Virgin Virus - Ch17: Evanescent

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#20 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

_ Incubus: Virgin Virus _

[Ch1 - Wave](%5C)

[Ch2 - Earth](%5C)

[Ch3 - Time](%5C)

[Ch4 - Fear](%5C)

[Ch5 - Absolution](%5C)

[Ch6 - Reflection](%5C)

[Ch7 - Reunion](%5C)

[Ch8 - Ice](%5C)

[Ch9 - Conviction](%5C)

[Ch10 - Silence](%5C)

[Ch11 - Anatomy](%5C)

[Ch12 - Fury](%5C)

[Ch13 - Azure](%5C)

[Ch14 - Black](%5C)

[Ch15 - Dust](%5C)

[Ch16 - Light](%5C)

_ Virgin Virus: Extra Stories _

[The Dragon](%5C)

[Carl and Yun](%5C)

[Tobey and Alex](%5C)

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Seventeen-

  • Last Chapter: -

The Gamma group manages to talk to the Wind Demons' at the Wind Hole. Crono, their leader, agreed to think about it. Later on, they made a quick visit to the Light Demons' castle, but the visit was not a yielding one. With two Family Gems in tow, they return to reunite with the whole gang and decide how the next day should go.

The Alpha crew laid unconscious atop one of the many ruined structures all around the city. The only one awake was Dose. He had technically saved them from a hungry Chimera, but he could not save Charles. Dose moved to each body, nudging them with a soft - "Wake up." -. Raiko only takes a slight shake to wake. He groans softly, working to open his eyes. His sight clears up after a moment, Dose filling his view entirely.

  • "Erm, Dose..." - Raiko moans, processing his current state. Then he notices Dose looks different.

  • "Ah! What the fuck?!" - Raiko snaps, having slid away a yard or two, eyes wide open.

  • "Ah, uh... I'm in my hyper form... you haven't really seen me like this, have you?" - Doses manages to catch the reason of Raiko's surprise.

Not everyone had seen him in such a pumped up state, bulging muscles, phallus and all, and he suddenly felt a little ashamed. He couldn't really remember who knew and who didn't.

  • "Dose... *whew* no... I had seen you like that before... (so big)... *ahem* but I kind of forgot. You sure are a prescence when you're like that..." - Raiko was practically blushing under his goldenrod fur.

He was slightly jittery and nervous. Maybe it was the shock, or maybe it was Dose's pumped hyper cock, which pulsed like another entity altogether, right in front of him.

  • "Goddamn it... he's so hot. What's wrong with me? It must've been Monk. He corrupted me. The sex tainted me. So good..." - The blond demon couldn't keep his fingers still.

He was probably sweating and panting. Many lewd thoughts crossed his mind, all starring Dose...

  • "Raiko, you ok?" - Dose seemed confused, stepping closer with a big extended hand.


Well, Raiko was acting awfully strange. Normally he's pretty composed, although he has no reserves when speaking his mind. But he looked like he was about to short-circuit. I guess because i was still huge. I'll be honest to myself, my hyper boner hurt.

  • "I'll just wake the others up. You can help." - I said, turning to nudge Gai. He was resting almost fully face down.

  • "I'll... wake the other guys up." - Raiko stands, he still seemed jittery. Gai wakes up without much trouble.

  • "Hmm... what happened?" - Gai smiles a quick smile at the sight of me, leaning up.

  • "Yeah, what happened, Dose?" - Raiko echoes.

  • "Umm, a Chimera kind of permeated some pheromones that knocked you guys out. I threw it off this building, but I couldn't save Charles..." - I barely knew Charles. But watching him being eaten the way he was... the way I was linked to the Chimera... I wasn't sure if my face kept normal.

I just felt so bad at his... death.

  • "Ah..." - Gai looks down as he stands.

  • "Hmm... when do you shrink back to normal?" - Gai asks. O was just wondering that myself...

  • "Soon, I hope." - I sighed.

Then, I could feel strange rumbling at the bottom of my gut. Slowly, I became so fully relaxed... I was effectively shrinking. Within moments, my world became smaller, and I was back to being regular old Dose. With a bad stomach. Gah... shrinking is annoying.

I had to grab my stomach. Not like it helped, but still.

  • "Aaiiee!" - Aoi shrieked.

I turn to look at her.

  • "Oh, hey Aoi." - I turn to look at her.

  • "It's weird when you go from huge to normal, just like that..." - Aoi mumbles.

  • "It does feel weird, trust me." - I add.


It didn't take long for the whole crew to be fully awake and ready to go back home. I was thankfully back to normal, so there were no more odd reactions. I told them that we were ambushed, and that I took care of it. We were all relived. None of us enjoyed the fact that Charles was lost. He could've been a good friend. Still we were going home.

Sometimes, it seemed unlikely that the human world was really our home.


One by one, we slipped into the silent sterility of Oscar's underground base. Our world may have been mostly empty, but it was noisy. I had never known why. At least, where we lived, peace wasn't just a fancy word. Gai, Nina, Aoi, Yuri and Raiko wasted no time in dispersing, heading to either a bedroom or the showers. Alex and Tobey, I dunno why they didn't pop up immediately.. We still had to wait for the other two thirds of the gang, so I just headed downstairs, to the lobby. After walking down the metallic steps, I find Raiko there as well.

  • "Hey there." - I greet the blond

  • "Hey, Dose." - He greets back with a slight smile.

I lay my rump on the bench next to him, silence only followed. We were probably lost in our own thoughts. After a short while, Raiko decides to break the silence.

  • "Um, do you know how you came across that... transformation?" - Raiko sounded really curious.

  • "Well... I always thought I was born with it, and realized about later." - Well, this was interesting...

  • "Hmm... and what does it feel like?" - Raiko leaned closer.

I had to open my eyes and take a gasp. All the feelings that always were felt came rushing in at once, if only as ghost memories. What's more, each time I transformed I could feel something new... How could I explain it to him without suddenly babbling like a junkie?

  • "Umm... it's painful, exciting and empowering. Kind of like an orgasm, but better." - I looked a little worried... maybe that wasn't the right choice of words.

  • "Ooooh. You must like it. Anyone would..." - Raiko says after a pause.

  • "Well... hehehe... I wouldn't really stick with that form too long. Not my thing." - I probably chuckled with shame.

  • "It's still a useful tool to have." -

  • "You could say that." - I smiled a little more genuinely this time.

  • "Say, the first few times I saw you turn hyper, you went crazy... that's part of why i reacted weirdly.." - Raiko seemed ashamed himself. He was slightly closer...

  • "Erm... it's like I had another personality in me... it was overwhelming... but after some uh... *ahem* experimenting, I can release the form and control it. The Chimera-looking thing won't control me anymore..." - I definitely trailed off. Too much information.

  • "Chimera...?" - Rai was puzzled.

  • "When I turned, I got in a dreamlike state. And I could see something like a Chimera... just not quite as big. More like our size." - I sighed.

  • "Well, that's really weird..." - I noticed that Rai was in my bench now. Must be the sheer curiosity, like an amusing magnet.

  • "Would you... like to feel this." - It was my turn for an awkward question, so I asked softly and slowly, looking down.

  • "Wa-" - Raiko's eyes bulged out, he gasped.

  • "This that were talking about..." - It seemed that he misunderstood.

  • "Oh... ah... well." - He looked left, right and left again.

  • "And how come you got close?" - At that question, he slid back.

  • "Ack... I dunno buddy, I dunno. Sorry." - He had that nervous ha-ha on him. I didn't really care, he's a friend I trusted. It just seemed unusual, I had to ask. One has to know when the usual stops being so.

  • "Well, your hyper form is... really interesting, Dose." - Raiko finally said, after regaining some composure.

  • "I know..." - I smirked.

  • "Well... I'll go shower myself." - Raiko sighed.

  • "Make sure no one else there." - I reminded him.

Being the lightning wielder that he was, water made him hazardous to anyone around him. He goes back to the main floor, heading for the specially designed shower room (it was just slightly modified, really). Raiko had a different look to him while we talked. He was more attentive. I kind of liked that. But maybe it was just my imagination.

I was anxious to be with Rafael again. It felt like I had been an eternity away from him. Not a good feeling.

After some idle thinking, I head back to the main lab, to sit and wait for the rest of the crew. The place really was silent, I could only wonder where Dr.Nuenberg was tinkering about. I sighed.

Around ten minutes into the waiting, the portal machine was making all its odd cranks and jolts. Out of the gate stepped Yun, Maseng, Gale and Rose, in that order. Rose almost sprinted out of the room, but Gale grabbed her shoulder.

  • "Welcome back." - I greeted.

Seeing the trio of demons that had attacked us back at Hoyt's base wasn't very exciting, but still.

  • "Where's Carl?" - Yun asks as he steps away from the portal.

  • "I don't know." - I had to say.

  • "We'll see ourselves to the temporary dormitories while the general arrives." - Gale tells me.

  • "You know your way?" - I wondered.

  • "Yes." - Gale nodded.

  • "Go ahead then, we'll let you know." - I told them, and they walked away at a moderate step.

Monk then pops out, looking cheerful.

  • "Dose!" - he rushes and hugs me, which was unexpectedly nice. I return the favor.

  • "We're still missing some guests." - Monk says after gently pulling from the hug.

A moment after that, the portal widens, and the sound of flowing energy becomes stronger. Slowly with some strain, a Manticore emerges. My mouth was agape, the manticore managed to slip through wholly, even if he didn't really fit the room. The Manticore manages to sit with its legs spread behind Monk.

  • "I'm too large..." - The manticore said, its brows showing worry.

This was absolutely unexpected. It took two seconds to realize that this lion-beast that squeezed into the human world was the same one that attacked us back in that cave.

  • "What... is this? Are we going to have to fight that thing?" - I was holding the doorframe, ready to bolt out of there.

  • "No, no." - Monk smiled.

  • "This is Bruno," - he glances upwards at the big demon's face, knowing exactly where to look.

  • "Bruno here answers to me. He's our huge ally." - Monk beamed with confidence.

  • "Well..." - I sighed. - "Take Bruno to a more spacious area. I'm sure he's cramped here." - Bruno the Manticore was simply too big, bigger than the largest incubus in our group.

Bruno's thick neck was bent against the ceiling, didn't look close comfortable. Monk pulls on one of the lion beast's big fingers. Luckily, the room was actually empty of the doctor's trinkets. I mean, one learns to keep wings and tails in check just so as to not topple anything, but I doubted Bruno had any idea. After getting to the door, but not outside exactly, Monk looks at the gateway, at me, at Bruno, then back at me. I scoot further inside, getting out of the way.

  • "You can squeeze through, right?" - Monk asked the manticore.

  • "I think so..." - Bruno bent further down, crawling almost.

His big, wide shoulders were barely small enough to fit through.

  • "Ah, you can do it." - Monk urged him. And thankfully, the lion-beast slips into the metal walkway. Whew.

  • "I'll see you, Dose." - Monk said as he went looking for a place to drop Bruno off. We wave at each other.

I sighed, then listened to the portal machine make portal noises again. Some other demons I didn't recognize, probably militaries, popped out.

  • "Uh, welcome? I would guess you're... Hoyt's subordinates?" - I winced mentally, expecting a harsh response.

  • "I'm Hoyt's second-in-command, Apollo. My escorts are Anshel," - he half extend an arm signaling the green haired incubus to his left. - "And Vega." - That was the blue haired succubus to his right.

This Apollo guy was built like Hoyt, maybe less bulk and more height, and his voice wasn't as deep, but it was still very commanding. He seemed to be related to Jason in some way.

  • "Hoyt's still not here. What can I do for you while he arrives?" -

  • "We'll wait here. This is where he'll come from, right?" - Apollo had said. I nodded. Part of really hoped for the wait to not be awkward.

  • "Where is the human, Dr.Oscar?" - Apollo suddenly asked.

  • "I don't know sir. Still, he's not a man to be interrupted." - I replied.

  • "I sure would like to meet the human that delves with demon matters." -

  • "I'm sure he'll be fascinated by you guys." - I assured him, then sighed.


The wait kind of extended itself. The guest militaries were politely silent. It was just a minute later after many of them waiting that the machine started working again. I payed attention, Rafael was gonna be home in moments.

The first one out was Hayden. He bowed to us as he walked past.

  • "Good to see you." - I greet him.

  • "Same to you. Were is Gai, by the way?" - He stopped by the open doors to ask.

  • "His bedroom or the showers." - I was very sure.

Then I wondered if Raiko was done with the shower...

  • "Thanks." - Hayden says before vanishing.

Next in line were Boto and Jason.

  • "Dose, dude." - Boto smiled as he stopped by me.

  • "Hey guys." - I smiled, it really was good to see them.

  • "Where did Raiko go?" - Jason was the one to ask.

  • "I'm pretty sure he's in his bedroom." - i told him.

  • "Alright We'll be seeing you then." - Jason said, before walking, Boto following suit.

Further in cue popped out Rude, Ariyoshi and Sebastian. Rude just headed straight for the exit, with a dutiful nod of greeting to the guests.

  • "Dose, were finally back. - Ari said, looking pleased.

  • "Yep. I guess it was a long day for all of us, each in it's own way." - I muttered

  • "I'll hit the showers." - Sebastian said, almost groaning.

Ari follows Rude's trail. Sebastian half-nods politely to the three guests.

Only Hoyt and Rafael were left. And sure enough, a few minutes later, Hoyt slips into the room. He looked pleased upon finding the three militaries beside me.

  • "Ah, Apollo. Anshel. Vega. It's been a while." - Hoyt nods at each of them individually They stand in unison.

  • "Hoyt, indeed it has." - The crimson haired demon shook hands with the ice lord.

  • "Follow me. We have some information to discuss." - Hoyt patted Apollo's back.

  • "Dose, tell the rest of the fellows to head down to the temp, for debriefing." - Hoyt told me.

  • "Bring Dr.Oscar too." - He added.

That made me a little nervous, but i understood.

  • "Sure." - I nodded.

The military demons head out, leaving me conveniently alone to wait for Raf. I stood the portal machine, which was still making weird energy noises. I'm impacted against the gut and pushed flat against the lab floor, sliding across it with a long squeak before stopping at the doorframe. There sure was pain, I hit my head upon falling, and the gut blow left me wheezing. I also felt a warm member rubbing against my crotch.

  • "Gah! I'm sorry babe! How bad is it? I didn't mean to hurt you!" - Rafael was the fool that knocked me almost unconscious.

  • "My head hurts and it'll be a while before I can breathe right, but I'm okay." - I gasped, the pain pulsing. Silly, so silly.

  • "I just wanted to surprise you. I mean, I know I could've miscalculated and done something worse." - Rafael smiled, relief mixed with worry.

  • "As if this wasn't bad enough." - I coughed. (And that's why you don't barrel into your lover.)

  • "I'm sorry, hun. - And Rafael held my face gently and kissed me. His supple tongue worked into my mouth and filled me with so much warmth.

  • "I missed you badly." - I whispered as he softly pulled from me.

  • "Me too, baby." - Raf said, extending his feathery wings.

  • "Now, let's get clean." - Rafael pulls on my arm as he stands. I groan a bit, but I manage to stand as well. Rafie takes a whiff.

  • "You smell so musky. I love it, you have to tell me what happened. It smells interesting." - My lover smiles, and I back at him. He held my right furry hand.

  • "Let's get to the showers first, hun." - I pecked a kiss at his lips.


I had him embraced from behind, pressed against his back muscles. It was so good... the warm water comforting as it drenched the both of us, Rafael's furry skin so soft against my cheek and the heat and sound of his body in sync with mine. I was sleepy thanks to this.

  • "I thought I was getting a story, not some lazy demon falling asleep on my back." - Rafael said amused, arching back.

  • "Mmm, sorry. You don't seem to know how much peace you give me." - I mumbled with sincerity.

Rafael turned to face me, embracing my hips and pulling me to him. He pressed his forehead against mine, locking our sights on each other. And of course, his hard member was neatly tucked between our warm bodies, rubbing against mine and his.

  • "So, what's the story, musky demon?" - Rafael said, going for a seductive tone.

  • "Chimeras. We faced two of them. Raiko killed the first, I dealt with the second. It wasn't pretty." - I told him.

It really had affected me...

  • "Hmm..." -

  • "The second Chimera's pheromones were powerful enough to knock everybody unconscious, but not me. I got turned hyper by accident, but I could not save a fellow incubus we healed..." - I looked down.

  • "Oh honey." -

  • "The first one had its scent concealed, so it almost took Tobey..." - Rafael started to rub and knead on my back.

  • "I also, umm, got awfully curious..." - I always told my Rafael everything, but this was kind of shameful.

  • "Tell me." - he requested softly.

  • "The way chimeras eat... I was so shocked and horny and big... so I wiggled a finger into my cock... it felt more than great, but... I was thinking... what if I am part chimera myself?" - My heart was racing.

But Rafael just held me tighter under the showering water.

  • "It can't mean a bad thing. Maybe the doctor can confirm it. I mean, you're no blue blood, but you've always been different." - Rafael caressed my head so gently.

I looked at him deeply, his hair was flat, giving him a different look.

  • "Well... you seem to always know what to say." - That made him chuckle.

  • "Well, lets get this done. Hoyt wants us at the vault." - I smiled.

Then I could feel him gripping my erect member tightly, forcing me to moan.

  • "No quickie?" - He smirks, then squeezes.

  • "Well, maybe..." - I giggle.

He kissed my forehead, then my cheek, the corner of my lips and then kissing my mouth fully, rubbing my arms, licking my tongue...

  • "I haven't taken you in a few days... maybe more? So, assume the position, boy." - Rafael whispered seductively in my ear, nudging me towards the tiled wall in front of us.

I laughed, of joy and expectation, pressing against the tiles, leaning back while keeping an eye on my partner. I perked my butt, and he grabbed my hips firmly. In a swift thrust, he had half his cock buried in me.

  • "It just slides right in everytime." - Rafa chuckles, sliding the rest of himself in. I push against him, taking the whole familiar feeling, the pleasure, comfort and satisfaction. The natural rhythm of trusting and pulling, huffing and moaning, spiced with the extra enthusiasm of a quickie, and the warm moisture of the shower.

He gripped my torso as his hips sped up, I kept my hands raised and supported against the wall. The accelerated stimulation brought Rafie quickly to his peak, that being the plan. He moans loudly, with echoes bouncing in the room. My tailhole was filled with four or five spurts of his seed, so warm and comforting. Panting, he grabbed my cock. It was so hard, pulsing heavily under my lovers grip...

  • "Heh, its harder than usual." - he noticed, still breathing quickly, then he started pumping my flesh. It only took a dozen or so strokes to make me blow. The ecstasy of the release under my mate's grip, so satisfying...

I moaned real loud... we giggled.

  • "Oh Dose..." - Rafael held me tight, kissing my cheek as I straightened, his cock still buried in me.

  • "Ah I know, hun." - I took a deep sigh, leaning against him.


After that quickie with my lover, which had felt so absolutely right, he moved to the Vault, where the crew was expected to be. I walked to the main lab, looking for any fellow demons and have them go to the debriefing. Sure enough, Alex and Tobey were there. I had kinda forgotten about them.

  • "Oh, you guys recently slipped in?" - I stood beside the door.

  • "Yeah. We had a slight delay." - Alex said, relaxed.

  • "It's okay, Dooseh. When Alex is here there is no bad things for us two." - Tobey assured, in his big husky voice and a broad smile.

  • "Well, everyone's reuniting at the Vault. You guys know where it is, right?" - I told them, getting a nod from both.

  • "Then, I'll see you guys there." - They were already on their way.

I moved to the dorm hall, checking on every door. I informed the whole group that had previously been Alpha, most of of them were either napping or with a partner or friend. I assumed that the Beta group would already be there since that's where they were staying, and Gamma was with Hoyt, the guy who gave the orders. Still, I looked over the ledges above the lobby, no one was there. The showers were empty and the other parts of the structure were inaccessible to us. Only Carl and Oscar could access them. The Dr. still didn't pop up...

I still had the surface to look. After climbing the ladder and lifting the manhole to jump out, I see that Monk was there with the Manticore.

  • "Hey, uh, Monk; we're waiting for you at the Vault." - I was unnerved by the Manticore's presence, I couldn't hide that fact.

  • "Oh yeah..." - Monk's ears lost their perk for a moment.

  • "Say Dose, we really have to look for a place inside the base for Bruno to stay. I don't think its a good idea for him to be left to the plain view of the humans." - His youthful eyes looked worried.

I glanced at Bruno, noticing that he was paying a lot of attention. He looked quite different from that time; mainly because he looked relaxed and not enraged.

  • "Well, I was waiting for the doctor to come and arrange something, but he hasn't appeared yet. He may be running an errand or something. But I guess we can do something temporary for him." - I replied, measuring the lion-beast in my head, thinking of an useful area to place him without causing much disturbance or upsetting anyone.

But it seemed like a feat in and of itself, helping the manticore move about the base. At least, Monk seemed to be okay with the whole extra-large business.

  • "Let's go. I think he can wait in the lobby for now." - I motioned them, and Monk smiled, then pulled on Bruno's big index finger.

  • "Come on, big guy." - He said tenderly.

  • "I heard your friend, little demon." - Bruno smiled and rumbled. I was going to let them go first, it seemed like the better idea. Slowly, Bruno actually climbed down without much trouble. The extra long arms and wide frame did make it a little awkward for him, though. After getting down myself, I pointed where he could stay.

  • "Down there." - I said. and with a jump, he landed without breaking anything.

Bruno looked up at Monk.

  • "Go on, little demon." - He told the lad.

There wasn't much personal space where he was standing, he was so freaking big...

  • "I'll see you." - Monk told the large demon. Then I patted Monk's back, motioning him to move.


There were a lot of us; I subconsciously counted heads. There were twenty-three demons, twenty-four if we counted Bruno. The Virgin Virus apparently spared blue blood females and it didn't extend as completely as we though. Yuri, Aoi and Nina spent a lot of time in the human world, so with some extra care, they were completely safe...

  • "Now that we're here, we can start off with Alpha's report." - Hoyt declared.

  • "We found and escorted a survivor, but we got ambushed at one point and we couldn't save him. Other than that, we found nothing." - Gai talked for our group.

  • "What did the survivor say about what happened?" - Hoyt asked.

  • "He said there was some revolt, and everyone was unstable, but the destruction was caused by opportunistic Manticores and Chimeras." - Nina relayed.

  • "From a few reports I've taken, not all the cities have been reduced to rubble. I also heard there was a Manticore that supposedly became an ally to us. Who can explain that?" - Hoyt continued, looking around.

  • "Umm... I just encountered Bruno all of a sudden, and he told me that the lion-beasts are at odds with each other. He was the same beast I defeated that one time... and he just said that he'll do anything to help me..." - Monk tried to explain, a bit nervous.

  • "I can see a friendly manticore as useful, but I can't yet trust that idea. As for gamma, we got two family jewels." - Hoyt resumed, then Aoi raised a hand after a slight pause.

  • "Umm, what's that?" - She was full of curiosity, her face absolutely puzzled.

  • "Each blue blood family has one. It makes them more powerful, and it's permanent." - Hoyt cleared up.

Aoi then lowered her hand, feeling Yuri's 'What-Are-You-Doing' stare. Rose snorted at the pair, and Maseng couldn't stop looking at them since he saw them.

  • "Hoyt, I would like to know... Why now? Why... so late?" - Apollo soon asked.

  • "Weakness and confusion, my friend. But it doesn't seem like it's too late." - Hoyt stated.

Then a loud beep was heard.

  • "Hey, guys is Yun there? I really need him for a moment." - From a speaker came young Carl's voice.

Yun's ears perked, and he headed out the vault.


Carl was in some jeans and black shirt, and when he saw his familiar, he quickly went for a hug.

  • "What's wrong? You look anxious." - He asked.

  • "It's been two days since dad's been to the lab. He does do normal errands, but he mostly stays at home. I get if hes stuck at something important, but he would've told me if it was gonna take extra days or such. I mean, this place is safe and has everything I need, but..." - Carl's heart was racing, his worry shaving onto Yun

  • "You're saying that he might be missing... or worse?" - Yun concluded.

Carl nodded franticly, tears welling up.

  • "Who would that? I mean, this place is like freakin' bunker..." - Yun exclaimed.

  • "I... I think I know who might have. But you guys... you can't go out. How can you help? You can't let the humans see you." - Carl was embracing his familiar tightly.

  • "There are twenty-four demons in this building Someone will come up with something." - Yun gently released Carl, and headed back inside the Vault.

  • "Twenty...four?" - Carl stared in disbelief.


Yun took a while before he returned. Hoyt seemed annoyed...

  • "What did the boy need?" - He asked.

  • "Dr.Oscar has been missing for almost two days now." -

And with that said, the room filled with worried surprise and confusion

  • "The... mission can't continue without him. We have to find him." - Apollo was the one to say, standing from his seat.

  • "Let the boy in. This is... bad." - Hoyt growled.

Yun invited Carl to the roomful of demons, then I felt Rafie's hand around my hips.

  • "I can't believe this..." - he whispered.

Virgin Virus - Ch18: Intermission

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch16: Light

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Sixteen- - Last Chapter: - The Beta Group woke up inside the base of Apollo, a fellow military blue blood. It was a brief meeting, the leader of that base...

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Virgin Virus - Ch15: Dust

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter fifteen- - Last Chapter: - The Alpha crew had dealt with most of the city they were assigned to investigate, finding no useful evidence to bring back with them....

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