Two Halves, One Confusing Planet P2

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Just when he thought the night was ending, a forest ranger smells the smoke of burning wood and investigates, only to find a massive crater in the middle of the wilderness, with no apparent source. When he finds a strange, oblong object and decides to pick it up; however, his fate - and body - turn upside-down and inside-out, and he unwittingly embarks on a journey to the other side of the planet. Just what happened to this man, and what came of him? Discover the answer, and perhaps a little bit more about yourself, as you read!

Commission for latexloya

Edited by texotic

A few days later the alien rested his arms on the bow of a ferry that was taking them across the sea, the salty air blowing through the hair of his human disguise as he breathed out a long sigh. He couldn't believe how far he had already traveled; after he and Kyle had gotten a few things from Kyle's house and looked up where they needed to go, they had driven all night to get to the airport. They had managed to get one of the first flights out, as well, and flew for hours until they got fairly close to their destination. Unfortunately that was when their trip slowed considerably; when they got as close as airplane travel could get them, they were forced to take a boat across the sea. They still had a considerable distance to travel while on the water, but at that point the alien couldn't care less as he felt the presence of the other symbiote grow stronger with each passing mile.

"Hey Xavier," the voice of his bodyguard said as he came up to him and handed him a burger. "I know you won't get a lot out of that, but I figure we should probably keep up appearances." Xavier, the name that the two had come up with when he learned the name for aliens on this planet were called Xeno, nodded and slowly bit into the food as he looked at the other creature that had once been human. He had proven invaluable during his travels, not only for protection, but to also navigate the complex hurdles that going long distances had. Xavier was grateful... another human emotion that he was told was a good one to have as they ate.

"I was told by some of the crew that there's a storm coming up on us fast and we should get back to our room," Kyle said as he threw his wrapper away while the alien looked up at the black clouds in question that were approaching them. "They said it would be nothing serious but it can get pretty wicked on deck, and even the way we are, I think it would be best to heed their warning."

Xavier was surprised at how well the human had adapted to his new life as essentially an alien to his own people as they walked back to their room. Although part of that was the conditioning imparted to him during his transformation, he took to the role he was given easily without much prompting. When he had inquired why, the former human responded that with how much pain his body had been in, he viewed it as an upgrade to his life. He also mentioned that he wished he could give out such a gift to others, something that the symbiote knew was likely a corruption of his thinking by his new form.

As the two entered the room and locked the door behind them they quickly shed their guises, the two rubber aliens stretching as they regained their forms. Xavier couldn't help but look himself over in the mirror, or more specifically at the new attributes he had given himself at Kyle's prompting. While he was still more or less a snake man he had also grown a pair of shoulder talons, a row of small rubber spikes down his back and tail, and a pair of antennae that drooped down slightly. There was also one important addition to his physique as the bladed tip of his prehensile tail came to view, something his bodyguard said completed the alien look and would be a potential weapon if needed.

"I take it someone is enjoying the improvements I suggested," Kyle said with a grin as he laid back on the one bed they had and turned on the television. "Just try not to do so too much."

For a second Xavier wasn't sure what the canine meant before he looked down and realized that his hand had drifted down between his legs and began to stroke the part there once again. Though he quickly pulled his hand away he could see he was reacting already, the turgid flesh growing stiff despite his best efforts. Throughout their trip he had been able to focus on getting to his destination, but now with their travels slowed down while on the boat, it gave him more time for introspective thinking. He had been given a smartphone by his traveling companion, and when he looked up 'arousal' and what came of it, he got to some video that he quickly had to close when the noise drew the attention of those around him. Though it was brief, he learned that such a feeling could be shared between two creatures, and as he looked at the undoubtedly handsome body of the latex canine sprawled out on the bed, he knew he had to test such a feeling out.

Kyle continued to flip through the channels until he saw Xavier out of the corner of his eye, fully erect and staring down at him with his cock fully erect. "You uh... want me to leave while you take care of that?" he asked as he pointed to the member pointing at him. "I'm sure I can find something to do around here."

"Actually... I want you to take care of this," Xavier said as he took a few steps closer, which caused the jaw of the canine muzzle to drop slightly in shock. "You said I should experience more human emotions, now I want to learn the one associated with this."

"Well, I am flattered, but..." Kyle stammered as he slowly crawled up the bed, "Oh man, how do I explain this... I'm not gay?" When the alien just cocked his head in confusion, the German Shepherd morph sighed and held his head for a second. "We have two genders on this planet, and sometimes people are attracted to the opposite gender like myself, and then what you're talking about is when you're attracted to the same gender."

It took Xavier a few seconds to process this, using the information he gleaned from Jared's memories and what he had learned while traveling. "I see... so arousal is based on physical and sensory stimuli... and what you might consider attractive, another might not," Xavier mused, which Kyle responded with a nod and a sigh of relief. "So it stands to reason that with the proper application of this arousal... I could change what you consider attractive while still keeping your psyche intact."

"Wait, I-" Kyle started to say before he suddenly felt a wave of pleasure course through his entire body that caused him to writhe on the bed. His own cock immediately grew erect from the stimulation as the alien stood there, eyes glowing slightly while he waited for the canine's panting to cease. "What... what did you just do to me?"

"You seem to forget that your body was created from my material," Xavier explained. "Therefore I retain a link to it and can control it at my whim, as well as your thoughts. I'd rather you learn it through the former method."

Before Kyle could speak again another jolt of pleasure coursed through his body, this time centered on his groin as his lust spiked higher than ever before. He could feel his cock throb hard as he stared at Xavier, but as images of women he associated with such feelings bubbled to the surface, he suddenly felt his arousal quickly ebb away. While part of him was grateful for the chance to think straight again, he lamented the loss of such a wonderful feeling as his mind cleared. When he looked over at Xavier's body again, though, it came back. Not as powerful as the first time, but still persistent as he looked up and down the rubber muscle and scale texture of the other male.

This continued on for a few minutes, any time the canine creature tried to get up he was hit with an intense, almost orgasmic bliss that would cause his body to spasm. It never got him completely off, though, and as time continued to pass he started to grow hornier of his own accord, even when it would ebb back with his thoughts of females. Every time he thought of a male that he would consider attractive, though he would have never admitted it before, or looked at the member of the synthetic serpent man, he would be rewarded with a burst of pleasure. A small thought crossed his mind that the alien was essentially training him like a dog, but that same mental process also begrudgingly admitted that it was working as he began to jerk himself off despite another male being in the room.

"How about now?" Xavier asked with a smirk after nearly an hour of such stimulation had left Kyle panting heavily on the edge of the bed, cock dripping with black, latex pre. "Still not interested?"

Kyle managed to look up at Xavier and gave a low growl, then got up from the bed with surprising agility and pinned the serpent alien against the wall. As soon as their two bodies touched, the rubber dog pushed his muzzle against Xavier's and locked the two in a deep embrace as their cocks throbbed incessantly between their latex abs. For a few seconds the alien was completely overwhelmed, his senses overloaded with the burst of stimuli that he had been given. He was briefly reminded that this is what humans called lust, and from the wild eyes of his bodyguard, it appeared Kyle was in the throes of it as they continued to make out with their inhumanly long tongues.

With his augmented strength Xavier hooked his hands under Kyle's meaty thighs and hoisted him up, having the latex canine wrap his legs around him as they continued to make out. The serpent turned and moved forward, the two crashing into the wall as their hands slid over their frictionless skin. Though the alien was unsure what exactly to do next, he was surprisingly guided by the other male's hand as it grabbed his erect length and pressed it up underneath his thick, rubber tail. With their malleable and moldable bodies Xavier quickly pushed himself up into his guard dog, who let out a yelp of surprise as he was suddenly stretched out.

The walls began to vibrate as Xavier's eyes glazed over from the sheer blissful sensation of his cock inside another. No wonder this planet seemed so obsessed with the act of sex, he managed to think as his hips thrusted up harder and he willed his cock to grow slightly longer; it drowned out any other feeling as their grunts and yelps grew louder. Even when they broke their kiss Xavier's tongue remained buried deep in Kyle's throat, the rubber dog's eyes rolled completely back in his head as the appendage deep inside his maw matched thrust with the one up inside his tailhole. Xavier realized that this was something normally done to breed new hosts, but despite the other male being completely converted, he felt as though he were about to feed his guard more of his material in what he managed to realize was called an orgasm.

Before either of them could come to completion, a sudden burst of angry knocking on the door caused them to stop and look at it. Even without their sensitive hearing they would have heard the loud shouting from the one on the other side, and the two looked at each other before they untangled themselves from each other as quickly as they could. Xavier transformed back into a human and ordered Kyle to hide in the small toilet their room had. Once the bathroom was closed the alien was about to answer the door when he realized he hadn't created clothes for himself, still coming down after the wonderful feelings he shared, and grabbed the bedsheet to wrap around him before he went up to the door that continued to vibrate with the hard pounding from the other side and unlocked it.

As soon as Xavier opened the door he could tell the human on the other side was furious, his nostrils flaring as he pointed a finger straight at him. "I have had enough of the noises I've been hearing over here!" he screamed, which the alien noticed had caught the attention of others that had gone to their cabins as they poked their heads out. "For nearly an hour and a half you fags had been going at it! Even the storm isn't as loud as you two fu-"

"I am terribly sorry for the noise," Xavier tried to defuse the situation as he desperately dug in his assimilated knowledge for how to deal with the situation. The human was even bigger than him in his transformed state and almost as big as Kyle in his, the bald-headed male at least six and a half feet tall and over three hundred pounds of muscle. "I'll keep it down, I promise."

"That's not good enough!" the huge man said as he poked his finger into Xavier's chest. "I want to know what you're going to do about ruining my trip!"

For a second Xavier's frown deepened before he realized exactly what he could do that had nothing to do with humanity as he gestured for the man to step inside while he tried not to smile. "I think I know what I can do in order to make things right," he said as he backed into the cabin behind him. "Why don't you come inside so we're not ruining anyone else's time here?"

The larger man huffed and looked around, and when he realized he did draw a scene, he nodded and walked inside before the door closed behind him. "This had better be worth it," he said as he walked a little further in and crossed his arms. "And nothing funny, if I find out this is some sort of trick I'm going to beat your faggy ass up and down this ship."

Xavier merely nodded and pretended to look around in his bag while he waited. He didn't need to dig around in the human's memories to know that what this guy had said was extremely rude and derogatory, thankfully he had just the thing for it as the guy scanned the room. "Hey, where's the other one?" he asked, which Xavier merely shrugged his shoulders before he heard the sound of a blade being drawn that caused him to freeze. "I know you ain't makin that much noise yourself, so where's your little faggy friend?"

"Right behind you," Kyle said suddenly before he reached one of his muscular arms around and wrapped it around the man's throat. Xavier was glad he had given his bodyguard the extra muscle mass as he watched the human struggle against his grip until a second hand knocked the knife out of his and wrapped around his waist to pin his arms to his sides. Once he had been rendered completely immobile, Xavier smirked and dropped the sheet from around his waist.

"You think your rubber gimp pup is gonna keep me like this!?" he shouted once more. "As soon as I get free I'll-"

"You're making a lot of assumptions there," Xavier replied with a grin as he began to shed his human guise, his skin turning black and rubbery while his face began to swell out into his reptilian muzzle. "The main one being that you'll ever get free. I think it's time we have ourselves a proper servant."

The man tried to scream, but Xavier's clawed hand darted up and covered it before he could utter a word, and the human's eyes widened as the digits began to melt and spread over his face. At the same time Kyle's form began to deform as tendrils of black slithered from his body onto the struggling male's, easily assimilating his clothing before it began to coat the skin there. With their bodies pressed together it wasn't long before the muffled human's back was completely covered in alien latex, and continued to spread forward as the canine head licked along the restrained male's cheek.

"Let's make this quick," Xavier hissed as he wrapped his free arm around the two of them, his body swiftly molded itself over the human and his form was lost between the amorphous aliens on either side of him. Xavier and Kyle gave each other one last wink before they reared their heads back, the human's eyes widening as he let out one more heavily muffled scream before the two slammed forward and their muzzled faces disappeared, along with the human's head in a single sphere of latex. With two aliens at work it didn't take long for them to assimilate the body between them, though Xavier's focus was more on the spirit within as he took Kyle's psyche and sank into the psychic realm.

When Xavier opened his eyes once again the area he had been transported to was far different than the others thus far. A terrible storm raged overhead complete with thunder and lightning, and though he knew it couldn't hurt them, it was still a terrifying sight. The scenery was also extremely disjointed and consisted of fallen over trees and sharp, jagged rock. It was a sight his species had seen before, and he knew the source of it quickly as he walked through a small valley of upturned stone to see the bald human from before standing there. He continued to scream and curse as he did everything from throw rocks to kick down rotted wood.

"You really are a hot-tempered one, aren't you?" the alien scoffed as he leaned against one of the spires, which caused the ranting human to stop and turned to look at him completely red-faced in rage. "Perhaps if you stopped for a second I could tell you-"

"I'll kill you!" he shouted as he charged forward, though Xavier stepped aside easily and let the enraged male fall to the ground.

As the fallen human groaned from getting the wind knocked out of him, the rubber canine appeared next to Xavier and looked down at the human. "Is he... changing?" the canine asked as he saw the shirt and pants the human had worn in the real world begin to stretch, Xavier nodding in reply. "Why didn't I change here before I was given my body?"

"Because I wanted your human personality to carry over into the form I gave you," Xavier explained as the slowly growing man shakily got to his feet. "This one has no desirable traits and a terrible personality, which makes him perfect for what is about to come next. To be honest this is what we do with most of those we assimilate, but I'm finding your company... increasingly pleasant, whereas I already can't say the same for this one."

"Yeah, this guy is quite the bull..." Kyle replied, which caused Xavier's head to dart up and look at him, and the German Shepherd to look back in confusion. "What? Oh yeah, bulls are animals that are used for labor, food, or even breeding."

A small grin grew on Xavier's muzzle as a plan formed in his mind, though at that moment it was more concerned as the changing human attacked him once more. The alien rolled his eyes and ordered Kyle to stay back as he let the man swing at him a few more times, watching as his rage blinded him to the fact his fingernails had thickened and his fingers swelled slightly. "You'll pay for all of this!" the human bellowed when Xavier jumped back, the male's shoes splitting open at the seams and revealing a pair of hooves that he dug into the ground before he lowered his head and charged once again.

This time Xavier didn't dodge, instead he leaned forward and held out his hands in anticipation for the attack. At first it looked like his arms were too far apart to catch the head of the charging male, but that wasn't what the alien aimed for as he hardened his stance. As soon as the palms of the synthetic serpent stuck against the horns that had grown out of the human's head, he tightened his grip on them and flipped him onto his side. The transforming human let out a bellow as he rolled onto his back, only to have the earth beneath him erupt with green vines that wrapped around his entire body.

"Did you honestly think you had a chance against me in my own realm?" the alien scolded as he watched the fight leave the bull's body, his assimilated knowledge calling the newly minted creature a Minotaur. "The only good thing about this little fight of yours was that you were so focused on defeating me that you didn't notice any of the mental changes happening to you. Your anger consumed you like a fire, and now there's nothing left but the ashes of your personality... do you understand?"

The bull appeared to try and find words to respond, but all that came out from his rubbery lips was a low grunt as Kyle looked him over. "I'm glad I didn't try to fight you," he said as he looked over the pacified male. "So is he like an animal now? It looks like the lights are on but nobody's home."

"He's still sentient enough to recognize and follow complex commands," Xavier explained as he waved off the vines from the muscular body of the bull. "As a drone he will be unable to speak unless needed, and though he is capable of independent thought, he only does what he is told. He is the perfect beast of burden, as you humans like to call them, and will provide the muscle for laborious tasks. Despite his increased strength and stamina, his lack of intelligence and perception means you will still be in charge of my protection."

"I'm glad I can continue to be of service," Kyle replied as he helped up the glassy-eyed bull man. "Why doesn't he look all rubbery like we do?"

"Because we're still creating his body," Xavier said with a grin. "Shall we?"

Back inside the bedroom on the ferry, the amalgamation of alien goo began to separate once again as Xavier felt himself return to the physical plane. At the same time his bodyguard did, as well, and as their bodies pulled apart to reform, it left one in the middle. With the increase in material the alien was able to quickly reconstruct the drone's form, the shiny, rubber bull man standing there once the snake and canine had fully separated. At first the newly-minted alien didn't move, but a simple touch from Xavier on his forehead seemed to snap him back to consciousness.

"So he'll do... whatever we want?" Kyle asked as he looked over the chiseled physique of the latex form, his erection apparent that caused Xavier to chuckle.

"Well, since your training was so rudely interrupted by him, let's give him a chance to make it up, shall we?" Xavier said as he slinked over to the bed and hopped on it, motioning with his finger for the bull to come forward. "I figure you can take the Mino's back while I find out what it's like to have a mouth on mine."

"Mino huh," Kyle smirked as his tail wagged in anticipation while he watched the bull crawl on all fours up on the bed. "That's his name now? We never did get his real one."

Xavier was about to disagree when he felt a strange and bizarre new emotion wash over him. Something about naming the creature that he had taken created a stir of new feelings, though before he had a chance to properly analyze them, he was suddenly jolted back by a thick, rubber tongue on his crotch. Mino had already taken up position right where they wanted him with his head between the snake's thighs and the rubber canine standing behind him. Kyle needed little time to adjust to his new position, his mind still saturated in lust from his training session with Xavier that needed to be realized.

As Mino grunted around the thick cock he had wrapped his muzzle around, Xavier just watched as the latex, anthro dog began to pant as he impaled the bull with his member, a small smile playing on his face. Though this had not been the original plan of action when he landed on this planet, he couldn't help but feel a strange pride at what he had done. His new bodyguard and pet was happy and being rewarded for his loyalty while the potential threat had not only been neutralized, but added on as one of his drones. The best part was the world was full of such people, he mused as the bull began to slurp up and down his rock-hard rubber erection that caused him to hiss; people like Kyle to make into ally, and people like Mino who were better suited as drones.

Of course all of that came second, Xavier realized as the alien bull hilted himself all the way up to the root after Kyle did the same and their groins pressed together. Though the sensations of pleasure were exquisite and he wanted so much more, he knew that his first priority was to meet with the other original alien symbiote. Like a moth to the flame he drew inescapably closer, but whether this will end well or in tragedy remained to be seen. Still, he smiled as he pumped his hips up to slide the tip of his cock into the bull's throat, that didn't mean he couldn't learn all he could along the way...


After the ferry ride had gotten to the port, the three disguised aliens made their way to the final leg of their destination; a long train ride that lasted nearly an entire day in and of itself that made its way into the heart of the country that they had arrived in. Even when that ended they still had one last bus ride to reach the facility, and though that was the shortest distance, it seemed even longer to Xavier has he began to process the emotion that humans called anxiety. For the first time since he had landed on the planet he was going to meet the other original alien after their journey, something their species had never done before.

When the bus arrived at its destination Xavier could see why it would have been harder for the other alien to leave, the entire facility appeared to be a self-sustaining agricultural research compound. Unlike his own situation, a disappearance from here would have been easily noticed and highly suspect, so it made sense for him to come in. At first he wondered how he would be able to infiltrate such a highly regulated area with his own drones, but as they got off the bus and everyone's identification cards were checked, the guard paused on him and shook his hand to palm the three badges while giving him a wink. Once he passed by safely Xavier looked down at the passes and saw that they gave him general clearance to the facility, likely what his partner could have gotten them on short notice.

As he continued to walk with the group further into the facility he looked for the other alien, but though they gave each other a description of their guises, they would have to rely on subtle pings on their psychic plane in order to know when they got close to one another. His bodyguard and drone were told to hang back mentally as he moved further forward, attempting to get ahead of the crowd in order to better see the people they passed. He could sense that he was getting close, though with the number of people that occupied the atrium, it was tough to pinpoint anyone in particular.

Luckily for him the other alien had been looking for him as well, hearing someone call his name that caused his head to turn. The source of the voice came from an individual wearing a white lab coat that had on black-rimmed glasses and long, unkempt hair. He had been talking to someone in a suit and shook his head as Xavier walked over to the two of them. "Dr. Xavier, it's so good of you to have come on short notice," the thin male said as the other man walked away. "We have prepared extended stay quarters for you and your team if you'll follow me."

Even without checking the psychic plane, Xavier knew this was the one he was looking for, and from the look in the other male's eyes, he was aware as well. Together the two aliens made their way down the atrium, though before they reached the security checkpoint the other male turned to him. "So sorry, in my excitement I forgot to introduce myself," he said with a small smirk on the corner of his lips. "I'm Dr. Tobias Merklan, though you can just call me Tobias. Now if you'll follow me, I'll show you how to use those security cards to get around."

The two made their way through the security checkpoints with little fuss, and as they got deeper into the facility he noticed one or two that watched them with keen interest. Tobias whispered that he had been busy to prepare the facility for his arrival and converted those he would need to help ensure their continued secrecy. While not a proper nest yet it was well on its way, which no doubt helped sell their cover stories as they were escorted into a wing that appeared to be the residences. The researcher helped Kyle and Mino to their own room, then once they were alone Tobias escorted Xavier to a different floor and opened another door into an apartment like domicile.

No sooner had the door closed behind them did they shed their guises and wrapped each other in a tight embrace. "I can't believe I'm actually holding you like this," Tobias whispered as they hugged tightly. "I know it hasn't been long, but trying to make sense of these creatures while living as one of them, then with you coming and preparing for you... it's been insane."

All Xavier could do was nod as they continued to hold each other for some time, then broke apart finally when Tobias heard the ding in the kitchen area. When the other male left Xavier took the time to take in his partner's form, which was drastically different from the human guise he had taken. Tobias' shiny rubber body was covered in firm muscle that gave him an athletic form much like his own, though where his additional features were reptilian in nature, his had a feline quality to them. The largest giveaway was the thick mane of synthetic fur around his otherwise smooth head, which made Xavier grin slightly when he realized what he was.

"I see you choose a lion," Xavier stated, which Tobias responded with a laugh and nodded as he took things out of the cupboard. "Did you reconstruct the features yourself, or did you have a template to go on?"

"Surprisingly enough I did manage to find a lion out here," Tobias responded. "A day or so after my conversion I was out in the field and found a severely injured one outside the borders of this facility. Before anyone else found it I managed to sneak out and assimilate it, which gave me the material not only to solidify my form, but create a few allies and drones almost immediately. I'm actually surprised you haven't seen it running around the mental plane."

Xavier remarked that he hadn't had much time to explore the latest additions yet and was about to ask how far the other alien had gotten until he saw Tobias pull a large slab of meat out of the oven. "Now I know what you're thinking," Tobias remarked as he set the food down and began to place other dishes beside it. "But these humans have a ritual called 'dating', and since this is our first time meeting I thought we would try it. Plus, even though it doesn't help us much in the long run, I find eating to be a fascinating and enjoyable process."

Tobias poured a glass of wine for the both of them as Xavier sat down at the table, slightly unsure of what to do as he was served. As they ate Xavier was surprised at how right the other alien was, and as they continued to consume their meal, they shared notes on everything they had learned about the species they had assimilated themselves into. They both agreed that they were no longer the creatures they once were, changed by the very things they had sought to change themselves. Their conversation lasted long after the meal had finished, and as they finished, Xavier began to experience an entirely new sensation that Tobias explained to him was from the alcohol they had just drank.

"Xavier..." Tobias said once they had finished the bottle and wrapped their hands around one another. "I want you. Ever since we met after we took our hosts, I knew I wanted you."

Xavier felt himself blush as the powerful lion man once more wrapped his arms around him and their muzzles met in a kiss. "I want you, too," Xavier admitted, and with that the floodgates opened and the two hardly made it to the bedroom as their latex bodies rubbed and slid against one another like the tongues in their mouths. Once they got to the bedroom Xavier was pushed backwards and Tobias was on top of him before he even hit the sheets, their erect members rubbing against one another.

As the afterglow of their coupling settled in, Xavier hummed happily to himself and rubbed his stomach. The sensation of his mate and lover cumming inside him had been divine, and it continued to send tingles through his body as he felt the lion by his side. As they continued to lie there; however, the sensations didn't cease for Xavier, in fact they seemed to grow stronger. When he tried to stand up he had to nearly roll himself over to the edge of the bed as he felt a great weight on his body that hadn't been there before. As he sat up in concern and looked down at his stomach, his eyes widened and he called out to Tobias, who woke up instantly and mirrored the shock at what they both saw.

Xavier's washboard abs had become lost from the distention in his stomach, the latex skin formed into a perfect orb the size of a beach ball just above his hips. When he tried to push down on it the liquid inside sloshed slightly but remained exactly where it was, and then continued to expand more. The rubber snake alien let out a loud hiss as the expansion in his stomach was suddenly accompanied by an incredible lust that caused his cock to jut out. "Wh...what's happening..." he managed to say as his hands went to his swollen stomach.

"I... don't know what's going on to be honest," was all Tobias could say. "We're in uncharted territory here, two of our species have never done this before, though luckily my host was extremely smart in what the humans call 'biological processes.' I want you to go ahead and relax for me, let's see if his memories could yield something useful that we can do to help."

Xavier bit his lip to stifle another moan as another wave of pleasure washed over him, this one stronger than the last as he watched Tobias close his eyes to search. After a few minutes the latex lion's eyes opened once again with a look of awe and confusion on his face before he turned back down to the serpent. "I think I have a conclusion on what this is," he said as he got up and turned into his guise form. "Luckily I have something I think can help us out, I had meant to save it as a bit of dessert for us, but now I think we're going to need it for a completely different reason."

As Tobias helped Xavier out of the bed they realized that the other alien couldn't transform back into his guise, but the lion said that with it being late and how little they had to go, it shouldn't be a problem. Still, they wrapped up the latex snake's body in a sheet, his stomach now pushed out to where it rested on his hard cock that they tried to cover up the most. Once they had gotten the makeshift disguise as best they could, they carefully made their way across the dormitories, stopping first at where they had stashed Mino and Kyle in order to help scout and run interference. Luckily they had made it to their destination, a door that Tobias took out a blank keycard to unlock.

"One of the people I assimilated is the head of security here naturally," Tobias explained as they walked inside and secured the door behind them. In the darkness of the room they could hear someone moan and pant in the living area of the large space, which stopped when they approached. When Tobias turned on one of the lights, Xavier was surprised to see the man in the suit the other alien had been talking to earlier, except now his pants were around his ankles and he was masturbating even when he saw other people in his space.

"You two got to help me," he pleaded while still pleasuring himself. "I'm so horny I can't stand it! Ever since I got back to the room this is all I've been doing, I've shot so many loads that I'm completely dry. I don't care what you have to do to me, but just get me to finally orgasm for good!"

"What did you do to him?" Xavier whispered as he undid the sheets from his body.

"I transferred a small amount of our essence to him in my handshake," Tobias explained. "It wouldn't have been enough to convert him, but that material is currently nestled in the area of his brain that controls inhibitions and lust, as well as what causes them. I had wanted to have someone prepared that we could take over together, but I think that's still going to happen even if you take the reins yourself. Just go over there and do what comes naturally."

Xavier had more questions, but he was also in the throes of pure lust as his distended stomach continued to jiggle underneath the tight, black rubber. He hardly got to the couch before the human nearly pounced on him, Tobias' programming kicking in as he nearly choked himself with the first few inches before he pulled back slightly. As soon as the human made contact with his cock, Xavier's eyes glassed over and his hands reached to the back of his head as he felt the contents of his belly move. He slowly began to realize what was inside him as it moved down towards his cock; the newly created alien symbiote readying itself as the human pushed the inhuman latex dick down into his throat once he was able to.

It didn't take long for Xavier to orgasm, though instead of his own alien fluid being shot down the human's throat, it was something entirely new and different. His stomach had shrunk down nearly three-fifths of the way as he pumped the new alien symbiote into the male, who had continued to masturbate as he swallowed as best he could. Xavier popped his cock out of the wonton mouth and let more of the rubbery fluid coat the human's face, and as soon as it did the thick material began to alter it. The alien could already sense that the assimilation had almost completely kicked the human out of his body and into the psychic plane, but before that happened Xavier still had a bit of the new alien creature in him.

The serpentine alien sat down on the nearby couch and grabbed the human to bring with him, his entire upper torso already almost completely assimilated as Xavier sat down on a nearby couch. He positioned the human above him and as his tip touched between the fleshy cheeks as more of the new alien came out to cover it. Once he was sure the hole was thoroughly coated he let the pleasure-addled half-transformed body slide down his slick cock, the rubber against his cheeks spreading out like wildfire as he let gravity impale the former human. Almost immediately he began to see a bulge form out from the base of the spine, forming a slightly thicker feline tail that was covered in scales. It wrapped around Xavier's arm as he grabbed the thickening hips in front of him and began to thrust upwards.

"Simply amazing..." Tobias stated as he watched the latex on the face fill out into a feline muzzle, save for reptilian slits instead of a proper nose as the scale texture began to form on his head. "It appears we picked up some strange form of... procreation from these bodies as well. This isn't like a simple assimilation, we have an entirely new alien consciousness joining us."

The words of his lover only just registered in the back of Xavier's head as he continued to have the newly created alien bounce up and down on his cock while the male in his lap moaned loudly. Those sounds were quickly muffled as Tobias ceased his explanation and grabbed the transforming human by the back of the head to stuff his new muzzle with feline member. Both aliens could feel the consciousness of the new creature eating away at the last tethers of the pleasure-consumed human, with each thrust the rubber covered creature between them shifted and morphed while their thrusts grew more erratic. The former human's three thick toes curled as the last of the rubber covered them when Xavier came, with Tobias quickly following suit as they shared their orgasm with one another through the link. In their minds they could feel the others they had converted, both in the physical realm and still on the psychic plane, reel with the same climax as well.

"Definitely one of the best sensations yet," Xavier huffed as he leaned back on the couch, the newly created alien creature flopped limp against his chest and restored six-pack abs. At first Xavier thought he was asleep, but as Tobias leaned down and helped the new alien to his feet, he could feel the alien's consciousness bubble up into the creases of the body the human had left when he was pushed out. By the time the alien was standing up, which caused the rubber snake to hiss loudly and squirm when his large cock popped free, a new pair of eyes regarded them both.

"What... what's going on?" it asked as it looked around. "What... am I?"

"To be honest we're a little baffled on that as well," The lion man said as he hugged the other male close. "Ever since you started changing I've been trying to search the depths of this host's knowledge for a fitting explanation, and the best I could come up with is that you're our... child now."

"Child?" Xavier asked as he looked through his own human's memories while Tobias let the new human go and let him start to wander around by himself. He began to see images flash up in his memories of smaller versions of the human hosts they had taken and realized that when two larger of the species did what they did, they created another one of them. "I suppose it's as close as a description as we can get at the moment."

"These humans are so fascinating..." Tobias commented as they felt their offspring glean information from the psychic plane in order to catch himself up.

Xavier nodded and the two wrapped their arms around each other before their muzzles met in a small but passionate kiss. "So now what do we do?" Xavier asked, the two of them looking over at the new alien creature. They stood there in silence for a while before their minds came up with a similar solution at the same time, their muzzles turned up in a smile before they walked over and grabbed the hybrid rubber creature to lead him out of the room.


It was the middle of the night as the young security guard made his way through the underground utility tunnel while he grumbled to himself. He had been pulled out from the middle of his show in order to investigate the claim that a researcher heard something large, though normally such things were merely the pipes or some other such nonsense fueled by the night. It was part of the reason he hated being part of the night security, though the trade-off was he was rarely bothered otherwise for important matters and he could focus on sports. "I swear if I miss the end of the game because of this..." he muttered as he continued on.

About three-fourths of the way into his sweep, his flashlight landed on a puddle that laid right in front of his path and took up most of the floor. What caused the young man's eyes to farrow slightly was that the liquid itself was pitch black and had a distinct shine to it. His flashlight swung around to try and figure out where the source of the liquid could have come from when he heard a noise that caused him to spin around. He let out a loud gasp and tumbled backwards as the beam illuminated the two latex aliens that had snuck up behind him, at least until it crashed to the ground as the guard fell into the puddle.

"Thank you so much for volunteering," the lion alien smirked.

The human tried to crawl away from the approaching two, but as he tried to pull up his hands he found them completely coated by the black liquid that started to crawl up his arms and over his clothes. "What?" the guard said fearfully as he began to struggle.

"To be our son's first conversion," The snake finished as he watched the guard continue to fight against the tendrils that had latched onto his body. As his clothes dissolved away the two aliens continued to watch, their smiles widening when the human's mouth suddenly opened in a silent gasp and his eyes rolled back into his head. Almost instantly the guard's groin tented what was left of his pants before the dissolved fabric slipped away to reveal the hard, throbbing shaft.

"I think he has a pretty good bodyguard here," Xavier commented as they watched the alien rubber coat the nearly naked human's body, a thick tendril pushing into his hole as the rest of the tanned flesh of his hindquarters was coated. A reptilian feline face formed out of the pile of shrinking goo and nuzzled the pleasure-paralyzed human, coating the guard's head with a layer of the assimilating substance. "Now now Flynn, don't tease your first conversion, otherwise you're just going to get a sex slave."

"Awww, but he has such wonderful feedback!" Flynn whined as his body continued to coalesce around the human guard. "Such a hot body too, almost a shame to turn it into alien essence."

"You know you can create a drone with a similar body if you want," Tobias grinned as he held his lover around the waist. Xavier just smiled back as he watched the human flesh disappear as the latex hybrid continued to form around him, feeling another human get pushed into the psychic plane to await becoming a drone. At first he had wondered if there would be enough biomass to create bodies for all those who remained on their plane, but Tobias was quick to tell him that the other reason he didn't want to leave such a facility is that the whole purpose of it was the mass production of it.

Flynn stood up once the last of the human disappeared, the puddle of ooze completely absorbed into him once more as his thick, ropy tail swung happily around behind him. With their son's form now completely stabilized, they would look to the future of their new kind. The facility was so remote, Xavier thought as he watched Tobias fiddle with his son's antennae, they could just take over the whole area and create a nest for themselves and be content. Unfortunately he knew they couldn't just settle down; from what they gathered on the humans they were extremely xenophobic and there was still the question of their own origins. When they were in their old forms they had never had such questions, but along with a cascade of emotions, there has been an almost maddening need to find out more about themselves from before.

"Something wrong, love?" Tobias asked suddenly, which snapped Xavier out of his thoughts to look at them. "You look like you were a million miles away."

"Never again will I be any distance from you two," Xavier replied as he hugged both of them. "Now let's get back to the room, we have drones we need to prep and more cultural assimilation to learn. But not right at this moment... I did travel halfway around the world for this stud of a lion, and I think it's time we spend a little more time with our... personal research."

Two Halves, One Confusing Planet P1

It was a cold, still night as Jared made his way carefully down the dark forest path. As the park ranger for the entire area, he was out on patrol to make sure no one was dumb enough to try and camp out illegally or had gotten lost. Thankfully, it once...

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C: Research Project

"Still researching?" the blue coyote asked. "I thought your presentation was finished, Beau." "It is. You were _there_ Tec," came the irritable reply from the black jackal at the computer. "Just making sure my memory is still working. I noticed...

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Population Control - Head of the Class

The sun had just crept over the horizon to signal the start of a new day, the first rays of light spilled over the side of the hill and onto the bus that shattered the silence of the morning as it roared down the road. The twelve humans that were on...

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