Escape Plan Zeta

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Xenophobia

When things look their darkest it takes a quick wit and a clever hand to survive, unfortunately sometimes that darkness is quicker and cleverer.

The finale of a wonderful series that I collaborated with a good friend on, so if you follow TiranMaster make sure to give him some love!

Also the same for texotic, who edited this beast!

Weber felt the blood pound in his head as he stopped and looked back to see that he hadn't been followed, through that mattered little as his brain struggled to comprehend what had just happened. He had just led his best chance of help into a trap, which not only dashed his hopes of escaping, but also left him without a partner, and more importantly, a pilot. Now his options had become very limited, and the way the creature that had been Lou spoke, it sounded like he was running out of time. Who knew how many people were now under their thrall, or if they even bothered with such a thing in the first place or if they had gone public with their presence.

But as he ran by the communications room, a sudden thought occurred to him that perhaps Lucian's plan could still work, even if didn't involve him leaving the station. As he looked into the hub and found it empty he realized that he could send a sub-space message to every station that's in the vicinity and warn them; while it wouldn't save him, it would give others a chance to fight back. Plus he had the perfect message, he thought to himself as he patted his jumpsuit, he would just have to show the security footage that he had. All he needed was the USB stick with the footage...

The USB stick...

The one that Lucian had on him when they entered the creature's throne room...

Which would still be in his pocket...

"Damnit!" Weber shouted as he pounded his fists against the wall. With the two new guardians of the room there would be no way to sneak back into the captain's quarters, and even if he could, there was no way to get in without Lucian's credentials. Unless he told the captain of the station, but there was a good to likely chance that if they hadn't already gotten to him, they would soon. That meant that if he sent a message he would have to convince everyone that their station was being invaded by a rubber entity that turned other creatures into rubber and not look like a stark, raving lunatic in the process.

Biting his lip, Weber decided to take the chance... if anyone did listen then they'd hopefully get out in time. The husky logged into the system and keyed the com unit, his heart in his throat as he leaned in towards the microphone. "Attention everyone! This is Weber Granites, a member of the science staff! I know this sounds crazy, but currently we have an alien parasite amongst us on the station! It has been infecting members of the crew and has been transforming them into... synthetic lifeforms, turning them into its slaves! Please, I know this sounds crazy, but if anyone believes me, get to the escape pods now! I'm going to be keying the quarantine signal into the coms to send a warning message to any nearby ships!" With that the husky started to type into the keyboard, sending out a looping alert message to warn away any travelers.

Just as Weber hit the final key on the keyboard, he tensed up as he heard a loud panting noise from outside, and upon turning around he saw a beefy lizard creature standing there. The husky didn't recognize the creature as any he'd seen before, but he was smart enough to notice that it was rearing up to pounce at him. With a grunt he threw himself aside as the muscled rubber creature jumped at him and smashed right into the control panel he'd just been typing away on. There was a loud explosion as the machinery was destroyed under his considerable weight, and the husky just had to hope that the message was still sending even after the destruction of the panel. With a deep breath and not giving it a second look, the husky tore out of the room while the lizard was picking himself up.

The husky was sprinting down hallways at this point, every breath hurting his chest as he ran towards... somewhere. Honestly Weber wasn't sure at this point, he rushed past several members of the crew who gave him furious and confused looks, obviously curious about the message he'd sent throughout the station. Their expressions all turned to disbelief, though, as a rubber lizard appeared in the hallway and pounced on the first of the confused faces, his body going down underneath the massive male, his mouth being invaded by a rubber proboscis. This caused panic amongst the rest of the staff as they ran away from the lizard, abandoning their shipmate as none of them desired to be changed like their crewmember.

Weber hardly had a moment to think before he almost sprinted right into a large and angry looking cheetah, his eyes narrowed to mere slits. "What in the hell do you think you're doing, Weber?! If this is some kind of joke, you'd better be ready for a court martial!" His words stopped there though, his eyes trailing up to see a panicked group of crew members sprinting after the husky, and behind them a large muscled lizard that came stomping through the hall with a half transformed naga stumbling after him, the creature looking confused... and very, very horny. "Oh..." the cheetah breathed.

By this point though Weber had pieced together an idea in his head... he remembered that not only did Lucian have his own personal ship, but he also had many permissions only given to the upper staff... like a lockdown function. It would halt all processes of the ship that would allow for escape, which could stop the infection here! "You all have to get out of here!" he said breathlessly. He knew that there were more of the rubber creatures behind him, but he needed to tell the others before he took off again. "Get to the escape pods as fast as you can! I have a plan to stop this thing here, alright?!"

The husky hardly had a moment to see them all nodding before he took off once more, the others only needing another look at the rubber creatures before they took off towards the escape pods. It didn't take Weber long to figure out that the infection was in full scale; animals all over were showing off different stages of the infection, some even still pinned under rubber animals. Asses being penetrated by rubber cocks, mouths being fed the infectious juices, and many more methods. Weber had to screw up his inner courage to not turn back and run away, he was too far... he needed to get to Lucian's bay.

Weber took several switchbacks and utility hallways to make it towards the docking bay, and when he finally did emerge back into the station's public hallways, it was clear that any facade the alien creature kept up had fallen away. Shouts, both of alarm and of a sexual nature, could be heard echoing down the hallways as he tried to move as stealthily as he could into the hangar that contained Lucian's ship. Several times he had to stop and hide, squeezing himself behind a bulkhead as a band of rubber lizardmen or nagas prowled the area looking for more of the crew to convert. Part of him wondered if anyone was left unchanged as he finally went through the partition that separated the primary hangar from the rest of the station.

The husky's heart dropped to his feet, though, as he looked through the windows of the observation bay and down towards the deck of the hangar, seeing that he had not been the only one who thought to go there. A rather large rhino that Weber recognized as one of their maintenance personnel had two muscular rubber lizardmen on him as he ran towards a troop transport vehicle that had been left there for repairs, only to be pounced on by a third one that brought him down. In another area a female cheetah and male elk had already been pinned to the floor, a latex naga coiled tightly around the elk with his cock pistoning out of the large male's rubber-covered tailhole, while the cheetah had her head buried within a drake's lap while her legs were spread open to show an already synthetic assimilated crotch, complete with growing maleness that started to dangle down her legs.

As the desperation of the situation continued to grow in Weber's mind he finally saw what he was looking for, Lucian's ship parked in the refueling bay of the hangar where it likely had been topped off for his next expedition. It was rather close to where he would come out from the observation deck, though as he started to move again, he could see the already bulky rhino begin to grow even more so as latex lizard dick was pushed into his maw and tailhole, while the third had taken the sizable member of the maintenance technician and stretched his muzzle and throat with it. Weber broke into a run out and down the stairs, hoping to beat the infectious fluids that covered the transforming rhino which would hopefully provide him with the distraction to make it to Lucian's ship.

Thankfully when he carefully pried open the door and looked out they were all still distracted, though the rhino had turned into a behemoth of a lizardman with mountainous pectorals and twelve-pack abs that the husky didn't even think was possible underneath latex scales. As he moved along the wall towards the ship, though, he heard a loud bang that caused him to look and see the lizard and naga on the other side of the bay look at him hungrily, along with a half-transformed latex cheetah girl that stroked her sizable synthetic member, and the elk stumbled forward, dragging himself along the ground as his legs began to merge together.

"My god..." Weber whispered before he broke into a sprint towards Lucian's shuttle, praying the arrogant explorer hadn't changed the passcode to get in since he last told the group. The rubber creatures were hot on his tail, joined by the other four as the metal shuddered under the heavy footsteps of the massive lizard that dwarfed the others. The husky's hands shook as he ran up to the door and punched in the code, hearing it beep angrily at him several times from incorrect commands before he finally saw the pad turn green and the metal door slide open to give him access.

The husky let out a bark of relief before rushing into the shuttle and shutting the door behind him... well, slam is more accurate; the metal buckled as a huge body ran into the metal. Weber fell back onto his rear, panting as he tried to calm himself, relief spreading throughout his body as he closed his eyes. The dog knew that it was only a matter of time before they broke in... but he was relieved all the same that he had escaped them... and now all he had to do was lockdown the station and leave. Stumbling to his feet, he made his way up into the front of the small ship, psyching himself as he slipped into the comfortable seat.

Though Weber had never actually piloted a real ship before, he'd run plenty of test runs in the simulator.

Starting up the ship with a few flicks of his finger, the husky could see through the window that many of the rubber creatures were gathering up in the hangar in the hopes that they would stop him. Weber felt a pang of regret in his chest as he saw so many rubber creatures, lizards... nagas... drakes of one form or another, they had all been his shipmates just a day before. Now all of them had become lust filled creatures that obeyed their new king... he needed to stop the infection here! Weber turned his gaze to a monitor set in the middle of the console, several text readouts scrolling across the screen warning him of structural damage done to the outside of the ship.

It wouldn't be long before Weber's escape would be halted, so he needed to hurry with the lockdown program. To prevent any errors in the program, the lockdown needed to be activated within the ship, there was a one minute time limit before the entire station would be locked up. The husky paused for a moment before he traced his fingers over a few options and clicked on the map readout. It was programmed to tell him the status of the ship, including all of the escape pods. He let out a breath of relief as he saw all of the pods had been launched; they must've escaped in time!

The husky grinned wide, even if everybody hadn't escaped, some of them had at least. With that the scientist started to prep the lockdown code, the ship still rocking under the assault from the gigantic lizard. He flinched as he saw two kobolds scrabbling their way up to the front of the ship, scratching pitifully at the glass as if they might be able to break it. Looking at them, Weber felt his stomach clench as he wondered if one of them might've been Lucian, the owner of this ship. Worse yet, what if he remembered the code to the door?! "Shit..." he hissed.

Soon the code was ready to be input, Weber planning on pressing enter... just as a smooth tail slowly coiled its way around his chest. The dog's eyes widened in terror as he felt a muscled appendage slipping up around his chest, pulling him tight up against the back of his seat. The scientist's finger was dragged away from the screen, the last input still awaiting his approval, but the tail's muscles were far too strong for the dog to fight. He wheezed as a creature stepped in front of him, his tail wrapped up around his captive's neck, and Weber recognized him. "Tibalt..." he breathed.

"No my dear friend, Tibalt isss gone, I am Salvinar. Weylis'sss commander, his subordinate. I am a dragon, pure... strong... and beautiful." The dragon flexed his arms to prove his point, his rubber muscles pulling up in impressive ways, inhuman in how fluid they were; it was an alien body that caused Weber to feel sick. The dragon grinned wide, his eyes glowing with a brutal light and a wicked intent. From behind him, Weber could hear a shredding noise... the metal had been breached, the ship had become obsolete as an escape method. Still, that didn't mean that Weber's fight was over; the console blinked from behind Tibalt as the dragon had yet to notice it, or refused to.

Wrestling weakly with the tail at his neck, Weber scrambled to try and get up... but still there was no loosening the tight restraint that held him there. "You... you have to let me go! There's still time to stop this, Tibalt. We can halt this infection here, keep it trapped... we... we'll be together still, but I can't allow the universe to suffer from our mistake," he whimpered.

Salvinar wrinkled his nose in disgust at the use of his old mortal name, the dragon now above the old life he'd held, he was far more beautiful and sexy now that he'd been claimed by his master. "This was no missstake, Weber. This was the best thing that could posssssibly happen. We shall unleash my master's power upon the universe, claiming all under his might, turning men and women alike into beautiful and sssstrong creatures. We shall be immortal, wrapped in these bodies with you and I to be partnersss forever more," he crooned. The tail never let up for one moment, even as the dragon fawned over the idea, his cock hard between his thighs.

Outside there were several hisses, growls, and moans entering inside of the cabin now that the metal had been torn through. Salvinar turned his gaze past Weber and the husky heard some creatures back off, obviously the dragon wanted him for his own collection. "You've been changed by this thing, Tibalt! There must be some of you left in there, enough of you at least to know that this is the chance we have to save the universe! Be the adventurer that you always wanted to be, like Lucian!"

The dragon laughed, his voice echoing through the room, a new base in his voice that had lacked when he was a simple lizard. "I see now that Lucian was nothing more than a kitten playing at being a tiger. He failed so easily, and became a pawn for us to use. In fact... I bet you think that the escape pods got off without a hitch, don't you? Well don't worry about that, we thought of that rather quickly; Lucian himself jettisoned all of the pods before anyone could get to them. All of those people that you sent to the pods were converted right there and then, their screams lasted all of a few minutes before they were all moaning the name of our master Weylis," Salvinar purred.

Weber felt the fight leave his body as he realized that everything he had tried to fight for was for nothing. Those that he had tried to save ended up being sent straight to the slaughter... or in this case the assimilator as he tried not to imagine the thought of all those people trying to open the pod doors, only to be ambushed by the horny creatures that continued to breach the ship. The lights flickered in the cabin, and for a brief second, the screen he had typed on went black, only to blink back to life with the prompt still on it. There was precious little time left until either he was taken away or there was enough damage to the vessel that sending the containment order would be impossible.

"You're... you're right," Weber managed to say as he swallowed hard, watching the look of triumph spread over his former friend's face. "I can see it now, the vast intelligence of Weylis and how those new forms of yours deserve... need to be spread throughout the stars. Thank you for showing me this Tib- er, Salvinar, you truly are a good friend to me."

Weber watched carefully as the rubber dragon grinned and moved in to kiss the other male, and the second that the husky felt his tail loosen slightly to allow him to lean forward is when he made his final move. Instead of reaching forward he slid down, kicking up his legs and extending them out as far as he could. He aimed his heel for the enter key and hoped that he would be able to push the button and activate the containment lockdown without hitting anything else. Salvinar's face turned from joy to rage as he saw the canine's foot arc down, unable to move fast enough to stop it as the boot sailed down to its target...

Only to be denied by a large, clawed, rubber hand that caught it inches before it hit the final button. Weber's eyes grew wide as he saw the alien creature himself, Weylis wagging a finger at him as he forced the husky's foot down to the floor. "It looks like I was right to check up on you," the dragon said as he stared at Weber. "I admire your spirit, Salvinar was right in wanting to keep you from being a mere drone or slave. You'll be a very fine addition, once we remove all of these pesky distractions."

Weber shouted and held out his arm as Weylis turned and wound back before he punched the ship monitor as hard as he could, sparks arcing around the cockpit as the acrid smell of burning metal and rubber filled the air. The husky thrashed and struggled against the tail that held him there in pure rage as he saw the last potential means to keep the parasitic infection contained was destroyed a few inches away from him. After about a minute the tail tightened slightly around his neck once more, and his shouts turned to choking gasps as both Weylis and Salvinar stared down at him.

"How could you, Tibalt!?" the husky managed to choke out. "You were my friend! You were my friend and you doomed us all!"

For a short while Salvinar said nothing, and Weber stopped fighting to look at his former friend as he wondered if something he said finally got through to him. In the next second, though, the rubber dragon started to laugh, which prompted his progenitor to do so, as well, before they gazed back down at him once more. "You are right, he isss very sssprited," Salvinar chuckled before he looked to his master. "Pleassse Master Weylis, show him the glory of our new kind like you've shown me. I want to see him as a sssexy rubber dragon like me, rubbing our bodies together..."

Weylis eyed Weber, the husky growling as he glared up at the dragon, his body rigid with rage. The master dragon could see the resistance... the utter contempt on the dog's face... the idea of him turning into another dragon and bowing to Weylis... that was a very hot image. The leader purred as he rubbed his own shaft, aroused at the very thought of it. "Yesss, that is a very appealing thought to say the least. Let us bring him into the fold, I'll need leaders of my army, and you two as partners will make for very good subordinates. This husky has so much spunk, it'll be so very fun to crush. Pick him up, Salvinar," he ordered.

The dragon grinned wide as his tail unwound from the chair and snatched around Weber, the husky not even getting a moment to move, his body being lifted up with ease before he was clutched tightly within Salvinar's arms. It didn't take a genius to know that the dragon was incredibly strong, Weber felt the muscles rippling through the rubber dragon's flesh, and yet he still wouldn't give in... he couldn't. Weylis approached the dog, a self-confident grin on his face, a smile that spoke volumes for his age and strength. "Fuck you!" Weber spat, "You won't be able to get far! Even if the space station isn't locked down, I sent a warning! It'll reach others soon enough, someone will find out about you!"

There was a purr in Weylis' chest before he let out a laugh, one single laugh, a victorious sound that rattled the husky down to his core. "I hope they do, dog. All that come to me and plan on stopping me will fall just as you will. There is no escaping my power; I will enslave all under my power, and even if my fellow dragons are still alive... well... they'll become my pawns just as well. My flesh is immortal, my army will never tire, and my power is infinite... all will fall to our glorious kingdom." With that he grabbed Weber's muzzle in his hand, and he pulled the dog into a kiss, a large amount of rubber pouring into the husky's mouth within an instant.

Weber shuddered and twisted in Salvinar's grasp, attempting to get away from the master, but there was no use. An unending torrent of the rubber flowed down his mouth, pooling in his stomach, the corruption spreading fast. After what seemed like an eternity, Weylis broke off the kiss, licking his lips and smiling wide while he stepped back. Salvinar let go of the dog, Weber's legs threatening to give out underneath him as he attempted to cough up the repugnant juices. It wasn't so easy, though, as they stuck inside and clambered down his throat, already changing his insides whether he wanted them to or not. A voice tickled the back of his head, a whisper, so quiet that the husky hardly heard it at all. He knew what it was, though, Weylis' smile said it all, the dragon was inside of him.

The husky felt his hopes start to drain away as he looked from dragon to dragon, his heart clenched tight in his chest as he knew that it was only a matter of time before he was one of them... and there was an excitement in some part of his brain. The corruption was touching him, pressing into his mind, so quiet... but it was worming its way quickly into its host. "Damn you both," he said softly.

Salvinar stepped forward, his body so large compared to the husky's, he leaned down and ripped away Weber's clothes with ease. The dog hardly fought, already he felt his cock hardening, a drip of the juices running through his sheathe. The rubber was starting to manifest itself in his body, and yet... the fear that had been there before was replaced by resignation. His clothes laid in a heap on the ground, he looked down and almost laughed at the near comical sight of his own distended belly, rubber filling him up. "Sssoon it'll be all over soon, my friend. You and I shall be partnersss, leaders of a new universe," Salvinar said with a grin.

Weber moaned as he felt his cock pulse, his body suddenly racked with arousal, the thought brought pleasure to him. Weylis was using his new connection to correct his brain, bring him around to their way of thinking, they were going to break the dog. "You shall be so beautiful as a dragon. Flying across the battlegrounds, watching as the enemy's armies fall to our strength," the master purred. A mental image formed in Weber's mind; a green, rubber dragon flying over the skies, his body glimmering in the sky as he flew over... cock so hard with the idea of it.

The changing husky held his head to try and fight the thoughts that were being fed to his brain by the parasitic creature, but as he did he felt something wet against his palms. Even though he already knew what it was he had to see anyway, the glistening green rubber already began to spread around his digits as more of the substance could be felt oozing from his ears now. Weber just stared dumbfounded as Weylis used his distracted state to continue to rewrite the stubborn canine's brain, and as he watched his short fingernails get covered in the latex and extend out into sharp claws, the edges of his muzzle began to curl upwards.

It started as little more than a soft chuckle, then grew in volume and pitch until Weber started to laugh hysterically as his distended belly jiggled from the volume of corruptive fluid. Streaks of shiny green leaked from the corners of his mouth and his nose as he fell backwards, his continued laughter punctuated by groans of ecstasy as his cock began to lengthen and wiggle of its own accord. The alien rubber that had built up in his body began to appear in patches where his fur disappeared under it, blotches of green scales growing as the swell in his stomach began to ripple out to the rest of his body.

"Yes!" Weber shouted, gurgling slightly as his tongue grew long and emerald-colored while more of the corruptive substance leaked from his eyes. "I see it all now, I want it all! Salvinar!"

The other dragon looked at his master and the alien dragon motioned for him that it was alright, watching with joy as his two acolytes were finally able to enjoy one another. The resistance had melted away from the husky's brain under his continued mental assault, and once that had been eradicated, he moved on to actual memories, eradicating anything that would have caused him to look back on his former form. Weber was so saturated with lust and pleasure that all he could do was writhe on the floor as his corruption took hold and the parasitic liquid turned everything underneath his synthetic scaled skin to pure muscle.

Salvinar slid his frictionless body over the changing dragon until they were muzzle to muzzle, their unnatural tongues wrapping around one another as Weber's muzzle turned shiny and more draconic while his ears twisted and swept back into a pair of horns. Weylis watched the two grind against one another, their large cocks sandwiched between their latex-covered washboard abs as they rolled around until Salvinar was on his back. Weber's back arched upwards as they continued to kiss while the rubber there shifted and grew, a pair of wings spreading outwards as his canine tail was completely assimilated into a thick, reptilian appendage that wagged eagerly through the air.

Facing one another, Weber grinned wide as he leaned in close and pressed his new reptilian muzzle up against Salvinar's own, their rubber bodies squeaking as they grinded their cocks up against one another's bodies. Never before had Weber felt this good... he knew that he had achieved perfection, that his master Weylis had gifted him with the grandest present he would ever need. Any last bits of his own flesh life quickly vanished with the rubber parasite, green scales glimmering all over his body while Weylis stroked his own flesh, watching on in delight as he watched the last of the survivors on board give in, connecting to his own mind.

Out of his own self-indulgence, Weylis sent a message to Salvinar's mind, and the dragon grinned before Weber sat up for a moment, the blue dragon turning over to present his ass. There was no hesitation in Weber's expression, the new dragon pressing his own rubber shaft up against the other male's completely smooth ass and pressed in, mounting his mate as he let out a deep moan, grinning wide to himself as he slid in and out. Salvinar let out deep grunts and purrs of pleasure, his eyes clenched tight while Weber enjoyed this new lust filled life he'd been given. Inside of his mind he felt Weylis enter once more, looking through his eyes, enjoying the pleasure through him... and his voice came once more. "Your body had been changed, your mind warped... and now your name shall belong to me just as well. From this day on, you are Luxius. Cum, my guard... own your mate and shout your allegiance!"

Luxius' eyes shot wide open, his mind claiming the name... claiming the ownership that Weylis had pressed upon him. "I am Luxiussss! I am the guard of his majesty, Weylis!" he roared. With that he came inside of the other dragon, green juices staining the blue within, Salvinar cumming in kind as he blew his load over the floor, the pair stretched in a still pose as they panted in sync, both looking to Weylis with complete and unabashed loyalty. The dragon king grinned wide as he came onto the pair, claiming his property, and marking them as his loyal guards.

"Now... why don't we get on to business?" he said. The two dragons quickly untangled themselves, saluting to their king in more ways than one, and nodded seriously.


Defense Force Charlie:

Set out amongst the stars, a small station sat stationary in rotation around a star, hiding their presence from anyone thanks to the star's radiation. A young stallion sitting at a computer gazed around at the monitors, reviewing any messages that beamed through their section. He was just about done with his shift, his eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and his coffee on the counter was already cold. Most of the others had retired, the next shift's crew getting ready to come in, and he couldn't wait to hit the hay. Just as he was about to logout, the young horse noticed a message that specifically called out to their signature, something that shouldn't have been possible seeing as they were supposed to be completely hidden.

Straightening up in his seat despite his exhaustion, the horse clicked on the message after a moment's hesitation, and a video recording popped up on his screen. In the video he saw one intimidating looking dragon... his body seemed to gleam in the light of the video, and on either side of him stood two dragons, both extremely handsome... and all of them very naked. The leader in the middle grinned wide as he saluted the horse mockingly, the young stallion feeling his heart start to beat painfully in his chest as he started to get the feeling that he was out of his depth. "Hello! Sorry to butt in on your very private line, but I like being fair and wanted to announce your ship's assimilation before we got there. By now my many men have started to board your little station," as if in response, an alarm started to ring with a loud klaxon call, "ah, it looks like they're right on time! You'd best give this very simple message to your captain, just before you get converted that is: 'Your new captain is coming to claim your ass'."

The Rescuers Require Rescuing

Sitting up on his bed, Tibalt's entire chest was covered in his cum, his face in a smile as he imagined finally being changed by the master. Truthfully he was jealous of the Captain and First mate that they'd been given the honors of being his first...

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Reasserting Control

Tibalt was thankful that he had gotten back to his room, he had been on the asteroid for nearly the whole day with only Lucian and the other explorers for company while they looked for more potential alien remains. The tiger had constantly checked on...

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A Rough Reacclimation

Though Tibalt tried to text Weber throughout the day he never received any messages back, and when Lucian had tried to talk him into coming to a party that night, the lizard had no interest in talking to anyone but the husky. Sitting in his room all...

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