The Corruption Competition P2

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of The Corruption Competition

When something garners Renzyl's attention it usually is someone to convert, but when it's something that is already made of rubber then it catches his curiosity in a completely different way. What do you do when you when there's a potentially dangerous creature that you potentially can't control? Make friends with it of course! And when you find out that you share similar interests then Renzyl's always up for a game.

Raak in this story belongs to the incredibly talented artist tanraak

Edited by texotic

Chrono sat in the nexus transport room with his tablet in hand, playing a game that one of Renzyl's brothers had released on the nexus net when he suddenly felt the tingle of magical energy run through his body. He glanced over at his console curiously since he didn't expect anyone arriving in so soon, but was shocked when the portal opened suddenly and a rubber dragon stuck his head through. "Chrono, could you be a dear and store some of the souvenirs that Raak and I have picked up on the trip?" Renzyl asked with a smirk.

"What kind of souvenirs are we talking-" before the silver raptor could even finish his sentence, a rubberized wolf and fox were pushed out of the portal into the room, stumbling slightly before they stood at attention in front of Chrono. "-about. Ah, I see. The usual accommodations, then?"

"You are the best," Renzyl complimented. "Oh, the fox is mine, the wolf is my new friend's toy. Please make sure that you keep the canine on hand in case I have to grab him quickly."

Before Chrono could say anything else the dragon's head disappeared and the portal closed shut behind him, leaving the two bewildered rubber creatures in front of him. The silver raptor sighed and ordered them to follow as he led them down the hall to temporary storage. "Two corrupted rubber creatures in one place," he mused as he looked back as the wolf and fox began to make out while they walked. "I almost feel bad, the people of that planet have no idea what they're in for..."

Meanwhile, back on the planet's surface, Raak and Renzyl watched as two more citizens of the city walked past them, unaware of their presence. "So this time we're not going to have any contact with them aside from the initial infection," Renzyl explained. "Mental suggestion only, and the first one to succumb to their transformation is the winner."

"Well, this is certainly going to be something exciting," Raak said as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation, his muzzle turned up in an evil grin. "Making a toy from the inside out while they try to struggle against the corruption... this will be my game to win after all. Are you sure we can't touch them just a little bit, though? I do enjoy feeling my prey wiggle under my grasp as they change."

"As do I," Renzyl confessed as they hopped out and began to trail the two. "However, I fear that our desires may overwhelm them and we will get a very short round. I have a feeling we'd just both wing-wrap them and we couldn't see who won, anyway, but this way we can enjoy the show."

The two creatures continued on, oblivious to the shadowy denizens plotting their fate, instead the male tiger and lion continued to talk about the movie they had just come from as they walked down the promenade that bordered the river. As they continued their jaunt back to the tiger's home; however, they noticed that the traffic along the route thinned out considerably, until the normally busy riverside walkway was completely deserted save for those two. "Well, this feels eerily a bit like that movie," the lion said as he looked around.

"Perhaps we should have called a taxi instead..." the tiger replied, though he knew by now that if they tried to double back to the road it would take them longer than if they continued to press on. Suddenly both males cried out as everything went dark, as if someone had turned off not only the streetlights, but the entire world around them as they began to panic. As they reached out for some sort of handhold, both felt something press against their lips and their cries became muffled as they felt something slip into their mouths. Both began to feel dizzy and tingly all over as whatever was inside their maws slipped down their throats as well, feeling something press down deep inside them...

And then just as quickly as the world turned off, it came back on again and the two felines looked at each other as their brains tried to comprehend what just happened. When they swiveled their heads around they found they were no longer alone, the pathway filled with people that continued about their business like nothing had even happened. The two just looked at each other and laughed sheepishly, though both silently wondered what on earth just happened. After a bit of hushed discussion they agreed it was merely a by-product of the horror movie they just watched, then continued on their way down the path back to the tiger's house.

A few minutes later the two once again found themselves truly alone, only this time it was because they had wandered into a park that was supposed to be closed during the night. "Wait... how did we end up here?" the lion asked as he scratched his mane. "This place isn't even close to your house."

"We must have taken the wrong path somewhere," the tiger tried to reason as he scratched his own head in confusion. "I could have sworn we were going the right direction though... I think... though now that I think about it, I can't even remember what turn we took to end up here."

As the two continued to try and figure out how they came to such a place, neither of them noticed their musculature begin to shift slightly, the slightly overweight tiger's shirt and pants beginning to grow slightly loose while the clothes on the lion's lanky frame began to get stretched with growing muscle. Along with their bodies something else began to change as well, as one hand reached down into their hooded sweatshirts to grab their phones and try to figure out how to get back to the tiger's house, their other hand and subconsciously snuck its way down to their pants. The lion grabbed his package fully and gave it a sensuous squeeze while the tiger went even further as his digits went into the waistband in order to fondle himself. Both seemed oblivious to the stimulation the other was giving themselves as they looked from their phone screens to the area around them.

"Alright, so if this is the park that I'm thinking it is," the tiger reasoned, "then all we have to do is follow the path to the left and then take the next right to get back to the riverside and back on track to my house." As the other male nodded and started to walk towards the indicated path, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder as the tiger stopped him. "Hey man, have you always been this in shape and you never told me?"

The lion looked down at himself and realized that his friend was right, though he had usually made it a point not to look at his scrawny frame in the mirror, his entire body looked positively swollen with muscle. Instinctively he took off his sweatshirt and shirt, which had been hard to take off with how tight it was against the thick muscle on his chest. Anyone who looked at him would have thought he had been a natural athlete his whole life, which caused him to squeeze his half-hard cock even more as it began to tent the cargo pants he wore. "This is all definitely new..." he said finally as he ran his hands over the flexed muscle of his new biceps under his tawny fur.

"Damn, I think whatever it is happened to me, too," the tiger replied as he began to take off his own clothes. "Wow, look at me, dude..." the feline said as his body seemed to go in the opposite direction as he shed the baggy top he wore and look down himself. Gone were the fat pads that had plagued him for most of his life, but instead of being ripped like his friend, his body seemed to opt for lean, slick muscle that gave him a lithe form. He wasn't skinny like the lion had been, instead he was built like a champion swimmer as he gave a pose that caused the lion to giggle slightly.

"Dude, you're tenting..." the lion said as he pointed out his friend's erection that strained the baggy pants that were held up only by the elastic waistband that contracted around his slimmer form. The tiger couldn't help but chuckle himself and gave the thick cock a squeeze, which caused his entire body to shudder before he grabbed the sides of his bottoms and pulled them down. "Hey man, what do you think you're doing?"

"I think I'm bigger down there, too!" the tiger exclaimed excitedly as he grabbed the nine inch monster between his legs and rubbed the sensitive flesh. "Oh yeah, way better. Speaking of pitching a tent, don't think I didn't see what you got packing down there. I bet yours is as big as mine is!"

As the lion was about to respond, he was surprised when his friend darted towards him and grabbed the waistband of his cargo pants. Much like his shirt, he hadn't realized that the fabric had gotten so tight around his thick calves and hamstrings. The seams were starting to tear, but none of that mattered to him at the moment as he tried to buck the tiger away from disrobing him. Just as he thought he had gotten the other feline away, there was a loud tearing noise and both males stopped dead in their tracks when the throbbing cock that had been confined within its cloth prison was suddenly freed and the head flopped down on the tiger's nose. Both chuckled nervously and looked away from one another, but neither moved away from one another as the thick member continued to throb in front of the tiger's face.

"Heh, sorry..." the tiger apologized as he once more made eye contact. "Luckily no one is around to see that, would have been quite embarrassing."

"Yeah..." the lion managed to respond. In the back of his mind the voice of rationality that was normally so clear in both their heads screamed that something very strange was happening to them, but that voice was lost in a haze of lust as he saw his friend was still on his knees. "Luckily no one is around at all, I mean... we could do anything here..."

The two friends looked at each other with unease as the tiger's gaze lowered from the lion's face to his cock that he continued to kneel in front of. He had never seen his friend like that before, or any male for that matter, the tiger thought, but something about the handsome hunk of lion in front of him made him want to do... just about anything, really. Plus they were friends, he tried to rationalize, and if his friend needed his help to get off, then that was what he was going to do. Slowly the resistance to such a prospect continued to erode from his mind as he tentatively gave the large lion tool a lick, which caused the already shivering naked lion to nearly buckle.

"One second," the lion huffed as he slowly slid over to a nearby bench and sat down, his friend following suit while still on his knees. What was about to happen was inconceivable to the lion, but he couldn't help but think how cute the tiger was between his legs as he gave his thick cock another lick from root to tip. In his previous fantasies he had always imagined some hot chick from their college or even a random big-breasted porn star there, but with the tiger's new body, it looked like he was born to be there as his friend's muzzle was finally positioned for the main event.

As the tiger began to slide his lips over the throbbing tool Renzyl and Raak watched nearby, Renzyl eating a few handfuls of pretzel bites from a nearby food cart he had unlocked as Raak munched on a large pile of nachos. "So does this mean we're at a draw?" The rubber bat asked after dunking several in the bowl of nacho cheese they shared. "They both appear to have succumbed to their transformations rather well."

"Mmmm, this is why I didn't want us to get quite involved at the moment," Renzyl replied with a grin. "From what I've seen anyone can accept it when they get through the first stage of an internal transformation; I have yet to meet a creature that didn't fantasize about getting an ideal body and then rejected the reality when they actually got it. The real fun comes when we get to the next phase of the corruption, which should be happening very, very soon..."

As the two rubber creatures continued to snack, they watched as the cause of the felines' new forms started to bubble to the surface, the skin of the lion's cock turning shiny and black as the tiger began to bob his head up and down on the thick cock. Neither male noticed at first, the lion had has head craned back and his hands gripping the side of the bench and the tiger had his eyes clothes as he enjoyed the feeling of his friend's thick length filling his maw. The sounds of their gasps and grunts continued to fill the air until the lion looked back down as he felt himself get close to climax. He wanted to watch the other male's mouth fill with his seed, but what he saw caused him to jump up, then causing the tiger to dislodge from his groin and fall to the ground in surprise.

"What the fuck, dude?!" The tiger shouted as his hands went to rub his sore rump, though his anger quickly turned to confusion when he saw the shocked look on his friend's face. His gaze followed the lion's down to his crotch, where his jaw dropped as well. Not only was the cock nestled there even bigger than before, but it also appeared to be completely coated in a shiny, black substance that dripped off it.

"Your face..." the lion said as he pointed to the tiger's muzzle, where rivulets of the same shiny material were dripping down from the corners of his mouth. "What's wrong with you, man? Are you infected with something?!"

"Me!?" the tiger shouted as he stood up, flecks of the rubber splattering on his lips before it began to spread out across the skin. "I was fine until I started sucking your cock! I still can't believe I did that..."

The lion continued to stare down at his crotch and as he was reminded of the tingling pleasure from his friend's mouth he could see the rubber beginning to spread. The sensation continued to spread over his whole body as his body grew sensitized, though he was scared to touch his cock as the liquid seemed to solidify into an even coat on his dick. A slightly muffled yelp caused him to look up in time to see the other feline stick out his tongue, except instead of the normal length, the rubberized appendage slid out to nearly a foot long before it retracted back into his mouth. "I feel so strange..." the tiger said as his hands went to his clothes and began to take his forgotten pants completely off.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" the lion asked as he watched the other male strip down completely naked, his own throbbing tool dripping the same black substance that his own was coated in.

"The feelings... they're too much..." the tiger replied in a huff as he discarded the clothing. Some of the leaking latex had gotten onto his fur, but instead of matting it down, it seemed to coat each individual strand before spreading outwards. Both males sat there dumbfounded, unsure of what to do other than stand there and watch their strange transformation continue. Unlike the lion who refused to touch himself, though, the tiger's hands drifted towards his own cock and began to stroke it, and as soon as his fingers caressed the sensitive flesh, it turned shiny and black just like the lion's.

"It's so good," the tiger continued to murmur as his free hand went up to his nipple, giving it a squeeze as more rubber started to leak out of them. "I can feel it inside me, wanting to come out. If this is what my cock feels, like I can't imagine what the rest of my body is going to feel like."

"You gotta stay with me, man," the lion pleaded, but he could already tell his friend was lost in the throes of lust as the rubber coated his body like wildfire. "If I can fight this, then so can you!"

Suddenly the two felines became aware of the presence of someone else as two creatures walked into their line of vision, a smirk on both their faces as they watched the lion continue to struggle while thick, black corruption oozed out of the tiger's ears, eyes, and now nose, as well. "Actually neither of you can fight this," Renzyl corrected as the lion looked at him in shock. "Although I have to say that I am impressed at your fortitude. When I started your transformation, I thought for sure the allure of muscles and lust would override your want to remain the way you are. Your friend, on the other hand, he seems to have taken to his new role quite well."

"Which means that I won this round," Raak responded as he rubbed a finger alongside the tiger's muzzle. "Which means that we get to go into the tie-breaker, but until then we have to decide what we're going to do with these two. By the way, I have to say your suggestion to keep the fur and just make it latex was a rather ingenious thought, it's like a full-size, rubber stuffed animal toy, except it moves and does whatever I say."

"I have to say that I can't claim credit for the idea," Renzyl replied honestly. "I have a brother who specializes in the use of spandex, and he wanted something to differentiate his drones from his actual minions, so he decided-"

"Excuse me!" the lion shouted, which caused the two rubber creatures to stop and turn towards him. "I don't know who you are, but I want to know what the hell you did to me and my friend and to stop it right now!"

Both dragon and bad looked at each other, then shook their heads and turned towards the other two males. "They're so arrogant when they haven't properly been trained," Renzyl commented, which Raak nodded in agreement, the lion then swallowing hard and backing away. "Mine's about ready to pop and yours has already done so, why don't we take our newest acquisitions and get them better suited to their new lives before we send them off for the night."

Raak grinned evilly and gave the lion a wink before he walked over to the tiger, who writhed on the ground as he continued to stroke his cock as the rubberization continued to consume his body. The latex bat picked him up and put the other male on all fours as he stroked the transforming toy. As Raak rubbed his hands over the last patches of fur on the tiger's body he knew that this one was already completely lost to his lustful embrace; the feline's form begging to be filled as he pushed his butt up into the air at the simplest touch. "That's it my pet, you know who your master is," the bat cooed as he began to push his maleness inside as the tiger's eyes went completely blank.

Just as the lion growled and about to step forward to intervene, a strong arm locked onto his bicep and held him back. "I would highly advise against that," Renzyl suggested with a stern look. "You know how they say you shouldn't get between a hungry dog and his food? This is the same basic principle, unless you'd rather get turned into a toy like your friend there, I wouldn't mind it either way."

"Who... who are you?" the lion asked.

"My name is Renzyl," the rubber dragon introduced before his hand gestured towards the other two. "That over there is my new friend Raak." When the lion turned back towards them, his jaw dropped when he saw his friend had somehow got moved onto his back, groaning loudly and calling the dominant male above him his master as the latex bat began to thrust into him. Their bodies squeaked loudly as the tiger had become a completely rubberized version of himself from head to toe that was wrapped around Raak.

"Is that... is that what's going to happen to me?" the lion asked as he pointed, his eyes widening as he saw shiny, metallic, gold rubber completely coating his hand all the way up to his elbow. With the arrival of the two new people he hadn't looked over his own transformation, and realized with some shock that the rubber on his cock had turned a shining silver that had already spread over his thighs and over his sculpted chest.

Renzyl chuckled and let go of the other male, then crossed his arms. "I can see you're rather conflicted over your transformation," the dragon explained as the lion cautiously rubbed his latex-covered hand from his fur to the edge of the rubber that continued to cascade up his form. "Part of you wants this, enjoys the muscle and the beauty that I'm giving you, the other part, though, is worried after seeing what happened to your friend. Probably part of the reason why I lost this round... but in any case, I can promise you the rubber will only go as far as your mind wants it to, much like hypnosis, and I will respect any boundaries you put up."

"You are being an awful tease, Renzyl," Raak spoke up with a dark chuckle as he paused while fully hilted inside the rubber tiger, who clawed at the ground from the pleasure he got from it. "Though I can't complain, this one wanted to be broken since the moment he gave in and sucked his friend's cock. You simply desire to be a good toy for anyone who wants to use you, don't you?"

The tiger simply nodded and then gasped when the rubber bat pulled out of him. "Yes... yes Master," he said breathily as his cock throbbed, his subservience rewarded as he was once more penetrated to the hilt. "I want to be your rubber toy! Please fill me with all you have!"

"Bet you didn't know that about your friend," Renzyl said suddenly with a grin, which caused the lion to jump when he realized the dragon was right next to him. "It did not take much for Raak to push him over the edge, though he is rather good at it. It'll be interesting to see what you become... Will you remain exactly as you are, or will you like what you see and join your friend? From where I'm standing, it is very obvious you like what you see."

The lion looked down when he realized what Renzyl was talking about, his latex hands trying to cover his very obvious erection. By this point the front half of his muscular body was almost completely covered with gold and silver latex, shivering while it crept around his back. He jumped slightly when it reached his tailhole and began to push inside him, the transformation spreading between his cheeks as he looked at Renzyl accusingly. "I said your mind was in control, I never specified which part," the rubber dragon replied as the lion bit his lip while the latex tentacle pushed inside him.

"I can already tell what he wants to be," Raak said as his golden eyes looked into the lion's, a fanged smirk on his face as he continued to roll his hips into the writhing male beneath him. "I'm going to take over, Renzyl, if you don't mind."

Renzyl just shook his head and raised his hands in the air. "You won this round, so go for it," he stated as he stepped away, leaving the shaking male to the whims of the corruptive creature still rutting his friend. Raak's smirk grew even bigger as he held up a hand and beckoned him forward with a single finger. As the lion found himself moving closer to the two, he could feel a pressure on his mind as gold and silver latex began to creep out of his mouth and nose and assimilate the short fur on his muzzle.

"You can clearly see how much your friend is enjoying his new lot in life," Raak said as the lion continued to stare into his eyes, unaware the assimilation of his fur had intensified and nearly covered his entire body. "But not completely... you still have some pride left in you. You still want a spot between my legs, though, is that what you want?"

The lion had to blink several times in order to try and get his brain to work, but the haze that started to cover it seemed to slow his thoughts. No, not slowed, he realized as he found himself kneeling down in front of the bat. They were... simplified, the cares and worries of the world that he carried around with him dissolved away as he found their latex muzzles growing close. In the back of his mind he knew if he kissed this creature he would likely lose whatever independence he could retain, but that voice quickly grew quiet as their lips met and sealed the fate that had laid out when his friend started to suck his cock. The lion could feel the thick tongue press deep inside his maw, stretching the synthetic flesh that had once been fur.

"That's a good pet," Raak complimented once they had broken their kiss, petting the other male between the ears where his mane remained, though now completely coated in bright bronze as the feline purred. "I do think you deserve a treat, and my toy should learn to finish what he starts, don't you think?"

The lion just nodded as he looked down at the tiger, the writhing creature almost completely different from the friend he had known only a few hours ago. But his new owner was right, he looked better as a toy and needed to finish what he started as he stuck his flexible cock into the tiger's mouth when he gasped in pleasure. There was only a momentary jump from the sudden impalement before the tiger closed his eyes and began to suck on the thick tool in his maw, causing the lion to fall forward in pure bliss. Raak had already anticipated this and caught him with his wing arms, using his legs to keep himself buried deep in the tiger's tailhole as they shared another kiss while the male beneath them continued to pleasure them as best he could.

"Looks like you are certainly enjoying yourself," Renzyl said as he walked over to the three, which caused them all to stop and look at him before he waved his hands. "Don't stop on my account, we still have plenty of night left to finish our little competition, and you should definitely take a little time to enjoy your new catches."

"I certainly will," Raak replied as he reached around and grabbed the lion's ass, pushing him down until his cock was lewdly bulging out the tiger's throat from how deep it penetrated. "I'm not sure if you can, but do please show my other self the fun we've been having, I want him to know exactly what he's missing out on. Speaking of such, I'm not so selfish I'm not willing to share if you'd like to take the lion, he was your pet project this round."

The rubber demon chuckled and shook his head. "I'll prep the portal while you finish up, just don't tire yourself out too much. I have an idea for our last round, and you're going to need all your strength for it..."

The Corruption Competition P3

Meanwhile, back at Renzyl's nexus realm, Chrono hummed to himself as he walked back into the portal control hub after having escorted the two recent converts down into temporary storage. "Hopefully Lord Renzyl has not gotten himself into too much...

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The Corruption Competition P1

Renzyl quietly hummed to himself as he walked through the halls of his manor, looking at the tablet of tasks that Chrono had scheduled for him to look at today. He had just come from talking with his hypnagas about a new addition to their fold, and it...

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Escape Plan Zeta

Weber felt the blood pound in his head as he stopped and looked back to see that he hadn't been followed, through that mattered little as his brain struggled to comprehend what had just happened. He had just led his best chance of help into a trap,...

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