The Corruption Competition P1

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Corruption Competition

When something garners Renzyl's attention it usually is someone to convert, but when it's something that is already made of rubber then it catches his curiosity in a completely different way. What do you do when you when there's a potentially dangerous creature that you potentially can't control? Make friends with it of course! And when you find out that you share similar interests then Renzyl's always up for a game.

Raak in this story belongs to the incredibly talented artist Tanraak

Edited by Texotic

Renzyl quietly hummed to himself as he walked through the halls of his manor, looking at the tablet of tasks that Chrono had scheduled for him to look at today. He had just come from talking with his hypnagas about a new addition to their fold, and it always put him in a good humor to see them try to use their powers on him. Once in a while he'd feign succumbing to their prowess, but today something at the bottom of his list caused him to resist the invitation. The item that lead to this particular interest led him to the map room, where the silver rubber raptor sat at his console monitoring and communicating with the worlds they currently occupied.

"I did not expect to see you so soon, Lord Renzyl," Chrono stated as he finished his last report and sent it out. "I am correct in assuming that you're here for the anomaly that I picked up earlier this morning?"

"Indeed," Renzyl replied as he handed his tablet to Chrono. "If you could please read me in on the situation, it would be most appreciated."

The raptor nodded and manipulated the crystals on the obsidian pedestal and suddenly an image of a cityscape appeared on the slab of stone that served as their viewer. "What you're looking at is a planet of moderate civilization advancement with a mostly anthropomorphic population," Chrono instructed. "Technology class three, magic class one. This system isn't even technically in our nexus, but it injuncts with us with some frequency, so I keep tabs on it to make sure nothing dangerous crosses over into our realm. It was during my scan that I picked up a power signature that somewhat resembles your own. At first I thought it might be one of your brothers trying to sneak in, but it's too muted to be them out in the open, and yet still detectable enough that I doubt they're running their Shining Lure ability."

"So we have a rubber creature like me out there that is lurking about on a planet that's visiting our nexus," Renzyl mused as he watched the scenery change on the magically-created viewscreen. "It would be rather remiss of me to not welcome them to the neighborhood. Do you have a bead on just how powerful this person is?"

Chrono looked down at the crystals, then shook his head. "I would say it's comparable in strength to you, but I can't tell for certain," he admitted. "From the small spikes I see when I try to remotely probe it, I think it's masking its power for some reason, or perhaps it's a latent ability that can only be measured when they activate it. Either way, if you're going to want to know, you're going to need to get up close and personal in order to glean any information."

"Then I think I shall," Renzyl grinned as the scene shifted until it focused on one creature in particular. "I think I even have an approach, something you mentioned that will allow me to get close without giving away my intentions."

"Oh no, not that," Chrono groaned. "You always get so moody afterwards."

"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," Renzyl replied as he held out his hands and a portal appeared that showed a similar setting to the one being projected. "Let's just hope he's in a cooperative spirit tonight..."


On the patio of the outdoor café, a young anthro bat had just sat down at one of the corner tables on the border between the raised platform and the woodland that it looked over. He sipped on the hot beverage he had ordered from the barista inside, and watched as the lights that illuminated the nearby streets, as well as the recreational path that ran on the opposite side of the building along a small river. It was a serene start to the night, and the male gazed out for a few minutes more before he pulled out his tablet and loaded the book he was in the midst of reading.

He had only gotten a few pages in when he felt the presence of another person at the same table as him, and when it failed to go away he looked up to see what caused such a feeling. As soon as he did, he saw a black-scaled dragon standing there, looking out at the natural landscape only a few feet away from him. "Sometimes you just got to drink in the scenery when you can," the creature mused, the bat looking around a bit before he realized that he was speaking to him. "My apologies if I've startled you, but it's been a while since I've been out and about, and you forget social niceties after a while."

"No problem at all," the bat replied simply as he sipped on his drink once more. As he tried to pull his gaze away from the other male to look back down at his book, he found himself unable to break away from the dragon's form. Something about it made him feel... restless, feeling something stir inside him that he promptly tempered back down. When it passed, he realized with mild embarrassment that the dragon had noticed his stare and was looking down at him, now with piercing golden eyes. "My name is Raak, what's yours?"

"Renzyl," the dragon replied before he gestured at the empty opposite seat. "Do you mind if I have a seat?" Raak just shook his head and he watched as the other male sat down with the very large, half-eaten donut he had been holding. "I hope you don't mind me stuffing my face, but it's been ages since I last ate."

Once again the brown-furred bat just shook his head and continued to stare as Renzyl sank his muzzle into the heart of the pastry for another bite. Whoever this stranger was seemed nice enough, a little rough around the edges, but then again, who didn't have their own peculiarities? As they began conversing more earnestly, the observation seemed to hold true as he continued to drink his beverage and the dragon ate and drank himself.

So why such the odd feeling towards him?

And why did he feel his power start to stir in such a strange way?

Raak's feelings were a mixture of curiosity and fear as Renzyl suggested that the night was too nice to remain seated on a patio, and to have a bit of a jaunt on the recreation path. Despite the strangeness of the situation, or perhaps because of it, the bat agreed and together the two got up and exited the café to the walking trail below. By now the sun had completely sank below the horizon and the full moon illuminated wherever the street lamps didn't. Though quite a few furs utilized the path, the two eventually found themselves wandering over towards a park that received little traffic.

"So Renzyl," Raak asked as the soft electric hum of the lights above them buzzed, finally feeling able to ask the questions he's been wanting to ask now that they were alone. "I have to say that there's something about you that I can't quite place... and I was wondering if you were from around here, or are you just passing through?"

"Passing through, you could say," Renzyl replied as they stopped in the middle of a plaza with a large fountain predominantly in the center of it, the dragon looking around before he let out a heavy sigh. "I suppose now is as good a time as any, otherwise it's just going to come out anyway if I keep trying to tap dance around it."

"Oh?" Raak replied, the bat trying hard not to appear nervous as Renzyl stared straight at him with a concerned look on his muzzle. The entire time they had been walking, Raak had felt his darker side try to bubble to the surface, but he had kept it under control the entire time. Now it surged forth in him with renewed vigor, but it wasn't in a way that he had expected. He thought the reason he felt so strongly was because he would want to control and dominate over the other male in front of him, to turn him into a latex version of himself and stuff his tailhole while he moaned... the bat had to shake his head as he felt his thoughts start to snowball in the wrong direction. This feeling caused his corruptive nature to sense something entirely different; however, as he waited for the dragon to continue.

There was a moment of pause, the sounds of the night air surrounding them before Renzyl looked up. "I know your deepest, darkest secret Raak," the dragon said simply, which caused the blood in the bat's veins to freeze. "The one you try so hard to hide, the one that, despite your protests, you love to give in to - the one that, though you try to tell yourself otherwise, you're addicted to - and whether subconsciously or not, you yearn for any reason to succumb to it."

The bat felt himself take a step back as their entire surroundings seemed to shift, including the one that stood in front of him. He felt something radiate from the creature that hadn't been there before as the grin on the dragon's muzzle grew wider. Despite the strange situation, Raak could feel his darkness grow... excited? But once again, it wasn't the usual tempting thrill of corrupting and converting an innocent soul into a slutty, rubber toy. As he continued to stare in shock, he saw something familiarly shiny and black begin to leak from the smiling creature's eyes and nose.

"Are you..." Raak tried to ask as he saw the scale texture on the dragon's body deform and melt into itself as the flesh turned unnaturally shiny. "Are you like me? Are you cursed with a darker side too?"

Much to Raak's surprise the creature let out a laugh, his voice growing deeper and smoother just as the musculature underneath the liquid rubber that had completely covered every inch of his flesh had done. All Raak could do was stare as the stranger he had met only a few hours ago continued to change in an eerily similar fashion to his own, but found himself unable to run or do anything else. Renzyl's horns twisted as spurs of latex appeared on his body, and his stature went from the two males seeing eye to eye to the dragon now a head taller than the bat, as well as an additional extra hundred pounds of pure muscle. The latexified dragon stretched his new and improved musculature as he opened his eyes, which now glowed with a bright red hue, and gave him a fanged grin.

"I am my darker side," the demonic dragon finally answered. "Now it's your turn to contribute to our little show and tell."

Renzyl watched with a bemused smile as the male bat wrung his wing-hands together and bit his bottom lip. As the other male tried to speak about how he couldn't let such a thing happen, the rubber dragon could smell the corruption that laid underneath, already working on the creature's mind from the inside. It fed off his own energies, the idea growing more tantalizing by the second to just let himself go. Renzyl didn't want to interfere with the wondrous spectacle before him, but as he took a step closer he decided to give the whole thing a little nudge in order to help it move along.

"I don't see what you are so worried about," Renzyl cooed in honeyed tones as he moved forward, trying not to chuckle when he saw Raak lean back but not move away. "It's not like one of those sweet, innocent friends that you have such delight in covering with that hidden latex of yours. I mean, seriously, what possible harm do you think you could do to a creature who is already like you?"

Raak knew he shouldn't listen to the latex creature, but even though Renzyl looked rather demonic in nature, he couldn't help but listen to his words. In his mind the bat knew that the other male was right, he could sense the power that came off the dragon, and even without it, he was already made of some sort of rubber. His rational thoughts tried to explain to him that, as a rubber creature that excited his darker self, he should likely retreat away and not give in, but several spots of rubber had already started to appear on his wings as the dragon walked around him. To give into the hunger, the need, and to not hurt anyone in the process? To Raak it sounded too good to be true, but even with those doubts, he felt the hold on his darker wants and needs begin to falter.

As the bat continued to have an internal struggle on whether or not to succumb, Renzyl merely remained a spectator, both bemused and curious as he watched the shiny patches on Raak's skin began to tendril outward. It had been one of the few times he could watch someone transform in such a fashion without his power directly involved, and it fascinated him to see. As the rubber continued to cascade over his body, completely coating his shoulders that twitched before they bulked up while glowing purple marks appeared where his back had already been assimilated, he could also tell that it was a very pleasurable experience. It reminded him very much of his own synthetic skin, and as he stepped closer he could feel that, instead of the corruption slowly seeping inside Raak's body, it seemed to soak it up like a sponge, which only fueled the transformation further.

As Raak felt the latex slide up across his chest and neck, which also swelled with new muscles as it was covered, he looked at Renzyl with pleading eyes that caused the dragon to cock his head slightly. "You promise..." he demanded breathly, his rubber-covered hands already fondling himself. "You promise we won't hurt anyone?" The bat knew that the question was hollow; he was already so lost in the pleasure of his changes that no matter what Renzyl said, he would be embracing his other side tonight... especially since it felt so good to do so.

Renzyl couldn't help but smirk as the last of Raak's resistance had built itself up just to ask that question. He knew when a male was swimming in lust, and the bat was a timely grope and a mental push from crumbling away completely. As he sensed the changing bat's thoughts, he felt as though a second presence was egging Raak on, though he could sense no other spirit or creature connected to it. "Oh I assure you, I'm not that kind of creature," Renzyl reassured, watching the bat eagerly. "I promise you that we won't hurt anyone, so go ahead and let yourself go."

Though it was worded as a suggestion, the last bit of what Renzyl said hit Raak's psyche like a truck, feeling him let go of what little doubt he had and sank deep into those desires he normally pushed back. It felt so good to the bat as he flared out his shiny wings; the timidity and sheepish nature he usually so desperately clung to falling away at his allowance. His eyes began to grow a bright yellow as the latex engulfed his muzzle, more purple markings appearing around them as he grew out his fangs. How long had it been since he sank those teeth into another, he wondered as his tongue split at the tip and his body finished bulking up under his synthetic skin, too long for his tastes. With his prudish nature gone, he finally felt free and began to think of all the potential prey that moved around, at least until the sound of the other male clearing his throat brought his thoughts back to the other dark presence beside him in the park.

Raak was taken slightly aback when he turned to face the dragon, and found his muzzle mere inches away from his own, the gaze of their glowing eyes meeting for the briefest of seconds before Renzyl pulled away slightly. "What a fascinating creature you are," Renzyl complimented as he grabbed the latex wing-arm of the creature and stretched it out before Raak wiggled it out of his grip and pulled it back. "Chrono was right, you do have a similar nature about you, but yet also completely different from my own. I love the purple markings, too. I'd say I would bring you back to my realm to turn you, but it appears you would more than fit right in without my conversion."

As Renzyl continued to examine the bat, Raak continued to watch him with a hint of wariness. It was something the draconic creature had expected, from the look of their surroundings this would likely be the first time the latex bat had met anyone like him, and it was no doubt a shock to the system. He at least had the luxury of knowing what was happening before hand, though it appeared Raak was quick to recover as he started to pace around him in a similar fashion. The real question, he wondered, since the already corrupted creature proved to be near impossible to read in this state, was where that timid personality of his ran off to...

Meanwhile, the corrupted bat continued to regard the dragon as he seemed to examine him, a reaction he had not gotten in some time from his final form. Most of the time those that gazed upon him had already started to submit to his whims, but he had a feeling that such a creature as the one in front of him would not succumb to such things. He let the rubber dragon continue his examination and started to perform one of his own, though other than the glowing red eyes and his skin being layer of latex over a set of athletic muscles, there was little difference between this dragon and the one he had talked to. Of course that was only physically, Raak mused as he felt his wing arm get lifted up and rubbed against. This creature oozed both confidence and seduction, things which he related to in himself.

"Well, this has been fun," Raak finally said as he took a step back and brushed off his latex skin. "But the night is young, and I have so much prospective prey. Thank you so much for coaxing me out, and it was nice knowing you."

Renzyl's smirk remained as the rubber bat turned around to walk away. "A pleasure," the dragon said. "Are you sure you don't want to hang out?"

"I don't think I can convert you, and I believe you are in the same situation," Raak explained while he started down the path. "So with that, having you around limits my options, and regretfully, I do not have the time to have idle conversation. Goodbye."

"What if I told you that I can hold off the clock?" Renzyl called out, which caused the latex bat to stop dead in his tracks and turn his head to look at the grinning demon. "I thought that might get your attention. Did you honestly think that all I could do is bring your shiny self to the surface? From what I've gathered, you can get the same effect from an overly-affectionate submissive. What I offer is power, my power specifically, and though I can't say for certain, I believe as long as you're around soaking up that power, you'll get to remain your handsome, corrupted self."

Raak looked down the dark pathway, then back towards the glistening dragon that stood under the light of the lamppost with his arms crossed. It was true, when he was around the otherworldly creature he felt... more anchored, his other self falling further back into the recesses of his psyche. Though he could sense potential toys just beyond the perimeter of the forest, he believed the other rubber creature told the truth about his extended duration. "And what about that promise you made about making sure I do no harm?" he finally asked.

"Oh, I fully intend that we do no harm tonight," Renzyl replied with a smirk. "I plan on us having a lot of fun, and for a lot of other people to have fun as well. There's so much desire floating about this area, and I think together, you and I can fulfill quite a bit of it."

"Well then, I don't see any reason why we can't continue on," Raak replied with a fanged grin. "What did you have in mind?"

"Something that I think would be very enjoyable for the both of us," Renzyl explained as he motioned for Raak to sit at a nearby park bench before he did the same himself. "Since you don't seem like the type to want to go get an ice cream and talk, I thought we could get to know one another with a little friendly competition, something that would allow us both to show our stuff and slake our needs. As you said yourself, there is plenty of prey around here, so it would be almost indecent of us not to share the celebration of our newfound friendship with them."

"I do like the way you think," Raak grinned evilly. "Alright, a competition it is, so what do I get when I win?"

The rubber dragon sat there for a few seconds in thought, tapping a claw to his chin as his red eyes looked up at the moths that had gathered around the streetlight. "Well, why don't we wager our power?" he replied after a few seconds, which caused one of the bat to look at him in question. "As you are keenly aware, we're both capable of resisting one another, which is why we are able to stay so amicable to one another. I would still very much like to study you, and I'm sure that you'd get no greater thrill than to dominate a creature like myself. The deal would be that the loser willingly submits to the machinations of the other for... let's see here... well, the injunction of our planets lasts a week, so how about that for a time frame?"

The rubber bat looked down at the ground as he carefully contemplated the offer. It appeared to be a win-win scenario for the corrupted creature. Even if he did somehow lose, he still would have brought enough of his prey to their knees during their little contest that he would be sated for some time. Plus, whether he won or lost, it still meant that it was a week where he was fully out and about. The last thought caused a fanged grin to form on his face, one that the rubber dragon picked up on as he held out his hand. Raak showed only a moment's more hesitation before he shook it, and as he did, he felt a tingle shoot up through his arm that he asked about.

"Sorry, a bit of a reflex," Renzyl admitted with a small shrug. "When you perform a bargain with one of my kind, the nexus realm makes sure that the parameters of that deal are executed. That goes for myself as well as you, so if I happen to lose and I try to run, my dishonor would be brought back on my head ten-fold. Of course, all we're doing is having a bit of gentlemanly fun, so I wouldn't have put such a stipulation on it, but alas what's done is done. Shall we continue on?"

The latex bat gave the dragon a look, but if the other creature was lying, it was hidden behind those glowing red eyes as the two started to walk together. As they walked under one street lamp in particular, the glow from the electric light flickered and died for a few seconds, and when it came back to life, the walking path had become empty...


"Come one Sheila, do we really have to go to this party?" the wolf whined as he trailed behind the vixen who held a wrapped gift. "We hardly even know these people! The only reason they even invited us in the first place is because we once helped them move with a group of our friends, most of whom won't be showing up to this thing."

"Vincent..." the vixen replied with a sigh. "I know that you have a lot of television to go back to watching, but an hour there won't kill you. Plus, you and Mark both enjoy fishing, you two can bond over that or something while I put in some face time. You keep forgetting that some of my coworkers are going to be there, too, and I want to make a good impression so they back up my project proposal."

As the two continued their back and forth while they walked down the nearly deserted path, they were unaware of the two sets of eyes that looked out at them from the bushes. "These two are going to be perfect for the first round of our little competition," Renzyl smirked as he rubbed his hands together. "They're both pretty even on their wants and desires, and like most couples of that nature, they want to take charge of the other but don't know how. Remember the parameters we discussed?"

The rubber bat nodded as he looked out at the couple begin to approach their location. "Physical contact allowed, and we turn these two into our playthings," Raak repeated from the discussion they had earlier. "We can use any mind control we want, but can't use it to order either of them, and the one that comes out as the dominant of the two is the winner. Do you have any particular choice on which one you want to go after, so that I know if we're racing?"

"You're the home team, you can have the first pick," Renzyl replied, both of them giving each other a fanged grin before they turned their attention back to the two coming up the road. At this point their conversation had pretty much died down and both of them were walking silently, the female slightly ahead of the male as they continued towards their destination. With no one else around them the silence was almost deafening, and their gait began to slow when they realized they could no longer hear the sounds of any park animals either. The two grew closer together as they realized that, despite being completely alone, it felt as though there was another presence there...

"I do apologize for interrupting your pleasant stroll," a smooth, seductive voice said from the shadows of some nearby bushes as a pair of glowing red eyes peered out from it like a horror movie. Both backed away as a large, unnatural looking dragon stepped out into the light, his skin shining bizarrely as they grew closer together. "My name is Renzyl, and a new friend and I have a running bet that we'd like you two to help bring it to its conclusion."

As the two backed away they failed to notice the rubber bat sneaking up behind them, their gazes and attention so fixated on the creature in front of them that they failed to notice a similar synthetic creature until its wing arms were wrapped around the male wolf. Vincent let out a yelp and struggled against the monster behind him, but as he was turned around and stared into the bright yellow eyes framed in purple and black latex, his mouth went slightly agape and the fear seemed to drain from his body. Raak's muzzle turned up in a grin as he wrapped his wings around the canine, which left only the fox, who looked at her husband's sudden capture in horror.

"Shhhh, it's alright..." the vixen's entire being trembled as she heard Renzyl's voice in her ear as a pair of powerful hands fell on her shoulders. "We're here to help you two out, give you something that you would have never dreamed in your entire lives. All your desires are about to be fulfilled here, and all you have to do is give in and let us do all of the hard work for you."

Raak had to stifle a chuckle as he felt his hypnotic energies pour into the stunned wolf, feeling his mind already start to crumble under his will like old stone. "You're an eager one, aren't you?" The rubber bat said as he felt the tendrils of power already begin to dig deep into his new plaything's brain as he continued to hold him in his wing arms. "I can already tell you want this so badly, I don't think I have to do much to persuade you to do what I want... in fact I can tell you're licking your lips already just thinking about sucking me off."

The wolf's thoughts were jarred a bit by the sudden lewdness of the creature that held him there, but his surfacing from Raak's power was short-lived as their gaze was suddenly broken. It gave Vincent the chance to look at his assailant for the first time, and he realized that the other male was covered in some sort of rubber bodysuit that left nothing to the imagination. Every curve, every muscle of the stunning male was defined in shiny black latex with purple patterns his eyes followed. When he got down to Raak's crotch, he saw the thick cock already outside of its sheath and then realized, as soon as his eyes met with the impressive member, he instinctively licked his lips that caused him to gasp. Raak merely nodded his head with a smirk, then looked over to see how his competitor was doing.

The package that Sheila had been carried had been dropped to the ground, completely forgotten about as the rubber dragon continued to approach her. The first instinct screamed at her by her brain was for her to run, but when she tried to do that the signal seemed to never reach the rest of her limbs. Instead, she stood there in a mixture of horror and morbid curiosity as the much larger male continued to approach her. Ever since he had touched her shoulders, though, she found her need to run, her primal instinct to survive started to grow mute as she looked up into those glowing, red eyes.

"It appears that your body already knows of the wonderful things that I have in store for it," Renzyl said with a smirk as he ran a claw across her chin that caused her to shudder. "My friend decided to go for your husband, which leaves you all for me. While I certainly don't fault him for his choice, I think I see a dominant spark in there that just needs to be... nurtured into a fire of lustful desire that you want to lord over your male mate. But first, while I do appreciate your form, let's go ahead and slip you into something a little more... comfortable."

Sheila was unsure what the demon dragon meant, but in the next second that no longer mattered as his latex muzzle pressed against hers in a deep kiss. While they locked lips, she immediately felt something press down past the belt of her pants and into her panties. Her eyes widened slightly, normally no one but her husband would be allowed to do such a thing, and especially not in public, but something about the powerful male in front of him made her melt in his arms like butter. Soon all the tension drained away from her body as Renzyl wrapped his other arm around her, sliding his hand up her back as his tongue pushed into her mouth.

Meanwhile, Raak watched as the wolf continued to stare deep into those eyes as his hands slowly moved up to take off his shirt. While the rubber creature delighted in watching the eager male strip down with a mere, command he didn't want to break him down completely into a mere toy... he did have a wager to win after all. Instead, he continued to guide the wolf down into his embrace while nurturing a primal, alpha wolf personality. "See what it's like taking orders," he cooed as the button-down shirt fell to the side of the male and was immediately forgotten as he started to work on his pants. "As my pet you could do the same to others... and give them the same pleasure that I'm giving you. Wouldn't that be just wonderful?"

All Vincent could do was nod numbly as his pants fell to the ground, gazing into those eyes as the strange bat leaned in close. At first the enthralled male thought he was about to kiss him, but Raak turned his head suddenly and licked deep into the canine's ear with his tongue. The wolf whimpered slightly in pleasure as the thin appendage penetrated into his skull, the latex that coated it numbing it instantly as the bat left the stain of his corruption on his brain. All Vincent could do was moan as his mind was suddenly flooded with thoughts and images, now directly linked to the devious male wrapped around his body as he felt something press against his chest.

"Don't let me down now, pet," Raak growled as the naked male nodded slowly, black rubber dripping from his ears and nose as the infectious fluid spread throughout his skull. "Take your gift from me so you can give it to others."

As Renzyl broke his kiss with his own would-be acolyte, he couldn't help but be impressed with the style of the other rubber creature. However, he wasn't one to be outdone as he wiped the thick black drool from the fox's lips. "Let's see how well you're progressing along my dear," Renzyl said as he took a step back. "Why don't you go ahead and strip down for me."

Even as her hands slowly made their way to the front of her top to pull it off, she felt something was off. The places where the rubbery dragon had touched her continued to tingle despite him backing away, and her clothes felt... off. When she took off her blouse, she was surprised to find that her bra came off with it, at first she thought Renzyl had merely undone the clasp, but when it dangled in front of her completely intact she looked at her chest instead. She gasped when her breasts, though not the largest on the block, had been completely deflated and replaced with latex-covered muscle. It looked out of place on her otherwise feminine chest, and as she stared at them, she realized that it was something that would look good on another male, much like the one in front of her.

There was a small noise from the dragon that prompted her to keep going, and without even thinking, her fingers darted down to her skirt, though they paused in shock when she saw that the front of the crotch tented lewdly out in front of her. She could hear Renzyl chuckle as her hand pressed against it, and she nearly collapsed in knee-shaking pleasure that radiated out from it. Though her mind felt slow and clouded, it didn't take long to figure out what was there, and when she let her skirt fall around her ankles, there was a thick, black rubber cock that strained the fabric of her panties.

Raak scoffed slightly as he glanced over at the vixen's new endowments, then looked back at his own subject. The wolf looked up at him as his head bobbed up and down on the thick cock presented before him, the thick pre leaking from his lips merging with the same substance that continued to cover his head from his nose and ears. By now almost half of his head had been completely assimilated; one of his eyes was a blank latex orb while the other had tendrils of black starting to infest it. Below them the wolf's member had already started to leak a similar substance, which was smeared over the sensitive flesh by Vincent's hand as he stroked himself with the same timing while he sucked.

"Good pet," Raak instructed as his hand ran through the fur left on the wolf's head not covered by latex. As he let the pleasure of the male's mouth continue to stimulate him, the bat realized it was hard to temper his need to make his prey his own, especially with how much he wanted to show off his superior form, not only to the wolf on his knees, but also to the dragon that coerced him into the contest in the first place. The thought of the smug rubber dragon on his knees where the wolf sat was more than enough motivation for him to continue, letting the shiny material claim another creature for his own.

At this point Shelia was unsure of what to do, her senses momentarily returning to her after her underwear was cut away with a swift stroke of the dragon's claw. Not only was her husband on his knees sucking off a maniacal, if not incredibly sexy, rubber bat, but somehow she had allowed another sexy rubber creature somehow give her the cock and chest of a male. "It's not going to end there either, my dear," the dragon whispered into her ear as his hand reached around and stroked the turgid shaft, which caused not only her new endowment, but her entire body to twitch in strange, foreign pleasure. "Soon you're going to get the body you truly deserve... a powerful, sexy, male body..."

Vincent moaned loudly as he knelt there, feeling the strong hand of the powerful male above him press against his head as he took even more of the thick shaft into his maw. His entire head had been completely covered with the strange latex that the bat was also covered in, even his eyes were completely coated as he stared straight up into those glowing eyes. He could feel the rubber creature's presence in his mind, as well as hear him reinforce his commands audibly as the wolf's latex nose rubbed against his rubber crotch. He was going to be a good pet for his master, Vincent thought idly as his rubberized throat stretched with the outline of the synthetic bat cock inside it, and as a good pet he would dominate others in order to make more toys for him...

When Raak finally believed his newest acquisition was ready, he pulled his card cock out of the canine's transformed muzzle, hearing a lewd pop as it slipped out past his lips. "I think it's time to show what you've learned," he said with an evil grin as he looked his creation over. His rubber had completely covered the wolf thanks to the combined assimilation of what had oozed from his head and what had leaked out of the thick, transformed cock that continued to leak its corruptive fluids. Raak could see that there was more confidence there than his usual toys, though the rubber wolf continued to look at him in pure reverence. The creature he had created will do anything to please him, which served his needs just fine as he led their shiny bodies together one more time before he turned him around.

What Vincent saw, though, caused his latex jaw to drop as at the same time Renzyl let the last of his own demonic rubber cascade over the tail tip and toes of the formerly female fox in front of him. What had been his wife was now completely unrecognizable from the orange and black rubber creature in front of him, whose maleness throbbed insistently as Shelia looked at him with hungry, pupil-less eyes. Her breasts, something he had particularly enjoyed about her, had completely vanished under a pair of firm, athletic chest muscles nestled under a set of hard abs. "Hello there lover-boy," the fox said, which caused Vincent to swallow slightly despite himself.

Raak sighed and shook his head as he watched the wolf's resolve begin to crumble already as the latex fox walked up to him and rubbed a finger down his newly sculpted chest. Though the former wife was still shorter than her husband, it was clear that she was holding the reins, especially now that she had been corrupted so thoroughly. Vincent tried to control the situation, wrapping his arms around the other male and bringing him in for a kiss, but at the last second Sheila ducked down and licked her tongue all the way from his neck up to his ear and caused the wolf to nearly collapse from the pleasure. When the two did lock their muzzles in a deep kiss, Renzyl walked over to Raak and gave him a friendly clap on the shoulder.

"Knew that spark was in there," Renzyl gloated, which caused Raak to huff slightly. "Ah don't worry about it, luckily for you it's best two out of three, and it's your turn to pick our next round of the competition. But for now I think these two are having all the fun, and I think it's time to change that, don't you?"

Raak's slight frown turned into a devilish grin as he nodded and the two made their way to the other two latex creatures, the male fox already starting to turn his partner around to ream his tailhole when the bat stopped them with the wave of his fingers. "Since my toy failed me so spectacularly, I think it's only fair I get to punish him as I see fit," the corrupted bat explained, which caused the synthetic ears of the wolf to droop slightly. "However you can use his mouth, it is quite good for the lack of experience, unless of course your owner has something in particular he would like to do to you."

Renzyl chuckled and shook his head, the rubber fox's muzzle turning up into an evil grin as he looked at the latex wolf that whimpered slightly. With a single finger pointing downward and tilt of his head towards the ground, Sheila, or rather Shel as would be a more appropriate name for his new muscular male form, caused the shiny canine to slowly lower himself onto his knees. Vincent was unable to do anything but follow his partner's commands, his synthetic eyes widening as he stared at his former wife's cock for the first time. It was almost as big as his own as the shiny red flesh glistened in front of him before he felt a firm hand behind his head. At first he thought Raak had done it to get him started, but when he looked up he realized it was still the fox whom pushed his muzzle forward.

"I have to say, I think he's taking to his new role quite well," Raak commented as he watched the wolf stretch his new inhumanly longue tongue to wrap around the throbbing maleness. "I suppose it's the next best thing to having someone dominant to win the round. I'm very curious on where you're going to store them once we're done with our fun."

"Oh don't worry," Renzyl reassured, gripping the fox by the hips as his own ridged, rubber, demon dick began to slide between the other male's pert rump. "I know exactly where these two will be going, so relax and enjoy yourself. I did promise you a good time, after all."

The Corruption Competition P2

Chrono sat in the nexus transport room with his tablet in hand, playing a game that one of Renzyl's brothers had released on the nexus net when he suddenly felt the tingle of magical energy run through his body. He glanced over at his console curiously...

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Escape Plan Zeta

Weber felt the blood pound in his head as he stopped and looked back to see that he hadn't been followed, through that mattered little as his brain struggled to comprehend what had just happened. He had just led his best chance of help into a trap,...

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The Rescuers Require Rescuing

Sitting up on his bed, Tibalt's entire chest was covered in his cum, his face in a smile as he imagined finally being changed by the master. Truthfully he was jealous of the Captain and First mate that they'd been given the honors of being his first...

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