Walking A Night in Another Gender

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Sometimes friends do things like go to movies, try on one another's clothes... or genders.

Commissioned by Furian

Edited by texotic

Furian belongs to Furian

Akki belongs to akkikumori413

"I dunno Furian, sometimes I feel like I have a dick," the white and purple-furred female Samoyed stated simply as she laid there with her head on the black-furred werewolf's lap, whose eye raised up slightly in curiosity as he looked down at her. They had been on the couch idly talking while a movie played in the background, though that quickly became forgotten as their train of conversation took a strange turn. "I mean, every once in a while just humping a pillow is almost enough to get me off."

Furian couldn't help but chuckle, which earned him a playful swat on the muzzle. "I think in today's day and age gender fluidity is something of a norm Akki," the werewolf replied. "Just look at all the products out there that emphasize such a point. I hear they even got pills now that can flip your gender for a few hours to see what it's like. Hell, I get thoughts like that once in a while."

"I would think you have thoughts of having a dick all the time," Akki joked, then laughed as Furian reached down and tickled her furry belly that caused her to squirm.

"I am serious though," Furian admitted once they had calmed down. "A lot of times I can imagine the feel of having a pussy, and just the thought of having it stuffed helps me get off quickly. So you're definitely not alone in that regard."

Akki just let out a low hum in response and the two went back to watching the movie, and a few minutes later she turned her head to look at the nearby clock that caused her head to bolt up. "Oh man, I didn't realize it was getting that late," she said as she sat up and adjusted her shirt, the two then standing up together to get to the door. "It's been fun as always Furian, going to be free next weekend?"

"Yeah, it's holiday on Monday so we have an extended weekend," Furian replied.

"Oh right!" Akki exclaimed as she wrapped her purple-furred hands around the werewolf in a hug. "We'll have to think of something special to do now that we're going to have a bit of extra time, some sort of movie marathon or something like that. Since I chose what we did last time, it's going to be up to you on what we're doing, got it?"

Furian just nodded and saw the Samoyed out, then as soon as he closed the door he stood there for a few seconds in deep thought before he walked to his computer. As soon as he could get a web browser up he inputted a search that led him to several pages. Most of them were pornographic in nature, not uncommon in the inquiry he made, but as he shifted through all of them one in particular caught his attention. It was a page for a company called Sibergon Labs, and once he had scrolled through it a bit he realized it was exactly what he was looking for. A few clicks and some credit card information later, Furian leaned back in his chair and smiled, then glanced around a few times before he unzipped his pants and hit the back button on his browser...

About a week later Akki found herself once more in the werewolf's apartment, her arms loaded with the take-out that they would have for dinner. Her curiosity was piqued when her friend had a canary-eating grin on his muzzle that persisted through their usual exchange of pleasantries. When she started to put out the food for her dinner she noticed a package with an unusual logo on it, one that looked like the fusion of a dragon and tiger that her emerald eyes continued to glance at throughout dinner. Furian remained tight-muzzled about it the entire time despite her repeated inquiries, and it wasn't until they were completely finished and had allowed themselves time to digest did the werewolf take the package and hand it to her.

"A gift for me?" she asked, her tail wagging slightly as she ripped open the paper. "You shouldn't have, it's not even my birthday."

"Well I figure it's a little gift for the both of us," Furian responded while Akki got down to the box and began to tear that open as well. "You did say we should do something for the holiday weekend and that I had to be the one to plan it, so after our talk last time I figured why not this?"

When Akki finally got past all the layers she was left with a clear plastic case that contained six vials, a single pill in each of them with three blue ones on one side and three pink ones on the other. She looked up at Furian, who merely nodded, then back down at the case as she opened it up and took out one of the pills. "Are these what I think they are?" She asked as she held one up to the light.

"You better believe it," Furian replied, picking up the dishes to put in the sink while his friend continued to stare in awe at the little blue pill. "When I talked about them last week I thought it was just one of those rumors, but after you left I took a look on the internet and found out they actually do exist. They weren't crazy expensive either, weirdly enough; I paid more in the shipping cost then for the pills themselves. So if we ever decide to do this again we're going to get the bulk package, but for right now I figured a trial would probably be for the best in case we aren't fond of the results."

Once the table had been cleared away the two sat there at the table, staring at the six vials of pills that Akki had set up in a neat row. Furian explained the instructions that were on the website, that one pill would just change their groins, two pills would alter the rest of their sexual characteristics, and taking all three at once would result in a complete gender reversal. There was little discussion on how far they were going to go before the werewolf took the pills and combined them into one vial for each color, sliding the three blue pills in Akki's direction. The Samoyed chewed her finger pads slightly before she picked it up, both friends took a deep breath before they clinked the vials together and downed the pills.

Once they had both taken a drink to wash them down, they stared at each other for a few minutes, looking each other up and down. "The website said it would take about half-an-hour for the medication to take effect," Furian mentioned, which caused Akki to breathe a deep sigh. They debated on what they wanted to do while they waited before they settled on a television show they had already watched before, something they could easily abandon when the changes started.

Just as the first episode of the show was about to end, Akki, who had taken her usual position cuddled up to Furian, began to notice something that caused her to snort and cover her muzzle. The werewolf looked down at her in question before she pointed out what she had seen, the erection tenting his pants as Furian's jaw dropped slightly at the sudden arousal. "It appears these pills are starting to take effect," she said with a giggle. "Shall we take this to the bedroom?"

Furian more than agreed and together the two walked briskly to his bedroom, stripping off their clothes along the way. By the time they were inside they were both naked, their bodies completely exposed and flushed with arousal. "I swear if this is just some sort of weird Viagra I'm going to murder someone," the black-furred werewolf growled as his hand absent-mindedly rubbed against his throbbing member.

"Well at least we'll have a fun night regard- whoa..." Akki's eyes widened in surprise as her voice dropped slightly and continued to do so as she talked until it reached a natural baritone. "Looks like these pills really do something after all! I have to say I sound sexy as hell as a guy, now you say something Furian, I want to hear what you sound like as a girl!"

With a bit more prodding the werewolf started to speak himself, and though at first he couldn't hear a difference with every passing second he could hear the masculinity drain from his voice until it had a very feminine lilt to it. A warm, tingling sensation began to radiate out from his stomach as the hard muscles underneath his black fur began to soften, thinning slightly as he watched the hard canine member in his hand lose several inches while he stroked it. "Okay, if I didn't know what was going on now I would be pissed," he stated as it took shorter strokes to reach the tip of his member.

"Hey, I think I'm taller than you now!" Akki said as she pressed herself up against the changing male, seeing that instead of having to crane her head to meet his gaze they were now eye-to-eye with her having to tilt her head down a little. "This is so cool! I can't wait for the rest of the changes to happen!"

Just as Furian was about to remark that he was surprised she hadn't started to grow her own maleness yet, the Samoyed let out a low groan and her hands shot to her groin. Her already wet snatch had started to shift up since they had gotten naked, and as they both watched the feminine mounds between her legs began to smooth out. Suddenly Akki grunted as between her hands something began to push its way out of the slit, the extremely distinctive head of a canine cock grew outwards as it merged with her clit. Soon hers was almost as big as what Furian had, though as his continued to lose length and thickness hers seemed to gain it.

"Oh God, it's everything I imagined it to be and more," Akki panted as she stroked her new sex organ, one hand playing against her nipples. "I cannot wait to stick this in you Furian."

Though Furian was panting too hard he would have reciprocated if he could have, but his attention was drawn more to the mounds of flesh that expanded underneath his palms as he felt intense arcs of pleasure from them. His new breasts had already reached A-cups by the time he realized they were pushing out his fur, and the second he grabbed them his tail whipped around in lustful abandon as what remained of his own cock retreated between his legs. It wasn't until it began to actually push up into his own body did he draw his attention back down there, his hand gripping the flat front of his groin before his fingers curled up and pushed themselves into the growing virgin opening.

"Akki, I can't wait any longer," Furian groaned as they looked at each other with growing desire. "I don't care if we're not done changing yet, I need something inside me right now." Akki let out a yelp as she was thrown down on the bed, the werewolf grinning almost manically as his gaze looked at the growing cock between the white-furred legs of the former female while he licked his muzzle. "And I know exactly what I want it to be."

Their furry forms pressed together as their muzzles meet in an intense kiss; the Samoyed still on her back as Furian straddled his hips around her. Even though they were well into the throes of their transformation, the werewolf still retained enough of his masculine features to look strange with a very feminine sex between his legs and a small but growing set of breasts on his chest. But Furian wasn't to be denied, and Akki had no compulsion to stop him as he slowly pressed his newly-formed femsex against the four-inch length. As soon as they connected, though, the growing cock surged another inch in length that caused the head to push inside Furian, which almost caused him to fall over from the sudden penetration.

As Furian's legs trembled from the sudden pleasure the muscle in them thinned slightly as they grew the feminine curves that were lost from the Samoyed below him. "Perhaps... perhaps I should be on top while we change?" Akki asked with a sheepish grin as she watched the werewolf's new breasts begin to inch towards her face. "At least I can use my arms to prop myself up if the sensations become too intense and it would be easier for me to pull out."

The changing werewolf shook his head as he felt the cock inside his femsex continue to push up inside him despite neither of them moving. At his estimation the former female now had an eight-inch tool throbbing between her legs, something that the website said would be standard if not a little high on the length end. He knew the pills had been properly proportioned so that he could handle it, though, and after a deep breath he slid himself down another few inches on the thick tool that caused them both to squirm in the bed. It was Akki that had enough first and reached out to grab Furian by the hips to get him to stop, and as she did her arms thickened with new muscle that matched her new masculine form as they both panted.

As the two allowed their bodies to get used to one another, they took stock of their transformations, which had reached their zenith while they were in the throes of pleasure. The lumps on Furian's chest had blossomed out to a decent pair of nearly d-cup breasts under his pelt of black fur that jiggled only slightly with each breath, his flat stomach lead down to the feminine lips that were stretched with the several inches of cock that had remained there as his sleek curves led all the way down to his feet. On the other side Akki's purple-furred hands and feet looked out-of-place on her new body, her own breasts replaced with firm pectorals and the slight hint of a six-pack and the thick purple cock that remained fully erect beneath it. Had anyone looked in that moment they would have thought a male Samoyed and female werewolf were going at it, which caused them both to laugh despite themselves.

"Maybe we'll do a restart," Furian finally relented, amazed at his new voice as he slid himself off of Akki's cock and flopped down on the bed. "Alright Akki, let's see you put that cock to work."

The newly minted male needed little else in the way of encouragement as she pushed the werewolf over onto his back and crawled over him. With the initial rush of lust and pleasure from their changing sex organs over, they were free to enjoy themselves more fully and to explore each other's body, which each of them did as their muzzles met in a kiss. Furian felt his body shiver as his breasts were expertly squeezed and kneaded to draw out a muffled moan of pleasure from him as his hands explored the other canine's new muscles.

"I have to say that while I was hoping for just the dick, I am rather impressed with the complete package," Akki confessed once they broke their embrace. "How about you, any buyer's remorse as of yet?"

"Only if we stopped here," Furian replied with a smirk, his usual cockiness unchanged by the shift in gender as their new bodies rubbed against one another. Akki smiled back and leaned her head down, and before the werewolf could ask what she was doing he felt his back arch as her tongue played against his highly sensitive nipples. "Wow, that is intense..."

"And it's only just begun," Akki stated before she gave it another lick, playfully nuzzling up and down the furred breast before her tongue once more swirled around the sensitive nub. She enjoyed the feel of the feminine body underneath her masculine form as her muzzle slowly pushed harder to take in more of the pert mound of flesh. When the pleasure became too much Furian tried to push her off, only to find her hands around his wrists and pinned to his sides. Finally the werewolf let out a sharp gasp as the other canine quickly drew off her sensitive flesh with one last swirl of her tongue.

Once they both had a second to catch their breath again, Furian let out a small yelp of surprise when he suddenly felt something press between the feminine folds between his legs. His toes curled as Akki gently pressed a finger inside, feeling the new muscles squeeze tightly around the digit as she slowly swirled it around. The werewolf let out a series of short gasps as his new hole was penetrated with a finger, then two as the walls were massaged and rubbed against to prepare for what was to come. "You're really good at that," Furian huffed as his fingers gripped the bed.

"You could say that I know what a woman wants," Akki replied playfully as she slid her fingers out, ready to replace them with something else. "You ready for the main event?"

Furian nodded enthusiastically, his feminine body supercharged from their foreplay. Every touch on his body caused a shiver down his new form, especially when his breasts and pussy continued to get teased by the Samoyed's actions. Both Akki and Furian let out small gasps of pleasure as her cock lined up with his femsex. She bit her lip slightly as her new sensitive member began to push into the werewolf's soft folds, the masculine canine form pressed against Furian's as the head of her member slowly slid inside. Despite the intensity of the stimulation Akki managed to keep it slow and controlled as she deflowered her male friend's snatch.

"Woah!" Furian called out as he felt the other canine slip slightly and slide in a full two inches all at once, which caused him to press his legs around the hard muscles of Akki's sides to keep her at bay. "Sorry... it's just that was rather fast."

"What's that, the big bad werewolf wants me to slow down?" Akki commented, though she was panting as hard as Furian was as she took her hand and squeezed on Furian's breast once again. "Just teasing, though I have to say that this is shaping up to be one of the best ideas we've had for a weekend activity. How are you doing with your new lady parts?"

Furian was about to respond when Akki caused him to let out a sharp gasp as the Samoyed started to slide into him once again. "You are quite bold as a dude," the black-furred werewolf commented with a fanged grin as his hands gripped the wrists of his partner. "I like it."

Akki just grinned as she pressed her cock even deeper inside him, this time more relentless than before. Furian's breath caught deeply in his throat as he was penetrated so thoroughly by his formerly female friend, Akki's male form hanging over him as he looked down at his own heaving breasts. Despite all their attention being focused on the femsex between his legs, the mounds of flesh continued to send micro-tremors of pleasure down into his body with their movements. Between that and the massive wave of lustful bliss of a cock entering him vaginally for the first time, his fingers were twisted into the sheets he laid on as the Samoyed let out a loud grunt.

For a few seconds Akki stopped, and Furian wondered why until he realized that their groins were flush against one another. They had done it. The werewolf had taken the entirety of a male cock in a female sex he had just grown a short time ago, while his friend had experienced what it was like to have a male sex that she pushed completely into a female pussy. Unlike the last time; however, there was nothing to stop them from continuing onward and Akki almost immediately began to pull herself out with slow, but precise movements. As soon as she was about halfway out, she thrusted her cock into him once more, which caused him to gasp as his walls clamped down on the impaling member.

For a few minutes they continued with this rhythm, though as Akki got more used to her male organs she grew bolder and slid her cock out further with each thrust. Eventually she managed to get all the way to the tip before she pushed in hard, the bed creaking beneath the two as the pounding grew harder. Before the Samoyed could get too far, though, Furian put his hands on her muscular chest and motioned for her to stop, then with his legs still wrapped around her waist, rolled them over until Akki was the one on her back with her purple-furred paws pressed against the werewolf's chest.

"I think it's finally time for me to take the driver's wheel," Furian said with a fanged smirk, still just as fierce as when he had been a male as his hands pressed against her chest. Despite the semi-awkward roll, he had managed to keep Akki's cock inside his pussy, and once they had settled in he tried moving himself up the thick spire of flesh embedded inside him. The male body beneath him squirmed slightly as Akki experienced a new version of male pleasure while Furian slid his snatch up and down her pole.

As Furian began to develop a motion, he was suddenly surprised when he felt a pair of hands reach up and grab his ample breasts. Looking down he saw Akki laying there with a smirk on her face and her fingers caressing his hard nipples. Furian had to bite his lip not to shout as he was enveloped with pleasure from two fronts now, though his hands on Akki's chest began to do the same with her nipples. Though she lacked the breasts of her former form, the ministrations still caused Akki to shudder and buck in pleasure, which only caused her cock to push deeper inside the werewolf on top of her.

Their sexual escapades continued until finally Furian felt his friend tense up between his legs, and a few seconds later she buried her cock deep inside him as she came. At the same time the werewolf, who had likewise never experienced an orgasm in that particular gender, clamped his entire feminine form down on the other canine as his first female climax ripped through him. He could feel the maleness inside him shoot several loads of seed inside him, and for the first time since he had bought the pills he was thankful that they were both sterile while in the opposite gender. That feeling was soon replaced by a sharp jolt of pleasure as Akki suddenly pulled out of him, which caused his entire body to shake from the intense sensations it brought.

"Sorry!" Akki said sheepishly as her friend looked at her with murderous intent after the sudden sensory explosion he just received. "I forgot I hate it when guys do that to me, I should have given you some warning or a chance to cool down."

"Well, at least I know I'll never do something like that to another girl again," Furian managed to reply as he flopped down on the bed once his femsex stopped twitching, then turned his head to the still panting male canine. "So... was it everything you thought it would be?"

The Samoyed let out a happy sigh and nodded her head. "Oh yeah," she said contentedly. "All that and a whole lot more. How about you?"

"Oh definitely," Furian said, the two laying there next to one another as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasmic bliss. "So what should we do now?"

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, both of them shrugging their shoulders at each other as they laid there. "Actually... I'm kind of hungry again," Akki finally suggested. "Pizza?"


"I can't believe that we get to be like this for the whole weekend," Furian asked as he stroked Akki's hair while she rested her head on the werewolf's breasts, both canines moving back towards the couch after they shared a shower to clean each other off. "I would have been content with the time we got having sex, but now we get a chance to really experience what it's like with these new... assets. One thing is for sure, I know I'm going to be leaving a very satisfactory review on that website myself."

"Make sure to add that both partners were extremely satisfied with their product and to give them as many stars as you can give them," Akki replied with a giggle that sounded slightly off with her masculine voice, her tail wagging happily. "And this was only the first day, I can't imagine all the fun stuff we can do with each other while the pills last. Do you think they'll last the entire weekend including the holiday?"

Furian nodded in reply and continued to flip through the channels while they waited for their food. Every once in a while he would look down at his smooth groin and couldn't help but run a hand down the mounds of flesh on his chest and the flat expanse of his groin where the feminine folds were nestled between his legs. While it was still strange not to have anything protruding there, he knew that it would come back by Monday, and then after that perhaps a recurrent order would be in their future. As he looked over at his friend, he could tell she had similar feelings as he caught her hand drifting towards her cock, which had grown half-hard despite their most recent lovemaking.

A knock at the door caused them both to look up towards it, hearing the fur on the other side announce that they were there with the food they had ordered. Whether it had been from the transformation, the intense sex, or both, they had been completely famished and food had sounded better and better with each passing second. Once their cleaning had finished, though, they had completely forgotten about it, and as they looked down at their naked bodies, then at the clothing they had pulled off before their transformation. Even though they had traded genders and body types, neither of them had changed their heights or weights enough to fit into one another's clothes.

When there was a second knock Furian shouted for the delivery guy to wait, then the two quickly scrambled to their feet and tried on their clothes. After nearly a minute Akki found himself with the easier of the two outfits, and once she had finished putting them on, she looked up and nearly bursted out laughing. Furian had managed to get her panties on, though a bit tight with his still large, albeit feminine form, but was still messing with trying to get the bra around his chest to secure his tits. "I think I got this one," Akki stated as she took the credit card and went to the door to pay for their food.

Furian stripped back down in a huff and stayed out of sight while his friend made the transaction, then closed the door and set the boxes down on the table. "So how was your first time interacting with another guy as a guy?" he asked as he opened up one of the boxes and began to eat. "Like every other time, or was it strange for you?"

"Well, I think either he was gay or I still have my feminine charm about me, because he looked like he wanted to ask me for my number," Akki admitted, which caused them both to chuckle. "Of course it still wasn't nearly as awkward as you trying to put that bra around your chest. If you have a pair of sweats we can both fit into we could go down to the mall and pick ourselves up for some clothes for the rest of the weekend... as well as for when we do this again."

"When we do this again, you say?" Furian cooed as he walked up to the Samoyed and stuck his hand down the slightly loose-fitting pants, feeling the spire of flesh trapped within begin to harden as his thin fingers wrapped around it. "Sounds like someone is getting used to having something hanging between their legs. Of course I can't say that I'm complaining, either."

Akki squirmed slightly as her maleness was fondled by the amorous female werewolf that stood before her, which prompted her to let the confining garment slide off of her frame. "Well there's still so much that we can try," she managed to say between gasps. "Not only just us as the opposite gender but maybe... perhaps we can try a few things with one of us still as their own. You know, maybe a little guy on guy or girl on girl action. Of course that's only if you want to."

Furian responded by leaning in and wrapping his arms around her thick neck, their muzzles pressed together in a deep kiss. When the Samoyed moaned and groaned that there must have been something in the pills because she was already horny again, Furian just responded with a laugh. As the werewolf took Akki by the hand and began to lead her back into the bedroom, his other hand fondling his own breast, he knew that they both had to learn about one another's gender. Luckily for the both of them they were very eager to learn...

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