Virgin Virus - Ch16: Light

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#19 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Sixteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

The Beta Group woke up inside the base of Apollo, a fellow military blue blood. It was a brief meeting, the leader of that base ultimately agreeing to help the demons in their campaign, even if it is all based on his superior's orders. They were ready to head back to the human world, the other two demons that accompanied Apollo acting very reluctant Duty is there to be done...

Hayden was tasked with waiting for both Boto and Jason to arrive from their individual assignments: talking to their families about the Virgin Virus and requesting their help. The dark haired incubus waited patiently, the other three demons having left a mere half hour ago. They soon arrive, only minute apart, Boto wet from the underwater journey and Jason exuding much heat.

  • "Hayden, where are the others?" - Boto is the first to notice.

  • "They went to the Wind Hole." -

  • "So you're here to accompany us there?" - Jason then asked.

  • "Yes, I am. Shall we go?" -

Both Boto and Jason nod. The demons take the skies in slow ascension, with Hayden leading the trio. The panorama ahead was dark, the sun was past the horizon.

  • "What could you find, Boto?" - Hayden asks.

  • "Well, my family gave me this jewel. It's supposed to give me a lot of power. I guess that's useful." -

  • "Yes, it can be very useful." -

  • "My father wasn't very happy to see me, but my brother gave me a jewel too. A similar excuse here." - Jason spoke.

  • "So we have a pair of family jewels. That sounds promising." - Hayden remarks.

  • "I don't see myself using this, but I guess I'm the only one who can." - Boto ponders.

  • "Yes, you are the only who can activate your family's jewel. It only makes sense." -

  • "My father had already used it once. He's always looked different, but I never knew why, really." - Jason added.

  • "Most of the time, the changes are permanent. Depends on how you unlock the jewel's power." - Hayden says.

  • "You seem to know a bit about the jewels." - Boto looked at Hayden.

  • "I was raised with a lot of information." - Hayden answers simply.

  • "I'd say." -


Ariyoshi and Rude stayed at the edges of the Wind Hole, the massive dimensional phenomenon that kept the Wind Fortress absolutely safe. Rude was not one to stand losing control of his earth wielding powers, and going inside the wind castle would mean that he would be defenseless there. Ariyoshi, always accompanying him, stayed behind as well. They hoped that the meeting with the wind wielders would be brief.

  • "Jason, Boto, Sebastian and Rafael know can visit their families one way or another, but Hayden, me and you, we have no idea. Plus, Hoyt seems to be very secretive about his. And there are a lot of other families out there. I've only heard of a few." - Ariyoshi thinks out loud, to Rude's ears.

  • "Ari, what exactly happened to your family?" - Rude looks at the green-eyed demon, who only kept his eyes on the floating island above the abyss.

  • "I've... never been able to tell... One day, they were not there, and I was alone..." - Ari looks down, some sadness seeping in.

  • "I know that some of them liked being able to control aspects of time a little too much. It drains you badly, you know. And you can only manipulate some aspects of that instant. Although I'm not sure what the others can do. For all we know, some of them might be dead." -

  • "I sometimes think about that. My story's no easier, but different. You know..." -

  • "I know..." - Ari looks at Rude, his normally serious face looking adrift.

  • "You really want to know where they are, don't you?" - Ari asks.

  • "It's conflicting." - He replies.

  • "Sometimes, I think you could be happier. Maybe if you shared more of yourself. I'm not the only one in this world, you know." - Ari smiles.

  • "You're the only one I care about. Probably the only one I ever will." -

  • "That's just being blind. I'm sure the others really want to know you better." -

  • "That's not gonna happen anytime soon." - Rude grunts, approaching Ariyoshi.

  • "You can be a really complicated fellow." -

Rude was now very close to Ari, the time wielder turned once again looking at the abyss.

  • "If I didn't have you..." - Rude's arms slide around Ariyoshi, his breath caressing his neck.

The next instant, Ariyoshi was a few yards behind Rude. The earth demon almost stumbles at Ari's instantaneous movement.

  • "You and I both know what's going here. You know how to make it right." - Ariyoshi smirks.

  • "And you say I'm complicated..." - Rude growls lowly, looking at the time demon. Frustration showed in his whole body.

Ari's just looking at the earth demon with calm, serene eyes.

Another instant and the whole world adopts a yellow glow. The howling sounds of the Wind Hole become silent. Rude becomes immobile. Time is still, he knew this feeling. But it wasn't his doing.

Ariyoshi looks around, trying to find the source of this time manipulation.

  • "Brother, I knew I would find you." -

Behind him, a golden haired incubus, his same height, with white eyes and very light fur. He approached with open arms.

  • "Happiness fills me deeply. How have you been?" - He speaks in a soft voice.

  • "See for yourself." -

  • "Well, that doesn't answer much? I'd say you've been fine." -

Ariyoshi nods, turned reluctantly at this strange time wielder.

  • "What do you want?" -

  • "Brother? Don't we share the same happiness?" -

  • "I believe we don't. I would prefer if you left." -

  • "But... I was going to ask you about our family. I wish to find them." -

  • "Not my concern. And, how did you find me? How long have you been tracking me?" - Ariyoshi was becoming exasperated.

  • "I only noticed you an hour ago, deciding the moment to address you. I froze time, I didn't want any interruptions. And of course, you'd be the only one unaffected by the manipulated continuum." -

  • "Well, you saw me. You can be on your way." -

  • "I am... disappointed.. and concerned." - The stranger's face gained a sad form, he looked away.

  • "That's just a fraction of how I felt for a long time." -

  • "I understand... This will be like it never happened." -

  • "You can count on that." - Ariyoshi growled.

And then, the world had its normal lighting, the howl returned, and Ariyoshi felt confused and angry. The stranger was no longer there. Time manipulation only stops instants, those instants can be as long as the controller wants, and the influenced can act freely. But the physical world cannot be easily manipulated in frozen time. And the strain also affects them, heavy use of their abilities can make them very weak and make them age very quickly. So, the instant in which Ariyoshi met and dismissed the lost, unknown brother, it was like it never happened. But it did, still, Ariyoshi was not sure if he needed to let anyone know. Maybe it was nothing.

  • "Here they are." - Rude says, looking to the west.

Boto, Jason and Hayden were descending. The land a moment later, quickly grouping with Ari and Rude.

  • "So this is the Wind Hole." - Boto could not stop looking at the abyss.

  • "The general and the other two are already on the island." - Ari tells the just arrived.

  • "Hopefully this will be quick." - Hayden adds.

  • "What did you guys get?" - Ari asks out of curiosity.

  • "Me and Boto got jewels. Supposedly they'll boost our powers." - Jason replies, pointing at Boto with his thumb.

  • "Family Jewels... we'll have to see what Hoyt says about it." -


Rafael, Sebastian and Hoyt stood on the floating island, looking upwards, absorbing the sheer scale of the structure.

  • "How do we get in? I don't think knocking will do." - Hoyt asks.

  • "You're right on that one." - Sebastian replies, keeping a hand on the cold steel.

He raises an arm at shoulder level, takes a deep breath, then knocks the door. It resonates in a different way, more loudly that it normally would. It's thickness and strength could be felt out of that knock. Wind seemed to carry Sebastian's fist, the sound it made similar to that of a fist a few times larger.

  • "Who goes there? We expect no one." - From inside, the gatekeeper answers.

  • "This is Sebastian. Let me in, Ludwig." -

  • "You? A traitor cannot be allowed inside. Leave the way you came, or there will be blood." -

Ludwig's voice was not too deep or too sharp. The echo from the structure's inside seemed to amplify it. Hoyt steps beside Sebastian.

  • "Can I address the stubborn one?" -

  • "You can't. He won't hear you." - Sebastian looks at the ice general, then back at the gate.

  • "Why so?" -

  • "Our voices are carried by the wind. They're amplified by it." -

  • "I see... and could you apply that to me?" - Hoyt seemed intrigued.

  • "I believe I can, but what good will it do?" - Sebastian seemed skeptical.

  • "Don't doubt my persuasion skills. Before I take drastic measures, I like to be polite." -

  • "Fine, just step in front of me, and speak when I say so." -

Hoyt does as told, Sebastian presses a hand on the ice demon's firm back. The wind demon could feel Hoyt's naturally cold fur. Sebastian pushes wind into Hoyt. The ice demon could feel the difference, the wind coursing around him wildly and swiftly.

  • "Speak, sir." - the wind wielder gives the cue.

  • "Gatekeeper, this is the ice general. We have urgent matters to attend." -

  • "A military demon? That's some stained blood, you'll do well not to cross paths with us." - Ludwig seemed unconvinced.

  • "It will be brief. If you'll just let us through." -

  • "Not going to happen, ice demon. Leave the same way you came." -

  • "Fine then, I'm left no choice." - Hoyt growls.

The temperature around Hoyt drops drastically, forcing Sebastian to retreat. He holds onto the steel gate, growling in concentration. His eyes gained a blue glow, then ice began creeping from under and around the door, creaking and crackling and solidifying. Within moments, the massive metal gate was crystallized Then, Hoyt grunts as he pushes the ton heavy doors. More cracks are heard; the hinges had been broken. The massive gate begins to complain as it gives way.

This was an amazing display of strength; the door was soon falling into the fort. Hoyt always seemed like a powerful demon, but this clarified that he is stronger than many thought. Sebastian seemed half worried about Ludwig, who probably was standing under the falling giant doors, soon to be squashed.

The crash and explode, scattering thick, icy debris and lifting dust. Rafael and Sebastian covered from the shockwave. The gate had been toppled by a demon a fraction of its size, and now the fort was completely open.

  • "We enter." - Hoyt said to his accompanying demons, arm extended in invitation.

The trio moves crossing the icy debris, but stop on their tracks moments later. The wind around the growls and flows to a center, then explodes into gusts, lifting the remains of the gate and clearing the center of the floor, only to fall and further break and split. Ludwig emerged.

  • "You're a daring group. More than daring, I'd say!" - He had his fangs bared.

Ludwig was of average height, with a silverish undertone to his brown fur, and a silver mane, as well as very large wings. He was angry and ready to strike. Hoyt kept moving inside.

  • "Are you going to face us?" -

  • "It would seem like I don't have to. But you wouldn't like it if I did." - Ludwig smiled.

  • "I believe you won't have a choice." - Hoyt growled in reply, Sebastian stepped behind him.

  • "It's three against one. Do we take him?" - Rafael asked in whisper to Sebastian.

  • "Well, Ludwig is more capable than he looks. I'm just waiting for Hoyt's course of action." - Sebastian replied just as softly.

  • "Sebastian, amplify my breath." - Hoyt beckoned.

Ludwig approached further. - "That's right, just stay there frozen for me to blow you all away." - He grinned.

The ice lord inhales deeply, Sebastian holding onto both of his shoulders. Hoyt blows, his breath deeply frigid. Sebastian flexes his wings back, then forth in a powerful flap. A powerful gust is brung forth, and Hoyt's icy breath is turned into a powerful gale of frozen wind. With no time to react, Ludwig is blasted by it, resulting in instant frostbite His feet are frozen to the ground, and his bones begin to shake uncontrollably

  • "W-w-what?!" - Ludwig reacts. Hoyt steps beside him, the gatekeeper following him with his eyes.

  • "You will not have any part in this." - Hoyt grabs the gatekeeper's arm.

  • "Just breathe. You will not die." -

Ice begins to envelop Ludwig. The wind demon could be heard taking his deep breath. It didn't take a minute before he was fully encased in an ice crystal, immobilized. Hoyt releases his grip, the ice around his hand breaking. He massages his wrist for a second, and sighs.

  • "Hoyt..." - Sebastian mumbles.

  • "I just didn't want him to be in the way. He'll be fine." - Hoyt looks at Sebastian, answering the unspoken question.

The three demons step fully inside the structure, admiring it. The lighting was minimum, it was shaped in a circular fashion The ancient stone walls had a set of spiraling stairs installed. It would seem that the original owners had no wings. As they looked skyward, expecting a ceiling blocking their view, only darkness was seen. It seemed that the abyss was above them, the stairs loosing themselves the further upward they appeared.

  • "So, we go upwards... Ready, general?" - Sebastian asks, being tasked with carrying the general due to the lack of wings on the ice demon.

  • "I believe so, lad." - Hoyt nods.

They ready, but they are interrupted. In a fashion that seemed as if the Wind Hole itself was inside, they are blasted by a powerful current, forcing them to kneel. The roaring wild wind immobilized them and deafened them. From above, the source lands powerfully before them, a majestic towering demon.

  • "Why do you intrude my abode? And why is my gate missing?" - His voice was sharp, strong.

Hoyt steadies himself, facing the tall wind demon. He has long silver hair, a darker gray undertone to his fur, and wings of an even larger span that Sebastian's. The wind lord glanced at each of them, then fixed his sights on Hoyt, expecting the answer.

  • "I came to talk to you, Crono." - Hoyt half-bows.

  • "This is an odd and intrusive fashion to request my time." - Crono growled.

  • "It will be brief." -

  • "Then speak." -

  • "It's about the Virgin Virus. I believe you're well informed about it." -

  • "I am. What does it have to do with anything?" -

  • "We are working on a campaign to restore our species." -

  • "You possibly think that I could help? The lesser demons have never been a royal's concern." -

  • "That hasn't always been that way." -

  • "General, some things happen because they are meant to." -

  • "Now I ask you, did the disappearance of all our succubae have a reason?" -

  • "I... no..." -

  • "Crono..." -

  • "Don't pressure me, ice demon. I already stated that it is not my concern." -

  • "Then what will it be?" -

  • "I will think about it. Perhaps it would be possible for the royal succubae to restore part of it, but I believe that more royal demons prancing around is not... convenient. I want as little do with this as possible." -

  • "What do you think of your life, Crono?" -

  • "What kind of a question is that?" -

  • "A question you answer... we are not mere animals, Wind Lord." -

  • "I am satisfied with my life. I ask nothing more of it, and I don't want anyone interfering with it." -

  • "I see..." -

  • "See yourselves out." - Crono growled. Concerned had seeped deeply into him, it showed.

  • "How will I know your final answer?" -

  • "Either a messenger will tell you, or the wind itself. Now, get out." - The tall demon points outside.

Hoyt nodes, then signals Rafael and Sebastian to leave. Rafael turns, but Sebastian hesitates, looking insistently at the Wind Lord. Crono did not acknowledge anyone else in his presence save for Hoyt. Crono turns about-face, and flies upwards, back to wherever he was. Wind howled behind him. And Ludwig remained frozen.

At the edge of the floating island, Sebastian creates a wind sphere, surrounding Rafael, Hoyt and himself with it to safely cross the deadly chasm of the Wind Hole.


Team Gamma was once again whole as a group, a few miles away from the Wind Hole, which still remain in sight range. They sat in a circle, recapping and resting.

  • "So, Boto and Jason both got a family jewel from their respective families." - Hoyt began.

Jason and Boto, sitting beside each other, nodded in unison.

  • "And we are going to get some sort of answer from Crono sometime around. At least, there was no conflict." - He adds.

  • "Where to from here, general?" - Rafael wonders.

  • "Well, Hayden, Airyoshi and Rude's families are gone... Rafael, will your family be hostile?" - Hoyt asks.

  • "Yes... they definitely will." - Rafael nods, then looks away concerned.

  • "Before we return to the human world, we should visit them first. Later on when we return, we'll explore the other families we don't originally know about." - Hoyt declared.

The demons stood, Hoyt looked at Rafael.

  • "Lead us, then." - Hoyt makes an inviting gesture, and Rafael turns.

The group of demons take flight, quickly ascending as they travel northwest.


The castle that held Rafael's family sat a few miles from the city most of them were originally settled in. They arrive after a few minutes of travel. The fortress catches the eye, as it was brightly lit with a chromatic glow. In the past, it would be constantly monitored by patrols, but in the present situation, there was no need for such things. They land approximately four kilometers apart. The sky was now very dark.

  • "How will we go about this?" - Hoyt asks Rafael.

  • "You may go, and they will probably answer. They are not hostile towards other blues. But they will be towards me. I'm just wondering if I should accompany you, sir." - Rafael answers.

  • "I see... still, move with me and stay close and ready." - Hoyt finally says.

Hayden, Boto, Jason, Ari, Rude and Rafael nod, each with different expressions in their faces. They glide closer to the castle, it began to seem bigger, now that they were grounded. Hoyt walked towards the gate, knocking on it moments later.

A tall, blond demon with angel wings half-opens the door.

  • "State your business." -

  • "It is Hoyt. I come to see the leader of this family." -

The gatekeeper of the angel castle lets Hoyt in, and closes the door.

Light emanated from a wide variety of jewels that were encrusted in the marble walls of the great castle. It was a different feel from most of the other demon lairs. It was almost soothing and inviting. Hoyt had to adjust to the extra light that bathe him. The gatekeeper lead him along two sets of stairs, going to a third level and stepping across a tapered hall. The glass windows had mosaics of ancient art, the glowing jewels illuminating them perfectly. Hoyt enjoyed looking around, but then he is stopped. The gatekeeper steps through set of granite doors, signaling the ice lord to wait for a cue. A second later, a slight nod from the gatekeeper means that he can step inside.

  • "Kafziel, the ice lord Hoyt is here to see you." - the gatekeeper stood behind the closed door, head in bow and hand extend. Hoyt gently walks through. The gatekeeper then steps outside, closing the door behind him.

Kafziel, Rafael's father, was a very large demon. He stood slightly taller than Tobey, around 9 feet tall. White feathers covered his wings, and his eyes seemed to glow, even if they didn't really. He looked down on Hoyt.

  • "Hoyt, always proper." -

  • "Thanks for seeing me." -

  • "To what honor is this visit? It is rather unexpected. Come, have a seat." - Kafziel sits on a large piece of embroided furniture behind him. He gestures to Hoyt with an open hand signaling a smaller version of said piece to his left. The ice lord takes the seat.

  • "It is about the Virgin Virus." - Hoyt said firmly.

  • "It couldn't have come at a better time. Don't you agree." -

  • "We're actually working on restoring the species." - Hoyt felt a pang of anger at Kafziel's sarcasm.

  • "Oh... and who is 'We'? The rest of the military?" - Kafziel growls.

  • "A group of demons that were all joined with Dr. Oscar." -

  • "Dr. Oscar...." - Kafziel seemed heavily annoyed at this information.

  • "Yes." - Hoyt nods.

  • "Why would you do such a thing, ice general? It... does not make sense to me." -

  • "It makes perfect sense to me. We're going to restore the world as it used to be." -

  • "The world was dirty in the past. It is clean now, just a fraction away from perfection." - Kafziel's voice felt exasperated.

  • "Do you really believe such a thing." - Hoyt was deeply restraining himself, keeping a clean face and hiding the diverse types of anger he was feeling from Kafziel's reaction.

  • "Don't question me, ice lord. And to answer your question; you will get nothing from us. Is there anything more rational you need?" -

  • "Look, Kafziel. If the time comes for us to cross paths while were working on this, I expect you to keep on your way and not interfere. That would be quite sad." -

  • "I have the right of way, general. Don't expect me to just let you slide." - Kafziel looked awfully serious, his muscles tensed, his wings extended and his sight capable of boring through diamond.

  • "I may have overstayed my welcome, then. Don't be an ignorant fool, Light Lord." - Hoyt stand, and turns.

  • "I don not fight without reason. But when I do, I do not lose. I don't expect to fight you, I don't want to have to do anything with you. But believe me, Ice Lord..." - Kafziel growls.

Hoyt grunts, and angrily opens the door, startling the gatekeeper. Kafziel stands, arms crossed behind him, looking triumphantly. The door is closed.

The gatekeeper sees Hoyt out, neither speaking a word. The door behind him is closed, he regroups with the other six demons.

  • "What happened?" - Rafael is the first to ask, noticing Hoyt's frustration.

  • "I may have forgotten how it is to talk to Kafziel..." - Hoyt replies.

  • "So it's another no go." - Ariyoshi remarks.

  • "That was to be expected." - Rafael sighs.

  • "I don't expect to cross paths with any other blue-blood that hasn't agreed to help. I'm just hoping, if we do, that there is no conflict. But you never know." - Hoyt takes a deep breath.

  • "So, we return now?" - Boto asks.

  • "Yes. I'm growing increasingly tired, I'm sure you all do." -

  • "Let's get ourselves back to the human world. To warmth..." -

Virgin Virus - Ch17: Evanescent

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 - Silence](%5C) [Ch11...

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Virgin Virus - Ch15: Dust

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter fifteen- - Last Chapter: - The Alpha crew had dealt with most of the city they were assigned to investigate, finding no useful evidence to bring back with them....

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Virgin Virus - Ch14: Black

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Fourteen- - Last Chapter: - Hoyt, Raphael, Jason, Boto, Ariyoshi, Rude and Sebastian were assigned to deal with the royal blue-blood...

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