C: Research Project

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#28 of Commissioned

(I did not write this story, please read below on the credits for this)

So Bucephalus had come up to me and asked if he could use Renzyl in a story that he wanted to write as a spiritual successor to my work Independent Study it was a request I was more then happy to grant. I have to say I am rather pleased with what he did with him. I always enjoy seeing people draw or write about Renzyl and I think this one captures his spirit rather well. From what I saw on the comments a lot of other people enjoyed it as well, and in the end that is what Renzyl is for.

While Bucephalus gave me permission to repost I would highly recommend going back and showing the original some love too:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22036980/

Story written by Bucephalus

Guest appearance by techcoyote259

"Still researching?" the blue coyote asked. "I thought your presentation was finished, Beau."

"It is. You were there Tec," came the irritable reply from the black jackal at the computer.

"Just making sure my memory is still working. I noticed that you're still in costume."

Beau absently rubbed the stylized Eye of Horus design wreathing his eye. "Yeah. The fur dye is... more resilient than I anticipated."

"It really added a lot to the presentation, you know," Tec said, sitting down next to him. "I don't think anyone is going to top having Anubis come in and talk about the role the Egyptian Pantheon played in their cultural development. You really committed to that character, you know."

"Yeah, had to find some way to make this fun." Beau still seemed distant, distressing his friend.

"And the black fur looks quite flattering on you. It's a bit plain, though. Could use a few stripes or something."

"Hmph. I'll be sure to consult you during my next makeover."

Tec decided to opt for a more direct approach. "Okay look, I know that those two disappearing has us all a little rattled, but you've been taking this really hard. Do you wanna like, talk about anything?"

"No. I just need to get back to work."

"Okay, fine. So, what is it you're working on?"

"It's... another history project."

Tec glanced at the screen, recognizing the project that was there. "Oh come on man, you can't dwell on this so much. They're going to find those guys and everything will be fine. Why is it so important to you anyway? I never thought you were even that close to them. Seriously, what's your deal?"

"Well, we weren't close, but... there was something else."

"Such as?"

"I never talked about this, with anyone. I don't know if I ever planned to. Since it's you though..."

Tec sat down next to him, noting that this was difficult for his friend to say.

"I'd thought for a long time about my, you know, preference? I've never really had it 'click' with a girl, and I'm starting to doubt if that's just the usual 'girl problems' thing. It occurs to me that yeah, if the right guy came along I might have a go. I was open to it I guess. I... thought that Grant might've been that guy. Right about the time that I was working up the nerve to tell him about this I started to notice how he was going all nutso over that damn hyena. So I just kinda... let it drop. I never said a thing to him or anyone else. We drifted apart some after that. I couldn't really face him. Had I known that my opportunity to tell him was so limited I might've handled things differently."

"Oh, oh wow. I uh, never knew you were like that, about guys. You know I-"

"Not about guys, Tec," Beau snapped. "Just about him."

"Okay fine," he said, slightly rebuffed by the interruption. "So you had some connection to Grant. How is this helping? Are you just going to dwell on this indefinitely?"

"No! I'm trying to help!" Beau instantly regretted raising his voice, and turned back to the screen to try and get a hold of himself.

"Right then. So, how is Perry's project helping?"

"I think it had something to do with their disappearance," he explained, picking up some of the notes from the table, and flipping to a picture of a drawing depicting a dark, looming reptilian figure with red eyes. "Look here. Perry was researching a lot into the instances of this black dragon creature throughout history. He was definitely onto something with this correlation. I even saw a legend like this pop up in some of the hieroglyphs I was looking over for my project. They called it the 'waker of desire'. The names vary, but this creature shows up all over the place. Its depictions are strikingly similar all across the globe."

"Okay, so you've got this lizard showing up all over the place in Perry's research. How is that connected to them going missing?"

"Well firstly, look at all this stuff! This wasn't him being a hard-working student. He was _obsessed_with this thing! And look here, accompanying each instance of the black dragon was a sudden and unexplained disappearance, sometimes one, sometimes several people. Grant and Perry disappeared while he was in the middle of researching this! I can't accept that this is a coincidence."

"That, that is kinda creepy, actually," Tec admitted. "So have you like, told the cops about this?"

"I mentioned it to the detective that was here last week. Stunningly he didn't think that the possibility of him being kidnapped by evil spirits was terribly relevant. That's why I'm trying to strengthen my case now. If I can find some kind of real, tangible thing in here, something connected to this that might've actually happened, maybe it might provide some insight into where they are now."

"Okay, so you're just going to keep working on this then?"

"Yeah, I'm really starting to think I'm onto something."

"You know how late it is, right?" Tec asked. "That's why I came down here. I was worried about you."

Beau glanced about the empty library, dark except for the desk lamp over all the materials he had spread out all over a nearby table. "That's fine. Means no one will be in my way."

"Yeah, that's just... lovely," Tec sighed. "You wanna take a break, go get something to eat? You've been at this a long time."

"No. I wouldn't be able to get back into the building. Plus I don't want to lose my research mojo. There's a segment in these hieroglyphs about the black dragon that no one has been able to translate so far. It hasn't appeared anywhere else and it's not analogous to any known concept. It might be the proper name for this creature. If I can track all the context cues from the guy who inscribed this stuff then I might be able to lock down all the vowels properly and figure out what this apparition was called. That would make tracking these instances a lot easier. Might lead me to a useful connection that isn't obvious from Perry's work."

"Yeah, fascinating. Well, I'm gonna go and get some sleep. You should do that too. Don't... don't destroy yourself over this. It's not your fault."

"Maybe not, but if there's any chance I can do something about this, I want to."

"Noble of you. Kinda dumb, but noble," he said as he walked away. "Goodnight Bucephalus, steward of Anubis."

"Goodnight," he said, not acknowledging the reference.

Beau's research did indeed go rather well. Perry had uncovered a great deal about this creature, and eventually all the articles and documents wouldn't fit on the table. He started to pin the most relevant depictions and accounts of the creature onto a corkboard as he tried to puzzle it all out.

"Damn Egyptians and their ambiguous vowels. Sure, that first one is probably an 'e' but they're giving me nothing to go on with the second one. Why couldn't they just write everything out explicitly? WHY?" He slammed the book he was reading shut, scattering some of the papers on the table, when suddenly a realization came to him. "Why... Y! 'Y' is a vowel sometimes! That could be it!"

He grabbed one of the scattered papers from the floor and wrote the letters he had on it, filling in the last blank with a Y.

"Yes, this has to be it! Come on, someone else tried to name him, I'm sure of it. Yes, here, this one's in Cyrillic. Damn, did they even have an analog for the letter Y?" He flipped excitedly through the pronunciation guide. "Who cares? This would've been pronounced exactly the same. It has to be correct!"

Beau took the name that he had figured out over to the board and pinned it in the middle. Seeing that tangible sign of his breakthrough steeled his resolve to get to the bottom of this. He glared at the paper, affirming his commitment once more.

"So, you're Renzyl, then. Well you're responsible for this somehow, Renzyl," he said, practically spitting the name. "And I'm going to find out how."

This new revelation didn't bring him the meteoric progress he had expected. He worked long into the night without significant progress. The chaotic mix of languages and cultures made the name he'd worked so hard to find almost entirely useless. He slumped over the table, frustrated, and finally beginning to acknowledge defeat, and his nagging exhaustion. His eyes were weak and achy from the long hours of study.

The next thing he was aware of was a pain in his neck and a strange red light. He lifted his head up from the table, hearing a ripping sound as he did so. Half of a torn book page was stuck to the side of his muzzle. He frustratedly yanked it off as he got up to see what the light was that woke him. He blearily walked over to the corkboard where the light appeared to be coming from. The paper in the center of the board fluttered gently, the ink swirling with eerie red cinders. The glow had an otherworldly quality to it. It tinged the sheen of his freshly-dyed fur, but didn't appear reflect off of anything else in the room. It was as if the light was only real to his eyes. Beau was startled by a deep, commanding voice as he approached.

"You called?"


"Well you didn't complete the summoning ritual the way your predecessor did, but you did call my name. So I answered. My realm is rather short on voicemail machines, you realize."

"Called your name... Renzyl?"

"The very same."

Beau glanced back to the table he had been sitting at. "Oh great. I stayed up too late and fell asleep at my desk. Now I'm having some crazy fever dream about an ancient evil dragon spirit talking to me."

"If it comforts you to believe that, you may do so, and return to your futile search undaunted." The voice stated as Beau turned to sit back down. "But wouldn't you rather this dream of yours be useful to you?

"And what is this dream gonna teach me?"

"The knowledge that you came here to find," purred the ominous voice. "The question that has weighed so heavily on you these past two weeks."

Beau turned back around suddenly. "Grant? You know where he is?"

"I do, and I could show you. If you wish."

The light coming from the page pulsed and roiled as Beau approached it again. "Right, so some supernatural being, who probably kidnapped my friend, is being so very helpful all of a sudden. You'll excuse me for not trusting you instantly."

"As I said, you are free to decline and I will trouble you no further. But Grant is important to you, isn't he? And it looks like I'm the only help you're going to get in your valiant search. Can you really afford to turn down what might be your only chance to find him?"

"Damn." Beau steeled his resolve and approached the glowing page once more. "Alright, fine. Tell me what happened to Grant."

"Tell you? Oh that's simply no fun at all."

"Well, what then?"

There was a knowing laugh from the page before him. By then the whole paper was consumed with the dazzling flame-like glow. "Gaze into my portal, and I shall show you what you seek."

"Alright, what have I got to lose?"

Beau took a closer look at the eerily glowing page, waiting for some kind of image to form out of the swirling colors. His eyes followed the patterns as they flowed back and forth, but nothing recognizable ever emerged from them. As he watched them longer though, he suddenly found an image jumping to his mind. He didn't see it with his eyes, but a clear visual was taking shape in his mind as if it were a newly-formed memory. A hallway he recognized. It was in a nearby building, by the campus store. There was a pair of stout, gray-furred arms sticking out in front of him. He staggered backwards, the image seeming so foreign to him. Yet there was something about it...

"Is there a problem?" the voice hissed.

"No, it- no. I'm fine."

Beau looked back to the swirling colors on the page, trying to convince himself that it was just a fluke, but the strange images returned. He was walking through a hallway on campus, still seeing those unfamiliar arms in the periphery of his vision. He could feel his body as it moved, but his efforts to stop walking or even turn his head were useless. Walking by a classroom door with a window he caught a quick glimpse of his reflection.

"I... I'm Grant," he breathlessly whispered as he continued to stand there, captivated by the red glow. The glimpse of the wolf's face in the memory had made it clear to him.

"Now you're catching on."

As if that realization was what Renzyl was waiting for, the images in Beau's mind suddenly sped up to a blinding pace. There was a confusing jumble of sensations and images all coming together at the same time. He couldn't follow the narrative anymore. There were just a bunch of strange flashes of clarity amidst the torrent of thought. He was enveloped by a dark cloud, and then suddenly that cloud was within him. It was a strangely welcome sensation, the power that had seized him. He could feel his body seething with its otherworldly strength as he talked to Perry. The flashes were strange then, more power surging within him, begging to escape, his skin crawling like another body was struggling to burst out of his own, and a persistent, driving heat that made him dizzy with euphoria through it all. Something clear and concrete struck him through the whole confusing storm as his mouth formed the words.

"I just wanted to say I really like you, and if you'd like I think we should go out sometime... that is if you think you could feel the same way about me."

Beau stumbled backward, clutching his head. His reflection in the window by the corkboard showed his eyes in sharp relief as glowing points of seething red light. He shut them tightly and pressed his hands over them, trying to will it all to stop as he collapsed to the floor. When he opened them again the glow was gone and, strangely, he found that he somehow failed remember what it was that was distressing him so. He remembered only the experiences that had been planted in his mind. The memories were quite clear now that he had a chance to look back on them. He surmised that his agitation was just because he wasn't finished hearing about what happened to Grant.

"Damn, he did have a thing for Perry," Beau mumbled, voicing the only clear thought he had at the time. "Well it's not like I can give up now."

"You like what you see, don't you?"

"What? N-no. Ah!" Beau's throbbing erection strained against his pants as he stood. "No! You... you took his body. And then you took both of them away! It's not right."

"Took him? Certainly not. I'd never take someone with me if did not wish it. They chose to come to me. If you would just-"

"No, that's impossible! No one would ever choose this. I don't trust you! How do you even know these things? How can I be sure that Grant is even still alive?"

"I was with him, at the time. So I have access to Grant's memories. Since they contain the answers that you seek, I am sharing them with you. Please, do allow me to explain further."

"Well, I would like to know-" he could feel himself drifting towards the paper again, but jerked his head back sharply. "No! No, I can't. It's too much. I... I have to process all this."

"My time has many demands placed upon it, mortal," Renzyl stated, for the first time displaying irritation. "You will see this now or not at all. Those are your only choices."

"I... I want to see."

"Good. Allow me to show you."

The power inside him had swelled far beyond what his body could contain. He had been warped and twisted by it in agonizingly pleasurable ways. Grant's body had been replaced by a still more unfamiliar one, the massive, imposing rubbery form of the demon. What stood out far more though, was Perry servicing his cock enthusiastically. He felt Grant's affection towards the hyena, and the lust for his body. It had just started but he already felt like he was cumming. He saw though, that it was power and corruption flowing out of his cock, warping his pet's muzzle and soon his whole body.

In a flash he had turned Perry over and was fucking the newly transformed naga with abandon, reveling in what his power had wrought. The climax was beyond anything he could've conceived. He would've been long ago paralyzed by pleasure but Renzyl's mighty will kept him at it, using his new servant to the fullest. The memories continued to flow, but the present moment was encroaching on Beau's visions. He was achingly hard and desperate to cum. He was being overloaded with lust and it felt like his life depended on his ability to release all of it. He couldn't though. The screaming pleasure muffled all nerve impulses when he tried to move. The incredible scenes in his mind drove him on, but it was just a memory of the climax. It couldn't trigger his release on its own.

"Like what you see?"

"No, it's... terrible. You, they were- mnhff..."

"Oh, such conviction you denounce me with. Are you sure you didn't enjoy the show just a little?

"A-a little." An excited shiver ran through Beau's body at the admission.

He couldn't deny it. He enjoyed the show. Enjoyed? It was over? He dimly realized that he was no longer being shown anything. He was just staring placidly at the shifting colors on the page as the demon's voice washed over him.

"And when I touch your mind like this, do you perhaps enjoy it? Just a little?"

Beau suddenly became aware of the demon's presence in his mind. Renzyl had been there the whole time, skulking in the background. Now though, his presence exploded in size and influence, weighing down on the jackal, drowning out his other thoughts, but most importantly, reaching back into the depths of his mind and enflaming his passions, pouring energy into them until they swelled up and threatened to consume him. It was just like his memories of Grant being possessed, only now it was real. Far more intense, far more urgent. He felt bowed by Renzyl's seductive influence.

"Oh, so- so much of you, i-in my mind." He struggled to speak as his body heaved in pleasure. "You, you're everywhere. Oh, oh God..."

"Not quite," Renzyl teased with a snide laugh.

Beau staggered backwards as he felt the demon's touch leave his mind when his gaze wavered from the paper. His own glowing eyes troubled him only momentarily as he tried to collect himself. He held his head, but this time he was far from overwhelmed. The sensation that echoed through his mind now made itself known with a whisper under his breath. "So... empty. I n-need-" He shook off the thought and stood straight again as he heard Renzyl speak.

"Well , now you know the rest of the story. I suppose I'll be off then."

"Wait, don't go! I need you!" Beau reached instinctively out towards the page as its light flickered.

"Oh? Do you?" Renzyl asked as the glow returned.

"Well, what I meant was I... I need you to get Grant back."

"Get him back? I promised no such thing. I said that I would show you what happened to him and I did. I've yet to hear a 'thank you', incidentally."

"Well I- thank you, Renzyl. For everything." A hot flush went through his body at saying that. He had to lean on the table beneath the corkboard to hold himself steady. "It can't end like this, though. Where would I go from here? I can't just accept that they're gone forever, that they just got spirited away to some weird parallel dimension or something."

"Well that certainly is unfortunate, yes, but I will not cast anyone out of my realm who wishes to stay. They are most certainly not coming back."

"But that's not fair! What about me? What will I do? W-without him."

"Hm, it is sweet how much you care about your friend. I saw it in your mind, he is quite special to you. Perhaps I can help you yet again. Come here. Let me get a good look at you."

Beau felt Renzyl's presence swell inside his mind once again as he gazed deeply into the torrid glow in front of him. He gave out a sigh of relief at the familiar touch banishing the cold emptiness from his mind.

"That's it. Lean in real close now. Oh, very good. Oh yes, you really _do_enjoy my touch on your mind. Come just a little closer now, yes just like that. Hm, I wonder how you'd like it if instead of just touching your mind I... grabbed ahold of it!"

Beau felt his nose brush just briefly against the paper, zapping him with a jolt of energy. Far more noteworthy though, was the pair of looming black reptilian hands that materialized out of the page and clamped onto the sides of his head. They were wreathed in smoke, or perhaps made of smoke, he couldn't tell, but the pressure they exerted felt very solid. Beau's heart hammered and he gasped, but the panic that should have materialized was just... turned off somehow. If anything, his body was responding with excitement, and further stoking his throbbing arousal. He found it still more erotic, and not at all frightening when the hands gripping his head exuded a thick black, rubbery liquid that began to flow all around him, flooding into his ears and mouth. The sound of the churning liquid filling him was deafening, but Renzyl's words still reached him, now being spoken directly into his mind.

"What if I squeezed your mind between my fingers? Pressed it and shaped it as I saw fit? How would you like it if I molded your very being to suit the darkest, carnal desires in your heart? Would you like that?"


Beau screamed and convulsed in ecstasy, collapsing to the floor. He would have marveled at how easily he slipped out of the grip of those massive hands, had his entire world not been exploding with pleasure. His one coherent motion was to tear open the front of his pants, letting loose his excruciatingly hard member. It throbbed and swelled anew, reveling in its freedom and flooding him with still more bursts of sensation. The angry red of the turgid flesh burned brightly in the glow from the paper. Beau wasn't even being touched anymore. Renzyl had left his mind, but it was as if he'd been hit with far more pleasure than could make it through his system all at once. So he had to haul through a long, orgiastic session of his body catching up with the mind-searing bliss of Renzyl's touch.

Shivering on the floor and panting for breath, Beau at last sluggishly came to the realization that he could move on purpose again. His legs twitched a bit, flagging from the exertion and still tangled in his half-discarded pants, practically soaked through with precum at this point. Beau yanked them off to gain some mobility back, noticing the spiderweb of scrapes and scratches that his toeclaws had just left in the carpet as his legs heaved in ecstasy. His fingers too, had a scattering of fibers clinging to them.

"I suppose I'll take that as a yes." The smug voice of Renzyl still emanated from the scrap of paper, the phantom arms nowhere to be seen.

"Y-yeah" Beau whispered, still trembling as he struggled to get up. "I like it, a-a little," he said with a silly grin.

"Wonderful to hear that you're taking this in stride. You know, I like you. So I'm going to make you an offer."

"What... what do you want?" Beau panted, having finally gotten upright again, still leaning heavily on the table.

"Oh no, no, no. This is not about what I want. I need to know what you want."

"Y-you, have my attention," Beau stated, intentionally looking down away from the glowing paper, lest it beguile him further.

"I'd like to show you all I have to offer those in my service, and see if I can discover some more things that you like, just a little. I would also gladly reunite you with your good friend Grant. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you."

"You said that was impossible," Beau said, finally catching his breath and regaining his senses.

"I said I would not cast him out, not that you could not see him. That is the proposal. I cannot come to you, as you did not summon me, but you can come into my realm. You may reunite with Grant here and ask anything you like about his current state or his rationale for coming to join me. I encourage you to explore what I can do for you, and perhaps I might explore you a bit as well."

Beau absently touched the trickle of black goo that was trailing down from his mouth. As he rubbed the sticky liquid between his fingers he was struck with the sudden impression of having the stuff slathered over his entire body. Another shiver of excitement made his words even more difficult.

"What is this stuff?"

"That is the paint with which I create my great works of art. I've found that your world has a few analogues of it. Latex, they call the popular one. There are some among you with a great affinity for such materials. Your friend Grant was such a person. I helped him to discover and explore the possibilities available to someone possessing those unique proclivities. I'd be happy to show you that as well."

"If I go with you."


"So, I would go to your world to see them. I would... disappear like they did. Hmff." He noted that his free hand had taken to squeezing the base of his cock just below the knot, causing it to flare and swell with the cyclic pressure. The hot surges of sensation were complicating his thought process notably.

"You would, if you chose to stay. It is a lot to ask, but leaving your old life is the price of discovering a new one." The edges of the paper began to curl and smoke, black ash encroaching on the shimmering surface. "You must decide quickly though. When I reached through it, I nearly exhausted the power of the sigil you used to call me. This contact will surely break soon."

There was a flash as the paper exploded in flames, but instead of burning out, the flames persisted as they spread, charring and scattering the other articles on the corkboard. In an instant an archway of fire danced and glittered on the wall, with the dull, ethereal glow still throbbing at the center. The scattered papers were only dimly visible behind it.

"Step through my portal, and claim what is yours!" Called Renzyl's fading voice.

Beau lingered on this fateful decision for just an instant, but was quickly startled by the sensation of his pawpad hitting the desk, his leg having already swung up there in preparation. His mind made up, he vaulted up over the table, hurling himself at the glowing center of the portal. That glow blotted out everything for a moment, and then he thudded to the ground in a new world.

Black, looming structures took shape around him as his eyes adjusted to the familiar diffuse red glow that lit the scene. A nearby entryway revealed that the whole sky outside was glowing red. The building looked a bit like a temple with a broad foyer. It was all made of stark, gleaming black obsidian. The smooth stone seemed like it should've been cool, but he felt an unnatural warmth emanating from it as he pushed against the stone floor to stand.

"Not much to the place," came Renzyl's voice from an indiscernible direction. "But it's close to your world, in planar terms, making it useful to have an outpost here."

Renzyl didn't become visible until he was just a few paces away. The slick blackness of his skin melded perfectly into the dark recesses of the temple. The demon was tall and well-muscled, but his three-toed paws hit the stone eerily softly as he approached. Massive draconic wings bobbed behind him with his stride. The twisted horns on his head and the rows of wicked spikes wreathing his face and down his spine attested to his corrupt nature. Hardly thinking, Beau launched himself at Renzyl, elated to finally see him. The demon seemed to barely notice the weight as Beau's arms wrapped around him.

"Welcome to- hnrf?"

Surprise and bemusement cracked the hulking dragon's calm visage as his guest's muzzle mashed against his. The impassioned moans of the enraptured jackal vibrated through both of them.

"A kiss?" Renzyl scoffed as he pulled back. "Really, you shouldn't have."

Beau panted desperately to catch his breath. How hard he was squeezing Renzyl was evident in the strain in his voice. "I want you. I want this. All of it. Now!" he gasped.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you."

Renzyl wasted no time in returning his guest's romantic gesture. Beau's eyes widened with shock, and then slackened with bliss as black rubbery sludge started to flow down his throat, stretching his neck visibly outwards as he greedily swallowed it all. Renzyl's wings enveloped him, gently at first, but there was no mistaking the lewd squish that they made when they came in contact with him. The partially fluid wings tightened and bonded to him, cocooning the jackal in an undulating latex prison. Beau's head slumped back as he gurgled out a desperate moan when Renzyl's lips finally left his.

"Oh don't go all catatonic on my account," Renzyl chided. "I love it when you squirm."

Beau's muscles took on new life, heaving and seizing as if they meant to test the very limits of his body's motion. Renzyl laughed heartily as the tight envelope containing his latest convert bulged and stretched, the head hanging out the top whipping back and forth in the throes of ecstasy. Hidden from view by the case that covered him, Beau's writhing body was maneuvered over top of Renzyl's proud, throbbing cock.

"It seems some of your enthusiasm has rubbed off on me," Renzyl said of the emerging length, the ridges of the base slipping out of his sheath as it reached its full size.

Beau's legs had been drawn up and folded to fit within the cocoon. Placing his knees on either side of Renzyl's body was an awkward position, but it nicely presented his ass for what was to come. The jackal went suddenly rigid as the tapered tip prodded at him, whimpering sharply.

"Ah yes, you're new to this," Renzyl said, easing off on the pressure. "I'll have to help you a little more."

Renzyl stroked the fur on top of Beau's head, almost lovingly, the touch to his sensitive ears making his eyes flutter and dart about erratically. Meanwhile the liquid latex he was covered with was going to work on him, filling out his form and soaking into him. His muscles strengthened and tightened, though some certain muscles in particular were shaped to be a bit more forgiving. Renzyl's hand directed Beau's head to meet the demon's gaze, and he felt the magnificent touch of the demon's mind against his own again. Renzyl spoke into his thoughts, knowing how much that got the jackal off.

"Open yourself to me."

And Beau complied, in more ways than one. Renzyl flooded his mind as he had so desperately begged him to. It looked to him like there were tunnels of light coming from the demon's eyes, boring deep into him and conveying vast amounts of his master's will and power into him. His ass obligingly parted around the cock he was so precariously hanging above, still enmeshed in the rubbery wings and their tantalizing ooze. The viscous fluid had infused the flesh of his ass, preparing it to take in the massive length without a hint of pain or even reluctance.

"Yes, sink down. Deeper."

This thought too, held multiple meanings. Beau felt his mind slipping deeper, further subsumed by that of the demon now filling his whole perception of himself. The undulating wings rose higher and higher, covering his shoulders as he inexorably sank down, impaling himself ever deeper on Renzyl's cock. Powerful arms grasped at the exterior of the folded wings, pushing and rubbing the enraptured ball of jackal within. Renzyl squeezed tight, shoving his cock in hard, the ridges feeling electric as they kneaded the flesh of his asshole. Beau's mouth spread wide, his face otherwise hardly registering the increase in pleasure, lost as he was in his master's seductive gaze.

After a few impassioned thrusts, a look of dissatisfaction narrowed Renzyl's eyes. His latest acquisition was enjoying himself to be sure, but he looked far too distant for the demon's taste. His head was now the only exposed part of him, and it hung there limply, bobbing with the force of his thrusts, only expending the effort needed to maintain eye contact. Renzyl hated to think that his jackal convert was too out of it to properly enjoy the experience and have it leave a lasting impression on him. So he resolved to sharpen Beau's awareness and then test him with a question or two. Beau heaved and writhed anew as Renzyl's possessed latex squeezed the base of his cock, making the knot throb mightily. A sharp yip signaled something of a return to awareness for him.

"I knew you liked that. Yet there are a few details I'm still missing," Renzyl said with an unearthly calm, his eyes still burning into those of his convert. "My reach was limited, you know, through that tiny window I had. I never really got to see everything about you. Now that I get a chance to see you better I'm even more glad that you chose to come through my portal. I've touched this knowledge briefly in your mind, but I'd really rather hear it from your mouth. What is it you desire most of me? What would bring you the greatest pleasure?"

"I... ungh, I-I, yo- youuu..."

"Oh come on now, I know you can do it."

Renzyl grew impatient when only more mumbles and shuddering moans came as a response. He squeezed the enraptured jackal and shoved him down, hilting his cock fully into him and spreading him impossibly wide. He bellowed into his mind "TELL. ME."

Beau's explosive scream shook the darkened skies as he finally got it past his lips.

"I WANT YOU!" There was a great gasp as he gathered momentum. "I want you inside me, all over me, I want to be you, I want to be a part of you! FOREVER!"

There was a deafening silence as Beau's desperate scream faded, hardly even echoing, in the emptiness around them. A broad grin broke out across Renzyl's face and he let loose a few thunderous, earth-shaking laughs that thudded through his captive's chest as if they were nearby explosions.

"Oh what a treat you are! I was bluffing, you know. Your _enthusiasm_had me off my game and there were still a fair number of parts of your mind I'd yet to touch. I wanted to see what I could scare out of you before I went digging for answers myself. But since you provided that little gem so willingly..."

Renzyl shoved the exposed head down, sweeping the pointed ears down underneath his wings as they sealed shut completely, muffling the ecstatic screams that came from being ground down onto the cock he was riding even harder. There was a sudden change in the tempo of their coupling. Renzyl hit him hard and fast, the wings around him squeezing and tightening. Soon all the air was gone from the pouch. The voice inside gurgled to a halt as the rubbery goo found a new way to invade the body that had been so willingly thrown into its embrace. The churning liquid was frenzied by the pressure now squeezing it against him. The jackal's fur had been completely dissolved by it, leaving his new skin incredibly sensitive to its motions.

"Reach out to it," came Renzyl's mental prompt. "Tell it what you want."

Beau did as he was bidden, feeling his sense of touch start to extend out into the goo as he reached out to it mentally. The chaotic churning turned into a measured, strong massage all over him. The impulses had barely occurred to him before he found the fluid acting upon them. Places he never even thought could be intimate like the backs of his knees or the edges of his shoulder blades were suddenly alight with sexual fire as the goo flowed over them in its ceaseless motion. He felt more of himself flow into the liquid surrounding him, causing a pang of fear.

"You are not losing yourself," Renzyl's comforting thoughts assured. "You're not becoming the liquid. It is becoming you."

Beau realized that the fluid's motion had another underlying purpose. It was pushing against him, pumping into him, infusing him with new strength and desire. He slid down against the cock spearing him as his mass increased, the hazy perception he had of the fluid solidifying into new attributes that he could never hope to make sense of in the whirlwind of sensation. The wings that encased him pressed down harder, squeezing and reshaping him. The shaft inside hit a sweet spot, causing a huge spike in his flaming desire.

Renzyl could feel the feeble screams emanating from the mind trapped inside his wings. "Yes, take me! More! Take all of me!" before the words dissolved away into nothing but heaving, ecstatic bliss.

Renzyl happily obliged those last fleeting coherent thoughts. The demon took him hard and deep, lewd gooey sounds reverberating within the encasement he had been thrusting into with such wild abandon. Strings of pearly seed streaked the rubbery goo within. As it was swept away by the ebon fluid, the later climactic spurts darkened until they became indistinguishable from it. Feeling the release happening within his grasp, Renzyl, too, loosed his load, the hot surge momentarily reinvigorating the exhausted occupant of the now skin-tight covering. Renzyl recovered from his peak far more quickly than his charge, making ready for the next step.

A sharp snap rang out as the top of his wings split apart. They popped wetly as their full length pulled apart from each other, but there was none of the latex goo left in them. The only thing disgorged from their depths onto the stone floor was the gently shuddering body of a black rubber demon dragon, coughing as the air returned to his lungs. Beau had gotten his lustily shouted wish, he realized, as his own set of wings unfolded behind him. He was every bit the image of the master that had claimed him. Horns, spines, glowing eyes and all. He was scaled down a bit, but that was understandable. He never wished to truly rival his master's power anyway. And just to be certain that his place was not in question, the collar around his neck marked him unequivocally as a vassal of his demon lord.

"Your new skin is still quite soft, you know," Renzyl advised his new double. "Anything you'd like to add?"

"Well I-I..." His unsure and tremulous voice now notably resembled his master's.

He was struck by a sensation reminiscent of that tactile sense he'd gotten from the goo. In the next instant, the golden Eye of Horus tattoo reappeared around his right eye, the gold rendered in sharp relief against his shiny black skin. Beau could feel the presence of the mark somehow, its image clear in his mind, likely supplied through his master's eyes. Emboldened by the small success, he pushed forwards. Gold bands wreathed his wrists and then his ankles, enthusiastically advertising his servitude to the demon he now so closely resembled. His collar too, took on a golden hue, as did his horns as he became increasingly more bold. His ears filled out a bit, stretching back a bit more, but keeping their angular, reptilian shape. He wasn't satisfied with mere decoration though. Some powerful force within his changed mind wanted something more, something tangible. A feature that suited his seething dark desires. Another golden pattern appeared, a massive, clawed handprint right above his heart. Shortly following that appearance, his skin solidified fully, the changes ended. Feeling far more sure of his form now, the new dragon stood.

"An interesting choice here," Renzyl commented, eyeing the handprint. "What do you make of it?"

For once, Beau spoke with confidence and certainty, answering with a gracious bow. "I am your right hand, master. An extension of your body. An extension of your will."

"A touching declaration," Renzyl said, reaching out and gently running his claws over the mark, "but are you sure that's all this is? Just a symbol?"

"Well, I'd meant to-Ah! Oooh..." Beau felt the touch of his master's mind filling him once again, thoughts and influence streaming in from the mark on his chest.

"You left me a way to touch your mind far more easily. As a convenience for your master, and because you just love having me in your mind so much. Such a thoughtful little thing."

"Ah, AAAHHHNGH!" Beau collapsed to his knees as his head spun with delight from just the barest touch from his master. His breath was stolen away as Renzyl placed his whole hand over the mark, fitting the shape perfectly. The force against his chest and mind pushed him to the ground. He barely managed to gasp aloud: "Master, what are you doing?"

"Filling you, with glorious purpose."

His thoughts had been rendered into a weak, yielding putty, but Renzyl's thoughts were like solid steel. Hot and hard his master's thoughts pushed into him, shoving his enraptured mind out of the way. Soon he felt like he existed as a thin film of liquid, covering the massive obelisk of his master's will within him. Images seared into his memories once again. He had thoughts of commanding the liquid corruption that flowed through him to cling to others as he indulged in their passions, forming tentacles or phantom limbs to better stimulate and ravage their bodies. He saw the ways to reach into someone's mind and find their deepest desires, fueling and stroking them to consume one's spirit in a lustful blaze. He felt elation at the recognition that this was what had been done to him. Amid the torrent of images, he realized that these were not memories. They were possibilities, demonstrations to learn from. Renzyl was training him for his purpose, for seducing and recruiting more people to his cause. Their connection intensified to the point that Renzyl's hand liquefied partially, fusing onto the handprint wired straight into his convert's mind. Seeming not to notice, Renzyl moved to correct a problem he detected through that link.

Awash in a sea of images and sensation, Beau was snapped back to reality as Renzyl gripped his cock tightly by the base. Once a perfect imitation of Renzyl's black, ribbed cock, a knot flared into existence and swelled near the base at his touch.

"How could I take away something you loved so much?"

A squeeze to the new, bulging knot pushed Beau over the edge of a climax he didn't even realize had been building up, enthusiastically scattering inky black corrupted cum all over himself. There was a confused grunt from Renzyl as he did the same almost immediately, and quite unexpectedly.

"Hm, a part of me indeed."

Beau was in a world of his own as the corrupted cum soaked into him and churned within his body. He was only barely able to voice what he felt.

"Hnff. Too much! Can't take it all..." he mumbled as his master's essence slithered through him down to his loins.

Renzyl cupped Beau's overwrought balls with his free hand and they swelled in his grasp to accommodate the new load that had infused him through his skin. He grinned as he addressed his steward through their linked minds.

"Hm, seems my sympathetic climax pulled a bit more out of me than I'd intended," he mused. "No matter. I shall make that of use as well."

"I will be- hmmf! Useful. I live, t-to serve."

"Very good. You will carry my essence with you. Let it remind you of my power and control. At least until you give it to someone else."

"Carry master's essence. Give it to others..." He moaned helplessly as the instructions sunk into his mind instantly.

Beau couldn't help the heaving of his body. Everything that his master said was the new most erotic thing he'd ever heard. He was utterly insensate as his mind was filled with the will and desire of his master, stretching and reforming what lay in its path. He noted at one point that his claws were digging long scrapes in the stone beneath him, pulverized rock being scattered about. He reveled in the power master had given him, at least until the torrent of pleasure and new, exhilarating thoughts swept him away again.

"Are the theatrics truly necessary?"

Beau's head finally lifted up from the ground, hefted up out of the puddle of viscous, slightly foamy rubber drool that it had been thrashing around in. He came to realize that his master's hand and thoughts has both left him some time ago, he had simply been struggling with the fallout.

"I gave you no small measure of strength, you know. I expect you to make good use of it. Now, get up."

Beau became aware of the supernatural strength infusing his body. His taut muscles answered his master's call and dutifully hauled him upright in an instant. His mind sharpened too, as if the petty limitations that had left him so overwhelmed by pleasure had all been lifted by the way his master had shaped him.

"Good. I'm glad you finally got a grip on yourself. You have an important meeting coming up and I wouldn't want you to have been in that disgraceful state when it happens."

"Who am I meeting, master?"

"Has all the reverie made you forget your aim in coming here?" Renzyl leaned in close with a smile. "Something you should know about me by now, and a virtue that I would ask of you as my servant, is that I keep my promises."

Renzyl's voice was overshadowed at the end by a scraping, slithering sound from behind. Beau's heart leapt with elation when he heard a familiar, if slightly distorted, voice address him.

"Sso, I hear from Masster Rensssyl that you came a long way to sssee me, and that you have ssomething very interesssting to tell me."


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