Virgin Virus - Ch19: Parallel

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#22 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

[Ch1 - Wave](%5C)

[Ch2 - Earth](%5C)

[Ch3 - Time](%5C)

[Ch4 - Fear](%5C)

[Ch5 - Absolution](%5C)

[Ch6 - Reflection](%5C)

[Ch7 - Reunion](%5C)

[Ch8 - Ice](%5C)

[Ch9 - Conviction](%5C)

[Ch10 - Silence](%5C)

[Ch11 - Anatomy](%5C)

[Ch12 - Fury](%5C)

[Ch13 - Azure](%5C)

[Ch14 - Black](%5C)

[Ch15 - Dust](%5C)

[Ch16 - Light](%5C)

[Ch17 - Evanescent](%5C)

[Ch18 - Intermission](%5C)

_ Virgin Virus: Extra Stories _

[The Dragon](%5C)

[Carl and Yun](%5C)

[Tobey and Alex](%5C)


Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Nineteen-

  • Last Chapter: -

The demons kept thinking about means to rescue the kidnapped Dr. Oscar, coming up with ideas like disguises and searching for shapeshifting demons. The day goes by with slight tension, but then a new mysterious figures comes along...

  • "You can enter, Mr. Xeno." - Rafael pops out of the manhole that served as our base's entrance.

  • "Our main leaders have gone on an errand, but we'll have you talk and see what can be done." - The angel said in all seriousness.

After climbing down, Xeno follows us to the main lab. Inside the sterile room, Ari, Anshel, Yun, Hayden and Gai awaited. The rest of the crew that stayed behind was taking a break, and the other part accompanied general Hoyt and commander Apollo in the recruitment of the shapeshifting demons. Xeno stepped into the middle, taking a glance of recognition of each incubus in the room.

  • "I'm ready to answer any questions you might have." - He spoke.

  • "Who captured the Dr. and why? Can you answer that?" - Rafael was quick and firm with his question, Xeno first nodded before replying.

  • "It was his former colleague, although it wasn't him directly. He was taken because he refused to help him on an apparently important project." -

  • "How do you know this? Who's this colleague you're talking about?" - Rafa came with more questions.

  • "I did say that I'm an aide of Nuenberg's. We don't work together very often, but I believe I know enough. And the person that might have taken him is called Fabien." - Xeno kept his arms behind his back.

By the shadowy Xeno's information, we now had a possible enemy.

  • "What can we do? We're really at a loss on that part..." - I told Xeno.

  • "I would understand if you don't know how to utilize the warp machines in this laboratory." -

  • "Umm... no. And the idea didn't even cross our minds." - Raiko seemed slightly baffled when he replied.

  • "I can help you with the portal machines. They may be able to take us close to the doctor's location." - Xeno declared.

  • "Well, alright then, when do we go? We can't keep waiting much." - Rafael mentioned.

  • "Three hours approximately. And we will need a few test runs before we can use it correctly. Gather your things and thoughts, I'll contact you all when the machines are ready." - Xeno told us.

  • "Umm, one last thing. Could you show us your face? Its a little hard to trust someone as covered up as you." - I asked Xeno with arms crossed.

He nodded, then opened his coat a bit, lowered its collar and removed the glasses and muffler he had on, but still keeping the hat. We all looked with curiosity. A perfilated face and gentle, carefree eyes. He also had a very slight beard. Ultimately, not what any of us imagined. We could only expect to be further surprised...

  • "I must work in a covert manner. Humans dealing with demons is dangerous on many aspects." - His voice was a bit clearer and softer without his muzzler covering his mouth.

  • "I guess we are all at an understanding here." - Anshel spoke for all of us.


Raiko felt odd since the arrival of the guest military demons. He had been feeling strange things for Dose for some time now, but this was another shade of weird. He wondered if it was noticeable, and although superficially he didn't worry, the subsconcious did. What would they think of him? He felt like he needed someone to talk to. Someone different and unknown to the group. Rai felt sad, he had his health and friends who cared, but the confusion carried frustration with it. The thunder demon took an early shower, hoping to cool down his head and come out with a refreshed feeling, ready for whatever might be at hand. It was normal for him to bathe alone, his electric powers react to the water similarly to pure electricity. There were some things that would be very unlikely for him to experience, due to that fact.

In a few minutes, he was rinsing the soap and lather and foam from his fur, after taking his time in cleaning up. His body gained a faint a blue glow, it was the countless minute reactions of the drops of water against his skin. These spread throught the entire tiled floor. The specialized tiling of the locker room prevented electricity from conducting any further. Soon, he gripped his wet hard phallus in a more intent manner, holding it tight and concentrating on its primal warmth.

  • "I just know that I'm saving you. I don't know for who or why even. But still." - He spoke to himself.

Raiko's senses react to energy forms at the high end of the spectrum. Electricity, plasma and psychic energy all make his senses react. It was like a creeping itch, making the hair of his fur stand on ends on his chest and arms. He turned, and he caught the green guest walking at the opposite end of the shower room. The military demon looks at Raiko, meeting with his eyes.

  • "Ah, hey." - The green haired demon smiled as genuinely as he could.

  • "The vault has a shower, but the group closed it. So i asked one of the fellows for this one." - He explained, pausedly examined the bathing Raiko, then turned to the shower.

  • "Umm, there's a reason I bathe alone." - The thunder demon worried about the well being of the fellow incubus.

  • "Oh, dont worry about me and your electric powers little demon. By the way, I'm anshel. Your lightning powers wont harm me, at least not those tiny reactions." - Anshel informs in a cheerful tone.

  • "I'm Raiko. And I'm glad I'm not a threat to your health." - Raiko answered with relief, having finished rinsing.

He was delaying himself, looking for a conversation with the oddly friendly Anshel. This demon was resistant to his natural powers, which struck him with lots of curiosity.

  • "So, I'm curious. Why a shower now?" - Raiko asked.

  • "Oh, I really felt dirty." - Anshel chuckles.

  • "And you?" -

  • "I needed to relax, and bathing kind of does it for me." - Raiko voiced his answer.

  • "Ah, I see." - Anshel remarked.

  • "Hey, you're a blue, aren't-cha?" - Rraiko wondered.

  • "Oh yes." - Anshel confirmed.

  • "What power do you have?" - Raiko wondered.

Anshel just chuckled, and kept working on cleaning himself up.

  • "What's so funny?" - The blond demon asked after getting no answer from Anshel.

Instead, the green haired demon snuck behind Raiko, scritching a line from the top of his furry back downwards with his index claw. This makes a colorful trail of green, blue and yellow sparks that make Raiko yelp and turn, his fur standing on ends.

  • "Whaa!! - The thunder demon's eyes were wide open and his face absolutely mystified.

  • "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" - Anshel looked worried.

  • "No, but it took me WAY off guard." - Raiko takes a breath and straightens up, now facing Anshel, who stood just a few inches from him.

Raiko looks at the incubus' green eyes, and feels his heart skip and warmth fill him.

  • "Whoah, this guy makes me feel the same way Dose does... but hell, I don't know him... but he's so nice and hot and well endowed... mmm well endowed... oh jeez, i could never be a military demon." - Raiko's head rushes with tangled thoughts, making him look all nervous.

He chuckles insecurely and turns his back on an amused Anshel, pretending to resume rinsing.

  • "To answer your question, I'll rather show you." - The green eyed incubus gently grips and kneads on Raiko's shoulders, making him gasp once again.

  • "My, you're awfully tense." - Anshel seemed surprised as he kept massaging Raiko's shoulders.

  • "I-I am?" - Raiko's breathing slowed down, taking in Anshel's dexterous grip.

  • "Yeah. Why are you so nervous?" - Anshel chuckled, applying some of his energy to the massaging motions and making his hands glow light green.

  • "I... uh..." - Raiko's heart accelerated once more.

  • "Whoah, forget about it. Just relax. -" Anshel informed.

Raiko took another deep breath, attempting to release his body from worry. He began to focus on the moment, on Anshel and how good he was with his strong hands. After a few minutes of Anshel skillfully untangling Raiko's muscles, he spanks the thunder demon's round butt, sparks briefly jolting out.

  • "There we go. All done." - Anshel exclaims cheerfuly, making Raiko meep and face Anshel again.

  • "I-ah, was that necesary?" -

  • "Oh, you didn't like it? I was just messing with you." -

  • "No... I mean, it felt... nice." -

  • "Hehe." - Anshel chuckled at Raiko's shyness, stepping closer to the thunder demon. The military demon looked down on Raiko, who stepped back, cornering himself against the tiled wall.

  • "Um, what are you doing?" - Raiko nervously asked.

  • "I thought that you may like more things beside a simple pat on that nice butt of yours." - Anshel grinned.

  • "I... uh..." - Raiko's eyes strayed to the side.

  • "Come on, if you dont want this just say so. It'll be okay." - Anshel smiled, an inch away from the thunder demon and focusing on his opal gaze.

  • "This guy really likes me, or at least my body. Not like Monk or Dose, something different. He's hot and he got me so horny so fast..." - Raiko rushed through his thoughts, nodding in an effort to comunicate that he wanted it.

  • "Let me tell you, when you put on the human disguise, I thought of eating you up right then and there. I haven't been able to ignore admiring you from the first instant I saw you." - Anshel leaned ever closer, their breaths caressing each other under the warm drenching shower stream.

  • "T-thanks." - Raiko replied under his excited breathing.

  • "You're awfully jittery; I can hear your heart from here... Relax; are you a virgin?" - Anshel was amused, scritching Raiko's chest.

  • "S-second time." - He muttered.

  • "Still inexperienced. Well, I'm just going to keep the words to a minimum while I have my way you." - Anshel declared, and Raiko took another deceicive breath.

The military incubus grabbed the side of Raiko's upper torso with tenderness, steadying him for a moment.

  • "If only we could use a room." - Anshel mentioned as he turned Raiko slightly in order to shut off the shower.

  • "The guys will catch us." - Raiko assured.

Anshel smirked, then began licking Raiko's chest, running his tongue across the slight cleavage between both muscles, continuing on to Rai's nipple. Anshel suckled on it and gently nibbled it, both demon receiving intensified sensations from Anshel's foreplay thanks to the reaction of their auras.

Anshel was making soft sounds of delight as he kept pressing his lips on Raiko's fur, on a route to his neck. The thunder demon held onto Anshel's shoulders, moaning softly at the intensified feeling. Raiko's neck soon was reached, then his lips, locking them together. For a minute, they both indulge in the slight warmth of passion, their eyes closed and their pulses slowed. Another minute and Raiko is reminded of Lestat... their first encounter.

  • "Ahh...!" - Rai slips from the kiss with a gasp, while Anshel slowly opens his eyes.

  • "Anshel..." - Raiko whispers, calming as he utters his current partner's name.

  • "What's wrong, Raiko?" -

  • "Nothing..." - Raiko sighs.

  • "Hey... I'll make this time better than your first time. I... really like you." - Anshel pressed himself further against Raiko, rubbing his bigger than average cock between Raiko's thighs and furry testes.

  • "Ohh... mmm..." - Raikos own penis was tucked between both demons' torsos, pulsing hotly.

  • "Let me show you some of abilities." - Anshel whispered as he kissed and licked on Raiko's batty ears, enjoying his light moans.

The green-eyed demon holds Rai's hips, keeping him pressed to the wall as he kneels, sneaking a few tastes of Raiko's strong torso. Anshel soon positions himself near Raiko's groin, licking his lips as he stared the thunder demon's dick with desire. He playfully held Rai's balls, wheighing them, massaging them and tenderly tucking thnem in his hands.

  • "You have a nicer set than mine. It's the first thing I noticed, after your hairstyle." - Anshel looked up on the overwatching Raiko, seeing him blush hotly.

The military demon then began to suck on the tip of Rai's prick, which remained erect against his belly. Anshel used his mouth to pull on it while his hands kept Rai's round furry butt in firm grasp. Raiko's moans of pleasure were getting louder as Anshel kept taking more and more of his member in his skilled mouth. He didn't hesitate, soon working his partner's cock fully inside his mouth, the leaking lubrication, texture and warmth giving the ecstasy he wanted. Anshel's tongue surrounded, enveloped and took care of Rai's dick, the thunder demon holding Anshel's bobbing head, trying to synchronize the motions to the waves of pleasure and desire.

After some repetitions, Raiko's partner slips his mouth off his member slowly, a slight string of saliva and lubricant glimmering before cutting an instant later. The green eyed demon grips his cock, holding it to his level, feeling it tense as it muscles struggle against his grip. Anshel wraps it with both hands, and slowly strokes the length of it, pouring his energy into it and granting it a light green glow. Raiko gasps deeply as the energy flows into him, pulling him into raw pleasure.

  • "Ahhh! Anshel... whaaa!" - It soon becomes overwhelming for the thunder demon, his body feeling at the peak of his resistance.

As Anshel masturbates his partner's energized member, it begins to stretch, thicken and grow. At first, only the tip stood out of Anshel's gripping hands, but as it grew, he soon held only had the middle of the swollen phallus, licking it and no longer being able to fully wrap his mouth around it. Raiko opened his eyes, catching sight of this new, huge cock that belonged to him.

  • "Anshel, my...!!" - Raiko gasped and moaned loudly.

  • "Like I said, this will be better than your de-virginization (if that even is a word)." - Anshel said lustfully.

Raiko's enlarged cock steadies, springing and bumping into his chest with a lewd sound.

  • "Oof- whoah." - Raiko hugged it with both arms, staring into it slimy cocktip.

Anshel then puts his arms beside Raiko, pressing his own body against Raiko's boosted penis and rubbing his own against it in a humping manner.

  • "I like how its pulsing like a heartbeat." - Anshel remarked.

As he kept humping the foot and a half long cock's thickness, his own glowed green and began to grow as well, making Anshel moan and huff in increasing volume. Raiko gasps in between moans as he notices Anshel's cock grow past his now huge cock, squirting a large wad of precum and further sliming up their hot, sweaty bodies.

  • "Anshel... this is..." - Raiko continued to huff in the haze of sexual ecstasy, unable to speak correctly.

  • "Don't climax, yet... ah." - Anshel was in slightly more control of his pure pleasure throes, trying to extend their finale further.

He grabbed Raiko by the arms, lifting him against the wall tiles. A moment later Rai felt Anshel's swollen tip kissing his tailhole, making him meep. Anshel just wagged his demon tail incesantly while the thunder demon's pumped penis stayed rock hard near Anshels head and pressed against its owner's body.

  • "Just breathe..." - Anshel mumbled as he lowered Raiko, the demon's body allowing itself to be invaded by the large, welcoming cock of his partner.

The penetrating cocktip glowed dark green, energizing the puckered velvety skin and allowing it to wrap Anshel's cock without much strain. Raiko expected pain, but only recieved unadulterated pleasure as he connected so deeply with Anshel.

Slowly, Raiko's docked into Anshel with his huge pumped cock, barely leaving him enough room for his own self to experience the absolute pleasure.

  • "So..." - Raiko couldn't even breathe right.

  • "...tight" - Anshel mumbled, taking in the powerful feeling.

  • "I was... going for... massive... you..." - Raiko uttered, they both managed to laugh in between the ecstasy.

Then the green eyed demon began to slowly pump Raiko's insides, entering the primal dance of sex... the demons ferally fucked, roared, hissed for long minutes, traveling together to male climax. When anshel feels his peak ever so close, he slips his enlarged cock out of Raiko with minimal care, humping both phalluses between their bodies. Not without delay, they blow copious amounts of pent up, liquid pleasure, bathing in their white slimy mess...

The pair of demons locked in a kiss of ardor, for minutes after their mutual climax...

  • "We have a lot of catching up to do..." - Said anshel under his lacking breath.

  • "Mhmm." - Raiko sighed.

Their members had shrunk, and their fur stuck with the slimy combination of bodily fluids that spiced their bodies. They later managed to clean and dry each others bodies, and almost left the showers with hands held.

  • "I'll catch you later." - Anshel kissed Rai on the cheek as he released his furry hand.

  • "Ok." - Rai smiled broadly, and they both parted along the metal walkway headed opposite ways with a longing feeling.


A few minutes later, Ari and Rude pass by, Ari taking a whiff...

  • "Smell that? The showers here are overused for such purpouse. I wonder why..." - Ari sighed.

  • "We should try it. Maybe you'll stop wondering then." - Rude suggested.

  • "Oh... shush, you. You hate water almost as much as heights." -

  • "We could leave them off." -

And Ari just rolls his eyes as they walk past its entrance.


It was four hours of wait as Xeno worked on finding a way to warp us to wherever they held Oscar captive. Rafael and me kept close to him, he asked for a few things but he mainly worked alone, in part because we didn't get what he was doing in exact detail. It was very much like watching the doctor work.

He eventually had all the thirteen demons that remained in the base inside the main lab. The other half went to find some shapeshifting demons for help, as we already knew.

  • "I managed to set up a route that'll get us very near the doctor's location. But we have to take a short path through manticorian lands." - Xeno said with a tone of warning, the statement causing most demons in the room to open their eyes wide.

None of us had ever visited the manticore realms.

  • "Why their realm?" - Anshel asked.

  • "I could directly get us to the island where they are keeping him, but not to where he is, and it would be time consuming since the island is pretty big. A small tropical country." - Xeno responded.

It didn't seem like we had much of a choice.

Xeno, who had his coat and detective hat off, possesed long, unkempt dark blond hair. He definitely was not JUST a human. A mere human would not suggest such a hostile realm so casually.

  • "Manticores are a few orders more powerful than us. Together we can take them, but its still a danger..." - Rafael told Xeno.

  • "Not to worry. It is a comparitively short path. If we do face manticores, I have means of dealing with them." - Xeno assured.

  • "Would you show us what you mean?" - Raiko asked for all of us.

  • "No, only if I'm forced to use any such means will you see..." - Xeno spoke a little more seriously.

There was some silenece of thought...

  • "Will there be any more questions?" - Xeno asked us, but only got shaking heads as a reply.

  • "Then I believe we are ready." -


The second half of the group that we represented was composed of thirteem demons. We had slipped into the portal that lead to the realm of the lion-beasts...

When we slipped out the portal, we land on a long grassy plain, trying to take in the difference of their world. Ultimately, while very similar, the colors were richer, the climate warmer, the smells stronger, the air heavier...

The shapes of the land felt familiar as we traversed small forests and ran accross small creeks. What's more, Xeno the shady human was keeping up with us, breaking my expectation that someone would have to carry him. At a later point in the travel, we stopped for a quick breath and to make sure we were on the right path. We had paused on a shallow lake, the water ankle deep and refreshingly cool.

  • "Quite interesting this visit, hasn't it?" - Rafael said as he tenderly squeezed my shoulder.

  • "I really didn't think It'd be like this, hun." - I told rafael.

We waited for Xeno's cue to continue, but...

A loud roar preceeded the meteor-style arrival of a manticore that jumped seemingly from nowhere into the middle of our group, making the ground briefly shake and forcing us to scatter in a circle to avoid getting squashed. I was only facing its back, taking mental note of the manticore's distintive marroon mullet-styled mane, which reached several inches below his shoulders.

It first looked hungrily at Hayden, throwing its oversized arm into a punch aimed at the darkness demon. Hayden gasps and extends his arm before him with his hand open, cojuring a window of dark energy to protect him. The manticore's fist fails to hit anything, just grazing atoms as it enters Hayden's portal.

The maned beast pulls back, looking puzzled, and Gai lunges at the manticore with a roar of opportunity. The monster snorts and swats Gai away like nothing.

  • "Gai!! - Hayden shouted as he reached for his mate.

It turned to me and Rafie, making my angel hiss and bare his fangs; I held him in worry.

  • "You'll only get hurt." - I warned my lover.

Xeno and the three femmes were the beast's next target, but its interrupted by the impact of a boulder thrown by Rude, having made the mullet mane flinch and roar in pain.

  • "That looked like it hurt." - Rude remarked, Ari chuckled.

That makes the monster turn to the earth demon, but as it makes the motion, it yelps out of more pain, the tip of its lion tail having been cut clean off with minimal blood loss, by Anshel.

The green haired demon used a narrow triangular shaped blade of green energy that was produced from his hand, at least six or seven feet long.

  • "So that's what he does." - I muttered out of enlightment.

The mullet monster flings its claws at his offender, but his attack is blocked by Yun's aura sword. It almost knocks the wingless demon off balance, but he held his ground. Anshel uses that moment to slash at the monster's muscular arm, but only scratches its skin as it quickly pulls away.

  • "Heh, he's not dumb." - Anshel snorted.

  • "We can take this thing down, together!" - He exclaimed, being interrupted a moment later.

  • "No, don't. It will be a waste of time and energy! Let me handle it." - Xeno proclaimed with sheer confidence, and we had no choice but to trust him.

The manticore turns to him as he hears this, the girls that stood near the human scattering further as the monster stepped forward.

  • "What can a measly human do, hmm?" - The mullet monster's voice was deep.

  • "I shall beat you with prudence." - Xeno claimed, standing at the ready.

He inhaled deeply, his eyes glowed red as his chest rose. He groaned and bent forward, with crossed arms and balled fists. He then rips forward and a deep echoing howl is heard. At that moment, his clothes rip at the seams, his whole body gaining a full coat of pitch black fur and his face a long muzzle, with a large tail ripping out the back of his pants.

Xeno's transformation had mystified us...

The werewolf looks at the manticore, twisting its head with a slight groan before calling it out.

  • "What is it? Self-preservation? Warrior's code? Cowardice? Come at me, beast!" - The manticore wastes no time in sending one of its claws in an overhead arc to smash Xeno.

But the werewolf completely dodges the attack, countering with a punch to the monsters gut. The thing was that Xeno just punched the air, the manticore being impacted by something much larger and invisible. Amazing.

The black wolf just waited for the manticore to recover and strike again, instead of taking initiative. The lion-beast kept slashing, kicking, biting and pouncing and failing each time, getting pummeled by Xeno's otherwordly punches, hooks, jabs and uppercuts. The manticore would soon be completely covered in bruises before falling in front of a triumphant wolf-Xeno.

Xeno then bows to the fallen beast.


He had revealed part of his nature to us. Werewolves were nothing new to us, but he claimed that he just changed shapes, which might mean that he probably transformed into other creatures. Were-creatures, or lycanthropes, involved a human and a non-human, and a lot of malice.

This xeno seemed to have a lot more up his sleeve. Beyond that, manticores are very tough battles for us to win, but he took care of the mulleted one by himself. We could conclude that we had one mysteriously powerful ally.

After some more sprinting, we reached a large circular mirror framed in ancient, ornate rock; that was our shortcut to where the doctor was... where we arrived, it was a sky dive style entrance like we used to have. We landed on a tropical place, the greens extra green, the oxygen richer and the climate warm and humid.

  • "This is a relatively small island nation a few hundred miles northeast from Oscar's base. He is held in a lab nearby." - Xeno informed.

  • "Wait, so the one who kidnapped the doctor is a scientist?" - Raiko wondered.

  • "Yes. Fabien is ambitious, addicted and rich." - Xeno added.

  • "There are so many like that." - Ari sighed.

Virgin Virus - Ch20: Hedonism

Incubus: Virgin Virus [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch18: Intermission

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 -...

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Virgin Virus - Ch17: Evanescent

_ **Incubus: Virgin Virus** _ [Ch1 - Wave](%5C) [Ch2 - Earth](%5C) [Ch3 - Time](%5C) [Ch4 - Fear](%5C) [Ch5 - Absolution](%5C) [Ch6 - Reflection](%5C) [Ch7 - Reunion](%5C) [Ch8 - Ice](%5C) [Ch9 - Conviction](%5C) [Ch10 - Silence](%5C) [Ch11...

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