Virgin Virus - Ch18: Intermission

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#21 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

_ Incubus: Virgin Virus _

[Ch1 - Wave](%5C)

[Ch2 - Earth](%5C)

[Ch3 - Time](%5C)

[Ch4 - Fear](%5C)

[Ch5 - Absolution](%5C)

[Ch6 - Reflection](%5C)

[Ch7 - Reunion](%5C)

[Ch8 - Ice](%5C)

[Ch9 - Conviction](%5C)

[Ch10 - Silence](%5C)

[Ch11 - Anatomy](%5C)

[Ch12 - Fury](%5C)

[Ch13 - Azure](%5C)

[Ch14 - Black](%5C)

[Ch15 - Dust](%5C)

[Ch16 - Light](%5C)

[Ch17 - Evanescent](%5C)

_ Virgin Virus: Extra Stories _

[The Dragon](%5C)

[Carl and Yun](%5C)

[Tobey and Alex](%5C)


Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Eighteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

The whole group reunites in the human world, totaling in twenty-four demons of all sizes and varieties. The initial mission in the demon world was slightly yielding, and each had to rest and recover. When all the demons reunite and debrief, they soon realize that the doctor has been kidnapped...

Dr. Oscar possibly being kidnapped was the most inconvenient thing...

It was also a little hard to believe. But... we didn't know much about the scientist's past. He probably had his share of enemies.

Carl said that the doc's cellphone was off, so there really was no way to reach him. The taking must've been at wherever the doc was dealing with his business.

Carl, a young human that wasn't a yet an adult, sat before two dozen demons of all varieties. He had to tell us whatever he knew if we were to have a shot at saving his father.

Poor Carl...

  • "Are there any other people that are related to the doctor? People that you know he would trust?" - Hoyt asked, in all seriousness while leaning forward.

  • "Only my brother... I had already called him, he'll probably be here in a few minutes." - Carl answered, trying to keep calm.

Yun stayed by his yothful master's side, tenderly rubbing his shoulder, trying aid him as well.

  • "What can you tell us about your brother?" - Hoyt wondered.

  • "He's... a half breed. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. He's 24, and he lives close by. He probably knows more than me, he helped my dad for a few years." - Carl replied.

  • "Where did the doctor go to run his errand?" - Apollo then asked.

  • "Umm... I don't remember." - Carl angled his worried face down.

An instant later, a digital buzz sounds out.

  • "Carl, I'm here. I think you need to unlock the entrance." - It was Francisco, Carl's brother. Frank, as we called him some times, Cisco at others. I hadn't seen him in quite a while.

  • "I'll go get him." - I offered, standing up from Rafa's side.

  • "Be quick about it." - Hoyt growled, and I nodded.

Hoyt never looked too hard edged, even on that first encounter, but he definitely didn't seem to ever take time to relax, like the word wasn't in his lexington...

I took the usual path to the base's entrance, and glanced at the lobby. Bruno was there of course, occupying an awful lot of space. He definitely wasn't a happy camper where he stood, but he seemed calm. He didn't seem to notice me as I walked on the ledges above.

I continued, popping out of the manhole, after climbing the ladder as usual. I slowly catch the whole sight of Frank as I completely get out of the hole. He was standing with crossed arms. Frank was of slender build, brown medium hair and black eyes. And he also was a Cambion, he had some of our traits, but was almost completely human. And today, he was wearing a pink button shirt with grayish jeans that seemed to snuggly fit his legs.

  • "Dose, it's been a while." - Frank extends his hand in greeting, which I shake, as the humans always do.

  • "It has." - I nodded, then he released my hand.

  • "Carl sounded kind of urgent when he called me. He says that my father hasn't been home for almost two days now?" - He asked placing his hands over his waist.

  • "Yep. Come on. There's quite a crowd waiting for you." - I mentioned as I moved to the manhole.

He followed, asking - "A crowd?" - with a very puzzled look and tone.

We climbed down, and quickly he noticed Bruno as we walked along the walkway over the lobby. Bruno was looking up, taking sight of Frank, but not really reacting.

  • "Is that a... manticore?" - He asked, tense and stepping a bit faster.

  • "Yup. Don't stare." - I mentioned, sensing his distress.

  • "Just keep walking." - As he walked behind me, I glanced his way, he was looking all around him. Frank hadn't been in this place in a long time, so he was probably doing a silent assessment We take a special pathway that lead us to basement level.

  • "Now, this is new." - Frank exclaimed, looking at broad, protective door of the Vault.

  • "The doctor had only made it accessible to us recently." - I informed.

The Vault's door was left slightly open, just so we wouldn't need to reopen and close that massive door so repeatedly. We step through it, and I felt Frank hesitate.

  • "They... are friendly... right?" - I looked at him, he had slight tremble to voice.

  • "Not exactly friendly, but they're here to help." - I replied.

I accompanied him to a seat beside his brother, he had a very anxious look.

  • "Umm... did dad mention anything to you about what he was doing? I can't remember." - Carl asked his brother.

  • "Father had been making deals for probably a year now, with a company and its alternative. Knowing him, its probably something that was meant for his investigations here. And he sounded excited when he called, so it was going good whatever he was doing..." - Frank sighs, dropping his look.

  • "You know where he was headed?" - Sebastian asked.

  • "I know how to get there. But you guys cant be seen by humans, let alone during daylight." - Frank said matter-of-factly.

  • "Certainly we need a way around that." -

  • "The least I can do is to go there myself, and maybe make some calls. If you can find some way to disguise yourselves in a very good way, maybe I can provide transportation." - Frank added, sighing after a pause.

  • "Don't you have any other contacts who might help you? I mean, your father is missing." - Rafael expressed.

  • "I may..." - Frank crossed his arms.

Everyone, including myself, kept silent, thinking of what we could do. The doctor approached our lives as just a scientist, but later proved to be more, a very caring and generous being. And now, at least for the ones who know him, it was our turn to do something for him. In the back of my head... i hoped that this would all be done quickly with a simple explanation. That he was safe either way. But it probably wasn't the case...

  • "Hoyt... we may be forgetting something." - Apollo turned to the ice demon beside him.

  • "What are you suggesting?" - Hoyt replied.

  • "Among the military blues there's a quadrant that employs a family of shapeshifting demons." - Apollo looked dead serious, and my curiosity was definitely sparked.

  • "Paul is the leader of that group." - Hoyt said incontrovertibly

  • "They may be useful." - He then agreed.

  • "Isn't there anything else that comes to mind?" - Nina politely suggested, but no response came up.

  • "Well, I... would start right away, but it seems too reckless. For right now, it is just too risky. So I'll suggest that we all rest. If anyone wants to go ahead and scout the demon world, they're more than welcome. Meeting adjourned." - Hoyt then stands, slight defeat showing in his eyes.

I couldn't read the exact meaning of his expression. Then I felt Rafael's hand across my back, caressing my side and leaning against me.


The meeting was unsettling, and Hoyt seemed to quickly catch on that. We didn't really have a chance to rest, and as far as I could tell, that last order of Hoyt's could almost be heard as [A Rested Army is A Strong Army]. Or maybe I was just imaging that. Still, it felt good have the general. He provided guidance almost as an instinct, and he did so with apparent wisdom. He didn't feel like a boss, and he had clear knowledge that he was not impregnable. Ultimately, I was just wondering how he felt. Hoyt didn't officially know Oscar, but unlike Apollo, he was affected by the strange turn of events. Not to blame the other demons for being here under orders. They seemed fine.

  • "Turn autopilot off, hun." - I had both of my shoulders held by Rafa.

There i was, astray in my thoughts just a hair's width away from bashing against a wall.

  • "Ah, thanks." - I said ashamedly, turning to my lover.

  • "You were following Carl and Yun, but at one point you didn't turn, as you can see." - Rafa said with slight amusement.

I was standing right below the ladder that lead outside.

  • "If I was following Carl and Yun, where are they?" - i had to ask.

  • "They went to the bedrooms I suppose." - Then I looked down on the lobby, Rafael following my eyes.

  • "So that's the thing that attacked you in the cave back at our realm." - Rafael remarked in a reflective manner.

  • "His name is Bruno. And he doesn't seem that bad." - I mentioned.

  • "Monk's probably here with him." -

  • "Heh. its funny. It hasn't been two full weeks since all this started." - Rafael wonders.

  • "The days seem long, but it actually has just been a short period of time." -


We're finally stepping at the bedroom door, stepping inside while holding hands, Rafa and I. Rafael jumps on the bed laying with his paws over his chest. He pats the opposite side of it, cueing me to join him, and I do so, imitating the same sideways dive he did.

  • "Ack! Watch it!" - Rafael exclaimed; apparently I barreled into my lover back first. Now I felt clumsy...

  • "Whoops. You'll have to teach me that one." - I turned to my mate, with a face of shame.

  • "Maybe I will." - He smiled.

We kept that mutual, unblinking stare on each other for a minute... two minutes.

  • "Will there be any fooling around?" - Rafa soon popped the question, and it made me beam on reaction.

  • "Does that big fangy grin mean that we will?" - He then asked cheerfully.

  • "Oh honey, why don't we cuddle like saints instead?" - I asked with a slight whine.

  • "Because my boner will get in the way." - Rafa then grinned his full set of pearly fangs. I was going to burst with laughter, just barely manging to control it.

  • "I'll dry hump you. Or maybe do you I'll screw you while you sleep, secretly." - Rafa tried to sound as naughty as he could. My heart just swelled for him.

  • "You just hold me tight and be nice." - I finally said, kissing his lips fully, then turning my back on him, sliding and pressing myself against the muscular front of his body.

He responds by wrapping me in his arms. Then I feel his member throbbing against my lower back and tail, which I had tucked between my legs.

  • "You're not making this any easier." - Rafie complained. His boner was oh so warm, throbbing lewdly.

  • "I believe I am." -

  • "Didn't you said not to fool around?" - He growled.

  • "Oh, I'm just teasing." - I wiggled in his arms, snickering.

He groaned, then tightened his grip. It wasn't hard to fall asleep with his warmth, comfort, the sounds and smells of his body.



There was this tinge coloring everything. I was not at the base anymore. It was leafy and dirty under me. It smelled musky and moist. And I felt stiff. There was pressure above me and I was face down. Someone... I had someone on me... I tried to move, but I couldn't. The pressure just increased when I tried. Then my tailhole was being toyed with and probed, my tail was obnoxiously tugged.

  • "Just don't struggle." - I heard from just beside my ear. It startled me, but there was no way I could confirm who it was; the voice reminded me of Tobey.

My tailhole was being pushed open, this guy's cock was definitely big, but Tobey's was bigger yet. I kept budging and it kept being useless. He shoved himself further, stretching my insides painfully. I couldn't utter pain, but my brain was blasted by it.

  • "Stay put and It'll be done with faster." - The Tobey sound-alike was very annoying now...

Another pain began to invade me. It made my muscles twitch and roll, my body vibrated and my heart accelerated. There were very individual spots of pain; at a point I thought my head was going to fall off. But then the pain began to subside, and everything felt different...

I could move, but I still felt stiff. I was taller now, bigger than the Tobey sound-alike. After finally getting to look at him... I saw that he was just like Tobey, except smaller, leaner... and not hyperphallic, even though it was close. I kept watching him cower... Was he really Tobey?

Then he began to change in some unexplainable way, and he ran away into the woods, in the shape of a tiger...

Tobey couldn't transform, could he? Then something bumps my shoulder, making me turn. This other demon stood before me, at my same height. He looked like an incubus, but he had long, unkempt hair, huge horns. This thing was very muscular. Then I glanced down, this thing sported a chimera cock...

  • "Looking good, host." - He spoke.

It was the shadow that would control me until recently whenever I turned hyper. Sin, as he made me say his name at one point. He griped my cock... It was like a chimeras too. He held it, pressing it against my chest, just like his. Then he began sticking his thick finger into my cock's entrance. It was a profound feeling, and he just stuck another...

  • "This is your nature, host." -



Everything forces me to wake up as if my life were counting on it. My eyes crack open and my heart races like it wants to get out of my chest. I do what I can to get a grip over myself, to figure why exactly was I startled like that... The dream... the demon that looked like Tobey, he was a shapeshifter. And the dark shadow of my dreams... The one that controlled me whenever I turned hyper. He was slightly different each time... Sin, he looked like a meld of us and chimera. An almost perfect hybrid. And what he did... what chimeras do. I don't want to turn into one of them... but I could not deny that it made me a bit too curious. Maybe... I'll get to try it with Rafa.

I sat on the bed, glancing at Rafie first. My angel was sleeping soundly, he was not one to wake easily. I sigh, holding my forehead. Rafael said that it wasn't that big of a deal, probably, but it still worried me. Then thoughts of Dr. Oscar came... how are we going to help him? And what was that about shapeshifting demons? I was confused and worried, my heart beating slightly faster. Even the smell of the room, which I generally found comforting, only made me anxious. I was up on my furry feet, feeling a little groggy overall, just planning on going around the base once or twice, exhaust the worry and get a bit more sleep.

I move to the hall, trying to keep my motions silent. My route was around the lobby walkway and back. Then I hear a quick - "Ack!" - before getting bumped against my right shoulder.

  • "Hey, uh, Dose." - It was Yun and Carl, and it was a little odd to see them at that hour, but then again, it would be weird to see anyone else at the late hours of midnight.

  • "What are you guys doing up?" - I made myself ask; they amusingly look at each other then back at me.

  • "Yun wants to show me something." - Carl said, holding his familiar's left bicep.

  • "I thought of getting to a few places that the Dr. might have been and get some info." - Yun looked pretty serious.

  • "But umm, what kind of info do you expect to find? And why take Carl?" - I crossed my arms.

  • "Carl didn't really give me a choice, and it's very hard for me to not do what he says." - Yun looked worried as he shrugged.

  • "I just want to see for myself, maybe Yun will find something, and maybe Frank can go during the day... I dunno." -

  • "Isn't it risky to take him?" -

  • "He'll be absolutely safe with me." - Yun seemed sure, very sure.

  • "Well, I'm going with you." - Carl looked surprised when I said that.

  • "Fine." - Yun agreed.


We headed outside after that brief exchange, I expressed my need to help the doctor. I didn't really understand what we were going to do, but it was dark still. The underground base was built under an abandoned construction site; more precisely, a housing project. It was located near a busy pier and barricaded Some days earlier Rude busted through it, and the hole was still there.

  • "It's kind of late for you, Carl. Or early, since it's three fifteen in the morning." - The last thing i expected was to hear Frank behind us.

And that's exactly what happened.

Me and Carl shared a startled gasp and turn, finding the slender Frank with hands in both pockets.

  • "Uh..." - Was all that the younger boy managed to utter.

  • "How did you plan to go around? I see three people and only one pair of wings. You're going to just walk around at this hour?" - He asked, but neither could really answer.

  • "Well, wherever you're all going, I'll take you." - Frank decided, urging us to follow him.

He eventually lead us to a red car. Carl quickly entered the vehicle and took a front seat, but Yun and I looked at each other, not really sure of the posted idea...

  • "If I'm gonna take you guys anywhere, it'll be in this baby." - He pats the top of his car once.

  • "So are you gonna get in or not?" - He raised a brow.

  • "Don't worry about the seats. They have a towel covering them. So just keep your paws to yourselves." - Frank added.

  • "Frank, it's just... the tail and the wings... it looks uncomfortable." - I muttered.

  • "Yeah." - Yun echoed.

  • "You'll just have to get used to it. Do I really have to shove you two in?" - Frank was getting exasperated.

I sighed, and slid into the back seat, Yun following behind, closing the car door. I instantly got invaded by a potpourri of smells that made me wince. Each was so unnatural, artificial. Yun coughed lightly, I glanced a moment and caught a similar expression on him.

  • "Where to?" - Frank asked to us three.

  • "Wherever dad said he was going..." - Carl answered.

  • "Oh, the Lemniscate building? Thats where father mentioned he was going. At least that's what I think its called. I took him there a few times. It's around a 20 minute drive." - With that said, Frank started the car. I made a face when the car made its mechanical neighing before it started to vibrate and rumble.

  • "You two really are uncomfortable." - Frank said to me and Yun, almost amused.

  • "Erm, yeah..." - I groaned.

He got the car moving after a minute, and all that was left to do was to wait inertly in the driving machine.


It was a truly different experience, we were moving about the way humans did, from their perspective. It got me thinking... that if we'll save Oscar, we're going to deal with a lot more things human...

All that could be done was to watch patiently out the cars windows, the dim purple sky or the city lights. The people were scarcely found in those hours. Humans were once my sustenance, but Nuenberg found a way around that once ago. An incredible feat that our species as a whole benefited from...


  • "Dose, we're here." - I could Frank's word at a distance.

  • "Your head is not here, I suppose." - Frank raised his voice, and that brought me back wholly.

He kind of screamed, I winced at the piercing volume.

  • "Wha... oh. Sorry. Can't help it." - I mumbled as i slid out of the car.

My wings and tail were sore from being squished in order to fit the car, so I stretch with a long groan-yawn.

  • "My extra extremities are really making themselves felt." - I said as I flexed my pained wings.

  • "I'm lucky I don't have any." - Yun said absentmindedly.

  • "This is the place." - Frank said, looking up with his arms crossed.

Yun and me both followed his sight, taking in the height of the structure. Very high at the top, a large L and an infinity symbol beside it. Many, many glass windows, and the entrance in front was mostly glass as well. There's not much we could do at this hour, but it was interesting nevertheless.

  • "So it is." - I mumbled.

  • "What can we do?" - I asked.

  • "We can go back. During the day, I can return and question some contacts." - Frank answered, taking a deep breath as he finished.


The morning arrived, the initial warmth always its indication. I had managed to slip into mine and Rafael's room after the quick drive. He was undisturbed from my arrival after the little tour we took. There was silence, there was tension. Even with the nightmare, I still managed to wake up before my angel. I thought of waking him up, but like always, I desist of the idea.

My feet carry me to the lobby, but it takes a pair of minutes to realize that it was probably occupied by the huge Bruno, and maybe Monk squeezed himself in there too. I rub my eyes urging them to work. All i could see of it was Bruno's muscular back and black feathered wings.

  • "Morning." - I heard from beside me, turning in the same direction and facing Gai.

  • "Oh, hey." - I mumbled.

  • "I heard that part of the group was going to try human disguises, while the other goes to recruit the supposed shapeshifting demons." - Gai then said.

  • "I wonder how the manticore will fit into all of this." - he added.

  • "I'm not sure, but he seems kind of useful, and its kind of cool to have a manticore on our side." - I mentioned.

  • "Cool? Heh." - Gai chuckled.

  • "Also, it reminds me of you and Hayden. The way Monk and Bruno are practically mates, one dwarfs the other. - I had a smile drawn, and Gai reacts with a brief, hearty laugh.

  • "Interesting enough." - He finishes.

  • "Well, who did you hear was going for the costume idea?" - I asked.

  • "Ari, Hayden, Rude, Boto, Raiko, Yun and the girls." -

  • "Even the military femmes?" - I really wondered.

  • "Oh, those aren't. They'll go with the recruiting party." - Gai replied after clearing his throat.

  • "What group are you going with?" - I looked at Gai.

  • "I'll join with Hayden, not sure if I'll be disguising, though." -

  • "I think I'll go with that idea too. I don't want to head back to the realm, at least not so soon." - I sighed.

  • "I'll have to wait and see what Rafael decides. Knowing him, he'll probably stick with me." - i shrugged to myself.


Everyone slowly became active, they all seemed solemn. Rafael ultimately joined with me in the disguising experiments. I wanted to talk to him about my weird dream, but that could wait.

There we were, Rafie and me at the main lab, with Rai, Ari, Rude, Boto, Hayden, Gai, Nina, Aoi and Yuri.

  • "Rude and me could not exactly mix with humans when we were dressed this way, but it made humans less frightened and worried." - Ari explained.

He was sporting a tight white cotton shirt and snug dark jeans. Today he was also wearing glasses, which gave him a very interesting look. We never really understood why he wore the subtle accessory He was already used to human clothing, since he had lived in the human realm for years before meeting us. I think the place was called Japan, I'd have to ask him again.

  • "Umm, but if the doctor worked with other science people, dressing like normal people won't help much." - Boto wondered.

  • "Well, Carl lent me an attire that might help, and he said that we could use the lab coats as well." - Ari replied, nudging Rude who stood by his side.

The earth demon turned, getting some folded clothes that were placed on the table he was leaning on.

  • "You can try this out, Boto." - Ari said.

Boto shrugs and walks to them, grabbing the first piece of clothing atop the stack and looking at it.

  • "I've worn these before." - He says, holding a black cotton bikini-type underwear.

  • "Humans use restraints like those. We should use them too when wearing their clothes." - Ari mentioned.

The water demon slips into the skimpy undies, grabbing a pair of dark brown slacks next. He slips that on, then a brown button shirt, a hat that hid his pointy ears and ultimately, a long brown trenchcoat.

  • "There is some particulars to dressing human that we may have to deal with, but overall, you are pretty well disguised." - Ari examines.

With the coat's collar, he could cover most of his face, and it was long enough to hide his relatively short tail. Still, the muzzle and claws remained an issue.

  • "I'm not sure how are we going to hide these." - The amusingly disguised Boto mumbles, looking at both his furry hands and wiggling his clawed footpaws.

  • "A pair of thick gloves may work." - Raiko mentions, getting a half nod from the water demon.

I kept looking at the brown figure that resulted from Boto's disguise, and I was sure I had a weirded out expression It might work, "Might" written in all capitals with an asterisk at the end.

Then, at door appeared Yun and the green haired guest, Anshel if remembered correctly.

  • "Sorry for the delay, Hoyt was informing us of some last details regarding the rescue." - Anshel apologized as he managed to find a seat.

I looked at him, taking a clear mental picture, since we were going to work together. As far as muscles concerned, he was between Yun and Monk in size and definition, with a generally sleek contour on him. And he was better endowed than the rest of us, not counting Gai, Tobey and Bruno. I generally don't care about others sizes because we are all average, but his managed to stand out by probably two inches. And... i was ashamed of myself for focusing on his size, glancing at Rafie beside me then trying to refocus on the topic.


The experiment was fruitful, in my opinion. We tried on lab coats and casual wear, suggestions were shared on how to act more human and waited for Frank to come for a better opinion on the whole disguise idea. All the while, I just kept wondering about our nature. A lot of things we knew were learned when we fed from humans, taking a bit of their knowledge and personality, from thousands of individuals as years lived on.

And... Anshel kept a very attentive and appreciative eye on Raiko. When the blond demon tried some tight black jeans and a red equally tight shirt, Anshel was undoubtedly checking Rai out. It was oddly amusing and disconcerting, to have one of my best friends checked out so blatantly. I tried to ignore it, but it was simply not possible. oh well...

We'd still need to try a new set of disguises to see what worked and what didn't, the set we tried was generally attractive casual wear as opposed to comfortable. And the girls definitely had an overall better time playing dress up.

Me and Rafa didn't try anything, though. We finally took a break, most of them were feeding, but me and Rafa just sat outside the base, at the surface on the porch of the many incomplete houses that composed the abandoned project.

  • "What are you thinking?" - Rafa said.

  • "You've been at it more than usual." -

  • "Well, a lot of stuff. And, you know, that particular question is always colored with appreciation." - I smiled at him with honesty.

  • "But really, the doctor being kidnapped just got my mind going in a ton of different directions." - I sighed.

  • "Well, you can always share them with me, hon." -

  • "I know, but I'd like to figure them out a little better myself before I voice them out." - And with that said, we shared a hug.


  • "Excuse me." - A voice proclaimed, and all our senses were just pulled in that direction.

Rafa and I unlock from the hug, and we face a man coated fully in long black clothing. His voice was a soft baritone, but it projected itself almost like an echo.

  • "How... can we help you?" - It was a little hard to figure out how to react. This man seemed unaffected by our demonic presence, as if he knew what to expect.

  • "I come here on Nuenberg's behalf. I can further explain if you'll allow me passage into the base." -

There was a slight pause.

We definitely needed all the help we could get, but a random mysterious stranger didn't seem the kind of help we needed.

  • "Dr. Oscar is not available, so it'll have to be at another time." - Rafa replied.

  • "I know, thats why I'm here." - The stranger mentioned.

  • "Then why do you need to come inside?" - I asked.

  • "I have information on his whereabouts." - The stranger kept unmoved all this time.

Rafa and I look at each other, then back at the stranger.

  • "Before we let you in, what's your name?" - I asked.

  • "Call me Xeno, please." - The trenchcoated figure bowed slightly.

  • "I'll inform the fellow demons, then I'll let you through." - Rafa said, standing up and climbing down to the base.

I kept looking at this Xeno. Who would wear so much black under the afternoon sun?

  • "You know who took the doctor and where?" - I asked.

  • "Yes. We will be able to bring Nuenberg back without much trouble." - He replied, but I couldn't really tell where or what he was looking.

More importantly, what would the "Much Trouble" imply actually... At least, if this guy does know his business Nuenberg will be saved and everything will be back to normal... or as normal as a species restoration mission can get.

Virgin Virus - Ch19: Parallel

Incubus: Virgin Virus [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch17: Evanescent

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 - Silence](%5C) [Ch11...

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Virgin Virus - Ch16: Light

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Sixteen- - Last Chapter: - The Beta Group woke up inside the base of Apollo, a fellow military blue blood. It was a brief meeting, the leader of that base...

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