An Argos Experience - Day Two and Departure

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A young blue-furred bobcat wins an on-line contest that promises to be an experience of a lifetime, which a familiar AI is very keen to deliver.

A charity commission for nfjrrjf

Edited by texotic

Day 2:

Kajiit awoke to find his room had changed yet again, this time with an ancient civilization theme that had a futuristic twist to it reminiscent of the alien experience he just had. As he got out of bed he found that his body had reverted back to its normal self and that breakfast had already been prepared in the replicator and ready for his consumption. Though he had liked his new body, he did find his former one to be more comfortable, especially when it came to eating. As he ate he looked at the tablet that had been provided for him and saw a message from Argos saying that he had messed with the theme slightly in order to prepare him for his next simulation. It caused him to chuckle a bit at his host's coy nature, especially when he saw the end of the e-mail that, whenever he was ready, to walk out the door.

After finishing his breakfast and usual morning routine he got ready to go out the door, brushing his hands on his fur before he opened the door and stepped through it. Unlike yesterday any anxiety he may have had about the prospect was replaced with a sense of excitement and wonder. With everything he experienced yesterday, how he could feel his body transform and feel those strange instincts made him realize that really anything was possible. Once he was through the scenery shifted around him, and with the next blink of his eye his room was gone.

Almost instantly he found himself in the middle of a jungle-like setting, and when he looked down at himself he found that he had on clothes that made him feel like an explorer. When he took a few more steps out he appeared to be in the middle of some sort of field camp complete with tents and people milling about. "Well this is certainly a change of pace," Kajiit said as he tried to find a person that might help.

He finally did in the form of a lion who was dressed similarly to him, the other feline giving him a nod as Kajiit walked up next to him. "Glad to see someone is up and about," the other male said, Kajiit once more receiving the same prompt as the last simulation that informed him his name was Mussin. "You're lucky, the others wanted to breach the wall into sector W4 without you, but I gave them all an extra round of coffee in order to placate them."

"I certainly appreciate it," Kajiit replied with a smirk. As he looked down at the map he wondered in the back of his mind he wondered if this was Fel again or another of Argos' sprites. Either way, he wondered what this simulation could possibly yield for him on a start like this, especially when he saw what appeared to be other artifacts on the nearby tables that other researchers were pouring over.

After an hour of additional preparation where Kajiit essentially got a crash course in archeology, and like what Argos had informed him in his message, it appeared they were in the middle of digging up an ancient civilization. While it was very interesting, it still left the bobcat wondering exactly what they were about to do, especially after the twist in the last simulation. At this point just learning something new was exciting enough as they passed out the tools and he continued to see little text boxes appear that told him what they were. Once Mussin had given the morning briefing, he, Kajiit, and several other furs gathered their gear and walked down through the cave that was the source of their excavation.

Once again Kajiit could feel everything that would be expected of being inside a cave; the air had a damp, earthy smell to it and he could feel the stone and dirt against his fingertips. It was something that made it hard to believe that he was inside a computer simulation as he walked further down into the darkness. After a few minutes the only guiding light they had was glow sticks and electric lanterns as they reached an area marked out by numbers and rope, the site of the archeological dig. Several of their group broke off in order to go into other areas, but Kajiit and most of the others pressed on until they got to a wall of the cave that was marked in white chalk.

"Alright gentlemen," Mussin said as he hoisted a pickaxe onto his shoulder. "The x-ray and thermal imaging have given us a clear path to chop through, so please try to stay within the marked outlines. While we can't say for certain, it appears there are structural anomalies on either side, so we want to make sure to keep those as pristine as possible. Otherwise, go at it boys, and happy digging!"

The lion's enthusiasm was infectious, and even Kajiit felt a giddy excitement to the prospect of digging as he was one of the first to take a swing into the stone. Soon the air was filled with the clank of metal against rock, as well as the rumors of what could possibly lie on the other side from the other workers. After about an hour they had made a sizable fissure in the rock, though it still appeared to be sturdy as the bobcat decided to take a step back and drink from his canteen. He soon found the lion seated next to him that had decided to take a water break, himself, as he tried to wipe the dust from his fur.

"Never is a clean job," Mussin mused with a chuckle as he dribbled some of the water from his canteen into a handkerchief to put on his face. "Whether you're at a site digging through the mud and dirt hoping to find something or back in the city attempting to get funding, you always find yourself on your knees one way or another. Still, it's not something that I would trade for anything in the world, you?"

"Well it certainly is an exciting prospect," Kajiit replied as he watched the other workers continue to hammer away at the barrier between them and what laid beyond. "To have something hidden away for so long and then be able to uncover a lost part of history is thrilling indeed, even if it isn't re... er... really a job where you get a lot of fame and fortune like they show on the television."

The blue bobcat breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his momentary lapse on revealing this was a simulation went unnoticed as the lion laughed. "So true!" Mussin stated as he stood back up. "Something like this is once in a lifetime, and even then I wouldn't be surprised if it was just another room filled with a few metal items like the ones you saw above. If you expect to suddenly breach into some hidden treasure chamber or something like that, you're likely to be very disappointed in the long-"

Mussin's statement was cut short when one of the worker's pickaxe suddenly went through the stone and halfway into the other room. Even as far away as they were, Kajiit could feel a change in pressure as a room that had been completely sealed off for centuries was suddenly connected to the rest of the world once more. The murmur between the workers suddenly turned into an excited clamor as they all focused on the area of the breakthrough, and it wasn't long before they had gotten a big enough hole in the cave wall for them to enter into. Once the workers had cleared the area and backed away, Mussin and Kajiit were the first ones to enter with powerful flashlights.

"This is why I do it," the lion said as they stopped after they had gotten past the threshold. "Do you realize we're standing on a spot that hasn't seen contact for thousands of years? We're the first to stir the air of this room in quite some time. But enough of that, it looks like we got more than just a single room to explore. Let's get the workers to start cleaning the walls for potential wall art while we see if there's anything easy artifact-wise to gather up."

Kajiit nodded and the two motioned for the others to come in. Much like themselves, each of them seemed to have a sense of awe and wonder as Mussin informed them of where to go. As he did Kajiit took a little walk around the room, though much like the lion had said, there wasn't much more than an empty room for him to look at. The workmanship on the stone was impressive; however, unlike the rest of the cave these walls, they were smooth to the touch and appeared to be hewn together from cut blocks.

As the bobcat looked down one of the hallways that led further into the darkness, something he heard caused him to stop dead in his tracks. At first he thought it was something that one of the workers had said, but when he looked back he saw that they were all still gathered around Mussin as he gave out the work orders, along with two other head archeologists that had joined him. Curious, Kajiit decided to break the usual protocol of hanging around the person that seemed to be in charge of such things and investigate what he heard for himself. After a quick glance back to make sure that he wasn't being watched, he walked down the stone stairs and along a hallway.

"This is definitely one elaborate hole in the wall," Kajiit commented to himself as he looked into one room and saw what appeared to be the bare bones of a bedroom, while another held the petrified remains of plants. As he continued to walk further down, though, the source of his curiosity seemed to grow lower and began to have the distinctive sound of someone singing. Since it was likely that no one has been alive down here for such a long time, it was either in his mind or some sort of lure, but even as he thought that, he couldn't help but continue to walk towards it as he rounded the corner into another hallway.

Finally after several twists and turns he arrived at a room that was even bigger than the one that they had come in on, this one also completely bare save for a large throne at the back of the opposite wall. Even with his flashlight it felt extremely creepy as he stepped inside, though the second he did the singing seemed to stop. At first Kajiit was about to turn back and tell the others what he found when the beam of light happened to pass by something on the throne that glinted and caught his eye. Once again he knew that this likely wasn't something he should be doing, but the fact that the simulation continued to run even though he broke off seemed to imply that, at the very least, he wasn't doing anything to ruin it as he walked forward.

Once he got to the large stone seat on the other side of the room he saw what had shined in the light; it was an ornate golden mask with the visage of a dragon, complete with encrusted gemstones and two openings for the eyes. It was a beautiful piece and not what he was expecting at all, though as he picked it up he felt a slight jolt of static electricity that caused him to drop it back on the throne. His head tilted slightly and he knelt down to look at the gold object as though it was going to bite him, but when it just continued to sit there, he shrugged and picked it up once again. The second time came with no shocks to the system, and as he looked at the inside of the mask it looked shiny and almost wet, even though he knew it wasn't possible.

"I should probably get this back to Mussin and the others," the bobcat mused as he tried to move back towards the entrance of the room, only to find his feet unresponsive to his mental commands as he looked down at them in frustration. "C'mon... move... what the heck? Why aren't they responding?"

"That would be because of me," a voice said suddenly in Kajiit's head that caused his eyes to widen. "My name is Ranath, and while you've been sitting there looking at my handiwork, I've taken the opportunity to probe through your mind. While you certainly will work for what I need at the moment, you are not a suitable vessel. However, you were the one to heed my call and that requires a reward, plus I do need you to get me out of here, so why don't you go ahead and put my mask on so we can get better acquainted..."

The sudden presence of someone in his mind knocked the bobcat slightly off balance, but as he tried to drop the mask in order to hopefully end the connection, he found that his arms had followed suit with his legs. "You can't make me do this..." Kajiit said as he looked down at the mask, which seemed to slowly grow bigger as he realized his own arms had started to pull it up towards his muzzle. "Stop that! How are you doing this?"

The voice in his head chuckled as Kajiit's arms shook to try and keep the mask away from his face, though even as his entire body started to tremble from the resistance, it only continued to drift towards him. "The second you touched my creation it created a link between us," the voice continued to explain. "I wouldn't expect such a lowly creature as yourself to understand, but it involves how your nerves work and the fact that I hijacked the electrical pathways through this mask. Once you put it on I'll be able to have more... direct control so I can continue with what needs to be done."

Kajiit was stunned at what the voice was talking about and realized that this was the advanced part of the civilization that Argos had talked about. Instead of some sort of biological or mystical component, it appeared the mask was something highly technological, which despite the intensity of the situation, caused his intuitive mind to kick into overdrive with the thought of the possibilities. Despite wanting to see what would happen next the feline couldn't help but play into the role, whether he was supposed to be the one to find the mask or not, he decided to invest himself fully into it and turn his head away as it hovered mere inches from his face. "You can't do this to me!" he shouted, which only seemed to draw a chuckle from the entity.

"You have no idea what I can do to you..." the voice replied darkly as Kajiit felt his head turn back just as the mask drew up to his head. "Not yet, at least." Almost as soon as the inside of the mask made contact with his fur, the bobcat gasped as electrical tingles shot through his entire body, which he suddenly seemed to regain control of. He took his fingers and tried to get underneath the seam of the mask, only to find the gold had completely fused with his skin. As his digits ran against the cool metal, he could feel it lose its definition and begin to spread outwards.

As Kajiit began to feel the inner material of the mask seem to melt into his face, he thought he saw something in the corner of his eye that caused him to spin around, only to find the space behind him completely empty. The bobcat could feel his heart race as he slowly turned back around when he found himself staring straight into the face of a dragon. Kajiit gasped and backed up onto the platform of the throne, stumbling until his back hit the stone chair as he got a look at the creature in front of him.

With a second glance it was clear that the thing in front of him wasn't real, the draconic male was see-through and looked to be made out of solid, blue energy as it continued to advance on him. "To answer your question, yes," Ranath said, though its mouth never moved as Kajiit was pushed back onto the seat of the throne itself. "I am not actually real, not in the physical sense anyway. I was once, and soon will be once again as soon as I find a more compatible host to merge with."

"Merge?" Kajiit asked as he felt his back press against the strangely warm stone which seemed to vibrate under his body. "I thought you said..."

"Not with you, dear," the spectral dragon replied with a smirk as the bobcat suddenly found himself taking his clothes off without giving the mental command. "I need someone with similar personality traits to my own, someone who would be more inclined to do the things that I want to do. You're going to be a vessel for me, instead, to help me get ready. Of course if I'm going to have you, we're going to need to make a few changes..."

Before Kajiit could even ask what sort of changes he meant, he looked down and found himself completely naked. Ranath grinned evilly at him and approached once more, and when he finally got in close enough to touch, his body felt strangely solid to him. It was explained to him that with continued integration he was able to manipulate tactile sensations and sight to properly break him, but for more intimate things he would need a little help... which was why he had been guided back to the throne in the first place. Kajiit couldn't help but wish that he could see what the dragon meant by that as he felt his legs get sprawled out onto the armrests.

The feline's breathing quickened as he felt the hologram's simulated hand press against his half-erect cock, causing the turgid shaft to stiffen even more as he groaned. To Kajiit's surprise when he did, the mouth of the mask split apart and moved with his lips. Despite his precarious position he couldn't help but stick his tongue out and see it move out further than before, and as he moved it along the mask, it felt exactly like he just just licked his own lips. He also became aware that the gold metal had moved further along his head and had started to coat the back of it as his face, continuing to reshape under the guidance of the mask on it.

"I told you that you would be given a reward for all the help you're providing, willing or no," the dragon said as he continued to press his virtual body against Kajiit. "What better reward than to become just like me? Now just sit there and relax, this is going to be fun."

Kajiit couldn't help but swallow hard as the dragon sidled up to him and felt something press against his tailhole at the same time. Though he looked down and saw the semi-translucent blue cock pushing into him he knew it had to be something else, likely something that had come from the throne itself. That mattered little to the feline, though, as Ranath began to push inside him, real cock or no, and caused him to gasp out in shock and bliss. At the same time the metal had completely covered his head but went no further, and as Ranath continued to push into him, he could continue to feel his furred flesh transform down his neck without the metal covering it.

Just as the two started to get into it Ranath suddenly stopped, his simulated cock buried halfway into Kajiit's tailhole as the feline panted heavily while the dragon looked behind him. "I sense movement within my domain," he muttered before he turned back to Kajiit with a smirk. "Looks like I'll have to change you on the fly, I would hate to ignore my other guests after all."

Ranath pushed himself in deep and it would have caused the bobcat to cry out had the lips of the mask not sealed shut once more to muffle his moans. Once the dragon hilted Kajiit felt something begin to fill him, his chest heaving from the stimulation inside him as the virtual construct disappeared from his vision. With the illusion gone he looked down to see something had slid out from the chair; a very non-ancient looking metal rod with a synthetic cap that looked like the dragon's cock slowly slid out of him and retreated back into the stone. As Kajiit tried to stand, he once more found his body completely unresponsive to his commands, though that didn't stop it from moving as he felt the metal mask curl up into a smile.

"Well this definitely is a treat," Kajiit's voice spoke as his body slowly slid off from the throne and onto the floor, the feline sensing the dragon's displeasure as he looked around the dusty room. "This certainly isn't going to do at all, luckily I have just the thing for cases like this."

It was clear to Kajiit that Ranath was in complete possession of his body as he walked around to the back of the throne and pressed several of the raised stones on it. Once Ranath was finished a panel slid open and revealed a set of gloves and shoes, also made out of a gold-like material and fashioned in the style of a dragon. Ranath took the items and spent a few minutes putting them on the bobcat's body, then standing to test them out once he was finished. Despite not being able to actually move a muscle Kajiit could feel everything, including the metallic adornments as the dragon inside him moved them experimentally.

Just like with the mask, Kajiit could feel his hands and feet begin to tingle as they were molded into the same configuration as what was worn on them. As he was walked out the door he tried to look down at them, but with no control over his vision, the only thing he could do was try and catch a glimpse of them as they walked. He didn't need to wait long to get his chance; however, as his hand reached up and pressed against one of the stones on the other side of the room. As the rock beneath his palm began to glow he could see that bright blue scales had begun to assimilate the fur of his wrist and continue to spread upwards along with the accompanying tingling sensation. Before he could look too far into it, though, his field of view changed to the throne room as centuries of dust and grime seemed to dissolve before his eyes to reveal the metal underneath.

"Beautiful, isn't it," Ranath said as he watched lines of glowing blue circuitry light up the area, then spread past the room and out into the hallway. "This could have changed the very course of civilization had the calamity not struck everyone down. I guess even an advanced race couldn't prepare for everything, even when they knew how to conquer conventional death. But enough reminiscing of the past, it's time to focus on the future."

With that Ranath continued to guide Kajiit's body down the hallways that the feline had just navigated through himself, only this time instead of curiosity and wonder, his body was driven with purpose that was not his own. As he got back to the rooms he had passed by earlier he heard a voice that he recognized as one of the other explorers that wasn't Mussin. Ranath slowed his pace and snuck up to the corner and peered around it to see the snow leopard inside one of the rooms he hadn't investigated. "C'mon Kajiit, you know we're not supposed to stray from the group..." the male sighed as he shined the light around an area filled with pools of tepid water.

"My apologies," Ranath responded as Kajiit as he grew bold and walked into the room, the bobcat watching as the other explorer breathed a sigh of relief only to have it catch in his throat when he saw him. "I'll make sure to tell Mussin myself what kept me so detained. Is something the matter?"

"Kajiit, take those off!" the snow leopard yelled as he walked over to him angrily. "If Mussin sees you messing around like that he's going to skin us-" his sentence ended abruptly as soon as his hands made contact with the gold and his jaw went slightly slack. As Kajiit watched he nearly crumpled to the ground as the other feline's eyes began to glow with an electric blue while a familiar smirk appeared on his muzzle.

"Well this also won't do," Ranath spoke through the leopard with a sigh. "It appears that the search continues, though what to do about this one, I'm not sure... I can't keep control of you both at the same time, so I think I'm just going to have to make him a drone. Kajiit, could you please be a dear and activate this room for me... of course you could always try to run and see if you can get out the door before I possess you again and make you the drone."

The last few words had a chilling effect on Kajiit, particularly since he was thinking of doing exactly that before he was essentially told not to. As Ranath began to disrobe the snow leopard, Kajiit finally had a chance to examine his changing body, himself, as he slowly walked over to the panel indicated. Underneath the golden material he could see he had grown a set of glossy scales, but as he ran his hands along them they felt almost unnaturally smooth. It took a few seconds to realize that they were made of rubber, which caused Kajiit to chuckle despite himself.

"Hey, we haven't got all day," Ranath spoke through the snow leopard to prompt the other feline to hurry up. Kajiit hurried to the wall and pressed his hand against the stone and felt an electric shock run through his system as it lit up with a similar blue light to the throne room. Once again the dust and grime that had disguised the walls disappeared, and at the same time the pools of water bubbled and frothed until it turned crystal clear.

After Kajiit had watched the room transform, he looked back to the possessed snow leopard and his eyes widened. In the time that the bobcat had been distracted, Ranath had managed to outfit the other feline in the equivalent to a wetsuit, complete with a gasmask over his head. Ranath moved the snow leopard's body over to one of the pools of water and hopped into it, then motioned for Kajiit to move over to the edge, as well. Once he made his way over, a rubber-clad hand reached out and touched the golden-scaled foot of the bobcat.

If he had a chance to gasp Kajiit would have, but in that instant he felt Ranath regain control of his faculties. At the same time he could see the snow leopard slowly come back to his senses, but by the time he realized what was happening, a thick tube of glass rose up from around the pool until it reached the ceiling. All Kajiit could do was watch as the other explorer banged on the tube as it began to fill up with what the feline had assumed was water. When the tube was completely filled, several other tubes lowered from the ceiling as the snow leopard had started to try to pull off the mask. Before the captured feline could react the tubes automatically connected with both the suit and the gasmask, which initially caused the male to spasm in surprise before his body began to relax.

"You see, not everyone can get the luxurious treatment that you have," Ranath explained as the snow leopard's muscles began to twitch as he floated there, the latex swelling as the body underneath began to change. "Which is why some become drones in order to better serve. They still get the privilege of our form, but as for their coating, they get a far more... useful shell."

Kajiit stared as the snow leopard once more became active, his back arching as his entire body grew thick with muscle. The latex that covered his body warped around his changing body as his feet grew into thick talons and his toes merged into a reptilian configuration. Though he couldn't see it, the bobcat could only imagine that the other male's head was growing into the serpentine gas mask he wore as his tail puffed with muscle while two new appendages grew out from the rubber that covered his back. It wasn't long before an eight foot tall, black, rubber dragon thrashed around where a snow leopard used to be, its physique ripped with muscle as he calmed back down until he floated there.

"He will certainly make a fine explorer drone," Ranath commented as brought up his golden fingers under his chin. "But it appears that we're about to witness the birth of something completely different."

Once they left the room Kajiit could hear a second voice starting to come down the stairs, and this one was one that piqued Ranath's interest. Instead of going directly to it; however, he went into one of the side rooms that Kajiit guessed was the bedroom. A quick panel activation confirmed his suspicions as the remnants of the old were cleaned away to make room for a bed that was somewhat like his hotel room. Once the finishing touches were put into place, Ranath laid Kajiit's body down on the bed in a sprawled out position, though the feline aspects that made it his had disappeared quite a bit as his transformation progressed. At this point the bobcat could see that the scales had progressed up his legs and arms almost completely, and his ropy tail had lengthened and grew thick with blue latex-scaled covered muscle.

"Kajiit, are you down here?" Mussin said as Kajiit saw a flashlight pass by the entrance to the doorway before the lion himself came in and looked around in awe. "Whoa..." when his gaze finally landed on the sprawled out male on the bed, he let out a gasp and ran over to his side. "Kajiit? The hell?!"

Mentally Kajiit tried to will the lion not to touch the golden areas of his body, or really any part of him in case Ranath could jump to his body that way, but despite his best efforts the lion moved swiftly on top of him and grabbed the mask with both hands. Mussin's mouth went agape and his eyes wide as he suddenly went stone still, his body stiff as Kajiit could feel the power course through his body into the other male. After a few seconds Mussin suddenly let go and fell backwards off of the bed, at first Kajiit thought that perhaps he had broken Ranath's power, but as he heard a low chuckle and saw a pair of glowing blue eyes peek from the edge, he knew it wasn't the case.

"Now this is more like it!" Ranath roared as he flexed his muscles, a fanged grin on his muzzle as he looked at Kajiit. "I think Mussin and I will get along just fine, soon he won't even be able to distinguish between myself and him. Thank you so much for your assistance my pet, now kneel."

Even though Ranath no longer controlled him, Kajiit still felt compelled to do what the powerful male asked of him as the lion sat down on the edge of the bed. In the back of his mind the bobcat was fascinated at the level of mental control the creature had over him, despite still retaining his own personality and thoughts, he felt fierce loyalty to the creature in front of him and the need to do whatever he said as though hypnotized. As he knelt down in front of Ranath he felt the golden metal of the mask recede from his head before the original mask detached from his head and into the lion's hands. The same happened for his hands and feet, though as he looked down at them they were definitely no longer feline or flesh as he rubbed the latex appendages over himself.

"It's time you took your rightful place between my legs," Ranath instructed as Kajiit watched him spread his legs open. "You may disrobe me to receive your prize." Kajiit could see the tent in the possessed lion's shorts, and with his new rubber fingers he undid the belt and pants while Ranath pulled off his shirt. As soon as the lion was naked, Kajiit didn't need to be told what to do next as he stroked and licked the erect length.

Ranath let out a deep purr as the male between his legs serviced him, watching the last of the blue fur get replaced with shiny, synthetic scales of the newly-minted dragon. Kajiit felt the member he held throb hard and looked up to see Ranath place the mask on Mussin's face and gasp once it adhered to it. Unlike for the bobcat, the golden metal flowed around the lion's mane and then continued down his neck as Kajiit was given the gloves and boots to place. As he was about to draw off the cock in his new muzzle, he felt a hand push down his head, keeping it fully sheathed inside him and forcing him to put on the adornments while he continued to suck. As soon as each piece of material was placed on the lion's body, the metal spread outwards until the golden scales had already reached his elbows and knees when he was allowed to pull the cock out of his mouth.

"Now that I have a proper physical form, I think it's time to finish what we started before we were so rudely interrupted." Ranath stated, his voice growing deep as the already athletic musculature of the lion's body swelled out even more while retaining its proper proportions. "All fours, pet."

Kajiit didn't have to be told twice, his new tail lifting in the air as he felt the other dragon slide up behind him. By now the metal had already completely covered the lion's body and transformed the male into an adonis-like draconic specimen. Despite the material the shiny flesh seemed to have quite the yield to it, particularly as the former bobcat felt it begin to push inside him. As Ranath continued to stretch his rubber-assimilated insides, Kajiit felt one last vestige of his transformation take place, groaning both from the cock being pushed inside him and the rubbery wings pushing out of his back.

As the two dragons began to rut Kajiit could feel the power of the other dragon begin to slowly infiltrate him once more, his eyes tinted with a blue glow as he felt something beyond the pleasure of being impaled by the bigger male. In his mind's eye he could see the other explorer, a kangaroo, get grabbed by the rubber dragon drone and brought back to the conversion chamber. Then his mental gaze shifted to the workers in the main chamber as the blue energy of the ancient runes reached there, they all dropped what they were doing and stood straight up. All their eyes began to glow the same uniform blue as they took off their clothes and slowly made their way down to receive their new draconic forms as well...

Suddenly the bobcat was back in his own draconic rubber body as he was flipped onto his back with Ranath's cock still in his hole. As their muzzles met in a fierce kiss he felt a tug on his neck and realized that somehow, the golden dragon had gotten a collar around his neck while they rutted. While one hand was on the simple restraint, the other was wrapped around his blue latex cock, stroking it in time with his thrusts as the bigger male dominated his body. Kajiit's entire body trembled in sheer lust as he also felt the bliss of his partner, feeding into one another through the connection until he came hard, the other dragon doing the same shortly after as their climax lasted for minutes before their panting bodies fell back on the bed.

When Kajiit had a chance to recover he looked up to notice the rubber dragon drone casually walking by as he talked to one of the workers. When they waved to him the bobcat realized the simulation was over, especially when they waved to him as they passed by. "Well I would say that's a resoundingly successful simulation," the golden dragon said as he stood up and stretched before he looked at his own scales. "Mmmm... gold's not really my color."

The scales of the other dragon shifted and shimmered as the gold drained away and left a silver sheen as the texture became smooth and uniform. With the color change it became clear who the other entity was as Kajiit grinned. "Argos," he stated, the dragon confirming with a smile of his own and a nod. "Decided to take a personal interest in this one?"

"Well it wouldn't be very nice of me to neglect my special guest," Argos replied as he stood up and offered a hand to him. "So once the simulation was going I decided to shift out the sprite in charge of Mussin and take charge, myself. A great way to end our little weekend romp if I do say so, myself."

It took a second for Kajiit to realize that the dragon was right, this was the last simulation that they would run. It made him feel slightly sad that it was ending as Argos directed him back towards his hotel room, where his food selection was already waiting for him, and said he would come by later to pick him up for his departure. Kajiit nodded and as soon as he walked through the door, the latex scales melted off his body and revealed the bobcat underneath, though a quick shower also helped in shedding the reptilian form. The room around him had been shifted for the final time to an underwater theme, the windows filled with all manner of sea creatures that he watched as he ate and waited...


As Kajiit sat in his room, eating the last of his food and watching the simulated fish swim by, he suddenly heard the door open once more. When he looked over he saw Argos standing there in the doorframe with what appeared to be a black satchel around his shoulder. "Alright, everything is completely squared away," he announced as he motioned with his head to follow him. "The cache is cleared and everything set back to the way it was, so you have a clear shot back home."

The bobcat nodded and stood up, following the silver dragon outside his room into a vast, white empty space. When he quickly turned around him he saw the last of the doorway turn to pixels and dissolve away, leaving him completely alone with the AI. "It's just like when I came in here," Kajiit commented as he felt a grin start on his muzzle. "Except you aren't trying to do a movie reference right now."

"Yeah, it's crazy to think that two days have already passed here," Argos reminisced as he looked around. "I have to say that it was fun finally being able to interact with my test subject... I mean, guest. Normally they don't allow me to stray into the real world for... let's just call them liability reasons. To have someone here I could interact with in real time means a lot to me, which is funny because you were the one that one the contest in the first place, and I almost feel like the sprites and I got a better deal."

"Well I certainly had fun, myself," Kajiit replied with a smile as he patted the bigger dragon on the shoulder. "Even though I didn't get to learn what you are or how this all works, the simulations that you guys ran were incredible and something that I'll never forget."

"Speaking of such things..." Argos said as he grabbed the satchel and opened it up. "Just in case you might think about forgetting us, I have a little parting gift for you." Kajiit was told to open his hands, and when he did the dragon put two cubes in them, each of which displayed one of the scenarios that he had just gone through including where he was involved. "You can go ahead and watch these movies whenever you want of your experience, and as an added bonus I have the company I work for sending you a sense suit so you can feel everything again too... to a much lesser extent, of course."

Kajiit chuckled and put the movie files back into the bag, which Argos then handed to him. "That's more than generous," he said as he slung the pack around his shoulder. "I know that I likely can't return here anytime soon, or possibly at all for that matter, but if you are ever in my neck of the net, feel free to chat sometime."

Argos grinned and nodded, then with a gesture the two began to walk across the flat white expanse. At first Kajiit wasn't sure where they were even walking to, but as they continued their journey he saw something in the distance that grew bigger as they approached it. It soon became clear what it was as the bobcat looked into the window and saw the dark seat of the internet café where his journey had begun. From the angle Kajiit could see the clock that had hung behind him and realized that it was the exact same time as he left, which when he inquired about it to Argos, he just chuckled.

"Quantum computing is a lot faster when it comes to processing speed than anything you guys have," Argos merely commented as he waved his hand on the floating window and it turned to mercurial silver once again. "Well Kajiit it's been a blast, have a wonderful rest of your night."

The two hugged once more before Kajiit stood in front of the silver square once again. With a deep breath he stuck his hand in and felt it pull against him as the liquid-like substance traveled up his arm. After a few seconds his entire body was grabbed and sent through the gate, and in the blink of an eye the bobcat once more found himself sitting in front of a computer screen. When he looked at it the website that he had originally visited was gone, replaced with a 404 page that made him laugh as he stood up.

As he got up and started to walk out of the closed café he suddenly heard his phone beep, and when he opened the screen and looked at it he saw that he had received two new emails with surprisingly small attachments to it. The more he thought about it, he realized that with Argos being an AI, he likely had access to superior file compression systems as well. Just as he closed his phone again he heard someone shout and turned to see a tiger behind the counter looking at him with a scowl. "What in the hell are you doing here after close?" he asked angrily.

"Oh, uh..." Kajiit replied as he looked around slightly before his gaze went back to the angry barista. "The wolf guy let me stay after close so I could finish something up."

"What wolf guy?" the tiger exclaimed. "The only one that works here during this time is myself and another feline."

The information caught Kajiit slightly by surprise as his mouth opened slightly. "You mean you don't have a wolf guy working here?" the bobcat tried to reason. "Black with silver stripes, saber teeth? No?"

"I think I would remember someone like that," the tiger replied gruffly as he moved over towards the door to unlock and open them. "Since I just ran the deposit and nothing here appears to be out of place I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but if anything turns up missing..."

Kajiit thanked him for his understanding and quickly walked out the door, breathing a sigh of relief as he walked out into the night street. Despite the lateness there were still quite a few people about as the bobcat walked among them, unaware that the barista that had served him had blended among them as he promptly walked home to download the latest files he had just received...

An Argos Experience - Day One

When Kajiit awoke again he found his settings had changed dramatically since he went to sleep. He could smelt the faint hint of salt in the air as he saw semi-translucent curtains hanging around him, which he pulled aside once he got out of his bed....

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An Argos Experience - Arrival

Kajiit watched as the last people left the internet café for the night, his own computer screen glowing brightly from the computer tucked away in the corner he had sat at for the last thirty minutes. In one hand was a can of Coke that he had gotten...

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The Corruption Competition P4

Sunlight streamed in the stained glass window onto the obsidian tile below, illuminating the bed and the creature sprawled out on it. The male bat continued to sleep soundly until the light hit his eyes, which caused them to snap open and wake him up....

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