Population Control - Head of the Class

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#11 of Population Control

The latest installment of the Population Control sees the return of Professor Lyon as he takes charge of his newest and greatest project, a citizen education center. All he needs are students, luckily for him they aren't in short supply.

Commission for gotommax

The sun had just crept over the horizon to signal the start of a new day, the first rays of light spilled over the side of the hill and onto the bus that shattered the silence of the morning as it roared down the road. The twelve humans that were on the bus all slowly came to life and looked out the windows as the chains that were connected to their wrists and ankles rattled slightly. They were not the only creatures on the vehicle, though, the hazy light also illuminated a humanoid creature with features like an ancient sabertooth tiger and unnatural rubber skin that shined from head to toe. In the driver seat was a similar creature, only his features were crocodilian in nature as he drove the bus to their destination. Both remained silent as they drove, the restrained humans whispering to themselves as they milled about anxiously.

"Don't suppose you're going to tell us where we're going now," one of the males spoke up. "You've only been keeping us in suspense for the last six hours."

"We're almost there," was all the creature replied as the driver nodded his head in agreement, which prompted a dissatisfied rumble to move through the group.

There was another few minutes of silence, then one of the girls stood up suddenly and startled the others. "You can't just take us prisoner like this!" she shouted angrily as her hands twisted around the silver chain she wore around her neck. "I demand you tell us where we're being taken and what did you did to our town!"

"All will be explained when we arrive at our destination," the sabertooth tiger once more replied simply. "You will be sedated if you haven't calmed down upon arrival, so I suggest you put your emotions in check before then."

The threat did little to ease everyone's anxiety, but it was enough to keep them quiet as the bus crested over the hill. When they reached the other side and started downwards, a collective gasp went through the group as they stared down at the building that laid at the end of the road. The structure was arranged in two arched half-circles that were connected by a dome that covered the courtyard in the middle. Though it was impressive, it also appeared to be in the middle of being built; construction drones could be seen around the site zipping materials from huge piles to machines that were putting them into place.

"Oh no, no no no..." one of the males near the back of the bus said as they all pressed their faces to the glass. "Those are robots from the city..."

A litany of gasps and cries could be heard through the group. "Damnit Flint!" the same girl from before shouted, this time directed at a larger guy that sat near the front of the bus. "You said they were taking us away from the city!"

"They were, Kali!" Flint shot back as he turned his body as best he could with the chains around his wrists. "How was I supposed to know they had an outpost this far away from the border? Plus, we all knew this was them, I mean look at our guards for crying out loud!"

Bursts of arguments erupted throughout the vehicle as it arrived at the outer gates of its destination, continuing to gain in intensity until a loud metallic clang interrupted them. They all looked down to see a metal canister roll to a stop between the seats before it began to emit a bluish-silver smoke. "I told you all to keep your emotions in check," the rubbery feline reminded as the humans almost immediately began to slump in their seats, eyes rolling back into their heads as they drifted off into unconsciousness...


Meanwhile, Titus hummed happily to himself as he walked down the hallowed halls of the institution for higher learning he had created from the ruins of an old community college. He had only been there a few weeks, but the support he had gotten as part of the city expansion project had been overwhelming. What had once been a crumbling structure was now a true monument to higher learning which housed nearly a hundred rubber furs, with more on the way. The latex lion's chest swelled with pride as he opened the door to his office and stepped inside.

"Good morning, sir!" the rubber Doberman boi said as he stood up excitedly, tail wagging behind him as Titus scratched behind his ears and wished him a good morning as well. "Today you have a busload of PCI resistant humans that they're unloading as we speak; males in classroom four and females in atrium seven. Then you have a dinner date with the mayor in the city, he would like to see the quarter four stats on student retention and conversion rates."

"He certainly is a tenacious dragon, isn't he, Marlin?" Titus mused with a chuckle as he took the file for the humans that had been received. "I suppose that's why he's the mayor." As he flipped through the charts he stopped at one in particular, which showed the picture of a black-haired, blue-eyed human male. "Oh my, this 'Flint' scored a nine out of ten on the auditory and an eight on the chemical stimulation resistance traits?"

The Doberman smiled and nodded. "That's why they want you to head that particular class," he clarified as the feline looked through the rest of the report. "The rest of them scored just high enough to avoid the initial PCI indoctrination when they passed through the town, but they figured that that the one case alone would make you want to take the whole batch."

"They were correct," Titus replied. "What's their status?"

"Sabin said they were getting unruly, so he gassed them," Marlin replied. "They should be waking up any minute now, though."

Titus nodded and motioned for Marlin to follow, who eagerly did so as they walked out of the office and back onto the campus proper. It didn't take long for them to reach room four, and when they opened the door, they saw the rubber sabertooth tiger and crocodile putting the last of the humans behind a desk. Some of the males had already started to stir as Titus stood behind the podium in the front of the classroom, and their wake up process was greatly expedited when the synthetic feline banged the folder against the wood. Several shot up and nearly fell out of their seats while others merely sat up and looked around in a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Welcome gentlemen," the lion greeted as their attention quickly turned to him. "I am Professor Lyon, but you all can call me Titus if you would like. You are here because you require additional education concerning your future city citizenship, particularly concerning the PCI that you did not participate in. Once you are finished with this lecture, you will become the happy and gay citizens that will be welcomed into the city with open arms. Now if you'll-"

"I ain't no fag!" one of the males shouted as he stood up, which caused the others to shout in agreement. "Now tell us what you did to our friends and family, you freak!"

Titus sighed and glanced over at the sabertooth tiger and crocodile, then motioned over to the interrupter as they grinned and flexed their muscles. "There's an instigator in every group," the lion mumbled as the two darted up and grabbed the still drowsy human before he could react and began to drag him to the front of the class. "It appears we have a volunteer for the demonstration portion of the lecture, if anyone else would like to join him then feel free to interrupt as well. Otherwise, if you would like to find out what happened to your town, and what will happen to you, then please remain quiet throughout the remainder of the lecture."

The remaining six males were deathly silent as Titus began to instruct them of what had happened to their town, of how the city decided to annex the land all the way to the shore and to include any township between the two as citizens and to bring the Population Control Initiative to them. Their town was one of those included, the lion explained as he flipped on a projector and pointed to a map, and the majority of the humans there embraced their newly-given citizenship and moved into the megacity proper. Most of the guys were hardly listening to the presentation; however, their eyes were focused on their friend in shock and horror as the two rubber creatures stripped him naked and sat him down on a metal chair. They had strapped a ball gag in his mouth to muffle his shouts as they wrapped thick leather straps around his body to bind him in place, then removed the ball gag before they put a heavy rubber gasmask with tinted lenses and two air hoses onto his head.

"It appears now is the time for our practical demonstration," Titus said as the projector picture shifted from a map to a video of a room that looked like it belonged to a ski lodge. "We've found that those that protest the loudest are often the ones that have the darkest secrets to hide. What he's currently wearing right now is an experimental virtual reality hood to help problem cases ease into their understanding of the PCI so it's not such a shock to their otherwise intolerant system. Of course, some cases truly are unsolvable, therefore if your friend or any of you can get through the day with their humanity and heterosexuality intact, you'll be free to go with our blessing."

The rest of Titus's new students looked at each other with worry as the lion smiled at all of them, then proceeded to turn their attention to the naked human and the viewscreen. They watched as a beautiful woman appeared on the screen in an elegant evening gown, something that caused all of the males to perk up, including the one wearing the mask as they saw his erection begin to grow. They watched as their restrained friend seemed to respond to prompts that were on the screen, which meant he was likely experiencing some sort of tactile sensation, and the woman also walked away from him before she disappeared behind a corner. As the simulation continued, Titus could see looks of confusion tinged with lust cross his student's faces, and also had to restrain a chuckle of amusement as he saw his alumni look at the screen in disgust.

The scene followed the woman around the corner and when they saw her again there were some drastic changes. First of all she had ditched the evening gown for some lingerie hung down just below her waist, but that was hardly noticed compared to the physical changes. Her skin was now shiny and grey with a black rosette pattern, and her face was now noticeably feline in nature as she gave the screen a 'come hither' glance. From the look of the male in the simulation itself, the changes did little as his erection continued to throb openly, and as Titus watched the rest of the room, several others had begun to grope themselves as well. It caused the instructor to smile seeing that the upgraded PCI training was working as the entrancement program and anodized latex filled the room.

Once again the woman walked away, rubber tail swishing in the air as she walked briskly down the hallway and turned another corner. A dribble of blue rubber came out from beneath the mask the human wore as his entire body began to shake, a sheen of sweat forming on his skin as the simulation continued. This time, as it turned the corner, the group was greeted with a nearly naked rubber anthro snow leopard, save for a bra and panties as she giggled and fawned at the screen. Once again, though, her outfit wasn't the only thing that changed; her bra hung loosely on her otherwise flat chest and there was a noticeable bulge in the front of the skimpy underwear. As Titus watched most of the humans failed to even see the difference, or no longer cared, as they started to stroke themselves openly as they stared at the projection as the she-male leopard bounded through a doorway that she closed behind her.

At this point the human at the front of the class actively humped against the air as the sweat on his skin tinted until it was a vibrant, shiny cerulean blue. His body twisted and morphed as it was coated with rubber, his muscles becoming lean and lithe as a tail could be seen growing from his backside. By the time the simulation reached the door, the human was a light blue, rubber, anthro snow leopard whose tapered prick leaked a similarly colored fluid as the door on the screen opened.

Behind it was a very male latex snow leopard that pulled the simulated version of the transformed human in before he was shoved to the floor in front of a tapered rubber cock. Titus could hear the blue snow leopard sucking on the rubber dildo that had formed inside the mask to mirror the screen. "It appears that our volunteer needs a little assistance," the lion instructed as he motioned at the latex cock that jutted from the leopard's thighs. "Perhaps someone could help him with that?"

One of the males that had completely pulled their pants down and was actively stroking their cock stood up, his face swollen and shiny as he nearly raced down to the restrained male and wrapped his lips around the mutated rubber member. As soon as his lips made contact, black latex spread out over his face as his lips pushed out into a beak-like configuration. As the human started to bob his avian head up and down on the thick rubber cock, his arms seemed to instinctively spread out while more latex formed between his arms and his body until they had turned into a pair of large, synthetic wings. Titus watched as the snow leopard tried to buck up into the other male's maw while the mask continued to feed him the illusion of another leopard pounding his muzzle.

The latex lion watched with pride as the former humans continued to fawn over one another, taking to their new lessons with ease as they all started to gain rubberized, animalistic traits and shed their old human clothing. The only outlier was the last remaining human, which Titus watched as he backed away from the rest of them until his back was against the wall. "You must be Flint," Titus asked, which caused Flint to swallow hard before he slowly nodded.

As Flint looked at the rest of his transformed friends in shock, Titus walked up to the remaining human and put an arm around his shoulder, surprised to find little resistance from the act as he smiled down at him. "You're the reason that I'm the one teaching this class today," Titus admitted, which caused the smaller male's eyes to widen. "I read your file and saw that you showed quite the resistance to the PCI. Now, I find that when such a case rises up, there is often a rather straight-forward explanation for why that is, so why don't we go ahead and take a walk while the others get used to their new forms?"

Once again Flint only replied with a small nod as the two walked out of the classroom, Titus leaving the rubber Doberman in charge, who had already wrapped his muzzle around the latex cock of a bull man as they ventured into the hallway. Despite the obvious look of question on Flint's face, he remained silent through most of their venture, and more than once Titus looked down to watch the human cast a wary eye on the other rubber creatures that walked past them. The lion decided not to press the matter since he already had a good idea what was causing such a resistance to his new life. When they got to the other side of building; however Titus, stopped him in front of one of the doors and asked if he had anything he wanted to ask before they progressed further with his lesson.

"I... don't suppose you'd tell me why you all are doing this," Flint finally asked as he stood there with his arms crossed. "Everything was fine when you were all trapped within the city, now your kind seem hell bent on making sure every human become like you. Why can't you just let us exist in peace?"

"Quite the existential question," Titus admitted as he put a finger to his muzzle. "I certainly can't speak for everyone when I say this, but the reason that I opened this institution in the first place is because I believe the PCI can help us all lead the lives of bliss that we're supposed to have with one another. With the PCI, we have these wonderful new forms and can be gay all day with each other, with no need to worry about such silly repercussions that your kind seem to have. Speaking of such things, I think it's time I brought in a student tutor in order to help you see what you're missing, someone that I think you're going to be far more receptive to."

Flint just watched as he opened the door that they had been standing in front of, which revealed five rubber males on top of one another as they reveled in their shared lust. At the front of the room was a large naga with a leather harness wrapped around his muscular chest. Titus waved over that particular creature and seemed to whisper something into his ear, to which the serpent grinned and nodded before he went over to a lithe jackal that was plowing a rubber, anthro mouse. After a moment of speaking, the canine pulled out of the male beneath him and was escorted back towards Flint and Titus.

For a second Flint couldn't understand why Titus was bringing over this particular rubber creature, but as they walked closer he noticed an unmistakable silver necklace that was draped over his neck. "Oh my god, Kali!?" the human gasped as the male, latex jackal smiled at him. "What happened to you?"

"Flint!" Kali shouted as he ran up to startled human and hugged him tight. "Isn't this place wonderful? I can't believe that we thought that being in the city was going to be such a terrible thing, and once we're through with our courses, they'll even shuttle us into the city proper!"

Titus ushered for the two of them to take their conversations to another area and led them into one of the private study rooms. "Now, I have to go and see how the rest of your class is faring under my pet's tutelage," the latex lion instructed. "To be honest, if I let Marlin continue to teach them, then we're going to have an entire room filled with submissive bottoms, and though there would be nothing wrong with that, I would hate to have any dominant adepts get dulled because of it. I will leave you in the care of your tutor and come back later to see how your lessons are going."

Kali and Flint looked at each other as the lion smiled at the both of them before he closed the door and left them alone. The human swallowed hard as the former female smiled at him with a look of hunger and lust before he quickly closed the distance between them. "Speaking of submissive bottoms..." he said as his latex fingers trailed up the human's chest. "Looks like I finally have the proper equipment to treat you like you always wanted."

"K-Kali, c'mon," Flint stammered slightly as he tried to back away, only to be quickly pushed into a wall by the amorous male. "They did something to your brain like what they did to the others. This isn't like you at all."

The jackal smiled and grabbed Flint by the shirt, pulling him in close. "I beg to differ," he growled before he licked him from neck to chin, leaving a shiny trail of black saliva in his tongue's wake. "This is how I always was, I just wasn't able to fully express myself in that old form of mine. The same can be said for you, all you say is that you want to take care of me and protect me, yet when it came down to it, I was the dominant one in our relationship. You do want to take care of me, but deep down it's because you want me to take control of you... and unless I'm mistaken, that turns you on to no end."

Kali motioned with her eyes for Flint to look down, and when he did he was surprised to see his pants were fully tented out as the rubber canine's erection throbbed against the protruding cloth. He also felt his skin tingle where his former girlfriend had licked him, and when he pressed his fingers against it, he felt the liquid rubber spreading over the flesh there. When he pulled his hands away he found his fingers coated in a similar substance, watching wide-eyed as shiny, silver latex began to coat them. "But... but I thought it didn't affect me..." he blurted as he looked back to the smirking jackal.

"You just resisted it because the program had nothing to latch onto," Kali explained as he pulled the transforming male's shirt off. "You held onto your orientation because of me, and now that I'm male, that orientation can freely shift without worry. I'm rather flattered you held on so long because of me; I didn't think you cared that much. Because of that, I'm going to make sure your transition is as memorable as possible."

To Flint's surprise the Jackal walked away from him and over towards a metal box in the corner, which gave the human some time to think as he stood there half-naked. The rubber creature's words continued to resonate within him as he felt the cool liquid spread over his neck and his hands, watching his fingers swell and his fingernails turn to blunt claws. He knew Kali was always the more outgoing one, he thought as the silver traveled up his bare arms and the muscle underneath bulged with new growth, but had it always been him that was the bottom? He grimaced as his cock throbbed against the strained fabric of his jeans as an affirmation, which became so uncomfortable his transformed hands dug in and ripped the crotch of his pants apart to let his erection spring free.

"Starting without me?" Kali chided as Flint nearly jumped when he saw him there, brandishing a full-body rubber harness. "Come on big boy, I've wanted to see you in one of these for a very long time. It also has extra give to the straps, so even when you become all big and muscular, they're just going to be tight against your sexy body."

Flint swallowed hard as he looked at the rigging in Kali's hands, his saliva felt thicker as it ran down his throat while the silver latex crept up past his chin. "How do you know I'm going to be like that?" he asked as she helped him out of the ruined pair of pants and underwear he had on, his latex tail already forming out of the base of his spine. "I just saw someone turn into a rather twinky snow leopard."

"I think I know you pretty well," Kali replied with another lick on his nose, which immediately began to tingle and swell outwards as he walked around him with the first straps in his hands. He started by putting the x-strap over the human's exposed chest; the bindings fit loosely on Flint's frame as more of the latex bindings were put on his chest. By the time he was finished, the rubber that cascaded over his body had started to creep underneath them and coat the skin they covered. Flint let out a small groan of pleasure as pectorals started to swell, filling in the slack on the harness as Kali continued to secure more of the harness around his upper legs.

Suddenly Flint's entire body shook as he felt warm latex hands press against his hard cock, looking to see Kali with the cock-ring portion of the harness in his mouth. His muzzle hovered tantalizingly over the tip of his still unconverted cock before he pushed down on it. The changing human nearly fell over as the sensitive flesh was completely engulfed by the wet, warm maw of his former girlfriend; the rubber jackal's tongue swirling over his shaft as he felt the metal band slide all the way to the root of his groin. Strands of latex drool dripped down between his legs as he felt his cock throb and stretch out even further then when it was fully erect. It continued to grow in the other male's mouth as he felt the tip slide further into the rubber muzzle, until he felt the tip bump against the back of Kali's throat.

The human's clawed hands dug into the wall as Kali drew off him, his eyes squeezed shut as the Jackal slowly pulled his latex lips over the rubberized member before he let the tip pop out. "Like I said, big boy," Kali teased as Flint looked down and stared in wonder at his foot long silver member that jutted out in the air. "I know you too well. But now it's time to finish you up so I can claim my rightful place, so turn around and put your stomach on the desk with that sexy butt in the air."

Flint's cock throbbed at the orders of the dominant male, unable to do anything else but lay down on the long desk with his legs spread and his new tail raised. The rubber that had encased his groin completely had already spread over his cheeks, which had expanded to the perfect bubble butt that the Jackal squeezed firmly before he looped the straps around Flint's tail. The rubber wolf continued to expand in both muscle mass and height as he laid there on the desk, whimpering slightly as he felt something smooth and slick press against his converted tailhole.

"Welcome to our new life, Flint," Kali said before he pushed his hips forward and buried the entire head of his cock into the large, rubber male beneath him. Flint arched back unnaturally far as he let out a muffled howl; the silver latex that had been licked on had completely spread over his head and had formed into a muzzle, but he still retained his human head structure as though waiting for something. That something was Kali, who, as he continued to slide his member into the tight hole of the virgin male, took the remaining straps and secured the collar portion to Flint's silver neck. The last piece of the harness suit was a muzzle, which easily slid over the smooth, synthetic skin of the human head.

As soon as the last strap was secured into place, Flint's maw tried to stretch out the bindings, only to find that it was pretty much locked into place as he felt the latex around his ears shift upward on his skull. His entire head shook as his skull seemed to that of a canine as he grew a pair of pointed ears that twitched in the air with every thrust from the jackal behind him. The last touch came when Kali hilted inside the muscular rubber wolf, his hands sliding up his solid eight-pack and heavy pectorals before he secured a leash on Flint's collar. The two rubber canines looked at each other and locked their muzzles in a deep kiss as the smaller male continued to thrust himself into the new, huge wolf.

Unbeknownst to them, as they continued to have sex on the desk, Titus watched from his office through the hidden cameras in the room. He was surprised at Flint's transformation, watching the human male turn to a musclebound hunk of a wolf that was easily seven feet tall, but who still let himself get bound and dominated by the smaller rubber jackal. "Looks like my private tutor idea paid off," the latex lion said with a grin as he watched the two go at it. "Certainly interesting seeing the similarities and differences in the transformation and human dynamics... I may have to write a paper on this after I show our progress to the mayor..."

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