The Rescuers Require Rescuing

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Xenophobia

The alien rebuilds his kingdom in the midst of the chaos of the old one, can there be anyone that stops him or has the wheels of fate already turned too far?

Part 5 of 6

A wonderful collab done with a wonderful friend TiranMaster, this was quite the treat to write with him on!

Editing by texotic, which allows two busy writers to get this into the light of day completely polished. :D

Sitting up on his bed, Tibalt's entire chest was covered in his cum, his face in a smile as he imagined finally being changed by the master. Truthfully he was jealous of the Captain and First mate that they'd been given the honors of being his first conversions, but he hoped that this reward he was promised was truly as great as he anticipated. It took him a few seconds to get reorientated back to his own form, after he had been in the dragon's body it was a bit dull being in his own body, even though he knew that would soon change.

He took a few seconds to wipe the fluids off his body before he got dressed, the smile still stuck on his face as he realized what was about to happen. His new body was within reach, and all he had to do was get to Weylis. Nothing would stop them now, he thought to himself as he put on his jumpsuit and walked to the door. As his sire had said it was almost too-

"Weber!" Tibalt nearly shouted as he saw the husky at his door. "You scared the crap out of me, man, why didn't you knock or something?"

"That's not important," Weber replied sternly as he looked at the other male. "Can I come into your room and talk for a second? There's something that we have to discuss and it can't wait anymore."

Inwardly Tibalt groaned as his friend didn't even wait for a reply and pushed his way inside. We don't want to throw up any suspicions, even with the Captain and First Mate under our control. Weylis warned the lizardman mentally. You still don't have enough of my essence to put him completely under our control, either, so tread lightly, my pet.

"Weber, I know I've been a bit dodgy lately. The whole exploration team has been under a lot of pressure as of late," Tibalt said as Weber sat down on his bed. "You have to understand that once this whole thing is over, things will be back to normal, I'm sure of it."

The husky crossed his arms and looked at the lizardman incredulously. Weber wasn't sure how to respond, especially not with the smell of musk that was clearly present in the room. He had come to confront his friend, and now that he had... he wasn't sure what to do. "It's not just you that's different," Weber finally said. "First there was Lou, and then I thought I saw something with Exo. Do you know that the entire science division has been locked out of specimen containment? I tried my pass, it doesn't even work."

"I thought that was a security glitch," Tibalt said dismissively as he grabbed his data pad. "I really want to talk more about this, but I have to get going and talk to Lucian about our next mission, do you think we can continue later."

"Tibalt, I don't-" Weber stopped short as he saw something sticking out of Tibalt's closet. Though he couldn't see it completely he knew enough to recognize what it was; an access pass that was marked for the science division. The husky's mouth went dry and he looked back to see that the lizardman was staring at him. "You know what... you're right, I think perhaps we should do this at another time."

"Thank you, Weber." Tibalt replied, motioning for Weber to leave. The husky tried not to look at the security pass as he left, but in doing so it caused him to jump slightly as he felt Tibalt's hand on his back. "I promise things will be clear soon." The husky opened his mouth to reply... but quickly closed it as he nodded quickly and was out the door.

The lizard let out a sigh of relief as his friend finally left, part of him felt guilty for brushing off his friend so fast, but his master had asked for his presence and he'd already taken too long. Once Tibalt had given Weber ample time to leave, the lizard was out of the room, rushing down the hall, not noticing the husky slipping back into his room. Tibalt's face was set into a big grin as he practically jumped into the elevator, his heart pounding at a thousand miles per second, it was almost time... he was almost there!

The elevator couldn't open fast enough; the lizard practically jumped into and sprinted down the corridor as soon as the doors were at a crack, and thankfully no one was up to witness the lizard rushing into the captain's office. They'd already removed the captain's desk, and in its place Weylis sat on his throne, the dragon's face set in a big grin as his naga guards sat on either side of him... and in the room there was a third addition. He looked to be some form of a smaller lizard man... perhaps a kobold? "Lou came while we waited for you to come to the office, so I had Teluq gift the lion with his new form," Weylis explained. The kobold bowed deeply before Tibalt, the floor beneath the creature covered in his cum, rubbery juices flowing across the floor while the lizard smirked to himself.

Tibalt walked across the room and kneeled before Weylis, the dragon's glorious form gleaming in the light of the room, his heart pounding as he glanced from his master to the nagas on either side of him. Having looked through his master's eyes, Tibalt couldn't help but feel that their bodies looked a bit less sharp than they could've, but their forms were still magnificent, their cocks were currently slipped away, though they still seemed to scream sexuality as their gazes were currently on the lizard. "Master, I'm ready," he whispered.

"I know you are," Weylis said. He stood, Tibalt freezing up as the dragon walked around him, the moments turning agonizingly slow as he wanted his sire to take him now... but he didn't say anything, he would never dream of insulting the beautiful creature. The dragon's feet barely made a noise as the touched the ground, the slightest of squeaks on the metal floor, but there was still hardly a sound. "You've served me more than you know, my closest pet. You've returned me to life, you have allowed me access to the captain of this ship, and you have made me into the lord of this space station, whether the inhabitants know it or not. Now I will give you the grandest gift of all, no other shall share this gift, as it's one I can only give to my dearest and closest followers."

The lizard's mouth went dry as he finally felt his sire's hand on his chin, delicately bringing his head up, the dragon actually kneeling before him, both at the same height. "You honor me," Tibalt whispered. Weylis smiled with a grin that reached his eyes and seemed to set them ablaze with life as he leaned in and pressed his muzzle up against Tibalt's. There was no roughness in his kiss; it was as gentle as possible and there was no resistance from the lizard as he opened his mouth to embrace his master's gift. The tentacle that already resided in the lizard quickly reacted to the master's call, Tibalt shivering as he felt the tentacle slide up and connect him to his master.

Every second was an eternity to Tibalt as he waited for the change to start... to become a dragon such as his master. His body grew dull as the tentacle interacted with his master... and it evolved. It was a sensation... a tingle... but as Weylis connected with the tentacle he bled his energy into the rubber appendage, allowing it to become something far stronger, full of life and energy that poured throughout Tibalt's body. The lizard's cock grew rock hard and his eyes rolled back before shutting tight as Weylis drew him close, naked flesh against smooth rubber, the pair frozen in ecstasy before Weylis finally broke the kiss off.


From above, a camera silently recorded the activity in the room. No one had access to the ship's security functions save for a select few, but Weber had decided that he'd had enough of secrets and had taken some of his hidden knack for hacking and drilled his way into the camera systems. The husky's eyes were wide and his mouth was slack as he watched the entire encounter, he'd checked the security records and had also witnessed the captain going into the safe room before coming out as a changed creature. He wasn't quite sure what to make of all of this quite honestly... he needed to tell someone... but everyone who could do something was already changed...

Weber wanted to break his gaze from the screen, to pretend that his best friend wasn't becoming some perverse infectious creature, but he couldn't stop. The husky's eyes welled up with tears as he forced himself to watch, recording the footage onto a USB as he watched on. On the screen he watched as Weylis broke the kiss off, licking his lips with a satisfied smirk as Tibalt sank to the floor, the lizard's eyes closed as his cock dripped with pure arousal.


From Tibalt's point of view he could now feel everything... feel the true pleasure of the rubber that he'd seen pouring over the skins of his master's servants. His body was pounding with energy, no longer was the tentacle a mere thing to interact with his master through... but now it was filling him up... making him whole. The rubber was spreading throughout his system, corrupting any systems that were left organic, gone with the aging organs and instead being replaced with an immortal liquid.

There was a slow exhale from the lizard as the rubber expanded over his organs, and his last needed air disappeared with a wheeze. Tibalt exhaled once more, but this time rubber poured out of his mouth, the viscous goo pouring like a tap and allowing for it to quickly get to work starting to convert the virgin scales of the lizard. He could feel the godly fluid inside him begin to seep upwards, and tendrils of it pushed out Tibalt's form slightly as the thick rubber flowed down from his mouth to his neck, the corrupted creature lifting his head back in order to make sure his entire head gets coated with it before it moves any further. His vision went black as it covered his eyes, but quickly returned as the bones of his skull began to soften and reshape.

By the time the latex had assimilated everything from the shoulders up, a new change was happening to the lizard. While it was subtle with his already reptilian form, his muzzle became more angular and slightly longer as it was filled with bigger rubber teeth. When Tibalt realized what was happening, he was so overjoyed he tried to cry out, which merely caused a wave of liquid rubber to gush out and aid in his transformation. He had seen Weylis transform his fellow crewmates, now his fellow followers, into new species, and in the back of his mind he had wondered if he would continue to be a lizardman or become something new. Now as the transformative black substance cascaded down his back he could feel the muscles there thicken and shift, knowing that Weylis had been gracious enough to gift him with the form of a dragon.


Back at the console Weber used, the husky held a hand over his mouth as he watched his friend double over, but definitely not in pain as he could see the arousal plain on his snout as something began to grow out from his back. The latex on the lizard's back continued to shift and push out until a pair of wings similar to the dragon that had caused the transformation in the first place finally formed. It was impossible, Weber's mind tried to say over and over again as everywhere the rubber touched, it caused the muscles beneath to grow larger and thicker. At this point the lizard and the alien dragon were almost eye to eye, a significant increase in growth that made the canine wonder just how badly his friend was going to be altered before the horror he was witnessing was finally over...


At this point Tibalt had already begun to touch his throbbing maleness as the rubber continued to spread over his body and change him, though after the first few strokes he felt them get taken away. He looked up to Weylis giving him a knowing smirk before he gazed down and saw that the rubber on his hands had transferred down there, spreading over it and mutating it until it looked like his master's own. Tibalt shuddered at the sudden sensation of his latex-covered shaft, reveling in the kingly gift that he had been given as the rubber joined with the main flow that had just covered up his stomach and chiseled it into an impressive eight-pack.

The black rubber started to shift into a lighter color, the light of the room gleamed onto Tibalt's changing body, the black turning into a deep blue that gave off the impression of almost being velvet. The new dragon purred as he ran his now rubber hand down his body. The sensations were stimulating to say the least, his enlarged cock now dripping blue globs of pre that stained the floor. "How does it feel?" Weylis asked. He already knew the answer, of course, his own senses in tune with that of his servant, but he wanted the words from Tibalt's mouth.

On the top of Tibalt's head a pair of nubs started to form from the rubber, sliding up in spiraling pillars of the liquid, pulling up and then back into a pair of sharp looking horns that soon looked as solid as rock. "It feels... wonderful, massster," Tibalt purred. He hardly even noticed his own hiss as his voice had even received an upgrade from the change; it had a far more rich sound, deep and velvety, and he stroked his cock with a growl of pleasure as he gazed upon his master... his alpha dragon, with lust filled eyes. His eyes were twin pools of golden rubber with a velvet stripe in the middle for his iris, gleaming in the light of the room as he drew closer to his master, desiring to pleasure his lord as reward for his own upgrade.


More and more of Tibalt's body was changing, and Weber could hardly recognize his friend by this point... the voice... his body... those wings. He'd seen enough as he yanked out the USB from the console, a deep feeling of pain resonating through his chest as he decided that he needed to find someone to help him... and he had a feeling that he knew who might be able to.


Soon Tibalt's entire body was encased in the rubber; gone was his lizard form, and he was glad to be rid of it truth be told. Now he stood level with his master, their gleaming dragon bodies majestic to behold. The nagas and kobold in the room had came as they'd watched the change, gazing on with looks of awe at the handsome duo. Tibalt's form was now muscled to the point of being considered adonis-like, his muscles shaded in by the light, gleaming like a jewel as he pressed up against Weylis, their cocks bumping as they pressed their muzzles together and kissed one another deeply. This kiss was far better than any other kiss they'd shared... Weylis had long desired for a kiss like this, but had never had one so close to his level to experience one.

The kiss was quick but loving before they broke it off, Weylis' eyes glinting with glee as he ran his hand down the other dragon's face. "Gone is your weak form, you are my second hand... no longer Tibalt, you are Salvinar." The word rang through the room as if god himself had spoken, Tibalt shuddered as he embraced the new persona... new confidence filling him, all weakness from his past life vanishing.

Salvinar opened his eyes once more as he ran his hand down Weylis' side and ran his up around the dragon's ass. "Thank you, massster, may I please you in return for your generosity before we continue our march?"

For a moment Weylis looked torn, an expression that had nearly been forgotten by the dragon, as he was typically so sure of himself. "No... not right now. While I would enjoy that, I want to claim this ship... I'm tired of hiding in the shadows. We will take this station, and then we shall claim one another," he purred. Salvinar grinned as he nodded, bowing deeply before his master as the other reptiles in the room shivered in anticipation of their march.


Weber darted down the hallways like a shot whenever he could, any pretense that he had to be stealthful or subtle in his intentions were long discarded when he saw his friend get turned into a rubber dragon by an alien that they had brought aboard this ship. Time was of the essence, he knew that they could spread and that some could be hosts to this alien, but he had hoped that they would save the one person that might help for last. When he arrived at the mess hall he was so out of breath that he thought he might collapse, but he only took a second to breathe in a fresh lungful before he continued in. His target was right where he thought he would be, and without a word of pretext, he sat down on the opposite side and put the USB on the table.

"Um... can I help you?" Lucian asked as he had a fork full of pasta at a dead stop halfway to his lips.

"I really need your help Lucian, I think you're the only one that can help me," Weber replied as he slid the electronic device forward. "I need you to watch this movie immediately and tell me what we need to do to stop it."

The tiger glanced at him curiously before he took the USB port and plugged it into the tablet that he had on him. Once the video started Lucian's eyes furrowed in question, then as Weber continued to watch, they went wide and he put his finger to his lips as he continued to watch. When the video was over Lucian shared a rare moment of silence as he put the computer face down and pulled the driver out from it. The canine continued to stare and wait as it appeared the tiger was deep in thought, then gave a quick nod to himself before he turned to him.

"I have my ship at one of the docking bays," Lucian explained. "If we go now I expect we can escape the station before the alien is wise to our plans."

Weber was dumbfounded at the feline's smug face of satisfaction. "You... think we should run..." he was finally able to say, which garnered a nod from the explorer. "This thing wants to take over the entire station and who knows what else, has taken my friend and transformed him into... into a monster, and your best idea is that we just leave everyone on this station to its whim? Are you serious right now?"

"You said it yourself, my friend, this alien has powers beyond our comprehension," Lucian reasoned. "Perhaps if we had caught it while it was still locked away in that coffin thing we may have had a chance, but who knows how many people it's compromised? Our best bet is to get out while we can, find the nearest military station, and have them come here and contain the situation. I haven't lived this long in my profession without knowing when to back off a find that's too dangerous, and right now this sounds about as dangerous as it gets."

"I won't leave my friend like that!" Weber shouted, which caused several people to look at him and Lucian to shush him down until they all looked away.

"Look, you wanted my advice and there it is," Lucian clarified in a whispered tone as he stood up and took his tablet and the USB with him. "Now I'm leaving this station whether you're with me or not, and if you want to stay here and leave yourself to the whim of this creature, be my guest. Otherwise... you can come with me and help explain the gravity of the situation. I can tell you right now that your chances of saving young Tibalt are far greater with me than rolling the dice with anyone else on this ship that may be infected."

Weber was about to say something else when his gaze followed the tiger as he left and it met with the others in the mess hall. Though most had gone back to the activities that they had been doing, one or two continued to glance his way and he wondered, just how many of them were working for the creature now? Did they already know that they were on to them, and if so, did that mean that his time to try and fix the situation was even worse than before? Tibalt already knew that he had questioned if something had happened to him since the beginning, and that meant that he was likely on their assimilation hit list. His ears went down as he saw Lucian turn the corner and disappear out of sight, and in a snap decision, he sped-walked his way out of the mess hall as well to catch up with him.

Rushing down the hall at Lucian's side Weber found that his voice had escaped him, part of him wanted to call Lucian a coward... to tell the tiger that he was a big phony. The words wouldn't come, though. He could see how Lucian was right, and though he wanted to help the station now... it wouldn't be that easy. Nearly sprinting down the hall at the pace they were going, Weber's eyes traced every passing crew member. He felt like some of their gazes lasted just a little too long... some of their eyes looking a little too off.

The husky knew that he was imagining some of it, but he couldn't shake the feeling, his trust in others had been shaken. Lucian's gait was confident and his posture screamed strength, and yet his gaze looked uncertain. His mouth was set tight and any odd noises had him twitching a little too hard, Weber had the feeling that he was far more nervous than he was letting on. "The casket..." Weber breathed.

The tiger paused for a moment, an eyebrow raised as he looked back at the husky. "What about it?" he grunted.

A new thought had erupted in Weber's mind, a terrifying one at that. "What... what if that's the only way to get rid of the creature?"

"Well we'll just have to use it to capture him when we get back," Lucian said with a roll of his eyes. At times the tiger got a bit fed up with how nervous everyone else was... though that thought in itself was hypocritical with how tense he was.

"No, you don't understand. What if they throw the casket out while we're gone?!" Weber snapped. This stopped the tiger completely, Lucian's eyes widening in a mixture of realization and horror. The tiger mouthed the words "throw out" as he realized what the husky meant, his muscles tensing up as he glanced down the hall, his hackles raising as Weber had the feeling that the tiger was slowly giving up on the space station. "Lucian, we have to get the casket before we leave!" the husky begged.

Lucian turned his gaze towards Weber, a severe glare that turned Weber's spine to ice... but the look soon disappeared as he flexed his hand a few times. "The... the casket, it's that thing's throne now... right?" he grunted. Weber nodded as Lucian took a few calming breaths, obviously trying to appear more stable than he was as he stood straight. "Well then... those creatures... they should be gone from that room if they're planning on infecting others. Let's go check it out, but if they're in there, then we're leaving. I'm not going to risk my neck on a fool's errand," he grunted.

There was a sigh of relief from the husky as they turned and started towards the captain's room. Weber connected his personal com unit to the security cameras, then flicking through the channels to make sure they weren't going to be running into any of the rubber creatures anytime soon. Every now and again, though, he'd catch a glimpse of one of them fucking a crew member, the crew member giving into the seductive rubber with a moan of delight. The husky was quick to flash away, as he needed to concentrate on the task at hand... however scary that was.

The security camera in the captain's space revealed none of the creatures, so Weber figured that it was empty... hopefully. Soon enough the pair were walking into the captain's quarters, Lucian's clearance easily allowing them in without pinging the captain's com. Sitting before them was the casket... or throne... whatever it was. "Well there it is... let's grab it and go," Weber hissed.

Looking at it, though, the husky was now having second thoughts... how were they going to lift it anyways? As a casket it had been ungodly heavy, why would it grow any lighter as a chair? Lucian seemed to be having the same thought as he looked at it doubtfully, but the tiger tried anyway. He leaned down and started pulling at it... but it wouldn't budge whatsoever. "Holy fuck... this thing is even heavier than before!" the tiger wheezed.

"What?!" Weber grunted. The husky didn't get much of another word out, though, as from the shadows of the room a small creature leapt out and latched onto Lucian. The tiger wailed in shock as the kobold clung tight to his head, ramming his cock into the tiger's mouth and getting plenty of his corruptive juices into Lucian's muzzle. "No! Lucian!"

The tiger tried to spit out the juice, but found that he was incapable of dislodging it as the kobold would only pump more in. Soon enough Lucian was collapsing onto the floor clutching at his throat as the kobold hopped off with a triumphant smile. "Massster left me with such a good job... now for the puppy!" he snickered. By the time Lou turned around though to confront Weber the husky was gone, making tracks as he couldn't bare the thought of being converted by the kobold.

Lucian, on the other hand, was already making quick process, with so much of the kobold's juices having been forced down his muzzle, already the changes were becoming apparent. His body was starting to shrink, muscle tone fading, his size growing smaller, his cock becoming shockingly hard as he couldn't ignore increasingly lewd thoughts starting to fill his mind as Weylis' voice started to drill into his head. The tiger's rubber-covered face was frozen in shock and horror as more of the black substance began to leak out of his erection as his already baggy clothing was torn off of him by the amorous kobold.

Before Lucian could do anything he had already grown similar in size to the other rubber kobold as the rubber quickly covered his diminished form even more rapidly. His ropy feline tail thickened as his latex eyes rolled back into his head; Weylis' voice melting and reforming his core personality like it was made of clay. Soon the ambitious explorer was gone, replaced with a second horny, rubber kobold that screeched in lust as he came hard upon his new body's completion. Mere seconds passed before Lou was on their newest convert, reptilian muzzles locked in a blissful embrace as they let the others catch the bothersome husky.

Reasserting Control

Tibalt was thankful that he had gotten back to his room, he had been on the asteroid for nearly the whole day with only Lucian and the other explorers for company while they looked for more potential alien remains. The tiger had constantly checked on...

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A Rough Reacclimation

Though Tibalt tried to text Weber throughout the day he never received any messages back, and when Lucian had tried to talk him into coming to a party that night, the lizard had no interest in talking to anyone but the husky. Sitting in his room all...

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Explorer in Distress

Tibalt jolted awake with a gasp, his entire body shuddered as he panted heavily in the darkness. Soon after regaining his composure he turned on the light and looked around the room. He wasn't sure what had awoken him, but even as he saw the area was...

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