What is a Future?

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of The Morality Paradox

Commission for shaesullivan

Continuation of No Such Thing as Good and Evil, the last chapter. Adult for adult situations.

The sounds of birds chirping is what finally awoke Ishimura from his slumber, his eyes slowly opened as a cacophony of unfamiliar noise hit his ears. Immediately the entire situation felt wrong, from the strange grass that he laid on to the soft breeze that wafted over his prone form. Even when he and Erico had gone into the city atrium it didn't feel like what he experienced at that moment, being surrounded by something that wasn't familiar. The biggest indicator was the quiet; other than the birds and breeze the dull, constant roar of the city he was used to was suspiciously absent as he stood up and looked around.

"Well this is new," he said to himself as he looked out across a small lake that was bordered by a thick line of strangely-colored trees and tall grass. Once he was done scanning the area he turned his gaze upwards and gasped, his eyes widening as he saw a deep blue sky that for the first time unobstructed by the thick layer of glass. He couldn't help but stand there and stare dumbfounded at the stark contrast of scenery from the usual red sky and dust storms he was used to seeing.

After a few minutes the shock of the situation wore off and he slowly stood himself back up, but as he did his movements felt strange and foreign to him. At first he thought he might be injured or drugged but weirdly things seemed easier to him instead of more difficult. Once he had gotten to his feet he glanced down at himself to see if he could pinpoint the source for his unusual feelings. The second he saw his body he knew exactly why he felt that way, which caused him to shout loudly as he stared at himself in horror.

"What the hell happened to me!?" he screamed as he looked over the black latex that completely covered his fingers as he wiggled the alien-looking digits in front of them. As he did he could hear the soft whirr of cybernetic components within and felt the ears that had grown triangular and had migrated to the top of his head twitch from their newfound sensitivity. On the back of his palms were metal spikes that stuck out several inches which, along with the metal proto-claws on the tips of his fingers, would be fierce weapons. There was also a similar spike in the middle of his chest, set between a decent pair of pectoral muscles he knew he hadn't possessed before as his eyes mapped the black, blue, and cream colored latex that seemed to cover his entire body. Most of his body shape was similar to his human form, save for the new layers of synthetic muscle that made it look like he worked out his entire life and his feet which ended in three thick toes with talons on the end of them.

Once Ishi examined his feet he suddenly remembered that he could move and stumbled towards the edge of the water, fearful of what he would see staring back at him as he gazed at his own reflection. His heart skipped a beat when he saw his face and head was coated in the same shiny substance as his new piercing red eyes looked himself over. Instead of his normal face he found a muzzle much like a canine, though slightly more angular, and a set of bright blue latex ears to match. All around his head and neck his long hair had remained, but it had also undergone the same rubberization and had been colored a deep black like his hands and feet.

As he took a seat on a nearby rock he racked his brain on how such a thing could happen to him, and slowly the memories trickled back to the forefront of his mind. The last thing he remembered was being in the VIP section of Crucible, enjoying a drink with a few of his friends while they talked over his inclusion into the business. Their conversation was cut short however by an explosion that caused the foundation to rattle, followed by the sounds of the patrons screaming in panic. Ishi and his group immediately went out into the main bar to find one of the walls completely destroyed and several areas engulfed in flame. While they tried to help people leave he remembered also searching for Erico right before he felt and heard the second detonation that seemed to rip right though him...

Erico... the name brought his boyfriend to his mind and made Ishi realize he was completely alone in the strange wilderness. His head twisted back and forth to make sure he somehow hadn't missed him and when that proved to be fruitless he immediately shot up to his feet. Though he had no idea where he was he picked a direction that felt right and began to walk, shouting Erico's name through the dense layer of trees. He continued on for what felt like hours, hoping to either find some semblance of his boyfriend or a marker of civilization he could use to try and find his way back to the city.

As he stomped through the underbrush Ishi stopped when he suddenly felt his arm begin to tingle strongly in several spots. He looked down to see that he had gotten it caught in some kind of thorny bush and it had created several gashes in his skin as he untangled himself. When he looked inside the wounds he saw that the rubber didn't merely coated his body but was a part of it, and beneath that the shiny metal of the cybernetics confirmed he was no longer flesh and blood. He wondered just how badly he had been injured as he watched a bright blue liquid ooze out of the wounds that quickly gelled, then the excess fell away to reveal new synthetic skin that absorbed the color of the latex that surrounded it.

"Alright, this has definitely got to be Erico's work," he mused to himself as he ran his fingers over the smooth latex flesh. "I must have been in pretty bad shape if he had to do all this to me, but why did he leave me out in the middle of nowhere like this? He has to be somewhere nearby, all I have to do is find him..."

But as the hours passed and the light of day grew dim the only thing that Ishi found was hunger and fatigue. Even though he was made of rubber and metal he could still feel the drain on his body and realized he would likely still need food and rest, though how much still remained to be determined. Just as he was about to lose hope that this forest would stretch on forever he saw a clearing in the distance and began to run towards it. His only hope at this point was that it harbored some sort of person or technological marker that would allow him to figure out what's going on or how to get home.

When the latex creature broke through the tall grass and looked around he found himself at a lake, and as he realized the familiarity of the scenery he felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Are you kidding me?!" Ishi shouted angrily as he fell to his knees, his anger precipitating into sadness as he fell to all fours. "Now what am I going to do..."

A sudden rustle in the bushes caused Ishi's latex tail, which he didn't even realize he had until that point, to twitch. He slowly turned around and watched as in the dimly lit sky a creature poked his head out from the brush. In the growing darkness he thought he thought it was a person, but as they continued to emerge out into the clearing he could tell it was anything but. While still humanoid the creature had a somewhat angled face with the barest hint of a muzzle like a feline, while long white hair was draped not only over its head but over one eye as well. As it came out into the light proper its skin shined unnaturally and his face was a bluish-grey as it stared at him with glowing red eyes.

"Wow..." was all Ishi could say as it continued to walked towards him, seeing the synthetic fur sway in the gentle breeze. Much like him the strange rubber creature had three-toed feet that ended in thick talons like a reptile with far more humanoid hands on top. At first Ishi continued to stand wearily, but after it had stopped and looked at him he straightened himself. "Who... or what... are you?"

The creature seemed to stop for a second and think, tapping his chin with a metallic claw before finally glancing back up at him. "I... I don't know," it finally stated as it looked around. "I remember wondering around in the woods, then found you lying by the lake. You've been asleep for a few days so I kept checking in to make sure you were fine, then today you were suddenly gone so I've been looking for you."

Ishi stared in disbelief as the creature moved over to one of the stones that sat at the edge of the water and turned it over, then reached down and pulled out a Mylar bag. "I found this with you and figured you might want it when you woke up," he explained as he dumped the contents onto the grassy ground. "I didn't want to just leave it here and it didn't carry well so I hid it, hoping I'd be here to present it to you when you woke up."

The former human thanked the creature, who smiled and wagged his tail at him, before he took stock of what he had just received. The bulk of it came in the form of food bars and water, but what immediately caught his attention was the cell phone and solar charger. He recognized it immediately as Erico's as he turned it on. Once it passed through the loading screen he scrolled through the contact's list until he saw the listing for his boyfriend's office. The other male watched intently as Ishi pushed send and waited, only to hear an out-of-service tone that meant the lines were either busy or he was out of range.

"Damn..." He said as he sat down on the ground after two more attempts yielded the same results. As he was about to shut it down he noticed there were a number of new notifications in the task bar, and when he opened it up he saw that multiple videos had been uploaded. With the other cyber creature glancing over his shoulder he played the first one and saw the familiar face of Erico in what looked to be a research lab.

"So it's been four days after my initial experimentation with the technology I got from my mysterious benefactor," the researcher started as he slowly moved the camera over to a pool of a black substance that looked like bubbling tar. "Hard to believe that this is the result of everything I worked for, something that looks more beneficial for sealing your pipes then creating a cybernetic-enhanced creature out of living latex. I've done several tests now though and the concept works, I even managed to bring someone back from the brink of death using this new system. But now the testing is done, and it's time for the main event."

Ishi had to cover his mouth when he saw his old human body inside a glass tube, wires and machines attached to his broken, burn and bruise covered body in order to keep it alive. "It took a fair amount of bribes in order to get him safely to my laboratory," Erico continued on as he set down the phone and continued to record as he began to hook up the machine. "Nearly my entire life savings in fact, though I also financed our means of escape through that money as well. Honestly with the way things are going right now I don't think I'm going to need it, and once I find the final parameters to treat myself I'm taking Ishi and getting out of here. I'm just glad I didn't try and share it with the city yet, especially the way they bastardized Kevir's work to try and cull the people... but the reason I'm leaving these video messages and this lab is once I'm done here hopefully this technology can be used the right way."

The entire scene shook and Erico ran off screen for about a minute, then came back. After some frantic typing on the nearby console Ishi could read that he had activated some sort of process before the researcher turned the screen off. "I have to go now," he said to the camera as he picked it up. "Rioters are reaching this street and if the peacekeepers are dispatched they're going to wonder why I'm here after curfew and with no cybernetics."

The movie ended abruptly and before Ishi could load up another one the screen turned black and flashed the outline of a battery before going completely dead. He sighed and looked at his solar charger, which during the night was as useful as a brick, then put both it and the phone back in the protection of the bag. With his ability to find answers hindered until tomorrow morning he sighed and sat down with his back against one of the rocks. As he unwrapped one of the food bars that were in the bag he noticed that the creature continued to stand there and look at him, and it wasn't until he waved him over that he sat down next to him and offered a bar.

"Oh no I already ate," the creature refused with a wave of his hand. "Thank you for the company though, you seem to be the only one out here that's like me."

"Yeah..." Ishi trailed off, looking down at the ground as he allowed his thoughts to wander away from the present. From the look of the video it was certain that he had succeeded in his experiment to take his destroyed body and recreate it into the synthetic creature he now was. The thought of seeing himself like that made him shudder, though he knew it wasn't real he could almost feel the tingle where those injuries used to be. The fact of the matter was that he'd likely be dead without Erico's help, but then where was he?

When he realized that the other rubber anthro was staring at him he shook off the thoughts and held out his hand. "I'm Ishimura by the way, though most call me Ishi," he introduced himself as the creature just looked down at his hand before he finally withdrew it. "What's your name?"

"My name?" the creature replied before it looked up at the night sky. "I don't really remember my name. For some reason the word Sol comes to mind, and though I know that's not it I suppose it's good enough for now."

The two latex males continued to converse for a little bit, mostly Ishi asking questions about the surrounding area. From what he gathered the two were in some sort of valley surrounded by mountains, which he guessed might have given it some shielding from the cataclysm. Still he knew that if it weren't for their advanced bodies they would still have likely perished from their surroundings, even now he could feel the rubber that comprised his fresh have to repair itself from whatever elements ate away at it. Eventually tiredness overtook him though, something else he noted that his new body still needed, and fell asleep with his back still against the rock.


When he awoke once again the sun had once again risen and shined its light over the horizon of trees. As he tried to get up he felt a weight on him and realize that Sol had fallen asleep against him. He sighed softly and tried to move the other male so he wouldn't wake him, but as their latex skin rubbed against one another he felt a sudden jump in his arousal. At this point he hadn't even thought about it but as he continued to adjust and hear the faint squeak of rubber on rubber he felt a stir on his otherwise smooth groin. He saw the shiny blue skin split and something pink poke out of him, which caused him to panic and try to will it away as Sol stirred slightly.

Ishi decided the best way to abate the embarrassing situation was to wait there and let it go back down, which thankfully happened rather quickly. As he sat there he idly stroked the synthetic white mane of the creature still pressed against him and recalled when he and Erico had done the same on their couch. His thoughts suddenly turned to the cell phone in his possession and the now usable solar charger and with a quick roll he got out from underneath Sol and grabbed the bag. As the other rubber synth was awakened by the sudden shift in his body Ishi climbed up to the rock and plugged the charger into the phone, waiting for it to get enough juice to start up before it chimed happily at him and brought him back to the welcome screen. As Sol climbed up onto the rock next to him Ishi played the next video that was in the real.

"So we have good news and bad news," the movie started with Erico saying as he sat down in one of the chairs with a sigh. "The good news is that the procedure is working perfectly. Already I've been able to disconnect all the machines that had been keeping Ishi alive and he's able to breathe on his own. Unfortunately he hasn't regained consciousness yet though, and that's what leads me to the bad news."

Once again the phone camera moved until it showed the scene outside the building, where a nearby skyscraper was shown with huge smoldering holes in it. "As you can see the rioting has gotten even worse and the council's attempts to crackdown have only aggravated the situation," he explained. "What you see over there is the result of a raid of those without any cybernetics in them and the resulting peacekeeper response. If that can happen to them it means this facility is no longer safe, at any moment an attack on his company could mean this lab gets raided by either side or worse, destroyed. That means as soon as Ishi is done cooking I'm going to find a safe place to hide him out before I do the process on myself since no one will be here to guard it, though hopefully he wakes up soon after he's done."

The camera angle shifted once more and Erico began to go on about the technical aspects of his project, but what Ishi couldn't help but stare at his body which had come into focus. Had he not already experienced the end result he would have been terrified as he saw half-formed latex flesh and metal inside of gaping wounds. He looked like a machine with human skin over it, and was about to turn away when thankfully the camera did it for him. "I better conserve the power on this thing just in case," was the last thing Erico said before the video ended.

"You appeared to have been in rather bad shape," Sol spoke up before Ishi could play the next video. "It's good that the human in that video had extensive knowledge of such processes or else you wouldn't be here."

Ishi sighed and nodded, then as he set the phone on the rock to charge he noticed an app that had been recently updated due to the device's restart. It was the map function, and when he turned it on he was dismayed to find that the only thing it updated was that it notified him it had lost connection with the city's GPS tower. "It looks like it knows where we are," Sol said as he pointed out the dot that represented their location. "Too bad it can't figure out if there are any other devices around like that which would help you find your way back to the city."

"Wait a second..." Ishi mused as he pondered what the other male had said. After a few subtle manipulations with the application he found something that caused his heart to jump; Erico had left the phone on during his journey out into the wasteland, which meant that it had recorded his last trip. That happiness was quickly tempered as he saw the length of the journey from their location to where it was likely the city was. "It's over seven-hundred miles... that means walking on foot, even with our augmented forms, is going to take a month."

"More around twelve to fifteen days," Sol clarified, which caused Ishi to look at him. "Average walking speed for a bipedial creature and time traveling would be around thirty, but since we are augmented creatures and require less sleep we will likely be half the time. I daresay we could do it in ten if we really hoof it."

"We?" Ishi asked as he hopped down from the rock. "You don't have to come with me you know, I think I can handle things myself and I wouldn't want to take you away from your home."

Sol just shook his head and started to walk in the direction the phone said. "This isn't my home," he stated simply while he parted the tall grass. "I've been wandering these parts for as long as I can remember so coming along with you is no trouble at all. Plus... plus it's been a while since I've seen someone else around here, so it would be nice to have the company honestly."

Ishi wasn't one to turn down the offer, especially since as soon as he had said something he hoped the other male said he was going to stay. When it was clear they would be traveling companions for a least a little while it filled him with a sense of relief. It also filled him with something else entirely, subconsciously licking his lips as he remembered how good it felt to press against him. Images came unbidden to his mind, of the other male up against the rock they had just slept against as he pushed his new member inside him while Sol moaned in pleasure. Just as soon as he saw them though he shook his head in disbelief, while he certainly had such thoughts about Erico he had never gotten them from a stranger, much less a latex cyborg that helped him find his way in the strange wilderness he was surrounded by.

Together the two made their way through the woods using the phone's built in compass as a means to keep track of their path. Much like what Sol had said they found themselves making incredibly good time as they hiked down the path. Despite it already being a few days Ishi still found himself trying to get used to his new body, particularly the long latex ears and tail that dragged behind him. During their nights Ishi tried to use the phone as sparingly as possible in order to conserve the battery, but would always keep watching at least the next movie to try and figure out what happened. Every time he watched he was a little more transformed, rubber replacing flesh as Erico explained he had used a database of mystical creatures that the previous scientist had uploaded in the hopes it would increase his chances of survival. Eventually he got to the last one, where Erico had taken a survival suit and vehicle of some sort and used it to leave the city, driving him up to the mountains to stash him before he went back to use the machine on himself. He found himself tearing up slightly as the last words from his boyfriend was that he loved him and hoped they would be together again soon before the scene ended.

As their travels wore on Ishi found himself increasingly thankful that he had found his new friend, who seemed to have some knowledge of their surroundings and how to survive in them. After the first two days he no longer needed to rely on the food stores he had been given, even so much as helping hunt the small animals that lived in the underbrush for sustanence. With his new body he found it rather easy, hindered only by the increased attention that he gave the male in front of him as he watched the creature's hips sway slightly while they hunted. While the attraction part didn't seem to faze Ishi much it was the need he felt, a want to bend the male over and rut him that he hadn't felt even when he was with Erico.

Ishi was so focused on his feelings he hadn't noticed the other male had turned and shouted at him until he felt a pair of strong hands push him aside. A wall of fur flew past him as Sol and the creature that was about to pounce him flew a few feet further down the pathway. Ishi shouted and charged at the two, hitting a solid wall of muscle with his augmented strength to get the creature off of him. As the monstrous thing staggered to his feet Ishi helped Sol to his feet while he clutched his stomach.

"Back off!" Ishi snarled at the creature as it started to pace back towards them with a low growl. Both rubber creatures held their ground as they stood off against the beast that roared at them, and as they did the metal spikes on the back of Ishi's hands began to vibrate. As he looked at them in question they sparked with electricity which caused both him and Sol to look at them in surprise. The effect was not lost on the beast either, and with a few sharp taps and a shower of sparks it turned and finally ran away. Once they were sure that it had disappeared further into the forest Ishi clutched his hand over Sol's wounded stomach as they tried to find a place to settle for the night.

As night settled the two finally found a clearing where they could camp out and Ishi helped Sol to sit against a stone. "Alright, let's take a look at that-" his words were cut short when he placed a hand on the smooth latex where the furrows of the giant claws used to be. "Wow... it's like it never even happened. These bodies are so amazing."

"Yes they are," Sol replied with a small groan. At first Ishi thought that he had hurt him when he realized his own hand had been rubbing the smooth stomach in a rather provocative fashion. He started to pull away when he saw a familiar appendage begin to poke out from the hidden slit of the other male. Seeing the arousal of his traveling companion seemed to flick a switch for Ishi and before he knew it both hands started to feel up the rubber skin while he felt an alien pair of hands do the same to his body. As they felt their way up each other's chests their muzzles grew closer together until they were just inches from each other and could feel each other's breath against their noses.

"Ishi..." Sol said timidly as Ishi's latex form hung over his, their bodies paused over one another as the rest of the world seemed to fall away around them.

"Shhh Sol..." Ishi replied before their muzzles met in a kiss, and what little reservations they had about one another evaporated as their bodies pressed together. The two synthetic creatures rubbed up and down each other as their tongues wrestled each other, and Ishi could feel himself take charge of the situation. While he didn't normally care in what position he was in he felt his dominant streak rising to the top, which Sol seemed to accept as he spread his legs apart. At first Ishi thought the differing body types would be a problem, but as he felt their throbbing erections pressed against one another he found their humanoid forms familiar enough that he had no troubles navigating the body beneath him as their lusts took over.

At first Ishi wondered if he would need to do something to ease his insertion but as he pressed the tip of his cock against the hole it not only yielded easily but the latex made him almost glide inside. There was still the enjoyable pressure on his tool though and as he slid himself further in that pleasure increased tenfold. Their flexible forms easily allowed them to press their muzzles against one another as Ishi began to thrust inside of Sol.

As their panting and thrusts increased Ishi's strange thoughts for the other male began to blossom. While up until that point he had been mostly protective towards him, now there was the touch of the lover that had formed from their time traveling together. He soon realized what he began to feel was the culmination of his feelings for the other male, a strange kinship that he could only liken to when he ran with his own gag. The term 'packmate' came to mind unbidden and as their rutting continued through the night, the two newly minted lovers testing the limits of their new bodies...

Time and distance continued to pass as the two males grew closer to one another. After their initial mating they had been together nearly every night, and from their strange feelings a pack mentality started to form between them. Though Ishi continued to think about Erico his thought process had now changed and now more than ever he wanted to find him and bring him into their pack. They began to talk about their future more as the woods slowly turned into a rocky hillside as the mountains that had surrounded them began to fall away. From the map on the phone Ishi knew it wouldn't be long now until he reached the city itself once again.

When Ishi reached the edge of the valley a familiar sight greeted him in the form of the wasteland that he had seen so often from outside the dome. He held Sol's hand tight as they pressed forward and they could feel their bodies strain from the sudden change in environment. For the first time he felt the harshness that had surrounded him his whole life on his bare skin and even when he tried to hold his hand up the stinging wind burned his eyes. Despite the hazardous area their bodies seemed to be able to handle the stress and they continued on while the clouds and dust thickened around them.

"I really hope this isn't a dust storm!" Ishi had to shout in order to communicate with the rubber creature behind him. The two kept a firm grip on one another as they tried to keep to the path that the phone had showed them before they zipped it up in the Mylar bag in order to protect it. After the blistering speed they had set through the woods it felt to them as though they were at a snail's pace, and even though it was only twenty miles from the shelter of the valley to the lip of the cliff where they could see the city it felt like two thousand to the two. Just as they reached the edge of the cliff the clouds of dust that had swirled around them incessantly for most of the day cleared from around their bodies and instead opted to dip down away from them into the lower plains. While this was a welcome respite for the two weary travelers it meant the visibility of the city was near zero even on the high ground.

"Perhaps we should wait," Sol said as he sat down on the lip of the cliff. "If this is a storm perhaps it will die down before it gets dark, otherwise we're trying to pick a path down this dangerous cliff face nearly blind."

Ishi agreed and decided to wait, eating the last of the pre-packaged food and water as they did so. The two sat in silence, Ishi unable to think of what to say to Sol now that he was so close to finding Erico once again. Instead he took out the cell phone and turned it on to attempt to call his boyfriend's office again with the hope their proximity would give him a better chance to connect. When it didn't he sighed and tried a few more times, but as he did the storm finally settled and the river of dust that had whirled underneath them so violently precipitated down to the ground. Even before it completely dissipated it revealed the city that it had been hiding, which caused both Ishi and Sol to gasp in shock.

The dome that had protected the city for centuries laid shattered amongst the burned-out husks of the buildings and skyscrapers. A thick layer of earth had already begun to claim the ruins of the once magnificent city and no doubt all those who had perished within it. It was clear from the ruptures in the wall that it had been a violent end, and since cybernetics couldn't save someone from the toxicity of the wasteland he knew that any further investigation into the destroyed metropolis would reveal only the graveyard it had become. Ishi could feel Sol's arms wrap around him as he stared into the abyss, unable to do anything but look down at what his former home had become.

As he continued to stare down Ishi suddenly thought he saw something out of the corner his eye and looked up to where the sun had just broken through. At first he thought it was just a mirage or reflection of the dust but just before it disappeared into the clouds he swore he saw the golden legs of a creature in the sky. When he turned and asked Sol if he had seen it he just shook his head, then looked down at the cell phone he had been gripping tightly before he looked where the creature had been once more. He could feel the tight embrace of his packmate around him still and after once last glance at the destroyed city he took the device and tossed it off the cliff.

"I suppose there's no point in sticking around here," Ishi said as he gave Sol a pat on the back of his synthetic-furred hand. As the two walked back towards the valley he tried not to look back on his old life, but he did take a glance once more to see if he could see that creature. When he saw nothing he decided to focus more on the now; the touch of his packmate and the feel of the dirt against his paws as they walked back into the valley.

And, strangely enough, the smell of saltwater in the air...

The Choice Between Right and Wrong

Erico sat in the dim light of the single lamp while he poured over a computer screen that had once belonged to Dr. Javi Kevir. The rest of the lab was dark, the equipment sitting unused ever since the members of the city council voted to go ahead with...

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No Such Thing as Good and Evil

The board room felt hot and stuffy despite the air-conditioning blowing as hard as it could, mostly due to the nature of those that sat within. On one side were the major players of the city; military officials and politicians that sat stern-faced with...

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Conventional Mischief

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