An Unexpected Surprise Party: Part One

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of An Unexpected Surprise Party

What do you get for the person who really likes rubber and doesn't have enough of it? Renzyl knows, and is always willing to help a fellow enthusiast in need of a little pick me up on a special occasion. ;)

Commissioner wishes to remain anonymous

Edited by texotic

Ryan sighed as he walked through the thinning crowds of the city, the streetlamps illuminating his path above him. He had just come out of the restaurant where he celebrated his birthday alone, his meal punctuated by texts from his phone from various friends who said they couldn't make it. Though they all gave various different reasons, he had a suspicion of the real reason why none of them decided to come. The young man grimaced as he replayed the grievous error he had made in his head only a few days ago.

"I can't believe I even suggested that..." He muttered to himself as he recalled the looks of discomfort and shock when they asked what he would like for a party. They all already had been a few drinks in and it had caused Ryan to let slip that anything with rubber would be great. By the time his brain had caught up with what he had said it was far too late, and though he tried to laugh it off and say it was a joke, he could tell the damage was done. It didn't help they knew he more than liked the stuff, and even though they quickly changed the topic, he could tell that he had created a small but noticeable rift.

Once again Ryan mentally kicked himself for such a bold statement while he walked. The worst part was he really didn't own much in the way of rubber, his entire collection comprised of a few articles of latex clothing he had picked up here and there. Most of the stuff he really wanted was either far too expensive or produced in another country where the shipping would be more than the item itself, and there were no local shops that sold anything like that either. At least, that's what he thought before he saw a sign that lifted him up from his gloomy state.

What he saw was a small building that had been squeezed in between a laundromat and a pizza place, one that he hadn't even realized was there except for the sign that caught the corner of his eye as he walked by. It was a rather simple plaque with the words 'Renzyl's Rubber' emblazoned on it which hung just over the black door. "That's weird..." he said to himself as he paused on the sidewalk. "Why haven't I seen this before?"

Out of curiosity Ryan pulled out his phone and looked up the shop on the internet, and to his surprise it appeared he was the only one who hadn't heard of such a thing before. Everyone who rated it gave the store a perfect five stars, and the comments below were more than glowing. Many even claimed that the store changed their lives, and if anyone had a chance to visit, they should go as soon as they could. After reading a few of the reviews he clicked it off and returned the device to his pocket, then looked back at the door itself. What would be the harm of popping his head in and taking a peek, he thought to himself as he made his way up the concrete steps and walked inside.

Once he got past the threshold he stood there for a few seconds, in awe of the interior of the store. He had expected it to be like a sex shop where there would be rubber items but also things like dildos and porn. Instead what he got was more like a clothing store save for the actual articles that were on display. The entire area had a feel of class to it and as he made his way in further he noted that it felt bigger on the inside then he thought. As he started to wander around he realized he wasn't the only one in the store; a large, muscular man in some sort of full-body catsuit with an animal hood on sat idly behind the counter.

As Ryan continued to explore he was amazed at the amount of stock they carried. The shelves were filled with everything from normal latex clothing to harnesses, regular and animal hoods, and even a few vac-racks that lined an area of one of the walls. Just as he examined the inside of one of the gas masks he felt a presence at his side and he looked up to see the cashier hover over him. "You have good taste," the larger male said, the mouth of his draconic hood moving with the words as he stared at Ryan with red-tinted lenses.

"Oh, uh, thanks," Ryan replied while he put the mask back in its proper place.

"Would you care for some assistance today?" The shopkeeper asked, inching closer to the point where Ryan swore he could feel the other man's breath against him. "Perhaps I can help find something that suits you. I happen to be rather good at guessing what people desire, for instance I suspect you're more of a heavy encasement fan rather than traditional rubber play."

"Encasement?" Ryan repeated as he could feel his cheeks start to burn with mild embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've kept to the edges of the scene and not sure what everything means. I didn't even know there was such a place here until I happened to see it while I passed by. I'm not usually in this area, but it was my birthday and I was supposed to have a party at the nearby restaurant."

Ryan smacked himself mentally for letting that information slip, particularly the way he worded it. He hoped the shopkeeper would miss it but almost instantly he asked what happened and he let out a sigh. At first he thought about making up an excuse like they had lost the reservations, but ended up telling the stranger everything from the slip-up to sitting and eating alone at the restaurant. "I suppose it ended well enough, otherwise I never would have found this place or gone inside if I had been with them," he reasoned, which caused the rubber-covered male to nod.

"Sounds like a rough time," the shopkeeper said. "But I am glad that coming into my establishment has lifted your spirits, and let me help by giving you a little more personal attention. And to answer your previous question, encasement fans tend to gravitate more towards full body coverings or vac-racks while your restraint enthusiasts are more harnesses and binders. Then of course you've got the puppies and ponies, and your general rubber lovers. There are many more, but I would hate to overload you on the rhetoric. Instead, why don't we pick out some things that you might like and bring you into one of the dressing rooms?"

For the first time that night Ryan felt like the evening was going his way as he was escorted around the store, the dragon-hooded male took him to several different display cases and told him what they were. As they walked Ryan took a bit to finally examine the helpful shopkeeper and noted that the mythical motif was not just limited to his hood. He was dressed head to toe in a full-body rubber catsuit that glistened under the lights that hung from the ceiling, which accented every line and crease of the man's muscular form, and had a long, thick latex tail that hung behind him. His hands and feet also appeared to have molded gloves and boots styled in the fashion of a dragon as those thick toes seemed to flex with every movement as they walked. It gave the guy an almost otherworldly quality as several more articles of shiny clothing were piled on the stack he was given.

"I think that should be enough for now," the shopkeeper said as he led the laden-down male to a row of doors in the back. "Feel free to take as much time as you need, and if you need anything please just let me know. Once you're done with all of this, just remain where you are and I'll make sure you get re-outfitted properly."

"Well thank you very much, um..." Ryan faltered as he realized he had never gotten the other man's name.

"Renzyl," the rubber-suited man replied. Ryan quickly realized that he had been conversing with the owner of the establishment the entire time and felt sheepish about it, though that feeling quickly faded when Renzyl gave him a small nod. There was something about the way the man talked and postured himself that made him feel very comfortable, like he could sit down and tell him anything and everything if he just asked. It also could have been because he was extremely helpful as he was led with all the gear into one of the dressing rooms.

The room itself was rather spacious and could easily accommodate several people at once as the two filed inside. There was a full-length mirror that took up most of one wall, then a few shelves and a place to sit that filled the rest of the space. What really struck Ryan though was the color of the walls and carpet, which were a deep black that almost seemed to soak in the light as he set the clothes and gear on one of the shelves. "With these colors how do you know if you dropped anything on the ground?" Ryan asked, which caused Renzyl to chuckle.

"Let's just say that none of this stuff is going to end up on the ground," Renzyl replied. "Now why don't you go ahead and strip down and let me get this stuff on you." Ryan felt his entire body shiver as the other male so casually told him to get naked in front of him, which Renzyl seemed to pick up on as he waved his hands in the air. "Sorry, I just assumed since you were new to the whole scene that you would want someone to help you get all this stuff on. If not I can always leave you to your own devices, though I have to warn you that since you're not adept to it, you may encounter some difficulty in some of these pieces."

Ryan looked at the dragon-hooded male, then at the pile of gear that he had brought in with him to try on. Once again his desire to try such splendid merchandise won over his modesty and he told Renzyl he could stay. The other male nodded and turned around to avert his eyes before Ryan began to pull off his clothes, his brain momentarily realizing that he was about to get completely undressed in front of another man that he had only met less than an hour before. Though normally he would go through all the ways that this could go horribly wrong, that strange trust he had felt before continued to put him at ease as his underwear was the last to fall to the floor.

"Though it goes without saying you're going to want to put the sheath on first," Renzyl commented as he continued to look away. "Everything will fit much better if you put it on in a certain order." Ryan just nodded and grabbed the black rubber underwear, which was not unlike the stuff he had bought online save for one crucial difference. His skin tingled as he slid the speedo-like garment up his legs and adjusted his package as the internal rubber pouch cradled his groin. He couldn't help but blush slightly as he finally got everything in place and his genitals were hidden behind a layer of rubber, forming a smooth bulge between his legs.

As Ryan rubbed his hand against the shiny material he could feel himself begin to grow erect, and before he realized it the head of his cock began to poke out from the slit in the front. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as what showed was not the normal, pink, fleshy member he was used to; but a slightly-tapered, ridged rubber phallus that looked bigger than his old member, even with only a little bit uncovered. He could tell the other rubber-covered male was starting to get restless and he willed himself to go soft once more, which was easier said than done as the internal and external latex continued to rub against itself when he was finally able to retract his bits back into the sheath. By the time he had everything in place once more he turned around to see Renzyl staring at him with a bemused smirk and his arms crossed.

"You know if you cum in it I'm going to have to charge you," Renzyl chided as Ryan looked down at the floor in awkwardness. "By the way, in case you were wondering... I didn't see anything that I don't see right now, but I can hear the sound of latex on latex from a mile away and knew you had put them on and started to enjoy yourself." Before Ryan could say anything he felt a rubbery digit against the bottom of his chin that pulled his head up to look into his eyes. "As someone who's helped countless vulcan virgins, I can tell you that you are not the first person to get aroused by such a sensation, and most certainly will not be the last."

Ryan felt the tension in his body melt away as he realized he was very close to the muscular male, able to see the outline of those perfect pectorals and hard abs before Renzyl turned back to the bench. The next thing he was told to put on were a pair of pants with a hole in the groin area and a long sleeved rubber shirt, both with a scale-like texture patterned on it. It wasn't smooth like the shopkeeper's but the black material glistened like it had just been polished as he was helped in sliding them on. When he put on the pants, the seams between the pant legs and his sheath speedo were virtually invisible. As he slid the shirt over his head he could feel Renzyl make some adjustments to the rubber and nearly jumped when he felt a finger press against the crack of his backside.

Before he could say anything about it though Ryan felt the shirt get pulled down the rest of the way and fitted against the pants. Renzyl motioned to the mirror once they were finished and Ryan slowly turned his head around to face the reflective surface. When he first saw himself he thought that the mirror had been replaced with a picture with someone else; the intimate adjustment the other male performed quickly became forgotten as he leaned in to get a closer look at himself. From the neck down it was like he stared at a completely different person as his hands roamed over the slick rubber.

At Renzyl's prompting Ryan turned himself around and examined his whole body and was amazed at how well the rubber moved with him. Even clothing he had brought online didn't fit him that well, and as he continued to move in it he was surprised at how flattering it was. It seemed to hold his body in a way that made him look more muscular than what he really was, and though he was nowhere near the physique of the male behind him, it made him look more lean and fit than he actually was. When he took a look at his back, his eyes trailed down towards his backside and saw the alteration that the shopkeeper had made; the latex pushed into the contours between his cheeks as the pants seemed to hold his rear out from its usual flat shape into a bubble butt.

"It helps keep everything in place," Renzyl answered the question Ryan hadn't even asked, which caused him to blush once more. "Apologies if I startled you earlier, usually that sort of adjustment is natural for me to make so I just did it."

"It's alright," Ryan quickly defused. "Just a bit startled is all, I'm fine. I'm actually surprised at how well your stuff slips on, I thought stuff like this usually required some sort of powder to slip on?"

"When you do it right you don't need anything like that," Renzyl responded before he handed Ryan a pair of boots. "Now let's hurry up and put on the rest of your gear, I really want to see what you think about everything else."

Ryan quickly took the next item and slid the boots on over his feet, though to call them mere footwear would have been an injustice. Much like the ones Renzyl wore they had three thick toes and the structure pushed him up on the balls of his feet, the molded rubber scales blending in with the pant legs they covered. The gloves were very similar, and though they had five fingers, the extra padding and claws on their ends made them feel odd against his hands. Once he had finished putting them on he couldn't help but stare at his reflection that from the neck down looked like some sort of rubber reptilian creature.

Just as he was about to tell Renzyl how amazing everything looked, Ryan started to feel a sense of vertigo that caused the room to spin slightly. He braced himself against the wall as he tried to shake off the feeling, and even though it only lasted a few seconds, something felt different about the atmosphere. When he tried to pull his hand off the wall it remained stuck there, and after a few more unsuccessful tries he tried to remove the entire glove but couldn't find the seam where it overlapped with his shirt. A small sense of panic began to form in his stomach as he tried to turn around to ask the shopkeeper what was happening only to find the bottoms of his boots melded with the rubber of the floor.

"It appears that the rubber has grown rather impatient of my little rouse," the sweet voice that had lured him into the room in the first place spoke behind him. "I think perhaps it's time that I let it take over your final fitting." When Ryan looked into the reflection he gasped as what had looked like a person in a rubber dragon costume now looked like a real, demonic rubber dragon, complete with glowing red eyes that stared into his own through the mirror. "Pity, I was rather having fun, but this isn't about me after all."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Ryan stammered slightly as he continued to struggle against his bonds, only to watch with widened eyes as the floor and wall began to grow shiny tentacles that he could feel creep up his feet and hand. "What are you? What's going on?"

To Ryan's surprise Renzyl laughed before he leaned in and put his muzzle inches from his ear, the human felt the thick body press against his backside. "The fact you didn't ask to be released immediately shows a lot about the content of your character," Renzyl whispered as the human felt himself blush and shudder. "I knew from the second I felt your desires that this was something you wanted deep down, and even now I can tell that a mere suit isn't enough for you. It is just unfortunate that I can only spend a limited time in your world, but perhaps later I can arrange for another meeting where we can celebrate your birthday in a more proper fashion and really satisfy that itch. But alas, I must go lest I be in the way, go ahead and enjoy yourself!"

Ryan watched in the mirror as the demon dragon licked his neck before he backed away and disappeared into the blackness of the wall behind him. He shouted for Renzyl to wait and flailed his free arm backwards, but it wasn't long before even the red embers of those eyes disappeared into nothingness. When the rubber creature disappeared Ryan moved his restrained body back and suddenly felt the rubber on his captured hand stretch. His entire body shifted to the left and he brought his free hand up to catch himself, not realizing his error until his gloved palm pressed against the black wall and stuck there like glue.

The second he was completely stuck with his arms spread out, the wall and floor tentacles began to spread like wildfire over his body. Everywhere the tentacles touched the synthetic skin on his body,a tingle of pleasure could be felt, and as it crept up his legs and down his arms the suit began to feel more like it was his own body. His three-toed feet curled as the sensations caused his cock to slide out of the rubbery slit, which once again caused a surge of pleasure that caused him to buck his hips. As a set of smaller tendrils reached his groin, they immediately branched out onto his thick erection and Ryan could feel it slide over every inch of those rubbery ridges like he had been born with them.

As the rubber tentacles continued to stretch over him, he felt the suit on his body begin to shift even where they hadn't covered his body. He felt his neck muscles twitch as the suit seam stretched upward and continued to cover the flesh there. At the same time the rubber just above his butt began to swell out as the tentacles reached it, and as it grew in length he felt something probe underneath his newly-developed tail. The latex of his cheeks spread apart and as it slithered into him, Ryan realized for the first time how far in the 'suit' had covered him. As the tentacle began to push inside him, the rubber-covered human's entire body jerked forward and he felt his already stimulated cock throb hard against the tendrils that covered it, which had started to merge together around the sensitive flesh into a solid coat that continued to writhe around it.

Ryan let out a loud groan as the slick appendage spread him open, and when he tried to close his mouth he found himself unable to. He looked at the mirror image to see the shiny black substance had crept up over the back of his head and had begun to coat his lower jaw. As it did the rubber seemed to build outward as the material crept into his mouth and coated his insides. The intensive pleasure he felt from the rest of his body was pushed temporarily back by a spike of panic as he swore he felt his lower jaw stretch out and his teeth sharpen into rubbery points. At the same time he could feel the latex that had coated his head grow out at two points on his skull, the human able to watch as he grew a pair of swept back horns while the rubber in his mouth assimilated his tongue until its thick, shiny black length hung out past his lips.

When the rubber reached his eyes Ryan feared it would completely obscure his vision, but as soon as it reached the area the rubber turned crystalline and formed into a pair of lenses he could see out of as the last of his human flesh was covered. When the mask had fully formed it was similar to the draconic shape of the one who had trapped him there, but he didn't have too long to think about it as the panic of the latex on his face dissipated and the pleasure returned ten-fold. The tentacle that was buried in his backside began to piston in and out of him as the mass of tentacles had reached his chest, causing the human to squirm in his restraints as his the mask on his face vibrated from his lustful moans.

By now his arms and legs had been completely covered and the squirming limbs had fused together to form into one solid piece. From his abs down he was completely smooth, featureless rubber with the only bumps being where the tentacle continued to ravage his tailhole and where his cock had been completely encased. The same happened to his arms, completely cocooned in the thick rubber that extended out from the wall that reached with his shoulders. His trapped arms and legs were completely immobile, and strangely for the human that thought only seemed to excite him more as he felt the slithering appendages slide over the rubber of his chest and back.

Ryan found himself panting from the sheer lust he felt, the only thing he could think about or focus on was the pleasure he received as he felt the mass of conjoining tentacles rise up around his neck. He couldn't move anything and his body was nothing more than a featureless cocoon of rubber save for his head, though that would soon change as well as the cascade of rubber reached the dragon hood he wore. The entire time every inch of latex against his body seemed to tighten and undulate, which caused his already overstimulated body to get pushed to the limit as he felt his climax fast approaching.

His grunts and moans became muffled as several tentacles wrapped around the mask's muzzle, effectively binding it shut before they melted together over it to cause the mouth to vanish completely and made him breathe through his nostrils. His breathing quickened as his facial features disappeared from the tentacles, his body tensing not only from being completely covered but also from his impending orgasm. The appendage seemed to sense this and thrusted even deeper, sliding against his prostate as the lenses of the mask grew dark with tendrils that grew over it. The second the last of his body was completely covered Ryan came hard, whether it was because the rubber finally allowed him to or from the finality of the moment he was completely cocooned, his entire form spasmed and convulsed from the sheer pleasure until he was completely spent.

Once he had finished he felt his entire body go limp, swimming in darkness as he felt the sensations of the rubber tentacles begin to fall away...


Ryan awoke suddenly in a cold sweat, panting heavily as he bolted upright from his bed and looked around the dark room. Even before he turned on the light he could tell he was in his bedroom, the familiarity calming him down as he slowly felt his heart rate fall back down to normal. For a few minutes he just sat there and let his shallow breathing go back down to normal as his brain still vividly recalled what had apparently been a dream. The fact that it felt so real continued to unnerve Ryan as he reached over to turn on the nearby table light, still feeling the tight tingle of rubber and pleasure on his body like he still wore that suit...

As the light flickered to life he quickly found out why, gasping as he saw his arm covered in shiny black latex that ended with draconic fingers. He immediately looked down and felt the rest of his body and saw he was still covered head to toe in the rubber dragon suit from his dream, though as he hastily pulled at one of the gloves he found it came off rather easily. The same happened for the boots and hood and, after a few minutes of disrobing, he had completely shed the suit like a snake's skin. At first he had expected himself to wake up once again like in those double dreams, but when time passed and he remained there he realized he was in the waking world.

The surprises continued to come when he started to slide off his bed and found the sheets he had been on top of were made of a similar material as the suit, which caused him to scramble quickly off of it. When it was clear none of the rubber was there to bite him he began to relax as he walked up to the pile of rubber gear he had hastily tossed to the floor. Though it seemed to fit him it didn't have the same shape-changing or extra-sensory qualities the dream rubber had, though it still begged the question of how he woke up inside something he didn't even own. The answer came to him quickly enough, though, as he glanced back at the dresser where he had turned on the lamp and found a card on it made from the same rubber as the gear.

"Something to hold you over until we reach the main event," Ryan read the flowing silver letters on the card. "Prepare yourself for a very, very happy birthday in the coming days. Sincerely, Renzyl."

Ryan looked over the card one more time before he put it down and sat on the bed, his naked butt sliding against the frictionless material that caused his entire body to shudder. His thoughts and gaze went back down to the gear on the floor as he quickly rationalized that what he had experienced was not a dream. Everything he had seen, felt, experienced... somehow, in some sense of the word, it had all happened to him. And if that was just the appetizer, he thought to himself as he looked back once more lustfully at the rubber, what was in store for him in the main event?

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