. Even though her scent was alluring like the day before, Zen could not see any kind of arousal or preparation for intimate contact in the girl. She smiled at him standing in the middle of the room. "I will take a shower here before the breakfast." She said and purred. Zen was so surprised that she did not directly drop to the ground and left him blue balled that he did not react and followed her with his eyes when she entered his shower and soon after he heard the water run. The smell was like a torture for him and he was starting to get frustrated. His body and mind had had a complete different vision of what they would be doing now. He slowly got up himself and entered the shower after Bea. She stood with the back to him and hummed a melody. Zen took in the strong mix of scents. The heat mixed with the shampoo and the moisture of the water in the air. He pulled the curtain to the side and hugged Bea from behind. She Moaned when he pulled her close and pushed his member inside her. She had not begged him to mate her but she also seemed not to stop him as well. She became more aroused when he started to pump harder and pushed her against the wall. It did not take Zen long to push in his knot and fill her full of semen while the girl moaned and huffed strongly. Zen did not stop. He waited for her to climax and pushed in and out while spurting into her hot womb. Only that this did not happen. He came down with a second climax and Bea started to get tired and Zen let her crouch down on all fours while he still pushed through his climax and made her moan and huff even stronger. All this just ended after his third orgasm when his sister stepped into his room to get them for breakfast and found them in the shower. Zen had stopped for a short moment after his climax, feeling the big bulge in the belly of Bea, and listened to the low groan and hoarse heavy huffs of Bea. Her head was tilted towards him and her eyes had something begging.

"What are you doing?!" shouted Sierah so loud, that Zen had to cover his ears until they did not ring anymore. "Paula told you not to, did she not?" The mind of Zen still was occupied by his climaxes and the scent of the heat but slowly the memory of Paula's warning tickled in. "I... I mean..." he knew that he messed up and finally he remembered that he had this happen before and had sworn to not put any of the girls through this again. He had repeated the evil act he had done on Tanja and he knew that the last hour had most likely not been nice for Bea. He turned away from his sister and to Bea, kissed her on the forehead and whispered into her ear. "I am sorry Bea. I think I forgot myself a bit." He continued to softly kiss Bea but he kept his paws away from her body to not stimulate the poor girl even more in her pitiful state. Sierah kept giving him an ear full of her mind and soon Paula and Mara, beckoned by the loud voice of Sierah, joined in and helped Sierah to make Zen feel even more guilty. His know shrank down faster as it would have else and he pulled out leaving the tigress with a sighed when his spunk gushed out of her pussy on the tiles. Mara pulled Zen out of the shower while Paula and Sierah helped the exhausted girl to was her fur and dry it. Then they went to breakfast with her while Mara was taking over the job of Zen's sister and for one more hour was shouting at Zen, after she closed the door to not disturb the others too much. The whole day, Zen ran around with his head faced down and whenever his gaze met Mara, Paula or Sierah, he looked away with a guilty look. Every time his eyes met Bea he looked to the ground instantly and mumbled an apology. The tigress recovered within half a day and after her unhappy awakening this morning, she started to feel much better. Zen listened to her conversation with Paula and Bertha at dinner, where she explained how much more bearable her heat felt and that except for a small "itch" she did feel not much different than without the heat. Paula smiled and made notes to log the results in her research diary. "I think we can say that it is nearly finished." She said happily. "I think this will help a lot of women in heat someday. We just need to make sure that there are no long-time side effects or different reactions for others." Zen did not participate in the discussion. He still felt remorse for what he did and did not dare to remind the women that he was there and what he had done.

Summer Heat – Chapter 44: The other pill

# Summer Heat - Chapter 44: The other pill Zen was alone in his room, watching over the videos of him and Bea to watch the agony of the girl and study the side effect of the pill. He also watched a few of the videos of Tanja and for his conscious it...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking

# Summer Heat - Chapter 42: Reversed Thinking The year ended with the old harmony in the group of girls and the boy. Zen calmed down after Tanja's heat and took over a lot of the classes. He spent a lot of time to cuddle with his cubs and all the...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 41: New Experiments

# Summer Heat - Chapter 41: New Experiments The November went by and December was just around the corner. Paula was working hard on a new recipe and in the last week she finished another prototype. She was sure that it would work this time, but when...

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