Virgin Virus - Ch13: Azure

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#16 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Thirteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

Yun, Monk, Rose, Maseng and Gale; Team Beta as they were quickly labeled, were tasked to inform the rest of the demon military what was going on. As they traveled along the tunnel of Resolution, Monk finds himself in the Nothing, suddenly, unexpectedly. There, he finds Bruno, the exact same Manticore he knocked out last time they were in the demon plane. After some talking, they agreed to be master and familiar, Monk being the one in command of the huge lion-beast. The rest of the team are quick to skepticism, but they can't deny the tactical advantages to a tame muscle beast. As they resume their journey, they are soon hindered by the heat of the desert...

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve.

The third and last time was tasked with the negotiation of the Blue Bloods. Being composed of fellow royal demons themselves, it was the best shot they had at convincing these powerful Incubi and Succubae to aid in the restoration of their world. Many of them claim that they deserve to have no part in the salvation of a world they abhor and neglect, but some consider that this may be so because of the Blue Bloods' exclusion from the rest of their society, if it could be called such. Ariyoshi would speak such claim; saying that some of the families, if they knew what was going on, would help without a second thought. That they simply don't know, perhaps because they don't need to.

The nobility and the ranks of the demons has never been a topic of much argument, because the segregation has never been an actual liability to their everyday lives. But this is another time, a radical time.

Hoyt, Ariyoshi, Rude, Sebastian, Rafael, Hayden, Jason, Boto... they control many aspects of their worlds nature. They could easily handle anything, should the negotiations escalate to hostile levels. But that was not the goal, but rather the opposite of it. Still, among those known families, some of them are exiled, others are known to be readily hostile to others outside their bloodline, or even those inside the family. So they pondered which families to visit first, in order of possible encounters.

The demons of Team Gamma find themselves in a circle, discussing where to go. They stand under the golden light of a sinking sun in the horizon, on a cliff with a view to the vast ocean.

  • "My family lives underwater. They've always been a peace loving family." - Boto speaks.

  • "Ariyoshi's theory would make sense for your family. I don't know what other family would apply, though." - Jason adds.

  • "They rarely get out, they use portals the find in the deep caverns to feed and such." - Boto explains, looking at the sea.

  • "It should be a swift briefing The faster we do this the better." - Hoyt commands, looking at Boto with his arms crossed in front of his powerful chest.

  • "I'll try to make it as quickly as possible. But I can't guarantee it will be THAT fast. I mean, I haven't seen them in a long while..." - Boto trails off.

  • "This is no time for a family reunion." - Hoyt grunts.

  • "I know, I know..." -

  • "Get to it then." - Sebastian nudges his shoulder, signaling the clear water.

Boto takes the cue and jumps off the cliff, diving several dozen feet into the water. The entrance barely makes a splash, a signal of Boto's skill. His silhouette is soon invisible to the rest of the crew as he swims away at a speed only a demon like him can.

  • "There's a reason why only demons of his family deal with water." - Jason looks, his face crunched in slight disgust.

  • "Water's good for you. It cleanses." - Ariyoshi looks at the crew, with a smile.

  • "We can't simply just wait for Boto here. What's our next destination?" - Hoyt asks the team.

  • "Umm... I can try my family. I honestly don't know what will happen." - Jason ends with a soft sigh.

  • "We can later head towards my family's castle." - Sebastian adds.

  • "Any other suggestions?" - Hoyt looks around. He waits a moment, but no one answers. - "We shall do that then. Why don't you take a head start, Jason." -

  • "Umm, right." - Jason turns, looking at the direction he's supposed to take.

  • "Where will you go? How far is it?" - Sebastian asks.

  • "It's the volcanic ring. Ten miles south from here." -

  • "Hmm..." -

  • "All families live in harsh environments only they can stand." - Hoyt speaks, his look eternally serious.

Jason then takes off southward. The clear skies above the team slowly turn darker and darker as the sight follows the southern path. The sun continues to dive into the horizon at its cosmically slow pace, the light it grants dimmer.

  • "May ask you a question, general?" - Rafael looks at Hoyt.

  • "I don't see why not." -

  • "What about your family?" - There's slight worry in Rafael, thinking he might be asking too personal a question. Hoyt is silent for a moment, and Rafael worries.

  • "It's a complicated story, lad. To give you an idea... I wasn't born wingless." - Hoyt reference the large protruding scars in his back.

  • "I'm... sorry I asked." -

  • "It's a valid question. I may talk about it some other time." - Hoyt doesn't seem to relax his stance.

Rude leans close to Ariyoshi, whispering: - "I wouldn't mind having mine cut off. Plus, I'll have a pair of cool scars to boot." -

  • "What?! Oh no you wont!" - Ariyoshi snaps, keeping it as contained as possible. Rude looks indifferent as always.

Hayden chuckles, Hoyt and Rafael just look at them, Rafael still with slight guilt at his previous question.


The waters of the demon world swelled with life, no different from the human variant. Some would say that the only part that doesn't change between dimensions is that in the sea. Boto's wings served for flight, but were much better suited for high-speed swimming. His speed would could rival a torpedo on a good day. Boto felt much more at home in the water, but he never talked about that. He hugged the sea bottom. Around him fish and creatures of all shapes, colors and sizes swam undisturbed This was all known to him. As he swam further into the deep sea, it got deeper. Some rocky formations resembling pillars reminded him that he was very close to home.

He would enter a large cave entrance, the tunnel long winding and the water temperature colder inside. There were less fish around this area. He curved and spiraled with significant ease through this rocky funnel. One mistake could cause serious injury; sharp and dangerous stone formations were a threat to the unfamiliar swimmer. Poisonous sea critters only made it worse. But Boto was in no danger. He was home.

He surfaces inside the tunnel complex, hoping out and acrobatically landing on the rocky floor. Dripping wet in salt water, he smiles wide. A warm feeling fills him, that which can only be felt where you belong.

  • "I'm home!" - He shouts in his raspy voice, as he steps quickly around the cave, caressing the rock walls as if it were a fur rug. The stone here was smooth, all work of the water demons. Light came from the surfacing hole, and some gemstones bring some unnatural yet enchanting blue hue to what would otherwise be a pitch black cave.

He reaches the first room, and already he finds someone. Happiness slowly fills him, and he slams his on what would resemble a stone table.

  • "Hey! Wake up!" - He yelps at the incubus who sleeps near the other wall.

He easily was a grown up version of Boto, with longer hair and a better build. This was common in royal families, they looked very so alike. The hair was matted and silky, as if permanently wet, reaching down to the nipple on his chest. His fur with an appropriate blue hue. He lied there resting his head on his arms in what looked like a pillow made out of seaweed, well asleep. He groans at Boto's yelp, then his eyes try to open. He indeed hears a familiar voice and wakes to greet it.

  • "Wah... B-boto?" - His fellow incubus says groggily as he straightens himself on the makeshift bed, eyes half-open.

  • "Yeah!" - Boto lunge at his friend and hugs him tightly, with a warm smile.

  • "Boto! Why, I missed ya son!" - The hugged victim snaps. His son is back. He hugs him with even more strength than his son could muster. His eyes would well up with tears. After a long moment of tenderness, they carefully pull from each other.

  • "What are you doing here son? I thought you weren't coming back for a while. Adventuring with your friends and all." -

  • "Well, somethings come up. I really have to talk to you, and I really wanted to see you." -

  • "That's real nice son. What did you need to talk about?" - As he asks this, Boto sits beside his father.

  • "It's kind of... heavy to talk about." -

  • "Heavy?" -

  • "Once I tell you, you'll feel a huge weight in your heart. If you don't know already..."

  • "So tell me, so." -

  • "Well, I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about. I mean, we never really leave this place. I was the weird one when I said I wanted to go." -

  • "Yes, but it's normal." -

  • "Well, it's been years. And, there's been a sort of... worldwide situation." -

There was some silence before he resumed. The tension was palpable.

  • "A virus... killed half our demon species. All our females, at least, the ones living normally, they all basically extinguished. Chaos followed, and the world is basically a ruin. One massive ruin." -

  • "W-wha..." - More silence. - "Why didn't we know? Why didn't anyone tell us? How long has it been." - Boto's father was very, very uneasy. Sorrow easily marked his face.

  • "Over a year since then." -

  • "Son... why now? I mean, if it were me... I would try to find my family and hope they are safe." -

  • "We went into hiding... and I was sure you were going to be safe. I wasn't that worried." -

The father just looked at his son with worry.

  • "At least you're fine." - He says as he hugs his son.

  • "Well, I don't wanna drag on. They want me back as soon as possible. So I'll... get to the point." - Boto was feeling quite uncomfortable by this point.

  • "Hmm..." -


Boto managed to explain every single detail up to the present to his father. What have they done so far, who were with him. The terrible condition their world was in. His father had a hard time understanding everything. But he knew what he had to do, how to help his son and the species as a whole.


  • "Son... Boto. I have no doubt what you tell me it's true... We've been living like hermits.. I mean, it's common for those of blue blood, but also selfish. I don't know what I myself can do, or how can our family help... but I have something that can make you more useful and protect you if this ordeal starts to become overwhelming." - He holds his son's hand, looking intensely at each other. Boto just wondered what could it be.

  • "Wait here one second." - Says his father as he stands from where they sat and heads to the other room. He comes back a minute later with a string necklace.

  • "Son, this is our family's most prized possession" - The father sits again beside his son. Boto could not stop looking at the azure glowing jewel in the necklace.

  • "What is it?" -

  • "This is the Poseidon Jewel. The head of the family passes it to his successor whenever he is to pass away, or in time of great need. This is one such time." -

  • "Dad, why don't you use it yourself?" - Boto's eyes open wide, his heart beats faster.

  • "I need to stay here and protect this place. I need to tell the rest of the family once they wake up. Besides, you can releases the jewel's potential more easily than I can." -

  • "What does it do exactly...?" -

  • "A little drip of your blood will activate it. It will give you all the power you need to encounter any problem. All families have a Family Jewel... and now you'll be carrying ours."-

  • "Father..." -

  • "You said it yourself Boto, time's a'wastin. The world needs you. It needs to be restored, it needs to be improved. The young will know what's best for the new world." -


The fire demon's family lived in a temple, comparable to a greek sort of structure when referenced with human buildings. It was built, or rather carved out of a small piece of volcanic rock, which floated in a lake of lava. The lava was trapped by miles of volcanic mountains. By itself it was not a volcano, but rather an area where subterranean magma flows to the surface and fills the open crater. Its peculiar localization in the Outer Shore gives it odd properties, and the sky above was forever covered by pitch black clouds of ash.

The temple itself was expanse, and lacked any commodities The heat will make a prolonged stay in the area unbearable to any Incubus or Succubus other than the fire demons. The temperature was normal for Jason. One particular trait of these demons was their control over their internal temperature and that around them.

  • "Hello?" - Jason steps inside, only surrounded by the fiery red glow of the lava and the granite covered pillars.

  • "He must be in the magma pool." - Jason heads to the back end of the temple, into the large room full of hot, boiling lava. Inside, he could see his father's horns pop out from under the liquid fire.

  • "Father! - Jason shouts, understanding that hearing is not easy from under the lava.

Prominences leap like solar flares when Jason raises his voice, and slowly his father slips out of the lava, hopping out out onto the ledge his son was standing. The ground buckles and cracks where he lands.

  • "Jason... what do you need?" - His heavy voice resonates around the ample chamber.

Jason's father was a transformed demon, having used the Family Jewel once. He stood a pair of feet taller than his son, his muscle mass was thicker and his claws where longer, sharper. His hair was unkempt, bright red - far from the reddish brown that is normal for his family - and on his head, a pair of large, curved horns. At the tip of his tail, an ember burned. His eyes glowed red, but slowly dimmed to reveal the ruby pupils.

  • "You... know about the Virgin Virus?" - Jason keeps his head low.

  • "Why should I?" -

  • "It's a pandemic... our world is in ruins because of it." - Jason tries to explain.

  • "'Our World' is here. The tainted demons do not concern us, they do not compose 'Our World'. They are replaceable, unlike us." -

  • "Wait... what?" -

  • "Do I need to make myself any clearer? The outside world does not concern me. Not even because you so madly desire to live it. But if it is true that it is in ruins, it's not much worse off than before." -

His father, standing imposing in front of his son grunts. His voice surges along the granite where they stand.

Jason did not know what to say, do or think.

  • "Why have you come here? Aren't you happier outside?" - his father demands, looking fiercefully at his son.

  • "I just... wanted to ask for help." -

  • "You'll have none of it here. Leave before I change my mind." - the fire master growls as he turns and jumps back in the sweltering lava pool.

  • "I... should've known." - Jason thinks to himself, with an added imaginary sigh, and full of disappointment He slowly leaves the way he came, closing the door behind him.

One less force to help with the world restoration. Still, there was no slowing down.

As he walks towards exiting, a hand grabs his shoulder. He turns in an instant to face whoever startles him.

  • "Brother?" - Jason quickly recognizes that his kin.

  • "Yep. It's me Jason. Don't go killing me now." - the fire demon's brother smiles,.

  • "Ah um... don't do that, man." - with a sigh, Jason manages to relax.

  • "I need to talk to you. I overheard the conversation you had with our father." -

  • "That wasn't really a conversation." - It was more of a restatement of old facts.

  • "Nevermind that. I can help you." -

  • "Ah... how?" -

Jason and his sibling could've easily been mistaken as fraternal twins. His brother was physically very similar, sporting a slightly wider frame and bulkier build, his hair was shorter and darker.

  • "With this." - The Brother reveals that he had been holding a large ruby. Jason's eyes widen as he gasps.

  • "Wha- that's the family jewel." - Jason looks at his kin.

  • "Yep." -

  • "I thought you were the one meant to use it." - The younger demon looks back at the jewel.

  • "As long as it is with a family member, and more than one have knowledge about its location, it's perfectly fine and part of my duty." - The older fire-wielder speaks in a serious tone.

  • "You could always come with us and help, bro." -

  • "Yeah, but It's better if I stay. Father's just brooding all the time, and if I'm not here, he's gonna suspect something." - Jason's brother shrugs.

  • "I guess that's right. This is... pretty big." -

  • "I've been outside a few times, and I'm pretty sure you need massive help." -

  • "It would've been more help if you all went, but I guess that's not gonna happen." -

  • "Eh... our world needs a change." - the older fire-wielder sighs.

  • "It needs to become more united." - Jason adds. - "Well, I better get going." - The fire demon stats walking out the temple.

  • "I'll see you. Take care, bro." - His brother pats the younger demon in the back. A slight smile draws in Jason's muzzle.

  • "Sure." -

He hops outside and glides back to regroup with the demons of Gamma.


Hoyt, Raphael, Ariysohi, Sebastian and Rude had moved to the third planned location upon Hoyt's orders. Lacking any time to waste, they were a few miles away from the White Hole, where Sebastian's family lived. This area is a particular dimensional phenomenon. It is a crater of twelve square miles where tornado-strength winds blow upwards eternally into the false heavens. In the center, a floating island lies unmoving, a castle built upon it. That is where the wind-wielders gather. The castle of winds is one of the safest places to be, but only those who command the winds can enter and exit at will. Anyone else will be sent into the void of the Nothing.

  • "I fear that the negotiations might not go so smoothly." - Sebastian says as he looks fixatedly at his former home.

  • "Why is that?" - Hoyt asks.

  • "I went rogue, and I've been mated to a human woman for years. They won't want to hear from me." -

  • "Ah... we'll see about that." -

  • "Umm... Rude here says that by no means he will go up there." - Ariyoshi mutters, his partners look at him and Rude, who stood beside him.

  • "And why would that be?" - Rafael asks, a bit confused.

  • "Rude may look and act awfully tough, but he gets real uneasy and unstable when he's not on firm ground, since he has little control over his powers." -

  • "Then he stays, and you keep watch, time-wielder." - Hoyt growls after a pause. Rude just keeps his arms crossed, looking serious as he always does.

  • "I'll see what we can do up there." - Sebastian, Raphael and Hoyt walk towards the howling wind hole...

Virgin Virus - Ch14: Black

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Fourteen- - Last Chapter: - Hoyt, Raphael, Jason, Boto, Ariyoshi, Rude and Sebastian were assigned to deal with the royal blue-blood...

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Virgin Virus: The Dragon

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Teaser- This particular one is written as part "Teaser", part gift. Well, sort of. It may be a bit over-the-top, overly serious, violent or baroque... however you want to put. As a note,...

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Virgin Virus: Carl and Yun

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Side Story 2- Well, my return to writing wasn't quite the success I expected it to be. But after many ideas, many situations and many conclusions, I manage to write this story. It was...

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