Summer Heat – Chapter 47: Advancing the idea

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#47 of Summer Heat

Greetings folks.

Here is the chapter for this week.

Next weeks chapter might be delayed a bit. My father is in the hospital with a dire diagnosis and I will drive there on my next weekend (and may also take some days off work).

Please be not cross with me if the next chapter is delayed for a few days. I do not know if I will be back home at next Sunday and how much time (and power) I have for writing.

I hope you like this weeks chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 47: Advancing the idea

Over the day, the effect of the blue pill vanished and Mrs. Hoopers was just left with the normal horniness of her heat. With the damage done already, the mare seemed to not mind cheating on her husband even more and enjoyed the ride with Zen. Her daughters accompanied the adults and joined in by licking their privates or caressing their mothers utters and clit or Zen's balls. Zen even demonstrated to Mrs. Hoopers, how he got them pregnant and mated each of the girls once in front of their mother. The mare seemed to have a lot of fun. Now that the effect of the pill did not make her mind dizzy in need, she could enjoy it to the fullest, but towards the evening she had to rest and then return home, because she had to work the next day. Zen banged her a last time just before she put on her clothes and entered her car. The special underwear was catching the spunk that leaked from her snatch to ensure it would not dirty the seats of her car and the mare looked at Zen and her daughters after she started the motor. "I talked to Paula and she told me about the experiments. I have a friend who works as a chemist for a big company that is specialized on manufacturing materials. I will try to get her something for this 'protection layer' she talked about." She smiled and turned to her girls. "Be good you two. Tanja, your little Lim is adorable. I hope I can spend some more time with her next time. I will get you both at the end of the school year and think about a way that your father does not notice your bellies. Mr. Moons, I am still not sure I approve what you do here. I have seen, that these two are not the only pregnant girls and I start to understand that this is more than a school, however I promise I will keep this secret and even if this is very unusual, it seems the girls do benefit from the school in many ways. I will be back." And with this she waved and pulled away from the mansion and out of the gates. In the next weeks, two of the older girls entered their heat and Zen mated with them for a day and then used the blue pill to prevent their pregnancy. Lisa and Ana both got the joy of one day mating with the soothing effect on their heat of the medicine later. Mrs. Hoopers had kept her promise and sent Paula a formula and recipe via mail for a material called 'Latex'. It was a rubber like material that was used to seal machines from leaking liquid and it could be produced as a thin membrane that was durable and did not tear. When Nina got into heat again, Zen decided to try out the new 'protection sleeve' of Paula. He could have used it for Debra as well, but without knowing if it works, he used the proven technique for the girl instead the untested one to not make her pregnant. With Nina, the concerns were not as high because her mother was one of the staff members and therefore she would stay over the vacation and it would not be so serious if she got pregnant.

Paula was present when Zen and Nina started with their foreplay. She asked Zen to witness the test to see what worked and what was not working and because of the rules of the school he would not hide and mate in secret anyways. After Zen brought Nina to orgasm with his tongue, Paula prepared him with her muzzle until his knot was fully inflated and then carefully pushed the sleeve over his member. She had taken measures of his size at the previous events of mating with the other girls to make the sleeve fit. It felt a bit unnatural for Zen and Zen noticed that it did diminish the pleasure a bit for him this way because he did not feel the hot flesh directly. Paula held the sleeve in place, because it was slipping over the knot, until he knotted the girl and the seal kept the protective sleeve in place. Zen felt his spurts fill the little balloon at the top of the sleeve and with his spunk exiting his member more and more, the spunk traveled inside the sleeve until it was blocked by his knot. This was a weird feeling and the hands of Paula, that still held the edges, were a distraction that spoiled the fun for him a bit. Nina had achieved another orgasm in the meanwhile even though Zen had been very close when he entered, because the sleeve was diminishing the stimulations for Zen. "This is very unpractical." Zen said after he pulled out and Paula pulled off the sleeve from his member before cleaning up the rod. "If every time I want to mate with them, someone else has to hold it. It also feels much less pleasurable for me." Paula nodded and threw the sleeve away. "I think we need to make it tighter. For the pleasurable part, I think you will have to live with that. This is the price of not making them pregnant. How did it feel for you sweetie?" she asked Nina. "It felt a bit weird at the start, but it was okay." She girl huffed. She still was a bit out of breath from the mating and her two orgasms. "Back to the drawing board then." She sighed and Zen was already licking Nina and made her moan. "Best of luck with that." He said to the beaver. "I will now fill this lynx here with another cub." And with a devious grin, that was returned by Nina, he rolled her on her paws and mounted the directly presenting girl raw. Paula left the room to plan her changes to the sleeve while Zen and Nina soon moaned in ecstasy. After the meddling sleeve was removed it felt so much better for them both and Zen filled the lynx girl multiple times without pulling out and made her belly bulge before moving to the showers to let her empty.

Soon after the heat of Nina declined, Sandy entered her heat. Paula managed to create an improved version of the sleeve that was very tight around the member of Zen and stretched around it. It also was already holding itself well without the knot forming and had an extra thick part around his knot to make sure it would not rip in the moment it inflated. Zen first took her with the sleeve around his member. It worked all like Paula had imagined and the sleeve held itself and Zen slowly got used to the fact that it reduced his stimulation. What was also a bit of a downer for him was, that he had to pull out after every climax, waiting for his knot to shrink down enough instead of adding a second climax inside of his girls. The feeling of having the thick balloon at the tip pulled through her cervix and tunnel had a strange pleasing effect to the girl in heat. The only limitation was, that Paula did not make enough of the new prototypes to last long. Zen filled the ten sleeves within a few hours with her daughter. A reuse was not possible and therefore Zen entered her raw at the end of the first day. Not that Sandy did mind that at all. Zen had talked with her already if she wanted an additional cub from him or take the medicine if the sleeve did not work and she had decided to bear him another child. Zen moaned and pushed in and out of the beaver until his knot filled her pussy and prevented his retreat. He filled her up multiple times until her belly bulged and both moaned in ecstasy and enjoyed the heat of the girl. Zen forgot the worries he had about increasing the number of his cubs for a few days and just happily mated with her. It was not that much of a problem with Sandy, as she would stay with him anyways. "I can't wait until it is born." He whispered to Sandy, when he lay in the bed with her, knot deep in the younger beaver and caressed her bulging belly at the end of her heat. "I know that it will be adorable, just like Steve and you." He added with a yawn before closing his eyes for sleeping. Sandy just mumbled a response that he did not understand anymore.

With June being half over, the time came where even for those girls that would go home over the vacation, it would become safe to impregnate them without the parents noticing it and Zen was a little bit less nervous now, because even if it did happen, the danger was not as big and it was just the worries about the additional cubs. One day Olga, the elephant, came to him in the evening, announcing that her heat had started. Zen had already wondered when the now twelve years old girl would get her first heat, but he considered himself lucky, that it happened this late. He did not let the girl wait bit directly when to action, lapping up the delicious girl juices with his tongue and driving her to orgasm with licks. After she calmed down from the twitching and spasming of her climax, during which Zen also licked her utters and caressed her trunk, one of the erogenous zones of the elephant, he had her attempt the mating position and mounted her. While Zen pushed in and out of the hot and wet pussy, he caressed the big ears and the trunk that Olga pushed up over her head softly and made the girl moan and shiver all over her body. Olga was now, as a bigger species, nearly as big as Zen, but he left no doubt about who was in control and the girl was happily chirping and tooting when her climax hit her again. Zen also came down with a bit climax and filled her womb with his rich spunk. The girl began to exhaust already. She never had been the girl with the most energy and these actions were very different from her usual calm and silent nature. She did not stop to present to Zen in her heated condition, until she dropped out from exhaustion. Zen had filled her three times and was still pumping in and out. Her pussy was loose enough to allow him to pull out the knot with a bit of pulling and pushing even at the maxed-out state. He rode her one more orgasm before he let the already sleeping girl rest and rested himself to be full of energy when Olga would wake up. The mating with Olga was a bit different from the others, because Zen had taught her to use her trunk to rub him and please him. She got very skilled at gripping his member or even fondling his balls with her trunk while he mated her. In her heat, she did only remember that when he reminded her after they woke up and soon her trunk was as slobby and sticky as her pussy and legs.

To Zen's surprise, Charlotte, the Buffalo, joined them at the next day. The girl, one year younger than Olga, also started her heat and Zen was more than happy to take both girls on a ride. He let Olga rest for a round and took Charlotte on a ride for one round before he got an idea. He let both rest a bit and then explained to Olga what they would do after he filled her to the brim. "Olga, you will now take your trunk and fill it with all the spunk inside your womb. Take as much as you can, okay?" he asked and the girl nodded. Her flexible trunk was long enough to push into her own pussy, something Zen had seen her do to please herself in the past. By the anatomy of elephants it also was able to suck in a big amount of liquid, even though Zen was sure she did not suck up his spunk before. After she had her trunk full of his spunk, he filled her again as much as her womb could hold. While resting on the girl, that panted exhausted and had some spunk already drip out of her trunk, he caressed her ears. "Now push your trunk into the pussy of Charlotte and push all of the semen into her, okay? Fill her good." He asked of her. Charlotte moaned strongly when Olga passed her labia with her trunk but she groaned a bit when it pushed further towards her cervix. The tip had been smaller, but the trunk got thicker than even the knot of Zen and it stretched the buffalo girl over her limit. Then the elephant pushed the kept spunk into the other girl and Zen saw that the belly of Charlotte bulged very fast and the girl moaned in bliss. Zen could not help but pound Olga again until he spurted fresh spunk into her womb and filled it over the capacity, making the girl under him groan. "When I pull out, I want you to pull out your trunk and fill it with the spunk inside you again, okay?" he whispered to Olga and the girl only nodded groaning a bit. Zen pulled out of the elephant girl and she sighed in relieve when a first gush of his spunk exited her pussy and eased up the stretching of her womb. She pulled her trunk out of the buffalo and before the spunk she blew into it could escape, Zen already rolled the girl on her belly and pushed his thick member and his knot into the girl, locking himself inside the girl before she could tighten up enough to prevent his knot to enter. He made small pushes, limited by his sealed knot, and drove himself and the filled girl under him to orgasm, while he heard the slurping sound of Olga getting her trunk full of semen again. When Zen finally came together with Charlotte, he rolled around and sat down in front of Olga, showing of the big bulge of the now slightly groaning buffalo and the tight seal at her pussy. Zen was sure that in a few years, he would be able to easily slip in and out of the buffalo just like with Olga or Tanja, but for now the girl was tight enough to seal his knot inside and make sure the spunk was not escaping. "Now, let's feed her a bit of fresh milk out of your womb." Zen said to Olga and the elephant girl blushed. Feeding someone with her trunk was a very embarrassing topic for the girl but she nodded and raised her trunk so that it was just in front of the muzzle of Charlotte. "Take it into your muzzle and softly suckle on it." He whispered to the buffalo and the girl, captured in heat, exhaustion and pleasure, gripped the trunk carefully and pushed it into her muzzle, closing the lips around the sticky tip. Zen knew from the moans of Olga, that Charlotte was not only suckling on it but also working with her tongue over the sensitive tip of the trunk. "Let it out slowly." He advised Olga and soon he heard the gulping noises of Charlotte, who had a hard time to take in all the liquid that gushed into her muzzle. Olga was not able to release it slow enough for the girl and soon it spurted out of the sides of Charlotte's muzzle while her stomach already was full and bulging out just as much as her belly. Olga cried out in a small climax form having her trunk suckled like that and Zen saw that Charlotte was at her limit of drinking the fill. "I think she got enough. You can drink the rest." He told Olga and slightly twitching elephant pulled her trunk out of the muzzle of Charlotte and bent it to suckle on it herself. A gush of semen showered Charlotte, because in her climax Olga was not able to stop the flood but rather pushed it out faster. Zen did not mind getting sprinkled with his own semen while he also liked the view of the sticky head of Charlotte. Olga suckled out the rest of the content of her trunk, but when she pulled it out of her muzzle with a blush, Zen saw that the inside of the trunk still had a thin layer of semen and that, until Olga could wash it away in the shower, the girls would take in his scent with every breath she took with her trunk. Zen felt his knot slowly shrinking. He had Olga fill her trunk one more time when he pulled out with half of the content of Charlottes womb, until it became too much for the elephant girl. While he let the exhausted buffalo rest, now only with a small bulge where her stomach was, he mounted Olga again and made her moan while she drank half of the load in her trunk and then, in her orgasm, sprayed the rest over Charlotte in her climaxing toot. Zen found out that with his scent in her trunk all the time, the girl was much more aroused and he had a lot of fun with both girls until first Olga and a day later Charlotte finally was at the end of her heat. Because it was close to the end of the school year and it was their first heat, Zen did not even offer the use of the pill. He wanted to have at least one cub with each of the girls and he was hoping, after their mating ended a few days later, that there would be another first heat before the end of the term.

Summer Heat – Chapter 48: Substitute

# Summer Heat - Chapter 48: Substitute July hit and rang in the end of the term. The last of the exams had been written and graded and were sent to the school ministry for an after check. The grades were, like Zen expected, very good. All girls soaked...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 46: Another Secret

# Summer Heat - Chapter 46: Another Secret Zen was woken up by Mara a few hours later. She was silent to not wake the horses. "What are you doing?" she asked with a shock, looking at Mrs. Hoopers. Zen slowly woke up and whispered back. "To shorten...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 45: Dangerous mission

# Summer Heat - Chapter 45: Dangerous mission The days after Zen's adventure with Yara, he had other things to ponder about. Zina was soon to become a mother as well as Tara and the sisters of Lily and he spend a lot of time with the young pregnant...

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