An Argos Experience - Day One

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A young blue-furred bobcat wins an on-line contest that promises to be an experience of a lifetime, which a familiar AI is very keen to deliver.

A charity commission for nfjrrjf

Edited by texotic

When Kajiit awoke again he found his settings had changed dramatically since he went to sleep. He could smelt the faint hint of salt in the air as he saw semi-translucent curtains hanging around him, which he pulled aside once he got out of his bed. The solid steel had been replaced with cut lengths of a soft, tropical wood as he looked out the window to a spectacular beach view of golden sand and turquoise waters. As he got up and looked around he saw the amenities of the room still hadn't changed much, but other than that it felt like he was actually at some pagoda on the edge of a beach. The other thing he smelled was food, which as he walked over to the tube that now looked like the trunk of a palm tree, he opened the wooden hatch and found his breakfast waiting for him.

Just as he sat down to eat, the door opened and the silver dragon AI walked in, looking around the room with a hint of amusement. "This setting turned out better than I had expected," he mused as he walked to the table. "I'm going to have to see about integrating a node with it and creating a tropical paradise, I thought all the complex stimuli would be hard to replicate, but it looks quite good. But enough of my accomplishments, how are we feeling today?"

"Really good!" Kajiit replied happily between bites. "I have to say I wasn't sure what to expect when I was asked to create my own companion, but I have to say Fel was amazing."

"Fel is one of my best sprites when it comes to adapting to customization," Argos praised before he pulled out a tablet-like device. "Speaking of such things, we have a rather full two days for you, and there appears to be a bit of a theme with what we're doing when it comes to the simulations that we're going to run. Not that I mind, I personally think you're going to have a lot of fun on both accounts. Now the simulation is going to start running as soon as you leave the room, so once you are ready to go, just step on out and enjoy yourself."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Kajiit replied. "What happens if I need you during the simulation, though?"

"Don't worry, I'll be monitoring the whole thing just to make sure that the experience is as seamless as possible," the dragon reassured. "If you need anything just call out my name, think of it like your own personal pause button. But use it only when needed, I'd hate to bring you out of the middle of an enthralling experience just because you wanted to see the help menu."

With a wink Argos stood up and left the bobcat to his breakfast after a few more platitudes exchanged amongst the two. Once the AI had left, Kajiit quickly finished the last of his breakfast and got ready to go. As he did, he looked out once more at the beach and wondered if it was really out there, or merely a projection created for him to look at, but not to touch. Perhaps that was what he was going to do, though as he continued to think about it, he doubted he would get such an opportunity and waste it on a day at the beach. More likely, he reasoned with himself as he put the empty dish away, it will be something that will test the limits of all his senses in this perceived computerized world he found himself in.

Even though he wasn't sure it was necessary, Kajiit performed his usual morning ritual of a shower and other such activities, but as he got out and looked around, he realized that neither his clothes nor any substitutes were given for him. A slight frown appeared on his muzzle as he wondered if something had gone wrong already, but then he remembered that Argos had said the simulation wouldn't start until he left the door. Whether or not that meant naked he decided to try for it anyway, and with a deep breath he opened the door and walked through the threshold.

What greeted him on the other side was a scene similar to the first night in his bedroom; a corridor of sleek, grey metal that stretched to his left and right with futuristic viewscreens that displayed details most likely found on a spaceship. When he turned around it looked like he just left the mess hall and was surprised to see other furs dressed up in uniforms, laughing and talking to one another just behind him. He quickly looked down at himself and realized his earlier assertion was correct, his thin body dressed in a uniform of a similar nature. Just as he started to ponder what to do next, a lizardman in similar garb came from down the hall and walked right up to him.

"Taking your time today, Kajiit, or just waiting for me?" the other male asked with a grin, the bobcat in awe at how realistic the character speaking to him was. "C'mon, no doubt they're waiting for us in the cargo bay to start the shift. Why they need two of us down there at once is beyond me, only takes one to communicate with the bridge, right?"

"Um, yeah..." Kajiit replied, still staring at the other male as he tried to figure out what to do next. He wished he knew the other man's name, and then suddenly a blue line appeared over the lizardman's head that read the name Reegan. "Go ahead and lead the way, Reegan."

The lizardman nodded and together the two walked through the ship down towards what Kajiit assumed was the cargo bay. Along the way certain prompts showed up that told him what things were if he was interested in them, it reminded him a bit of a video game, except it was just information that he wanted to know. By the time he got down to the expansive space that was the ship's main bay he was aware of most of the functions on the ship, as well as several key players on it. It all made him wonder what his purpose was or what would happen; theories and scenarios raced in his mind from escaping a black hole to a spaceship fight or some sort of incursion on a new world.

"So the Captain finally gave us the manpower to catalogue these specimens from our latest off-world adventure," Reegan said as he handed a hand-held computerized device to the bobcat, who saw a list of items on the screen. "I got one half of the list, you got the other. If we're lucky we can be done by dinner."

Kajiit tried not to look confused as he nodded and watched the lizardman leave, then turned his head down at the device. While he was pretty sure his scenario wasn't going to be the cataloguing of what these people considered to be exotic materials, he wondered what was going to come of it. Perhaps they had taken something that belonged to an alien species and they were going to have to fight them to keep it, he mused to himself as he walked down to his side of the cargo bay where the workers waited for him. Of course he also had no idea how long this simulation was going to run, he thought as he called off the first item on his list, and that this could very well be a slow build to something else.

After about fifteen minutes there was the sound of a shout and a loud thud from the other side of the bay that caused them all to pause and look over. The other workers put down what they were doing and ran over to the aid of a fallen lion, though before they got there he picked himself up and assured everyone he was fine. Once they were sure their co-worker was fine they looked to see what had spilled over, and as Kajiit walked over, himself, he saw it was a bright white, plastic drum on its side. Out of curiosity he looked at the entry for the object and found it was some sort of ooze floating in the middle of a large puddle they had drained for a hydro-mineral analysis.

"Sorry boss," the lion replied as he rubbed his head. "I don't know what happened, one second everything was stacked exactly like it should have been, but then as I moved around to secure the last strap, I suddenly see it falling towards me. If I hadn't jumped out of the way I'd probably be on the way to the medbay, though I hope the specimen wasn't damaged."

"Well, get it standing upright and make sure the seals are still intact," Reegan instructed before he called Kajiit over to a secluded section of the warehouse. "Alright, I hate to do this but we're going to have to write up a report on this one. You call the science division to get the specimen containment unit down here and I'll get started on hazard report. If we're lucky none of us will get written up on this one..."

Kajiit just nodded in agreement, and while calling in a hazmat team was the least of his wants to do at the moment, he decided to follow the protocol of the simulation. As he walked over to the ship's intercom he suddenly heard another shout, only this time it was the lizardman as he pointed to the three workers that had the barrel open and were looking down in it. "I said check if the seals were broken, not open the damn thing up!" Reegan shouted as they quickly slammed the lid back on. "We have containment crews for that!"

"Relax, boss!" a wolf said as he held his hands up in the air, the lion from before and the horse that was with them doing the same. "They wouldn't have let us haul it if it was dangerous, the seal was leaking so we tried to adjust it and the thing just opened!"

Kajiit watched as the lizardman continued to yell at them while he talked to the hazmat team over what just happened. The entire time he wondered what could possibly come about from this scenario; part of him thought that an alien hidden inside the barrel would spring out and start attacking, or perhaps it would contain some sort of toxin that would threaten the lives of everyone aboard. So far it appeared that everyone involved was fine and it made the bobcat wonder if this was perhaps a red herring. That thought continued to lean closer to the truth as the day wore on and they continued to load things until lunch, where the workers went to a separate area for food while the containment crew continued to test the barrel.

Just as Reegan came up to Kajiit for their own break, one of the crewmen in the hazmat suit waved them over to the edge of the containment site. "We have a problem, boys," she said as she held up a computer readout. "You reported that you had a few leaks in the seal and that's why the lid is open, but very little of the actual fluid leaked out?"

"That's what those who were working on it said," Reegan relayed. "Why?"

"Because it was very clear that the seal was only punctured by the fall in very isolated areas," the scientist explained. "The rest of it was very clearly broken by a knife, but that's not the worst of it. From our examination of the initial intake we're missing about a hundred milliliters of xenofluid, which I don't think I have to explain how bad this looks to your workers. I need you to get the three that had handled the barrel and bring them back here immediately."

At first Kajiit was confused why such a thing didn't merit more attention, especially with a term like xenofluid, but as he gently prodded the lizardman for information, he found out that smuggling samples of alien life out to major corporations was a huge business with major repercussions. Was that going to be the premise of his adventure, Kajiit thought to himself as they walked to the cargo bay mess hall? It seemed intriguing, but not quite what he was expecting for the build-up. The idea of a mundane mystery was soon discarded, though, as they heard a commotion from the room they were about to enter. By the time they got there people were frantically running about, most them grouped over one of the three workers that were sprawled out on the floor.

From the snippets of conversation Kajiit could pick up from those in the room, all three were talking and laughing normally when they started to convulse and fell to the floor. Even without the cursory look he saw they were the same three as those who opened the container, information he relayed to Reegan whose eyes widened at the realization. "Everyone, I need you to please leave the cafeteria!" he shouted, though no one seemed to listen as they still milled about in a panic over their fallen crewmates. "Medical teams will be here soon, please make the necessary space in order to let-"

"He's stopping!" a female leopard shouted as the lion coughed and rolled on all fours, his head hanging down. "You alright? Say something to me if you can hear me!" Reegan continued to try and shout to get everyone to move, but his words were lost in the wave of relief as the other two started to come around, as well. Kajiit began to back his way out of the room as he watched, fairly certain of what was about to happen next.

As the leopard reached her palms under the lion's head and lifted it up she noticed the black ooze that dripped from his lips, but before she could do anything his mouth opened and a black, shiny appendage that had once been his tongue darted out and split into several latex tentacles that wrapped around her head. On the other side of the room a male tiger had started to hoist the fallen wolf to his feet, only to have thinner black tentacles burst out of his back and wrap completely around the other male. At the same time the horse was stood up by two people who had wrapped his hands around their shoulders, only to have his arms turn solid black and flow around their necks and into their muzzles. Everyone immediately began to scream and turned to run out of the cafeteria, though as a bear passed the mutating lion, its tail stretched out to an unnatural length and coiled around the crewman's waist before slithering into his jumpsuit.

Kajiit stepped aside and out of the doorway as people rushed out of there, grabbing Reegan and pulling him back, as well, to avoid being trampled. As the lizardman rushed to activate the emergency door seals, the bobcat peaked in and saw that the three crew had been completely transformed into alien versions of themselves, all of them covered in shiny, black latex. The horse closest to him let out a loud roar as he flexed his new muscles, the other two heads on his shoulders doing the same as the last of the two good Samaritans that had tried to help merged with him. The tiger and wolf had completely merged together; orange latex stripes appeared on the canine's form as his body bulked up even further and more tentacles grew out from his arms and tail.

Most disturbing was the lion that had caused the whole thing in the first place, his two victims writhed on the ground as the latex cocooned over them until their features disappeared underneath a thick layer of rubber that came from the creature's tongue and tail. Once his appendages had disconnected he looked at the last of the escaping people with pure white eyes, just as the other two did. As they let out a snarl and ran for the entranceway, the doors suddenly closed with a loud bang, several feet of steel quickly separated them from the rest of the crew as Reegan breathed a sigh of relief and rested his head against the door. "Someone call medical and science and tell them we have a stage one contamination alert," he said with a heavy sigh before there were several loud shouts and bangs from the other side of the door.

"They... they can't get through that, right?" Kajiit asked Reegan as they backed away from the door with everyone else.

"No," Reegan replied. "No they cannot."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because if they can, then we're all screwed, anyway."

The two continued to back away as the bangs on the door persisted, though it appeared the metal seal would remain intact. As they breathed a sigh of relief they looked back to the others that had escaped into the cargo bay with them. Most of them stared at the mess hall doors in fear, though one or two had already sat down and put their heads in their hands. After a few minutes the medical team came in and began to move their way through the crew while the science team headed towards the contained mess hall to try and get a read on the situation in front of them.

"Looks like everyone managed to get out of there relatively unscathed," one of the med crew said as they pulled Reegan and Kajiit aside. "A few bumps and bruises as well as two that suffered lacerations. Once we get everyone checked out I would like to move them as far away from the cargo hold as possible and put the whole thing on quarantine until we can figure out what we're dealing with."

"What about those in the mess hall?" Reegan asked.

"Nothing we can do about that at the moment," the medic replied. "The tech crew will probably try and put some cameras in to monitor the situation, other than that though it has-"

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted as a lizardman that had been getting treated for a series of cuts on his arm suddenly groaned and staggered back. Everyone looked at him in concern, then fear as he held up his quivering arm and noticed something black dripping out of the wound. There were several screams as the tiger's entire arm turned shiny and black, the fingers melting together until it was a singular appendage. On the other side of the cargo bay a similar situation was happening as a shark that had been treated for similar scratches on his back began to have latex spines grow out of the affected area, the medic that had been dressing the wound tried to back away, but the infected creature pushed himself backwards and several of the spines sunk into the suited flesh where black veins immediately began to appear.

Before anyone could shout people ran in all directions, Reegan and Kajiit included. The infected tiger's tentacle arms opened at the tip and suctioned onto the faces of two of the other crew, their bodies quivering as their muscles expanded so quickly it caused their clothes to rip as rubberizing fluid poured over and assimilated their fur. The spined, latex shark moved away from the medic as his own fur began to melt into rubber and moved over to the mess hall door, the blue bobcat's eyes widening in horror as it reached for the door release handle. With no one able to stop the lumbering male he flipped the switch, the klaxons going off as the heavy metal began to move.

"This way!" Reegan shouted as he pulled Kajiit towards one of the doors that led further into the ship, one that had been previously sealed. The sounds of pandemonium and chaos erupted ten-fold as the previously trapped rubber alien creatures leapt out and immediately began to convert the fleeing crew while those that had been initially trapped by those that were outside the quarantine were already completely assimilated and began to move through the crowd, as well. As Kajiit used his keycard to open the door there was a loud crash behind them as the spined shark morph made a swipe for them, but by that time the reader beeped and the two crashed into the hallway before the door closed behind them and sealed shut.

Once they had a chance to pick themselves up, and Kajiit asked Reegan if he was alright, then making their way through the utility tunnel back towards the ship proper. Along the way they both remained silent, but they both wondered if they managed to get the quarantine up in time. After a few minutes they pushed through a hatch into one of the corridors of the ship and heard the sound of screams and gunfire that gave them their answer. As they began to walk through the empty hall they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps that gave them pause, until they saw a fox in a security uniform walking towards them.

"Thank god," the fox said as he ran up to him. "Listen, you've got to get yourself to the front of the ship before they close off the blast doors there. They're sealing off the bridge before whatever this is can get there."

"You mean they didn't contain it in the cargo bay?" Reegan asked, the vulpine shaking his head.

"They managed to get out before the airlocks could close," the guard informed them as he set his rifle to the side and pulled out a futuristic pistol to hand to Kajiit. "They also appear to be immune to conventional energy damage, ironically the stun setting seems to down them, but only temporarily. I have an extra sidearm you can use, but I highly suggest that you get up front now, the order has already come down that-"

The fox stopped suddenly and his eyes widened, the other two glancing at each as the security guard just stood there in apparent shock. Before either of the two could ask what was wrong, the guard's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head and a thick, black substance began to ooze out of his wide open mouth. Reegan shouted to run as he ducked forward and grabbed the rifle from the fox as his entire body began to convulse, the bobcat noticing the front of his pants tenting before black rubber began to eat through the fabric. As they turned to run they saw an alien badger male further down the hall with a tentacle arm extended all the way out to latch on to the unfortunate crewman's back as he quickly mutated into a similar-looking creature before their eyes.

As Reegan and Kajiit ran down towards the front of the ship they suddenly encountered another alien, this one previously a naga as it hissed at them and flexed its four arms. As it slithered quickly down the hallway Reegan pulled the trigger of the rifle and a pulse of blue energy hit the creature square in the chest, and when it staggered but didn't drop, he fired a second shot that seemed to knock it out. Kajiit looked at his own weapon and realized what part of the simulation this was going to be, grinning to himself as he made sure his gun was loaded and ready. As they passed by the alien naga it had already begun to stir once again, prompting them to move faster down the hallway before they both were nearly ambushed across the corner and downed another quilled alien.

"They're everywhere..." Reegan said as he grimaced and wiped the sweat from his brow before returning his hands to his weapon. "And they don't stay down, either. If we're going to have any hope of making it out of this we're going to need to get into the security sector with the bridge before they lock it down for good, if they haven't done so already."

"So just get to the end before the time expires," Kajiit replied. "Sounds pretty straightforward to me." The lizardman gave Kajiit a strange look and reminded the bobcat that while he knew he was in the simulation, it was likely the characters did not, which made it even more realistic as they started to move once again.

As the two continued to make their way through the ship Kajiit could feel his heart race, especially when the lights went out and strips of blue security lighting came to life. The horror aspect of the simulation certainly came out, and more than once the bobcat jumped as they crossed an empty cafeteria only to suddenly be besieged by more of the alien creatures. The only thing that was different was that with the rubber and the way the characters were designed it was less horror and more erotic, particularly when they'd be on what he would describe as cutscene and could watch as an alien or two would convert one of the crew into an alien. Such things became more apparent the further they went on, but it never detracted enough from the survival horror motif to ruin the game, though more than once Kajiit saw a particularly sexy rubber alien that made his arousal throb and made him wonder if losing wouldn't be such a bad thing...

But despite his predilections Kajiit continued to blast away at the aliens along with Reegan until they got to where they needed to be, and though the thick metal door that separated the two zones was still open, there was a thick glass door that wasn't. On the other side of it was two security guards who were looking at them as they continued to back up towards it, shooting at the alien creatures that tried to swarm them. "Let us through!" Reegan shouted as he banged on the glass.

"We're waiting on a medical scanner to come up here!" the arctic wolf shouted back. "No one can go through the quarantine doors until you get scanned!"

"We're not infected, though!" Kajiit shouted.

"But we will be if you don't open this door!" Reegan added as he blasted another tentacle lion that had latched onto the ceiling to charge them. When the two continued to shrug their shoulders, Reegan grimaced and shoved the rifle into Kajiit's hands before he went over to the control panel on their side of the door. "Cover me until I get us through!"

Kajiit didn't have to be told more than once, though as he continued to shoot down the rubber aliens, not only were they getting back up, but new ones were constantly coming to reinforce them. Despite his knowledge he could feel his body tense in fear as the wave of latex creatures continued to advance on them. As the lizardman pried the console panel off a loud beep from the rifle signaled another problem; the charge on the rifle was running low, and there was no way Kajiit would have enough time to add a power cell to recharge it before they were overrun. A few shots later there were several loud clicks and the bobcat dropped the gun to the floor and pulled out the pistol he had kept in order to keep shooting.

Just as it looked like he was about to get grabbed by several of the advancing creatures, he felt a pull on his shoulders and he was brought backwards beyond the now opened glass door. It quickly shut behind them and everyone backed away as the amorphous bodies pressed up against the now closed threshold it started to crack. "Bring down the blast doors, there isn't going to be any other survivors coming down that way," Reegan instructed them, the two guards nodding nervously before they activated the machinery that slowly lowered the impenetrable metal down to separate them.

After a few brief minutes for them to catch their breath, they walked with the two back to the security guard station that they had come from, getting briefed on what was happening on the way. Thankfully most of the bridge crew were on duty at the time and have been unaffected by the alien outbreak, but most of the others were not so fortunate. Thankfully the engines and other critical systems had been sealed as soon as it started, the only one left open was the bridge to try and get as many survivors as possible. Kajiit was just thankful to be in the light and to give his nerves a chance to rest after the intense experience as they were escorted into the security control room.

"So these are the last two from the B-wing of the ship," the female wolf said as she shook their hands. "As you can see we are a bit thin of people in this sector since this was where the most creatures managed to escape. Take a few minutes to get yourselves composed, then we could really use you to help the other sectors scan survivors to make sure they're free of infection."

Kajiit nodded and sat down in one of the chairs while Reegan continued to talk with the wolfess. He hadn't realized how much the simulation had already taken a toll on him, and even though it appears to have reached its conclusion, it was still exhausting. As he turned his chair he looked up at the wall of monitors that were connected to various cameras throughout the shift, and though most of them were out of service, he could still see a few that were still on and that several of them managed to have an image of the aliens on them. Without people to infect it appeared they had far different instincts to satiate, which caused the blue bobcat to chuckle despite himself.

"Hard to believe that all this came from a few symbiotes in a bucket," Reegan's voice said as he felt a pair of scaly hands on his shoulders. "Now that the initial wave of infection is over, it looks like the initial push to transform everyone on the ship has passed."

"Yeah, you could say that," Kajiit replied. "I just wonder what comes next."

There was a low chuckle from behind him and he felt those hands begin to knead into his muscles. "Well, the next thing is that we have to take over the bridge crew," Reegan said, every muscle in Kajiit's body stiffening at the sudden implication. "After all, we have so many of our brethren trapped without anyway to spread, it would be a shame for them to miss the fun. Then after we take control of the ship, we can finally find a populated planet..."

The blood in Kajiit's veins chilled as he slowly turned his head around and looked behind him to look for the wolfess, only to find her on the floor with her entire face enveloped in alien rubber that had suctioned into her nostrils and mouth. "You're infected, Reegan..." the bobcat stated, hearing that chuckle again. "How? When?"

As the lizardman entered his field of vision once again he saw the scaled creature gesture to several thin lines in his suit that were reminiscent of a claw swipe, and suddenly remembered when they had left the cargo bay. "It was only a glancing blow, but apparently it was enough," Reegan smirked as he revealed the scales underneath and the black veins that had spread out from the thin wound. "I've heard them whispering in my mind for a while... but it wasn't until we finally had a chance to rest that it could finally take root in me. Now just me and the wolfess aren't going to be enough to take the bridge, so the question is... will you join us willingly, or will I have to change you like all the others?"

Kajiit swallowed hard as the lizardman leered over him while he sat there, the bobcat able to see black veins in his eyes that had begun to spread outwards. It was clear that there was no escape from the situation as Reegan effectively had him pinned, but in reality he didn't mind that. He had to fight against extremely sexy rubber creatures for the entirety of the simulation so far, and to be honest it was driving him wild. Plus, with the wolfess already almost completely converted, even if he ran he wouldn't make it very far... and if this was the end of the simulation, it was going to be a good one.

"Don't suppose you're going to take a no for an answer, anyway," Kajiit asked as he felt clawed hands already begin to rip away his suit. The lizardman shook his head, black drool leaking from his lips as more of the alien fluid began to assimilate his scales. Before he had a chance to get out of the chair it tipped backwards and caused him to tumble out, falling on his back and looking up at the jaws of a rubber wolf that had the lower jaw split open. Just as it tried to lunge down on him he was pulled backwards by a pair of powerful hands and slid across the floor back towards the corrupted lizardman.

"I don't think so," Reegan growled with a fangy grin, his voice growing deeper as his body dripped with black latex while the musculature underneath expanded. "You're mine to take." A pair of wet wings grew out of his back as the naked bobcat tried to crawl up from his back, only to have the new appendages arch around and pin his wrists to the floor.

Kajiit let out a gasp of surprise as he felt the corruption already spreading into his own body from where they had made contact. The feeling was intense and unlike anything he had ever experienced before, causing his own member to rise despite the situation. By now the lizardman was that in shape only; the creature oozed black latex along its muscles, his tail wagging behind him before it split into two right in front of the bobcat. Reegan's teeth slid out several inches as he opened his mouth and his tongue slithered out, the latex appendage modified with an opening on the end that opened and closed before it arched back and latched onto the feline's muzzle.

Almost immediately any sensations of leftover trepidation about the situation melted away as he felt something slick push its way past his lips and into his maw. As soon as it did he could actually feel his body begin to shift, his eyes growing half-lidded as they looked up to see his hands had already changed into larger, more powerful versions of themselves, complete with wicked claws and tiny spikes that grew out of them. In the back of his mind he wondered how the program could cause such a profound effect on his body, but as he felt Reegan's mutated cock begin to slide into him, he promptly ceased to care. He let out a muffled moan as his face swelled and grew, becoming more reptilian in appearance as the latex tendrils turned the same blue as his fur as they slid through and melted his headfur.

As Kajiit became lost in the sea of blissful sensations he began to hear them; the voices of the already assimilated crew calling in his mind, telling him to join them. It was a beautiful song and it would have moved him to tears had Reegan not slid several inches of his cock into his already transformed tailhole. His breath caught in his throat as he was suddenly shocked back to the present, his feet twitching as he realized that somewhere during the alien lizardman thrusting into him, he had wrapped his legs around him. As Kajiit stared he saw the wave of rubber cover his toes and stretch them out, forming into a pair of latex paws that, as he wiggled, the digits could be manipulated like feet. He tried to say something, but the alien's tongue was still latched firmly on his muzzle, which had grown longer as he felt a pair of horns sprout out from behind his ears, followed closely by a second pair right underneath it.

Reegan began to thrust harder as Kajiit's pleasure and the voices was soon accompanied by an entirely new set of instincts, ones that he definitely wasn't accustomed to as the last of his fur was coated by the shiny material. His body wasn't finished transforming yet, and as his mind tried to cope with the sudden wash of alien emotions, his latex form writhed on the floor as he felt something begin to push out from his sides. He roared in pure lust as a second pair of rubber arms grew out underneath the first, the already thickened muscles growing to accommodate the extra appendages. As his body finished transforming, every inch of it was awash in pure pleasure as his newly-ridged latex cock spurted its corruptive seed while sandwiched between the two alien bodies.

Kajiit felt Reegan pull out of his tailhole and the alien rubber bobcat slowly got to his feet. His new body felt... so powerful, like he could take on the entire world. Along with that came the need, but it wasn't just to spread like a virus; these creatures converted others because together they could do so much more. He knew it was just programming from the simulation but he didn't care, an evil grin spreading on his muzzle as the lizardman's tongue retracted back into his maw. As soon as he had his wits about him he didn't even wait for Reegan and bolted out of the door and used all lix of his limbs to dart inhumanly fast down the hallway.

It didn't take too long for him to find his first prey, a shark guard that had gone back towards the sector they had just left to see why they hadn't responded to their calls. The male hardly had time to bring up his gun before he was pounced upon, ripping his clothes off as his alien body immediately went to work assimilating the male underneath him. The shark's tail thrashed in the air as his naked body squirmed underneath him as their muzzles met in a lewd kiss. Kajiit could feel the powerful pheromones already begin to shift the male's fear to pleasure, moaning out as patches of shiny rubber already began to appear on his smooth skin.

He felt that while normally his next move would be to jump off the already corrupted male and move onto the next one, a strange sensation stopped the alien bobcat and he looked down to see the shark wink at him before he continued to squirm underneath him. The corrupted creature had to stifle a laugh before he let his instincts take over once again, letting a growl escape his throat as he felt his rubber seep into the other male's body. Both let out a groan as an unusually dominant alien Kajiit began to grind his cock between the male's cheeks as his multiple paws groped the creature's thick muscles. Kajiit once more sank into the pure pleasure of being a rubber alien, hearing even more voices join the ones in his mind as he licked up the shark's neck...

When Kajiit fully came to once again he found himself in the bridge of a spaceship, sitting in the captain's chair with more alien creatures all around him. He blinked when he realized that they were acting completely un-alien, in fact they talked with partially transformed crew men like they worked together. "The simulation ended," Argos said as he walked around the chair to the surprised bobcat. "Looking good, by the way."

"Thanks," Kajiit replied as he used his lower arms to bring his latex legs up cross-legged on the chair. "I have to say this body definitely takes some getting used to, but I enjoy it. The instincts were a weird touch, though, how did you get me to feel all those things?"

"Oh, I have my ways," Argos chuckled. "Now I'm afraid that I have to shoo you back to your room so we can dump the data here and set up the next simulation. Why don't I have someone escort you there?"

The silver dragon motioned for one of the aliens to come forward, which Kajiit smiled as he saw Reegan moved up and offered him a hand. The two alien creatures rehashed the simulation and all the joys that they had gone through before they arrived at door that opened up into his room. "I have to say that it was a lot of fun running that simulation with you, Reegan," Kajiit said as he patted the other latex creature on both his shoulder and side.

"A pleasure on my end, as well," Reegan replied with a smile. "As much as I would like to join you, I have to set up for the next one and I would hate to miss it... Besides, I already got to spend one night with you already." Kajiit's eyes widened and the grin grew even wider on his face when he realized who it was. "Have a good night, Kajiit."

"You too... Fel," Kajiit replied before he walked into his redesigned room and closed the door behind him. He found dinner to be quite interesting when he had four limbs, but luckily his burger was easy to eat. Once he was finished with that he showered, though with his latex form he wondered how much that helped, then settled his new body into the bed. As he felt his strange body settle into the sheets, he wondered just what would happen when he opened his eyes tomorrow.

An Argos Experience - Day Two and Departure

Day 2: Kajiit awoke to find his room had changed yet again, this time with an ancient civilization theme that had a futuristic twist to it reminiscent of the alien experience he just had. As he got out of bed he found that his body had reverted...

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An Argos Experience - Arrival

Kajiit watched as the last people left the internet café for the night, his own computer screen glowing brightly from the computer tucked away in the corner he had sat at for the last thirty minutes. In one hand was a can of Coke that he had gotten...

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The Corruption Competition P4

Sunlight streamed in the stained glass window onto the obsidian tile below, illuminating the bed and the creature sprawled out on it. The male bat continued to sleep soundly until the light hit his eyes, which caused them to snap open and wake him up....

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