Virgin Virus: Carl and Yun

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#14 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Side Story 2-

Well, my return to writing wasn't quite the success I expected it to be. But after many ideas, many situations and many conclusions, I manage to write this story. It was literally written bit by bit every time I had to wait for a bus, wait for a line, or before I went to sleep, and not on a computer. I don't know if that's any special, but if it means anything, it means It'll be easier for me to compose these stories. So enjoy.

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve.

--The Mind Log--

--Carl's Story--

I've always thought that diaries are kind of useless, but every night I'll usually recite myself a synopsis of what went on during the day, what was good or not so good... kind of like what you do with those little books. I think to myself all of this half-expecting someone out there meticulously typing for future reading. Well, I normally don't have anything interesting going on... I don't think my insecurities make for something worth reading. But today's different.

If I didn't know any better, id say my life is on completely new course as of this date. but I may be overthinking things. But, let's get to it, shall we? You may be thinking: Who is this young, insecure fellow? Well, you can call me Carl. I'll be 18 years old in a month. I don't think that day will be of that significance. I'm built slightly above average; I have some muscle and size on me. As far as my sexuality goes, I never quite defined myself, at least not 'til today. I was never really worried about it. I mean, I did play with myself, but just for the sake of it. And I really didn't mind porn. These are all details that will make my experience more understandable. Maybe.

As I walked out of campus at the conclusion of another day at high school, I crossed the park in front of the building like I always do, a shortcut to home. A 15 minute turns into half that; roughly 7 minutes. I enjoyed the walks, they were relaxing even when traffic got really packed. As far I knew, I was the only one that walked that route. I wasn't even halfway through the thin forest when I felt something pull me by the backpack.

My most immediate thought was that a branch got hooked on the bookbag's upper handle. I reach at it lifting my left hand over my head, expecting to feel the branch or its leaves. A tiny part of me hoped that the branch was free of thorns, like the ones on the lemon trees around here. Those would hurt like heel; the deviously sharp thorns. I felt... hair? I yanked, and it was as if I didn't do anything. The grip was firm.

I turn to deal with the inconvenience directly. There's a person holding my bookbag, and doesn't plan on letting go. My body is slow to figure out I may be in danger. This was a very unfamiliar presence. Almost... inhuman. The slight panic I felt prevented me from realizing this any sooner. I gasp and inch myself a step back. My bag is released, and a stream of thoughts tells me to run away and forget this little incident. But a more primal set of thoughts held me, excitement, curiosity, adventure. This was an Incubus; I was intercepted by a demon. Father studied these creatures - hypersexual fur covered anthros with bat-like features and a long tail - , and I had learned about them from him.

The demon remained very still, his view fixed on me. He seemed... weak. Once I figured what stopped me, I felt compelled to figure this creature out. A moment later, the demon's legs seemed to give way and he literally falls. My body reacts to help him before the thought is even generated. I manage to hold onto his waist and helped him sit on the leafy grass. I sat on an indian position in front of him. The demon kept his head low and his right arm across his stomach. This humanoid was taller than me by a few inches, and now that we were seated, I could see him more clearly; his fur was a sort of tangy orange color, he was wearing a headband and a pair of green pants. The backpack was becoming unnecessary weight, so I slid it off my shoulders.

This demon was definitely lethargic or something.

  • Why don't you run? - the demon asks in a deep but weak voice.

I wasn't sure myself.

  • You look like you need help. - I said.

His breathing was shallow.

  • I'm not a human... you can't help me. - his eyes strayed.

  • I know what you are. That's mainly why I didn't just run away. -

He kept silent after that, and my head was swimming with questions.

  • So you know that I'm a threat to you... and you still stay? - his eyes were half closed.

  • I just think your kind is fascinating. And... how did you get so weak? What happened to you...? - he was just as fascinating as a lion or a tiger would be to you.

I leaned forward a bit, expecting an answer.

  • It... would be too hard to explain. - he sighed.

I was having guesses in my head about what was his problem and why...

  • Ok... but you seem hungry... - I trailed off.

Incubi fed on humans, and sex was the way they liked to have it. I drowned any signal of panic or worry, this demon didn't seem very interested.

  • It is not my time to feed. - the demon growled.

  • But won't you die? - my face formed a worried look.

  • I do not feed without consent like other demons do... - he caught his breath and resumed - And I'm aware that my feeding can be a grievance to your kind... -

So this demon is worried about our grievances? It's like a lion worrying about how his next meal would feel if he took a bite. To me, that didn't make much sense... He was hungry and suffering for it. And it also seemed kind of... caring. Sweet, even... a kind of thoughtfulness for life that you don't see every day. I was beside myself, probably staring in disbelief.

  • So you'll just let yourself die? - that was a thought I really couldn't handle.

He just remained silent. I... knew what would help this stranded demon. It was a sort of an overwhelming thought. I could also just leave and let this particular demon die of hunger. I could also take him back to my father. He would know how to help him, but then again, the demon may actually die beforehand. Lastly, I could...

  • You can feed from me... - what was I getting myself into...?

I felt my face get hot, I was probably blushing. His look at me changed. He looked confused, half-surprised and almost thankful.

  • You give me your consent to feed on you? - he asked.

The offer was made. I didn't evaluate things, I was probably about to have a sexual act with a man-creature on a park a few yards from the school. Part of me was scared as hell and generally nervous, but the other was as excited as I've ever been. My pants were getting tighter. In my subconscious, I really wanted this.

  • Y-yes... I don't want to have the thought of a creature like you dead. And... it's not like I'm getting my blood drained or any part of me eaten, right? - The mouse was offering itself to the hungry, dying cat.

The demon shook his head. - I will be satisfied with a small, intimate portion of your essence. - he said in a soft voice.

He managed to slide a bit closer. I started to inhale his scent, it was strong but gentle, pleasantly easing its way into my nostrils. My heartbeat was accelerating, dad always said that the incubi were insane hormone factories. I was most likely experiencing their effect on me... or was this something else...?

  • You call me a creature when I'm clearly not. I'm a demon, a monster. - he kept his soft voice, looking into my eyes and sparking this odd feeling that I'd known him since forever... what the hell was this?

  • H-how is this going to be done?- that was a primary concern.

I backed up a bit, his muzzle was an inch away.

  • I will taste you, and then take what I need. -

I blinked and froze in place. He crossed an arm behind me, pulling me to and straightening my position. I gasp and grab his arm.

  • Shall I? - he said, and I just kept looking at him.

Suddenly, I found myself wanting to run my fingers through his red hair. It was styled in a lovely flame shape, and almost seemed to glow against the rays of light that shone thought the leaves. The wind caressed it very softly. He puts his other hand behind my neck and presses his lips against mine, his tongue licking them and sliding in between. I moan at the initial jolt of pleasure, this new sensation being almost overwhelming. This motion repeated ad infinitum for three minutes as the sensations grew exponentially. He further pressed me against his body. The incubus used his left hand to deepen the kiss by gently pulling my lower neck and propelling his tongue further into my mouth. Our lips locking and unlocking together, he explored my mouth entirely with that thick tongue of his.

I held on to his bare shoulders, holding tight on his muscular furry form. The feeling of his fur was like nothing I had ever felt before, making his touch so much more pleasurable. He kept on masterfully kissing me, I could feel the bulge of his cock through his shorts, rubbing against mine. The redhead kept tasting and feeling me and making me moan into his muzzle for a while before he began to slow down. He held both my arms, rubbing them softly as he pulled back.

  • You taste exquisite. - I heard him say with a smile.

I was breathless, panting steadily. I want him to take all that he needs from me. I had to lean on his shoulder, unable to properly keep myself straight. He grabbed my pants and pulled at them, lewdly caressing the bulge my hard cock was making. When he squeezed, I moaned. My manhood (boyhood?) needed to be cared for.

  • Please... - I mused, leaning my hips forward, bucking at his massaging paw.

  • Well, you need to unbutton your pants first.- he said after a light chuckle.

I did as he ordered, swiftly zipping down my fly and opening my pants. The bulging hardon pulsed the moment it was relieved from pressure, some precum having made a wet spot on my white underwear. The incubus slid back, slithering my shirt up my torso and feeling the skin. He slowly approached my crotch. I began lean back a bit, watching this demon do what he was made to do. The thought that this is what gave him nutrition and satisfaction was a pretty damned sexy thought. Once he had reached my imprisoned cock, he snuffled and softly felt it around the edges. He teased me with this foreplay, making me half-moan as he continued. Then he sneaks a finger under my waistband and pulls down.

Thank god. Once freed, my cock slid itself upright. It bounced gently off my oblique, it was so hard and blood pumping furiously into it and... He had swallowed all my seven inches in one gulp. The warm wetness, the lips wrapped tightly around it, his tongue seemingly made for my penis to lay on. This was an amount of pleasure I never had dreamed of, not in million years. He pulled gently, slowly, as he sucked. I could feel my precum, now leaking like crazy, slick his tongue. He quivered at the taste, he seemed to really enjoyed it. The demon let out a gruff moan, muffled by the cock he had in his mouth.

I was gone, I had been for a while. For all I knew, I was not in the middle of a thin forest moaning like some animal in heat. Each other time he sucked on my penis, the feeling became more and more profound. It felt like he was sucking a flame's oxygen, a flame that just kept growing. At this point, I was like a marionette. Not necessarily lifeless, but I was immobilized by this demon. Paralyzed by sheer, unrelenting pleasure. I found my hand tangled in his flaming red hair, pushing down on his head. He was fierce with his sucking now, gripping my thigh hard and his bobbing motions more like jerks, rocking me along. He kept careening towards this seemingly unreachable peak, and...

I came. I felt like my life was leaking into his mouth, bringing him the all necessary sustenance, removing his hunger. He held me by the waist to stop me from collapsing. My lungs were working hard to keep me alive, and my sight was so blurry and hazy... He leant closer and approached my face. I could only clearly see his mouth, seeing that he was licking his lips clearly in deep enjoyment of his meal. A moment later I felt his lips pressing against mine once more. As he opened his, mine slid free in tandem, locking in a kiss. My mouth was filled with a combination of my own semen and his saliva, much more cum than the latter. He had kept a generous volume of it in his mouth, and I had to swallow to prevent gag reflexes. I gulped loudly, and he unlocked our lips. A thin trail of saliva broke as we separated.

I managed to absorb the snowball, feeling the haze and grogginess begin to fade. A loopy smile crept up in my face.

  • I fear to have taken more than necessary. - I could define his expression as one of gratitude and satisfaction with an edge off embarrassment. Perhaps kind of coy.

  • I gave back some of my own essence. - he added.

I weakly leaned on his strong shoulder and closed my eyes.

  • You are so exquisite, boy. And I generally don't touch other males... - he drifted into a pause, then continued. - And if it weren't for you... - He rested his hand over my head.

  • I would've surely died. - He ran his fingers through my short hair. I softly kneaded his shoulder, feeling the strong muscle fiber and the soft, tangy fur.

  • What I did, it will link us. You are sort of my master now. - there was a little joy sprinkled in his voice.

He tenderly held my shoulders and shifted me to look at my face.

  • Ah... I wish I could explain it all, but I guess It'll be tomorrow. When you've recovered. - he was beaming.

  • My name is Yun.- the demon said as he hugged me, my face pressed against his soft furry chest.

Yun helped me up and left, seeming like he just floated away.


That was the life changing moment right there. I hope the abstract typing gremlin could get all of that. In a nutshell, my first sexual experience was a gay one, which involved a supernatural being. It was incredibly intense and it was technically a public performance, having been done in a small forest at a park in front of a school. Granted, no one saw us, or at least I wanted to believe that. It left me with a lot of questions, and a longing for him, for Yun...

The next day came up. I felt pretty excited for our meeting the whole day. For a moment I thought I had a skip to my step. The bell eventually rang as it always does, and I rapidly weaved through the usual crowd and got outside. I wasn't sure why I was so anxious but... the thought of it all made me feel warm and good. I got to that place and effectively, there he was, leaning on the side of a tree, arms crossed and smile drawn.

I wanted to hug hum... no, kiss him! But I was shy to any of that, because I couldn't really define how I felt, other than a generally good feeling. I had too many questions that I wanted answered before I continued. Nonetheless, I was so happy to see him, my whole set of teeth showing through my smile. I was probably swooning and blushing, but I couldn't tell.

  • I see you're much more alert now. - Yun said as I approached him. I eased myself off the bookbag, dropping it on the leafy ground.

  • Yun... I could hear you yesterday, but I couldn't process much of it until recently. - I said, looking down. I remember having to lay on the ground until I was completely sober before I could return home. Moreover, that proved to me that people really didn't know about that path, it was deserted and silent and pleasant.

  • I'm here to explain. Let's sit. - he slowly dropped his rump on the ground, and I sat beside him.

  • Incubi don't usually feed off of males because it can become addictive. Your essence is more potent than that of females, but it can be kind of toxic. And, I don't know how you'll take this, but it took so much effort to hold onto my self control and not suck you dry. I was hungry, and you tasted so good, and then the particular taste of male kicks in... - he was ashamed. - The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you, much less kill you. -

I nodded, feeling a little surprised.

  • I noticed how limp you were going, so I was probably close to draining you bad. So I had to do something unusual... and I gave you some of my essence. The thing of it is that, when I do that, I become tied to you. I mean, I had heard of it, but I never thought I'd have to do it. Some demons do it for power, others for necessity. I did it to repay you, for saving my life. - his smile was worth its weight in gold.

  • I guess I can't complain. I literally can't feed on anyone else, at least not without some kind of adverse effect. - he saw that my expression was still a little puzzled.

  • We don't usually have orgasms because it can have so many weird effects on you humans. - he tried to explain.

  • Ah, Yun... thank you. -

  • Hehe, I thought you were never gonna talk. -

  • I'm just... processing all of this. What is there to do now? -

  • Well, you still have your life to deal with, and I still have mine. Yours is probably more interesting, but still. No matter what, I will find myself visiting you and watching over you and... -

  • Occasionally feeding off me? -

  • Yes... -

  • I... don't mind. My father would love to meet you. -

  • Ah, thank you! - And he hugged me tight with his muscular arms and raised me as he stood. My feet where off the ground. He gently put me back on my feet a few seconds later.

  • I believe I will call you master from now on. Master... -

  • Carl. I'm Carl. And I'm so glad I met you. -

  • Young Carl, my master. - he patted my shoulder and squeezed. I definitely did some swooning now.

  • I must be off to my business. I will see you soon. - he said over his shoulder as he looked at me, and he left. He did that gliding thing again.

So now I was a demon's master? Was he my pet? Familiar? And I felt so good. My loins were stirring madly, part of me had wished he'd want to feed from me right then and there. But I will see him again. As he said, he can't help it. Dad would be ecstatic to meet him.

Virgin Virus: Toby and Alex

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Side Story 1- As my return to writing, instead of just immediately resuming my story, I opted for making a side story instead. I have several of these planned that further flesh out each...

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Virgin Virus - Ch12: Fury

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Twelve- - Last Chapter: - Dose and the rest of the demons and back in their realm, following the directives given by Hoyt and Oscar. A place that was once bustling with...

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Virgin Virus - Ch11: Anatomy

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Eleven- I can say this is the beginning of a new season, yes? I plan for the next 10 chapters to have a different feel to them. Perhaps it would make them better, or maybe...

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