The Corruption Competition P3

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of The Corruption Competition

When something garners Renzyl's attention it usually is someone to convert, but when it's something that is already made of rubber then it catches his curiosity in a completely different way. What do you do when you when there's a potentially dangerous creature that you potentially can't control? Make friends with it of course! And when you find out that you share similar interests then Renzyl's always up for a game.

Raak in this story belongs to the incredibly talented artist tanraak

Edited by texotic

Meanwhile, back at Renzyl's nexus realm, Chrono hummed to himself as he walked back into the portal control hub after having escorted the two recent converts down into temporary storage. "Hopefully Lord Renzyl has not gotten himself into too much trouble while I was gone," he mused to himself as he fired up the projection stone. Just as he was about to key into his master's location, a portal suddenly opened a few feet away from him and the rubber dragon stuck his head out to give the raptor a grin.

"Got two more for you," Renzyl stated before he disappeared back into the portal and two rubber felines were pushed out into the hub room and the dragon reappeared. "Please make sure you handle them the same you did the others, these are both Raak's and they will need to be returned to this world. It really is quite fascinating, like him they can turn back to their original selves with no clue of what happened, but still retain the ability to transform back when the rubberized version comes out."

Just as Chrono was about to respond, the rubber bat poked his head in, as well, and looked at Renzyl. "I found the perfect group for our tie-breaker," he said before he looked around in awe. "Is this where all the magic happens? You can feel the corruptive energy here... I like it."

"Well, no matter what the outcome of our wager, I will be sure to give you the grand tour," Renzyl replied before he waved to Chrono. "This part may run late, so don't wait up. Also make sure to clear my schedule for the week since, one way or the other, I will be preoccupied. You're the best!"

Chrono sighed as the two darted back into the portal and it closed behind him, leaving two very confused latex felines looking around. He could already tell they had been newly and thoroughly conditioned and took two collars complete with leashes from a box underneath his console and secured them around their necks. "Alright, let's go you two," Chrono ordered as he led them out of the hallway and down to the area he had just come from.

Back on the planet's surface, two pairs of glowing eyes watched from the bushes at five furs gathered around a crackling fire. "You were right, this is perfect." Renzyl complimented as the group laughed and joked with one another. "So for the final round it's anything goes, and whoever has the most creatures transformed by them is the winner. Points go to their final forms, if they're a bat then you get it, and if they're a lizard creature or naga, then it's mine. Just to prevent any confusion there will be no dragons, since if they've got wing arms like you it would be hard to tell who won, and I'd hate to end it on a tie."

"That sounds perfectly fine to me," Raak replied as he eyed up his first target. "Round starts on your call, once you make sure that none of them can run..."

Meanwhile the five being spied on continued to talk, unaware of the plots against them as they sat and drank. "You could not have picked a better night for this," a male horse said as he laid there with a cup filled with alcohol. "Not going to have too many more of these before we graduate from college and have to deal with the real world."

The others nodded or otherwise made noises in agreement as they all sat there, and the horse looked up as he continued to listen to the others talk. As he continued to watch his head tilted slightly in confusion when the night sky seemed to darken, then slowly the stars disappeared from view. At first he thought it was a cloud bank, but he could still see the moon even though it also appeared dark and dull. He sat back up to hear the female rabbit that had been on her phone the entire time complain that she had just gotten disconnected suddenly. While the others looked at their own phones, the equine stood up and continued to crane his head up at the night sky in confusion.

A sudden shout from the otter in the group suddenly turned all their attention to him as he held his shoulder. "Something just came up and bit me!" he shouted as the kangaroo next to him got up to his aid while the others looked on in confusion and asked if it was a bug. "No guys, this thing had some huge fangs on it! I could feel it sink into the meat of my shoulder and... like some kind of vampire... I mean... it was big..."

"Relax dude," the other male said as he pulled the otter's hand away to look at his shoulder, the otter stopping immediately as the kangaroo pulled back the shirt to inspect it. "I don't see any puncture marks, but there's something else covering your fur. It almost looks like... like rubber, are you wearing anything made of rubber right now?"

"Am I?" the otter asked in confusion, and as he did the horse thought he heard something akin to whispering before the otter nodded his head. "I am, I like rubber..."

"You like rubber?" the jackal on the other side of the fire repeated as he and the female badger next to him stifled a giggle. "So you're like one of those wierdos that likes getting all dressed up in the stuff and then getting banged by a bunch of different dudes?"

Once again the otter stared blankly ahead, his eyes growing increasingly distant. Once more the horse heard something on the wind, but before he could say anything about it the other male stood straight as a rail and looked at the canine. "I would like that very much..." he said as he squirmed there slightly. "Covered in rubber and surrounded by all types of guys with their dicks out."

"Ew, that's gross dude!" the badger said with a laugh before she stood up and held her arms. "Did it suddenly get cold around here? Where did my jacket go? Wait... here it is... though I don't remember leaving it there."

"Hey, is that a new coat?" the horse asked as the badger slid the sleeves over her arms. "I don't remember your old one being so... shiny."

"What do you mean?" the badger replied with a tilt of her head, but before he could say anything a shout from the roo caused them all to look over in his direction. All of them gasped as they saw the head of one of their friends buried in the groin of the other, who looked extremely surprised at the situation. "Dude, what the hell?!"

"I was just joking around!" The kangaroo said as he tried to back off of the log and away from the amorous male. "I said if he was really into something like that then he wouldn't mind sucking my dick, and he just looked at me weird for a second before he darted down there!"

Suddenly a pair of black latex hands clamped down on the kangaroo's shoulders and held him in place, everyone's jaws dropping and eyes widening as they saw the grinning latex bat behind him. "My apologies, I didn't suspect that my hypnotic venom would make him that susceptible so fast," Raak gloated as tendrils of rubber began to branch off of his fingers and into the roo's fur. "Hopefully I haven't spoiled the party too much."

"I think we'll manage over here," Renzyl replied as everyone turned to see the demonic dragon behind the jackal, who trembled slightly as he was pointed at. "By the way, if anyone was wondering, it's this one who likes to be tied up around a bunch of guys deep down."

"It's always the ones who throw it out there as a joke," Raak chuckled before he leaned down and pulled up the kangaroo's head, latex dripping from the bat's hand onto the other male's chin and neck as they locked eyes. "How about you? While certainly not as kinky as your friend over there, I'm sure something has got you excited, maybe it's one of your friends ready and willing to listen to every command given to him while he's between your legs?"

The equine watched in both terror and fascination as his otter he had known for years successfully undid his friend's pants and began to stroke the half-hard cock he freed as the kangaroo seemed to not notice as his jaw slackened from Raak's words and gaze. Just as the horse was about to run, he turned his head to see the dragon's muzzle a few inches from his own. "Where do you think you're going?" Renzyl asked with a smirk, causing the other male to swallow hard.

"Just... just let us go," the horse pleaded as he looked behind the dragon to see the jackal completely naked and tangled up in the rubber creature's tail, which had split at the end to form into several thin tentacles which wrapped around the wiggling prey's body. A muffled groan could be heard around the one that had stuffed itself into his maw as a thick, black liquid began to leak out of the corner of his mouth. Next to him the badger girl was nowhere to be found, the equine male hoped that she had managed to escape and find help as he continued to try and back away from the dragon.

Meanwhile Raak chuckled to himself as the roo remained completely motionless, his eyes half-lidded and his body completely slack. The only thing that remained active was his cock, and that was only because of the other male burying it in his muzzle. As he looked over he saw that the dragon had already started to change the jackal and was making a move on the horse while the badger girl continued to run around screaming. As he looked down at his two enthralled toys, he got an idea on how to potentially give himself the edge.

"I think I can hold both of you at once," the rubber bat mused before he crouched down and spread his wings out wide. It was enough of a flourish to catch even the latex dragon's attention as he stretched his limbs out wide before he brought them in on the two males. Despite the hypnotic venom coursing through their veins and the enthrallment he used to make their minds malleable, he still felt them squirm against the synthetic membrane of the wings as they pressed around them. Raak couldn't help but laugh as he watched the kangaroo's face stretch out several inches along with one of his hands before it disappeared back.

"Very clever," Renzyl mused before he turned his attention back to the horse, who had fallen backwards. "It appears my friend is going to make this rather down to the wire, so I'm going to need you to pay attention and think very carefully. What is it you desire the most, is it power?" The horse continued to stay frozen in place as those glowing red orbs continued to stare at him, the dragon shaking his head. "Not quite power... strength then... no, beauty..."

A smile came on the shiny latex muzzle of the dragon as the equine shook slightly from the leer he got. "You vain little creature, you," Renzyl said as he sauntered over to the shocked horse, the jackal bound in his tail moving with him as he was now almost completely covered either from the tentacle tail itself or from the wave of corruptive latex that covered his body. "I'm going to make you the most handsssome creature that you could ever imagine."

The horse continued to move back a few more steps, but when he bumped up against the log his friends had been sitting at, he found himself unable to move any further. To his left he could see the latex bat continue to have his wings wrapped tight around the wiggling males inside, and as he did he could see their forms had already begun to alter. The synthetic membranes had suctioned so tight to their bodies he could see the otter's ears had begun to grow tall and pointed while the roo's arms began to stretch and grow into a pair of wing arms similar to the one that captured them. As they continued to change Raak glanced down over at the horse, who gasped and turned his head only to have his vision filled with glowing red eyes and black rubber.

"I think it's time we begin," Renzyl cooed as he brought up his hands to the stallion's face. Almost instantly the latex on the dragon's arms seemed to flow onto him, not just covering the horse hair of his muzzle, but assimilating it, as well. At first it coated his entire maw in one unbroken sheet, but as it continued to flow over his head he felt it press into his lips and slide past his teeth. When it finally broke he let out a gasp and felt the rubber tendrils quickly wrap around and cover his tongue.

Raak let out an amused chuckle as he watched the horse's entire body go slack while the rubber began to take on a new shape. At the same time the jackal that had been imprisoned in the dragon's tail was completely gone, replaced by a bright, red-scaled lizardman that eagerly sucked on the tentacles in his maw while several more penetrated under his tail. He knew if the creature had pupils they would be rolled back into his head with sheer pleasure, which made the bat look down at his two playthings. With the horse taking his full attention and the female badger still running around, it meant that he could take a more personal touch with the prey he had already caught. He unfurled one of his wings and looked down at what had been his first victim, the otter covered completely in shiny rubber as he looked at himself in confusion.

"Come here, you," Raak commanded, the blue eyes of the male shooting up before the transformed otter quickly moved up to him. "Good to see my venom is still as potent as ever. Now go ahead and put yourself between my legs where a good toy should be, and show your master just how eager you really were to get at your friend's cock."

"Yes, master," the otter replied before he placed his lips against the tip of the thick rubber maleness of his new owner. By this point the relation to his former species was nominal, his already lithe body type was now heavily accented by the new rubber body as his wing arms reached up and squeezed the base of the bat's cock. The only thing left had been the blunt muzzle, but as the transformed male began to push his maw down on Raak's length, it too began to change until it grew the familiar angles of his new master.

Meanwhile the latex bat could continue to feel some resistance from the other male embraced in his wing, so he allowed the transformed roo to push out from his confines to look at himself. "Do remember that they have to be changed in both mind and body to count, Raak," Renzyl spoke up as his hands glided down the horse's body, who at this point was completely naked and sporting an erection of his own as his rubber-covered chest and arms were sculpted into pinnacles of perfection. The bat just grinned evilly and looked back at the smaller rubber bat male, who swallowed hard.

"Why don't you go ahead and join your friend down there?" Raak said to the roo as his glimmering eyes stared into the other male, who appeared to take a step forward before he looked back.

"I'm not..." the other male tried to say, though he found himself unable to look away from Raak as he said it. "I don't do that."

"You are not you anymore," Raak replied with a tone of finality to it. "Look at yourself, your master has seen it fit to give you the body that emulates him, do you really think you're you anymore? Obviously you are now an extension of me, which means that I can use you to pleasure myself like I would my own hand. So at this point I would like to use my hands, which means you need to join your friend down there."

The roo turned bat swallowed hard as the corrupted bat continued to look at him with seductive eyes, motioning down towards his groin with his free hand. Despite his earlier reluctance he saw his friend, now a corrupted rubber bat just like himself, eagerly bobbing his head up and down on the glistening shaft of the creature that caused them to be like this. He felt his body gravitating downwards as the whispers of the pleasure that came from obedience filled his ears, even though Raak never moved his lips. As he extended his synthetic tongue he slowly realized that it was his own voice telling him to do it now, his new master's words infecting the very core of his logic as he gave the throbbing tool the first of many licks while his new body shuddered with pleasure from the submission.

Meanwhile Renzyl had worked his way down to the horse's thighs, though as the transforming male continued to breathe heavily his equine features had been completely converted to serpentine ones. The horse's breath drew out in deep hisses as his thinning tongue flicked out of his new muzzle, a split forming in the tip as he felt his features slim down. The glistening rubber had been carefully sculpted by the dragon's hands, and with every alteration came another burst of pleasure. The heavy scales gleamed as their coloration shifted from black to bright, glittering hues.

"Almost done, my perfect creature," Renzyl churred as his hands moved down towards the legs, where he pulled them together before he wrapped his arms around them. The former horse let out a gasp of pleasure as his horsecock that had bobbed untouched up until that point was suddenly engulfed by the warm, slick maw of the demon. Had he not been held down he would have bucked right off the ground as the rubber on the dragon's body grew into tentacles and wrapped around the bound appendages. Once again the transforming male bucked up and pushed his lengthening erection down into Renzyl's throat as the space between his legs was filled in with the corruptive substance. By the time the dragon pulled his maw off of the creature's cock it was completely coated in rubber and ridged, standing at a foot long as several feet of heavily muscled naga coils were framed underneath it.

The new naga looked down at himself and hissed in pleasure as his hands roamed over his perfectly proportioned muscles covered with the glittering shine of his latex scales. "I'm very glad that you approve," Renzyl said before he stood up and looked around, "now it's just time for one more to take care of."

"You mean this one?" Raak's voice called out as his gaze remained fixated on the badger, his two latex cohorts grinning at him as they held her in place. "Looks like you took a little too long with your last creation, guess I get to see what you look like at my feet as well."

"Oh, I don't know about that," Renzyl replied with an assured grin. "After all, the only reason that I got to the horse so late was because I was busy making a few preparations before we got into it. By the way, my dear, that is a very nice coat that you're wearing."

The badger managed to lift herself out of the hypnotic trance the bat on her as they both turned towards the dragon in confusion. Her hands went down towards where the zipper of the coat would have been only to find that it was gone, and when she saw her hands, they glistened in the light of the fire from where the sleeves of the rubber coat had connected with her gloves. "You turned her jacket into rubber," Raak realized as he saw her pants begin to turn black and bulge out with a very non-feminine tent. "You've been changing her the entire time she's been running around."

"Which is bad news for you, I'm afraid," Renzyl replied as he walked up to them.

"This isn't over yet, dragon," Raak said before he turned the badger's head back to him. "You may have already started to ensnare her physical form, but her mind will be mine, and from there the body will follow. Isn't that right, toy, don't you want to be like your wonderful friends here in my service?"

"I don't think so," Renzyl responded as he turned the enthralled creature's gaze back towards his own eyes. "You've seen what I offer, and I'm already making your body something quite more than what you were before. Don't you think that someone who offers something like that worthy of your devotion?"

As the two continued to go back and forth the badger's body continued to change. The rest of the clothing had been quickly converted and revealed how much of the feminine body had shifted to becoming a male. As it continued to convert and press tight against the wiggling form, it revealed a masculine chest as a sizable cock bounced where there was the normally smooth expanse of rubberized flesh in front. The newly-minted male just moaned as his brain struggled to process not only the new sensations of his body, but also the two different sets of commands that he continued to receive.

When Raak looked down and saw that reptilian features had begun to appear on their prey's body, he took matters into his own hands and lifted the thickening tail at the base to expose the pert hole underneath. With the flesh down there already completely changed to latex, he quickly positioned his own erect cock against the anal opening. The bat's grin widened as he could feel his own rubber begin to transfer into the similar substance already on their plaything's body as he pushed his member easily into the stretchy opening of the transforming creature. The badger let out a loud gasp as he felt himself get impaled, his own new cock throbbing against the body of the dragon in front of him.

"Looks like this is going to come down to the wire after all," Renzyl commented before he clasped his hands around the badger's head and kissed him deep, more of his own demonic corruption seeping into the badger as their muzzles pressed against one another. As the two continued to vie against one another the bat's influence began to manifest, the feet that had begun to thicken and merge instead split apart and grew into the clawed feet similar to Raak's as membranes began to grow out from the badger's arms. At the same time as Renzyl's tongue slid further down into their prey's throat the last of the normal fur disappeared under a wave of rubber scales as the muzzle grew angular and reptilian while a pair of horns slid out from behind a pair of pointed ears. Latex musculature and bone shifted and contorted from the attention of the two corrupting creatures until finally there was a muffled cry and the assimilated creature climaxed hard from the waves of pleasure it was drowning in.

When Renzyl and Raak realized that the changes in the creature had solidified, they both disengaged from the new rubber creature and took a look at what had been created. "I thought you said no dragons," the latex bat commented as the latex drake rose unsteadily to its feet as it came down from its post-orgasmic bliss. The creature between them looked up at them in question as they regarded his mix of draconian and bat features.

"Hmmm, I was worried something like this may happen," Renzyl mused as he looked over the rubber creature. "Instead of our separate abilities trying to outdo one another for complete dominance, it appears that they have chosen the synthesis route and merged together. While an excellent example of how working together can create a rather spectacular specimen, I'm afraid that it doesn't do us any good for who might have won this round. I have the feeling that the mental aspect of their transformation is going to be a similar situation."

Raak glanced at the confused creature's face and snapped his fingers to get their attention. "Who is your master, pet?" he asked, which caused the former badger to pause as he looked between the two of them.

"Both?" the latex drake finally said, which caused both dragon and bat to shake their heads.

"I believe you are correct," Raak said with a small sigh. "I suppose we could end this in a draw; I'm not sure about you, but this has been quite the eventful evening, and I am quite drained from it. I know that once your influence is gone my other side is going to probably come back with a vengeance, and even if we do go to your realm, I would like to save myself up a bit for my newest toys."

Renzyl nodded and began to escort Raak as the others gathered around him, but as the group gathered around him he frowned slightly and looked around. "Where is the naga?" he asked the lizardman, who blinked a few times and turned his own head in different directions. "Last time I looked you two were entertaining each other, now it's just you. Did you happen to see where he went?"

"Yeah, it was the weirdest thing Master Renzyl," the lizardman explained as he rubbed his head. "I was on his coils as we had our cocks in the other's muzzles when the coloration on his scales started to change and he started to groan and writhe before he bucked me onto the ground. Now that I think about it, I was going to get your attention, but I just couldn't help but stare at him as he slithered off..."

"You said his coloration began to shift and you couldn't take his eyes off of him?" Renzyl repeated, which the lizardman nodded to. "I don't sense his presence in the sphere of influence I set up, either, and that means he managed to break through it already with his fledgling powers. I should have looked at that horse's abilities more closely... but I suppose now is not the time for that. If you'll come with me, Raak, we need to take a quick stop at my realm before we go on the hunt..."


Chrono waited patiently by the control console of the portal room, reading through the latest reports that concerned the nexus while he waited once again the fabric of space and time to open. After the first few deposits into their realm it was clear that his master and his new friend were having quite the night out on the town and had planned for it accordingly, opening up several of the adjacent rooms in order to deposit their finds once they were done with them. Already he had the creatures that the bat had captured in one area to make sure that none of the other rubber creatures interacted with them, though he felt the precaution ultimately unnecessary.

This time, though, when the portal finally did open, instead of getting several rubber creatures deposited at his feet, he found himself in the company of Renzyl himself, as well as Raak. "Activating Iridescence Protocol," the demon said simply, which caused the mirrored eyes of the raptor to widen. "The subject already slipped through one of my lower-level defenses and is on the loose, luckily this all happened in a relatively isolated area, but within the very close proximity of an urban area. Oh, by the way Chrono, this is Raak; Raak, this is my second in command, Chrono."

"A pleasure, I'm sure," the silver raptor replied before he grabbed his tablet and pressed one of the circles of light on it, which caused a loud noise to reverberate through the room. "Do we need to assemble your Collectors, or are you doing this one with just your friend?"

"Collector team would take too long, and reality there is unstable at best with the games we've been playing," Renzyl instructed as he reached down into the base of the stone pedestal and grabbed a bag. "I also have four minions to help us that we converted in this last round, with Raak and his being fliers, we should be able to handle it. Just make sure there's a containment team on stand-by ready to relocate, last thing I need is this thing running amok around here after we shunt it here."

Raak continued to watch in mild curiosity and amusement as two rubber lizardman ran into the room with large duffle bags, tossing one of them to him and the other to Renzyl. "Dare I ask what's going on right now?" the corrupted creature asked. "Everyone seems to be in quite the stir over some creature that managed to escape your confines."

"It's more the creature itself that we must be worried of," Renzyl replied as he motioned for Raak to put on the gear he was provided, which reminded him of a police riot suit made of latex that bonded to his skin instead of having to pull it over anything. "I didn't realize the horse I converted had such a strong psychic presence to it, normally I check for such things before I convert someone, but I have to admit I was swept up in the spirit of our little competition. What you saw get created was a creature we like to call a hypnaga, and if we let it run around your world unchecked, then you trying to get your other self to come out will be the least of your worries."

Raak just nodded and continued to pull on the gear, which linked to one another as he put it on. The last thing in the bag was a tinted visor that Renzyl explained would keep the hypnotic effect of the creature's body from affecting them, though at the cost of their own mental prowess. The demon dragon recommended that he put it on, though, and the bat decided it would be best to put it on for the time being. Once they were completely suited up the rubber dragon once more opened the portal and shunted them back to Raak's world. Once they were there they distributed the rest of the gear to their minions who put it on without question as Renzyl looked back out on the waterfront.

"He was just converted, so he couldn't have gotten too far," Renzyl instructed as they finished suiting up. "We need to get him before he reaches any sort of population center, if he wanders into the city, the cascade effect is going to be more than we can handle. Unfortunately with such a strong psychic presence I can't track him conventionally, so it's going to fall on traditional tracking to find him. Once we have eyes on the target I want our minions to form a perimeter and not get too close, even with this equipment Raak and I are the only ones powerful enough to effectively get him contained, so try not to get in the way."

Once Raak and Renzyl were finished with their search plans they sent their latex minions on the hunt, which left them alone once again. "Well I can say that hanging around you is certainly not boring," Raak said with an amused chuckle. "Not to mention I got some very lovely toys out of it that I can't wait to play with later. It's only a shame that our little competition had to end in a tie."

"Does it, though?" Renzyl mused, a smirk on his own muzzle as Raak's golden eyes looked up at him. "What we have here is an interesting challenge, perhaps we can call this our sudden death as it were. Whoever can take control of the hypnaga enough to deliver it back to my realm is the winner."

"I thought that this creature warranted our undivided attention," Raak shot back with his own smirk.

"It does," Renzyl replied as he glanced over at him. "Doesn't mean we still can't have a little fun with it."

Half an hour later the multi-hued rubber naga continued to slither through the park as two creatures cocooned in rubber squirmed in their confines, their bodies slowly extending as the corruptive material spread through and changed them. The hypnaga had found the two making out at one of the park picnic tables and didn't have to say a word,; as soon as they saw him they stood up and essentially offered themselves to him. They didn't even struggle as he wrapped them up in his scintillating coils or as they were slowly coated with transformative rubber to become his loyal naga slaves when they finished. The rubber dragon had given him such a wonderful gift, such an overwhelming beauty that he had the power to control others with was intoxicating...

Just as he began to leave on the hunt for more to change, he heard a rustle of leaves above him, a loud enough noise for him to pause and look up. When he didn't see anything with his enhanced sight he shrugged it off. No one would have been able to look upon his beauty and not be enthralled, which meant it must have been nothing. He was a siren after all, nothing in this world could resist his call...

At least that was what he thought until a black rubber dragon stepped out from behind one of the trees and stood in his path. "I think it's time that you and I had a little talk," Renzyl said as he crossed his arms. The hypnaga hissed at him and turned around to leave, only to find Raak behind him as well. "I'm afraid we can't let you wander around here, it's not good for the population of this world."

"You are the one who made me like this!" the creature hissed as he backed away from the both of them. "You gave me perfection, why shouldn't I share it with the world?!"

"Because you aren't the one in charge," Raak replied with a fanged grin. "This is my world, which means there's only enough room for one hypnotic rubber creature that turns his prey into playthings. Now why don't you go ahead and head into a realm where you belong."

"Right here is where I belong," the naga replied as he slithered up to the bat, who continued to stand there stoically as it brought its muzzle within inches of his and began to sway from side to side. "Wouldn't you rather I be here where I could create such wonderful creatures? Think of what two hypnotic creatures could do in a world like this, I could even make it so that you have a beautiful body like mine in order to bring others so easily under your sway. Just look at my shifting colors, can't you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into them?"

Raak's golden eyes raised up slightly as the hypnotizing creature's lips curled up in a grin, though they quickly turned to a frown as the latex bat leaned to look around the naga to the demon behind him. "Is he for real?" he asked in an unimpressed tone.

"I believe so," Renzyl replied. "Don't blame him too much, he is rather new to the whole thing."

The rubber naga let out an angry hiss and coiled himself around Raak's body in order to bind him there, but with their equally slick skin and a quick squirm, the bat slid his way out easily to the nearby ground. "And there's your second mistake," Raak almost growled as he leapt forward with a powerful jump and latched himself onto the naga's back. As Renzyl moved up with the restraints they had brought, he stopped when two more nagas darted towards him, the demon dragon taking a few steps back as they continued to snap at him.

The hypnaga shouted for his newly created slaves to get them both before Raak sank his fangs into the rubbery neck of his prey, delivering a full dose of his hypnotic venom into the creature. The flailing creature took advantage of the bat's focus on delivering his poison that he managed to shake him off, tossing him backwards a ways before he landed on his feet. It didn't take long for the second naga that had been trying to pin down Renzyl to break off and begin to attack Raak as well, though like the demonic dragon, he proved too fast for the newly created rubber creature to get a hold of. "Any plans, dragon?" Raak asked as he grabbed his assaulter by the wrist and flipped the naga to the ground.

"Use your restraints on them," Renzyl replied as he took the latex straps he had in his hand and pressed them against the muscular chest of his attacker. "We can't fight them and the hypnaga, and I'm not sure how effective they'd be, anyway." As soon as the shiny material made contact with the equally lustrous scales of the naga, the bands shot out and wrapped around the snake man's arms and back. Once his arms were bound the straps continued to slither their way up the captured male's neck until they flattened and merged around his head until it formed a solid rubber hood with two holes for air.

When Renzyl looked back he found that Raak had already done the same to the other naga, who laid there on the ground with his lower body curled up and secured to the lacing of his back as he wiggled and squirmed. The two rubber creatures gave each other a wink and then turned their attention to the hypnaga, who had attempted to slither away in the midst of the commotion. With the city proper and its heavily trafficked foot path very close to them, Raak took to the air while Renzyl began to run after the creature on foot. Luckily, with the help of their minions and the fact that their prey was brightly colored, it made it easy for them to spot it ahead.

The hypnaga cursed angrily as he made his way through the underbrush, not caring how much sound he made as he slithered towards his goal. He could hear and feel others in front of him, the possibility of more loyal subjects that he could use to defend himself from those who wish to take it away. Even with his power he knew the rubber dragon had the power to bring him to heel, and that was something he wouldn't allow. Unfortunately he was so concerned with Renzyl chasing behind him he failed to notice the shadow on the ground growing beneath him until Raak had once more slammed his entire body down on the fleeing creature and brought him to the ground.

"You're mine now," Raak whispered as he ripped the protective visor off of his face and stared directly into the shifting eyes of the naga pinned below him. "If you want to feel power, then just stare into my eyes and let me show you where you belong, my pet. You're the one who will serve under me, a psychedelic rubber bat to serve my every whim and desire, nothing more than a drone whose power I'll use to create more toys for my own... personal... bemusement..."

Raak continued to stare into the hypnaga's eyes as he felt its power try to push back into his mind, but though he was able to keep it at bay, he was surprised that both his venom and his power was resisted. While he could feel his corruptive thoughts wiggle into the creature's brain and begin to change his thoughts, he began to feel a similar sensation in his own mind. The colors that the creature radiated did seem to have an alluring appeal to them, and the more he stared into it the more he had to remind himself to avoid sinking into the feeling. As the war of attrition continued, he kept himself steady by reminding himself that this was going to be his toy, not the other way around, no matter how good it might have felt...

Suddenly the hypnaga's eyes widened as the coloration in them began to grow predominantly red until soon the entirety of his eye glowed with it. When Raak looked up he saw Renzyl with his hands on the sides of the latex snake's head where he channeled his power directly into it. "While I was fascinated to find out who would win that," he stated as he stood up, helping the latex bat up and off the naga that slowly began to rise up himself, "I decided it would be best to go ahead and step in before I would have to face a hypnaga and an enthralled rubber bat."

"You give your plaything a lot of credit," Raak huffed as he brushed himself off and glanced at the naga that continued to stand there in complete enthrallment. "So what exactly did you do to him in order to control him so completely like that?"

"Transferred a piece of my own consciousness into him," Renzyl explained, the naga nodding clumsily. "Thankfully he was so focused on trying to take control of you he left himself unguarded to a second attack, which allowed me to slip inside. His mind is sleeping now and I have control of his form, which I will continue to keep hold on until we get him safely inside my own realm. I have to say you did good handling him, even if you did lose in the end."

Raak let out a sneer and the two had a spirited back and forth on who really was the one who brought the naga to heel as their other minions returned from their post. As soon as they saw the hypnaga their mouths slackened slightly and Renzyl's eyes rolled before he held out his hand. The air shimmered and folded on itself until it formed the portal that led back to his realm, the hazy silhouette of the silver raptor in the nexus hub could be seen surrounded by half a dozen other shiny creatures. Renzyl ordered the entrancing creature in first with the other minions trailing mindlessly behind it, which caused both latex beings to chuckle.

"So I suppose this means that I get to be your guest for the next week or so," Raak said as he crossed his arms. "As much as I hate to admit it, you did win the contest, though I have to say I got quite a few lovely consolation prizes out of it. Of course if we're returning them here to be mine, I don't think having them missing for a week is going to be very good for keeping a low profile."

"Oh, I'm sorry, you misunderstand," Renzyl said as he waved a hand in the air. "It will be a week in my nexus realm, time moves differently there then it will here. From what Chrono calculated, it will be approximately four hours or so, give or take, when we all return. Speaking of such, we must leave here now, I'd hate for this particular pathway to close and then we'll have to go the long way around and miss all the time we could have together."

Just as they were about to enter the threshold of the portal to the other side, Raak suddenly reached up and grabbed Renzyl by the arm, which caused the demon dragon to pause and look down at him. "You said that everyone in your realm is like you, correct?" the bat asked, which Renzyl nodded to and caused Raak's fangs to show as his lips curled up in an evil grin. "If you can help me out with a bit of that power of yours, I have a terrible... terrible... terribly funny idea..."

The Corruption Competition P4

Sunlight streamed in the stained glass window onto the obsidian tile below, illuminating the bed and the creature sprawled out on it. The male bat continued to sleep soundly until the light hit his eyes, which caused them to snap open and wake him up....

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The Corruption Competition P2

Chrono sat in the nexus transport room with his tablet in hand, playing a game that one of Renzyl's brothers had released on the nexus net when he suddenly felt the tingle of magical energy run through his body. He glanced over at his console curiously...

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The Corruption Competition P1

Renzyl quietly hummed to himself as he walked through the halls of his manor, looking at the tablet of tasks that Chrono had scheduled for him to look at today. He had just come from talking with his hypnagas about a new addition to their fold, and it...

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