Virgin Virus - Ch14: Black

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#17 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Fourteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

Hoyt, Raphael, Jason, Boto, Ariyoshi, Rude and Sebastian were assigned to deal with the royal blue-blood negotiations. Boto had went to his peace-loving family, and they gave him the family jewel. Jason as well received the jewel from his brother, but his father didn't think his visit was most welcome. The rest of them stood before the Wind Hole, where Sebastian's family lived. He fears that it might be a hostile situation...

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve.

Soon the demons in the Alpha group had covered three quarters of the city they have been assigned to investigate. It was a mere shell of its former self. It once had been the place they all called home. There had been much searching since we rescued Charles and killed our first Chimera. Nothing of interest was found. We encountered no other survivors, as well as no Chimeras. Charles slowly recovered his energies while tagging along with us, even though he didn't stop looking shaky. Along the way, he had told us about the partial attempt of the remaining demons to organize, and the subsequent Chimera attacks. That wasn't much help to his fragile attitude, but just as he felt like he needed to tell us, and it was useful information and an appreciated effort on his part, he wasn't much help in moving stuff since he was quite weak.

This time we had found ourselves in a large multi-floor, multi-room building, what humans would call an apartment The structure was pretty much intact, but it was heavily deteriorated. We split and rummaged through debris and furniture all the way to the ninth floor. All of its ten floors were equally dark and messy. My partners and I were generally uneasy, just being there. The solitude was palpable and there was sorrow lingering like cold mist. Humans could probably sum this up in one word - it felt haunted, they could say.

  • "Hmm... Raphael would definitely not like to visit this place." - I thought to myself.

I looked to the side, out of the corner of my eye I catch Alex the mutant hugging the much larger Tobey. That wasn't really helping any mood but theirs; still, I would be similarly clingy with Raphael the angel around. To add to the dark atmosphere, everything felt ominous. Something was gonna happen soon, I was sure.

  • "Were dun here, Dooseh" - Tobey and his mate turn to me after the last piece of ruin thuds back in place. we were finally done with that room.

  • "Let's head back outside to meet the others. Thank god this building is basically done." -

Stepping out into the dark hallway, everyone else is out at almost the same time. We all move towards a set of stairs at the end of the corridor, those would lead to the buildings roof.

  • "Were done with this thing, finally..." - Says Raiko.

  • "How long has it been?" - Asks Aoi.

  • "Around four hours." - Answers Yuri.

  • "Yuri, I'm tired. Let's go back." - The long haired succubus leans against her lover, making a face.

  • "Were doing so good, honey. We can't back out now." - Yuri threads her thin fingers along Aoi's silk-smooth hair.

  • "We just have to deal with a few more buildings before we get back. I'm sure the doctor will have something to help us refresh." - Gai declares in his deep voice. And there we were, the roof of the damned building. It gave us a different perspective of the city.

While flying, it was hard to make out exactly what we were seeing. On the ground, the scope was limited. But in that particular spot we were on, it was possible to see just how extense the ruin spread across this former city. One could only wonder how it all happened, how quick or how slowly before it got to this point. Its own population in entropy couldn't have overturned any building, let alone an entire city.

Then I realize, I was wandering too much in my own sea of thoughts... I turn and see Charles talking to the group. My feet carry me towards them.

  • "What's your last memory of any fellow incubae?" - Nina asks the lithe demon.

  • "A month ago. We were planning on getting out of the city, then looking at him... and everything suddenly cuts out and I find myself badly bruised under a pile of rubble... Before the blackout, I can remember smelling very strong and biter..." - Charles looks every which way, his face reflecting the feelings of his memory.

  • "This must've been either Manticores or Chimera. But by the survivor's story, that clears up that this is the Chimera's doing." - Yuri analyzes

  • "Easy food for their vorish appetite." - Gai mumbles.

  • "They're so repugnant." - Aoi's face deforms into one of disgust.

  • "So much uglier than manticores. Eww, eww." - She winces.

  • "They're similar, but Chimera are even bigger. They carry mountains of muscle, with a huge, wide pricks that eat stuff, and they have a lot of horns." - I hear myself adding, then I see that the excess information sparked a whole rainbow of varieties of disgust visible on my friends' faces.

  • "Thanks Dose..." - Raiko bumps my shoulder and stares.

  • "What? I was just thinking about that and listening to you guys talking about it made me kind of blurt it out loud." - I shrug.

After the brief exchange, there was a slight pause. No one really wanted to continue with this without rest. At least, we only had one hour's worth of searching before getting back to the human world. Eight heads could cover a lot of ground in a short time.

  • "So, well be heading that way next." - Says Gai, pointing in the direction he was facing, which was south.

  • "Let's hurry, I wanna get home." - I say.

  • "Everyone does, I'm sure. - I add to myself in thought.

  • "I turn to face the crew." -

  • "Hey guys- guys?" - Everyone was laying on the ground all of a sudden. What just happened... ?

The feeling in my gut had been on point. I had to look around me to try and catch and some physical evidence, but I could only smell something kind of bittersweet and sulphuric... then drowsiness washes upon me, forcing my body kneel and my vision affected. Growling is heard from a distance. Heavy steps make the roof tremble. And then...

  • "A-a chimera." - The huge figure steps into my field of vision, looking at which demon to take as prey.

My hands instinctively search for support. Did the chimera notice me? I was the only one awake. It looked fixatedly at Charles's body. The chimera looks my way, and I just want to scream. My brain tells my mouth to open and my lungs to scream, but nothing. I can't even open my mouth, not even a vague sound. The musk sticks to the roof of my mouth. The monster was obviously the source, the chemicals streaming into my body seamlessly. It was overwhelming enough to make the crew faint but not me. Why not me? Not that I wanted to but...

The monster takes a few steps towards me, no expression in its muzzle. Its effect was so subtle, how it built up to this point. All of us demons have naturally emanating pheromones, but the chimera are the kings. The chimera sniffs and whiffs each of our essences, and after inhaling mine, it moves after Charles. Is he what it wanted? Dammit, we had just saved the guy and already hes going to be eaten. But there was nothing I could do, the musk held me down like chackles, even stimulating my crotch.

Charles is dragged by his legs while the chimera held its prick, so vascular and thick. I was about to witness this thing eat my species... the horned beast sits beside its chosen prey and starts slowly stroking its member while rubbing its pecs and Charles' body. Its prick grew steadily. It only takes a few minutes for the chimera's cock to be of an appropriate size for the devouring. Its other hand probed Charles' tail hole with a finger as thick as any average phallus. The chimera kept beating on its cock until pre-cum began leaking and trailing down its length. The monster squirmed with pleasure, its muscles rolling, bulging, and tensing under the grayish skin, the pumping veins plainly visible. And, I couldn't figure why, but I could feel what it was feeling.

The musk and the show I had going in front of me were subconsciously getting me hard. The monster had picked Charles in its other big, thick paw, carrying him over to its huge prick, which stood ready for a new meal. It grunts as it pushes its victim's head into the member's maw. It slips into the vorish slit, slick with precum. The chimera grunts and pushes some more and its prey's shoulders start to slide in. The extra width makes the cock stretch and bulge along. The chimera was in throes, and I felt the same. What it felt was telegraphed to me and it was madly arousing. It was hard to understand how I ended up chemically tied to that monster; I would figure that out later. At the moment I could definitely get why they like feeding so much. We demons get high pleasure when we feed, but this was something else.

The chimera was bucking upwards, having leaned back slightly, eyes blank and muzzle drooling, while keeping its hungry dick steady and Charles pushed further into it. The head of the phallus was supplying copious amounts of lubricant, Charles was halfway into the fleshy prick. Soon, poor Charles was past his hips inside the huge cock, a little more and only his limp feet are visible. A few more flexes, moans and grunts; and Charles slips wholly into the monstrous phallus with a slurping sound. Massive pleasure was coursing through me, I was moaning loudly and my world was just ecstasy for an instant. The chimera began stroking the bulged hyperphallus in front of it, panting slowly. Bit by bit, Charles becomes the monsters nourishment

The bulge later disappears under the chimera's heavy grip, it sighs in satisfaction. Another instant had the monster reacting violently to its successful feeding. It shakes and writhes, its muscles harden and bulge, more veins become visible. It was roaring, its phallus also reacting and growing. And then, cum shoots skyward, only to shower the chimera as it falls. I could feel the invisible reins of the chemicals break. My muscles began growing and my phallus bulged out. All this was painfully familiar, I was taking on my hyper form...

For a moment, the control I had gained over this form almost slipped me, but I was able to keep my own control. Then I'm rocked to my core, my body experiencing an intensely powerful orgasm. It takes so much willpower to stand on my two feet instead of throwing myself on the ground and bathe in my own seed. I felt so sinful... and now I had to get rid of the beast. My vision, focus and return to normal slowly I was not affected by the musk, not anymore.

I wanted to kill it, to tear its throat out and rip it into pieces. But that would not be me... I gripped one of the monster's feet, and lifted it. There was some strain, the beast was heavy even for my enhanced strength. I wanted to be gentle, but I guess I couldn't. I start to spin, slowly dragging the monster's head along the cement, building up momentum. Soon enough, each spin becomes easier and faster. Then, I let go.

The predator, lost in afterglow, slips off my grip, the momentum from my swing carrying it far off the building, before it plummets like a meteor, then a delayed smash on the ground below. I breathe, it took quite a bit of my pumped body's boosted strength. I wouldn't have been able to do anything in my normal form. Then, THAT feeling comes back to me... one hand grabs my steady member, holding it against my chest, the other covering the cumslit with a finger. I rub my finger over my penis's opening, until it slips in.

It felt so good, and I never thought of my finger fitting into my member.

I... stop myself, it was not time to mess around like this. I had to wake my friends up, we had to go home. I felt so dirty...

NOTE: I'm having trouble with SoFurry's format. I hope it doesn't screw the readers up... I'll reupload as necessary...

Virgin Virus - Ch15: Dust

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter fifteen- - Last Chapter: - The Alpha crew had dealt with most of the city they were assigned to investigate, finding no useful evidence to bring back with them....

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Virgin Virus - Ch13: Azure

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Thirteen- - Last Chapter: - Yun, Monk, Rose, Maseng and Gale; Team Beta as they were quickly labeled, were tasked to inform the rest of the demon military what...

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Virgin Virus: The Dragon

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Teaser- This particular one is written as part "Teaser", part gift. Well, sort of. It may be a bit over-the-top, overly serious, violent or baroque... however you want to put. As a note,...

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