Virgin Virus - Ch15: Dust

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#18 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter fifteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

The Alpha crew had dealt with most of the city they were assigned to investigate, finding no useful evidence to bring back with them. Charles talks to them about the harsh times of the post-Virgin Virus realm. Then, the group is ambushed by a Chimera. Dose manages to save the crew, but not without being disturbed himself...

Yun wakes rather easily and pleasantly, like if he had been in a very nice dream. He yawns and slowly leans up, he laid in comfortable bed. He looks around as he quickly comes to his senses. He was in Apollo's base.

  • "This is much better than our dormitories." - Yun thought to himself.

Another lesser yawn slips from his lips, he smacks his tongue a bit, then stretches and massages his shoulders, the same pleasant dream feeling still lingering, but in more physical manner. He looks in the direction this feeling was coming from... his groin. He had an erection, very visible and plainly feeling the faint breeze.

  • "Wait, were are my pants? and-" - As he whispers to himself, he taps his forehead. He felt slight relief to know that his headband was still on his head. Yun would feel annoyed, he didn't really enjoy being naked, as uncommon as that was among demons.

  • "Who's the perv? I didn't need to lose my pants." - He growls softly.

Further assessing the room, he saw all of the Beta group save for Bruno, in separate beds. Then the sound of an approaching demon echoes into his ears. Soon, a head pops up at the open door that lead to the hallway, a green haired incubus.

  • "I see you're up and awake." - Says the thin demon with a smile as he slips into the dormitory.

  • "Erm, you are?" - Yun rushedly covers his exposed privates.

  • "Anshel... you came to our territory unannounced, so here you all are." -

The demon steps in front of the bed Yun was laying on, Yun looking back at the slim, slender body of the peculiar demon.

  • "How are you supposed to that any way? It's a freaking desert." - Yun mutters.

  • "Well, the palm trees." -

  • "The trees? Really?" - Yun makes a quizzical expression. Anshel nods.

  • "And why are my pants missing?" - Yun asks, some anger perspiring. - "Is it the trees too?" -

  • "Why do you care about such a thing anyhoo?" - Anshel smiles, quite amused.

  • "It's important to me." - Yun's face clearly shows discontent, Anshel snickers.

  • "You don't look like you need any restraining there." -

  • "What's that supposed to mean?" -

  • "Whatever you want it to mean." -

Anshel crosses his arms, full of smug.

  • "Real funny... so it was you then." -

  • "What if it was? What are you going to do to me?" - Anshel raises an eyebrow in a teasing manner.

  • "Look," - Yun stands suddenly off the bed, with defiance. - "Just get my pants back." -

  • "Oh yeah, I'll do that. No need to get so irritated. I see that you need some restraining after all." -

Anshel beams deviantly after taking the whole sight of Yun in front of him.

  • "What are you-" - Yun pauses. - "Just get my damn pants!" - Yun growls and points towards the exit.

  • "Ok, ok." - The green haired incubus leaves with a grin, full of amusement.

  • "Hmph." -


  • "Ungh, whats all the hubbub?" - Monk groans as he slowly wakes up, leaning up on the bed beside.

  • "Oh, hey." - Yun looks at the younger demon as he sits back on he bed he was earlier on.

  • "Yeah..." - Monk peeks under his sheets.

  • "I guess we had nice dreams, huh?" -

  • "Maybe..." -

  • "I wish I could remember what it was..." - He gently pokes the tip of his member.

  • "Hey!" - Yun looks at the lad exasperated.

  • "Whaaaat?" - Monk chuckles.

  • "I haven't done anything." -

  • "I hope you don't do." -

  • "We all have needs, you know." - Monk keeps a happy smirk.

Yun sighs and looks around, brows furrowed.

  • "Where's Bruno, Yun?" -

  • "I guess he's outside. They wouldn't guess he's on our side just by looking at him." - Yun shrugs.

  • "Oh no..." - Suddenly Monk's eyes open wide.

He gets off the bed in a snap.

  • "I have to get him. I hope he's ok." -

Monk sprints, despite the slight morning grogginess. He dashes along the set of sandy colored halls and corners. The desert base was pretty empty, at least that was what Monk thought. Soon enough, he barrels through the doors that lead him to the sand outside. On a pole stuck near the structure, the chain wrapped around it was tied to a collar around Bruno's thick neck.

  • "I didn't know those came so big... He looks cute in it aww... Thankfully he's ok... He's gonna he full of sand..." - Monk pauses and thinks, then jumps to wake up the large demon.

  • "Bruunoo! Wake up, you big lug." - Monk kneaded and pushed.

  • "Mo-Monk?... My little demon... -yawn-" - The manticore slowly leans up to face the smaller demon.

The sand covered almost all of the fur where he was resting upon.

  • "Were gonna have to clean you." - Monk hugs his big newfound lover, full of relief.

  • "I guess." - Bruno rumbles, pressing Monk against his full chest.

  • "Don't get sand on me." - Monk gently pulls from the large demon, smiling happily.

  • "I would like a proper cleaning, with water and you." - Bruno softly nuzzles his incubus.

  • "*sigh* Yeah, that be very nice." - Monk caresses his mate's muzzle.

  • "Mmm. Monk..." - The manticore looks lovingly at Monk, approaching slowly at his mouth.

  • "Lad, get inside. The manticore stays outside." -

Out of nowhere a succubus with blue undulating hair steps out. Monk literaly jumps and meeps, and Bruno steadies and grunts.

  • "Aw, why? He's on our side." - Monk attempts to convince her.

  • "I'm just relaying orders, lad. Plus, the beast is too big." -

As she speaks, Bruno stands, towering over them both. Monk looks at him with worry.

  • "Aw, I guess you do cover a lot of space, huh..." -

Both Bruno and Monk simultaneously shudder to shave of the sand, the tiny particles spreading all around them. Then Bruno's big hand grabs Monks, who looks back.

  • "I'll be fine, little demon." - A smile is drawn in his broad muzzle.

  • "Ok." - Monk returns the smile as he turns back to the base.

He glances at the succubus, her face lacked any emotion or reaction.

She leads Monk, and the gate is closed behind them. They step into a narrow corridor with a tall ceiling. Maseng, Rose, Gale and Yun were all there. Yun was calm now that his lower body wore his favorite green pants. Gale, Maseng and Rose still had a groggy look.

  • "I wonder how Carl is holding up..." - Yun thought to himself after a mental sigh.

The succubus that lead monk steps through the twin doors at the opposite end of the hall. Monk then proceeds to lean against the nearest wall.

  • "Where were you?" - Maseng looks at Monk questioningly.

  • "Looking for Bruno. I needed to know if he was okay..." - Monk keeps looking at his furry feet.

  • "Ugh." - Rose complains.

Some minutes pass in silence and boredom, then Anshel steps out.

  • "Come in, if you please. Apollo is anxious to know why you're all here." -

He opens the entrance wide, an arm extended in welcome. The five demons of Beta step into the room, it was lit with the solar rays that pierce through the dozen windows located at the highest part of each wall. At the center, a long table with a total of twenty six seats. Apollo sat at the other end of the room, with the blue haired succubus standing beside the leader. A moment later, Anshel too joins the leader at the opposite side. The Beta crew stand to the left of the table.

  • "I had given the warning for a reason. I could've easily wiped you all out from here. Hoyt may be very confident, but I'm much more careful. Sometimes I question Hoyt.." -

Apollo was a slender, sturdy incubus. His hair was slightly unkempt, and it had a faint glow to it. He extends his wings a moment as he takes deep breath. His body was almost perfectly formed, with a slightly smaller mass.

  • "You're lucky Vega was just scouting." -

The succubus finally had a name. She was almost sublime in her proportions, with no lack or exaggeration of anything. her hair reached under her waist, and it seemed alive like flowing energy.

  • "So you're the sand siren... what a beautiful voice." - Gale thinks to himself as he stares at the demoness.

  • "Let's get to the point. Why are you here?" - Apollo asks, leaning forward on the table.

  • "Hoyt's orders. Were gathering reinforcements for a restoration campaign." - Gale bows.

  • "Restoration campaign? Is this about the virgin virus? I thought he had given us orders to ignore the disaster. I guess he did some further pondering." - Apollo's face turned more serious.

  • "He had some persuasion" - Maseng adds.

  • "Heh, this is bigger than I thought. I personally never checked, or even sent my subordinates." -

  • "Well be rendezvous in the human world." -

  • "What? Human world?" -

  • "Dr Oscar.. you could say he is spearheading this event." - Maseng finishes, the three demons absorbing the news.

  • "Oscar, that man sure gets around... I'll have to agree, it is the general's orders." - Apollo stands from his seat, wings extend.

  • "We as military blue bloods have to respond to the generals call, trusting that these are issued with the purpose of aiding the incubus species. And honestly, this issue was long overdue." - Apollo had declared in his firm baritone.

  • "If your group would please wait outside. I'll talk to my group and well then accompany you." -

All the demons nod in unison, then the Beta group moves out.

Once outside in the sand, they encounter Bruno, still chained, sitting pensive as he looked over the horizon. Gale grants a nod and Maseng a - "Manticore." - out of mere recognition.

Yun follows with a nod, Monk hurries to the beast's side, and finally Rose looks intently at the manticore.

  • "You look perfect, I wouldn't have you any other way." - She remarks.

  • "Very funny." - Monk gives Rose a mean look, and Bruno just lets it slide.

The manticore grabs the metal chain like a piece of string, and yanks it, breaking it without any problem into many little pieces. His big muzzle cracks a gentle grin.

  • "Like me better now?" - He replies, looking at the succubus.

She only grunts, crosses her arms under her breasts and looks away.

  • "Hehe." - Monk smiles at the lion beast.


Apollo was standing very thoughtful of the new orders and their implications.

  • "This is an interesting turn of events. I'm not in any actual position to question the generals orders. I really want to talk to him." -

  • "This just sounds awfully odd to me, commander." - Anshel expresses his concern.

  • "Well see, Anshel. Duty needs to be done." -

Vega just listened patiently.

  • "The Virgin Virus is no imp's tale." -

Virgin Virus - Ch16: Light

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Sixteen- - Last Chapter: - The Beta Group woke up inside the base of Apollo, a fellow military blue blood. It was a brief meeting, the leader of that base...

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Virgin Virus - Ch14: Black

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Fourteen- - Last Chapter: - Hoyt, Raphael, Jason, Boto, Ariyoshi, Rude and Sebastian were assigned to deal with the royal blue-blood...

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Virgin Virus - Ch13: Azure

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Thirteen- - Last Chapter: - Yun, Monk, Rose, Maseng and Gale; Team Beta as they were quickly labeled, were tasked to inform the rest of the demon military what...

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