An Argos Experience - Arrival

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A young blue-furred bobcat wins an on-line contest that promises to be an experience of a lifetime, which a familiar AI promises to deliver.

A charity commission for nfjrrjf, it's thanks to generous contributions like these that allow me to support the charities of the cons I go to.

Edited by texotic

Kajiit watched as the last people left the internet café for the night, his own computer screen glowing brightly from the computer tucked away in the corner he had sat at for the last thirty minutes. In one hand was a can of Coke that he had gotten from the cute wolf that sat behind the counter flipping through a magazine. In his other hand was a simple plastic card with a picture of a silver dragon sticking out his tongue on the front, and a set of instructions on the back of it. It had told him to come to the café he now sat at and wait until four minutes after the shop closed, then input a digital authorization code printed on the bottom of the card at the specified website. While he wasn't sure what was going on, he was fairly positive the cashier was in on it, giving him a knowing smirk when he requested that specific computer.

The blue-furred bobcat frowned slightly as he looked over the card once more, which had been sitting at his own computer when he came home one night. It piqued his curiosity, and when he read the back it caused him to grow even more so. The card described that he had won some sort of contest that would prove to be one of the greatest experiences of his life, and though he didn't even remember what kind of contest he won, he found himself drawn to the internet café nonetheless. Perhaps it was his need to find out what was going on... or maybe it was just the fact it was quite the mystery that drew him to sit there so late in the evening.

The sound of a click snapped Kajiit out of his revere to see the wolf locking the front door, indicating that the store was, in fact, closed for the night. At first he wondered if the canine had simply forgotten about him until he looked at him and winked before he turned off the lights. Soon the bobcat sat there in the darkness, the long string of numbers and letters that was his destination URL already put into the web browser. The site it led to was rather plain in design, a simple blue screen similar to the color of his hair and a single input box that was greyed out and didn't even accept his clicks. Part of him wanted to go somewhere else while he waited, but it was only four minutes, and he didn't want to miss his chance to get to the bottom of something because he was impatient.

Finally, after the four minutes dragged on, Kajiit had just finished the last of his soda when he heard a chirp out of the speakers and the box turned white. He clicked on it once and the cursor appeared in it, then with careful accuracy he punched in the authorization code into it. When he hit the last letter he pressed the enter key and the box turned green, along with the words 'congratulations!' in black type underneath it. As the seconds ticked by nothing else seemed to happen, but before the feline could do anything, he suddenly saw the screen of the computer ripple like it was made of liquid.

"What on earth..." Kajiit muttered to himself as he reached out and gently skimmed the surface with his fingers, watching the waves he created crash against the side of the computer monitor before they bounced back. At first he thought it might have been a touch monitor, but when he pressed a little harder against it, his fingers sank into the surface just like he had dipped them in water. When he tried to remove them; however, he found himself unable to, and every time he tried, the suction pulled him back in and his hand sank even deeper into it. In a slight panic he grabbed his trapped arm with his other hand and tried to pull back as hard as he could, but when he was snapped back, his other hand got caught beneath the surface as well.

"Little help here!" Kajiit shouted, hoping the wolf was still around cleaning as he started to feel his body get sucked into the screen. "Help!" He was already up to his elbows, and the more that went in, the faster he seemed to get pulled. By the time it reached his shoulders he had desperately craned his neck to avoid his face getting pulled in, but eventually he lost his footing and he felt his whole body suddenly got jerked forwards like someone had grabbed and yanked him. When his face hit the screen everything turned a blinding white, and he felt a strange sense of vertigo overtake him for a few moments.

When the world finally stopped spinning, Kajiit looked around to find himself surrounded only by white space. The first thought he had was that maybe he had died, but when he looked down to see and feel his own body, he realized it was something else entirely. Once he had regained his composure he found the world to be quite fascinating, especially when he started to move and found the 'ground' beneath him was solid enough to walk on. Despite the discovery of his ability to move, he wasn't exactly sure where he was supposed to walk to.

His question seemed to get answered for him as he suddenly felt the world rush by him even though he stood still, feeling movement despite the uniform blankness. Then a dot appeared in the distance which quickly grew larger as he rushed towards it, until he finally stopped in front of what appeared to be a simple living room setup, complete with fireplace and large overstuffed chair that was turned away from him. "I see you have finally arrived," a deep voice said from where someone sat in the chair, hidden from Kajiit's sight. "I have been waiting for you."

"Who... what is this place?" Kajiit asked in confusion as he stood there; he leaned to try and see who it was that sat so mysteriously. "Why am I here?"

The feline heard the creak of leather and watched as a figure in a black trenchcoat and sunglasses stood up and faced him. "My name... is Argos," the creature said as he looked up, which Kajiit could see now was a silver dragon who shined like he was made of metal. "And you... you are the chosen one."

"The what?" Kajiit replied flatly, to which Argos tried to hide a snicker before he started to laugh.

"Ah, I'm sorry, ever since I watched that I wanted to try it out myself," the silver dragon apologized as he took the sunglasses off and tossed them to the side, which revealed the solid orbs of silver metal underneath, save for a pair of black reptilian slits for pupils. "My name is Argos, though, and I guess in a way you are a chosen one. You actually won a contest that I was happy to set something up for, and let me tell you, we are in for a lot of fun with all the things that we've planned. You don't remember this of course, your memory was blanked out in order to make sure that your experience is as enjoyable as possible."

Kajiit's head was spinning as he tried to keep up with what the dragon had said while Argos waved his hand and the furniture disappeared. "You never did tell me where I was."

"You are in a quantum computer interface," Argos clarified simply as he ditched the coat as well, which also dissolved into nothingness as soon as it hit the ground. "I'm actually an AI, something that doesn't even exist on your planet right now. Thankfully, due to the wonders of trans-dimensional technology, I was able to bring you here once you won my contest. So, long story short, you're in a computer simulation and your biological functions have been reduced down to code stored in a mainframe for the duration of two days."

"I... believe I understand," Kajiit finally responded as he rubbed his fingers against his chin. "Fascinating, this technology is far beyond what I thought we're capable of. Is this some sort of advanced secret technology, or are you... you know... not part of this world?"

Argos looked down at him with a smirk on his face. "You're an inquisitive one, I like that," the metal dragon replied before he waved his hand and the white space they had occupied was suddenly transformed into the lobby of a fancy hotel like one would see in movies. "Now I know you must be tired, going through a full organic to digital conversion can take it out of almost anyone. Let's get you checked into this handy hotel simulation I created for guests in my space and get you set up for the 'night' while I get your requests ready."

"Requests?" Kajiit asked as they walked over to the receptionist desk where a ghostly visage of a panther gave the dragon a keycard.

"Oh yes, you wouldn't remember that," Argos responded. "As per the instructions given to me, you had your memory of our encounter completely erased, our mutual benefactor said that it would be more fun for you if it was a surprise. I wholeheartedly agree of course, you never quite get the same thrill as when you are taken by surprise by something that you didn't count on happening."

Argos continued to soliloquy the entire elevator ride up, though Kajiit wondered why such a thing was even necessary since they were essentially inside a computer simulation. Then, as though reading his mind, the AI went on to explain that such events like this were like loading screens and they were necessary for them to actually get to the information node they needed to go to. While it all made sense to the feline, he was still flabbergasted that he was actually inside a computer simulation, and a quantum computer interface to boot. His mind was so focused on the possibilities that he hadn't even realized they had reached their destination until the silver dragon cleared his throat and held out a hotel key to him.

"So this is a skeleton key of sorts," Argos explained as the blue-furred feline took the card from him and examined it. "Not only will this passkey code allow you into the room, which is considered completely protected and private space, but also allow you to access any part of my quantum interface. Just remember that, though you are digitized code, you still need to simulate food and sleep, so try not to go wandering around. I will make the simulation as realistic to the outside world as possible in order to help you acclimate to the surroundings, with a few additional user-interface settings that I think you'll enjoy."

Before Kajiit could ask any more questions the silver-scaled dragon gave him a wink and dissolved away into nothingness, leaving him alone with the keycard still in his hand. When he looked back at the door he was surprised to see his name on it, engraved on a brass plate. He shook his head slightly at the surreal situation and slid the card in until he heard a chirp and green light that announced it was unlocked. The bobcat slowly opened the door and looked inside, unsure of what would greet him once he crossed the threshold into the room.

What he found was definitely not what he had imagined; while the room felt expansive, it consisted of nothing but pure white walls, floor, and ceiling. The only thing that looked real was the computer monitor that was situated at the far end of the wall, the words 'Welcome Kajiit' in white letters on the otherwise black screen. With a small shrug he walked over to the screen and touched it, the welcome screen fading away and different pictures showed up in its place. "Please select the style of room you wish to say in," the computerized voice instructed.

"Argos wasn't kidding when he said this was a fully customizable experience," Kajiit mused to himself as he pushed the first one on the list, the walls shimmering for a few seconds before they turned to a rich brown and golden color that one would find in a luxury penthouse apartment. He took a few seconds to explore the changed surroundings; the marble tiles under his feet were cool to the touch as he explored the master bedroom and bathroom. Once he was finished, he was impressed with how real everything looked and felt, especially the busy city skyline that was sprawled out before him.

Though it was a fine simulation, it wasn't what Kajiit was particularly interested in as he walked back to the computer screen. As he scrolled through several others he found he couldn't tell which one he wanted, but when he reached the bottom, a function called 'cycle preferred themes' came to view. He quickly clicked on it and was once more back at the theme selection screen, only this time it asked him which ones he wanted to experience and for how long. After what must have been a half an hour of selection, his slide show style bar of themes had been selected and he pressed the confirm button. To his surprise the room went back to its preloaded white box state, though when he looked back at the screen he realized that there were more initial options he had to put in.

"Menu items," Kajiit read, the screen opening up to his meal plan for the weekend. A small grin played on the bobcat's muzzle as he found some of his favorite foods and drinks and put them on the menu. It was something he was rather grateful for, being rather selective in his meal choices, and once he was finished he hit the confirm button once again. The final screen was one he hadn't expected, his grin growing even wider as he put in his selections for what he wanted before he pressed the enter key once again.

The second he hit that last button the room once more shifted and changed around him, this time selecting the first preferred room theme in his queue. The walls turned from white to a metallic gray as the windows showed a background of bright stars. Everything took a futuristic feel to it as the bed and bathroom were changed completely. When the last of the room solidified, his ears twitched from the loud beep in the corner where a metal tube had formed. He walked over to it and found a small door he slid open to reveal the mahi mahi and cola that he had just ordered.

Despite knowing both he and his meal were nothing but code, he immediately felt his stomach rejoice in the smell of the delicious food that he had gotten. As he ate he took the tablet that he found on the table and began to fiddle with it, finding that while he couldn't do anything as drastic as change the theme of the room, he could pretty much tweak anything he wanted. What interested him the most; however, was the one marked television, which made him wonder what sort of programming a quantum computer module would have pumping through it. As he flicked through the channels, he continued to eat until the meal was just about finished, which was when he heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Kajiit shouted before he mentally facepalmed himself and picked up the tablet once again to open the door. "I mean, door's open!"

What walked through the door almost caused him to drop the device back down on the table. The creature that walked through was the amalgamation of everything that he had chosen from the final selection screen, though what the monitor had shown didn't hold a candle to what came at him now. "Hello there, Kajiit," the creature said as he held out his hand to him, which the bobcat shook. "My name is Fel, and I can tell from your look that you approve of the form that you've chosen for me?"

Kajiit couldn't help but stare as he felt himself nod as his gaze looked over the male. He was the epitome of the feminine male, all lean muscle with nothing extra, and a hard cock between his legs. His features were feline in nature, but he was covered from head to toe in pearlescent white scales that shined unnaturally in the light. The bobcat hadn't been sure what he was going to get when he saw latex as a possible skin texture, but decided to live adventurously and was all the more glad for it as he ran a hand along the smooth, flat stomach of the other male.

As soon as Kajiit stood up, the scaly feline locked their muzzles in a deep kiss, the bobcat feeling the unnaturally long tongue of the other male dancing in his maw as he was moved towards the bedroom. Along the way he realized that his clothing had disappeared and he was now naked, whether that was somehow a trick of the simulation or the skillful manipulation of Fel, he wasn't sure as he was tossed down on the bed. The other male licked his lips hungrily as he crawled onto the bed and over Kajiit's body. "You're mine tonight," the creature said as he traced a hand down Kajiit's furry chest.

"Whatever you want," was all Kajiit could reply as the sensual femme male lowered his rubbery body on top of his. The dominance settings were right where he wanted them to be, the commanding male causing him to shudder as he sat on his furry chest with the latex cock bouncing in front of his face. With a knowing smirk on Fel's face, it didn't take much prompting for the blue bobcat to know what he wanted, and though he thought he would have to lean up to take it into his muzzle, he was surprised by the flexibility of the latex maleness as it was bent down to press against his maw.

"Slick it up real good now," Fel ordered as he leaned back, his latex digits reaching around to probe at the exposed tailhole of the creature beneath him. "You prepare mine and I'll prepare yours. The better you do, the easier it'll be for the both of us."

Kajiit nodded as best he could as he took the thick member into his maw and began to slide up and down. He could only take about half of its length at first, then eventually almost three-fourths as the tip began to tickle the back of his throat. Soon he found himself bobbing his head in time with the pushing in and out of his own tailhole as one finger was turned to two. While the digits were pressed inside he felt his hole grow slick, and though he hadn't seen the other male do it, he could only assume that some sort of lubricant had been applied.

Finally after a few minutes the bobcat's body shuddered slightly as he suddenly found himself empty in both orifices as Fel pushed himself back off of him. "All fours, right now," the creature said as he pointed. Kajiit didn't have to be told twice, as soon as he was freed from the other male's weight he flipped himself over and pointed his butt up in the air in excitement. The latex-scaled feline chuckled and slid up behind him and between his legs as his hands positioned him.

"Such an eager one you are," Fel commented as the head of his large cock rubbed against the well-lubed hole of the other male. "I can see why you chose what you did for your stay here, though you don't even remember it. All I can say is I hope I get to be a part of one of those scenarios too, even if you won't recognize me."

"Won't recognize you?" Kajiit asked in curiosity before his hands suddenly clutched the pillow as his ring of muscle was stretched open. Even with the lube and gentle insertion, it still took his breath away as Fel waited a few minutes for the bobcat to get used to it.

"Well, as you can probably guess, I really don't have a physical form to speak of," Fel explained while he waited, partially to pass the time and to help keep the feline's mind of the large latex cock stretching him out while he acclimated. "I am what Argos calls a sprite, a bundle of complex coding that has what you would consider a level of sentience. I am not being directly controlled by the quantum computer or Argos, but I can accept programming by them. So in essence, if you consider Argos the god of this world, we would be his angels."

"That's... quite the analogy," Kajiit responded as his breathing returned to normal and he wiggled his hips to indicate he was ready. Fel slid another few inches into him, the slicked up walls being spread open as the large cock continued to push in deeper. Neither male was able to speak as Fel continued, and Kajiit had to catch his breath more than once as he took the whole thing. Finally after a blissful eternity, he felt the sensuous latex rub up against his own furry cheeks while his own cock was throbbing and fully erect.

Once again Kajiit was given another minute for his stretched tailhole to get used to being filled with more than even he had taken with any toy he had ever had. "So do you experience emotions, too?" he asked the male behind him. "I'd like to think you're getting as much pleasure out of this as I am."

"That's rather kind of you to ask," Fel replied with a smile. "We have been programmed, or taught as Argos likes to say it, how to experience and feel a wide range of feelings and sensations. So when I say that your hole squeezing against my cock feels absolutely divine, it's really me saying it, not just some random lines of code responding to a prompt. I know it's a bit much to wrap your mind around, so let's focus on something a bit more fun, shall we?"

Before Kajiit could even respond, he let out a moan from the sudden pull-back of the rubber member inside him, his walls clamping around it as though to keep it inside him before just a few inches were left. Then Fel rocked his hips forward once again, and this time the bobcat was able to accept it far easier, feeling nothing but lust and pleasure as he was fully penetrated once again. Soon the latex-scaled feline began to develop a rhythm of long, slow strokes that left Kajiit writhing on the bed with each carnal thrust. Both males grunted and growled as each push left their bodies more sensitized until every inch of them tingled with pure pleasure.

After some time of this, Kajiit felt himself get pressed harder against the bed as the thrusts inside him grew harder. The bobcat instinctively had begun to counter-thrust against the pushes and drove the throbbing tool even deeper inside him, which caused the male to be driven wild with need as their slapping thighs were drowned out only by the grunts they made. Each time Kajiit felt himself get driven closer and closer to the edge, and his eyes opened in surprise as he let out a loud gasp when Fel managed to trigger his orgasm without even touching his cock. The waves of pleasure that cascaded through his body as he felt himself blow his load caused him to clamp down on Fel, whose body almost immediately tensed up and his fingers gripped the blue-furred hips as he climaxed in turn.

Kajiit buried his head into the pillow as he was rocked to the core, riding out the intense sensations before they finally died down enough to regain some semblance of thought. He wasn't sure how long it took, except for when he was keenly aware of the other male pulling out of him with a wet pop that caused a shiver to roll down his spine. "Amazing..." Fel purred as he slinked off the bed, maleness still half-erect as Kajiit managed to turn onto his side to look at him. "Hope I didn't wear you out too much, wouldn't want you to be all wobbly-legged when it comes to your first simulation tomorrow."

"I can't say that I would complain," Kajiit managed to reply while sitting up. "So you got to go now?"

"I'm afraid I must," Fel replied with a solemn nod. "The 'nighttime' that you are going to experience is going to be when the system builds all the necessary assets for your adventure, which means that other than this room, the whole node is going to be rebuilt and we all have to be out there for it. Plus, if I want a chance to be a major player, I'm going to have to be out there to volunteer, so get some sleep and be ready for what I'm sure is going to be a once in a lifetime experience."

Kajiit nodded and waved the scaled creature out the door, then turned to settle in for the night. He was surprised to find the sheets underneath him were made as though he had just laid down on the bed for the first time, the instantaneous housekeeping causing him to smile a little. As he drifted off, his last thought before sleep overtook him was a wonder on just what he was about to wake up to...

The Corruption Competition P4

Sunlight streamed in the stained glass window onto the obsidian tile below, illuminating the bed and the creature sprawled out on it. The male bat continued to sleep soundly until the light hit his eyes, which caused them to snap open and wake him up....

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The Corruption Competition P3

Meanwhile, back at Renzyl's nexus realm, Chrono hummed to himself as he walked back into the portal control hub after having escorted the two recent converts down into temporary storage. "Hopefully Lord Renzyl has not gotten himself into too much...

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The Corruption Competition P2

Chrono sat in the nexus transport room with his tablet in hand, playing a game that one of Renzyl's brothers had released on the nexus net when he suddenly felt the tingle of magical energy run through his body. He glanced over at his console curiously...

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