The Corruption Competition P4

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of The Corruption Competition

When something garners Renzyl's attention it usually is someone to convert, but when it's something that is already made of rubber then it catches his curiosity in a completely different way. What do you do when you when there's a potentially dangerous creature that you potentially can't control? Make friends with it of course! And when you find out that you share similar interests then Renzyl's always up for a game.

Raak in this story belongs to the incredibly talented artist tanraak

Edited by texotic

Sunlight streamed in the stained glass window onto the obsidian tile below, illuminating the bed and the creature sprawled out on it. The male bat continued to sleep soundly until the light hit his eyes, which caused them to snap open and wake him up. When Raak looked down at himself he saw that the latex that had coated his body was gone, though strangely he couldn't remember anything that happened after his darker side had taken over. As he wiped the last webs of sleep from his mind he noticed that he was definitely in a different place than before, the white-furred comforter that he sat on felt synthetic against his body before his eyes widened when he realized he was completely naked, save for a thick band of rubber that was wrapped around his neck, wrists, and ankles.

"What on earth did I do last night?" Raak said to himself as he tentatively began to look around. Eventually he made his way to the large stone door and pulled it open, his head peaking outside into the hallway as he tried to hear if anyone was coming. With no clothes or any indicator of what was going on, he decided to venture out and see if he could find some clues of what happened. It didn't take long for him to find one as he turned the corner and nearly bumped into someone coming the opposite direction.

"Whoa, I'm sor-" Raak started to say before his mind registered what he looked at; the latex lizardman staring at him as his jaw went slightly agape and his finger went up to point at him. "You're a... a..."

"Are you alright, Master Raak?" the rubber reptile asked, which only caused Raak's eyes to grow even wider. "It appears you're still getting ready for the morning, if you would like me to help speed you along, my body is yours to use."

Raak felt his eye twitch slightly as he waved his hands to turn down the offer, then continued on down the hall in a slightly more frantic manner. His mind raced as he wondered what he could have possibly been up to while he was his other self, and as he traveled down halls the situation seemed to grow even more bizarre. He felt like he was in a castle of obsidian and rubber, and the longer he wandered, the more rubber creatures he bumped into. Though he didn't know any of them they all seemed to know him, and whenever he met someone they referred to him as master Raak and asked if they could help with anything. What was most bizarre, he thought to himself as he entered a large dining hall, was that despite the submissive and rubbery nature of those that identified themselves as his servants or toys, he didn't feel his darker self try to bubble to the surface.

"Ah, there you are, Master Raak," someone said behind the bat which caused him to spin around, seeing a silver raptor with mirrored eyes looking at him. "I see that you're still in your old form, which I can certainly understand from the night that you had. Perhaps you'd like me to get you something while your recharge, a sandwich of some sort, maybe?"

Raak just shook his head and walked over to the raptor, grabbing him by the shoulders. "I have no idea what's going on here," he stated as plainly as he could. "Could you please tell me what happened last night? Why are there so many... rubber toys around here? Did I make all of these?"

"Oh dear, you really are out of it," the raptor replied before he beckoned him to follow. "Well, my name is Chrono, and it appears your darker side really impressed Master Renzyl, so he went ahead and helped set up a little domain for you here on your world. It's really not much, a few islands that you control, but he figured that would be more than enough for you to get started."

"Get... started?" Raak asked, his mind reeling.

"For your eventual domination of the planet," Chrono clarified, the bats eye's widening as he stopped dead in his tracks, only to be prompted once more by the raptor to continue to move forward.

"I don't want to take over the planet!" Raak shouted. "I don't know what I said to you while I was under the influence, but whatever happened I just want you to take those people in the halls and turn them back to normal. When I'm that way you no doubt saw before I can get rather... possessive when it comes to that sort of thing."

"Well I do think it's a bit late for that," Chrono said as they stepped out onto a balcony, the raptor gesturing for Raak to step forward towards the edge. "As I mentioned you were quite busy last night, as you can very well tell from what you see below."

Raak swallowed hard and walked up to the black stone railing that framed the balcony, and after a few moments to ready himself, leaned over and looked down. What he saw took his breath away; dozens of latex creatures milled about on the grass below, some of them talking, others playing games, and a few doing much lewder things. As he stared in shock and wonder, some of them saw him looking over and waved up to him, grinning broadly. The bat's mind was spinning as he took several steps back to steady himself, and as he did he began to feel something spread out from the collar and cuffs he wore.

"Looks like that was just the catalyst you needed," Chrono stated as Raak watched the thick black rubber quickly assimilate the fur on his body, stretching out over his arms and wing membranes as he could feel it slither around his back. Once more the purple and yellow markings appeared on his body as he let out a groan while he felt the admittedly wonderful feel of rubber covering his body. Despite his transformation he felt remarkably clear-headed, which he wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing as the last of his flesh was assimilated by the shiny substance.

"Are you alright, sir?" Chrono asked. "You seem a bit off, if I may say so."

"To be honest I think this is one the first times that I am in this body that I didn't immediately want to go out on the prowl, so to speak," Raak replied as he ran his hands over his lithe, squeaky form. "It does feel so good, if it wasn't for the instincts that came with it I think I may enjoy such a form. Although... it still does make me wonder why I'm not feeling such an instinct right now..."

The rubber raptor shrugged and gave him a coy look as he gestured for him to come back into the room they had been in, where several rubber creatures had gathered. "Perhaps it's because you have all the toys and prey you want for the moment surrounding you," Chrono suggested as he gestured for Raak to have a seat. "Of course I'm sure those predatory instincts will come rushing back to you once you get back out there. This area is nice, but we didn't settle you next to a city just so that you can go shopping... well, at least not in the traditional sense."

Raak had to shake his head several times just to try and keep everything he learned straight as the other male began to describe how his latest acquisitions would help him continue to corrupt the world. The entire time he couldn't help but think how good he looked in such a shiny form, but as he looked up at the others also head to toe in latex scales and skin, he wondered just how much corruption he had spread to gain such clarity. How many creatures had he turned, hundreds? Thousands? He felt a strange mixture of anxiety and pleasure at such thoughts that continued to build in him until the sound of a throat clearing caused Chrono to stop mid-sentence and for Raak to look up.

"I do think the ruse has run its course, my dear," A familiar rubber dragon said as he walked up to the raptor and gave him a friendly pat on the rear. "You were quite wonderful, very inspiring. Now why don't you go ahead and get our guest something to eat while I bring him up to speed on what's really going on."

Chrono nodded and gave Raak a wink before he walked out of the room, the others following suit until it was just the two latex creatures as Renzyl sat down and smirked. "So as much fun as it was to watch you squirm, I just want to assure you that we're just having a bit of fun here," the dragon reassured. "While you were still in your other state we concocted this little plan to sort of give you a taste of this life and that form while I held your instincts at bay, which I can see you are particularly fond of."

"This is true," Raak felt himself blush at the realization he was not only naked but also growing aroused. "I can see why I get the way I do, even with you compartmentalizing my feelings, this rubber body makes me horny as hell. But what about all the other creatures, we didn't actually corrupt all these people last night... did we?"

"Ah yes, you wouldn't remember," Renzyl stated with a small smile. "I assure you that I did not let you get out of control, and right now we're in my realm, not your world. All these creatures you see before you are my minions, with the exception of a few from our antics last night, and the real reason you're here now with those lovely adornments is that I happened to win a wager with you, and you get to be my prize for the week your planet is in conjunction. Any questions?"

Though Raak had quite a few he shook his head no, just trying to comprehend the situation that he was in. As the silver raptor returned and served them food, Renzyl continued on to say that in order to better sell the prank, he had linked the memories of their night together with the part of his personality he was suppressing. Though the bat was grateful that he hadn't somehow allowed his corrupted side to convert an entire city's worth of people, it was still a jarring experience to be completely covered in rubber. When he brought up the sensations with the dragon he, said it was mostly because of his power holding back his darker parts that it felt so strange in the first place.

"Renzyl..." Raak said as he put down the spoon he had been using, the glowing red eyes of the demon on him. "I was wondering... if you could perhaps make something like this permanent for me? Not the rubber part, though I'm sure you could do that too, but it would be nice if I didn't have to worry about my... other self coming out every time the wind happens to be blowing a certain way."

There was a brief pause as the demon dragon continued to regard him, eventually causing the bat to look down at his empty bowl. "I bet that felt wrong the second you asked it," Renzyl finally said, Raak slowly nodding his head. "I'm not in the habit of burying people's inhibitions or their darkness, quite the opposite in fact. All the creatures you've seen slithering about while you've been here are that way because deep down inside they wanted to be that way, just like deep down you really enjoy being that lovely corrupted rubber bat. So I wouldn't separate him from you any more than I would separate you from him, even though you are the same person."

Raak nodded slowly, and as he did so he began to realize that the dragon was right. He began to imagine all the creatures that were happy as his toys, his playthings... all covered in his rubber as he molded their psyches exactly right to serve. "Whoa... what's..." the latex bat started to say as his eyes began to glow, pupils narrowing to slits as he felt his lust begin spike. "What's happening..."

"The mental barriers I put up are deteriorating," Renzyl replied simply while he sipped from his cup. "It was going to happen eventually, especially with those instincts of yours just itching to come out and regain control." He watched as the bat began to groan and stretch, his hands once more roaming over his body as he could feel the corruptive power begin to settle in once more. After about a minute Raak opened his eyes once again and a sly grin appeared on his muzzle as he looked at the dragon once more.

"Well that was certainly fun watching him squirm," Raak chuckled as he stood up and let the sun glisten off his toned latex form. "Though it's good to be back. It was quite strange having the rubber body and still acting like that, made it feel like an out of body experience if you can understand that."

Renzyl chuckled and stood up. "I think I can relate," he said as he clapped his hands together, and when he pulled them apart a leash had formed that he melded with the collar around Raak's neck. "Now it's time for me to enjoy my prize." The bat looked down at the sudden subjugation with a moment of surprise, followed by a sly smirk as the two walked out of the room and back down the hallway. With the ruse no longer in place the others eyed up the new creature hungrily, but most found themselves backing away when the rubber creature eyed them up with a similar look.

The walk turned into an impromptu tour as Renzyl mentioned areas of the manor they were in as they walked through it. Raak was surprised at the expansiveness of it all, even though he knew the rubber dragon was a multi-dimensional creature. After nearly twenty minutes of walking the two finally arrived at their destination, Renzyl opening the door and gesturing for Raak to step inside. When he did he saw a very luxurious bedroom, though what caught his eye the most was what composed the walls of the large space.

"I like to think of it as one of my defining architectural features," Renzyl boasted as Raak moved over to one of the many creatures sealed in a vac-rack of rubber and watched as they wiggled and squirmed. "Something I'm sure you would enjoy, some of these subjects have been part of the décor for quite some time, most of them begging for the simplest of touches due to the amount of pleasure it would bring. Don't be shy, go ahead and see for yourself."

Raak didn't have to be told twice as he took a wing arm and brushed it against a shark creature whose twin dicks throbbed hard from the touch. The fanged smile of the bat grew even wider as he ran a finger along one of the fleshy lengths, causing the restrained male to jerk in that direction. He did the same thing with the other one and then stepped forward and rubbed his entire body against the rubber-covered creature. From the amount of thrashing and muffled groaning that came from the vac-racked male, he wondered slightly if he just made him climax, though a gentle tug on the leash and the come hither eyes of Renzyl brought his mind on other things.

"So what's the plan, then?" Raak asked as he sauntered over and laid down on the bed. "Going to take charge over this dommy creature you won, show him what it means to be a true alpha male? Gonna make me a toy so I know what it's like?"

"All good options, and it's something we can certainly do later," Renzyl chuckled. "But for the moment how about a bit of a bonus round of our little competition? After all, I did say I wanted you to see you work, what better way to observe than to have you try it on me?"

The bat looked at him in slight surprise, though that didn't stop his grin from spreading even more. "You want me to make you my toy?" the bat asked, which the demonic dragon responded with a nod. "Well you certainly are full of surprises, I will give you that, and I'm more than happy to oblige such a request. I thought you said that such a power wouldn't work on you, and even more so now that you got these lovely little cuffs on me."

"Well, my defenses would be too high for such a thing to affect me normally," Renzyl clarified as he sat down on the bed. "Luckily for the both of us I can use those cuffs and collar you have on you to create a link between us so that you specifically can bypass such shielding and work your magic on me as you see fit. So for this very special round, I want you to think of me as someone just filled to the brim with that sweet innocence that you just love to take."

Raak looked the rubber dragon up and down before he shrugged his shoulders before darting his head down and sinking his fangs into the black rubber of Renzyl's synthetic shoulder. There was a sharp gasp from the dragon as he felt the hypnotic venom get absorbed into his body, the bat looking up at him as he kept his fangs buried there for a few more seconds before he finally pulled out. "You've got quite the love bite," Renzyl commented as the rubber quickly sealed over the painless punctures.

"You said you wanted the full treatment," Raak stated as he tapped a claw against Renzyl's snout, which began to quiver slightly as the potent venom began to take hold. The dragon let out a small groan as a dazed look began to settle on his latex muzzle, his mouth open slightly as the devious male on top of him watched with an almost manic grin. The bat's eyes glowed brightly as he told Renzyl to relax and felt the muscles underneath him slowly release the tension that had been in them.

After a quick position shift Raak slid his body off of the dragon, enjoying the feel of their latex bodies pressing together as he moved to the prone rubber creature's side. The defensive psychic barriers that he had felt since they first met were absent now, which allowed him to slowly slide his influence into the willing male. "You can already feel my power inside you," Raak said as he slowly put his hands to the sides of Renzyl's head and focused his gaze on him. "It feels so good, doesn't it, letting someone else mold those thoughts of yours into something far more fitting for someone of your impressive stature."

The latex bat thought he might have heard Renzyl mutter something about being cheeky for using vanity, but most of those words were lost in an entranced mumble as Raak began to strategically stroke around his muscles in a deliberate fashion. Each time he happened to hit a particular area on the rubber dragon's body that would cause pleasure, he would coo how good it would be to serve him, and every time he heard a small groan or moan in reply. At this point the demon's eyes were half-lidded and his ridged cock was fully erect while the rest of his body was completely relaxed. At this point Raak knew they were ready for the next step and snapped his fingers to get the dazed dragon's attention.

"How are we feeling now?" Raak smirked.

"Really good..." was all Renzyl was able to reply in a slightly slurred tone, which was enough for the bat to see that the demonic dragon was well and truly under his thrall and not merely playing around.

"You really enjoy this, don't you?" the bat mused as he traced a claw down the same spots as before and watching as they didn't even cause a twitch. "Big strong dragon has a bit of a submissive side, though never with control too far out of reach, right?" Raak watched as Renzyl slowly nodded, which caused his grin to widen. "Why don't we see just how far out of reach we can put that control of yours..."

Raak told Renzyl to slide onto the middle of the bed and lay on his back and felt the thrill of controlling such a dominant creature when he did so without question. Once the dragon was in position the bat slid up on him once more, his own erect cock dripping its normally corruptive fluid as it throbbed in the air. The main event would come later, Raak thought to himself with a devilish grin as he leaned back and rubbed a hand between Renzyl's legs, but for the moment he wanted to savor the feeling of his drone servicing him. At this point he didn't even need to tell the rubber creature what to do, all it took was a simple push forward of his hips and the thick tongue pushed out past the dragon's lips and began to lick it eagerly.

The latex bat was impressed by the flexibility of his toy's tongue, which was able to coil around his cock twice before it drew it into the dragon's maw. At first Raak thought that since they were both made of similar synthetic substances that his corruptive fluids would do nothing to the dragon, but as Renzyl slowly slid his muzzle on the thick cock, he began to see faint purple and gold lines expand over it. Raak ceased his teasing between Renzyl's legs and leaned forward, pushing the rest of his hard tool into the stretched maw and grabbed the demonic dragon by the horns. An eager gleam flashed in Raak's eyes as he pushed his cock in deeper and watched markings similar to his own begin to spread over his toy's skin.

"Looks like I'll be marking you as my toy in more than just that malleable mind of yours," Raak chuckled before he thrusted his hips forward. "Now suck, drone, I know you can certainly do better than that." The rubber dragon seemed more than willing to oblige and filled his maw until it slid down in his throat where the muscles began to massage around it so expertly it caused the bat to groan loudly. As Raak continued to thrust into Renzyl's mouth the markings had spread down past the dragon's pectorals and around his washboard abs in simple but powerful designs.

Before he could get too carried away, Raak ordered Renzyl to stop mid-suck and pulled himself out of the dragon's maw. The tongue that had wrapped around his cock was the last to slide off of it and caused a shudder of pleasure to run through his body. Once he was completely free the bat slowly and sensually slid down further on Renzyl's body, allowing their latex skin to rub against one another completely. Raak could feel the demon's cock twitch as it was sandwiched between their synthetic forms while the bat positioned himself between those powerful legs.

With the rubbery composition of Renzyl's tailhole it took little for Raak to push his already slickened latex member into it, the tip popping in easily as the inner walls pushed down tightly on it. "I want you to use your entire body to pleasure me, drone," Raak ordered as he continued to impale his cock inside the mesmerized dragon's body. "I've seen how well you can make others lust after you, now I want you to do the same for me."

At that moment it was as if a switch had been turned on in Renzyl as he wrapped his legs around Raak, and with his inhuman flexibility, sat up with the bat's cock still buried inside him. By this point the bat's corruptive markings had wrapped their way past Renzyl's cock and down his inner thighs as Raak felt that tongue once more on his body, this time licking on his chest and neck. At this point the bat had completely hilted into the demon's tailhole from the sudden shift in position, and he wrapped his wing arms around the other male, he found himself still able to roll his hips to get a decent thrust. Renzyl moaned as Raak quickly regained his composure from the sudden surprise shift and began to build up a rhythm of deep, hard thrusts against his tight, yet slick insides.

As Renzyl was pushed onto his back once again and Raak began to properly mount his toy, he suddenly felt something press against his own anal opening that caused him pause. It took him a few moments to realize that it was the dragon's tail pushing into him. Though it wasn't quite what the bat had in mind when he said to pleasure him completely, he could feel that the shape of the tail tip had been altered to mimic the cock still pressed between them, and after the initial thrust, the pleasure was enough for Raak to allow it to continue. With every inch that slid into him it caused him to push even harder into the dragon until the two had fed back each other with so much pleasure that neither one of them could think too far past their frenzied sex.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the two rubber creatures finally climaxed, both of them grunting as they came hard. Raak's thick seed filled the dragon as his own splattered over the both of them, though it was quickly reabsorbed as the bat ordered his thrall to disengage from him. Once the two were completely decoupled Raak let out a sigh of pure pleasure and slid off the bed, letting Renzyl continue to lie there. "Not bad," Raak thought out loud as his golden eyes scanned over the pleasure-stricken dragon. "I can't wait to see what can be next."

Raak's bemusement turned to shock when Renzyl's eyes flashed a bright red and he sat up, grinning at the bat as he tried to move his own limbs only to find them stuck in place. "Not bad at all..." the dragon commented as he slowly slid up to the restrained bat and gave him a knowing smirk. "You definitely got a gift, no wonder you did so well. It appears that the time for such games is at an end, though, and it's time for me to shake off the shackles that you tried to weave around me."

"How did you manage to snap out of it so quickly?" Raak asked.

"I had a delayed power that would not only purge the hypnotic substances from my body, but also activate the collar and cuffs on you to invoke the paralysis you are no doubt feeling right now," Renzyl explained as he stretched, the markings that Raak had given him turning a deep red and glowing slightly as he examined them. "I have to say that I did quite enjoy myself in that little scenario, as well as these lovely markings that accompany it, but I think now though it's time that I properly take my prize. Now when we began this you had made a few suggestions that I made sure to log in the back of my mind. I did enjoy the last idea you had before, so I think we'll go with that one to start."

For a second Raak struggled to remember what Renzyl was talking about, but when he finally did remember, he already began to feel the strands of demonic energy begin to lasso around his psyche. Renzyl's eyes glowed brightly as the bat felt the cuffs on his arms and ankles feel more connected to him than before, as though they latched onto him on a psychic level as the dragon slowly motioned for him to stand up. At first Raak's defiant streak flared up, but it was quickly tempered by Renzyl's power as he found himself slowly rising to his feet. Though he knew it was the demonic dragon tinkering in his mind, he couldn't help but begin to feel a growing lust from the act of submitting to the powerful creature.

"Oh yes, we're going to have ourselves a lot of fun this week," Renzyl commented as he curled a finger towards him, the bat slowly following it towards him. "Plenty of creatures for you to take under your control, being able to more intimately train your own prizes, and of course plenty of other activities in between... But for right now, in this moment, you belong to me, understand?"

"Yes..." Raak hissed.

"Ah ah ah..." Renzyl chided, wagging a finger in front of his face. "You know better than that, my pet."

"Yes, Master." Raak said, an evil gleam in his eyes as he gave the dragon a lustful smirk while his body was rewarded for his obedience with a fresh wave of pleasure. "I think this will be quite the learning experience for the both of us."

"Indeed," Renzyl agreed. "Now what is it you said before during our competition, that a good toy is an extension of his master's body? I think you know where this is going... and then afterwards I have the most wonderful naga masseurs, you are going to love them."

Raak managed a small chuckle as he slowly fell to his knees, watching the ridged rubber cock pulsate in front of his muzzle as he felt more and more of his independence slip away with each passing inch of obedience. It was replaced with the need to serve the muscular rubber body in front of him, the one that claimed him as his. The thoughts began to reinforce themselves with more pleasure each time his mind even touched on them as he began to slide his shiny muzzle over the head of the equally luminescent cock.

"I want a rematch." Raak managed to say while he still had the means to speak out before, once again, his newly instilled instincts kicked in and he slid his lips down on the tapered head while Renzyl chuckled.

"Anytime, my friend." Renzyl responded as he leaned back to bask in the pleasure. "Anytime."

The Corruption Competition P3

Meanwhile, back at Renzyl's nexus realm, Chrono hummed to himself as he walked back into the portal control hub after having escorted the two recent converts down into temporary storage. "Hopefully Lord Renzyl has not gotten himself into too much...

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The Corruption Competition P2

Chrono sat in the nexus transport room with his tablet in hand, playing a game that one of Renzyl's brothers had released on the nexus net when he suddenly felt the tingle of magical energy run through his body. He glanced over at his console curiously...

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The Corruption Competition P1

Renzyl quietly hummed to himself as he walked through the halls of his manor, looking at the tablet of tasks that Chrono had scheduled for him to look at today. He had just come from talking with his hypnagas about a new addition to their fold, and it...

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