A Rough Reacclimation

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Xenophobia

Looks like everyone is starting to recover from their ordeals, including someone that hadn't been expected to make any recovery at all, much less speed towards a full one...

A lovely collaboration between myself and the very talented TiranMaster, make sure to go and check him out!

Edited by texotic

Though Tibalt tried to text Weber throughout the day he never received any messages back, and when Lucian had tried to talk him into coming to a party that night, the lizard had no interest in talking to anyone but the husky. Sitting in his room all night, Tibalt waited for his friend to come talk to him at some point, but he never did, and while Tibalt tried to talk himself out of feeling depressed, it never quite worked. As he'd grown steadily more tired he swore he started seeing someone else in his room... someone else who tried to speak to him. The words were too quiet for him to catch, though, and the form of the person only brought on vague memories of someone... but he couldn't remember who.

It wasn't until Tibalt had fallen asleep that the words became clear, but even then the person's shape was vague in the dream. Tibalt found himself standing in the pod that he'd been stuck in with the casket, and the person in question was standing on the other side of the pod, but he couldn't see them through a haze. "You must get a security card... Then we can meet again." the voice said.

"But I can't. Only scientists have access to those, and to get one would be impossible," Tibalt rationalized. Some part of him imagined that he was just talking to his conscious, though it didn't make sense why he would want to go into that room again...

"You have a friend with one, don't you?" An image of Weber popped into Tibalt's mind, but he shook his head.

"I can't... I won't! I've already gotten Weber in trouble, and I refuse to ever do that again!" Tibalt felt a burning rage ignite through his entire body, why would he ever want to endanger his friend again?! Something was wrong... he needed to wake up, right now!

The shape started to move around the casket and Tibalt tried to move away, but his feet were stuck in place. Although the lizard couldn't make out the shape he could see one thing, the creature's eyes. They were a deep purple that seemed to peer right into Tibalt, and he let out a low moan as he felt something stir in himself... arousal? "But you need to see me again... you want that, don't you?" As the shape drew closer Tibalt felt a hand slide across his cheek and heard a small squeak as it drew over his scales, sending a shiver down his back.

"I... I don't know you... why... do I want to see you?" Tibalt hissed. There was an awful yearning in his gut, one that screamed at him to listen to this creature.

"You do know me, you just don't know it yet. Listen to me... get an ID card... and we'll be together again soon." With that the creature drew Tibalt into a kiss and then the lizard jolted awake, his hand flying to his cheek as the memory of the dream was already fading, but one thing stuck.

"I need a security ID," Tibalt breathed.

Once again he found himself walking down the hallway, only this time he was right in the middle of the ship's night cycle. That meant as he kicked off his covers and walked towards the door that, unless Lucian didn't need sleep, he wouldn't bump into him or anyone else for the rest of the night. When he got out into the hallway and started towards his destination he realized that he hadn't put on his jumpsuit, but instead of turning back he decided to press forward with just his boxers.

It didn't take long for him to reach his goal, the nameplate that bore Weber's name was across the door that he needed to open. The lizardman bit his lip as he wondered if his friend remembered that he had also given him the access code to his room and changed it, but when he punched in the numbers the door slid open. He could hear the sound of the husky snoring softly in his bed, the only thing to illuminate the room was the square of light from the hallway that disappeared when Tibalt stepped through the threshold.

Tibalt pulled a small light out of his bag and turned it on, being careful to shield most of it away from the bed as he began to root around the desk and Weber's clothes. As he searched he formed a plan in his mind; all he would do was borrow the card, see what was going on with the alien creature, and then return it before anyone was the wiser. Part of him wondered what would happen if he passed out again, but that thought went to the back of his mind when his hands hit a square of hard plastic.

"Gotchya." Tibalt whispered as he pulled the card out and turned off the light. He turned and felt his way back towards the door, once again using the code to open it before he slinked through. Access the containment area and return the card, it was the mantra Tibalt continued to chant through his mind as he walked towards the science division. This time no one would ever know, he reasoned when he got to the steel vault door that separated him from his goal.

Standing in front of the door Tibalt started to slide the card before flinching back, his stomach churned as he imagined the "what if". If he got caught... there was no doubt that he and Weber would get in trouble... but... but he needed in, even if he didn't quite know why. Sliding the card without another moment's hesitation he treaded in carefully, trying not to make any noise. Peering around, Tibalt was relieved that they always kept on some security lights just in case anyone needed to get inside for some reason. Walking towards the casket once more, Tibalt knew by reflex what to do, even if his mind didn't remember, and with a simple sweep of his hand over the metal, the casket blossomed open.

Inside was the body, but this time it didn't take a genius to know that what sat inside wasn't a corpse any longer. The draconic body breathed in deeply as the casket opened, but still his eyes stayed closed. Tibalt unconsciously licked his lips as his stomach churned, something inside of him reaching out for him to kiss the drake once more. "What am I doing?" Tibalt asked himself. The world around him faded, though, as he leaned over the casket and pressed his muzzle up against the drake's, and upon their touch Tibalt's entire body shivered as a jolt of energy shot through him.

Upon kissing he felt an arm slide out from the casket and wrap around his neck with a gentle touch. Tibalt's eyes flew open in surprise as he found himself looking into twin pools of purple, a gentleness in them shocked him as he tried to pull away, but the arm held him still as they continued the kiss for another minute before the arm finally released Tibalt and the lizard fell back. The lizard didn't say anything for a few moments, his entire body rigid with shock as the rubber creature finally propped himself up and out of the casket.

There were no words spoken between either of them as the creature stretched out his body, Tibalt's eyes carrying over his form with awe. He looked very similar to Tibalt, and yet at the same time... not. If there was any comparison, Tibalt would say that the creature would be royalty if he was just a peasant on the street. Not only that, but the creature's body was made of some form of rubber or latex that gleamed in the dim light of the room. Muscles and scales, highlighted by the lights, were stretched before the creature finally turned his gaze down to Tibalt, which made the lizard almost want to bow before the male.

"Thank you." Tibalt heard, though the voice was familiar he couldn't tell whether it came from inside his mind or from the creature's mouth. "Your energy has awakened me from my statis. I am in your debt, a debt that I eagerly wish to repay."

Tibalt's mind was trying as hard as it could to process everything that was happening to him. The alien creature's voice was majestic, his eyes unable look away from the muscular form in front of him. A dim voice in his head tried to reason exactly what the creature meant on how he was going to repay a debt, but as the lizardman continued to watch, he saw the creature's eyes close and appear to be concentrating on something.

Suddenly Tibalt could see something wiggling just behind the dragon's back, something slick and black just like the creature itself as it raised up into the air. "Ugh, I am still weakened from my torpor," the dragon said in disgust. "I can only bring out one for now, so it will have to do. I may not bring you to completion now, but I can set you on the path."

By now Tibalt could definitely tell it was the dragon who spoke, though most of his brainpower was focused on the tentacle that had slowly began to slither towards his prone form. Though his rational mind would have screamed at him to run, all he could do was get on his hands and knees in front of the alien's case. When the tip of the black appendage reached the front of his face, Tibalt found himself staring at it intently while it waved back in forth in front of him. When it did approach his lips he found his mouth opening, wanting nothing more than for that tentacle to make its home in his maw.

As soon as the smooth textured skin pressed against the tip of his tongue Tibalt's eyes widened, a memory playing in his mind from the pod. He could see himself as the creature's tail had come to life while he investigated the dragon's body, and as it held him there it had pressed against his muzzle and pushed inside his maw. It was the start, he thought to himself as the memory unfolded before him, which was when the entity took his energy the first time and made him come back for more.

Tibalt's mind suddenly flashed back to his maw, once more filled with the creature's tentacle, only this time instead of taking all of his energy, he felt something flood into his system. He gagged slightly as it pushed down further until he could feel it deep within his throat, his entire body shaking as it bulged out the scales of his neck. At the same time he felt his limbs begin to go numb again, but not nearly at the same rate as before. He felt... different, like his own body had begun to feel foreign to him as the tentacle continued to slither inside him.

It felt like forever before the tentacle disconnected from the creature and finally wiggled down into Tibalt's mouth, his mouth closing automatically without a thought. For a moment his body heaved as he started to throw it up, but somehow he was able to keep it down as it finished wiggling down his throat. The dragon smirked as Tibalt finally got off of his hands and kneeled before him. "Wha... what was that?" Tibalt breathed.

"My gift upon you, young one. It has been so long since I last gave my gift to another, and it may take a little longer before I can do it again. To state it simply, I've given you the gift to become like myself," the creature hissed. Tibalt felt fear flush through his system, but before it could cause him to react, he felt the tentacle wiggle about inside himself and something touched his feelings, quelling his fear and replacing it with an overwhelming sensation of delight.

"Thank you, sir," he hissed. Tibalt bowed low before the dragon as he treasured the sensation of the tentacle growing inside of him. Although he didn't quite know what was going to happen to him, he couldn't help but feel grateful to his new master. There was a beeping sound from outside as someone slid a card and both of them froze up, and the dragon's eyes glinted before he slid away from view. Tibalt moved into an alcove in the room as the door whooshed open, a familiar voice ringing out.

"I know someone's in here, get your ass out in the open!" Tibalt knew the voice, though he rarely interacted with its owner. It was Lou, the asshole himself. Though the lizard hadn't dealt with him much, he knew how Weber felt about the lion. The lizard let out a slow breath as the lion walked deeper inside the room, Tibalt trying to stay invisible in the shadows as he felt himself gag a bit, black goo leaking out of his mouth onto the metal floor.

A voice spoke inside of Tibalt's head, the lizard flinching at the unfamiliar sound. "Young one, this cat, you know him?" Tibalt recognized the voice as the dragon, and though he couldn't see him, he figured that the dragon could see him so he briefly nodded. "Good. With the gift I have given you, this one will make a good test subject. I'll act through your body to teach you how to change others." Tibalt had absolutely no idea what the dragon meant, but before he could question it, he suddenly found himself standing up and approaching the lion against his will.

Lou saw the movement and turned to face Tibalt, a smile sliding across his face at the sight of the lizard. "I knew it was you! This means that Weber let you in. I can get that little doggy's ass sent back to earth and get you imprisoned! What do you have to say for yourself before I report your ass?" he growled.

The lizard didn't speak as he approached the lion, his body slightly twitching as he tried to resist the dragon's influence. While he still felt completely trusting of the creature, he didn't know what was going to happen, and he didn't want to hurt someone... "Do not worry, my pet. There will be no suffering for this cat. Instead he will soon be bowing before us both in complete submission, so resist me no longer." Tibalt relaxed and smirked as Lou finally noticed the black liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth, his eyes widening in confusion.

"W... what's wrong with you? Did you contract some kind of disease?" Lou asked. He started to step back but the door had already closed behind him, and it would take another swipe of his card to open it back up.

The lizardman just grinned evilly at him as he continued to advance on him, which caused Lou to start to slide over to the card reader. Tibalt, as well as the creature that controlled him, was amused at the lack of subterfuge from the other male, and before the lion could react, he ripped the card out of his hand and tossed it across the room. Lou looked down at where the card landed before he glanced up and saw that the other male had closed the distance between them, Tibalt's eyes glowed with a faint purple light to it as he glared down at him.

"Look, Tibalt, whatever it is we can get... get..." Lou's bargaining sputtered to a stop as Tibalt opened his maw, more of the black liquid leaking down his lips and chin. What caused the feline's eyes to widen, though, was the lizardman's tongue, or rather what had been his tongue as it began to slide out and lick against Lou's cheek. As it left a trail of black slime across the lion's fur, the appendage continued to stretch longer and longer until it was nearly two feet in length, though it continued to hover in front of Lou's face. "You're a fucking monster!"

It was what the dragon was waiting for. Before Tibalt could realize what was happening, he found his new 'tongue' drive deep into Lou's maw and down his throat. Lou's fingers slid against the metal door as his eyes rolled back into his head, the alien creature leaned Tibalt's body closer and locked their lips into a deep embrace. Rivulets of black liquid began to drip down the lion's muzzle as the material flooded into his mouth. While part of Tibalt was horrified at what he was doing... the lizard felt an alien sense of pleasure as he knew Lou was receiving the fate he deserved.

"Unfortunately we can not change him entirely." Tibalt heard in his mind as his tongue continued to push further down Lou's throat. "You are not fully formed, yourself, and I am too weak. Not only that, but to change him fully now would possibly alert others, and we have much work to do."

The lizardman felt the presence of the draconic creature leave his body and Tibalt pulled away from his kiss with the lion. As he did he saw his tongue break off, most of it returned to his maw, but he could still see a piece of it wiggle between the unresponsive lion before it disappeared inside and down his throat. "He should be coming to any moment now." The dragon explained. "When he does you will see some extent of your power."

Tibalt waited patiently for Lou to come back, and finally the lion's eyes fluttered for a second before he seemed to snap back and look around. At first he thought nothing happened, but that was quickly disproven the second Lou's eyes glanced upon him. "My lord!" He exclaimed, bowing down at Tibalt's feet, much like he had wanted to do to the dragon before. "What do my masters wish of me?"

Blinking a few times in shock, Tibalt wasn't sure how to respond when the dragon stepped out from apparently nowhere and moved to his side. "You did a fine job," he said to Tibalt. The lizardman grinned widely before bowing his head in acknowledgement, then looked to Lou who stayed prone and waited for his commands. "You are to close off this room to anyone from tomorrow on. If anyone asks why, you are to make up any excuse in order to keep them away. Try to keep them away from here as long as you can. It will take me a day at least to recuperate, and you are to give nobody any signs of yourself having changed. Do you understand?"

"Yes master! I obey your command, master!" Tibalt snickered to himself as he saw that the egocentric lion had became a subservient slave. It would take him even longer to realize that after their little interaction that he'd grown hard from it, but as for now his master faced him with a smile.

"What shall I call you, sir?" Tibalt asked.

The dragon stroked his chin for a moment, taking a moment to think it over. "It's been long since I've heard my name, but if I remember correctly... Weylis is my name. For now, Tibalt, return to your room. The changes in you won't take hold until I allow them to. We cannot be found out yet, or else our plan is in peril.

For a moment Tibalt hesitated, at first wondering how the dragon knew his name, but then the more pressing question came first. "What... what is the plan, sir?"

Weylis' smile sent shivers down the lizard's back. "I'll tell you soon enough, Tibalt. Believe me, you will enjoy it as you have enjoyed nothing before. Now, cat, you are to present Tibalt with a security card of his own and then wipe all traces of the videos and logs from tonight. Do you understand?" Lou nodded with an obedient grin, Tibalt noticed a new flash of purple in the cat's eyes that sent shivers of excitement down his back. "Good. Now you both may leave. I will rest for the day, make sure no one knows," he warned Lou.

"Yes master," both spoke before leaving. As they walked out Tibalt felt Weylis' gaze on his back and unconsciously wagged his tail, somewhere in his mind he knew what he was doing was wrong, but the tentacle inside him subdued those thoughts as he couldn't wait to see what his master had in plan.


Weber awoke with a snort, the alarm on his watch going off as he looked from his bed. He looked at what it was and almost instantly shot up, his eyes going wide before it turned to anger at the notification his card had been used. "Son of a bitch!" He shouted as he ran over to his bag and ripped it apart looking for his card, only to find nothing. "Tibalt!!"

He put on his jumpsuit as quickly as he could and ran out of his room. Even though he knew he looked like he was about to pound the living daylights out of his friend, if he wasn't unconscious again, he tried not to look conspicuous. The result was a sort of speed walk as he went from his quarters towards the containment bay, though anyone that would have looked at his face could see the anger on it.

Just as he was about to enter the final hall in the science wing that led to the specimen storage, he suddenly heard his smartwatch beep. He looked down and his head tilted in confusion when the notification of his unauthorized entry into the system had been erased from his logs. The husky pulled out his tablet and dug into the security logs for the science sector to be sure and he found nothing, like what he had seen never happened in the first place. It caused him to be slightly unnerved, either he had just made a huge mistake or Tibalt had gotten a lot better at covering his tracks.

As he began to walk back to his room he caught the figure of Lou walking past the same intersection he was, and before he could even start to look for a place to hide, the lion had switched direction and bore down on him quickly. "Look, I don't know what's going on." Weber started to explain. "All I know is that Tibalt might be somewhere and-"

"Oh, there's no need to worry," Lou interrupted as he waved off the husky's concerns. "I'm assuming you're down here because you were notified of an intrusion alert with your key? Turns out the new system has been throwing off alarms most of the night, finally had to shut the whole thing down."

The husky stared at the lion for a few seconds, analyzing him for the potential that this was all a trap. "So, there's been no intrusions?" Weber asked incredulously. "You haven't seen Tibalt around here? Because I think he has my card, perhaps if you look up the footage you might see him skulking about."

"Ah, can't be done, cameras all went down when the card reader did." Lou explained before he reached into his pocket and pulled out Weber's key card. "As for your key card, you left this in the lab, try not to be so forgetful in the future." The husky looked down at the card, but before he could ask about it Lou continued on. "Oh, and while we get the system fixed I'm afraid that we won't be able to access specimen storage for the time being, so I got you and the others the day off while they get the bugs out."

"Oooookay." Weber replied as he looked the lion over again; something about his smiling demeanor and general happy disposition gave the husky a chill, maybe because he'd never seen it before when he interacted with him. "You seem unusually cheerful today despite these problems, what's gotten into you?"

"Just a good perspective on life." Lou replied before he walked away.

The whole situation left Weber puzzled as he looked back towards the specimen containment door. He fingered the card in his hand as he contemplated checking it out himself, but then he remembered the trouble he was in already. Instead he needed to find Tibalt, he knew for a fact he hadn't left his card in the lab but somehow he got Lou to cover for him, or Lou was covering his own tail. Either way he needed to get to the bottom of this, and fast.

Rushing towards Tibalt's room he kept flipping the card around in his hand, thinking the situation backwards and forwards. Lou didn't like anyone, he was the sort to suckup to get to places and would stab someone in the back with a smile on his face. So if he was covering up for Tibalt then the lizard must have something on him, but what... and more to the point, why in the hell did Tibalt go back into the specimen chamber? He was just about to press the call button on Tibalt's room when the door slid open right as his finger touched the call button. "Weber, good morning," Tibalt said.

Weber nearly jumped back in shock, face to face with his friend he shouldn't feel odd, in fact at this point he should be enraged but... for some reason Weber looked different today. The lizard's eyes seemed to gleam extra brightly, and his smile seemed just a little sharper. "G... good morning, Tibalt. I had something to ask you..." His words kept trailing off though, something about his friend... it just seemed... alien.

It almost seemed as if Tibalt knew it too, as if he was using the newfound difference to his advantage. "Why don't you walk along with me? I have an expedition to be on today. Laurence called me in early so we can get on top of this, and you know how he hates tardiness." Tibalt started walking at a snappy pace, and Weber stood waiting for a second in a daze before shaking his head and rushing to catch up with him.

"Tibalt, did something happen last night? Lou had my card and I knew I didn't leave it behind, and you seem awfully different and..." Weber's train of thought stopped as Tibalt held one hand up as he pressed a button to call the elevator.

The lizard turned to smile at his friend, Weber swore he saw a purple streak in his friend's eye that he didn't recognize... "You're panicking, Weber. Nothing happened last night, I just got a really good night's sleep and I'm feeling good. I'm sorry about yesterday, and I want you to know that I won't be intruding anymore. I really hope you can forgive me," he said.

Weber wanted to stay angry at his friend, after all he'd almost lost his job over the lizard, but for some reason... he couldn't stay angry at him. His tail slowly fell as a smile forced itself on his face and he scratched the back of his head. "I... I guess I've just kinda been all over the place since yesterday... I'm sorry for acting crazy. I think I'm gonna take some time and go to the sauna today since I got it off."

Tibalt beamed as he scratched his friend's head, something Weber only allowed his closest friends to do. "Take the time, bud. I can promise you things are going to get better real soon," he promised. Weber smiled back as his tail started to wag, as Tibalt got onto the elevator and Weber started to wave his friend goodbye. Just as the door was closing, though, Tibalt's mouth opened slightly and Weber swore he saw some black goo in the back of the lizard's throat that caused him to freeze up at the sight. By the time he could speak, the elevator was already gone and he was left alone with his thoughts.

As Tibalt went up the elevator he let out a sigh of relief, glad that he no longer had to dodge questions from his friend as he headed towards the exploration pods. It had been tough lying to his friend, but he knew that it in the end it was not only best for him, but for the husky as well. Weylis was still recovering in his stasis chamber, and if Weber discovered what was happening, he would have had to take the same measures that they took against Lou in the containment chamber. While it was a fitting solution for the lion, it was not something he wanted for his friend.

"Do not worry my pet, once I have my power fully regenerated we can give your friend the gift he deserves." Weylis cooed mentally to Tibalt. "He will not be given the same fate as the cat; as a friend of yours he will receive something special that you can give him."

"Will you make him in your image like you are with me, sir?" Tibalt asked.

"I do not give out such a form so easily, you are being given such a high honor for freeing me." Weylis replied. "But you can be sure that he will be given a form that is worthy of your friendship."

The thought filled Tibalt with glee, but it also made him pause enough to give him some introspection on the situation. He had betrayed Weber multiple times in order to raise Weylis from his state, and now he was going to give him a gift he may not want. But it was because he owed Weber so much that he was doing this, the lizardman reasoned with himself, and not only to protect him either. The husky deserved this gift, he was owed it just like how Weylis was repaying him with his gift. He could feel the tentacle inside him wiggle and send pleasure throughout his body as he realized that he was doing right by Weber for this, his hand rubbing against his groin as he thought how happy his friend would be when he could convert him.

The elevator suddenly came to a stop and the doors opened, Tibalt once more donning his usual demeanor save for the smile he couldn't quite get off his face. Soon... he thought as he got his gear on with the others, soon...

Explorer in Distress

Tibalt jolted awake with a gasp, his entire body shuddered as he panted heavily in the darkness. Soon after regaining his composure he turned on the light and looked around the room. He wasn't sure what had awoken him, but even as he saw the area was...

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Twice Rescued

Staring out the window at the alien asteroid, Tibalt took in a deep breath and let out a deeper sigh while the rest of the landing squad geared up. The lizard had been waiting for this moment since they'd left the Earth port, and now as he gazed out...

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Two Halves, One Confusing Planet P2

A few days later the alien rested his arms on the bow of a ferry that was taking them across the sea, the salty air blowing through the hair of his human disguise as he breathed out a long sigh. He couldn't believe how far he had already traveled;...

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