Reasserting Control

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Xenophobia

Things have awakened and now the explorers become the explored, our stowaway has now regained his faculties and has his eyes set on the facility itself...

Part 4 of 6

Collab with the quite awesome TiranMaster

Edited by texotic

Tibalt was thankful that he had gotten back to his room, he had been on the asteroid for nearly the whole day with only Lucian and the other explorers for company while they looked for more potential alien remains. The tiger had constantly checked on him to make sure he was okay, attention he didn't want at the moment. Part of him wondered why he ever idolized the guy in the first place, Weylis was far superior to the 'master explorer' in every way. Then he was forced to join in the celebration of another successful mission, though all he wanted to do was get back to his room to see if his master had recovered fully.

Once he got to his room he went in for a few minutes, then looked out into the hall once more to see if Weber or anyone else was following him. Once he was sure that he was alone, he doubled backed towards the science wing of the ship, being careful to remain out of as much of the camera's view as possible. Right before he got to the containment room he saw Lou, each of them gave each other a nod before the lion walked down next to him. "Did we have any problems?" He asked.

"There were no troubles here, master." Lou replied. "Once the security engineers 'fixed' the card reader I had them program it so only you and I have access to it. I made you a card, just don't show it around as it might raise suspicion to why I got you access. Other than that I gave everyone the day off and no one even cared about this area, at least except for your friend that was sniffing about."

"I'll deal with Weber when the time comes." Tibalt replied. "For now, wait here while I see if master Weylis is awake and well."

The lion bowed his head and walked to the other side of the hall to keep an eye out while Tibalt approached the door and slid his card. There was a ding as the card was accepted allowing the lizard in. Tibalt's face slid into a big grin as he felt a familiar ping of excitement at seeing his master once more. The room for the most part was the same, but the hiss of the sanitizers was gone and a purple haze flowed through the room. Tibalt took a deep breath of it in, allowing him to breathe in the familiar scent of his master. For a second he paused as he thought about how he'd gotten Weylis' scent, but he could only imagine that it was the work of the master's tentacle.

Drawing into the room he found that the casket was no longer on its table, and in fact had been moved to the back of the room, but it wasn't quite in the same shape any longer. Now at the back of the room a regal chair was sitting there, having been formed out of the golden metal and sitting upon it was Weylis with a sinister smile upon his face. "My pet, you've come just in time," he chuckled.

"Master Weylis, I'm glad to see you're awake," Tibalt hissed. He dropped to his knee before the dragon, his jumpsuit tenting slightly as he saw his master's glorious body. Though Tibalt himself didn't quite recall it, during his own rest Weylis had spent the night shaping Tibalt's dreams, allowing Tibalt to enjoy the fullness of his gift by having him perform sexual actions on a dream version of Weylis throughout the night.

"I'm not quite all ready sadly, but I've gained back much of my energy. Thanks to the cat there have been no intrusions, and with a bit of prodding I was also able to have him send information to the terminal in here to gather information I've been lacking. It seems that it's been a few centuries since I was last alive. Likely it would've stayed that way without the aid of the earthen colonies, I'll have to greet them myself when the time comes," Weylis commented. Tibalt never rose as he listened to his master, he recognized that a lot of his obedience likely came from the tentacle residing in his body, but by this point he didn't mind so much as he'd gained so much power from it.

"Is it almost time for my gift to evolve completely, master?" Tibalt asked. He wanted to be as complete as his master was, but at the same time he felt guilt for pestering his master about this question. It didn't seem to bother Weylis, though, as he merely chuckled and stood from his throne, the metal squeaking against his rubber feet as he approached the prone male.

Using his tail Weylis tilted Tibalt's face up towards his own, their eyes almost exactly mirroring one another as they peered into each other. "Almost. I could change you now, but that would leave both of us at a disadvantage. You would be without my aide, as to change you would require much of the reserves that I have. Tomorrow we can finish your change and start our journey through the ship to start spreading the gift. But first, we need to take two more obstacles out of our way before we can really start our plan," he purred.

The feeling of his master's tail against his scales had Tibalt purring, something he'd never done before, likely brought on by his own internal changes. "What are those obstacles, sire?" Tibalt asked.

"The captain of this vessel, and the one known as Lucian. They both command much power amongst the crew, and without them the chain of command will be weakened. We will also need to take the communication relays off, but that isn't quite as important," Weylis explained. Tibalt felt pride in his master, he knew that the dragon was smart, he barely even comprehended the fact that he was groping himself even as Weylis spoke.

Tibalt nodded and felt the embrace of those scales slide away from him, something that caused him to feel slightly depressed about it, though he knew it wouldn't be long before he would have them again. "I'll take care of them, then nothing will stop us from taking the ship and me from getting my new form." The lizardman said as he bowed his head slightly. "I am your extension, Master, your will be done."

"Very good, my pet," Weylis said, causing another churr of admiration from the lizardman. "Go now and do this, I will be here resting more as our slave looks over me."

Tibalt nodded and felt a giddiness in his chest as he walked back out the door. He knew where he would go first, with the day cycle almost over, those who were on the bridge would likely be leaving to the mess hall once they were relieved by the night shift. Often the Captain would take the day cycle and leave the night to his First Mate, so the time to catch him would be now. As he passed by Lou the lion gave him a deep bow, one that caused Tibalt to smirk slightly before he left the wing and headed to the crew quarters.

When he got to the officer's lounge, an area that was offset to the main recreational area so that the higher-ups had a place to talk in private, he saw that the Captain had not been relieved yet. Instead he saw Exo Raylind by himself, reading a book as he waited for the shift to change. The grey wolf had been somewhat new to the whole expedition team, though he showed a clear ambition to one day take the reigns over for their Captain once his tour of duty was over. Though Tibalt wasn't an officer himself, he knew he had to get in there to position himself to meet the Captain, which meant as he walked into the door he had to think of a way to stall for time. Luckily he knew just the thing that could get any crewmate talking for at least an hour, he thought to himself as he entered the lounge and walked up to the wolf.

"Exo Raylind?" Tibalt asked, trying to be an innocuous as possible.

"It's just Raylind for the next... twelve minutes," Raylind replied. "Unless you need me for some official matter."

"Actually, since you're in charge of personnel I was wondering if I could talk to you about Lucian?" Tibalt asked.

The result was exactly what he had expected, the wolf let out a heavy sigh as he closed his book and set it on the table with a heavy thud. "Alright, what did he do now?" Raylind asked. "Do we need another personnel grievance file opened, or can I keep this one under the table?" For a moment Tibalt's jaw hung open, he attempted to answer right away but his mind was going blank... Exo had a pretty thin line of patience, though being the first mate certainly didn't help; his time was valuable. It didn't take long for the wolf's ears to slowly slide back as his eyebrow slid up, his eyes quickly growing sharp. "Well...?"

For a moment Tibalt was terrified he was about to lose his chance, his gut churning before he heard the seductive voice of his master in his head. "Calm down, think for a moment. You can do it, after all, you're a very smart man," the voice purred. Finally Tibalt felt the pause in his head slide away, his face going smooth as he scratched the back of his neck with practiced ease, making it look like nothing was wrong.

"It can be under the table, I just wanted to say that he's been spreading a few rumors about how great I've been. Honestly, it's been a bit of a stress as everyone expects me to repeat the story," Tibalt started. The words came out like grease, he had been worried that he hadn't been able to spread the time out, but it kept coming, he watched as Exo nodded every now and again, listening to his complaints. As the lizard spoke he started to walk towards the first mate, at first he hadn't been quite sure what to do, the captain would be coming soon... eight minutes... five minutes...

Soon enough Tibalt was standing right in front of the first mate, Weylis' voice was speaking right into his ear now. "I've had a bit of a change of plans... I was thinking about the captain, but I had a realization. By now my power has grown sizably since I've awoken, so now I would like a chance to stretch my powers. I would like you to change the First Mate, and tonight I shall have my hand at the captain," Weylis explained to him.

Exo blinked as Tibalt stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, the lizard's smile sliding up his face as he stretched out his neck. "Is something the matter, Tibalt?" he asked.

"Everything's perfectly fine... in fact, I have something I want to show you, sir," Tibalt purred. The wolf's tail twitched in curiosity, it was another three minutes before the captain showed up, but Tibalt wasn't counting down anymore, he was more interested in the first mate.

"What would that be?" Exo asked. Suddenly Tibalt threw himself forward, hardly giving Exo a moment to react as he felt the lizard's lips press up against his own and pried open his lips. The wolf's eyes flew wide open as he felt something shove itself down his throat and started pouring in, his body starting to shake as he attempted to push away the lizard... but as the liquid continued to flow in he heard a new voice... a beautiful voice... one that overpowered his measly thoughts.

Two minutes... one minute... thirty seconds before the captain walked in Tibalt broke his kiss, his body feeling exhausted after the exertion, stumbling back as he wiped away black goo from his mouth. The lizard panted in exhaustion as Exo shook a few times, a few strands of black goo climbing up into his throat before his eyes closed, his body slumping for a few seconds as a few beeps started coming from the other side of the door. Tibalt felt his stomach clench up a bit, fear that the captain would find his first mate unconscious. The lizard turned as the door slid open to reveal a handsome fox, Xyle Lothes, the captain of their space station. For a moment Tibalt was worried he was going to have to explain what was happening before another voice spoke up before he could say anything. "Captain on board."

Tibalt turned to see Exo standing up, a smile on his face as he held his hand up to his forehead in a salute.

"At ease Exo, you have the bridge," Captain Lothes said before he turned to Tibalt. "Ah, you're one of our explorers. Tibalt, is it?"

Tibalt nodded and shook the fox's hand. "Yes I am, I was just talking to Exo about the latest findings on one of the asteroids, he was very curious on the artifacts that we found on our latest run. Perhaps once the science division is finished with them they can be shown off for the entire ship to see."

"Perhaps in due time," The Captain replied, half-heartedly listening as he looked through the datapad on the schedule for the night watch before he handed it to the wolf. "I didn't realize that you two knew each other."

"We made fast friends aboard the ship, sir," The wolf replied, the two giving each other a knowing look before the fox turned to the both of them. "Also I know you're tired sir, but I was wondering if, after you had given yourself a chance to be refreshed, you could meet me in the secure conference room in an hour? There is a matter we need to discuss regarding rumors that are coming out of the science division, and I want us to talk about them securely before we make any ship-wide announcements."

Xyle nodded and the two saluted each other before he went into the mess hall to get food, Tibalt and Exo exchanged one more glance before Tibalt left, not wanting to rouse suspicion by hanging around. As soon as he got into the hall the lizardman breathed a sigh of relief, the fact that the First Mate had been changed released a great amount of anxiety off his chest. Even though he knew Master Weylind knew what he was doing, having to interact with the two highest ranking members of the station was nerve-wracking.

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You did very well, my pet. Tibalt heard in his mind, the voice accompanied by a surge of pleasure that caused him to moan slightly despite himself. I would have you go after Lucian next, but I wish to give you a reward for such amicable service, plus you likely don't have the reserves to change our other target if you had the chance. Instead I want you to go to your room and wait, in an hour I will show you the true glory of my power.

_ _

Thank you, Master. Tibalt replied mentally as he started to walk back to his quarters. The alien had been more right than Tibalt realized, as he reached down to see how much of the transformative substance he had to spare, he found himself lacking. As usual his sire was right, he needed to rest and get ready for his showdown with Lucian while Weylind took care of the Captain. The thought of his master converting the fox caused his pants to bulge, and as he waited for the elevator to bring him down to his section, he willed it to go down enough to not be seen.

Thankfully the elevator was empty as he got in, though as Tibalt turned around he thought he saw a pair of eyes looking around the corner before the doors slid shut...


Outside of the elevator Weber pressed his hand against the wall as he ran his other hand through his hair, his mind was buzzing with questions... His friend had been acting so strange these last few days, and now he was lying outright to his face? Not only that, but he'd been acting so strange when going into the ranking officer's lounge, and upon coming out he'd looked exhausted as if he'd run a few miles. Now Weber had an inkling that something was happening in the specimen lab... but he had the feeling that something really strange was going on, and he wasn't going to have a conventional way into the room. "What are you doing here?"

The husky froze up as he turned to see a wolf looking at him, Exo the First Mate. For a second Weber thought about telling him everything... but he realized that it would likely sound insane without proof. "Just... feeling sick, sir. Sorry," he grunted. The wolf looked at him before nodding, waiting for the husky to leave. As Weber walked away he swore he saw a new purple glint in the wolf's eye, something he'd never seen before, and it sent shivers up his back...


Walking into his room, Tibalt's pants dropped to the ground, his boxers tented as he locked the door behind himself. He found his heart pounding hard against his chest as he wondered what his master had in store for him as a reward. As the lizard sat down on his bed he found himself thinking about what he was doing, before meeting with this creature would he have ever done any of this? He'd obviously been changed by Weylis and yet he couldn't find any downsides to this anymore, he was the servant of a sexy and powerful creature, and his best friend would soon enough join him in servitude as well... The lizard let out a long hiss as he dropped his boxers to the floor, wrapping his hand around his shaft as he started to relieve himself as he thought about Weber, the husky becoming his partner in helping his master...

"Patience, my pet, calm yourself for a little while longer. I'm on my way as we speak to see to the captain,"_Weylis' voice flowed into Tibalt's head. The lizard froze up, while he still desired release, he quickly pulled his boxers back up as he nodded, knowing that his master would know. He laid back on his bed as he closed his eyes... and then jolted as he found himself seeing through another set of eyes, his heart pounding hard as warmth flowed into his chest from his master. "_Now you see the first part of your reward, my pet. You can watch as I personally handle the captain, I'm sure you'll enjoy the show," Weylis purred.

The lizard grinned wide as he groped his crotch which was already hardening once more, his mind buzzing with excitement at the prospect. He closed his eyes once more allowing himself to relax as he waited to see what his master had in store for the captain...


The Captain waited patiently outside of the secure conference room, leaning against the wall where one of two bio-scanners were. He had to have his First Mate there as well, it was the only way that the door would open in order for them to get in. While the system had originally been for the secure storage of sensitive information that was for their eyes only, they used it as a meeting place as well. The fireproof walls meant that the area was also soundproof, which provided them privacy from the prying eyes that liked to roam the ship.

"Apologies for my tardiness Captain," Exo said as he turned the corner and walked up to the bio scanner. "I was doing a security evaluation and wanted to finish it before I came up here."

"Quite alright Exo," the Captain replied as they both put their hands up against the two scanner plates. For a few seconds they held them there as the program not only scanned their prints but also made a few other measurements as well, then the lights turned green and the solid steel door opened. The fox walked in first, mug in hand before he set it down on the table they had moved in there. "So what are these rumors all about-"

"Hello Captain," a voice that Xyle didn't recognize said which caused him to immediately look up, seeing what looked like a huge, rubber dragon standing there completely naked as the door closed shut behind him. "I've been looking forward to this meeting for quite some time, I had been locked in specimen containment for quite some time, and in a coffin before that, so you can understand how I wanted to stretch my legs."

Xyle's mug hit the table and spilt as he got up and backed away as far as he could until he hit the wall. He looked over to shout for Exo to help, only to see the wolf standing there with a big smile and a vacant expression on his face. "I had to borrow your First Mate to help facilitate this meeting, I hope you don't mind," the alien creature said as he slowly approached the terrified fox. "Of course in a few minutes you're not going to mind what I do at all, since I'll be effectively taking over the station through you."

"Damnit Exo, what have you done?!" Xyle shouted.

"Don't worry Captain, while I enjoyed serving under you, it's nothing compared to Master Weylis," The wolf cooed as he bowed to the dragon. "Soon you will know, too." As Exo came back up from his bow, a black liquid began to leak out from his lips, and as he opened his mouth, the others could see a tentacle deep in his throat begin to extend and wiggle past his lips. The wolf's hands went up to his throat in shock as he felt the flesh bulge as more black liquid began to leak out of his nose, as well.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" Xyle barked. The creature just continued to smile as the wolf fell to his knees, black goo leaking from his lips and nostrils, even his eyes starting to turn into gleaming black orbs, but soon he calmed down... even smiled as the goo flowed down his neck. The fox wanted to act tough, to make this creature stand down... but right now he was in a bad position, as it stood the only way to get out of the room was with the handprint of both himself and the first mate. It was a fail-safe just in case for some reason one of the pair were to attempt to murder the other, and as of this moment, his first mate looked to be dying.

Weylis just smirked as he patted the wolf's head, black goo somehow defying gravity and flowing up his head as well, his entire body being smothered in the black liquid. His clothes, fur, everything was eaten up, and it continued to move until all of the wolf's body was covered up within two minutes. "Don't worry about my pet here, he'll be fine. I've merely allowed him the honor of my first convert, though trust me, he won't be the grandest of them all. You will obtain that honor, good captain, after all you are the leader of this station. To rob you of your glory would be a dishonor to you and to your station. No concerns though, I won't take away your rank, you'll stay a captain within this ship... of course you'll answer to me, though," Weylis explained.

What frightened Xyle the most was that the draconic creature's words didn't set off any alarms, he had the gift of the silver tongue, every word that he said rang with a sincere and polite tone. The fox's eyes flicked to his first mate and froze for a moment, already the goo was doing something. The goo was slimming out, shaping itself without any help into textures, the vague head of the wolf started to take on angles and ridges; fur gave way to glistening scales, the eyes flicked open and were a purple color with red, serpentine slits. The creature that had once been a wolf starting to stand up... though that wasn't quite the right word, it was more like a slither as his legs seemed to become a long tail akin to a snake. "Holy shit..." the fox breathed.

It took Xyle a moment to realize that the invader had moved right in front of him, a calm and seductive smile on his face as he slid his hand under the fox's chin, a tug revealed the power of his hand... yet the gentleness that a parent would have with their child. "Please... you need to leave... I can promise you a vessel off this ship," the fox breathed.

The dragon just turned his head slightly, once again something that could be compared to a parent, a condescending look showing the age of the rubber creature. "You think I desire escape? No, I desire an empire of my own. I was denied it long ago when it was so close within my grasp, and now I have been given life once more... and this station shall be my first step. Once I've taken everything here over, we shall do some remodeling of this ship to allow it to fit my personality better, and then we'll move on to go back to your home planet."

"I refuse to follow you!" Xyle barked. He slid his hand into his back pocket, he always had a gun there... just in case. The fox hated using it, but he refused to go here, so he whipped the gun out and pressed it against Weylis' head. "Fuck you!" he spat. With a pull of the trigger there was a bang as he closed his eyes, the captain had never killed another before... but he needed to protect his ship. The fox shivered as he slowly opened his eyes... to reveal the same smile that had mocked him before, and his chest clenched tightly. "H... how...?" Xyle gasped.

There was no answer though as Weylis pulled the fox into a kiss, at first it was rough, Xyle's mouth being pulled apart... but then it became gentle as the dragon wrapped his arms around the fox's back. Xyle hadn't been young for a number of years, having been fifty years old he could say that he wished that he could wind his clock back a bit... but now it felt like his entire body was filled with youthful vigor. The captain let out a low moan as he unintentionally pulled himself closer to the dragon, practically sucking at the dragon's mouth as the aches and pains started to fade, his body feeling stronger... his mind opening up as Weylis' voice and thoughts started to flood his head.

You see, you're already starting to feel the benefits of serving me. Xyle heard in his mind as he felt something begin to flow into his body besides the energy of youth. The thick taste of something strange was on his tongue, but unlike with Exo, the dragon had no intention of merely letting his transformation be unguided. The fox could feel something moving, pushing into his throat as the dragon continued to kiss deeply.

When their lips finally parted Xyle still felt Weylis' presence in his mind and in his maw, the older male looking up at the alien creature for answers as the tentacle that still connected their muzzled together wiggled in the open air. You already can feel what's happening, I am personally making you my newest creation. Weylis said mentally as the fox could feel tendrils begin to branch out from the tentacle and slither onto his lips and up into his nostrils. Just relax and enjoy, few will be bestowed such an honor.

In a moment of clarity Xyle reached up and grabbed the tentacle to try and pull it out, only to feel the thick rubber slide onto his paws and begin to spread out over his fingers. The dragon continued to smile down at him as the fox felt the tentacles in his nose spread out over his muzzle and join with the rubber already creeping out. Fur gave way to scales just as they had with Exo, though this change was faster than the wolf's, guided by the experienced hand of Weylis.

Xyle fell to his knees as the alien's voice continued to push its way into his own thoughts, whispering obedience and pleasure that intensified as the transformative rubber reached his ears and crept over his eyes, smoothing out his head and making it angled, the canine head starting to appear more serpentine as the rubber slid out from his head starting to form a hood. It continued to flare out until he had the head of a cobra, and his fangs elongated. He could feel his tongue split and lengthen as it wrapped around the the tentacle in his maw, flexing around it as best he could as it turned to a proper snake tongue.

By this time Exo had slithered over, and with Weylis' help they pulled up the dazed male, whose entire head was covered with rubber that cascaded down his neck and began to eat away his uniform, and put him onto his stomach. Xyle could hardly comprehend what was happening to him as the tentacle in his throat seemed to push down even further, and Weylis' voice continued to grow stronger. He hadn't even realized that the rubber had gotten down his back and chest until he felt the muscles there spasm, except instead of pain it was pure pleasure as they were rejuvenated and filled out until he had the physique that he had back in the day. His relatively chubby stomach slimmed under the rubber, any belly giving way to new muscles that formed strong abs, scales being formed out of the purple rubber and golden lines starting to form marks on his body, as well. As his outer appearance continued to change he could feel his insides churn, the deeper the tentacle penetrated, the more the rubber saturated everything inside became as it turned into an entirely new configuration.

You're so close. Weylis said mentally as he felt the last of the fox's barriers break down. Unlike Exo who had thirsted for power and jumped at the chance for a new form, the Captain had been harder to turn, but the pleasure in finally breaking down the other male was his as he reached down and began to stroke himself, the tip of his member already oozing more of the transformative fluid that would seal the Captain's fate. One final act, give yourself willingly to me and I will make you and your new form mine for all of time.

The fox meekly nodded his new head, his irises changing into slits, though unlike Exo's they became golden lines instead of red. He attempted to move his feet only to find that the rubber that covered them had already knitted the latex scale-covered appendages into a serpentine tail just like his First Mate. He knew that the alien dragon had already won, and the worst part was that even though he had doomed his crew and possibly his world to a similar fate, he didn't care in the slightest. The only thing he wanted now was for the big, muscular dragon to take him so that he may serve him... his new master...

The dragon and new naga rose up the captain, whose cock was shivering; the new serpentine shaft twitching as purple goo dripped from it. Xyle gave a final futile effort, attempting to spit at the alien... but it just resulted in his new tongue forking from his mouth with a hiss of pleasure as Weylis wrapped his hand around the new naga's rubbery shaft and stroked the male's cock. It didn't take long before the captain's body went rigid with agonizing pleasure, a hiss of pure delight escaping from him as he came juices all over his master's body. Weylis smirked as he withdrew his hand and ran it up his own body, licking it from his finger as Xyle ran his hands up his sides.

All resistance had faded, Xyle could hardly remember why he'd resisted as he opened his eyes, the stark gold against purple shining in the light of the room as he let out another hiss before he bowed before Weylis, his hood flared out as he kneeled before his new lord and master. "Masssster, I'm immensely proud that you chose me to be changed persssonally," he said. Standing back up he grinned as he stood a little taller than the dragon, but there was no doubt who the alpha was.

The captain had gone from an elderly fox into a youthful and powerful Cobra Naga, his body carrying golden markings on his purple scales, his flared hood had a beautiful pair of golden eyes sitting on each side, and the edges being rimmed with the same golden markings. He was a truly impressive creature, and he couldn't be prouder. Though the male had just came, his cock still stood at attention, his master's very presence had him excited, and he was only too glad to show it. Weylis grinned as he rubbed under the naga's chin, a hiss of delight elicited from the other male as he enjoyed his master's touch. "What a superb creature, as expected of one whose body I personally changed. Now my good captain, as one of my personal servants, you deserve a new name, Teluq shall be your name from this day forth," he commanded.

The naga grinned, his old name easily discarded for his master's new name, he bowed once more in acknowledgement. "Thank you, sssire," he purred.

The naga who had once been Exo was also renamed soon after, Yeri was to be his name, the pair sitting low before their master who stroked their heads kindly. While Teluq was a cobra, Exo was a far simpler naga, one that didn't have too impressive a form as he didn't require as much of one. The naga didn't complain though, he had no reason to, any grand direction he'd desired was now perfectly satisfied in the service of his king. "Now then my servants, we shall start our assault with the morning's rise. Teluq, I require you to turn off the communication relays, we cannot have any messages going out. Yeri, you are to go into the specimen lab and retrieve my throne, I desire it to be brought into the captain's room. Finally, Tibalt, I want you to come meet me in my new quarters. We shall meet in here, you'll receive your grandest gift, and I will allow you to fully change Lucian," Weylis commanded. The pair of nagas at his side both hissed their acceptance, and Weylis felt a wave of acceptance from Tibalt, this is almost too easy...

A Rough Reacclimation

Though Tibalt tried to text Weber throughout the day he never received any messages back, and when Lucian had tried to talk him into coming to a party that night, the lizard had no interest in talking to anyone but the husky. Sitting in his room all...

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Explorer in Distress

Tibalt jolted awake with a gasp, his entire body shuddered as he panted heavily in the darkness. Soon after regaining his composure he turned on the light and looked around the room. He wasn't sure what had awoken him, but even as he saw the area was...

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Twice Rescued

Staring out the window at the alien asteroid, Tibalt took in a deep breath and let out a deeper sigh while the rest of the landing squad geared up. The lizard had been waiting for this moment since they'd left the Earth port, and now as he gazed out...

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