Summer Heat – Chapter 45: Dangerous mission

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#45 of Summer Heat

Whoohoo! I am in time again. I slowly get into my rhythm again.

There is a very scary way for Zen ahead. Will he manage to get out unscared again or will his luck run out at the end?


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 45: Dangerous mission

The days after Zen's adventure with Yara, he had other things to ponder about. Zina was soon to become a mother as well as Tara and the sisters of Lily and he spend a lot of time with the young pregnant girls and made them comfortable. In addition, there was also still the matter of the fillies and how to approach their parents regarding the matter of their pregnancy. Zina got into labor mid of March and pushed away this topic for a while. The birth of the little Zeraph, a male panther cub, went without complications and later the month a beautiful black wolf girl was born for Tara, who named the girl Tikki. The mother was so happy about the cub that she was just smiling for days and Zen totally forgot all his worries over the young mother's happiness. Tara, Roana and Christine were the ones he had to worry the least about, because with him adopting all three girls, something that came across a bit weird for him, taken that he was only a few years older, they would stay with him and no danger of this being exposed was in the air. Diane, the older little sister of Lily, was just a few days behind Tara with her cub and like the others she was overjoyed with happiness and protective of the little bunny girl Rain. At the last day of March, her little sister Ilia also finally gave birth to a healthy bunny boy, which she named Ian. Lily cared lovely for her sisters and Zen loved to watch the three bunny girls sitting in the sun together with their cubs in their arms to nurse them at their teats. But the start of April, with a few rainy days, pushed back the important matter regarding the pregnancy of Tanja and Sissy into his mind. He left Mara and Bertha in charge of the classes and decided that he could not push it to the end of the year. It was much safer to meet with their parents now and maybe bribe them to not make a scene out of it. When they were to meet at the end of the year, others might pick it up if they threw a tantrum. After a few talks with Paula, Mara and the other adult females, he decided to give them a call and invite them for a parent talk. All this went faster than Zen had envisioned. The call was very short and Zen kept secret why he wanted to meet the parents. They seemed to be a bit worried, but he ensured them that they were healthy and that this was about a different topic. They agreed to visit at the Sunday, which was only 2 days in, and Zen started to shiver slightly when he hung up the phone. No matter what he told the others, he knew himself that he was afraid of this. For the first time in all the years he was running this school, he felt not in control and he knew, that the father of the girls worked in personal security and was very strong. Zen himself was strong, but he did not have the confidence to keep a horse that was bigger than him and trained for close combat in check. He was prepared for the worst and he could imagine how the father would react when he heard about the status of his girls.

There was not much time for Zen to prepare much. He was so worried about the meeting, that he slept only a few hours in the following nights and left it to Mara and Paula to organize a move to the cottage for the Sunday. Only Sissy and Tanja should stay in his room to be called in when it was time to present the highly pregnant girls. Zen looked horrible because he was tired and still fear lay over him. All the talks with Paula and Mara had not been able to take away the worries and his only relief was, that all the girls were safe at the cottage, so they would not get between him and the possibly angry parents. Lost in his thoughts he held the tube with the blue pills in his hand but he just stared into the air while Sissy and Tanja worked on school material while sitting on Zen's bed. Mara had given them some work to keep them occupied while waiting. The video surveillance told Zen that the parents arrived and he pressed the opener of the gate before he went to the door of the mansion. Outside he noticed that he still had the tube with the pills in his hand and walked back to his office, which was the closest room, and lost in his thoughts just placed it on the table. He forced himself for a smile and approached the car that was pulling up in front of the mansion.

"Good Morning!" he greeted far more happily than he felt. "Welcome and thank you for coming." A gorgeous palomino mare, good a head taller than Zen, stepped out of the driving seat and approached him. Zen expected the huge black stallion to follow, that he knew from the day they brought the girls to school, but when he took a second look at the car, it was empty. "Good Morning Mr. Moons!" greeted the mare. "Mrs. Hoopers, I am happy that you made it... but where is your husband? Didn't you want to come together?" - "Yes, we wanted, but he had to leave on a short notice, because he had an urgent call for protecting some politicians. He took the plane yesterday and will be away for a month. We did not want to cancel the meeting and therefore I decided to come alone." Something in Zen was released. A heavy weight that had been heavy on his mind for the last days lifted with the message of him not facing an angry stallion in a few minutes. He still had Mrs. Hoopers, who would most likely also not be happy, but he hoped a woman would react differently. Sure her husband would get note of it soon, but maybe he would not be so emotional when he met Zen, after his wife told it to him. "This is sad." Said Zen, even though he felt the opposite. "Why don't you make your way to my office already. I am with you in a minute, I just need to visit the restroom before we start. I apologize." Zen felt his legs getting weak now that the tension left him. He let Mrs. Hoopers in and guided her to the office to open the door before he went for the showers and sprinkled cold water into his face for two minutes before he finally dried the fur and made his way back to the office. With this breather, his legs finally could support him without problems again and with a deep breath he opened the door of the office and entered. "Oh, Mr. Moons, I hope you did not mind that I took a painkiller from your desk. I had a small headage and forgot my own at home." She asked him, but Zen just shook his head not really understanding all the women said. He was so fixed on the matter, that he did not take a second thought about the pills he left on the desk. "Mrs. Hoopers, I called you here to talk to you about your daughters. I could have send this in a mail to you, but I thought it was better to have a personal talk about this." Zen started his pre-memorized talk. The woman in front of him seemed to not listen but she moved around on her chair. Zen was a bit irritated. "Is everything alright, Mrs. Hoopers?" he asked friendly and his worries for her even pushed away his nervousness for a moment. "I... it is... I am not feeling too good right now. I think the long drive here just exhausted me." She said and for Zen she really looked very bad. She was sweating and her eyes looked a bit blurry. "Should I bring you to the infirmary?" he asked and the horse woman just nodded before she groaned a bit and held her head. Zen led her to the infirmary and had her lay down on the plank bed and then went back to close the door. "Are you okay Mrs. Hoopers? Should I get our doctor to have a look at you?" Zen was worried and did not know what it was that made Mrs. Hoopers get into this seemingly hopeless state from a mare headache. "No.. you..." she had trouble with speaking and groaned with every word. Then, to Zen's surprise, she suddenly sat up and started to strip her clothes. First her blouse and the utter bra, leaving her with a naked upper body, and then the skirt. Zen saw the special underwear just for a moment, before the woman already unlocked it and pushed it down her legs and threw it on the ground. The Scent of the woman was breath taking and now Zen stared at the full-grown mare vulva, he understood which pills the woman had taken. From her gear, she had been in heat already when she got to the school and with the pill it was most likely a torture for her right now. "What are you..." he started even though his member already sprung to action from the scent. "I cannot bear it anymore." She explained and whinnied with her paw over her clit and moving around. Her pussy was winking and gushing juices over the plank bed. "It had never been this strong. I... Mr. Moons you need to help me with this." She begged and to Zen's amazement the horny mare in heat slipped down to the ground and got on all fours to present for him with her tail held high and her pussy winking. Even if Zen would have had more restrain, he would not have been able to turn away such an offer. The scent was overpowering, the winking pussy was pushing out juice on the ground and her fur on the legs was drenched in no time. Like in trance, Zen pulled down his pants together with the underwear, that he put on just to meet the Hoopers, and ripped his shirt to get naked in seconds. He crouched behind the beautiful mare and took in her scent before sparing a hot lick over her snatch. The mare whinnied and her winking increased and Zen was not able to stall himself any longer. He launched himself on top of the mare and his member, already maxed out and with a half-formed knot, parted her pussy lips only half a minute after he undressed himself. Her inside felt hot and wet. The mare moaned in bliss just like Zen and her tunnel clenched around him in arousal. She was not as tight as her daughters and his knot slipped in on the first push with only a very small resistance, but her hot inside felt great for Zen nonetheless. The mare moaned and whinnied without restrain, totally lost in her overpowering heat, and Zen did not even have to bite down to control her. She was presenting, even begging, for him. Zen caressed her utters and licked the back of her head while he pumped in and out and he felt the woman under him climaxing on the spot already. Zen, trained from the girls of his school, continued to push forward through the twitching and contracting tunnel. He kept the oversensitive woman in a strong spiraling orgasm and a few minutes later he gushed all his balls had to give into the womb of the mare while still pumping in and out of her drenched pussy. She moaned and whinnied the whole time and because Zen moaned and roared himself, he did not notice the door being pushed open and the two girls slipping in. Sissy and Tanja just stared at the scene, not uttering a word or moving from the door. They watched how her mother, moaning and whining for more with every push, got laid by Zen, the father of their foals, and they knew from the scent and the white spunk dripping out of their mothers snatch every time Zen pulled back, that their mother would have the same fate as them. The girls just stripped off their clothes, that they had put on for their parents, and sat down on the ground to masturbate. They were so used to masturbate in the presence of others when they watched a mating, that they did not even think anything of doing it in front of their mother. The endurance of Mrs. Hoopers was top class and Zen was trained with constant mating, therefore they went on for hours, never leaving the mating position. Zen did not count the times he came inside the adult mare and she never completely left her orgasm that piped up and down every now and then. Finally, Zen rested on top of the panting mare exhausted with his throbbing member knot deep in her snatch and pushed out his last spurts. His hands rested on her soft utters and the very slightly bulged belly while his tongue licked tired over her ears and head. Zen could feel the slimy mix of their juices drip down from his base and run along his leg. The wet feeling on his feet told him, that they made quite a mess on the ground. The mare huffed as much as he did and both moaned softly and the woman let out a nicker before her legs became wobbly and she let herself fall to the side. Zen was barely able to catch her and lay down to the side without slipping his knot out of her slobby pussy.

Zen had spent all his nervousness that he pent up in the last days and his fear from this meeting into mating the adult mare. He kissed her cheek but the mare did not respond. Zen saw a well familiar glance in her eyes that told him that she had been in a love daze for a while already and her mind was not receiving any information except for the high arousal and the stimulations. Mrs. Hoopers now closed her eyes and he felt her body relax when the mare slowly drifted to sleep. He wished to just do the same, but he knew that they could not stay here on the floor within the puddle of juices. Zen waited for one more minute, before he popped his knot out of the female and got up with weak legs. Tanja and Sissy, who had fallen asleep after a few orgasms and just a few minutes before their finish woke up, came to him and helped him with moving their mother first to the shower, to clear her and Zen up a bit, and then to Zen's room to put her into bed. They did not ask any questions and Zen would have been too exhausted to think about an answer right now. The moment Mrs. Hoopers hit the sheet, he crawled next to her and pushed his half erect member into her slick passage before he put his head on her neck and closed his eyes. The last thing he noticed before falling asleep was the warmth of Sissy and Tanja, who crawled next to him and brushed their already slightly bulging bellies against his back and hand. All four soon started to breath steadily and calm and drift off to sleep.

Summer Heat – Chapter 46: Another Secret

# Summer Heat - Chapter 46: Another Secret Zen was woken up by Mara a few hours later. She was silent to not wake the horses. "What are you doing?" she asked with a shock, looking at Mrs. Hoopers. Zen slowly woke up and whispered back. "To shorten...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 44: The other pill

# Summer Heat - Chapter 44: The other pill Zen was alone in his room, watching over the videos of him and Bea to watch the agony of the girl and study the side effect of the pill. He also watched a few of the videos of Tanja and for his conscious it...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 43: First Success

# Summer Heat - Chapter 43: First Success During the heat of Sissy, another girl, that had been a bit over the time with her cub, finally gave birth. Zen barely made it to the birth of little Indigo, the female lynx cub of Ida, who was very exhausted...

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