Renegotiate A power bottom decides to renegotiate his deal...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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The doors creaked open slowly, and in padded a big gray wolf, he yawned slowly looking around at the many furs in the taproom. Then frowned. "Damn no females in this dump." He mutter's under his breath, before padding up to a empty table. Taking a seat, his stomach growling for food; as he glances around for service. A meek and effeminate appearing young squirrel swayed sexily over to the table and sat beside the wolf.

"G..Goodeve... my name's Dalvar." He

The wolf blink's and look's over at Dalvar smiling knowingly. "Evening, you can call it good if you like not to partial to it myself." He growled shaking the dampness out of his shaggy coat. "Names Tolrus." He answered looking the effeminate little male over thoughtfully. "Where's the stupid server... I'm starving." The sly little squirrel smiled back at the big wolf, as his dark eye's appraised him.

"There's a cook in the kitchen... but they've been having a hard time keeping servers." Dalvar explained. "What would you like Tolrus... I'll get it for you. The little squirrel promised meekly.

"Food, any food... I haven't eaten in a day." The big wolf answered, reaching into his pocket to pull out a couple pieces of silver. Dalvar closed the wolf's paw over his money firmly.

"No need for that... I'll take care of it." He assured softly, standing up and strolling away in his most provocative manner. Tolrus blinked, then quickly pocketed his money. Taking the chance to rub over his sheath. "Gods if he was a girl, I'd totally tie her down, and fuck her good." The big wolf mutters licking his lip's. Quickly Dalvar returns with a heavily laden platter of meat and dark bread, a huge mug of foaming ale.

"Here you go big boi." He said sexily as he sat the platter, before the wolf setting down beside him once more. His beady rodent eye's noticing the aroused state of the big wolf's leather clad loin's. Tolrus licked his lip's at the sight of the food, and quickly started wolfing it down.

"I love to help out..." He whispered softly laying a small paw on his lap. "Perhaps I could help out with other thing's when you're finished." The squirrel offered. The wolf's paw drop's grabbing the squirrel's slender wrist's, as he stopped for a moment and looked at him.

"Sorry pal, if you were a female... I'd be all over you." "Guess I should of said so before, but until you made the offer I wasn't sure I was reading you right." Tolrus explained. "I'd only do a guy if the money was right... that or I'm really drunk." Dalver just smiles and hands you the big mug of ale, knowing he'd added a aphrodisiac; and a little something to make it the drink stronger.

"Cheers." Tolrus nods.

"Cheers." The big wolf grunted placing the lip of the glass to his mouth, he tilted it up. And started chugging down the liquid, each swallow slowly making the fine muscle's of his neck show, the lump in my pants growing large as he sipped it down. Dalver watched with a slow cunning smile, knowing that soon the wolf would be much more interested. In what he had to offer, Tolrus's nose and muzzle twitch as a flush wash's over them.

"Would you like some more?" The squirrel asked in his false submissiveness, noting the size of the wolf's growing trouser lump. "Or perhaps a bit more meat..." He insisted, his small paw creeping back up on the big male's lap. The big wolf groan's softly, as he set the empty mug down; and looked over at the effeminate appearing rodent. Desire obvious in his golden wolfish eye's.

"I've got some meat that need's some softening, think you can help me out with that?" He asks leeringly. As his eye's roam over the squirrel's body slender sexy little body. Dalver chuckles in delight at that eagerly nodding his head.

"Do I have to pay... or are you really drunk?" The sly squirrel asks giggling.

"Just shut up and help me too a room." The big wolf snarls angrily at the squirrel turning his words on him. And that the drink had taking a hold of him so swiftly, unaware of the drugs within it. He stumbles to his feet, licking his lips as he stared at the squirrel's mouth. Wondering what it will feel like sliding over the length of his big red canine bone!

"Of course..." "Right this your step there." The leering squirrel advised to the huge wolf who he was helping along. Quickly guides Tolrus through to inn to the last room at the end of the hall. "It's the largest of our room's, so you will have plenty of room to stretch out."

Tolrus licked his lip's, and pushes his way into the room, ripping his leather pants off quickly. His cock was a solid 9 inches, and its obvious he would have a very large knot when it was swollen! Quickly Dalvar turned and locked the door behind them. Grinning at the squirrel's stunned look, he starts rubbing his finger's over the rodent's lip's. "Come on ya little queer whore... suck my cock like we both know you want to... make me cum." The big wolf growled savagely. Shivering the little rodent nod's, sinking to his knee's. He took the tip inside his muzzle, and starts to suck hard on it; rolling the wolf's big ball's in his paw's. The squirrel's head began moving up and down the wolf's long hard bone. Dalver sucked harder, grinning around the wolf's huge hard on. Things would change shortly, but for now he wanted to bring the wolf pleasure; to lull him into a sense security. The big wolf let out a loud sigh of relief, and rubbed his paw's over the back of Dalvar's head. Pre-cum dribbling from it, rolling over the squirrel's tougue, he started to thrust trying to get it down Dalver's throat. The squirrel sucked even harder, rubbing the bigger males ball's, he slowly started to get a hard on himself thinking about what was to cum. The squirrel murred around the wolf's hard cock, rubbing his slender paw's along its length.

"Liking that?" The squirrel asked. Tolrus growled and slapped the rodent's muzzle roughly. "Shut the fuck up fag, and suck my cock." He demanded, starting to pump deeper forcing Dalvar's head to keep his cock down the squirrel's throat, his knot starting to swell against Dalvar's lip's. Suddenly a huge powerful paw smashed into the wolf's head sending him sprawling muzzle down on the bed.

"Stupid bitch." The squirrel's big lion lover snarled as Dalvar moved over, to tie the wolf's four paw's to the bed posts. Leaving plenty of slack in the rope end's, as if he were planning to tie up another wolf. The wolf groaned in pain, strained whimpers coming from his mouth. As his eye's began to tear up from the painful blow. His big wolf cock rubbing against the soft bed covers as he struggled for a moment. Tolrus whimpered and strained his arm's, trying to pull free, starring up at the pair. Dalvar towers over the bigger male smiling darkly as he savors the wolf's helplessness

"Wha... what are you doing to me." He moaned.

"Hah." "The better question would be... what are we going to do to you." The lion snarled leering down at the helpless wolf.

"I just wanted a blow job." Tolrus whimpered.

"Then you should of had better manners..." The big lion snarled. "No one abuses my little fluffy slut here but me." "Aint that are bait?" Vilmar asked, looking over lustfully at the little squirrel.

"Yes sir." Dalver answered meekly, as he fondles his own massive organ as it hang's from his gray sheath; a long string of glittering pre-cum hanging from the tip.

Vilmar chuckled and sneered down at the helpless straight wolf. "So you only like girls huh?" He said in a mocking voice, as he used his claw's to systematically cut off every piece of clothing, leaving the big wolf only in his naked fur. "Hmmmmm so your ass should be virgin hole." The big lion said grinning, as his paw's teasingly rubbed over the wolf's hard dripping cock for an instant.

" ass." Tolrus choked, as it dawned on him what the lion's was thinking. "No... you can't... I won't allow it." The big straight wolf growled, then paused realizing how silly that sounded, as he was really in no position to allow or disallow anything. "It's rape... I'll go to the constabulary." The wolf threatens.

"Hahaha..." The lion roared with laughter. "I am the constable, prosecutor and local magistrate." Vilmar explained. "And by the time we're done... you're only gonna wanna get fucked from now on." He promised.

"In your dream's... I'll never..." Tolrus started, but was cut off as the lion climbed up onto the bed behind him. His big paw's sliding up to grasp the straight wolf's bound wrist's, as his leg's pushed Tolrus's knee's wide apart. The lion laughed, and ground his hard barbed feline into Tolrus's snug pink tail hole.

"AAAAGGGHHHH." The big straight wolf howled as he felt his taboo hole being penetrated, for the first time. Hastily he thrust himself forwards, trying to escape the huge curved lion cock. But only managing to rub his own drooling organ against the soft smooth bed covers. His muscles aching and burning as they were forced open, only the slight lube keeping his tender flesh from ripping. "Ooooooooo You can't... Oh Fuck...Oh Fuck... Hhhhhheeellllpppp."

"Oh, I think you will." Vilmar taunted. "I think you're gonna wanna get your plucker stuffed all day and night... once were finished breaking you in." The big feline gloated as he sank his huge organ ball's deep within the moaning wolf. The lion's barbed prick bumping and sliding over his big prostate only adding to the wolf's arousal.

"Get off me." Tolrus muttered weaker, as the lion fucked his quivering tailhole.

"You'll know when I get off." The lion promised lewdly, as he fucked the wolf's quivering squeezing anus. Dalvar slipped up to the head of the bed, Vilmar just grunted obviously to wrapped up in the pleasure of taking within the captive wolf to pay much attention to the action. Dalvar smiled as he observed his lover's in attentiveness, it was just what he had planned on. Watching as his lover's big thick cock slid full length into Tolrus's ass! Swiftly Dalvar slipped the rope end's around the lion's thickly muscled wrist's, tying the to the bed post's tightly. "Wha the hell." Vilmar snarled as he felt the ropes tied tightly around his wrist's. The lion's ankles already looped in slip noose's, jerked yanking those noose's tight around themselves. "What the fuck do you think your doing... bait?!?" Vilmar roared struggling to pull free as he glared up at his slight squirrel lover.

"I've grown tired of our little arrangement..." The squirrel explained with a dark smile, as he moved back behind the pair. "Tired of being the bait for you... tired of being your little fuck toy... when we can't find anyone for you to rape and nut." Dalvar sneered.

"You little think you can just walk away?" Vilmar snarled. "I'll hunt you down once I get free." The big lion promised. "And you'll pay for your treachery."

"I really don't think so..." Dalvar snickered kneeling behind the lion's wide spread thigh's to fondle his huge organ's. Then he grabbed hold of both ball's and pulled them down savagely, feeling Vilmar's proud jewels stretch easily between his fingers.

"Owwwwww!" Vilmar roared as his big low hanging sac was stretched out by the small squirrel's amazingly strong finger's. Dalvar snickered, as he pulled a thin leather cord tightly around the base of the lion's big fluffy sac.

"You see you've taught me a few kink's... that I've found I really enjoy."

" wouldn't dare... not to ME!" Vilmar growled sounding scared for the first time, as he felt his big ball's being manhandled. Dalvar let his warm fingers molest his former lover's nuts, even as he pulled them down and slid them through the second leather noose. The squirrel tightened it, enough to keep them trapped low in their thick furred sac. Dalvar didn't say a word, just grinned wickedly as the noose is pulled tighter and tighter. Making the big lion gag in pain for and instant, as the cord is choking into his thick flesh.

"Errr... think you could let me up now." Tolrus asked looking outfrom under the big lion, as the conversation lagged.

"Oh yeah..." Dalvar snickered. "My bait... I did promise to let you go and give you all his silver for playing the bitch." The squirrel shook his head slowly. "I've changed my mind..." He laughed.

"What?" The wolf exclaimed stunned, as the lion on his back snickered.

"Yeah... I've decided I'm going to keep the money... fuck your ass... and take your ball's just like I'm taking Vilmar's here." The squirrel explained with a wicked smirk, as he pulled the gelding knife from it's hidden place. Making both the wolf and lion gulp, and try to stammer protest's. "Ya your first... sir." Dalvar said sarcastically, as he lifted the blade up between the two cord loops, razor sharp knife blade tickling Vilmar's trapped flesh. Dalvar slowly began to saw the knife between them, the lion's powerful body tensed as the pain seared through his loin's.

"Dalvar no... please." The big feline grunted obviously unuse to having to beg for anything. "We can make this wor.."

"My mind is made up." The squirrel said simply, as he sawed the knife blade against the lion's soft male flesh. Vilmar can feel the sharp blade slicing cleanly and inevitably through his hefty ball sac. There was a little jerk as the blade slips easily through the thick flesh, Vilmar's precious sac yielding to the sharp blade. And then Dalvar is chuckling softly, pausing as he peels the sac away. Exposing the lion's cord's, placing the razor sharp edge to them. It cuts right through the stretched out cords, and just like that the huge feline is suddenly deballed.

"AAAAAGGHHHH!!!" The big neutered lion scream's as the pain aches in his belly, holding up the orb's still in they're furry sac. Dalvar chuckles, thanking his former lover for so handsome a gift. As the lion blacks out from pain and shock, the squirrel calls in his servants to take his former lover away. Having the neutered lion shipped to a far land, and sold into servitude as some other male's neutered slave. Slowly he scrambled up onto the bed behind the terrorized wolf, his huge malehood easily twice that of the lion's.

"You...your not really going...going to do this..." Tolrus whimpered sounding very small and very frightened. Dalvar ran his slender pink paw's over the wolf's round perfect ass, pushing the long bushy tail away.

"How can I not?" He asked leeringly, his enormous cock throbbing fully erect between the wolf's thigh's. "Deballing a powerful male always gets me so excited." He admitted as he climbed up the wolf's powerful frame, until his huge cock was pressing against the straight wolf's debauched tailhole!

"I... I'll let you fuck me... if you promise not cut..." The wolf wheeled.

"Hahaha... your in no position to bargain." Dalvar chuckled as he made playful teasing little thrust's against the wolf's tailhole. " I can have it all... I can butt fuck you all night long... and nut you when I'm sated." "Or cut your cock off... or both... and there's not a damned thing you can do about it." The big wolf shivered in fear, his cock starting to soften and go back into hiding within its sheath.

"Yes but if you promise to not... I'll do anything you want... willingly."

"Willingly..." Dalvar purred, aroused at the thought of the straight wolf willingly sucking his huge cock and taking it up his tailhole. "Ok... but you stay tied and you do whatever I want."

"Anything you want." Tolrus agreed.

"Very well you have my word... I won't cut your ball's off..." Dalvar promised. "Deal?"

"Deal!" Tolrus agreed.

"Time for that blow job...bitch!" Dalvar snickers climbing around to sit in front of the bound wolf leg's wide spread. Tolrus quiver's opening his mouth for the squirrel's throbbing length, his tongue sliding out some. Dalvar lays his big hot cock head on the wolf's tongue, watching as the straight wolf slowly begins to suckle. "Ahhhh yeah suck me off real nice." Tolrus whimpers and takes it into his mouth, just the head thought. He bend his tounge some and slowly lick it along the tip following the grooves of the big organ, occasionally sucking another bit of it in. And licking over trying to lube it before the squirrel fucked it down his throat. Dalvar slides a little closer, so Tolrus can have more as needed; then lays back smiling and enjoying, as he watches. The wolf slowly grinds himself against the the soft bed covers, his length growing harder; a small pool of pre forming. Tolrus flicked his tail back and forth, as he took more of the squirrel's length. Letting it go down his throat, gulping the muscle's of his throat clenching down on your length. Then fucking down the wolf's throat as Dalvar began to hump his muzzle. Huge dangling squirrel nut's bouncing on the wolf's chin as the massive organ stiffened in his throat. "Yeah... oh yeah that feels so good... get it good and wet for your sweet little ass." The squirrel taunted as he fucked the big predator's throat, his fluffy squirrel tail wagging happily. He was having a real good time playing with the wolf. "Damn your... quite the cock sucker." He moaned in praise. "I knew you would be... as soon as I saw you." Dalvar teased as the wolf's shaggy head bobs up and down the squirrel's long thick cock quickly. Eye's close Tolrus concentrated on the hard throbbing malehood, licking and lapping as his lip's move along it's shaft.

"You sure ya never done this before?" Dalvar teased lustfully, as he began humping the helpless wolf's muzzle. Tolrus could only grunt in the affirmative, with his mouth and throat full of hard cock. "Then your a natural... slut... you were born to suck cock." The squirrel chuckled. "You suck dick like you been doing it all your life." He panted lustfully. The wolf's mouth and tongue becoming more fawning and enthusiastic as his ravisher praised him. His own red bone throbbed as hard as iron, hot clear snakes of pre-cum crawling down it to be rubbed into the soft smooth bed sheets. "Now, it's time to take more." Dalvar grunted shoving another couple inches into the wolf's mouth until the thick cock head was at the entrance to Tolrus's throat. "Ahhhhhh you... keep that up an you'll be getting a treat really soon!" The squirrel panted his slender hip's going into over drive as he humped the big straight wolf's muzzle. Dalvar groaned leaning forward over Tolrus's head to thrust deeper into his ardorly suckling mouth. The wolf straightened his neck and swallowed allowing his ravisher's big organ to fuck deep down his throat. Gagging at first, but with concentration quickly getting the hang of it. Up on his knee's Dalvar is thrusting like mad now, suddenly his whole body tenses. Then a long breathless sigh escapes him as he shoots his load into the straight wolf's suckling mouth. "Ahahhhhhhh..... damn that was good." He pant's falling back with a big satisfied grin on his gloating muzzle.

"Errr..." Tolrus grunted the squirrel's milky cum dripping from the corner's of the wolf's drooling mouth. "What about that?" He asks nodding towards Dalvar's still rock hard cock.

"Round two will take care of that." The squirrel assured climbing back down the gray wolf's big furry body. "Of course... I could use a little encouragement." Dalvar admits as his mighty organ softens slightly. "A bit of provocation to help fire the urges... a bit of begging to provoke the old libido."

"What!?!" Tolrus asked stunned. "You want Me to beg you use my ass."

"Yes... you did promise to do anything I wanted... remember?" Dalvar snickered grinning lasciviously.

"Errr... fuck me please." The wolf grunt in monotone.

"Fuck you where?" "I just fucked your very talented mouth." The squirrel reminded, as he lifted the wolf's tail; and ran his hot wet tongue over his pink plucker.

"AAAass!" Tolrus squealed. "Fuck my ass... please." The wolf begged his voice sounding much more excited now.

"What... this hot tight little hole here?" Dalvar teased licking and lapping at the wolf's quivering tailhole. "You know... only fag's take it up the ass." He snickered. "So if you ask and I do it... what does that make you?" The squirrel taunted as his tongue teased the big predator's hole while his paw's rubbed over the wolf's big hard on. Realizing that his captor wouldn't let it go, until he said it... so..."

"A fag... I'm a fag." The wolf whimpered.

"Hahaha." Dalvar laughed. "That's right... lucky for me." He chortled, quickly moving up to place his thick cock head against the wolf's saliva slickened hole. Leaning his weight against it... he sank into the wolf's taboo orifice easily. Obviously the big canine was not trying to resist him penetrating at all now. So the squirrel quickly shoved it ball's deep into him, making Tolrus moan in pleasure. "I think maybe Vilmar was right... you're gonna wanna get your plucker stuffed all day and night." The little squirrel snickered panting in passion.

"Ahh ahh ahhhaa." Tolrus half panted, half whimpered as he felt his small ravisher's huge organ part him right up to the sheath... "Ohoo gods." The big wolf whimpered for the first time feeling the pleasure of having his prostrate poked... The squirrel slowly sped up, now that he was all the way in; begin to get into a nice rhythm of thrusting into his captive. Using Tolrus's tight tailhole, while his tip rubbed over the wolf's prostate over and over again. "OOOOOH..OHOO GODS!" Tolrus moaned loudly as his long thick canine cock smeared the sheet's with his canine pre-cum. The wolf bone pulsing as hard as iron as the pleasure of begin ass rutted filled his senses. Dalvar grabbed the wolf's red bone, jerking him while starting to fuck hard now. Tolrus's big body quiver the pleasure of being rutted, and jerked off at the same time made him whimper; and moan in desire pushing his soft flesh back into the squirrel's hard fucking thrust's. Dalvar spurted a thick stream of pre up the wolf's tight ass, slickening his way so he could speed up even more; humping and jerking Tolrus at high speed. Giving himself up to desire, the wolf thrust back onto his much smaller ravisher's hard fucking cock; then forwards into his soft leathery paw... as his pleasure grew quickly. Dalvar soon yowled as he filled the wolf's ass with cum, grunting and panting jerking even harder an faster. Tolrus groaned his head sagging, as he felt the squirrel's hot load explode inside of him, oddly the feeling of being used...not disgusting him as much as arousing him. All this was too much for Tolrus and he auto ejaculated, thick ropes of white creamy sperm from his own still erect cock. As his own big red bone suddenly began spurting his orgasm on to the silky sheets. Making him grumble and growl in pleasure as his hip's humped the soft smooth bed sheets.

"Hmmmmm it seems you enjoy being used like a fag." Dalvar taunted. "Good thing... cuz that's all you'll ever be good for again." The squirrel chuckled, slipping a cord around the wolf's cock just above the knot; and jerking it tight. It hurt like hell to have that cord digging into his cock flesh. The pain just made him even harder as his drooling wolf bone pulsed. Another cord was quickly placed just above the first cord and drawn tight.

"Hey." Tolrus screamed looking back startled. "What are you... you promised..."

"I promised not to cut your ball's off." Dalvar snickered. "I never said I wouldn't cutting your cock off." The squirrel laughed. "You should really learn to deal better." "Besides a butt slut fag like you doesn't need a cock anyway." Dalvar picked up the knife and slowly started to cut between the tight cords.

"Nooooooo!" The wolf howled as he felt the razor sharp knife blade biting into his delicate male organ. The pain wasn't as bad as the wolf had expected, as his flesh had already began to go numb. Tolrus tried to look away, but he couldn't take his eyes off the scene as his big beautiful 9 inch red bone was being cut away. The squirrel finished cutting and slowly lifted the big cock away from him knot and all. Tears were streaming down the sides of the big wolf's muzzle as the wickedly grinning squirrel teasing held up the big canine cock.

"Wanta see how it feel's?" Dalvar asked, then before the horrified wolf could answer he shove it up his dripping half open tailhole. Tolrus's strong body jerked with sudden pleasure as his own former cock still warm and wet fucked into him.


Serial Nutter Chap 2

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