Virgin Virus - Ch12: Fury

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#12 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Twelve-

  • Last Chapter: -

Dose and the rest of the demons and back in their realm, following the directives given by Hoyt

and Oscar. A place that was once bustling with life, reached chaotic proportions after the

pandemic, and a year later, it's now but an empty casket that was forgotten to be buried. They

find a survivor, and encounter a Chimera; their only predator. Raiko manages to save the day...

They're all sure that this is just the first of many adversities they will face...

Disclaimer: It is assumed that this is posted on Yiffstar, and that if you came across this, you

know what to expect. Most content is homosexual, but that shouldn't deter you from reading it

even if you don't approve. Nevertheless, enjoy. Comment, rate, and criticize.

They were separated in three teams. The first would scan the major cities, the second would

spread Hoyt's orders, and the third would negotiate with the royals. The second team would

take the circumventing path through the Military Tunnels, along the Outer Shore, to each of the 3

major bases. Hoyt would've come with them, but he was more crucial to the negotiation of the

royals. Lestat would also have been a great addition, but he had already bailed on them. He

had already expressed his disconcern for the situation beforehand.

Starting off from the Ice Base; name given because of Hoyt's Ice wielding powers; they would

take the craggy paths, through the tunnels, throughout a small desert, and to the Fire Base.

They dashed along at a steady pace.


  • "I can't believe he didn't tell us something like that..." -

Rose is exasperated and undignified. Her succubus face crunched in visible anger. A low

growl serves as undertone to her voice. They continue to dash along their path, faster than any

human could. Faster than cheetahs, faster than cars. Without wings, just pure muscle fiber.

  • "I'm not one to question our general's motives." -

Gale comments, indifferent.

  • "It really matters little." -

Maseng adds with a shrug and a tone that undermines the importance of the topic. Hoyt's

decision to hide an event such as the Virgin Virus from the entire Military. Only a general with

so much power as Hoyt is capable of hiding an event of - literally - pandemic proportions.

  • "What's done is done. We have to concentrate on fixing it. Get over yourself, Rose." -

Yun agrees, tilting his head towards Rose.

  • "I just... can't take lies. Not from anyone, not from him. But I guess it's true what you say..." -

Rose, resigned, sighs. They continue their sprint along the trees.

Monk remains silent in thought.

Rose, Gale, Yun, Maseng and Monk were sent to the Southern Rainlands to spread general

Hoyt's orders. Hoyt, being the head of the entire Military Realm Defense; his word is law. They

were nicknamed Team Beta; to save time and space.

They reach the entrance to the tunnel of Resolution just a dozen minutes after arrival, thanks to

their naturally quick feet and reflexes. The ground covered with dead leaves, the air full of

moisture, gradually vanishes as the close the dark maw of the rocky, cavernous path. They


A badly lit tunnel, shy of a mile long, near the Outer Shore. Resolution written in their ancient

demon language just above. Old torches provide minimal lighting to the cave. This was no

problem, though, demons could see well as long as there was a bit of light. The texture of the

ground became cooler, as cool as dirt could get.


  • "I've always wondered why these tunnels have such dramatic names... I mean, Resolution?" -

Monk expresses his sudden curiosity.

  • "It has to do with our ancient history. They were an important part of some war effort." -

Maseng tries to explain.

  • "Thank you, that's a very in depth explanation, Maseng." - Gale adds, sarcastically with a

growl. Rose and Yun chuckle and grin, Maseng groans.

  • "What does it matter anyway?" - Maseng mutters uncaringly, facing his mocking partners, and

then focusing again on the dark path.

  • "I was just curious, that's all." - Monk shrugs with a half-smirk.

  • "You're always curious, Monk." - Rose says in a dry tone.

  • "They teach this stuff to those training to be Generals." - Maseng mumbles.

  • "It's interesting to know that the military is the one that has kept our world in place. We have

an important job." - Gale comments.

  • "I guess we do, huh?" - Rose agrees.

  • "Say, what are the chances of us getting sucked by the Nothing in this place?" - Maseng

shares his own curiosity.

  • "Uh..." - Monk gets to thinking.

  • "Not likely...." - Gale mumbles.

  • "What can you expect. Those things are unpredictable." - Rose adds.

  • "We can always call the base with the transceivers if that happens." - Monk says.

  • "I don't think we'll get any signal in the Nothing." - Gale mutters. - "We shouldn't worry about

those things." - He added.

Their legs carry them through the darkness, half a mile passed already. Monk gets to thinking

again, the cave reminding him of the last time he was in such a place. The encounter with the

Manticore, the first lion-beast he actually took down. How good it felt to grow so strong, the

process itself painful and pleasurable. Immensely painful. Incredibly pleasurable. He was

spacing out. At least, he could give himself that luxury. The tunnel is technically a straight path,

and his sense would guide his legs the right way.

That one encounter was the most enjoyable thing he ever had. It was just sex, and he was just

defending himself, technically, but those are just minor details. And he craved for it again.

Every night he thought of it, and that would cue in his self pleasuring. There was a familiar

burning sensation whenever he relieved that huge muscle piercing his insides, and

subsequently absorbing the energy. He feels the throbbing sensation so familiar to everyone.

Monk's obviously horny. "Oh gosh, horny in the middle of dashing during a mission with

everyone around me... how embarrassing." he thought. He opens his eyes.

Only darkness surrounds him.

Pitch black, empty. He looks down. For a half-second, he feels like he might fall. "I don't have

wings! I can't fall now!" he panics at the thought. He collapses and sits on invisible solid

ground. Cool as ice, soft as dirt. His tail swivels a bit. He blinks a few times.

  • "This is the Nothing...?" - He looks around, disoriented by the lack of sound, lack of wind, lack

of light. He turns his back. An eerie twilight glow marks the horizon. An unmoving, alien point

of light. Everyone thinks of the sun at this point.

  • "Oh crap..." - it's too much to take. Shocking. His erection, his arousal practically runs away

in fear.

He starts to walk, not realizing he's walking in circles. Sense of time is null, every feeling is

useless in the empty void between realms and dimensions. Panic rising.

  • "I'm gonna go crazy here!" - Monk's breathing speeds up; he holds his arms across his chest

to create a bit of more heat.

In an instant he's captured and lifted off his feet, pressed into the thick fingers of a large hand.

He screams at the initial shock, but then, the feeling of his member rubbing involuntarily and

inevitably against the rough skin reminds him of a recent, similar situation. What he had been

daydreaming about. So obvious. He gasps, sighs, opens his eyes wide and focuses. A

familiar hot, sulphuric breath hits his face. He inhales, he likes it.

  • "Y-you!" - Monk shouts excitedly, squirming a bit.

  • "Funny seeing you here..." - the Manticore speaks, its deep voice flowing from the bottom up.

He holds the lad at eye level, the Manticore being twice as tall as the young demon.

  • "I was looking for you..." - Monk blushes, not sure what he even means by that. He looks away.

  • "Here, in the Nothing? Haha, funny..." - he chuckles with rumbling depth.

Monk looks at the Manticore's big yellow eyes.

  • "What are you going to do now..." - Worry fills his face.

  • "Apologize..." - he puts Monk down gently, then sits and sighs. The exhaled breath hits Monk

like a soft gust, he winces.

  • "I needed to blow off some steam. I had been lost in that stinking place for a month that day

you came." - His voice vibrates the invisible ground.

  • "You're... apologizing? Aren't you guys supposed to be kill first, ask questions later? Fighting,

Eating, Sex, nothing else matters?" - Monk was incredulous and increasingly confused.

  • "You're confusing Manticores with Chimeras..." - the lion-beast maintains a soft look on Monk.

  • "I should begin by telling you my name. I'm Bruno." - His voice vibrates softly as he stretches

his huge hand towards Monk opened in gesture of shaking. Monk places his hand on the

Manticore's palm, and they both greet. Monk maintains the face of a surprised child.

  • "I-I'm uh, Monk." - The lad blushes again, shuffling a bit.

  • "I'll explain... I was sent here with a group of other lion-beasts. Only recently did we come to

find out about the sudden ravage of your species, and obviously, our leaders already made

plans to take advantage of this situation. I just found out earlier today, and my reaction has

nothing to do with them, but I'll get to that." - The Manticore clears its throat. - "The First Male

banned our leaders from any direct contact with your kind, unless both sides agreed, and

peace was upheld. Our leaders sent me and my partners to look for kinks... so to say. We

found one, as you can see. They left to report, and no one told me they were leaving. They left

me here to my own devices, so I got pissed off. You caught me at the peak of my anger." - The

Manticore looks down, Monk keeps looking at the beast. Slowly, the maned beast looks back

at Monk, and resumes;

  • "To get the point, what you did to me... little demon, was one of the best experiences I ever

had. I'm no masochist to say that I liked the knockout punch finale, but the rest... wow. Not even

the Manticores back home could work me the way you did. And you grow... " - Monk blushes

hard, heavily. He grows hot, aroused. As if his body would completely glow red.

  • "And after I heard what the Virgin Virus did to your kind. I had to come back. I want to help. A

few others like me want to help too. But I went ahead, mainly... hoping to find you, little demon."

  • His voice grew softer, more pleasant, as if caressing Monk's soul.


  • "B-but... why me? Manticore's don't get mates... they're all male or herm. They just get fuck

buddies and such. No love, right? And I'm no Manticore..." - Three minutes of silence, then

Monk asks.

  • "And... don't think this is just for the sex, little demon. I... want to accompany you. Help your

kind. As long as I'm by your side... only if you want me to, of course. If not, I'll just go back..." -

  • "Y-you haven't answered my question..."

  • "Because you're NOT a Manticore, little demon. Because I can't stand it there. I'm not the only

one, you know. There's so much nonsense going on back home. And I just want to be away.

I'm big, I'm strong. But I'm not invincible, neither am I invisible. There'll be war there. The more

sane Manticores... like me, they're all heading out of the realm... No other realm will take us, but

we have to try. I'll understand if you won't have me, little demon... but I think I belong here..." -

  • "Here where...?" -

  • "By your side, little demon. I'll be your familiar, even." -

And then, they look at each other.

["Is this a dream come true? A Manticore, wanting to be with me? I'm dead, aren't I? I must be

dead. I mean, I'm in the Nothing. Either I'm dead, or I'm dreaming. Maybe drugs. What the hell

did I drink last night? Someone pinch me. Hell, stab a knife on my back. Kill me if I'm not dead

already. This is too good to be true. A nightmare, a nightmare I tell you!"]

Bruno nuzzles Monk, who remained standing, frozen like a statue, trying to organize just exactly

what was going on. The big, wet nose nudges Monk by the neck, and he snaps back to reality.

The messed up, fractal situation he was currently, in anyway.

  • "E-ever since that time, all I dreamt was about you. I thought I was crazy, I was sure it was just

infatuation. I mean, after that kind of sex, who DOESN'T end up replaying it night after night?

But, add the fact that I've always been infatuated by your kind, instead of grossed out. They

said it was a fetish. Maybe it is. I once dreamt of a situation like this. A Manticore, asking me

to be with him. And here you are, doing it. This just proves that it's all a fantasy." - Monk

managed to stutter, not removing his sight from the Manticore that so sincerely spoke to him.

  • "Will you have Monk? Little demon? I belong nowhere else. I'll just remain wandering in the

Nothing if you wont have me. I have nothing to do back home. I don't think I can call it home

anymore." - Bruno growls gently.

  • "I never thought I'd see you again..." -

  • "Neither did I." -

He wanted to cry, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to run away. It was too much to take for Monk.

  • "Don't every go away, ever. I'll punch you again if you do." - Monk closes his eyes, tenses his

muscles and utters those important words.

The Manticore sweeps Monk off his feet and presses him into his big barreled chest with an

oversized hug. Bruno controls his strength just enough so the little demon is not asphyxiated

with his muscles. Monk smiles and blushes, his face full of glee. Bruno looks at the little demon

in between his pectorals.

  • "Thank you." -

  • "Y-yes. I want you." - Monk smiles, then rests his head on Bruno's huge shoulder.

  • "Now if we could only get out of here..." -


A minute passes, collective growling is head behind the odd pair.

  • "Monk! Leave Monk alone, you crazy beast!" - Rose cries out, in a stance that matches a

hunting feline.

  • "What?" - Bruno turns with Monk still in his grasp.

  • "We're back in our world, Bruno! Let me off, I need to explain." - Monk wiggles, Bruno


  • "This is all so instant..." - Bruno mumbles to himself.

  • "Wait!!" -

Rose rushes at Bruno, but Monk manages to hold her down. Rose's initial momentum makes

both demons fall flat on the ground.

  • "Don't hurt him guys!" - Monk yells.

  • "What the hell are you saying, kid!" - Rose roars back. - "Get offa me." - They both stand and

dust themselves off.

Just outside the cavern exist where Maseng, Gale and Yun, each with their respective weapons

ready to inflict pain. Mace, Bow and Sword would be quite painful on any skin.

  • "Just hear me out. Can't you see Bruno's just standing there?" -

  • "Bruno? You know it's name?" - Maseng asks incredulous.

  • "Yes, this Manticore's gonna help us." -

  • "Lies. We have to kill it." - Gale tightens the arrow in his bow.

  • "No, no!" - Monk grows desperate. They're gonna hurt his lion-beast partner.

  • "Isn't that... the same monster that got you last time?" - Yun relaxes, confused.

  • "Yes. I have convinced him." -

  • "I'll be providing any help you need... I thought I could be useful." -

  • "Yeah, you'll make a great bullet shield." - Rose stares at the lion-beast with disgust.

  • "How can we know you won't betray us. I'm having a hard time believing that." - Gale

manages to relaxes, and points down his bow.

  • "I'll be the little demon's familiar." -

Silence. Disbelief written in everyone's faces. Then Maseng chuckles.

  • "Look, beast. We don't have time for distractions. If you're going to help, help. But stay out of

our way. And don't expect everyone to just accept you. We were this close to kill you. Most of

the others will not hesitate like we did." - Gale looks and speak sin maximum seriousness.

  • "This makes us look weak..." - Maseng mutters.

  • "He can be... my charger." - Monk mutters and blushes.

Another brief silence.

  • "That's gonna be awkward and inconvenient." - Rose looks away, still disgusted.

  • "I just need a bit of his essence." -

  • "You'll have to do that out of everyone's way. I don't really like to see that kind of stuff." -

Maseng mutters.

  • "And while I'm not charging, Bruno's natural strength will help us." - Monk pats the lion-beast's

chorded forearm.

  • "Fine, fine. I can see some tactical advantages. Having him is like having a tank. Just... stay

out of our way, stay out of our sight." - Gale resigns, then turns to face the exit of the cavern.

  • "I apologize for the inconvenience..."- Bruno tries to speak.

  • "Don't speak to us, not yet." - Gale says loudly.

  • "Monk, you're crazy." - Rose shakes her head and threads out beside Gale.

  • "Ugh." - Maseng follows.

  • "I hope you know what you're doing." - Yun approaches Monk and whispers in his ear. He

looks at Bruno, then at Monk again, and heads out.

  • "Come up, big and tiny." - Gale motions them to follow.

  • "Should I carry you, or will you walk." - Bruno asks Monk.

  • "Don't worry, I'm not a baby." - Monk smiles at the lion-beast.


Outside they stand in a small patch of dirt and grass. The rest is just sand, heat and the

cloudless, sunny sky. Wind rarely blows, and the two lone, otherworldly palm trees provide little

shade. They all use their hands to momentarily cover their faces from the aggressive sun.

  • "We have to go to Apollo's base, right?" - Rose mutters.

  • "I hate this place so much." - Maseng growls.

  • "We'll be crossing 2-3 miles of this place. The Valley of the Dreamwatcher." -

  • "Again with the dramatic names..." - Monk thinks to himself.

  • "'The dreamwatcher will come and escort you to the land of the never-waking sleep.'"- Maseng

stares at the sandy horizon.

  • "What?" - Monk asks.

  • "It's part of the poem of this place. I read books boy." - Maseng growls at Monk.

  • '"The sirens of the desert cast mirages of nonexisting things, Your deepest desires.'" -

  • "Sirens. In a desert. Weird stuff." -

They sprint along the hot sand, a lone gust blowing occasionally providing minimal comfort. The

hop over the small dunes, and haste to get out of this oven as quickly as possible.

An entrancing melody grabs their bodies and ties them to invisible puppet strings. The angelic

notes soothe the panicking soul and lie to the unaware heart. The increasing heat is not felt,

hidden away by the soft kiss of the voice in crescendo. It hypnotizes them all, heat smothers

them, yet they can't feel it.

  • "Oh hell... so... hot." - The vision blurs, drowsiness falls. They faint.

The song ends, the trance dies. They remain unconscious on the sand. The siren approaches

with her hair, alive like a flame. She sings again... no she speaks.

  • "Coming unannounced like this..." -

Liked it? Hated it? How can it be improved? Post and be heard/read. Thanks for yer time!

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Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Thirteen- - Last Chapter: - Yun, Monk, Rose, Maseng and Gale; Team Beta as they were quickly labeled, were tasked to inform the rest of the demon military what...

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