An Unexpected Surprise Party: Part Three

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of An Unexpected Surprise Party

What do you get for the person who really likes rubber and doesn't have enough of it? Renzyl knows, and is always willing to help a fellow enthusiast in need of a little pick me up on a special occasion. ;)

Commissioner wishes to remain anonymous

Edited by texotic

Ryan felt all his senses spin for a few seconds after he passed through the doorway that had been the entrance to the Collector's cabin. When the feeling of vertigo passed, he found that not only the cabin, but the entire snowy scene had disappeared into a room built from black stone. Scythe and Renzyl stepped off the platform, Ryan still draped over the horned lizard's shoulders, and moved into the next room before the rubber dragon told him to set him down on one of the overstuffed latex lounge chairs. "Well, as much fun as I'm sure our guest is having, I would like him to have the ability to move for his big gift. If you could please disrobe him from your suit, it would be most helpful." Renzyl instructed.

Scythe nodded as he moved over Ryan and used his four arms and began to pull the snake suit from his body. Despite the incredible suction he had felt, the rubber slid off of the human's body like he had been covered in lube, and when he looked down at himself he found that the rubber straps on his legs and arms had vanished, too. The only thing that remained on him was the shiny black speedo, which tented slightly as the slick material was pulled completely off of him. Once he had completely shed the latex skin, Scythe took the suit in his upper arms and shook Ryan's hands with his lower pair, thanking him for the company before he turned and disappeared into thin air.

"He really did want you to stay with him it seems," Renzyl mused as Ryan tested his arms and legs to make sure he remembered how to use them. "Oh well, perhaps somewhere there's a version of this where you went with him, but I have to say that I'm delighted you chose to see what I have planned for you. I think you're going to enjoy this. It tickled me when I thought of it, so I can only imagine what it'll be like for you."

Ryan just nodded as he was helped up by the large creature to his feet, then escorted through the building. His head was still spinning as he tried to get a grasp of his situation, especially when he started to see other rubbery reptiles that seemed to loiter about the hallways he walked down. All of them gave him a hungry look as they passed, but none of them seemed to get within a certain distance from the dragon he assumed was their master. This revelation caused him to keep close to the rubber demon, since it appeared if he ever got lost without him, he wouldn't be human for very long.

Eventually the two walked outside and Ryan had to shield his face from the sun as they ventured into a verdant backyard surrounded by shrubs and trees. Latex lizardmen played various lawn games while others just lounged out in the sun as Renzyl beckoned him forward, past a large building where he could hear splashing and into an arboretum. "We just installed that pool a short while ago for a guest we had," Renzyl explained as he opened the wrought iron gate and let Ryan pass. "You'd think it was Christmas, they just love it."

"That's... understandable I guess," Ryan managed to reply as he raised an eyebrow. If he hadn't known any better he would think he was just being given a tour of the place, albeit one in a rubber speedo, until he stepped foot inside the huge garden. His jaw dropped slightly at the lush synthetic flora that surrounded him, some of it moving towards him as Renzyl stepped in behind him and closed the gate. "Whoa..."

"My minions do good work," Renzyl explained as he ushered him forward. "I didn't have much in the way of horticultural expertise, which was all given to one of my brothers. Still, with a little living rubber and a lot of imagination they have created some impressive things here. One in particular is where we'll be heading, a flower I think you'll enjoy quite a bit."

Ryan continued to watch the flowers around him as they made their way back towards an area where a number of flower beds had been planted. The human wandered over and looked at one that kind of reminded him of a venus flytrap, and just as it tried to lunge forward and engulf him, he felt a strong hand grab him by the shoulder and pull him backwards. When he looked back he saw the demon dragon there with a small smirk on his muzzle as he shook his head and kept him down the pathway. Eventually the two stood in the middle of a field of grass, which felt rather pleasant under Ryan's feet as he inquired to where the flower was.

"Oh, it hasn't grown yet," Renzyl explained as he pulled out a rubber hood that looked similar to the draconic one Ryan had been gifted on his birthday, save for a few additional features such as the pair of hoses that were connected to the muzzle. "You see, what I really needed you here for is because this area of the garden has a very thin barrier to the rest of the nexus realm, one that with the proper care can be overlapped with an area of my choice. Now, since I knew you were coming, I have taken great care in order to get this spot to be the same as a spot in your world for when you got here."

"I don't... I don't understand," Ryan replied in confusion as he looked down in the ground. "We came all the way to your realm just for you to send me back?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes," Renzyl stated before he took the rubber hood and pulled it quickly over the human's head, engulfing him in darkness before the lenses lined up with his eyes and he could see again. "You see, the pollen of the particular plant is rather sensitive, there's no way it can survive travel between the nexus realms, so I have to bring you to it first in order to let it convert you. Then once you're completely infested, we'll move on to your proper birthday party, all I need you to do is take a deep breath in..."

Ryan felt the rubber around his face contract slightly as he took a deep lungful of air, though as it passed through his nostrils and mouth he noticed it had a floral scent to it that he couldn't recognize. After the first few breaths, he sensed his entire face and throat go numb, and after a few seconds the rest of his body began to feel like it was floating. At first he thought he was going to fall over, but the longer he stood there and breathed in that relaxing scent, the easier it seemed for him to remain upright. He could feel his head begin to shift as his human skull softened and began to reform to the parameters of the rubber mask. As the black material began to ooze down from the seam, he quickly felt his own nose bump against the tip of the hood, then merge with it as the rubber of his speedo began to tent.

When the tingling sensation began to grow more intense, Ryan's head looked lazily over to where Renzyl stood, only to find himself completely alone. He tried to move back towards the pathway and found himself unable to take a step, and after a few attempted he looked down to see why. A loud, muffled gasp escaped from his gas mask as he saw his bare feet had turned completely shiny and black up to his ankle. His toes had thickened and grew downward, and he could feel them rooted deeply into the ground as his legs began to fuse together.

As Ryan tried to call out for someone to help him, the increased inhalation caused more spores to be pumped through his mask as the pleasant buzz of lust continued. The canisters attached to the hoses of the mask detached, and the snake-like tubes moved of their own accord back up his body. Their ends attached to one of the growing patches of black rubber that spread over the human's skin as the shiny substance condensed and dripped down his body, and as it did Ryan let out a grunt of pleasure as two vibrantly-colored, multihued flowers grew out from his shoulders where they anchored themselves. His body grew wet and sticky as the spores continued to infest and change him, more flowers sprouting out of his rubberized skin, which caused a burst of pleasure with each bloom.

Ryan continued to wiggle where he had been rooted as the rubber flowers grew on his body, but now it was more from the blissful sensations his stimulated body was producing. His hands reached down to grab his completely erect cock, which had lengthened considerably as bright green latex covered it until it was a nearly two foot long tentacle, and as soon as his arms touched his sides, they bonded to the sticky substance like glue. Before he could even move, the gaps between his appendages were smoothed over into a single layer of thick latex, his legs having already followed suit until it was a solid, black trunk. Ryan soon found himself unable to bend much more than his upper body as the liquid rubber continued to coalesce around him until only a vague outline of his human form remained with a draconic-masked head on top.

The completely encased human could feel that this transformation was different than the others, not only in his completely transformed head, but also throughout his entire body. The rubber that had normally covered his skin seemed to seep into it, transforming him inside and out as it grew thicker around his form. His arms and hands wiggled slightly against his sides as he continued to try to reach for the vine cock that grew out from his groin, but soon the only sign he even had arms in the first place were small bumps on the sides of his stalk-like body as the sensations of the appendages spread out to the rest of his body.

As time passed his form became almost indistinguishable from the thick trunk of rubber that had formed around him, save for his new draconic gas-mask head that could only swing from side to side to look around. Then Ryan began to feel strange, his lust-soaked mind began to instinctively comprehend what he had become. He could feel his latex roots try to spread out and corrupt the surrounding ground while the large, different colored flowers that grew on the upper half of his body began to excrete a latex spore similar to the ones that were given to him. Besides the singular need to be given pleasure, there was another growing desire that took root in his mind, the need to spread himself out, to lure others to him so that he may give him the same gift he had been given...

"I do apologize for stepping away for that moment," Renzyl said behind Ryan, who was able to snap his entire head around in a complete circle to look at the grinning demon. "I wanted to makes sure that you were transplanted to the right location at the right time, and it took a bit of a personal touch to make sure everything was properly aligned. How are you feeling?"

Even if Ryan had the capacity to respond to Renzyl, his mind was so soaked in lust he wouldn't have been able to form proper words. His entire body felt sensitive, especially his new tentacle cock and the different-covered flowers that were spread out over his stalk of a body. As Renzyl walked over and caressed one of the petals while he sniffed it, his entire body twitched as an electric shock of pleasure coursed through his body. The dragon reached out his arm and watched as the tentacle wrapped around it before it shrank back into the stalk itself.

"It appears my snapdragon spores have fully integrated with your system," Renzyl explained as he backed away once more. "Now that the birthday boy is prepared, I think it's time for you to make your party. I know it's probably hard for you to comprehend at the moment with the intense desire you feel, but just let your body guide you and everything is going to be a lot of fun."

Renzyl watched as his newest creation began to turn semi-translucent, then disappear completely from the area. Once he vanished completely, he looked at the two lizardman mages with gasmasks on, who nodded and gave him a thumbs-up, before he looked down at the electronic device that Scythe had taken from the human's room once he had captured him. "Of course what is a party without guests," he mused with a smirk as he opened up the contacts. "Do we have names to go with our surprise party participants tonight?"

"Yes Master Renzyl," one of the lizardman replied. "Chrono found the group that was connected with our plantified friend and located three that would fit the bill quite nicely. While they were all within the parameters, those three met the criteria for susceptibility that you wanted."

The lizardmen gave Renzyl the names that had been researched, and one by one the rubber dragon found them, then put them into a group chat. Once it appeared it was ready, he typed in a rather simple message, as well as coordinates, before he hit send. "It really is a shame that humans repress their desires so deeply," he commented as he tossed the phone back to the lizardmen. "I think our young Ryan is going to have quite the fun time uprooting them though."


As the moon peaked out from behind the clouds, a group of three moved their way through the thick underbrush. "I'm telling you, this is where he said to go in his text," one of the two guys said as he stared down at the lit screen of his phone. "Said he had some sort of surprise that he wanted us to help him on."

"I can't believe he just wanted us three to go," the only female of the group said as she hugged her petite arms to her chest. "If it was something he wanted us to move or something he should have gotten all of us. Plus it's cold, and I was just starting to warm up by the fire. Someone had better not have taken my seat when we get back either, because the smoke had finally stopped blowing in my face."

"Relax babe," the taller of the two men said as he draped his arm around her. "No one is going to take your seat, and until then I'll keep you warm." The other guy just sighed and rolled his eyes as he continued to push his way through the bushes until they finally entered a clearing. When the navigator looked down at his phone, he saw that they were right at the coordinates that they had been texted, but their friend was nowhere to be found.

"That's odd," he said as the couple started to move around to investigate the open area while he checked the GPS on his phone. "This is the exact spot he texted us. All I can say is this better not be some sort of prank for missing his birthday last week, we said we were going to make it up to him today..."

A sudden shout caused the male to look up, then run towards the crest of the hill where his two friends stood. When he got there he saw that both of them had a look of stunned shock on their face, the girl's hands up to her face to cover her mouth. As he looked down into the shallow depression in the earth he saw why, his own jaw dropping slightly when he saw the large flower in the middle of it. The entire plant shined unnaturally in the light, like it was artificial as the three slowly made their way down towards it. What caused them the most shock was the how the whole thing looked, the head at the end of the flower looked almost draconic in nature, and as they got closer to inspect it, the vague features of a humanoid form were within it.

"You don't think..." the girl asked before her boyfriend shook his head.

"No way Ryan would go this far," he replied. "Plus if this is some sort of prank then I don't get it, he put a fake rubber flower here and what, thinks we're going to get freaked out?"

"It smells nice though," the female replied as she approached one of the flowers and pressed her hand against one of the petals, only to back away slightly when the entire thing twitched. "You don't think anyone's inside there right now, do you?" The two guys shook their head and after a bit of debate on who was going to do it, the lone man was outvoted by the couple. Once he had taken a few deep breaths to steady himself, he slowly reached up to the outline of the chest in the stem and pressed his hand against it, and aside from another twitch he couldn't feel anything there that signified a living person within. This was enough for the other two who breathed a sigh of relief, one of them pulling out his phone to text the rest of their group while the girl leaned into smell the bright red flower.

A few seconds later both males heard a muffled gasp and they turned to see the girl struggling, the petals completely closed around her head as she tried to pull herself away from the stalk. As her boyfriend tried to run to her he fell over onto the ground, phone skittering out of his hands as he felt something strong hold his feet into place. When he looked down he saw that shiny tentacles had already completely crawled over his feet and started to wrap around his legs, only growing faster as he tried to shake them off. "Dude, help!" he shouted at the other male, who stood there frozen in place in sheer terror. "Get these things off of me!"

As the other two continued to struggle, the other male finally started to move, only to start to back away from the scene before him. The second he started to run away the draconic head of the flower arced down and several of the flowers pointed at the fleeing male. The guy suddenly felt several prickling sensations in his back as the flower shot needles at him, and everywhere they stuck suddenly became numb as he tumbled to the ground. When he fell downward those needles softened and slithered inside him as the tingling sensation continued to spread.

"What the hell are you doing over there?" the root-bound male shouted as he watched his friend begin to disrobe in a frenzy. A sudden noise turned his attention back towards his girlfriend, and for a second he thought the flower had started to hurt her, but his mouth dropped open in shock when she appeared to no longer be fighting against the flower, but pressing her body against it. Thick, bright red ooze seemed to drip down from where the petals met her neck, and as he looked down, his surprise turned to horror as the front of her tight jeans began to fill out with a noticeable bulge.

Meanwhile, the male that had fallen farther away had completely disrobed as his entire skin felt unpleasantly hot underneath him; a thin sheen of sweat formed on his naked skin as his clothes fell away from his body. As soon as he was fully naked, the heat that radiated from him turned from uncomfortable to pleasant, pleasurable almost as he sat there. For a few seconds he sat and wondered why he was sitting out there in the middle of the night, and as he turned back to the flower and the sight of his two friends trapped, he remembered he needed to get help! But as he turned to run, he stopped after only a step as he struggled to remember exactly what help he needed as he rubbed his hand against the back of his neck where the flesh had turned unnaturally shiny and smooth.

The other male continued to try and untangle the shiny, unnatural vines that had started to slither up his pants when he noticed the semi-changed female had stood up. The flower that surrounded her head detached completely from the stalk, save for a thin tentacle of black as it began to move towards him. By now the shiny red liquid had completely coated her naked upper body, though to call it female at this point would have been a misnomer. The normally voluptuous breasts the male had prized had completely melted away, replaced with a set of hard pectorals and hard six-pack that rivaled his own. The former female also seemed to rival him elsewhere as her pants strained to contain her, until she took her new muscular, clawed arms and simply ripped the waistline apart to expose a thick, rubber, tentacle cock.

"Babe?" the restrained male asked in shock as the top-heavy, rubber covered human continued to move. He tried to struggle out of the way as the creature that had once been his girlfriend knelt down beside him, and as she did the flower petals that had surrounded her head bloomed and caused him to scream. Her head had been completely changed to that of a reptilian; her shiny red scales glinting in the moonlight as she looked at him with blank latex orbs for eyes.

"Relax hon," the transformed human said in a very masculine tone as it grabbed him and brought him to his feet with surprising strength. "I see now what is happening and I love it! To be coated in such shiny, slick rubber, it was something we secretly desired but pushed away because we wanted to be part of the group. Now Ryan had shown me what I have been truly missing... just like what he will do for you."

Once again the male tried to let out a cry for help but it was quickly silenced as the flower lizardman pressed his muzzle against the human's mouth. By this time any femininity had been completely erased by the cascade of rich red and shiny latex, her human flesh coated completely from head to toe. Her jeans had been shredded by the explosive growth of her powerful thighs and thick toes. The female human was no longer female nor human, instead was a red-scaled lizardman that took the still tentacle-bound male and positioned him in front of the flower where the outline of a humanoid torso was.

The restrained human once more tried to wiggle away, but as something began to drip from his nose and mouth he found the fight had started to drain away from his limbs and his head grew fuzzy. As he was being positioned by the rubber creature, he felt movement over to his left and looked over to see his other friend, completely naked with bright blue latex spreading out over his skin. "I understand it..." the enthralled human muttered as he stood in front of a similarly colored flower that had hit him in the first place, stroking his hard member as he looked up at it in awe. "Please take me-"

Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, the blue bulb stretched out and wrapped its petals around his head, drawing him in closer. What sounded like a muffled moans of pure bliss came out from the naked male as his hands pressed against the black stalk of the flower. His untouched cock continued to throb hard as the blue latex on his body spread like wildfire, catalyzed by the influx of spores being fed into his system. All the other male could do was watch as his friend's body stretched and grew, muscles popping and thickening as a scale pattern formed over it. Then, just like it had before, the collar of flowers opened up and a lizardman head let out a hiss as his lengthening vine cock splattered corrupted seed on the stalk and the ground.

Just as the last remaining human wondered if that was about to be the same fate to befall him, his head was turned to see something far different from one of the flower bulbs. It was a thick green vine that wiggled in front of his mouth, which had already started to drool more of the black substance as he knew exactly what it was. His knee-jerk reaction was to try and pull his head away, but as the spores in his brain continued to assimilate and lower his inhibitions, he wondered what it would be like to have such a long, thick, cock-like object pushed into him while he was powerless to resist. The flower that was Ryan watched as the human succumbed to what had been inside him all along, the desire to be bound in thick rubber just like he was.

The red rubber lizardman began to strip the enthralled male of his clothes as the vine cock began to push its way past the human's lips. All the human could do was kneel there as it began to stretch his maw, slowly at first, but then with growing insistence. At first he thought he was going to choke but as the seconds past and the tentacle pushed further into his throat, he realized his gag reflex had completely disappeared. A sweet substance that coated the cock began to flow into him, Ryan releasing the seed carried with him that traveled down his rubber member. At the same time he mentally ordered the red lizardman to prep the other end, which the newly minted male was more than happy to do as it stroked its own vine cock.

Ryan watched as the male's eyes rolled back into his head from the sheer bliss he was experiencing as patches of black rubber began to appear on the exposed flesh of the human. If he could have smiled he would have, as soon as the three breathed in his spores he knew they were his and that he could spread his seed into them. While the other two made fitting caretakers for their garden, he knew the muscular male whose throat he was stretching out lewdly would greatly enjoy similar treatment he had gotten. Those thoughts were confirmed when the blue-scaled lizardman came over and removed the last of the clothing while the red-scaled male began to spread its secretions against the tight hole it had exposed, the human's cock fully erect and dripping black-tainted pre onto the ground.

As the vine slid in and out of the human's maw he could feel the tingling in his face increase, though he was momentarily distracted by the hard thrust of another male behind him. His entire body was so soaked in pleasure though he hardly cared, in fact the second cock slithering past his anal walls was the heavenly touch his rewritten brain didn't even know it wanted until that second. As he was penetrated from both ends, he could feel something growing inside his stomach, and when he was able to look down at his naked form he saw that his entire chest and stomach were covered in shiny, black latex. The abs and pectorals he had prided himself on were now obscured by a thick layer of rubber that seemed to grow even more as his body rocked back and forth between the two creatures.

Once he knew it was time, Ryan mentally commanded the red-scaled lizardman to pull out, black latex cum dribbling out of the stretched hole before the rubberized human was brought up into a kneeling position. He watched as the tentacles that had been converting his flesh and bone to synthetic plant material began to grow outwards, sprouting from his legs and wrapping around where his own roots had taken hold. The human's already distended face grew more reptilian by the second as it was frozen in a look of pure pleasure, then the mouth sealed shut as a hardened covering just like Ryan's own grew over it. As the two mobile flower lizards stepped back, the untouched, still human cock began to spurt heavy jets of ever-darkening seed as the flesh turned green and grew outwards until it was able to wrap around the other vine cock. Slightly smaller flowers grew out from the shorter snapdragon as the rubber completely encased his body until it was a nearly featureless stalk, just like Ryan's.

Meanwhile, Renzyl watched from his realm as the four rubber snapdragons began to pleasure one another by rubbing their shiny bodies and cocks, then turned and began to walk away as the other two lizardmen looked at the portal. "Should we pull them back to the garden, Master Renzyl?" one of them asked, which prompted the demonic dragon to turn around and look at them.

"Ah, let them stay in their own realm for a while," Renzyl replied as his smirk grew. "They're not going to go anywhere and actively try to convert anyone. Besides, all the spores they're creating will only attract those who happen to have an affinity towards rubber, so if anyone does get lured in, it's going to be a treat for them. That will make it an unexpected surprise party for both the guests and the host..."

An Unexpected Surprise Party: Part One

Ryan sighed as he walked through the thinning crowds of the city, the streetlamps illuminating his path above him. He had just come out of the restaurant where he celebrated his birthday alone, his meal punctuated by texts from his phone from various...

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Walking A Night in Another Gender

"I dunno Furian, sometimes I feel like I have a dick," the white and purple-furred female Samoyed stated simply as she laid there with her head on the black-furred werewolf's lap, whose eye raised up slightly in curiosity as he looked down at her. They...

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Turnabout is Fair Play

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