Virgin Virus: The Dragon

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#15 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-


This particular one is written as part "Teaser", part gift. Well, sort of. It may be a bit over-the-top, overly serious, violent or baroque... however you want to put. As a note, I just meant to accentuate this particular character's sheer power and wisdom. Enjoy, yes?

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve.

--The Dragon--

--Another Story--

The wind was cold beneath my wings. I had been flying for miles in the shape of a dragon. Above, the sky was tainted. Light projected in this world did not come from its own realm, but it was refracted from across dimensions, just like water would. The spectrum in this world was different from the human realm; the visible colors were more abstract and dark. I was headed towards a colossal structure visible from miles ahead and miles beyond. It was where this world's singular ruler sat vigilant. Its singular gate was built more than twice my height. It casts an eternal shadow, more majestic than ominous. The massive doors slowly open inwards, revealing sheer darkness. A central path that was abstractly lit.

I approach, the doors close slowly behind me. He sat impotently on the hardened marble throne. Him and I were peers, but he easily inspired more awe, more fear. I look up to his eyes, their golden shine. We begin our conversation.

  • Chaos Dragon, do you know why I summoned you here? - His voice being all encompassing, it fills the air around you.

  • I await your explanation, Pazuzu. -

  • My land is sick, Dragon. My sons are all dying. I have no more daughters. - The Incubus King projects intense grief as he begins to explain.

  • There is much disturbance around the boundaries of my world. Dragon, I am deeply concerned, yet I cannot come across a veritable solution. -

  • Pazuzu, I will help. Do not doubt it. -

  • Only you can, Chaos Dragon, only you I can trust outside these walls. -

  • I understand. -

  • Dragon, you shall serve me as a monitor. And, I must let you know, this ordeal may take years. -


Pazuzu ultimately asked me to trace and monitor two dozen different life strains, pieces of soul with particular textures, colors and smells. Once found, I would be able to relay constant and accurate information to Pazuzu. We could then ponder a more accurate cause and future solution to this catastrophe. Pazuzu created not only the Incubi and Succubae, but Manticores and Chimeras. The manticores hate the Incubi, and the Chimera feed off them. The Incubus King is a mighty lion-beast, 20 feet high and armed with six massive wings. He is a perfectly sculpted adonis with immense physical and supernatural strength. He was and is almost god-like, but even then he was not able to prevent the pandemic from killing his daughters. He may not be able to bring them back, either. If he fails, his sons will disappear as well. In our conversation we had spoken of ways to restore the demon species, but he would first have to figure out the exact details of what happened, and eliminate any threats that would spark future problems. I could halfway understand Pazuzu; he felt grief for his dying children.

The signatures Pazuzu had given me to trace were of humans and demons. I was familiar with the human world; it was a warm, inviting place in comparison to many other places and realms I've been in. More importantly, The Human lived there. I'd have to go visit him. He must miss me...

I had decided to follow a particular strain that would seem like a flame if it could be seen, and it would feel like a feather if it could be touched. It lingered in the demon realm, and I could feel its pull from the south. Having taken flight, I had no time to waste. The strain was far from Pazuzu's fortress, but after minutes I manage to feel it with little effort. I begin my descent, planning to catch him by sight in mere moments. Soon I figure that my target is not alone. I see the incubus, his mane shaped like a blaze, lying in a hostile stance.

  • Pazuzu, I found the child with the flaming strain. - I relayed to Pazuzu through telepathy.

  • He seems to be engaging a Chimera. -

  • Dragon, do not intervene unless my child becomes incapacitated. Protect him then, but the secrecy of this; of us, is of upmost importance. -

I kept watch of the flame haired incubus. He was armed with a sword, and was also without wings. He was a destined warrior incubus, standing his ground, dodging the chimera and fighting back. But this was a losing fight, if he chose not to run, he would surely die as the Chimera's food. Chimeras were highly resilient monsters, covered in often exaggerated muscle. They predated through their phallus which had mutated to suit their needs.

I hovered above them, waiting for a signal that would force me to intervene. There was no doubt that I would have to. Soon enough, the flame-hair was starting to realize the obvious. The Chimera had struck and growled and acted intimidating, but with no intent to harm his prey. Apparently, he wanted the demon with all his energy, perhaps to the future squirming. One of the monster's blows struck the flame-hair across a few yards, and he was unconscious. His life strain dwindled. Clearly the predator had been toying with him, only one blow to leave him at the monster's mercy.

The Chimera was bent over to begin its feeding when I landed behind it.

  • Monster, this is not your hunting ground. -

The chimera looks over its broad shoulders, as I take out my twin broadswords from the sheathes strapped to my back.

  • I will use deadly force without a moments notice. Do not make me. -

It is commonly thought that the Chimera are irrational and purely instinctive. That is not the case.

  • What will it be? - It turns to face me as I waited for a reaction, but the monster just stared.

  • I will proceed to escort you then. If you please. - I get besides the beast expecting it to move, but it just keeps looking at me. Irritation begins to slither.

  • Chimera, do not test me. - I bored into its eyes with my own.

It growls, sending a clawed hand at me with considerable speed, but it was not something of danger. I grabbed the incoming claw, having released one sword.

  • End of the line, beast. I had warned you. -

I twist the hand I was griping a half-circle from its axis. The monster understandably writhes in agony. Before it makes any noise, I had its thick neck squeezed firm in my other hand, having released the other sword. Strained hacks and coughs sound out from its choked throat; I could tighten to make its head pop, but that would have been unnecessary. I twist slightly both hands, until a pair of popping sounds echo. The chimera goes limp and I let fall. It makes a loud, dusty impact. I search for the unconscious incubus.

  • Pazuzu, what shall I do? I had to intervene, and the incubus is knocked out. - I mentally informed the Demon King.

  • His life strain is weak. Take him to the human world, there he will be able to feed. Is the child damaged? -

  • No Pazuzu. What do you think happened to him? It was not only the Chimera's fault. -

  • Those Chimera... I'm not sure, Dragon... -

I believed it was reasonable to leave him in the human realm, I would be able to heal him, but not feed him. I recovered the swords and sheathed them, carried him on my arms, summoned a portal and jumped through.

I had no control over where I would precisely end up in the mortal world, despite the ease it was for me to slip through realms. We appear in the same area as that Human. I could smell Him, even though He miles away. That particular pulling smell so unique to Him, I would have to visit Him soon...

There were no signs of the fainted incubus waking up, so I would have to leave him then and there on the grass. Once he's gently on the ground, I put slight pressure on the center of his forehead with my index and middle finger. Energy flows through me into him in a sort of spark. This was meant to wake him up, and it will provide minor healing as well. I jump and fly away, lest I be seen or sensed by uneducated mortals. The higher atmosphere of the mortal realm felt soothing, the air light and pleasant. I had jumped through the portal reluctantly, I felt the need to be with the Human again.


  • Dragon, can we meet at the fortress again? There is some additional ponderings we must discuss. - Pazuzu contacts me the instant I slip back.

It was mildly startling how quickly and precisely the Demon King contacted me upon my re-entry to his realm. I did as told and arrived at his gate at a relatively short notice.

  • I understand that your human persona is tied to another mortal, Chaos Dragon. - He bellowed sternly.

  • That is true. - I did now wish to question him, but I was confused as to why he would consider that topic.

  • That can be a highly compromising situation. Would severing this tie be out of the question? - He was absolutely serious, and I was concerned.

  • I'll ponder it. You understand that I'm not your subordinate... -

  • Clearly. This is all logical reasoning, no? -

  • It is. I'll go to him and verify what I can do. It'll be brief. -


I was ancient, and it was sometimes grieving to consider that fact. I would travel between realms, take a familiar shape and live in it, never lingering at a particular one for too long. The human realm was the only one I revisited regularly. In one of those visits, being in the shape of a human, I had begun a relationship with one of them, a young lad. Relationships were an ephemeral thing after living this long, the pain simply became fact and a part of nature. But the love was true always. And this lad... I did not wish to leave him prematurely... It was a personal ritual for me to reveal my true identity, then erase their memory, and maybe provide some supernatural help of some sort to make sure their future is a perfect one or close to it.

We had already scheduled a meeting, the lad and I. It had been months since we have been apart. I looked in the mirror, and this tall, blonde, lanky human was staring back. In the human persona I in the human world would call him Mitch.

  • I missed you so much. You're always so busy... - He hugs me. Josh.

I smile back and chuckle, and his smile is big and his eyes radiant. I hug him back, firm and pausedly to take him all in. I missed this.

  • Hey, I have to talk to you. -

  • Wha...? Well, that's a nice change. What's on your mind? -

  • Let's get to my car, go somewhere more alone. -

  • That sounds wonderful. -

And I kiss his smiling face.

We hopped into the car, which was not anything fancy by any terms. He kept snuggled to me as we drove, finding some place where I could explain myself... My heart was aching. I was not wholly committed to doing this. This almost seemed... without merit. But I knew deeply that it had to be done. I sincerely did not want to lose the genuine warmth of being with him, the pleasure when we talked, or the honest admiration that we would silently share for each other when we were not talking.


I took him to my house... Mitch's house. He was absolutely delighted. I was slightly embarrassed, this house was nothing to be much excited about. But it was my house and he was with me and it felt like home. It truly did...

  • This is all so unexpected hun. Not that I'm complaining. - He was looking around, arm around my waist. I sat on the couch in the living room, and helped him seat beside me. He chose to instead lay on my lap, and it was just as good. I caressed him, and we looked at each other tenderly. I was still deciding to go about this...

  • You know that, I've told you about my fursona and his multiple shapes and his abilities... -

  • Mhmmm. -

  • What if it all were true? -

  • That you're really a shapeshifting ancient demi-god dragon? -

I nodded. He smiles wide. I love his smile.

  • That'd be awesome. But what will happen to me if you're this all powerful creature? -

  • I've wondered about that... - I snickered.

  • What's that supposed to mean? - He said with a playfully quizzical look.

  • Want me to turn into Dranzer right now? - I was rubbing his belly.

  • That sounds awfully kinky, "Dragon". - We kept looking at each other and we were exactly in the same wavelength.

If I was going to do this, I was going to do this in stride. I was gonna be my true self.

  • Stand back. - I urge him to get off the couch. I was really going to transform... but he just kept thinking this was some sort of game.

  • I'm going to show you what I really am, my love. - And I could see his expression changed.

To me, transformation was seamless. But to him, it would be an impressive sight. I only hoped he would not be scared by it. I wanted to take him, then and there, in my hybrid form. All the energy goes into my core as I concentrate, and begins to expand my body along with itself. Fur soon covers every inch of my body, my face rearranges into a snout, and my backside sprouts a thick tail. The clothes are ripped off my body.

A minute before, I was Mitch. Now, I am Dranzer.

  • M...Mitch...? - He was startled, which I understood. Shaking, holding on to the loveseat across the room. I believe I was covering a lot of space, and hoped not to have broken anything.

  • Dranzer is not the alter-ego, Mitch is. This is me, truly. Make love to me, dearest mate. - I swipe him from where he held, he didn't struggle. I held him pressed against my chest. His heart was beating so fast... part of me was fearing the worst.

  • D-dranzer... -

  • I'm deeply sorry if this is overwhelming. I... understand it must be. - I pull him back gently, to look at his face. He was holding on to my furred arms, feeling them intently. His eyes were open wide, with deep confusion.

  • I-I love you no matter what... -

And I kiss him, breathing my life into him as we lock and unlock. My larger scale may have made this awkward, but I had centuries of training. His pulse settled as I kissed him again, and again. I wanted to show him that our love would not change. He was answering back, and my heart was delighted.

  • You're... too much, Mitchy. I always said you were complicated. - He said as I laid him on the couch, me above him. He was smiling, reassuring me...

I rid him of his shift, and his pants and underwear, loving the feeling of his bare body, against my own. My shaft was erect and pulsing heavily, he was caressing and licking it tenderly.

  • Relax now. I hope I am not too big for you. - I had his legs spread, readying myself to enter him.

  • You must have some magic or some power somewhere to make it work. - He said seductively. He clearly trusted me.

I placed my left paw on his chest, and surged some energy into him. He moaned deeply, I growled.

  • I guess that will make it painless and safe for me to enter you... - I said as I gripped my shaft and slowly pressed it against my lover's tight entrance. Slowly, inch by inch, I slid into his body. He gripped my body tight, keeping our lips together. Soon enough, I was fully inside of him.

I rocked in and out of his beautiful body, the feeling so intensely pleasurable. We moaned and screamed in absolute sexual synchronicity. And soon, I was spilling myself into him, having roared into orgasm. By that time, my lover had already reached two or three.

There exists no description to the depth of the satisfaction we both felt.

But there was still some explaining to do, so we rested.


  • Josh... I'm going to be busier than ever... - I was shaped as Mitch now.

  • I'm going to need a long time to take this all in... So much longer than what I need to take your... you know... - we were snuggled together in the couch, dirty from our love. He smiled, but I could sense his mixed feelings.

  • You would think I would be wiser... but I fear, I may not. You inspire something so radically different in me... -

  • I don't know how, or why. I'm just a regular guy... - he rubs my chest.

  • I just know that I can't let you go... and if you're my demise, so be it. -

  • That sounds familiarly reckless. -

  • My love... -

  • Visit me. Regularly. More often than you usually do. I understand a lot of things about you.... more now than ever... but there are things I will never understand... And, you know, I can't let you go either. -

  • Josh... But... -

  • We'll figure it out. I know we will. -


I had revealed myself to Him. Would I regret it? Or would it be just another part of nature? I was... concerned. And satisfied. Deeply so. Would it be worth it? Is he worth everything?


I put on a black trenchcoat and a black detective hat. Under it were an ivy league suit and some slacks, as well as polished black loafers. In this shape, I would only be known as Xeno.

  • Pazuzu, I have all the life strains identified. These children of yours... they're sharing the ordeal of the recovery of their brethren. There is hope. -

  • There is hope, Dragon. Hope never dies. -

Virgin Virus: Carl and Yun

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Side Story 2- Well, my return to writing wasn't quite the success I expected it to be. But after many ideas, many situations and many conclusions, I manage to write this story. It was...

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Virgin Virus: Toby and Alex

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Virgin Virus - Ch12: Fury

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